void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col){
if (col.gameObject.name == "Enemy1") {
GameObject clone = (GameObject) Instantiate (tempBloodSplat,enemyObj.position,enemyObj.rotation);
Destroy (clone , 0.5f);
if (enemyDamage > 3) {
anim.SetFloat ("Die", 0.5f);
Destroy (enemyObj.gameObject , 5.0f);
Debug.Log ("Bullet is hitting Enemy");
This is my code, i used on BulletObject
My Bullet Object has Collider
My Enemy has a Collider
My Enemy has a Rigidbody
Bullet is not having Rigidbody
I have problem that when i shoot, the bullet is hitting the Enemy in his range, like the circle under the body of the Enemy,Image
Sometimes the bullet hits correctly (means enemy is damaged), but sometimes the bullet moves out without making any damage to the enemy,I don't know why its happening.Does the velocity of the bullet has any effect on it..
Please help or guide me to solve this problem, Thanks
If you are not using a rigidbody on the bullet, then you are probably updating the bullets position vector directly, and what could be happening is the following:
. Since the bullet is not a rigidbody, Unity does not 'assume' it should behave like one and thus does not do an actual physics simulation of the bullet movement (which would probably include a raycast from start position to end position and colision checking in between). If you have a problem with adding a rigidbody to the bullet, then do the raycast yourself. You will even learn a bit of how the physics simulation behind unity actually might work!
Good Luck!
I can think of what objects I will use in the game and add them a box collider or mesh collider and start setting them up. Or I could use maybe raycast and detect the distance from the objects I want to avoid walking through ? Is that logic to use distance calculation with raycast ?
void FixedUpdate()
Vector3 direction = new Vector3(transform.position - lastPosition);
Ray ray = new Ray(lastPosition, direction);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, hit, direction.magnitude))
// Do something if hit
this.lastPosition = transform.position;
Not sure if this is the right script to put on the player. Maybe need to use layer ? But the logic is that if the player is for example 0.3f distance form the object that the player will stop moving forward.
Using unity you don't really want to be doing any of this stuff from the code behind, instead you'd have a RigidBody or RigidBody2D component on your "player", and then a box Collider or mesh collider (or the 2d versions of those) on your collision objects.
This will handle all collisions and stop the player when they hit that object.
Another word of advice is, when handling collisions in the backend you don't want to use FixedUpdate as if an object is travelling fast enough it will pass through the collider between updates
I'm trying my first test-game with Unity, and struggling to get my bullets to move.
I have a prefab called "Bullet", with a RigidBody component, with these properties:
Mass: 1
Drag: 0
Angular drag: 0,1
Use grav: 0
Is Kinematic: 0
Interpolate: None
Coll. Detection: Discrete
On the bullet prefab, I have this script:
public float thrust = 10;
private Rigidbody rb;
void Start()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
rb.AddForce(transform.forward * 100, ForceMode.Impulse);
On my playerController script (not the best place for this, I know):
if (Input.GetAxisRaw("Fire1") > 0)
var proj = Instantiate(projectile, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
When I click my mouse, the bullet gets created, but doesn't move. I've added velocity to the rigidbody, which works, but I can't get it to move in the right direction. After googling around, it seems I need to be using rigidBody.AddForce(), which I did, but still can't get my bullet to move.
I've seen the other solution, but this did not work for me either.
Any advice would be appreciated.
When you're working with 2D in Unity, the main camera basically becomes an orthographic camera (no perspective effects) looking sideways at the game scene along the z-axis. Incidentally, the "forward" direction of a non-rotated object is also parallel to the z-axis.
This means that when you apply a force along transform.forward, you're sending the object down the z-axis - which will not be visible to an orthographic camera looking in the same direction. The quick fix here would be to use a direction that translates to an x/y-axis movement, like transform.up or transform.right.
As derHugo also mentioned in the comments, you might want to look into using Rigidbody2D. There are some optimizations that will allow it to behave better for a 2D game (though you may not notice them until you scale up the number of objects).
I know this is quite the noob question, but whatever, there's only one way to learn.
I've created an empty GameObject in Unity, attached a script that is supposed to move a cube(my player) and gave my cube the tag "Player". After creating the cube, I was hoping to be able to move the cube without having to put the script on the cube itself. When the script is on the cube, it moves without a problem (I know this is how it probably should be done, but for trying to learn new things I wanted to do it this way).
Player Controller script
Cube properties
After failing to find the answer through Google, any insight at all is greatly appreciated!
Thank you
Here's the code as text now, since it was asked for.
public class GameCoreController : MonoBehaviour {
private GameObject PlayerMove;
public Rigidbody rb;
void Start ()
PlayerMove = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
void Update()
// character movement
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W))
PlayerMove.transform.Translate(0, 0, 0.25f);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S))
PlayerMove.transform.Translate(0, 0, -0.25f);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
PlayerMove.transform.Translate(-0.25f, 0, 0);
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
PlayerMove.transform.Translate(0.25f, 0, -0);
I've updated the code from before to include PlayerMove.transform.Translate but I still have the same issue with the cube note moving. I've also included screenshots of my scene with the cube and the GameCoreController; the empty GameObject holding the script that is supposed to control the cube.
Thanks again for the help guys.
Update 2!
After deleting the cube and re-insert it into the scene it now moves. Thanks for the help everyone.
The reason that the cube won't move because in your code you didn't move its transform but you move the transform of the gameobject that you attached this script to.
transform.Translate move the transform of the gameobject that this script attach to. So if you want to move the cube, all you need to do is change from transform.Translate to PlayerMove.transform.Translate which will move the transform of PlayerMove gameobject which is your cube with "Player" tag on it
^ All of the above. Plus, in the screenshot, your rigidbody is not set to "is kinomatic". This means that physics will still be applied to it (like gravity). Rule of thumb: If you have a moving object where collision is important, it will need a rigidbody and a collider. If the object is not moved with physics commands (eg rigidbody.AddForce()) but rather manipulating the transform as you are, set the rigidbody "isKinomatic" property to true.
i am totally new to c# scripting and unity... i was trying something on unity and created this code and it's woring fine but some times it's just overlapping "wall" tagged object or even getting out of that circle i am using Edge collider 2D on it and polygon collider 2D on my shooter object and this script is attached to shooter object. check the screen shot for the bug.
void OnCollisionEnter2D (Collision2D collider){
if (collider.gameObject.tag == "wall") {
StartCoroutine (shooterscale());
collider.gameObject.GetComponent<bgAnimater> ().animateBg ();
if (turn) {
turn = false;
else {
turn = true;
I assume you are using Rigidbody2D on the shooter.
Make sure that Collision detection mode is set to Continous to avoid objects passing through each other.
From Docs:
When the Collision Detection is set to Continuous, GameObjects with
Rigidbody 2Ds and Collider 2Ds do not pass through each other during
an update. Instead, Unity calculates the first impact point of any of
the Collider 2Ds, and moves the GameObject there. Note that this takes
more CPU time than Discrete.
When you set the Collision Detection to Discrete, GameObjects with
Rigidbody 2Ds and Collider 2Ds can overlap or pass through each other
during a physics update, if they are moving fast enough. Collision
contacts are only generated at the new position.
Hope this helps
In Unity, I am programming a top-down game where if the player does damage to an enemy, the enemy would be knocked back opposite of the direction of the attack. The code I currently have moves the enemy downwards, regardless of the position of the player's attack. This game was created in Unity3D. The enemy has a CharacterController component attached to it.
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
Vector3 knockBack = col.transform.position - transform.position; //Used to calculate the direction of the knockback.
GetComponent<CharacterController>().Move (knockBack);
I am sure I am missing something, but what? I have tried using the rotation of the objects, and the -transform.forward of the player, but it does not seem to have an effect on the direction of the movement. Thank you for your time.