Executing code after user has been authenticated using Azure Active Directory - c#

I created an ASP.NET MVC Core (1.1.0) application using VS2015. In the dialog, I selected the option to connect to Azure AD, so VS generated the boilerplate code and, as expected, the app redirects me to Microsoft's login page, where I can login with my work&school account.
Now, after the user logs in, and before serving the first page (say, /home/index) I need to get some information from the user that I have stored in a database (like the display name, the contact information such as an email, phone number, address, a picture of the user, and so on).
What I have thought so far is to add a ControllerBase with a method that retrieves this info, and then pass it to the views via ViewData. But querying the database for this info over and over seems inefficient. An alternative would be to store this info in a cookie or in a session state, thus only hitting the database once. But having to depend on a ControllerBase could lead to errors (for instance, if in some controller method one forgets to call the base's method) and doesn't feel like they way to go. Also, having this funcionality on the home controller only could fail if a user enters the URL with a predefined path (as in www.myapp.com/Users/joedoe/Detail).
I searched and found a reference to using the Events property in the OpenIdConnectOptions object passed to the application builder in the Startup class:
app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectOptions
ClientId = Configuration["Authentication:AzureAd:ClientId"],
Authority = Configuration["Authentication:AzureAd:AADInstance"] + Configuration["Authentication:AzureAd:TenantId"],
CallbackPath = Configuration["Authentication:AzureAd:CallbackPath"],
Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents {
However, the OpenIdConnectEvents class does not have some "OnAuthenticationSucceeded" event, it only has an OnAuthenticationFailed, which is not what I want, and other callbacks whose names doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for.
So, my question, what is the callback I should be using with OpenIdConnectEvents, or, alternatively, what's the preferred way for ASP.NET MVC Core applications that connect to AAD to catch an event after the user has been authenticated?
Thanks in advance.

There is an assortment of various OpenIdConnectEvents you can hook into. Look at SecurityTokenValidated. This fires after the user has authenticated to AAD and the token had been validated. Here you can look up data in a database and add your own claims to the identity (like roles, etc).
This sample goes and resolves group names from AAD, but the concept is the same - add additional data to the claim set and you can access it through the user principal throughout the application. Using a ClaimType of role will let you use the existing attributes in ASP.net (like the Authorize(Role=...) attribute.


Fetch permissions from identity server during authorization

I am using identity server 4 for authentication and authorization, and user permissions are saved in JWT and then used on API-s to check if users has required permission.
But the problem is that JWT got too big and I would like to remove permissions from it, and make custom authorization on API-s so that its fetches permissions from identity server instead of getting it from JWT.
API would get only userId from JWT and then based on that fetch additional information from identity server. Is it possible to do something like that?
We basically have a similar problem in our application.
The way to solve this problem is using an event which is raised at the level of the API resource (the API which you are protecting by using JWT bearer tokens authentication) once the JWT token has been read from the incoming request and validated.
This event is called OnTokenValidated, see here for more details.
This is the top level plan:
keep your JWT bearer token minimal. At the very minimum it contains the subject id, which is the unique identifier of the user at the identity provider level. You can put other claims there, but the idea is that the JWT bearer token must be small
implement a way to get the user permissions given the user unique identifier (you can use the subject id as an identifier or any other id which makes sense in your system)
make the user permissions fetch mechanism of the previous point accessible via api call. Caching this API is a good idea, because usually permissions are stable. Defining a smart way to evict this cache is beyond the scope of this answer, but it's something you should definitely think about.
once you have fetched the user permissions (via an API call) you need to make them available to the ASP.NET core authorization framework. The simplest way to do so is create a custom claim type (for instance: "app_permission") and create one user claim per each user permission. Each of these permission claims has the custom claim type ("app_permission") and the permission name as the claim value. For instance a user having the two permissions "read-content" and "write-content" will have two claims both having "app_permission" as the claim type, the first one having "read-content" as the claim value and the second one having "write-content" as the claim value.
the permissions claims defined at the previous point can be injected in the user identity (at the API resource level) by defining an additional ClaimsIdentity for the user and by adding it to the current user identity. The process depicted here is quite similar to a claims transformation done by an MVC application using cookie authentication.
In the Startup class of your API resource, in the point where you register the authentication services, you can do something like this:
.AddJwtBearer(options =>
options.Authority = "https://localhost:8080";
options.Audience = "sample-api";
options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
// register callbacks for events
options.Events = new JwtBearerEvents
OnTokenValidated = context =>
if (!context.Principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
var subjectId = context.Principal.FindFirst(JwtClaimTypes.Subject)?.Value;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subjectId))
// do whatever you want with the user subjectId in order to get user permissions.
//You can resolve services by using context.HttpContext.RequestServices which is an instance of IServiceProvider
//Usually you will perform an API call to fetch user permissions by using the subject id as the user unique identifier
// User permissions are usually transformed in additional user claims, so that they are accessible from ASP.NET core authorization handlers
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(userPermissionsClaims);
+1 for the accepted answer but I would just like to offer an alternative solution to this problem. If your permissions are pretty simple like readResource or writeResource then you could define all your permissions as enum and use integers instead of strings in JWT, that would reduce JWT size.
If permission list is still huge then you could also group permissions together so that the permission list is smaller for some customers e.g. merge readResource, writeResource, updateResource, deleteResource into one permission called crudResource.

How to Logout user from a particular session Identity Server 4, .Net Core?

Using Identity Serve 4 with .Net Core 3.1, razor pages. Also using Cookie Authentication
Problem -
In a web application John logged-in 2 times
1st Login on Chrome
2nd Login on edge
So, if John again trying to logged-in on 3rd time on Firefox without logout from previous browsers, then I want to logout John from 1st Login on Chrome forcefully.
I can keep the track of logins in a Session table including Session Id, User Id etc.
But I don’t know how logout user from a particular session using Session Id.
Please help.
ASP.NET Core provides an ITicketStore interface which allows you to get control of storing user sessions. Once you provide a class implementing this interface and register it, it will call your class when sessions are being created or verified which you can then store in a database however you like, including attaching arbitrary metadata like browser ID etc.
Now that you have user sessions in your database, you can separately query them and revoke as needed in other logic, including during logins. Since you now provide the session data, simply deleting the record effectively logs the user out from that session. Note that if you use any caching layer to reduce the store requests, you'd need to remove any cached copies as well.
Note that this is separate from IdentityServer and happens with ASP.NET Core itself.
This is a good tutorial that helped me implementing this in my app.
A sample of how it looks to register in Startup, where PersistentTicketStore is my implementation:
// Persistent ticket/cookie store to provide durable user sessions
services.AddSingleton<IUserSessionRepository, UserSessionRepository>();
services.AddSingleton<ITicketStore, PersistentTicketStore>();
.Configure<ITicketStore>((options, store) => options.SessionStore = store);
Use the End Session Endpoint
The end session endpoint can be used to end a session and trigger a log out
In the log in process you will need to capture the id_token received from authentication and what user it belongs and store it on some dbo.table. You can use this same table to also keep track if a user has logged in more than once.
To log out a user or end a session you will need to pass the ID you saved as a query string parameter called id_token_hint in a GET call as shown below into:
GET /connect/endsession?id_token_hint={id_token}
For reference see the documentation here https://identityserver4.readthedocs.io/en/latest/endpoints/endsession.html#end-session-endpoint
Since you're saying you can keep track of logins, perhaps you should keep track of each session and assign a number somewhere indicating when it was logged in (1 for Chrome, 2 for edge, 3 for Firefox).
Then each time a request is made, you check in your table what the lowest number is (1,2,3 etc), and if the session matches that number, you sign the user out from that session.
Since each browser will have their own cookie, you can use the above method.
After signing someone out, the next login can be assigned 4, and if 2 makes a request you log that client out.....
Also see this: https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer4/issues/736
I have implemented this.
When a user logs in, the session id (IUserSession.GetSessionIdAsync) is manually stored in our database. The previous value of this database field is used to create a logout_token which I send to my clients. You can have look at IdentityServer4.Infrastructure.BackChannelLogoutClient to figure out how to create the token and post.
All this assumes you have backchannel logout implemented ofcourse.

User only can register after Admin approval

I am setting up a new mvc5 project in c# in which I am using Identity Framework and Open ID. which means a new user can register via a third party i.e. Google,Facebook,Microsoft.
So this part is done. Now I want to restrict users, means when a user will be trying to register an approval will be sent to the Admin. If the Admin accepts only then the user can register. Is there any way to do that?
Check out a combination of Authorization Policies/ Role Based Security. When any user registers via a third party, the code which handles the registration does all the relevant record keeping for the new user, and gives them a role of, say, "Unapproved User". You can create as set of Controllers/ Views etc which that user can view (perhaps a profile page, landing page with generic information, or maybe just a disclaimer page which tells them they need to wait to be approved).
From there when the Admin approves the user, the code which handles the approval changes the role to "Approved User". This then allows them to access the full site.
I can't tell if you are using classic Asp.Net with mvc 5 or Asp.Net core but the concepts are similar (except for the auth policy stuff) in both.
Essentially you decorate the controllers/ actions you want protected with:
public class MyProtectedController
public class MyUnprotectedController
For more info:

how to implement google login in .net core without an entityframework provider

I am implementing Google login for my .net core site.
In this code
var properties = signInManager.ConfigureExternalAuthenticationProperties("Google", redirectUrl);
return new ChallengeResult("Google", properties);
I need a signInManager which is (by the code example) this:
private SignInManager<AppUser> signInManager;
I inject it via the constructor, and then I get this error:
Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.SignInManager1[AppUser]' while attempting to activate 'AccountController'.
Googling learnt that I should include this
services.AddIdentity<AppUser, IdentityRole>()
But that gives me this error:
Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.IUserStore1[AppUser]' while attempting to activate 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.AspNetUserManager1[AppUser]'.
And at that moment, I get the advice to add this:
But then I'm lost, because why does the SignInManager need a IUserStore, and should I add a
UserStore and a DBContext and an EntityFramework store, when I will not be using that (for my Google login)?
So the question is: can I also do my Google login without the Entityframework store?
If all you want to do is sign-in with Google, there's no need for SignInManager, UserManager or ASP.NET Core Identity itself. To achieve this, we first need to configure the Authentication services. Here's the relevant code for this, which I'll explain after:
.AddAuthentication(o =>
o.DefaultScheme = "Application";
o.DefaultSignInScheme = "External";
.AddGoogle(o =>
o.ClientId = ...;
o.ClientSecret = ...;
The call to AddAuthentication configures a DefaultScheme, which ends up being used as both the Application scheme and the Challenge scheme. The Application scheme is used when attempting to authenticate the user (are they signed in?). The Challenge scheme is used when a user is not signed in but the application wants to provide the option to do so. I'll discuss the DefaultSignInScheme later.
The two calls to AddCookie add cookie-based authentication schemes for both Application (our Application scheme) and External (our SignIn scheme). AddCookie can also take a second argument, that allows for configuration of e.g. the corresponding cookie's lifetime, etc.
With this in place, the challenge process will redirect the user over to /Account/Login (by default - this can be configured via the cookie authentication options too). Here's a controller implementation that handles the challenge process (again, I'll explain after):
public class AccountController : Controller
public IActionResult Login(string returnUrl)
return new ChallengeResult(
new AuthenticationProperties
RedirectUri = Url.Action(nameof(LoginCallback), new { returnUrl })
public async Task<IActionResult> LoginCallback(string returnUrl)
var authenticateResult = await HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync("External");
if (!authenticateResult.Succeeded)
return BadRequest(); // TODO: Handle this better.
var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity("Application");
await HttpContext.SignInAsync(
new ClaimsPrincipal(claimsIdentity));
return LocalRedirect(returnUrl);
Let's break this down into the two actions:
In order to arrive at the Login action, the user will have been challenged. This occurs when the user is not signed in using the Application scheme but is attempting to access a page protected by the Authorize attribute (or similar). Per your requirement, if the user is not signed in, we want to sign them in using Google. In order to achieve that, we issue a new challenge, this time for the Google scheme. We do so using a ChallengeResult that is configured with the Google scheme and a RedirectUrl, which is used for returning to our own application code once the Google sign-in process completes. As the code shows, we return to:
This is where the DefaultSignInScheme from our call to AddAuthentication becomes relevant. As part of the Google sign-in process completion, the DefaultSignInScheme is used for setting a cookie that contains a ClaimsPrincipal representing the user as returned from Google (this is all handled behind the scenes). The first line of code in LoginCallback grabs hold of this ClaimsPrincipal instance, which is wrapped up inside an AuthenticateResult that is first checked for success. If everything has been successful so far, we end up creating a new ClaimsPrincipal that contains whatever claims we need (taken from Google in this case) and then signing-in that ClaimsPrincipal using the Application scheme. Lastly, we redirect to the page that caused our first challenge.
In response to a couple of follow-up comments/questions in the comments below:
Can I conclude that the SignInManager and UserManager are only used when using authentication with a database?
In some ways, yes, I think that's fair. Although it is possible to implement an in-memory store, it doesn't really make much sense with no persistence. However, the real reason not to use these classes in your situation is simply because you do not need a local user account for representing a user. That goes hand-in-hand with persistence, but it's worth making the distinction.
And what very different code from what I read in the book (which I used for setting up my Google login) and all the other answers I've read.
The documentation and the books cover the most common use-case, whereby you do want to store local users that can be linked to external accounts such as Google, etc. If you look at the SignInManager source, you'll see that it's really just sitting on top of the kind of code I've shown above (e.g. here and here). Other code can be found in the Default UI (e.g. here) and in AddIdentity.
I assume the LoginCallback gets called by Google. Does the HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync know how to check the data Google sends me? And as it's name is so generic, it looks like it knows how to do that for all external providers?
The call to AuthenticateAsync here doesn't know anything about Google - the Google-specific handling is configured by the call to AddGoogle off of AddAuthentication in ConfigureServices. After redirecting to Google for sign-in, we actually come back to /signin-google in our application. Again, this is handled thanks to the call to AddGoogle, but that code is really just issuing a cookie in the External scheme that stores the claims that came back from Google and then redirecting to our LoginCallback endpoint that we configured. If you add a call to AddFacebook, a /sigin-facebook endpoint will be configured to do something similar. The call to AuthenticateAsync is really just rehydrating a ClaimsPrincipal from the cookie that was created by e.g. the /signin-google endpoint, in order to retrieve the claims.
It's also worth noting that the Google/Facebook sign-in process is based on the OAuth 2 protocol, so it's kind of generic in itself. If you were to need support for more than just Google, you would just issue the challenge against the required scheme rather than hardcoding it to Google as I've done in the example. It's also possible to add additional properties to the challenge in order to be able to determine which provider was used when your LoginCallback endpoint is reached.
I've created a GitHub repository that contains a complete example that I built in order to write this answer here.

Custom User and Roles with ASP.NET MVC3

I have a ASP.NET MVC site with a CAS server set up as the authentication type. I also have a separate database with a Users table and a Roles table (with a User being related to one or more roles). A User is only able to log into the system if the Username is both in the User table and on the CAS system. I have this solution working.
My problem is i now need some form of trigger on User.IsAuthenticated so i can track the current User (from my database), without the possibility that i am trying to allow tracking of a User that has logged out. What I've been thinking is i need to add the User to the HttpContext but i am not sure how to trigger the clearing of the User if the CAS session times out or if the User Logs out.
I also wish to have some functionality such as User.IsInRole (again using my database, not ASP.NET) but am not sure how to go about implementing this. I suppose if i can successfully add the User to the HttpContext then a IsInRole method would simply be a User.Roles.Contains(string role) method but how can that then be used if i wish, for example, to use a method with the DataAnnotation [Authorize(role = "ExampleRole")].
I have looked at questions such as How do I create a custom membership provider for ASP.NET MVC 2? but this doesn't work for me (possibly to do with me using the CAS authentication?)
Any guidance or background reading would be appreciated as i'm really not sure where i should even start. I have read up on GenericPrinciple, IPrinciple and IIdentity but I'm struggling to see how i can apply them to my current project.
Ended up with a custom Authorise Attribute that uses the CAS logon to check the user exists in my database. It also checks the roles of that user. I also used a static class to save the current user in the session with a logout method that abandons the session when the user logs out.
I have kind of a two parter for you. This link does a really good job of explaining how to replace the HttpContext User with your own object: http://bradygaster.com/custom-authentication-with-mvc-3.0
His approach uses MVC filters, but you can also catch the Authentication event in the Global.asax file. Using the forms system with your own implementation can be trivial or not depending on what you're doing, but it boils down to calling FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie and .SignOut, amidst your own logic.
public static void FormsLogin(this User user, bool persist)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.DisplayName, persist);
user.AddHistory("Login event.", HistoryType.Login, "SYSTEM");
public static void FormsLogout(this User user)
Lastly, once you've got the login stuff working out, you can use your own more complex permission system by making a custom Auth Attribute. I remember piecing this together from some other answers and articles but I can't seem to find the sources at the moment, I will try and edit with sources for credit where it's due, if I find them. For now, all I can offer is this gist which offers up one of the attributes I use: https://gist.github.com/1959509
Keep in mind the only really relevant part there is the override of OnAuthorization, which does the actual work.
