How to Enable/Disable Azure Function programmatically - c#

Is there a way to programmatically enable/disable an Azure function?
I can enable/disable a function using the portal under the "Manage" section, which causes a request to be sent to https://<myfunctionapp><myfunction>
The JSON payload looks a bit like:
// the bindings for this function
// lots of other properties (mostly URIs)
I'm creating a management tool outside of the portal that will allow users to enable and disable functions.
Hoping I can avoid creating the JSON payload by hand, so I'm wondering if there is something in an SDK (WebJobs??) that has this functionality.

Further to #James Z.'s answer, I've created the following class in C# that allows you to programmatically disable / enable an Azure function.
The functionsSiteRoot constructor argument is the Kudu root of your Functions application, eg
The username and password can be obtained from "Get publish profile" in the App Service settings for your Functions.
public class FunctionsHelper : IFunctionsHelper
private readonly string _username;
private readonly string _password;
private readonly string _functionsSiteRoot;
private WebClient _webClient;
public FunctionsHelper(string username, string password, string functionsSiteRoot)
_username = username;
_password = password;
_functionsSiteRoot = functionsSiteRoot;
_webClient = new WebClient
Headers = { ["ContentType"] = "application/json" },
Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password),
BaseAddress = functionsSiteRoot
public void StopFunction(string functionName)
SetFunctionState(functionName, isDisabled: true);
public void StartFunction(string functionName)
SetFunctionState(functionName, isDisabled: false);
private void SetFunctionState(string functionName, bool isDisabled)
var functionJson =
functionJson.disabled = isDisabled;
_webClient.Headers["If-Match"] = "*";
_webClient.UploadString(GetFunctionJsonUrl(functionName), "PUT", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(functionJson));
private static string GetFunctionJsonUrl(string functionName)
return $"{functionName}/function.json";
internal class FunctionSettings
public bool disabled { get; set; }
public List<Binding> bindings { get; set; }
internal class Binding
public string name { get; set; }
public string type { get; set; }
public string direction { get; set; }
public string queueName { get; set; }
public string connection { get; set; }
public string accessRights { get; set; }

No, this is not possible currently. The disabled metadata property in function.json is what determines whether a function is enabled. The portal just updates that value when you enable/disable in the portal.
Not sure if it will meet your needs, but I'll point out that there is also a host.json functions array that can be used to control the set of functions that will be loaded (documented here). So for example, if you only wanted 2 of your 10 functions enabled, you could set this property to an array containing only those 2 function names (e.g. "functions": [ "QueueProcessor", "GitHubWebHook" ]), and only those will be loaded/enabled. However, this is slightly different than enable/disable in that you won't be able to invoke the excluded functions via the portal, whereas you can portal invoke disabled functions.

Further to #DavidGouge 's answer above, the code he posted does work, I just tested it and will be using it in my app. However it needs a couple of tweaks:
Remove the inheritance from IFunctionsHelper. I'm not sure what that interface is but it wasn't required.
Change the class definition for Binding as follows:
internal class Binding
public string name { get; set; }
public string type { get; set; }
public string direction { get; set; }
public string queueName { get; set; }
public string connection { get; set; }
public string accessRights { get; set; }
public string schedule { get; set; }
After that it would work.
P.S. I would have put this as a comment on the original answer, but I don't have enough reputation on Stack Overflow to post comments!

Using a combination of #Satya V's and #DavidGouge's solutions, I came up with this:
public class FunctionsHelper
private readonly ClientSecretCredential _tokenCredential;
private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
public FunctionsHelper(string tenantId, string clientId, string clientSecret, string subscriptionId, string resourceGroup, string functionAppName)
var baseUrl =
var httpClient = new HttpClient
BaseAddress = new Uri(baseUrl)
_httpClient = httpClient;
_tokenCredential = new ClientSecretCredential(tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
private async Task SetAuthHeader()
var accessToken = await GetAccessToken();
_httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = AuthenticationHeaderValue.Parse($"Bearer {accessToken}");
private async Task<string> GetAccessToken()
return (await _tokenCredential.GetTokenAsync(
new TokenRequestContext(new[] {""}))).Token;
public async Task StopFunction(string functionName)
await SetFunctionState(functionName, isDisabled: true);
public async Task StartFunction(string functionName)
await SetFunctionState(functionName, isDisabled: false);
private async Task SetFunctionState(string functionName, bool isDisabled)
await SetAuthHeader();
var appSettings = await GetAppSettings();[$"AzureWebJobs.{functionName}.Disabled"] = isDisabled ? "1" : "0";
var payloadJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
kind = "<class 'str'>",
var stringContent = new StringContent(payloadJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
await _httpClient.PutAsync("config/appsettings?api-version=2019-08-01", stringContent);
private async Task<AppSettings> GetAppSettings()
var res = await _httpClient.PostAsync("config/appsettings/list?api-version=2019-08-01", null);
var content = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AppSettings>(content);
internal class AppSettings
public Dictionary<string, string> properties { get; set; }
The problem with using the Kudu api to update the function.json file is that it will be overwritten on any subsequent deploy. This uses Azure's Rest Api to update the Configuration of the application. You will first need an Azure Service Principle to use the api though.
Using the Azure Cli, you can run az ad sp create-for-rbac to generate the Service Principle and get the client id and client secret. Because the UpdateConfiguration endpoint does not allow you to update a single value, and overwrites the entire Configuration object with the new values, you must first get all the current Configuration values, update the one you want, and then call the Update endpoint with the new Configuration keys and values.

I would imagine you can use Kudu REST API (specifically VFS) to update the disabled metadata property in function.json. Would that disable the function?
Here is the Kudu REST API.

The CLI command That is used to disable the Azure function through CLI - documented here
az functionapp config appsettings set --name <myFunctionApp> \
--resource-group <myResourceGroup> \
--settings AzureWebJobs.QueueTrigger.Disabled=true
I had captured fiddler while while running the above command.
Azure CLI works on the Python process The python process was issuing request to to update appsetting.
got a reference to the same endpoint in the below REST Endpoint :
Request URI :
Headers :
Authorization: Bearer <> ;
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Request Body:
{"kind": "<class 'str'>", "properties":JSON}
We can hardcode the properties or get it dynamically. For disabling the function, will have to update the JSON node of Properties : Azure.WebJobs.QueueTrigger.Disabled = True
To get properties you could use the endpoint, you could refer Web Apps - List Application Settings
The Output looks up as below :
Hope this helps :)

What about this:
This looks like the easiest solution for local development.


C# .NET Core 3.1 Web API Post parameter is Null

I am trying to make a post request from WPF to Web API using the following code but the request parameter is always null.
Request Model
public class Document
public string FileName { get; set; }
public byte[] Buffer { get; set; }
public class Request
public string Uploader { get; set; }
public List<Document> Documents { get; set; }
WPF Client
var obj = new Request()
Uploader = "John Doe",
Documents = new List<Document>
new Document()
FileName ="I Love Coding.pdf",
Buffer = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(#"C:\Users\john.doe\Downloads\I Love Coding.pdf.pdf")
using (var http = new HttpClient())
var encodedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);
var conent = new StringContent(encodedJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
HttpResponseMessage response = await http.PostAsync("", conent);
public class AppController : ControllerBase
public async Task<IActionResult> UploadDocumentsAsync([FromBody] Request request)
// request is always null when app is running in production
//request is not null when running on https://localhost:8080/api/upload
Please what am I missing in the above implementation?
The request parameter is not null on localhost but always null in production.
Please what am I missing in the above implementation? The request
parameter is not null on localhost but always null in production.
Well, not sure how are getting data on local server becuse, you are sending MultipartFormData means your POCO object and file buffer. As you may know we can send json object in FromBody but not the files as json. Thus, I am not sure how it working in local and getting null data is logical in IIS Or Azure.
what am I missing in the above implementation?
As explained above, for sending both POCO object and Files as byte or steam we need to use FromForm and beside that, we need to bind our request object as MultipartFormDataContent to resolve your null data on your UploadDocumentsAsync API action.
Required Change For Solution:
In your WPF http request please update your request code snippet as following:
var obj = new Request()
Uploader = "John Doe",
Documents = new List<Document>
new Document()
FileName ="I Love Coding.pdf",
Buffer = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(#"YourFilePath")
var httpClient = new HttpClient
BaseAddress = new("https://YourServerURL")
var formContent = new MultipartFormDataContent();
formContent.Add(new StringContent(obj.Uploader), "Uploader");
formContent.Add(new StringContent(obj.Documents[0].FileName), "Documents[0].FileName");
formContent.Add(new StreamContent(new MemoryStream(obj.Documents[0].Buffer)), "Documents[0].Buffer", obj.Documents[0].FileName);
var response = await httpClient.PostAsync("/api/upload", formContent);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var responseFromAzureIIS = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Note: Class in WPF side would remain same as before. No changes required. Core Web API:
In core web API side you should use [FromForm] instead of [FromBody]
So your controller Action would as following:
public class AppController : ControllerBase
public async Task<IActionResult> UploadDocumentsAsync([FromForm] Request file)
if (file.Documents[0].Buffer == null)
return Ok("Null File");
return Ok("File Received");
Note: For remote debugging I have checked the logs and for double check I have used a simple conditionals whether file.Documents[0].Buffer == null. I have tested both in local, IIS and Azure and working accordingly.
Update POCO Class in API Project:
For buffer you have used byte for your WPF project but for Web API project update that to IFormFile instead of byte. It should be as following:
public class Document
public string FileName { get; set; }
public IFormFile Buffer { get; set; }
public class Request
public string Uploader { get; set; }
public List<Document> Documents { get; set; }
If you would like to know more details on it you could check our official document here

Sending input parameters to AWS Lambda function from Unity

I'm learning AWS Lambda with C#. My function looks sort of like this:
[assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))]
namespace Function_Redeem
public class Function
public FunctionOutput FunctionHandler(FunctionInput input, ILambdaContext context)
// do work with input
// return FunctionOutput
public class FunctionInput
public string someData { get; set; }
public class FunctionOutput
public string someAnswer { get; set; }
It works fine when using the Test button in AWS, as well as the test feature in Visual Studio.
Now, I'm trying to call this from Unity.
So first, I added an API Gateway trigger, and left the defaults:
API endpoint: [the url]
API type: HTTP
Authorization: NONE
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS): No
Enable detailed metrics: No
Method: ANY
Resource path: /FunctionName
Stage: default
Then in Unity,
private static IEnumerator TestFunction(string uri, string data)
UnityWebRequest webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Put(uri, data);
yield return webRequest.SendWebRequest();
if (webRequest.isNetworkError)
Debug.LogError("Network error: " + webRequest.error);
I call it, with data being
The function call works, I know that it is reaching my function, but the input data (i.e. the someData field) is null. It seems like it's not parsing the data I'm sending so FunctionInput defaults to null someData.
What am I missing?
Since you are using API Gateway as a trigger to your lambda function, accept APIGatewayProxyRequest as input parameter to your handler(instead of FunctionInput). The field Body would have your serialized payload {"someData":"Hello"}
public class Function
public FunctionOutput FunctionHandler(APIGatewayProxyRequest request, ILambdaContext context)
{ var requestBody = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FunctionInput>(request.Body);
// do work with input
// return FunctionOutput
public class FunctionInput
public string someData { get; set; }
public class FunctionOutput
public string someAnswer { get; set; }

SSL errors using Service Fabric ServicePartitionClient

We have a singleton service fabric service that needs to communicate to a partitioned service, both of which are running in a secure cluster with certificate-based authentication. We are using ServicePartitionClient to do the talking. What follows is a simplified version of our implementations of ICommunicationClient and ICommunicationClientFactory as required by the ServicePartitionClient.
The client:
public class HttpCommunicationClient : ICommunicationClient
// Lots of fields omitted for simplicity.
public HttpCommunicationClient(HttpClientWrapper client, Uri baseAddress)
this.HttpClient = client;
this.BaseAddress = baseAddress;
public Uri BaseAddress { get; set; }
// Wraps System.Net.Http.HttpClient to do stuff like add default headers
public HttpClientWrapper HttpClient { get; }
public ResolvedServicePartition ResolvedServicePartition { get; set; }
public string ListenerName { get; set; }
public ResolvedServiceEndpoint Endpoint { get; set; }
public Uri GetUri(string relativeUri)
return new Uri(this.BaseAddress, relativeUri);
The factory:
// Note that this base class is under the
// Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services.Communication.Client namespace,
// it's not something we wrote
public class HttpCommunicationClientFactory :
// Lots of fields omitted for simplicity.
private readonly HttpClientWrapper client;
public HttpCommunicationClientFactory(
ServicePartitionResolver resolver,
IEnumerable<IExceptionHandler> exceptionHandlers)
: base(resolver, exceptionHandlers, null)
// There's a bunch of other args that are omitted for clarity.
this.client = new HttpClientWrapper();
protected override Task<HttpCommunicationClient> CreateClientAsync(
string endpoint,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
HttpCommunicationClient client = new HttpCommunicationClient(
new Uri(endpoint));
if (this.ValidateClient(endpoint, client))
return Task.FromResult(client);
throw new ArgumentException();
protected override bool ValidateClient(HttpCommunicationClient client)
// Not much to validate on httpclient
return true;
protected override bool ValidateClient(
string endpoint,
HttpCommunicationClient client)
return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(endpoint);
protected override void AbortClient(HttpCommunicationClient client)
And here's an example of how everything is being constructed and used:
internal class FooFabricClient : IDisposable
// Lots of fields omitted for simplicity.
private readonly HttpCommunicationClientFactory clientFactory;
private readonly ServicePartitionClient<HttpCommunicationClient> partitionClient;
public FooFabricClient(Uri fabricUri, ServicePartitionKey partitionKey = null)
this.clientFactory = new HttpCommunicationClientFactory(
this.partitionClient = new ServicePartitionClient<HttpCommunicationClient>(
retrySettings: new OperationRetrySettings());
public async Task<Foo> GetFooAsync()
return await this.partitionClient.InvokeWithRetryAsync(async (client) =>
// Note: See above for actual GetUri() implementation and context,
// but this will give us a Uri composed of the client's BaseAddress
// (passed in during HttpCommunicationClientFactory.CreateClientAsync())
// followed by "/foo"
Uri requestUri = client.GetUri("foo");
return await client.HttpClient.GetAsync<Foo>(requestUri);
Now, the issue is that when I call GetFooAsync(), it throws an exception saying this:
Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. ---> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
After some debugging, we found that this is most likely due to the fact that we get the internal service fabric IP address (e.g., as HttpCommunicationClient.BaseAddress, so when we make our API call the server cert doesn't validate against the domain in the request. As a temporary fix we've done the following in the calling service:
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (a, b, c, d) => true;
Of course, we'd rather not just blindly say "yup, looks good" when validating server certs, so how should we go about resolving this issue? Is there another way to set up the client(s) so that they can properly validate the server cert on the request without needing our own callback? Or do we just need to put acceptable thumbprints in our config and compare against those in the ServicePointManager callback or whatever?

Can't get a valid response from a REST web service using System.Net.Http.HttpClient

I am using this test method (and helper class) to verify the response from an external web service:
public void WebServiceReturnsSuccessResponse()
using (var provider = new Provider(new Info()))
using (var result = provider.GetHttpResponseMessage())
private class Info : IInfo
public string URL { get; set; } =
public string User { get; set; } = "somename";
public string Password { get; set; } = "password1";
I can't get this test to pass; I always get a 500 - Internal Server Error result. I have connected via an external utility (Postman) - so the web service is up and I can connect with the url & credentials that I have.
I think the problem is in my instantiation of the HttpClient class, but I can't determine where. I am using Basic authentication:
public class Provider : IProvider, IDisposable
private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
public Provider(IInfo config){
if (config == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config));
var userInfo = new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes($"{config.User}:{config.Password}");
_httpClient = new HttpClient
BaseAddress = new Uri(config.URL),
DefaultRequestHeaders =
Accept = { new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/xml")},
Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue(
"Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(userInfo)),
ExpectContinue = false,
public HttpResponseMessage GetHttpResponseMessage()
return _httpClient.GetAsync("1234").Result;
The response I get back appears to go to the correct endpoint; the RequestUri in the response looks exactly like I expect,
You need to load up Fiddler and do a recording of the HTTP traffic when this operation succeeds (through the browser).
Then, load up your code, stand up another instance (or window) of Fiddler, and do the same thing with your code. Now, compare the two Fiddler windows to see what is different.
You only need to compare those things in Fiddler that are highlighted in blue. You can ignore the other communications.

GitHub Authentication from a WPF Application using Username & Password

I'm developing a small WPF Application which will sit on top of a Local Git Repo.
It's a Line-Of-Business app to allow some business users to edit some files via a GUI and then push them back up to GitHub
I'm using the LibGit2Sharp libraries to handle all the git commands, but I'd also like to force the users to login to the application using their GitHub credentials everytime the application is loaded.
I've been looking at the OAuth2 libraries & some existing nuget packages ( but they all seem to revolve around a web based app, and require client id's and secret keys.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a simple API that will take a username & password and return a simple success/fail for the login attempt or am I stuck writing my own wrapper around the GitHub API
I ended up solving this with a simple REST call to the older v2 API passing UserName & Password in the auth headers while requesting a specific repo. Then checking the permissions that came back on the requested Repo.
private class Permissions
public bool Admin { get; set; }
public bool Push { get; set; }
public bool Pull { get; set; }
private class GitHubRepo
public Permissions Permissions { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool Authenticate(string userName, string password)
var apiUrl = "";
var resource = "repos/myAccount/";
var repoName = "myRepo";
var client = new RestClient
BaseUrl = apiUrl,
Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator(userName, password)
var request = new RestRequest {Resource = string.Join("", resource, repoName)};
var response = client.Execute<List<GitHubRepo>>(request);
if ((int) response.StatusCode >= 200 && (int) response.StatusCode < 209)
if (response.Data.Any(r => r.Name == repoName))
var repo = response.Data.Single(r => r.Name == repoName);
if (repo.Permissions.Admin || (repo.Permissions.Pull && repo.Permissions.Push))
return true;
return false;
return false;
