I'm working to try to get some of my companies older code into packages. Several of the common components, considered "core", use a common file with assemblyinfo attributes from a shared folder. The file included as a link in the project. How do I get nuget to use the information in that file? For example, this file contains the assembly version instead of the "assemblyinfo.cs" file in the project. So nuget throws an error about how it can't find a replacement for the $version$ identifier.
What I've done to get this to work is by using
nuget pack [projectFile].csproj
which will use the combined AssemblyInfo and the SharedAssemblyInfo file. I put both of these files in the Properties portion of the project.
I wrote a class library in C# that I need to push to a private NuGet server (v3.4.1.0). I decorated my classes and methods with XML documentation comments.
XML documentation file option is checked on the Build tab of the project properties panel, the project builds successfully and the xml file gets generated on the project's root folder with the same name as the assembly.
In the .csproj file the related section looks like this:
IntelliSense (VS2019 16.9.0) recognises the documentation and shows it properly even in other projects under the same solution.
When I generate the NuGet package it gets created in the project's bin\Debug folder. If I open it as a zip archive the DLL and the documentation XML can be found in the lib\netstandard2.1 folder having matching names.
Once I install this package to another project from the private NuGet server it works properly but loses the complete documentation. IntelliSense does not show my comments anymore and the assembly metadata seems not to have it either.
Could anyone support me on this one?
That is normal. For xml document, it is special under new-sdk style projects. The xml document could only be copied into the non-sdk net framework projects but new-sdk net core projects cannot. More similar to this issue I handled before.
So you should try these steps additionally to get what you want:
1) enter these node under csproj file of your nuget project.
<None Include="xxx\absolutePathTo\assemblyName.xml"(the path of the xml file under your project folder) Pack="true">
2) after that, re-pack your nuget project and before you install the new version, please clean nuget caches first or just delete all files under C:\Users\xxx\.nuget\packages
Personally, I let Visual Studio handle things for me.
If you right-click in the project, and choose Properties,
In the Build -> Output area, you should see a checkbox under Documentation file labelled Generate a file containing API documentation..
When you check this, a new option appears underneath: XML documentation file path. But the file selector is labelled Optional path for the API documentation file. Leave blank to use the default location..
FYI: The default location is alongside your EXE / DLL that is generated when you build your project.
When you next build your code (for anyone else reading, I assume you've got the Generate NuGet package on build in the Package area checked too) it will also package up the XML documentation into the NuGet package generated.
From the perspective of users of this new package, Visual Studio will pick up on the XML Documentation inside.
I have two class libraries in a single solution (.NET Core). One of them (cl1) is a main library and it depends on another library (cl2). I have added a .nuspec file with the required metadata only (no dependencies, no files) for the cl1 project in the project folder (same location of .csproj file) and I have set GeneratePackageOnBuild propery to true.
Whenever I am building the class library (cl1), the .nupkg is created automatically in the debug/release folder.
When I check the generated .nupkg file, I am see two strange things:
The generated .nuspec file is different than what I have added in the project folder
cl2 is mentioned as a dependency in the newely generated .nuspec file, but the DLL for cl2 is not included in the lib folder of the .nupkg. So, whenever I consume this package in another solution, I am getting the error No packages exist with this id in source(s) for the cl2.
I have surfed in internet, but was not able to find a proper solution for the above error.
And I have added a .nuspec file [...] in the project folder(same location of .csproj file)
You have to specify the path to your own NuSpec file in the .csproj using the NuspecFile tag, otherwise it will be ignored and the package will be created with the metadata from the .csproj file instead, see reference. You need to use either a relative or an absolute path to the file, for example:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
The generated .nuspec file is different than what I have added in the project folder
As already stated, your NuSpec file is probably not included. However, even if it is, there can be differences, because some information, e.g. source file locations are unnecessary and the target locations are in most cases given by the internal package file structure itself, so it is not there because it is redundant.
cl2 is mentioned as a dependency in the newely generated .nuspec file, but the dll for the cl2 is not included in the lib folder of the .nupkg. So, whenever I consume this nupkg in other solution, I am getting error " No packages exist with this id in source(s)" for the cl2.
Dependencies are meant for packages. So when NuGet restores the package it searches for other packages that this package depends on, here cl2, but there is none, hence the error. When packing a project, referenced projects are not included in the package. That is an open issue and there are workarounds that you can try.
The most reliable, but inconvenient solutions are to avoid the issue at all.
Only use a single project, everything will be included in the package
Pack each project on its own and use the generated package instead of the referenced project
I am working on creating a sample Nuget package to test out the process of creating an internal Nuget package for use in another project of mine. My end goal is to create a simple Nuget package, which can be installed onto another simple C# project, and tested out.
I have been following the Microsoft tutorial to create & publish a package using VS:
I successfully created & published my package on nuget.org, called MyNugetPackage, and attempted to install it onto my other C# project called TestingMyNugetPackage. I received an error in the NuGet package console stating:
Package does not support any target framework
This error makes sense, because I had read about supporting multiple .NET versions and specifying the version under the lib folder, and I definitely did not do that when creating my package:
This idea of lib folder makes sense to me and I think I understand how to add my target .NET version to it. However, I cannot find this folder anywhere! It's not anywhere in the C# project directory. I assume I may need to create it on my own, but I'm not sure where to put it.
Many tutorials and SO questions I have read about this topic talk about how to use the lib folder, but no one ever says where it is. I'm a complete beginner to this and I know I am missing something obvious here, but I'm not sure what it is.
Edit: I did try to change my .nupkg file to a .zip file and extracting the contents in attempt to view the lib folder. This did work in extracting the contents, but I did not see any lib folder after expanding entire project tree and searching for lib.
Here is a quick layout of my C# solution tree:
Solution titled MyNugetPackage with a MyNugetPackage.sln file, a MyNugetPackage.csproj file, and a simple class Logger.cs that just has a public void Print(string text) { Console.WriteLine(text); } method:
MyNugetPackage (folder)
bin (folder)
Debug (folder) -> .dll, .pdb
Release (folder) -> .dll, .pdb
obj (folder)
Debug (folder)
Release (folder)
Properties (folder)
Could someone direct me where I need to place my lib folder, so that I can add my supported .NET 4.7 framework reference, and successfully install my package?
A NuGet package (.nupkg) is just a zip file. If you are trying to view the contents of this file, open it like a zip file (using 7zip or something). Alternatively change the extension to zip. In the package you will find the "lib" folder as well as the .nuspec, and package folder (among other contents). But this is the resulting package that is built when you Pack your project, changes here would have no affect on your code.
If you're just trying to target one or more frameworks. In VS, edit your project file (.csproj). This file is an XML with a PropertyGroup that contains either a "TargetFramework" OR a "TargetFrameworks" element. To target a single framework add a TargetFramework element, to target multiple use the TragetFrameworks instead.
To target a single .Net framework:
Alternatively, you can target multiple frameworks.
<TargetFrameworks>net472; netcoreapp3.0; netcoreapp2.1</TargetFrameworks>
This would target .Net 4.7.2, .Net Core 3.0, and .Net Core 2.1
I have a solution with multiple projects (each is a nuget package for some common utils).
I want to build all these projects in VSTS.
The problem each project has a unique version.
version.txt file is stored in each project's folder, and contains the version in format x.x.x
before build each project should be patched with this version
build and push nuget packages
VSTS contains task dotnet build which can build an entire solution or a concrete project. But I need to automate this process - once the new project was added it should be built automatically.
I didn't find the ready-to-use build task which can read the file and patch all parameters of csproj (FileVersion, AssemblyVersion, Version, PackageVersion), and do this per project.
It would be great to have this version.txt file to have a single point of configuration (instead of changing all the parameters)
I didn't find the ready-to-use build task which can read the file and
patch all parameters of csproj (FileVersion, AssemblyVersion, Version,
PackageVersion), and do this per project
Actually, you can get AssemblyFileVersion and AssemblyVersion easily by related task (such as Assembly Info Reader task).
You just need to specify the path for AssemblyInfo.cs file, then you can get the AssemblyFileVersion by the variable $(ASSEMBLYINFO.ASSEMBLYFILEVE), and get the AssemblyVersion by the variable $(ASSEMBLYINFO.ASSEMBLYVERSION). And you can use the version for the package.
BTW: the packed packages use it's AssemblyVersion by default. So if you want to packages use their AssemblyVersions, there is no need to do additional settings.
I did not find the solution so invented a new bicycle.
In each project folder there is a version.txt file with the version of exact package
Powershell scripts finds all version.txt files and uses the version from the file to patch .csproj file (package, assembly, whatever)
build all projects
In my scenario I don't want to add build number to the version so I have packages with the same version over builds. So I want to skip already exist packages
With Powershell script I do nuget list <package name> to check whether package already exists.
If not - pushing it to the repository.
I have followed http://www.hanselman.com/blog/CreatingANuGetPackageIn7EasyStepsPlusUsingNuGetToIntegrateASPNETMVC3IntoExistingWebFormsApplications.aspx this guide to create my own nuget package. The only problem is when i use the console to install my package it just adds the cs files directly to the project instead of createing a .dll and add it as a package. The content folder of my nuget only contains two cs files is that why it doesn't create the package as a dll and instead just uses the cs files directly?
Look at your original nuspec file for whether it's including the output DLLs or the raw CS's (probably the latter). Fix it and make sure the assemblies go into lib/netXX (e.g. lib/net45), not "content".
Also, the file is just a ZIP. Inspect it before you use it to ensure that it contains the right files.