Is there a linq function in c# which enables you to collect IEnumerables from a specific range of indexes?
An example would be
var objectArray = new string[] { "Bill", "Bob", "Joe", "Phil", "Tom", "Paul" };
var indexArray = new int[] { 1, 3, 5 };
var list = objectArray.Where(SOME_FUNCTION_TO_GET_INDEXES ??).ToList();
//output would be list:
Just use Select with your indexArray and return the item from objectArray via indexing.
var list = indexArray.Select(i => objectArray[i]);
Note that this works very efficiently for any collection that allows indexing (for example, Array and List<T>). In the more general case of having an IEnumerable or ICollection, you wouldn't be able to index directly. In which case you'd need to see Jon's answer. Depending on the sizes of the lists involved, and how many items you need to look up, it might be worth converting your IEnumerable to an Array or List (using ToArray for example) first.
If the original datasource is already accessible by index, such as for a list or an array, you can just use indexArray.Select as Matt showed.
If you've got an IEnumerable<T> instead, you can use the Where overload which provides the index as well as the value. So:
var list = objectArray.Where((value, index) => indexArray.Contains(index))
It seems very simple, but this error happens.
IList<string> list = new List<string>();
list.ToList().RemoveAll(s => s == "002");
return list.Count.ToString();
The list Count should be 3, but it will still be 4. Is a bug in RemoveAll() method? If using List rathan than IList declaration, it works well.
1. If not using ToList() method, there is no RemoveAll() method to call.
How can I avoid this situation to use IList as a argument, list firstly is a reference type. Should I not use IList as a declaration totally? We have used IList everythere in our project.
public string List()
IList<string> list = new List<string>();
return list.Count.ToString();
private void Remove(IList<string> list)
list.ToList().RemoveAll(a => a == "002");
If there is a new method to support, it will be better. Thanks everyone here.
When you're using ToList you actually create a shallow copy of the list, which then you apply the RemoveAll on the new list, thus, the original list doesn't been affected.
If you only looking for the count of none-"002" items, then simple count will suffice
list.Count - list.Count(i => i == "002");
Otherwise if you actually want to remove those items from the original list, then you will need to solve it the old fashion way, using for loop.
Anyway, if IList is not that important, you can save the list as List and not IList, and use RemoveAll method.
ToList() returns a shallow copy of the original list (ie, it's a new instance and modifications made to it will not be reflected back in list).
Since you need to use the RemoveAll method, I recommend storing the variable as List instead of IList:
List<string> list = new List<string>();
list.RemoveAll(s => s == "002");
Console.WriteLine(list.Count()); // 3
You can also achieve the same thing using LINQ operators:
List<string> list = new List<string>();
list = list.Where(s => s != "002").ToList();
More succinctly:
List<string> list = new List<string>(new[] {
// or
//List<string> list = new[] {
// "001",
// "002",
// "003",
// "004"
Console.WriteLine(list.Count(s => s != "002")); // 3
I have two IEnumerables already filled and an array large enough to store all elements of both of them:
IEnumerable<int> foo = ... // contains some elements.
IEnumerable<int> bar = ... // contains some elements.
int[] array = ... // already existing. array.Length is at least foo.Count + bar.Count
I want to copy the elements of foo and bar into array. And I would like to be able to do this without creating new objects (like LINQ would do when calling Concat or ToArray). In my concrete scenario, I do not care about the order, as it will be sorted later. A way to achieve it is this:
int k = 0;
foreach (int i in foo)
array[k++] = i;
foreach (int i in bar)
array[k++] = i;
I would like to know if there is some built-in method that does the copying for me (for convenience purposes), similar to LINQ ToArray or Concat, but without needing to create new objects. Giving ranges as input would be nice, too. A method like below maybe?
// desired way:
foo.InsertIntoArray(0) // insert the elements of foo into array starting at index 0
bar.InsertIntoArray(foo.Count) // insert the elements of bar into array starting at index foo.Count
I know the Array.Copy method, but as far as I know, it only works to copy from array to array, not from IEnumerable to array. Is there something alike?
List<int> foo = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
List<int> bar = new List<int> { 3, 4, 5 };
//This will give you all items from both collections
var array = Enumerable.Concat(foo, bar).ToArray(); // 1,2,3,3,4,5
var array = foo.Concat(bar).ToArray();
//This will give you all distinct items
var array = Enumerable.Union(foo, bar).ToArray(); //1,2,3,4,5
var array = foo.Union(bar).ToArray();
You can also:
List<int> result = new List<int>();
result.InsertRange(result.Count, foo);
result.InsertRange(result.Count, bar);
foo.AddRange(bar); //But was assuming you don't want to change the existing list
But Both InsertRange and AddRange reallocate the internal array - And I assume Concut/Union use these behind the scenes
If your IEnumerable object also implements ICollection, you can cast it to ICollection and use the CopyTo method provided by this interface, otherwise you can only write loops. I actually looked at the source code for Enumerable.ToArray, and that's what Microsoft does.
C# Array, How to make data in an array distinct from each other?
For example
string[] a = {"a","b","a","c","b","b","c","a"};
how to get
string[]b = {"a","b","c"}
Easiest way is the LINQ Distinct() command :
var b = a.Distinct().ToArray();
You might want to consider using a Set instead of an array. Sets can't contain duplicates so adding the second "a" would have no effect. That way your collection of characters will always contain no duplicates and you won't have to do any post processing on it.
var list = new HashSet<string> { };
var countItems = list.Count(); //in this case countItems=1
An array, which you start with, is IEnumerable<T>. IEnumerable<T> has a Distinct() method which can be used to manipulate the list into its distinct values
var distinctList = list.Distinct();
Finally,IEnumerable<T> has a ToArray() method:
var b = distinctList.ToArray();
I think using c# Dictionary is the better way and I can sort by value using LINQ
What is the best way to convert a List to SortedList? Any good way to do it without cycling through it? Any clever way to do it with an OrderBy()?
Please read all answers and comments.
Do you mean:
you have a List<T> and wish it to be sorted in place?
you have a List<T> and wish to create another 'list' which is itself sorted
you have a List<T> and wish to make a SortedList<T,T> where the key is the same as the value
Assuming input:
var x = new List<int>() { 3, 2, 1 };
1 is trivial
2 is trivial
// sx is an IOrderedEnumerable<T>, you can call ToList() on it if you want
var sx = x.OrderBy(i => i);
3 is trivial with a copy
var s = new SortedList<int,int>(t.ToDictionary(i => i));
and more efficiently:
var s = new SortedList<int,int>();
foreach (var i in x) { s[i] = [i]; }
I can't see why you would want to do 3 but there you go.
var list = new List<string>();
var sortedList = new SortedList<string, string>(list.ToDictionary(s => s));
Now I have no clue how efficient this is, but it's one line of code :) Also, in this example I just used the string itself as the selector. In a real scenario, you should know ahead of time what you'd like to use as a selector.
Understand that a List<T> is a smart array, and a SortedList<T, U> is a key/value binary tree. Since there's no relationship between their structures, there can't possibly be a more effective way to do it rather than simply taking each element from the list and putting it into the tree.
If you mean "sorted list" instead of "SortedList," then it's trivial to sort your list via either List.Sort() or an appropriate OrderBy().
List unsortedPersons = new List();
// ... Populate unsortedPersons ...
var sorted = from person in unsortedPersons
orderby person.Name
select person;
The LINQ gives you an ISortedEnumerable i believe, which may be good enough for your purposes.
I want to union, merge in a List that contains both references, so this is my code, how can I define a list ready for this porpouses?
if (e.CommandName == "AddtoSelected")
List<DetalleCita> lstAux = new List<DetalleCita>();
foreach (GridViewRow row in this.dgvEstudios.Rows)
var GridData = GetValues(row);
var GridData2 = GetValues(row);
IList AftList2 = GridData2.Values.Where(r => r != null).ToList();
chkEstudio = dgvEstudios.Rows[index].FindControl("ChkAsignar") as CheckBox;
if (chkEstudio.Checked)
IList AftList = GridData.Values.Where(r => r != null).ToList();
new DetalleCita
codigoclase = Convert.ToInt32(AftList[0]),
nombreestudio = AftList[1].ToString(),
precioestudio = Convert.ToDouble(AftList[2]),
horacita = dt,
codigoestudio = AftList[4].ToString()
//this line to merge
dgvEstudios.DataSource = lstAux;
this is inside a rowcommand event.
If you want to add all entries from AftList2 to lstAux you should define AftList2 as IEnumerable<> with elements of type DetalleCita (being IEnumerable<DetalleCita> is enough to be used as parameter of AddRange() on List<DetalleCita>). For example like this:
var AftList2 = GridData2.Values.Where(r => r != null).Cast<DetalleCita>();
And then you can add all its elements to lstAux:
I think you are misunderstanding what extension method ToList() does. It creates new list from IEnumerable<T> and its result is not connected with original IEnumerable<T> that it is applied to.
That is why you are just do nothing useful trying to do list.ToList().AddRange(...) - you are copying list to (another newly created by ToList()) list, update it and then basically throwing away it (because you are not even doing something like list2 = var1.ToList(), original var1 stays unchanged after that!!! you most likely want to save result of ToList() if you are calling it).
Also you don't usually need to convert one list to another list, ToList() is useful when you need list (List<T>) but have IEnumerable<T> (that is not indexable and you may need fast access by index, or lazy evaluates but you need all results calculated at this time -- both situations may arise while trying to use result of LINQ to objects query for example: IEnumerable<int> ints = from i in anotherInts where i > 20 select i; -- even if anotherInts was List<int> result of query ints cannot be cast to List<int> because it is not list but implementation of IEnumerable<int>. In this case you could use ToList() to get list anyway: List<int> ints = (from i in anotherInts where i > 20 select i).ToList();).
If you really mean union semantics (e.g. for { 1, 2 } and { 1, 3 } union would be something like { 1, 2, 3 }, with no duplication of equal elements from two collections) consider switching to HashSet<T> (it most likely available in your situation 'cause you are using C# 3.0 and I suppose yoou have recent .NET framework) or use Union() extension method instead of AddRange (I don't think this is better than first solution and be careful because it works more like ToList() -- a.Union(b) return new collection and does NOT updates either a or b).