How to unit test private properties? - c#

I'm pretty new to TDD and I have a hard time to understand how to test private members of the class (I know! It's private, shouldn't be tested - but please keep reading). We might have a public function which sets private property and other public function that returns "something" based on that private property.
Let me show you a basic example:
public class Cell
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public class Table
private Cell[,] Cells { get; }
public Table(Cell[,] cells)
Cells = cells;
public void SetCell(int x, int y, string value)
Cells[x, y].Value = value;
public void Reset()
for (int i = 0; i < Cells.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < Cells.GetLength(1); j++)
Cells[i, j].Value = "";
public bool AreNeighborCellsSet(int x, int y)
bool areNeighborCellsSet = false;
// checking...
return areNeighborCellsSet;
In this example Cells are private, because there's no reason to make them public. I don't need to know what's the value of particular Cell outside this class. I just need an information if neighbor cells are empty.
1. How can I test Reset method?
Technically I should create a Table with mocked array of cells. Call Reset and then assert if every cell has empty Value. But I can't actually check if they are empty or not.
2. In this case I would call Assert many times (for every cell) - is it a good practice? I've read that "It's not!", but Reset resets all cells, so I have to somehow check every cell.
Option 2:
public class Table
private Cell[,] Cells { get; }
public Table(int height, int width, ICellFactory cellFactory)
Cells = new ICell[height, width];
for (int i = 0; i < Cells.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < Cells.GetLength(1); j++)
Cells[i, j].Value = cellFactory.Create(i, j);
// Rest is the same...

Your class have three public methods
void SetCell
void Reset
bool AreNeighborCellsSet
So all functionality should be tested only through those methods and with possible help of constructor input arguments.
I am afraid you are not doing TDD, because you are trying to test already implemented logic (for loop of internal member). With TDD you should write unit tests by using only public API of class under test.
When you test Reset method you should think how it affect on results of other public methods. Table class has only one method which return some value we can observe - bool AreNeighborCellsSet - so seems like this is the only method against which we can execute our asserts.
For Reset method you need to set cells so that AreNeighborCellsSet returns true. Then execute Reset and assert that now AreNeighborCellsSet returns false.
public void AfterResetGivenCellShouldNotHaveNeighbors()
// Arrange
var cell = new Cell { X = 1, Y = 1, Value = "central" };
var neighborCell = new new Cell { X = 1, Y = 2, Value = "neighbor" };
var table = new Table(new[] { cell, neighborCell });
// table.AreNeighborCellsSet(cell.X, cell.Y) - should return true at this moment
// Act
// Assert
table.AreNeighborCellsSet(cell.X, cell.Y).Should().BeFalse();
This is a good example of TDD (Test-Driven Development), where problems with testing is good sign that something wrong with design.
Actually, I think, in your case you don't need Reset method at all - just create a new instance of Table every time you need to reset it.

The answer of Ignas my be a workaround for the problem but I feel a need to clarify some design issues here:
Basically there is no need to check if loop iterates through whole collection. That is tested by the framework team in MS.
What you need to do is to check if your new type (in this case Cell) behaves properly.
In my opinion you're violating the SRP. There is really no need for Table class to know how to reset this particular implementation of Cell. If some day you decide to create a cell able to contain a picture let's say, you'll most likely feel a need to clear it in some other way than by setting an empty string to it's Value property.
Start with abstracting Cell to an interface. Then just add method Reset() to the Cell and call it in the loop in Table class for every cell.
That would allow you to create tests for your implementation of Cell and there you can check if after calling Reset() cell's value truly becomes null or empty or whatever you need :-)

There are ways to test private properties with no need for changing your code or adding extra code to your tested class, you can use testing tools that allows you to do so.
for example i used Typemock to change the logic of the Table c'tor to create a populated table and to get the private property Cells after calling the reset method:
public void TestMethod1()
var handle = Isolate.Fake.NextInstance<Table>(Members.CallOriginal, context =>
var tempcells = context.Parameters[0] as Cell[,];
for (int i = 0; i < tempcells.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < tempcells.GetLength(1); j++)
tempcells[i, j] = cellFactory.Create(i, j);
context.Parameters[0] = tempcells;
//calling the original ctor with tempcells as the parameter
// calling the ctor with the custom logic
var testTable = new Table(new Cell[2,2]);
// calling the private property
var resTable = Isolate.Invoke.Method(testTable, "get_Cells") as Cell[,];
// for asserting
var emptyCell = new Cell { Value = string.Empty };
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for(int j=0; j<2; j++)
Assert.AreEqual(emptyCell.Value, resTable[i, j].Value);

As Zegar mentioned in comments there could be several code design considerations, and probably writing tests first aka using TDD would help not to even run into such situations, however I think there is a simple workaround as well.
You are passing array as reference into Table class and not overriding it, therefore you can access the array outside of Table class even though you are modifying it inside the class.
You don't need to do many asserts, you just need to arrange an expected array for assertion. Use FluentAssertions and specifically ShouldBeEquivalentTo() which is a very nice solution for arrays comparison. Nuget package.
Sample test below.
public void TestMethod1()
// Arrange
var expectedCells = new Cell[2, 2];
expectedCells[0, 0] = new Cell { Value = string.Empty };
expectedCells[0, 1] = new Cell { Value = string.Empty };
expectedCells[1, 0] = new Cell { Value = string.Empty };
expectedCells[1, 1] = new Cell { Value = string.Empty };
var cells = new Cell[2,2];
cells[0,0] = new Cell { Value = "00" };
cells[0,1] = new Cell { Value = "01" };
cells[1,0] = new Cell { Value = "10" };
cells[1,1] = new Cell { Value = "11" };
var table = new Table(cells);
// Act
// Assert
cells.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(expectedCells); // using FluentAssertions
To summarize and answer your questions.
Test cells array you pass into the constructor.
Ideally you want to have a single assert per test, if possible.


ref list isn't modified outside command class

I would like one class to modify the list fields of another class. I pass both list fields as references. The problem is, one list is modified in the end, and second is not. I don't understand why. I wanted to check my idea with a minimal working example, where everything works fine:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace _20190424_ref_list_del
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ListManager testObj = new ListManager();
class ListManager
private List<int> ListToExpand;
private List<int> ListToShorten;
public ListManager()
ListToExpand = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 };
ListToShorten = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 };
public void startJob()
EditList editObj = new EditList(ref ListToExpand, ref ListToShorten);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("List to expand:");
foreach (int x in ListToExpand)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("List to shorten:");
foreach (int x in ListToShorten)
class EditList
private List<int> ListToExpand;
private List<int> ListToShorten;
public EditList(ref List<int> listToExpand, ref List<int> listToShorten)
ListToExpand = listToExpand;
ListToShorten = listToShorten;
public void doJob()
The main idea is:
Init two lists
Expand first and shorten another.
Check if there is an effect outside the working class, which modifies lists.
For this reason, I'm using ref. But the same approach in my real app fails. I have two lists too. One to be expanded, second to be shortened.
Let me explain what part of my code does: There is a list of samples from a Modbus device. Some of the samples require to be joined into bigger ones (because some of the values are so large that have values of int32 which need to be stored in two int16 registers).
I have a class with the Command design pattern which works as follows:
Create a Command object which takes:
(ref) input list of single samples
list of samples to be joined
(ref) list of samples joined to double ones
Build double samples
Remove single samples which have been joined
While testing, the list of double samples are filled, but the list of single ones isn't shortened. I don't understand why, because it looks like I'm using the same approach as in the minimal working example. Can you tell me what's wrong?
Test Case:
namespace put_samples_into_dbTests.Unit.Commands
public class GetDoubleSamples
List<Sample> SingleSamples;
List<PatternSample32> SamplesPattern;
List<Sample32> ResultSamples;
int MaxSources = 2;
int MaxObjects = 3;
public void TestInit()
SingleSamples = new List<Sample>();
SamplesPattern = new List<PatternSample32>();
ResultSamples = new List<Sample32>();
for (byte i = 1; i <= MaxSources; i++)
for (byte k = 2; k <= MaxObjects; k++)
SamplesPattern.Add(new PatternSample32(i, k, 1, 2));
public void BuildFrom1Set()
int howManySamples32 = MaxSources * (MaxObjects-1);
int howManySamples = MaxSources* ((1 + MaxObjects) * MaxObjects / 2) - howManySamples32 *2;
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now;
for (byte i = 1; i <= MaxSources; i++)
for (byte k = 1; k <= MaxObjects; k++)
for (byte l = 1; l <= k; l++)
SingleSamples.Add(new Sample(dateTime, i, k, l, 1, true));
Command command = new GetDoubleSamples(ref SingleSamples, SamplesPattern , ref ResultSamples );
Assert.AreEqual(howManySamples, SingleSamples.Count); // [!]
Assert.AreEqual(howManySamples32, ResultSamples.Count);
Now, do take a look at my GetDoubleSamples command:
public class GetDoubleSamples : Command
private List<Sample> SingleSamples;
private List<PatternSample32> DoubleSamplesPattern;
private List<Sample32> ResultSamples;
private List<Sample> ProcessedSamples;
public GetDoubleSamples (ref List<Sample> singleSamples, List<PatternSamples32> doubleSamplesPattern, ref List<Sample32> resultSamples)
SingleSamples = singleSamples;
doubleSamplesPattern = doubleSamplesPattern;
ResultSamples = resultSamples;
ProcessedSamples = new List<Sample>();
public void Execute()
foreach (List<Sample> samplesSet in GenerateSets())
ResultSamples.AddRange(BuildDoubles(samplesSet ));
private void DeleteProcessedSamples()
SingleSamples = SingleSamples.Except(ProcessedSamples).ToList();
And the problem is, when I check for the amount of created double samples - it's okay. But the same (I suppose) kind of list of simple samples isn't reduced of processed samples. When I debug the code, I see that inside the class the mentioned list is modified. But once I get outside Execute methods and get outside Command class, I lose that modified list and get back to the original one. Just as if my list wasn't passed as a reference.
Do you have any idea what might be wrong?
Any suggestions, also about rearranging my test method, will be appreciated! :-)

How to write array in Excel User Defined Function

I have an Excel Addin created using Excel-DNA and have a UDF as part of the Excel Add-In. Lets say that the function is in Cell A10 and I go to delete Column Z. I have found that this action causes the function to execute again.
Is there a way to prevent this behavior from occurring? Does this have to do with the calculation model or volatility?
I am using the following code to implement behavior like the Bloomberg BDH functionality - i.e. that the function is written in the first cell and the rest of the array is written via a thread.
I have 2 problems:
I cannot determine how to have a message flash in the cell where the function is written. For example, if the function is run in Cell A1, the message "Processing..." is displayed until the value of the cell has been written.
The recalculation of functions occurs with this implementation.
I have seen implementations where items 1 & 2 above are working well, but cannot determine how to do so. Does anybody have any ideas
public class ArrayWriter
#region Methods
#region WriteArray
public object WriteArray(object[,] arrayToWrite)
object caller = null;
object formula = null;
AddInFacade facade;
// if not in a function
if (!ExcelDnaUtil.IsInFunctionWizard())
facade = new AddInFacade();
if (arrayToWrite != null)
// if writing more than one cell, use threads
if (arrayToWrite.GetLength(0) > 1 || arrayToWrite.GetLength(1) > 1)
var xlApp = ExcelDnaUtil.Application as Application;
Type xlAppType = xlApp.GetType();
caller = xlApp.Caller;
//caller = xlAppType.InvokeMember("ActiveCell", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, xlApp, null);
formula = xlAppType.InvokeMember("FormulaR1C1Local", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, caller, null);
// create instance of ObjectForThread and set all properties of the class
ObjectForThread threadObject = new ObjectForThread()
xlRef = caller,
value = arrayToWrite,
// create a new thread calling the method WriteFromThread and start the thread
Thread threadWriter = new Thread(() => WriteFromThread(threadObject));
arrayToWrite = new object[1, 1];
arrayToWrite[0, 0] = "No data was returned.";
return arrayToWrite[0,0];
#region WriteFromThread
private void WriteFromThread(Object boxedThreadObject)
AddInFacade facade = new AddInFacade();
ObjectForThread unboxedThreadObject = (ObjectForThread)boxedThreadObject;
Object cellBelow;
Type typeCellReference = unboxedThreadObject.xlRef.GetType();
for (int i = 0; i < unboxedThreadObject.value.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < unboxedThreadObject.value.GetLength(1); j++)
// do not write the first cell as this is what is returned by the function
if (i > 0 || j > 0)
cellBelow = typeCellReference.InvokeMember("Offset", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, unboxedThreadObject.xlRef, new object[] { i, j });
typeCellReference.InvokeMember("Value", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, cellBelow, new[] { Type.Missing, unboxedThreadObject.value[i, j] });
catch(Exception ex)
string szError = ex.Message;
// attempt to kill all COM references
unboxedThreadObject.xlRef = null;
unboxedThreadObject.value = null;
//Set the mouse cursor to the default cursor since the entire array has now been written
unboxedThreadObject = null;
cellBelow = null;
facade = null;
#region ObjectForThread Class
public class ObjectForThread
public object xlRef { get; set; }
public object[,] value { get; set; }
The only way to change this behavior is to change the Application.Calculation property. But you don't want to do that. This property should only be changed momentarily, and afterward, it should be reset to the previous value. Otherwise, you're writing an addin that doesn't play well in a shared sandbox.

C# Array of references to Variables and or Form objects

What I am trying to do is to have an array of references to variables. By which I mean the equivalent to a C array of pointers to ints (for example).
Example: (!!not real code!!)
int a = 4;
int b = 5;
int c = 6;
List<ref int> tmp = new List<ref int>();
tmp.Add(ref a);
tmp.Add(ref b);
tmp.Add(ref c);
tmp[0] = 16;
tmp[1] = 3;
tmp[2] = 1000;
Console.Writeline(tmp[0] + " " + a); // 16 16
Console.Writeline(tmp[1] + " " + b); // 3 3
Console.Writeline(tmp[2] + " " + c); // 1000 1000
The specifics of my case: I have a list of strings that will correspond to the keys in a dictionary. What I think I want to have is a list of Tuples where Type1 is a reference to either an int or string, and Type2 is a reference to an Textbox.
I will be iterating through this list, using the string to get the value from the dictionary (and doing stuff with that data) then storing the results of that into Type1. And eventually I will be taking the data from those Type1 variable references and copying their data to the corresponding Type2 Textbox.
That's the gist of what I think I want to do. If someone thinks that my approach is overly complicated, I will say that I need to keep the Textboxes as they are sadly, so I can't just make an array and iterate through it. And it would be perferable to keep the Type1 variables seperate too, though not quite as necessary.
Now, from reading around, I thought Func<> looked like it was the closest thing to being useful for what I want, so I tried to use the following (with Type1, as an object because it needs to handle both ints and strings)
List<Tuple<string, Func<object>, Func<object>>>
but I was unsure how to use that to get references to the variables.
What you're specifically asking for isn't possible; what would be more appropriate (and has the convenience of actually working!) would be to design a class structure around what you're trying to do.
For instance, something like this:
public class MyObject // Name it appropriately
public object Value { get; set; }
public string Key { get; set; }
public TextBox TextBox { get; set; }
Then, in your code, you can do something akin to this...
Dictionary<string, object> values = ...
List<MyObject> objects = ...
foreach(var item in objects)
item.Value = values[item.Key];
// process your data
item.TextBox = item.Value.ToString();
Obviously, this is just a rough design and the class here serves as little more than a data transfer container. You could make the class "smarter" by, for example, using the setter for the Value property to set the value of the TextBox automatically. But this should hopefully give you the general idea of how something like this would be done in an OO fashion.
EDIT Here's how your example would look.
MyObject a = new MyObject() { Value = 4 };
MyObject b = new MyObject() { Value = 5 };
MyObject c = new MyObject() { Value = 6 };
List<MyObject> tmp = new List<MyObject>();
tmp[0].Value = 16;
tmp[1].Value = 3;
tmp[2].Value = 1000;
Console.Writeline(tmp[0].Value.ToString() + " " + a.Value.ToString()); // 16 16
Console.Writeline(tmp[1].Value.ToString() + " " + b.Value.ToString()); // 3 3
Console.Writeline(tmp[2].Value.ToString() + " " + c.Value.ToString()); // 1000 1000
You can't store references using C#. You can only use the ref keyword when calling a method.
You can use pointers, but you can only do that with a fixed expression and within an unsafe context.
It is possible to fake this kind of thing using delegates, but I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for. I'm also fairly sure that you really need to redesign your approach, but nevertheless, here's an example of how you can fake it...
Firstly, write a "value wrapper" class like so:
public class ValueWrapper<T>
readonly Func<T> get;
readonly Action<T> set;
public ValueWrapper(Func<T> get, Action<T> set)
this.get = get;
this.set = set;
public T Value
return get();
Then you can use that to change values:
void run()
int x = 0;
var intWrapper = new ValueWrapper<int>(() => x, value => x = value);
Console.WriteLine(x); // Prints 42, which shows that x was changed.
TextBox textBox = new TextBox {Text = ""};
var stringWrapper = new ValueWrapper<string>(() => textBox.Text, value => textBox.Text = value);
Console.WriteLine(textBox.Text); // Prints "Changed".
static void test(ValueWrapper<int> wrapper)
wrapper.Value = 42;
static void test(ValueWrapper<string> wrapper)
wrapper.Value = "Changed";
You can also create a wrapper in one method and pass it to a different method which uses the wrapper to change a property in the original wrapped object, like so:
void run()
TextBox textBox = new TextBox {Text = ""};
var wrapper = test1(textBox);
Console.WriteLine(textBox.Text); // Prints "Changed"
void test2(ValueWrapper<string> wrapper)
wrapper.Value = "Changed";
ValueWrapper<string> test1(TextBox textBox)
return new ValueWrapper<string>(() => textBox.Text, value => textBox.Text = value);
Warning: This does lead to some fairly head-scratching code, for example:
void run()
var intWrapper = test();
intWrapper.Value = 42;
Console.WriteLine(intWrapper.Value); // Works, but where is the value? It can't be the x inside test()!
ValueWrapper<int> test()
int x = 0;
var intWrapper = new ValueWrapper<int>(() => x, value => x = value);
return intWrapper;
So we returned a ValueWrapper from test() which is apparently wrapping a local variable from inside test(). And then we can apparently change the value and print it out...
This isn't really what's happening, of course, but it can be quite confusing!
you can use pointers in this case, use unsafe keyword for method and set project unsafe to allow pointers in c#, also you can encapsulate the value in a class and in C# each class is of reference type
i used this and works perfect:
public int value1 = 3;
public int value2 = 4;
public int value3 = 5;
public void Method1()
int[] values = { value1, value2, value3};
for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i ++)

Excel ExcelDNA C# / Try to copy Bloomberg BDH() behavior (writing Array after a web request)

I want to copy Bloomberg BDH behavior.
BDH makes a web request and write an array (but doesn't return an array style). During this web request, the function returns "#N/A Requesting".
When the web request finished, the BDH() function writes the array result in the worksheet.
For example, in ExcelDNA, I succeed to write in the worksheet with a thread.
The result if you use the code below in a DNA file, the result of
will be
Line 1 > #N/A Requesting Data (0,1)
Line 2 > (1,0) (1,1)
The last issue is to replace #N/A Requesting Data with the value and copy the formula.
When you uncomment //xlActiveCellType.InvokeMember("FormulaR1C1Local", you are near the result but you don't have the right behavior
File .dna
<DnaLibrary Language="CS" RuntimeVersion="v4.0">
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using ExcelDna.Integration;
public static class WriteForXL
public static object[,] MakeArray(int rows, int columns)
if (rows == 0 && columns == 0)
rows = 1;
columns = 1;
object[,] result = new string[rows, columns];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
result[i, j] = string.Format("({0},{1})", i, j);
return result;
public static object WriteArray(int rows, int columns)
if (ExcelDnaUtil.IsInFunctionWizard())
return "Waiting for click on wizard ok button to calculate.";
object[,] result = MakeArray(rows, columns);
var xlApp = ExcelDnaUtil.Application;
Type xlAppType = xlApp.GetType();
object caller = xlAppType.InvokeMember("ActiveCell", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, xlApp, null);
object formula = xlAppType.InvokeMember("FormulaR1C1Local", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, caller, null);
ObjectForThread q = new ObjectForThread() { xlRef = caller, value = result, FormulaR1C1Local = formula };
Thread t = new Thread(WriteFromThread);
return "#N/A Requesting Data";
private static void WriteFromThread(Object o)
ObjectForThread q = (ObjectForThread) o;
Type xlActiveCellType = q.xlRef.GetType();
for (int i = 0; i < q.value.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < q.value.GetLength(1); j++)
if (i == 0 && j == 0)
Object cellBelow = xlActiveCellType.InvokeMember("Offset", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, q.xlRef, new object[] { i, j });
xlActiveCellType.InvokeMember("Value", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, cellBelow, new[] { Type.Missing, q.value[i, j] });
catch(Exception e)
//xlActiveCellType.InvokeMember("Value", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, q.xlRef, new[] { Type.Missing, q.value[0, 0] });
//xlActiveCellType.InvokeMember("FormulaR1C1Local", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, q.xlRef, new [] { q.FormulaR1C1Local });
public class ObjectForThread
public object xlRef { get; set; }
public object[,] value { get; set; }
public object FormulaR1C1Local { get; set; }
#To Govert
BDH has become a standard in finance industry. People do not know how to manipulate an array (even the Ctrl+Shift+Enter).
BDH is the function that made Bloomberg so popular (to the disadvantage of Reuters).
However I will think of using your method or RTD.
Thanks for all your work in Excel DNA
I presume you have tried the Excel-DNA ArrayResizer sample, which carefully avoids many of the issue you are running into. I'd like to understand what you see as the disadvantages of the array-formula-writing approach.
Now, about your function:
Firstly, you can't safely pass the 'caller' Range COM object to another thread - rather pass a string with the address, and get the COM object from the other thread (using a call to ExcelDnaUtil.Application on the worker thread). Most of the time you'll get lucky, though.
The better way to do this is from the worker thread to get Excel to run a macro on the main thread - by calling Application.Run. The Excel-DNA ArrayResizer sample shows how this can be done.
Secondly, you almost certainly don't want the ActiveCell, but rather Application.Caller. The ActiveCell might well have nothing to do with the cell where the formula is running from.
Next - Excel will recalculate your function every time you set the Formula again - hence putting you in an endless loop when you enable the Formula set in your finally clause. You cannot set both the Value and the Formula for a cell - if a cell has a Formula then Excel will use the formula to calculate the Value. If you set the Value, the Formula gets removed.
It's not clear what you want to actually leave in the [0,0] cell - IIRC Bloomberg modifies the formula there in a way that makes it remember how large a range was written to. You could try to add some parameters to your function that tell your function whether to recalculate or whether to return an actual value as its result.
Finally, you might want to reconsider whether the Bloomberg BDH function is a good example for what you want to do. It breaks the dependency calculation of your sheet, which has implications both for performance and for maintaining consistency of the spreadsheet model.
My issue was :
writing dynamic array
data are retrieved asynchronous via a webservice
After discussing with Govert, I chose to take a result as an array and not to copy Bloomberg functions (write an array but return a single value).
Finally, to solve my issue, I used
and reshape the resize() function.
This code is not RTD.
The code belows works in a .dna file
<DnaLibrary RuntimeVersion="v4.0" Language="C#">
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.ComponentModel;
using ExcelDna.Integration;
public static class ResizeTest
public static object[,] MakeArray(int rows, int columns)
object[,] result = new string[rows, columns];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
result[i,j] = string.Format("({0},{1})", i, j);
return result;
public static object MakeArrayAndResize()
// Call Resize via Excel - so if the Resize add-in is not part of this code, it should still work.
return XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlUDF, "Resize", null);
public class Resizer
static Queue<ExcelReference> ResizeJobs = new Queue<ExcelReference>();
static Dictionary<string, object> JobIsDone = new Dictionary<string, object>();
// This function will run in the UDF context.
// Needs extra protection to allow multithreaded use.
public static object Resize(object args)
ExcelReference caller = XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfCaller) as ExcelReference;
if (caller == null)
return ExcelError.ExcelErrorNA;
if (!JobIsDone.ContainsKey(GetHashcode(caller)))
return ExcelError.ExcelErrorNA;
// Size is already OK - just return result
object[,] array = (object[,])JobIsDone[GetHashcode(caller)];
return array;
/// <summary>
/// Simulate WebServiceRequest
/// </summary>
/// <param name="caller"></param>
/// <param name="rows"></param>
/// <param name="columns"></param>
static void BackgroundWorker(ExcelReference caller)
BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.DoWork += (sender, args) =>
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += (sender, args) =>
// La requete
Random r = new Random();
object[,] array = ResizeTest.MakeArray(r.Next(10), r.Next(10));
JobIsDone[GetHashcode(caller)] = array;
int rows = array.GetLength(0);
int columns = array.GetLength(1);
EnqueueResize(caller, rows, columns);
static string GetHashcode(ExcelReference caller)
return caller.SheetId + ":L" + caller.RowFirst + "C" + caller.ColumnFirst;
static void EnqueueResize(ExcelReference caller, int rows, int columns)
ExcelReference target = new ExcelReference(caller.RowFirst, caller.RowFirst + rows - 1, caller.ColumnFirst, caller.ColumnFirst + columns - 1, caller.SheetId);
public static void DoResizing()
while (ResizeJobs.Count > 0)
static void DoResize(ExcelReference target)
// Get the current state for reset later
XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlcEcho, false);
// Get the formula in the first cell of the target
string formula = (string)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfGetCell, 41, target);
ExcelReference firstCell = new ExcelReference(target.RowFirst, target.RowFirst, target.ColumnFirst, target.ColumnFirst, target.SheetId);
bool isFormulaArray = (bool)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfGetCell, 49, target);
if (isFormulaArray)
object oldSelectionOnActiveSheet = XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfSelection);
object oldActiveCell = XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfActiveCell);
// Remember old selection and select the first cell of the target
string firstCellSheet = (string)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlSheetNm, firstCell);
XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlcWorkbookSelect, new object[] {firstCellSheet});
object oldSelectionOnArraySheet = XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfSelection);
XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlcFormulaGoto, firstCell);
// Extend the selection to the whole array and clear
XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlcSelectSpecial, 6);
ExcelReference oldArray = (ExcelReference)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfSelection);
XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlcSelect, oldSelectionOnArraySheet);
XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlcFormulaGoto, oldSelectionOnActiveSheet);
// Get the formula and convert to R1C1 mode
bool isR1C1Mode = (bool)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfGetWorkspace, 4);
string formulaR1C1 = formula;
if (!isR1C1Mode)
// Set the formula into the whole target
formulaR1C1 = (string)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfFormulaConvert, formula, true, false, ExcelMissing.Value, firstCell);
// Must be R1C1-style references
object ignoredResult;
XlCall.XlReturn retval = XlCall.TryExcel(XlCall.xlcFormulaArray, out ignoredResult, formulaR1C1, target);
if (retval != XlCall.XlReturn.XlReturnSuccess)
// TODO: Consider what to do now!?
// Might have failed due to array in the way.
firstCell.SetValue("'" + formula);
XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlcEcho, true);
// Most of this from the newsgroup:
private static readonly TimeSpan BackoffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
static void AsyncRunMacro(string macroName)
// Do this on a new thread....
Thread newThread = new Thread( delegate ()
catch(COMException cex)
// TODO: Handle unexpected error
catch(Exception ex)
// TODO: Handle unexpected error
static void RunMacro(string macroName)
object xlApp = null;
xlApp = ExcelDnaUtil.Application;
xlApp.GetType().InvokeMember("Run", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, xlApp, new object[] {macroName});
catch (TargetInvocationException tie)
throw tie.InnerException;
const uint RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER = 0x8001010A;
const uint VBA_E_IGNORE = 0x800AC472;
static bool IsRetry(COMException e)
uint errorCode = (uint)e.ErrorCode;
return true;
return false;
I think you need to implemented the request as a RTD server. Normal user defined functions will not update asynchronously.
Then you may hide the call of the RTD server via a user defined function, which can be done via Excel-DNA.
So finally you use Array formula, right? As you said, users are not familiar with array formula, they do not know ctrl+shift+enter. I think array formula is a big problem for them.
For me, I have the same issue. I am trying to build a prototype for it. see

Strange array behavior

I observe a very strange behavior, maybe could you help me to see what happen.
Here the class:
public sealed class Sudoku
private SudokuCell[] _grid = new SudokuCell[81];
// ctor {}
private IEnumerable<SudokuCell> Grid
get { return _grid; }
private SudokuRow[] _rows;
public IEnumerable<SudokuRow> Rows
if (_rows == null)
_rows = new SudokuRow[9];
for (int i = 0, length = 9; i < length; i++)
_rows[i] = new SudokuRow(from cell in Grid
where cell.Row == i
select cell);
// Always print 9 (GOOD)
Trace.WriteLine("First Loop " + i + " : " + _rows[i].Cells.Count());
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
// Always print 0 ! Huh !?
Trace.WriteLine("Second Loop " + i + " : " + _rows[i].Cells.Count());
return _rows;
public abstract class SudokuPart
public SudokuPart(IEnumerable<SudokuCell> cells)
Cells = cells;
public int Index
{ get; protected set; }
public IEnumerable<SudokuCell> Cells
{ get; protected set; }
public sealed class SudokuRow : SudokuPart
public SudokuRow(IEnumerable<SudokuCell> cells)
: base(cells)
base.Index = cells.First().Row;
Could anyone tell me why in the second loop it trace 0 instead of 9 !? I changed nothing between both loops !!!
This is the problem:
_rows[i] = new SudokuRow(from cell in Grid
where cell.Row == i
select cell);
That's capturing the loop variable (i)... within the loop, it has a sensible value, which is why you're seeing 9 matches.
However, when you count the matching values in the second loop, that single captured variable will have the value 9. Now no cell.Row has a value of 9, so you're not getting any matches. For more information on this, see Eric Lippert's great blog post, "Closing over the loop variable considered harmful."
Three fixes:
Capture a copy of the loop variable:
int copy = i;
_rows[i] = new SudokuRow(from cell in Grid
where cell.Row == copy
select cell);
Each iteration of the loop will get a separate copy.
Materialize the query in the loop:
_rows[i] = new SudokuRow((from cell in Grid
where cell.Row == i
select cell).ToList());
Or even:
_rows[i] = new SudokuRow(Grid.Where(cell => cell.Row == i).ToList());
Don't use LINQ at all! Why not just have an array of arrays to represent the grid? That's a much more natural approach, IMO.
I think Jon Skeet answer is great, but I just wanted to add a bit to it with an example of Deferred LINQ Queries. Once I saw this in action, it helped me understand a bit more about some of the nuances of this kind of code problem you ran into.
Try this code.
var numbers = new List<int> {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
//Lets create an IEnumerable<int> with the values in our numbers list greater then 3.
var bignumbers = numbers.Where(n => n > 3);
//You may assume our variable bignumbers now contains the numbers 4 and 5
//now lets add another number to our original list that fits the criteria of our LINQ Where statement
foreach (var big in bignumbers) {
Our output from our foreach loop is going to be 4,5,6! This is because our query doesn't run until the foreach causes the enumeration of the items in our bignumbers variable.
Just something else to consider when your building lists within loops and your querying those lists outside of the loops. Your often going to get something other than what your expecting.
