Implement logout on every page - c#

I want to implement logout option on every view of my webpage.For this i assigned null to my session variable. And also remove the data in cache. But I studied that to remove the data from cache put some extra burden on web server because no data is stored in cache...
So, what can be alternative to this problem.

Create a _Layout page and keep your Login/Register/Logout there. You can check by creating a default Web MVC application and see how login/register/logout rendering in every page.
There are many ways to clean cache by using java script.
I like this way,
function ClearHistory()
var backlen = history.length;
window.location.href = loggedOutPageUrl //Pass your Index Page
Or else the easiest way is just clear the cache in LogOff() method, just like bellow,
return RedirectToAction("Login");
Please check this Link There are many way to clear cache, so that back button will not work after logout.


Internet Explorer redirect on all .Net Core project pages

I'm a .Net Core beginner and look for a solution to protect the application from IE.
I got the following code working in Controller:
string userAgent = Request.Headers["User-Agent"].ToString();
var flagsIE = new [] {"MSIE", "Trident"};
return RedirectToAction("BadBrowser");
Now if someone is trying to visit the page using IE, they get redirected to an info-page asking them to use a modern browser. Instead of adding this code to every single Controller.cs I would like to add it on project level, so that it get's executed independent from the location within of the project.
And, I know that this can be achieved with _Layout.cshtml, my question is:
Where and how would I implement a function to get it executed for all requested views withing the project without adding it every single request within Controller.
Thank you in advance.
As Icepickle suggested, in the comments of my question, I used middleware in Startup.cs and got the desired result:
app.Use(async (context,next) =>
string userAgent = context.Request.Headers["User-Agent"].ToString();
var IEkeywords = new [] {"MSIE", "Trident"};
if (IEkeywords.Any(userAgent.Contains)){
await next();
You can try to add js in _Layout.cshtml to detect the browser is IE:
var isIE = false || !!document.documentMode;
if (isIE) {
window.location.href = "/Home/ForbidInfo";
Then create a view named ForbidInfo under Home controller which to show the message to user that he cannot use the IE to show views.
(Notes: this view's Layout must be null ,or it will enter an endless loop)
ViewData["Title"] = "ForbidInfo";
Layout = null;
<h1>Please use a modern browser!</h1>
After these settings, when you running a view in IE, it will be redirected to the FordidInfo page.
If your page does not use _layout, then you need to add the js on the corresponding view separately to ensure that it will not be displayed in IE.
Never do that. Excluding browsers with redirects, is what lead to massive user agent spoofing. Effectively making that AgentId useless. And the way you wrote it, you may get a lot of false-positives.
It is also a bad idea from the early days of the internet, we are hoping to get rid off:

c# mvc: RedirectToAction() and browser navigation buttons

In my application, i am storing an object into session which is passed to a web service to return data to display in a table. If the session exists, then it will not ask the user to input fresh data. However, if a user selects a link called "New List", then the session data will be cleared and the user prompted to enter new data.
In my code, i have an anchor defined like so:
New List
Which will trigger this Controller Action:
public ActionResult NewList()
Session["new_list"] = "y";
return RedirectToAction("List");
And then continue to execute this action:
public ActionResult List()
if ((string)Session["new_list"] == "y")
//clear session variables, load fresh data from API
//display blank table. Ask user to input data to retrieve a list
Now, the issue i have is when a user navigates away from the list page, and then navigates back with the browser's back button, it is still calling newlist. In the history of the browser, instead of storing List it is storing newlist which is causing the session variable to clear. What can i do to stop this from happening or is there a different mechanism to use in c# mvc that can help me achieve the desired effect.
Your main problem here is that the NewList action uses GET when it should really be a POST.
A GET request is never supposed to alter the state of a resource, but simply return the current state of the resource; while a POST request allows for the altering of a resource.
Because you allow the NewList action to be called with a GET request, the user's browser assumes (quite rightly on its part) that nothing bad/undesired will happen if it simply repeats the request in the future, e.g. when a user uses the back button.
If instead a POST request is issued, a user browser will never re-issue the request without the user confirming they actually intended to re-issue it.
The solution to your problem then is modify this to the standard PRG pattern: POST/Redirect/GET; that is, send a POST request to perform the state change, redirect the user browser to another page, and GET the result page. In this scheme, pressing the back-button would effectively "skip" over the state change action and go the previous page the user was on.
To accomplish this in MVC:
public ActionResult NewList()
//clear session variables, load fresh data from API
return RedirectToAction("List");
public ActionResult List()
// whatever needs to happen to display the state
This does mean that you can't provide the "New List" action directly as a hyperlink in the page, as these will always issue GET requests. You will need to use a minimal form like so: <form method="post" action="#Url.Action("NewList", "Alert")"><button type="submit">New List</button></form>. You can style the button to look like a normal hyperlink as desired.
The reason it storing NewList is because you are redirecting to "Alert/NewList", and its the string in your URL for making hit to "NewList" Action, So whenever you are try back button the browser gets this "Alert/NewList" URL, hence its making hit to action "NewList".
But now, I am not getting why the session gets clear. because you are initializing the session in "NewList" itself. Still i suggest you to use local-storage to assign values with session.

Response.Redirect to external URL - lost session despite "endResponse" set to false

Somwhere in my ASP.NET MVC 2 application I'm saving some data to session:
Session["Blah"] = "Ugaga";
And it works great. I can access it in all controllers in all methods. But in one method, I'd like to redirect to external URL, so:
return Redirect("");
But when I come back to my application (manually, by typing address in browser) Session["Blah"] is null. Redirect seems to clear session data. So I googled a little and found this:
I followed the instructions and changed redirect code to:
Response.Redirect("", false);
But the result is the same - session data is lost.
I wonder whether returning a view with something like this would solve the problem:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location.href = "";
But it doesn't seem to me to be a right solution. Any thoughts?

How to count Number of refreshes of web page

I have a web form of Asp.Net, in which I want JavaScript to count how many time i have refreshed the page.
If you want to do it on clientside just save (and retrieve) the information on localstorage every time load event occurs
Do you want to count this per user ? Or for whole application ?
If you are doing for whole application you can use application variable in Global.asax on each page request . But that might get lost if your application recycles .
If you want to do for each user You can use server side sessions or cookies on clientside .
You can set the value in a cookie using js or asp, or in a session value (for a single user) or in application value (for all the users), is not necessary javascript.
You have to put this code server side on page load.
For all users:
Application["refresh_count"] =
Convert.ToInt64(HttpContext.Current.Application["refresh_count"]) + 1;
For a single user with session:
Session["refresh_count"] = Convert.ToInt64(Session["refresh_count"]) + 1;
Response.Cookies["UserSettings"]["refresh_count"] = Convert.ToInt64(Response.Cookies["UserSettings"]["refresh_count"]) + 1;
Response.Cookies["UserSettings"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1d);
You can save this in the Session Object.
You can use jQuery calling prepared address.
For example:
url: ".../countPageRefreshes.aspx",
data: { page: "thisPageAddress" }
Then, in countPageRefreshes you can increase number of times, page was refreshed and save it somewhere.

How to Kill A Session or Session ID (ASP.NET/C#)

How can I destroy a session (Session["Name"]) when the user clicks the logout button?
I'm looking through the ASP.NET API Reference on MSDN and it doesn't seem to have much information. It seems rather limited. But I cannot find any other pages for ASP.NET Classes etc.
I have tried:
Session.Abandon(); and
Session.Contents.Remove("Name"); neither of them work. ( I found these in a forum from a Google search)
The Abandon method should work (MSDN):
If you want to remove a specific item from the session use (MSDN):
EDIT: If you just want to clear a value you can do:
Session["YourItem"] = null;
If you want to clear all keys do:
If none of these are working for you then something fishy is going on. I would check to see where you are assigning the value and verify that it is not getting reassigned after you clear the value.
Simple check do:
Session["YourKey"] = "Test"; // creates the key
Session.Remove("YourKey"); // removes the key
bool gone = (Session["YourKey"] == null); // tests that the remove worked
It is also a good idea to instruct the client browser to clear session id cookie value.
Response.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Value = string.Empty;
Response.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-10);
This marks the session as Abandoned, but the session won't actually be Abandoned at that moment, the request has to complete first.
From what I tested:
Session.Abandon(); // Does nothing
Session.Clear(); // Removes the data contained in the session
001: Session["test"] = "test";
002: Session.Abandon();
003: Print(Session["test"]); // Outputs: "test"
Session.Abandon does only set a boolean flag in the session-object to true. The calling web-server may react to that or not, but there is NO immediate action caused by ASP.
(I checked that myself with the .net-Reflector)
In fact, you can continue working with the old session, by hitting the browser's back button once, and continue browsing across the website normally.
So, to conclude this: Use Session.Clear() and save frustration.
Remark: I've tested this behaviour on the development server. The actual IIS may behave differently.
Session.Abandon() this will destroy the data.
Note, this won't necessarily truly remove the session token from a user, and that same session token at a later point might get picked up and created as a new session with the same id because it's deemed to be fair game to be used.
You kill a session like this:
If, however, you just want to empty the session, use:
is what you should use. the thing is behind the scenes will destroy the session but immediately give the user a brand new session on the next page request. So if you're checking to see if the session is gone right after calling abandon it will look like it didn't work.
Session["YourItem"] = "";
Works great in .net razor web pages.
Session.Abandon(); did not work for me either.
The way I had to write it to get it to work was like this. Might work for you too.
