What is the best way to design a DTO for a REST API to get a resource that is semantically a dictionary?
Example: Get the number of employees by age -> should return a set of couples (age, number) of type (int, int).
An easy way should be an array of structures, like:
age: 30,
number: 3
age: 31,
number: 4
age: 32,
number: 5
but this does not enforces that the key should be unique.
Semantically, I'd rather prefer a dictionary, like:
"30": 3,
"31": 4,
"32": 5
Is there a way to define such a DTO in C#, so that it can be easily serialized/deserialized?
Your second Json is not valid, it should look like:
"30": 3,
"31": 4,
"32": 5
And in c# it's just a Dictionary<string, int>
You could easiliy deserialize/serialize it with Json.Net
var result =JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, int>>(text);
var serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
new Dictionary<string, int> { { "1", 2 }, {"3",4}});
As suggested by maksim-simkin in his answer, dictionaries are natively supported by Json.Net.
Here's an example:
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<int, int>>(text);
var serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary<int, int> { { 30, 3 }, { 31, 4}});
// here serialized == "{\"30\":3,\"31\":4,\"32\":5}"
If it can be useful, this serialization is supported in Nancy through the DynamicDictionary class (in namespace Nancy). In a NancyModule, you can create a model like this:
DynamicDictionary dynamicDictionary = ToDynamicDictionary(dictionary);
return this
Then, you have to convert your keys to a string, using this helper method:
private static DynamicDictionary ToDynamicDictionary(IDictionary<int, int> dictionary)
DynamicDictionary result = new DynamicDictionary();
foreach (var pair in dictionary)
result.Add(pair.Key.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), pair.Value);
return result;
I want to generically flatten some json so I can convert to a datatable and bind to a datagrid using c#
What is the best way of doign it, bearing in mind I dont know how many levels I am going down?
"appointmentid": 4,
"policyid": 1,
"guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"number": "1234567890",
"ampm": "false",
"date": "2015-09-08T00:00:00",
"vehicle": {
"id": 1,
"guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"make": null,
"model": null
"installer": {
"installerid": "1",
"name": "Installer 1",
"contact": "qwerty",
"qascore": "0",
"address1": "qwerty",
"address2": "qwerty",
"address3": null,
"address4": null,
"city": "qwertyu",
"county": "qwertyu",
"postcode": "asdfghj",
"country": "GB",
"email": "asdfghj",
"web": "asdfghjk",
"archived": false
"installations": [
"installationid": 6,
"installationstatus": {
"installationstatusid": 4,
"installationstatus": "FAIL"
"isactive": true
"installationid": 7,
"installationstatus": {
"installationstatusid": 1,
"installationstatus": "NEW"
"isactive": false
"archived": false
i would like to extend this (I suppose I could iterate over the datatable on I had converted it) rather than installations.1.installationid, i would get installationid1.
as I'm going to be displaying the resulting datatable in a grid I would like to keep the column names friendly.
You can use Json.Net's LINQ-to-JSON API to parse the data into a JToken structure. From there, you can use a recursive helper method to walk the structure and flatten it to a Dictionary<string, object> where the keys are the "path" to each value from the original JSON. I would write it something like this:
public class JsonHelper
public static Dictionary<string, object> DeserializeAndFlatten(string json)
Dictionary<string, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
JToken token = JToken.Parse(json);
FillDictionaryFromJToken(dict, token, "");
return dict;
private static void FillDictionaryFromJToken(Dictionary<string, object> dict, JToken token, string prefix)
switch (token.Type)
case JTokenType.Object:
foreach (JProperty prop in token.Children<JProperty>())
FillDictionaryFromJToken(dict, prop.Value, Join(prefix, prop.Name));
case JTokenType.Array:
int index = 0;
foreach (JToken value in token.Children())
FillDictionaryFromJToken(dict, value, Join(prefix, index.ToString()));
dict.Add(prefix, ((JValue)token).Value);
private static string Join(string prefix, string name)
return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? name : prefix + "." + name);
Using this DeserializeAndFlatten method with your JSON you would end up with key-value pairs like this:
appointmentid: 4
policyid: 1
guid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
number: 1234567890
ampm: false
date: 9/8/2015 12:00:00 AM
vehicle.id: 1
vehicle.guid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
installer.installerid: 1
installer.name: Installer 1
installer.contact: qwerty
installer.qascore: 0
installer.address1: qwerty
installer.address2: qwerty
installer.city: qwertyu
installer.county: qwertyu
installer.postcode: asdfghj
installer.country: GB
installer.email: asdfghj
installer.web: asdfghjk
installer.archived: False
installations.0.installationid: 6
installations.0.installationstatus.installationstatusid: 4
installations.0.installationstatus.installationstatus: FAIL
installations.0.isactive: True
installations.1.installationid: 7
installations.1.installationstatus.installationstatusid: 1
installations.1.installationstatus.installationstatus: NEW
installations.1.isactive: False
archived: False
If you're looking to make the keys more human friendly, you could use a little string manipulation to cut them down. Maybe something like this:
var dict = JsonHelper.DeserializeAndFlatten(json);
foreach (var kvp in dict)
int i = kvp.Key.LastIndexOf(".");
string key = (i > -1 ? kvp.Key.Substring(i + 1) : kvp.Key);
Match m = Regex.Match(kvp.Key, #"\.([0-9]+)\.");
if (m.Success) key += m.Groups[1].Value;
Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + kvp.Value);
That would give you this output instead:
appointmentid: 4
policyid: 1
guid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
number: 1234567890
ampm: false
date: 9/8/2015 12:00:00 AM
id: 1
guid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
installerid: 1
name: Installer 1
contact: qwerty
qascore: 0
address1: qwerty
address2: qwerty
city: qwertyu
county: qwertyu
postcode: asdfghj
country: GB
email: asdfghj
web: asdfghjk
archived: False
installationid0: 6
installationstatusid0: 4
installationstatus0: FAIL
isactive0: True
installationid1: 7
installationstatusid1: 1
installationstatus1: NEW
isactive1: False
archived: False
But note, with this arrangement, you have lost some context: for example, you can see that there are now two identical archived keys, whereas in the original JSON they were distinct because they appeared in different parts of the hierarchy (installer.archived vs. archived). You will need to figure out how to deal with that problem on your own.
Fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/gzhWHk
Using the library Json.Net You could use the JSONPath $..* to get all members of the JSON structure and filter out the ones with no children to skip the container properties.
var schemaObject = JObject.Parse(schema);
var values = schemaObject
.Where(t => !t.HasValues)
.ToDictionary(t => t.Path, t => t.ToString());
Another variant using Newtonsoft's Json.NET LINQ to JSON for object at root (the same can be done with JArray also):
var flattened = JObject.Parse(json)
.ToDictionary(jv => jv.Path, jv => jv.ToString())
Looked also for a solution and that did the job for me. Used new C# 7 Tupels for the result set. If anyone have another lightweight solution i'm interested:-)
async Task Main()
var jsonUsers = await new HttpClient().GetStringAsync(#"https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users");
foreach (var flattedChild in GetFlatJsonChilds(JToken.Parse(jsonUsers)))
Console.WriteLine($"{flattedChild.path}: {flattedChild.value}");
IEnumerable<(string path, string value)> GetFlatJsonChilds(JToken token)
foreach (var child in token.Children())
if(token.Type != JTokenType.Array &&token.Children().First().Type != JTokenType.Property && !child.Children().Any())
yield return (child.Path, child.ToString());
foreach(var childChild in GetFlatJsonChilds(child))
yield return childChild;
The Result for https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users :
[0].id: 1
[0].name: Leanne Graham
[0].username: Bret
[0].email: Sincere#april.biz
[0].address.street: Kulas Light
[0].address.suite: Apt. 556
[0].address.city: Gwenborough
[0].address.zipcode: 92998-3874
[0].address.geo.lat: -37.3159
[0].address.geo.lng: 81.1496
[0].phone: 1-770-736-8031 x56442
[0].website: hildegard.org
[0].company.name: Romaguera-Crona
[0].company.catchPhrase: Multi-layered client-server neural-net
[0].company.bs: harness real-time e-markets
[1].id: 2
[1].name: Ervin Howell
[1].username: Antonette
[1].email: Shanna#melissa.tv
[1].address.street: Victor Plains
[1].address.suite: Suite 879
[1].address.city: Wisokyburgh
[1].address.zipcode: 90566-7771
[1].address.geo.lat: -43.9509
[1].address.geo.lng: -34.4618
[1].phone: 010-692-6593 x09125
[1].website: anastasia.net
[1].company.name: Deckow-Crist
[1].company.catchPhrase: Proactive didactic contingency
[1].company.bs: synergize scalable supply-chains
[2].id: 3
[2].name: Clementine Bauch
[2].username: Samantha
[2].email: Nathan#yesenia.net
[2].address.street: Douglas Extension
[2].address.suite: Suite 847
[2].address.city: McKenziehaven
[2].address.zipcode: 59590-4157
[2].address.geo.lat: -68.6102
[2].address.geo.lng: -47.0653
[2].phone: 1-463-123-4447
[2].website: ramiro.info
[2].company.name: Romaguera-Jacobson
[2].company.catchPhrase: Face to face bifurcated interface
[2].company.bs: e-enable strategic applications
[3].id: 4
[3].name: Patricia Lebsack
[3].username: Karianne
[3].email: Julianne.OConner#kory.org
[3].address.street: Hoeger Mall
[3].address.suite: Apt. 692
[3].address.city: South Elvis
[3].address.zipcode: 53919-4257
[3].address.geo.lat: 29.4572
[3].address.geo.lng: -164.2990
[3].phone: 493-170-9623 x156
[3].website: kale.biz
[3].company.name: Robel-Corkery
[3].company.catchPhrase: Multi-tiered zero tolerance productivity
[3].company.bs: transition cutting-edge web services
[4].id: 5
[4].name: Chelsey Dietrich
[4].username: Kamren
[4].email: Lucio_Hettinger#annie.ca
[4].address.street: Skiles Walks
[4].address.suite: Suite 351
[4].address.city: Roscoeview
[4].address.zipcode: 33263
[4].address.geo.lat: -31.8129
[4].address.geo.lng: 62.5342
[4].phone: (254)954-1289
[4].website: demarco.info
[4].company.name: Keebler LLC
[4].company.catchPhrase: User-centric fault-tolerant solution
[4].company.bs: revolutionize end-to-end systems
[5].id: 6
[5].name: Mrs. Dennis Schulist
[5].username: Leopoldo_Corkery
[5].email: Karley_Dach#jasper.info
[5].address.street: Norberto Crossing
[5].address.suite: Apt. 950
[5].address.city: South Christy
[5].address.zipcode: 23505-1337
[5].address.geo.lat: -71.4197
[5].address.geo.lng: 71.7478
[5].phone: 1-477-935-8478 x6430
[5].website: ola.org
[5].company.name: Considine-Lockman
[5].company.catchPhrase: Synchronised bottom-line interface
[5].company.bs: e-enable innovative applications
[6].id: 7
[6].name: Kurtis Weissnat
[6].username: Elwyn.Skiles
[6].email: Telly.Hoeger#billy.biz
[6].address.street: Rex Trail
[6].address.suite: Suite 280
[6].address.city: Howemouth
[6].address.zipcode: 58804-1099
[6].address.geo.lat: 24.8918
[6].address.geo.lng: 21.8984
[6].phone: 210.067.6132
[6].website: elvis.io
[6].company.name: Johns Group
[6].company.catchPhrase: Configurable multimedia task-force
[6].company.bs: generate enterprise e-tailers
[7].id: 8
[7].name: Nicholas Runolfsdottir V
[7].username: Maxime_Nienow
[7].email: Sherwood#rosamond.me
[7].address.street: Ellsworth Summit
[7].address.suite: Suite 729
[7].address.city: Aliyaview
[7].address.zipcode: 45169
[7].address.geo.lat: -14.3990
[7].address.geo.lng: -120.7677
[7].phone: 586.493.6943 x140
[7].website: jacynthe.com
[7].company.name: Abernathy Group
[7].company.catchPhrase: Implemented secondary concept
[7].company.bs: e-enable extensible e-tailers
[8].id: 9
[8].name: Glenna Reichert
[8].username: Delphine
[8].email: Chaim_McDermott#dana.io
[8].address.street: Dayna Park
[8].address.suite: Suite 449
[8].address.city: Bartholomebury
[8].address.zipcode: 76495-3109
[8].address.geo.lat: 24.6463
[8].address.geo.lng: -168.8889
[8].phone: (775)976-6794 x41206
[8].website: conrad.com
[8].company.name: Yost and Sons
[8].company.catchPhrase: Switchable contextually-based project
[8].company.bs: aggregate real-time technologies
[9].id: 10
[9].name: Clementina DuBuque
[9].username: Moriah.Stanton
[9].email: Rey.Padberg#karina.biz
[9].address.street: Kattie Turnpike
[9].address.suite: Suite 198
[9].address.city: Lebsackbury
[9].address.zipcode: 31428-2261
[9].address.geo.lat: -38.2386
[9].address.geo.lng: 57.2232
[9].phone: 024-648-3804
[9].website: ambrose.net
[9].company.name: Hoeger LLC
[9].company.catchPhrase: Centralized empowering task-force
[9].company.bs: target end-to-end models
Deserialize, then LINQ select to flatten. I'm guessing, since you haven't stated it, that you want all the appointment and installer information on the same record as the specific installation?
My initial idea would be to leverage dynamics so that you can avoid having to put in static schemas for your JSON. If you already have static types that can act as JSON schemas, then you can avoid dynamics (and all that it entails). Here's an example class - using JSON.NET - to illustrate what I'm thinking:
public class DeserializeAndFlatten
public dynamic ParseJson()
var appointment = JObject.Parse(JsonData.JSON_TO_PARSE); // <-- replace the constant w/ the real JSON...
// this is where you flatten it all out!
// not going to put all the fields in, that would kill the example, LOL
var installations = appointment["installations"].Select(installation => new
appointmentId = appointment["appointmentid"],
policyId = appointment["policyid"],
vehicleId = appointment["vehicle"]["id"],
vehicleMake = appointment["vehicle"]["make"],
vehicleModel = appointment["vehicle"]["model"],
installerId = appointment["installer"]["installerid"],
installerName = appointment["installer"]["name"],
installationId = installation["installationid"],
installationStatus = installation["installationstatus"]["installationstatus"],
installationStatusId = installation["installationstatus"]["installationstatusid"],
return installations;
You can test the code:
static void Main(string[] args)
var jsonParser = new DeserializeAndFlatten();
var installations = jsonParser.ParseJson();
// FYI we get back a dynamic listing,
// so intellisense wont work...
foreach (var installation in installations)
Console.WriteLine($"appointmentId: {installation.appointmentId}");
Console.WriteLine($"installer: {installation.installerName}");
Console.WriteLine($"installation id: {installation.installationId}");
Console.WriteLine($"status: {installation.installationStatus}");
For those who need same in F#:
module JsonFlatten =
let Join prefix name =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) then name else prefix + "." + name
let rec FillDictionaryFromJToken (dict:Dictionary<string, string>) (token:JToken) (prefix:string) =
match token.Type with
| JTokenType.Object ->
for prop in token.Children<JProperty>() do
FillDictionaryFromJToken dict prop.Value (Join prefix prop.Name)
| JTokenType.Array ->
let mutable index = 0
for value in token.Children() do
FillDictionaryFromJToken dict value (Join prefix (index.ToString()))
index <- index + 1
| _ ->
dict.Add(prefix, sprintf "%A" (token :?> JValue).Value)
let DeserializeAndFlatten(json:string) =
let dict = Dictionary<string, string>()
let token = JToken.Parse(json);
FillDictionaryFromJToken dict token ""
Here is one another way to flatten JSON / convert to DataTable using Cinchoo ETL
Flatten JSON:
using (var r = new ChoJSONReader("*** JSON file path ***"))
foreach (var rec in r.Select(f => f.Flatten()))
JSON to DataTable:
using (var r = new ChoJSONReader("*** JSON file path ***"))
var dt = r.AsDataTable();
I needed to load some JSON into a key/value list today, and decided to use the Microsoft configuration in .NET from "Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration":
ConfigurationBuilder jsonConfigurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
jsonConfigurationBuilder.AddJsonFile(fileName, false, false);
IConfiguration jsonConfiguration = jsonConfigurationBuilder.Build();
Now the JSON is loaded and parset into IConfiguration, and then it is simple to get it into a list of key/value pairs using this method:
public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<String, Object>> GetConfigurationEnumerator(IConfiguration configuration) {
// Get the configuration child sections into a stack.
Stack<IConfigurationSection> configurationSectionStack = new Stack<IConfigurationSection>();
foreach (IConfigurationSection configurationSection in configuration.GetChildren()) {
// Return a key/value pair for each configuration section, and add additional child sections to the stack.
while (configurationSectionStack.Count > 0) {
// Get the configuration section.
IConfigurationSection configurationSection = configurationSectionStack.Pop();
// eturn a key/value pair.
yield return new KeyValuePair<String, Object>(configurationSection.Path, configurationSection.Value);
// Add the child sections to the stack.
foreach (IConfigurationSection configurationSectionChild in configurationSection.GetChildren()) {
} // GetConfigurationEnumerator
And write the result to the console:
foreach (KeyValuePair<String, Object> value in GetConfigurationEnumerator(jsonConfiguration)) {
Console.WriteLine($" {value.Key} == {value.Value}");
The result is like: "level0:level1:level2 == this is the value"
This question already has answers here:
How to deserialize a JSON array into an object using Json.Net?
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I have a class in the format:
public class Person
public string Name {get;set;}
public int Age {get;set;}
public string Car {get;set;}
What i tried to read the JSON from a file:
using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(path))
string json = r.ReadToEnd();
//var items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<Person>>(json);
When I got the JSON in a string I got that in the format below:
["John", 30, "BMW"],
["Tim", 45, "Ford"],
["Kim", 34, "Toyota"]
I thought that JSON would be Deserialize in that IEnumerable<Person>, but it couldn't.
What is the correct way to deserialize the JSON string with that Person class?
Since you have only values without properties names in your JSON, you can deserialize it into sequence of collection objects, like IEnumerable<string[]>, IEnumerable<List<string>> or List<List<string>>. Then parse every item to Person manually (assuming that you have the same structure for all items, otherwise you'll need an additional logic for checking an errors)
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<string[]>>(jsonString);
var persons = result
.Select(item => new Person { Name = item[0], Age = int.Parse(item[1]), Car = item[2] })
If you want to deserialize into a Person object, then your array items need to be in a key/value object structure instead of an array of strings. Your JSON should be the following:
name: "John",
age: 30,
car: "BMW"
name: "Tim",
age: 45,
car: "Ford"
name: "Kim",
age: 34,
car: "Toyota"
Since you are unable to change the input file structure, I would recommend reading in as an IEnumerable<string[]>.
Then you can proceed to read with the following:
var rawPersons = JsonConvert.Deserialize<IEnumerable<string[]>>(json);
If you create a constructor on your Person class, then it can populate your properties from the raw Person object:
public Person(string[] parts) {
if(parts.Length != 3) {
throw new ArgumentException("Not a valid person.");
Name = parts[0];
var validAge = int.TryParse(parts[1], out Age);
if(!validAge) {
throw new ArgumentException("Age is not an integer.");
Car = parts[2];
Lastly, you can use a projection on your raw persons to get a collection of Person objects.
var persons = rawPersons.Select(p => new Person(p));
I am writing some classes to make calls to an API that I did not write. The API was written sort of strangely and has some data that looks like this:
"AB": 20
"CD": 15
I know a typical Dictionary would serialize like so:
"AB": 20,
"CD": 15
Is there anything that I can map to to match what they have written without having to write a bunch of custom code?
One way to parse such a JSON and get a Dictionary containing all key/values is the following:
string json = #"
""AB"": 20
""CD"": 15
""EF"": 35
JArray obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JArray>(json);
var dict = obj.ToList()
.SelectMany(x => x.ToList())
.ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.Value);
Basically, it flattens all array elements and constructs a dictionary out of each element.
I'm trying to create some dynamic ExpandoObject. I've encountered a certain problem.
As I don't know what the name of these different properties in my objects should be, I can't do like this:
var list = new ArrayList();
var obj = new ExpandoObject();
obj.ID = 1,
obj.Product = "Pie",
obj.Days = 1,
obj.QTY = 65
Let me explain my situation: I wish to get data from a random DB (I don't know which, but building a connection string from the information I get from the UI), therefore I don't know what data I need to get. This could be an example of a DB table
ID: int,
Product: nvarchar(100),
Days: int,
QTY: bigint
This could be another exmaple:
TABLE Foobar
Id: int,
Days: int
QTY: bigint
Product_Id: int
Department_Id: int
As you see, I don't know what the DB looks like (this is 100% anonymous, therefore it needs to be 100% dynamic), and the data I want to return should look like a well constructed JSON, like so:
"ID": 1,
"Product": "Pie"
"Days": 1,
"QTY": 65
"ID": 2,
"Product": "Melons"
"Days": 5,
"QTY": 12
Or, with the other example:
"ID": 1,
"Days": 2,
"QTY": 56,
"Product_Id": 5,
"Department_Id": 2
"ID": 2,
"Days": 6,
"QTY": 12,
"Product_Id": 2,
"Department_Id": 5
I've tried working with these ExpandoObjects, but can't seem to make it work, as I can't do what's illustrated in the top of this question (I don't know the names of the properties). Is there a way for me to say something like:
var obj = new ExpandoObject();
var propName = "Product";
var obj.propName = "Pie"
Console.WriteLine("Let's print!: " + obj.Product);
Let's print!: Pie
Does anyone have a solution, og simply guidance to a structure, that might solve this situation?
Rather than creating an ExpandoObject or some other dynamic type, you could create a List<Dictionary<string, object>> where each Dictionary<string, object> contains the name/value pairs you want to serialize. Then serialize to JSON using Json.NET (or JavaScriptSerializer, though that is less flexible):
var list = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
// Build a dictionary entry using a dictionary initializer: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb531208.aspx
list.Add(new Dictionary<string, object> { { "ID", 1 }, {"Product", "Pie"}, {"Days", 1}, {"QTY", 65} });
// Build a dictionary entry incrementally
// See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xfhwa508%28v=vs.110%29.aspx
var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dict["ID"] = 2;
dict["Product"] = "Melons";
dict["Days"] = 5;
dict["QTY"] = 12;
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list, Formatting.Indented));
Console.WriteLine(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(list));
The first outputs:
"ID": 1,
"Product": "Pie",
"Days": 1,
"QTY": 65
"ID": 2,
"Product": "Melons",
"Days": 5,
"QTY": 12
The second outputs the same without the indentation:
Use dynamic, then cast to IDictionary<string, object> to loop through your properties:
dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject();
obj.Product = "Pie";
obj.Quantity = 2;
// Loop through all added properties
foreach(var prop in (IDictionary<string, object>)obj)
Console.WriteLine(prop.Key + " : " + prop.Value);
I've made a fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/yFLy2u
Now this is a solution to your question... other answers like #dbc's might be better suited to the problem (which is not the question, really)
As you can see here ExpandoObject Class, the ExpandoObject is implementing IDictionary<string, object>, so you can use that fact like
IDictionary<string, object> obj = new ExpandoObject();
var propName = "Product";
obj[propName] = "Pie"
Console.WriteLine("Let's print!: " + obj[propName]);
// Verify it's working
Console.WriteLine("Let's print again!: " + ((dynamic)obj).Product);
While I was writing the answer, I see you already got proper answer. You can use a Dictionary<string, onject> or even Tuple.
But as per your original question, you wanted to add properties dynamically. For that you can refer to other answer using ExpandoObject. This is just the same solution (using ExpandoObject to dynamically add properties) with classes similar to your code.
//example classes
public class DictKey
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
public DictKey(string name) { DisplayName = name; }
public class DictValue
public int ColumnIndex { get; set; }
public DictValue(int idx) { ColumnIndex = idx; }
//utility method
public static IDictionary<string, object> GetExpando(KeyValuePair<DictKey, List<DictValue>> dictPair)
IDictionary<string, object> dynamicObject = new ExpandoObject();
dynamicObject["Station"] = dictPair.Key.DisplayName;
foreach (var item in dictPair.Value)
dynamicObject["Month" + (item.ColumnIndex + 1)] = item;
return dynamicObject;
Ans usage example:
var dictionaryByMonth = new Dictionary<DictKey, List<DictValue>>();
dictionaryByMonth.Add(new DictKey("Set1"), new List<DictValue> { new DictValue(0), new DictValue(2), new DictValue(4), new DictValue(6), new DictValue(8) });
dictionaryByMonth.Add(new DictKey("Set2"), new List<DictValue> { new DictValue(1), new DictValue(2), new DictValue(5), new DictValue(6), new DictValue(11) });
var rowsByMonth = dictionaryByMonth.Select(item => GetExpando(item));
First part, read this blog post by C# team thoroughly.
Lets see your code
var obj = new ExpandoObject();
var propName = "Product";
var obj.propName = "Pie"
Console.WriteLine("Let's print!: " + obj.Product);
Let's print!: Pie
In your code you are using var obj = new ExpandoObject();, so you are creating a statically typed object of type ExpandableObject. In the blog they specifically call out
I didn’t write ExpandoObject contact = new ExpandoObject(), because if I did contact would be a statically-typed object of the ExpandoObject type. And of course, statically-typed variables cannot add members at run time. So I used the new dynamic keyword instead of a type declaration, and since ExpandoObject supports dynamic operations, the code works
So if you rewrite your code to use dynamic obj, and add the dynamic properties as properties it should work!
But for your particular use case you better use Dictionaries as suggested above by #dbc
dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject();
obj.Product= "Pie"
Console.WriteLine("Let's print!: " + obj.Product);
Let's print!: Pie
I have data like..
1 -> a 10
b xyz
c 40
12 -> a 20
b os
8 -> ..............
how to store this data in data structure. which DS is suitable for it in C#.
1,12,8 are the object no. & a,b,c are the there attribute key & value pair.
it is internal file representation of .. file.
So i want to store it for further manipulation operations.
Anonymous classes and implicitly typed arrays make
code shorter by doing away with the need for class
templates and explicit types in source code. A big drawback of this feature is elements are read-only.
No additional code is missing from this example, except to paste it into your source file.
A concise, anonymous data structure
// Strongly-typed anonymous data structure.
var allData = new[] { // array of parts
new { Num = 1, Details = new[] { // each part is keyed by object num
new {KeyChar = 'a', StringValue = "10"} , // key/value pair details
new {KeyChar = 'b', StringValue = "xyz"} ,
new {KeyChar = 'c', StringValue = "40"} }
new { Num = 12, Details = new[] {
new {KeyChar = 'a', StringValue = "20"} ,
new {KeyChar = 'b', StringValue = "os"} }
new { Num = 8, Details = new[] {
new {KeyChar = 'n', StringValue = "etc..."} }
The Types are automatically inferred by your consistent data declarations and generated into IL by the C# 3.x+ compiler.
Sample Usage
iterating over your data structure and printing it ....
foreach (var part in allData) {
Console.WriteLine("Object #" + part.Num + " contains the details: ");
foreach (var detail in part.Details)
Console.WriteLine(" - key: " + detail.KeyChar + ", value: " + detail.StringValue);
var, for implicitly typed variables, cannot be used at the class scope (i.e. to make fields) - it is restricted to method scope (i.e. as local variables).
There are some things to watch out for when using anonymous types, for example: Can't return anonymous type from method? Really?
The MSDN documentation describes some additional behaviour and "Gotchas".
- Anonymous instances are read-only, so you will need a different way to store and persist modifications. This may render it useless for your requirements.
However, it was fun to include this answer as an option because I learned something new today if nothing else. :)
Edit/Update: Writable version
(modification to make an equivalent writable data structure)
An equivalent writable version of the above data structure is the following, using System.Collections.Generic;:
// Initialization (present data is read/writable)
Dictionary<int, List<Detail>> manageableData = new Dictionary<int, List<Detail>>()
{1, new List<Detail>() {
new Detail {KeyChar = 'a', StringValue="10"},
new Detail {KeyChar = 'b', StringValue="xyz"},
new Detail {KeyChar = 'c', StringValue="40"}
} },
{12, new List<Detail>() {
new Detail {KeyChar = 'a', StringValue="20"},
new Detail {KeyChar = 'b', StringValue="os"}
} }
// Can continue populating after initialization. E.g...
manageableData.Add(8, new List<Detail>() {
new Detail {KeyChar = 'n', StringValue="etc..."},
new Detail {KeyChar = 'z', StringValue="etc..."}
A small helper class is declared to make initialization of detail data more readable; the Detail helper class replaces what could simply be KeyValuePair<char, string>. According to taste.
public class Detail {
public char KeyChar { get; set; }
public string StringValue { get; set; }
... effectively allows us to use new Detail {KeyChar = 'b', StringValue="xyz"} for init of detail items instead of new KeyValuePair<char, string>('b', "xyz").
Sample Usage
iterating over your data structure and printing it ....
foreach (var part in manageableData) {
Console.WriteLine("Object #" + part.Key + " contains the details: ");
foreach (var detail in part.Value)
Console.WriteLine(" - key: " + detail.KeyChar + ", value: " + detail.StringValue);
Another variation on Writable data structure (less abstract)
(no unneeded abstraction - just raw collections)
Without the custom Detail class, you'd nest your dictionaries like
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<char, string>> data2 = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<char, string>>()
{1, new Dictionary<char, string>() {
{'a', "10"},
{'b', "xyz"},
{'c', "40"}
} }
data2.Add(8, new Dictionary<char,string>() {
{'n', "etc..."},
{'z', "etc..."}
// Once again, very minor changes to the mechanism of accessing the data structure:
foreach (var part in data2) {
Console.WriteLine("Object #" + part.Key + " contains the details: ");
foreach (var detail in part.Value)
Console.WriteLine(" - key: " + detail.Key + ", value: " + detail.Value);
Name "Aliasing" for readability
This is the plain nested dictionary scenario to store file objects and attributes.
// initialize
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<char, string>> data1 = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<char, string>>()
{1, new Dictionary<char, string>() {
{'a', "10"},
{'b', "xyz"},
{'c', "40"}
// populate
data1.Add(8, new Dictionary<char, string>() {
{'n', "etc..."},
{'z', "etc..."}
Making a more Descriptive/Readable Version
There are ways to make nested data structures more readable. Here's one sample to show some readability differences. Likely this isn't the smartest way because it adds a couple of Types just for the sake of aliasing but nonetheless...
This is the exact same data structure as above but using "aliased" names:
// initialize
FileObjects data2 = new FileObjects()
{1, new ObjectAttributes() {
{'a', "10"},
{'b', "xyz"},
{'c', "40"}
// populate
data2.Add(8, new ObjectAttributes() {
{'n', "etc..."},
{'z', "etc..."}
The following "alias" definitions effectively rename the original Generics (through inheritance) to more descriptive types and hide the Type Parameters.
public class ObjectAttributes : Dictionary<char, string> { }
public class FileObjects : Dictionary<int, ObjectAttributes> { }
Likely you'd need more nested data before this type of approach becomes viable.
a Dictionary<int,Dictionary<string,string>>
if you only have 'a' 'b' 'c' as the keys, you'd just use string[] rec = new string[3] instead of a dictionary.
Data content itself is just one aspect of data structure choice. A more important guideline is how you will create, manipulate, and access the data.
List<Dictionary<char, object>> will handle ordering if you want to access 1, 2, 3, etc.. in an ordered fashion and allow the second level to be any type of content you want.
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>> would allow you to do fast lookups of any top level 1, 2, 3, etc... and would assume that the a / 10, b / xyz, etc... are always encoded as strings.
It would help if you told us how you were using this data.
Raw structure you could use:
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<char, object>> //or
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, object>> //the more common construct, or
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, string>> //would require casting on some objects
This probably wont be optimal for your situation though, depending on how you intend to search/access this.
Depending on the meaning of your data a specific class implementation and a Dictionary implementation might work better.