Using SSH.NET on C# Console application in Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 - c#

I have a Visual Studio 2008 project in C# with .NET Framework 3.5 and I would like to use SSH.NET library but I see no binaries there for last stable release 2016.0.0.
Also in home page says it has been moved to here. Once I go to this page, I see three branches, develop, master and sftpfilestream, so which one I have to take which is compatible with .NET Framework 3.5 (My project uses .NET Framework 3.5 on Visual Studio 2008)?
Also If I downloaded any of them, once unzipped I do not see any DLL, only projects. Well, in fact, I prefer to reference a project within mine in order to use it, but by curiosity, where are the binaries (DLLs)? and which project is the correct I have to add to mine for .NET Framework 3.5?


.Net Framework Debug window is not working

I have a problem of debugging. I have the window created with the buttons, labels and everything, but when i try to debug it, the UI/GUI doesn't show up.
I am on windows 10 Visual studio 2019, with Developers mode on (since Visual Studio is asking for it when creating WFA or Windows Forms App). I have .Net Framework 3.5 Installed and i dont see the reason why it shouldn't work. I see it every time i create a project.
The Application i am trying to create is a .Net Framework WPF
The Reason why the Debugging doesn't show the UI is because of the .Net Framework you are using is not compatible with the .Net Framework version your project is set to work on
you can set the normal .Net Framework version you want your Project to work on in the Section when the Visual Studio is asking for the Name of the Project, the Solution Name and the path. At the very bottom, you will see something along the lines of ".Net Framework". Click on that and choose any Version you want your project to work on. (Warning Note: .Net framework 4.5 and .Net Framework 4.8 may have compatibility issues. This info is in th link below)
You would need .Net Framework 4.5 or above
I highly recommend getting .Net Framework 4.8 since it is a .Net Framework version that supports .Net Framework 4.7.2
I had this issue and when i installed .Net 4.8, the Debugging instantly started working.
For More Information, Check out this Link:
[18th April 2022] - Edit: .Net 6 is a thing. You can use that instead of .Net Framework 4.8

Does visual studio require .net framework

I'm new to .net framework. Have few queries.
Does visual studio requires .net framework to be pre installed in the system.
Does visual studio comes with .net framework within it. So no need to install separately.
If .net framework comes within visual studio, is it different version for different vs versions.
I have seen that in application tab we have target framework, may I know from where all these different versions of .net framework visual studio has.
Application developed with one version say 4.5 , can this run on 4.0 and do we have to modify this version first to 4.0 and then run it.
When you're installing VS it's automatically install default version of .net framework for current Visual Studio , but you can additionally install any other versions if you need, it's like an additional nozzle to the vacuum cleaner :-)

Cannot target .Net 2.0 in Visual Studio 2015

I have a project that targets both .Net 2.0 and .Net 4.5. I built+published it successfully in Visual Studio 2013. The .Net configuration in the .csproj file still says
Yet, when I open the project in VS 2015, it targets .Net 4.5.
I have 2.0 available in the Target Framework dropdown:
when I click ".Net Framework 2.0" it gives me a popup saying
Changing the target framework requires that the current project be closed and then reopened.
Any unsaved changes within the project will be automatically saved.
Changing Target Framework my require manual modification of project files in order to build.
Are you sure you want to change the Target Framework for this project?
When I click yes, the target framework goes back to 4.5 and nothing else happens.
I've tried reopening the project and VS, with no luck.
I've tried running the .Net 3.5 installer (which apparently includes 2.0), but it says I need to use "Turn Windows Features on/off"
I've ensured the .Net 3.5 Windows Feature is enabled.
And now I'm out of ideas. Has anyone else encountered this?
Running Windows 7.
In case, the .NET Framework 2.0 is corrupted, use the .NET Framework setup verification tool: to verify and once it found any corrupted, you can use the .NET Framework Repair Tool: to repair it.
Or under ‘Turn Windows Features on or off’, uncheck .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0), then check it.
As Hans Passant mentions in the comments, I apparently(?) edited the .csproj to use different frameworks for different configurations. I swear this didn't cause any issues in VS 2013.
But in any case, I verified using ILSpy that the .dll being generated is .Net 2.0, even though the dropdown says 4.5. So I guess all's well that ends well?

visual studio 2012 .net frame work compatability

Can you please help me with this. Am I able to run .net 2.0 in visual studio 2012? Can you direct me to the diagrams that show the framework compatibility?
Yes. You are able to build .Net v2.0 projects in the Visual Studio 2012.
Here goes the list of all available versions of .Net Framework:
Framework targeting does not guarantee that your application will run correctly. You must test your application to make sure it runs against the targeted version. You cannot target framework versions that are earlier than the .NET Framework 2.0.
In short, yes, you can target .NET 2.0 - and no, there's no master list of compatibility issues.

what .net version VS2005 use for C# project

I am porting a project built on VS2008 to VS2005 since the minor .NET version for us have to 2.0 instead of 3.5 and rest of our code is building on VS2005. So I modified the visual studio version from 2008 to 2005 at the .sln file
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
# Visual Studio 2005
So I am able to load the .sln into the VS2005. I have some building problem, mainly the "var" and after I modified those lines with real data type, the code compiles and runs.
However at the project assembly reference. I found out that my code is still reference Linq which is from .NET 3.5:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5\System.Xml.Linq.dll
When I open up the dialog to add new reference, I could see that the .NET version 2.0, 3.5 and even 4.0 (although the CLR runtime version is 2.0.50727 in most of cases. sometimes 1.x and sometimes 4.0, Linq's runtime version is 2.0.50727).
I thought that VS2005 only supports .NET 2.0 which seems not that case here. So I guess how can I make sure that my application would only require .NET 2.0 framework. Is it enough to make sure that I only reference .NET 2.0 and below reference?
As long as the target framework is .NET 2.0 and you don't reference any libraries that do target higher .NET framework versions, your app should run just fine on .NET 2.0.
That said, I believe Visual Studio 2008 supports multi-targeting, so you should be able to use VS2008 but still target .NET 2.0 as your output type. Additionally, VS2010 and VS2012RC also support .NET 2.0 only projects.
To answer the exact question in the title (for the benifit of those who find this page by its title) the .NET version used by default in Visual Studio 2005 is .NET v2.0.
You can still use VS2008. VS2008 fully supports 2.0-only projects (just change the project settings). When in 2.0 mode VS will disable any 3.0 and 3.5 assemblies as well as any C# language features that depend on 3.0 or 3.5 library classes (such as extension methods, but there is a workaround to get those working with 2.0).
I'll say that VS2010 also supports 2.0-only projects too.
