Hello :) My code below works fine. It can create a line renderer if you add gameobjects manually. What I want to know though is how to set the size dynamically of my points. Here's a sample pic of what I'm talking about. On the bottom of the inspector, I can set the size of my points, sure. What I'm trying to do is how to code the size as, example 10 and not through the inspector.
How can I set the size of the points of the line renderer?
Here is my code:
public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
LineRenderer lineRenderer;
public Transform[] points;
private Vector3[] vP;
int seg;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
lineRenderer = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
public void Lines() {
seg = points.Length;
vP = new Vector3[points.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
vP[i] = points[i].position;
for (int i = 0; i < seg; i++)
float t = i / (float)seg;
lineRenderer.numPositions = vP.Length;
The LineRenderer.startWidth and LineRenderer.endWidth variabls are used to set the size of the LineRenderer.
The 0.2f value seems to be fine for this.
public void Lines()
lineRenderer.startWidth = 0.2f;
lineRenderer.endWidth = 0.2f;
seg = points.Length;
vP = new Vector3[points.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
vP[i] = points[i].position;
for (int i = 0; i < seg; i++)
float t = i / (float)seg;
lineRenderer.numPositions = vP.Length;
You can also use the LineRenderer.widthMultiplier variable but that's not necessary.
You just want to set the size of the points variable from code instead of Editor. Just do this:
int size = 10;
points = new Transform[size];
then loop over the points variable and fill the point's transform
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
points[i] = theGameObjectTransformToUse.transform;
If you don't have a Transform to fill it, you can create dummy GameObjects and use their transforms them to fill it.
for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
GameObject tempObj = new GameObject("dummy" + i);
tempObj.transform.position = yourNewPostion;
points[i] = tempObj.transform;
lineRenderer.numPositions = vP.Length; should be outside and before the for loop. It is unnecessary to do that in the for loop. You only need to set that once.
I am having trouble with Unity Physics.CheckSphere. I have added a mask "Wall" and assigned it to the object.
In my custom editor window I can select this mask and set values as a grid to check for this object. However, when I click the button I don't get any collisions. But when I change the object's mask to something like "TransparentFX" I get the results I expected.
What am I missing here?
Here is the code for the custom editor window:
private void OnGUI()
GUILayout.Label("Generate A*", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
showGridTools = EditorGUILayout.BeginFoldoutHeaderGroup(showGridTools, "Grid Tools");
this.GridDimensions = EditorGUILayout.Vector3IntField("Grid Dimensions", GridDimensions);
this.ObstacleMask = EditorGUILayout.LayerField("Obstacle Mask", this.ObstacleMask);
if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Grid"))
And for checking the collisions:
private void CreateGrid()
for (int x = 0; x < this.GridDimensions.x; x++)
for (int z = 0; z < this.GridDimensions.z; z++)
for (int y = 0; y < this.GridDimensions.y; y++)
Vector3Int position = new Vector3Int(x, y, z);
bool obstacle = Physics.CheckSphere(position, 0.3f, this.ObstacleMask);
Debug.Log($"Position: {position}, Obstacle: {obstacle}");
----------- EDIT -----------
I just did this. Might be pretty slow, I don't know, but at least it
works for now.
private void CreateGrid()
this.Grid = new Node[this.GridDimensions.x, this.GridDimensions.y, this.GridDimensions.z];
for (int x = 0; x < this.GridDimensions.x; x++)
for (int z = 0; z < this.GridDimensions.z; z++)
for (int y = 0; y < this.GridDimensions.y; y++)
Vector3Int position = new Vector3Int(x, y, z);
var collisions = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, 0.3f);
bool obstacle = collisions.Where(c => c.gameObject.layer == this.ObstacleMask).Count() > 0;
if (obstacle)
Debug.Log($"Position: {position}, Obstacle: {obstacle}");
I've created a procedural mesh script while watching one of Freya Holmér's improvised live course vods, and re purposed the code to create a procedural tube mesh with subdivision and plenty of other niche features.
But, after looking over the code and the lesson, I still cannot for the life of me figure out why sometimes I will get an:
argument out of range exception
...and sometimes I won't depending on the level of subdivision; also, entire faces wont be generated by the script.
TL;DR Problems list:
Argument out of range exception (Depending on level of subdivision).
Entire sides/faces of the tube mesh will not be generated, even when no errors are provided.
These problems are stemming from line 154 in the UpdateTris() method.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using OpenNexus.ExtraGizmos;
using OpenNexus.BaseMath;
using OpenNexus.MeshFormat;
namespace OpenNexus.Procedurals
public class TubeMesh : MonoBehaviour
private MeshFilter filter;
private Mesh mesh;
public List<Vector3> Points = new List<Vector3>()
new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
new Vector3(0, 1, 1),
new Vector3(0, 0, 2)
[Header("Bezier Data")]
public Precision BezierPrecision = Precision.Fast;
[Header("Tube Data")]
[Range(0.01f, 1f)]public float Radius = 0.01f;
[Range(3, 32)] public int Segments = 8;
[Range(3, 6)] public int Subdivisions = 3;
[Header("Mesh Data")]
public ProceduralMesh2D BaseProceduralMesh = new ProceduralMesh2D();
public List<Vector3> Vertices;
public List<int> Tris;
private void OnEnable()
if (!GetComponent<MeshRenderer>()) // Check for and add missing mesh renderer.
if (filter == null) // Check for and assign mesh filter variable.
filter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (mesh == null) // Check for and instantiate a new mesh object.
mesh = new Mesh();
mesh.name = "TubeMesh"; // Set name to mesh object.
filter.sharedMesh = mesh; // Set MeshFilter's shared mesh variable to new mesh object.
private void Update()
Data reset
// Reset base mesh data.
BaseProceduralMesh.Vertices = new List<Vertex>();
BaseProceduralMesh.LineIndex = new List<int>();
// Reset mesh data.
Vertices = new List<Vector3>();
Tris = new List<int>();
Data update
// Update base mesh.
// Update mesh data.
private void LateUpdate() => UpdateMesh();
private BezierPoint GetBezierPoint(int index)
float _t = index / (Segments - 1f);
BezierPoint _bp = BezierMath.QuadraticBezier(Points, BezierPrecision, _t);
return _bp;
private void UpdateBaseMesh()
// Generate base vertices.
for (int i = 0; i < Subdivisions; i++)
float _point = i / (float)Subdivisions;
float _radius = _point * Floats.TAU;
Vertex _vertex = new Vertex(VectorThrees.UnitVectorByAngle(_radius) * Radius);
// Generate base LineIndexes.
for (int i = 0; i < BaseProceduralMesh.VertexCount; i++)
private void UpdateVertices()
for (int i = 0; i < Segments; i++)
BezierPoint _point = GetBezierPoint(i);
for (int j = 0; j < BaseProceduralMesh.VertexCount; j++)
private void UpdateTris()
for (int s = 0; s < Segments - 1; s++)
int _root = s * BaseProceduralMesh.VertexCount;
int _rootNext = (s + 1) * BaseProceduralMesh.VertexCount;
for (int i = 0; i < BaseProceduralMesh.EdgeCount; i+=2)
int _lineA = BaseProceduralMesh.LineIndex[i];
int _lineB = BaseProceduralMesh.LineIndex[i + 1];
int _currentA = _root + _lineA;
int _currentB = _root + _lineB;
int _nextA = _rootNext + _lineA;
int _nextB = _rootNext + _lineB;
private void UpdateMesh()
mesh.SetTriangles(Tris, 0);
private void OnDrawGizmos()
// Draw psudo mesh with gizmos.
Draw segment/edge loops
for (int i = 0; i < Segments; i++) // Debug each segment, and what their 2D mesh segment should look like.
BezierPoint _point = GetBezierPoint(i);
WireGizmos.DrawWireCircle(_point.Position, _point.Rotation, Radius, Subdivisions);
Gizmos.color = Color.red;
for (int i = 0; i < Vertices.Count; i++) // Debug each vertex.
Gizmos.DrawSphere(Vertices[i], 0.01f);
Handles.Label(Vertices[i], "\n\nVertex: " + i + "\n\nVertex position:\n" + Vertices[i].ToString());
for (int i = 0; i < Tris.Count; i++)
Gizmos.DrawLine(Vertices[Tris[i]], Vertices[Tris[(i + 1) % Tris.Count]]);
I've already looked over my code compared to the code in the video, it's fundamentally the same, with the main differences being, how I'm creating the 2D mesh format for the script to work with, and the structure of the code.
After looking back at what they had done compared to mine, I just don't see how I'm running into this issue.
Things I've tried
Change the loop iteration i+=2 -to- i++ (This spits out the exception, but generates the first section of the tube before getting stuck between the second vertex in the next segment, and vert 0).
Every suggestion I try from this question, I will update the "Things I've tried..." list.
Please let me know if I need to clarify anything in this post, and if you wish to see the other classes/structs referenced in this script.
After a day of resting, and the a couple of hours of testing different values and questioning the code. I've found the problem.
The real issue
The nested for loop in the UpdateTris() method was going up by twos assuming I was making a hard edge mesh with pared vertices. This caused the loop to skip over an entire face of the mesh, and causing the
...when the Subdivision value was an even number.
My solution
I had to bring it back to the default single iteration (since I was trying to make a smooth lighting mesh), the second issue with the for loop was the iteration limit BaseProceduralMesh.LineCount needing to be subtracted by one since that was causing another
I'm working on a unity project involving deformable terrain based on marching-cubes. It works by generating a map of density over the 3-dimensional coordinates of a terrain chunk and using that data to create a mesh representing the surface of the terrain. It has been working, however the process is very slow. I'm attempting to introduce multithreading to improve performance, but I've run into a problem that's left me scratching my head.
When I run CreateMeshData() and try to pass my density map terrainMap into the MarchCubeJob struct, it recognizes it as a reference type, not a value type. I've seemed to whittle down the errors to this one, but I've tried to introduce the data in every way I know how and I'm stumped. I thought passing a reference like this was supposed to create a copy of the data disconnected from the reference, but my understanding must be flawed. My goal is to pass each marchingcube cube into a job and have them run concurrently.
I'm brand new to multithreading, so I've probably made some newbie mistakes here and I'd appreciate if someone would help me out with a second look. Cheers!
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Burst;
public class Chunk
List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>();
List<int> triangles = new List<int>();
public GameObject chunkObject;
MeshFilter meshFilter;
MeshCollider meshCollider;
MeshRenderer meshRenderer;
Vector3Int chunkPosition;
public float[,,] terrainMap;
// Job system
NativeList<Vector3> marchVerts;
NativeList<Vector3> marchTris;
MarchCubeJob instanceMarchCube;
JobHandle instanceJobHandle;
int width { get { return Terrain_Data.chunkWidth;}}
int height { get { return Terrain_Data.chunkHeight;}}
static float terrainSurface { get { return Terrain_Data.terrainSurface;}}
public Chunk (Vector3Int _position){ // Constructor
chunkObject = new GameObject();
chunkObject.name = string.Format("Chunk x{0}, y{1}, z{2}", _position.x, _position.y, _position.z);
chunkPosition = _position;
chunkObject.transform.position = chunkPosition;
meshRenderer = chunkObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>();
meshFilter = chunkObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
meshCollider = chunkObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();
chunkObject.transform.tag = "Terrain";
terrainMap = new float[width + 1, height + 1, width + 1]; // Weight of each point
meshRenderer.material = Resources.Load<Material>("Materials/Terrain");
// Generate chunk
void PopulateTerrainMap(){
void CreateMeshData(){
vertices = new List<Vector3>();
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int z = 0; z < width; z++) {
Debug.Log(x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ", begin");
Vector3Int position = new Vector3Int(x, y, z);
// Set up memory pointers
NativeList<Vector3> marchVerts = new NativeList<Vector3>(Allocator.TempJob);
NativeList<int> marchTris = new NativeList<int>(Allocator.TempJob);
NativeList<float> mapSample = new NativeList<float>(Allocator.TempJob);
// Split marchcube into jobs by cube
instanceMarchCube = new MarchCubeJob(){
position = position,
marchVerts = marchVerts,
marchTris = marchTris,
mapSample = terrainMap
// Run job for each cube in a chunk
instanceJobHandle = instanceMarchCube.Schedule();
// Copy data from job to mesh data
// Dispose of memory pointers
Debug.Log(x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ", end");
public void PlaceTerrain (Vector3 pos, int radius, float speed){
public void RemoveTerrain (Vector3 pos, int radius, float speed){
void ClearMeshData(){
void BuildMesh(){
Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray();
mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();
meshFilter.mesh = mesh;
meshCollider.sharedMesh = mesh;
private void OnDestroy(){
// Build a cube as a job
public struct MarchCubeJob: IJob{
static float terrainSurface { get { return Terrain_Data.terrainSurface;}}
public Vector3Int position;
public NativeList<Vector3> marchVerts;
public NativeList<int> marchTris;
public float[,,] mapSample;
public void Execute(){
//Sample terrain values at each corner of cube
float[] cube = new float[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
cube[i] = SampleTerrain(position + Terrain_Data.CornerTable[i]);
int configIndex = GetCubeConfiguration(cube);
// If done (-1 means there are no more vertices)
if (configIndex == 0 || configIndex == 255){
int edgeIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){ // Triangles
for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++){ // Tri Vertices
int indice = Terrain_Data.TriangleTable[configIndex, edgeIndex];
if (indice == -1){
// Get 2 points of edge
Vector3 vert1 = position + Terrain_Data.CornerTable[Terrain_Data.EdgeIndexes[indice, 0]];
Vector3 vert2 = position + Terrain_Data.CornerTable[Terrain_Data.EdgeIndexes[indice, 1]];
Vector3 vertPosition;
// Smooth terrain
// Sample terrain values at either end of current edge
float vert1Sample = cube[Terrain_Data.EdgeIndexes[indice, 0]];
float vert2Sample = cube[Terrain_Data.EdgeIndexes[indice, 1]];
// Calculate difference between terrain values
float difference = vert2Sample - vert1Sample;
if (difference == 0){
difference = terrainSurface;
difference = (terrainSurface - vert1Sample) / difference;
vertPosition = vert1 + ((vert2 - vert1) * difference);
marchTris.Add(marchVerts.Length - 1);
static int GetCubeConfiguration(float[] cube){
int configurationIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
if (cube[i] > terrainSurface){
configurationIndex |= 1 << i;
return configurationIndex;
public float SampleTerrain(Vector3Int point){
return mapSample[point.x, point.y, point.z];
I'm using code from the tutorial series "make a game" by Sebastian Lague and so far everything has been easily adapted to the new versions of unity. However on Episode 9, I have become unstuck. I have adapted the code for the map generator to get it to compile in my version of unity, 2019.3.11f1. However, the random map generation seems to bias towards lowest coordinated of the map.
My Gen results:
What it should look like:
This code is the map generator script it is placed on an empty in the world and adds cubes as obstacles, provided with some prefabs.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class MapGenerator : MonoBehaviour
public Transform tilePrefab;
public Vector2 mapSize;
public int seed = 10;
public Transform obstaclePrefab;
public int obstacleCount = 10;
[Range(0, 1)]
public float outlinePercent; // Cotrols scale of tiles
List<Coord> allTileCoords;
Queue<Coord> shuffledTileCoords;
private void Start()
public void GenerateMap()
allTileCoords = new List<Coord>();
for (int x = 0; x < mapSize.x; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < mapSize.y; y++)
allTileCoords.Add(new Coord(x, y)); //iterate through mapSize adding tiles
shuffledTileCoords = new Queue<Coord>(Utility.ShuffleArray(allTileCoords.ToArray(), seed)); //shuffled array of tiles coords
string holderName = "Generated Map"; //Added for the editor script
if (GameObject.Find(holderName)) //Added for the editor script
{ //Added for the editor script
DestroyImmediate(GameObject.Find(holderName)); //Added for the editor script
} //Added for the editor script
Transform mapHolder = new GameObject(holderName).transform; //This is only neccessary because of the editor script
mapHolder.parent = transform; //This is only neccessary because of the editor script
for (int x = 0; x < mapSize.x; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < mapSize.y; y++)
Vector3 tilePosition = relativeToSpacial(x, y); //converts grid x,y data to real spatial coords
Transform newTile = Instantiate(tilePrefab, tilePosition, Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.right * 90)) as Transform; //instantiates tile in loctaion from rel to spatial func with 90 rotation
newTile.localScale = Vector3.one * (1 - outlinePercent); //scales down tiles to leave a outline
newTile.parent = mapHolder;
for (int i = 0; i < obstacleCount; i++)
Coord randomCoord = GetRandomCoord();
Vector3 obstaclePosition = relativeToSpacial(randomCoord.x, randomCoord.y);
Transform newObstacle = Instantiate(obstaclePrefab, obstaclePosition + Vector3.up * .5f, Quaternion.identity) as Transform;
newObstacle.parent = mapHolder;
Vector3 relativeToSpacial(int x, int y)
return new Vector3(-mapSize.x / 2 + .5f + x, 0, -mapSize.y / 2 + .5f + y);
public Coord GetRandomCoord()
Coord randomCoord = shuffledTileCoords.Dequeue();
//print("|| " + randomCoord.x + " || " + randomCoord.y + " ||");
return randomCoord;
public struct Coord
public int x;
public int y;
public Coord(int _x, int _y)
x = _x;
y = _y;
This is the code from Utility.ShuffleArray which is my custom function for shuffling arrays.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public static class Utility
public static T[] ShuffleArray<T>(T[] array, int seed)
System.Random prng = new System.Random(seed);
for (int i =0; i < array.Length -1; i++)
int randomIndex = prng.Next(i, array.Length);
T tempItem = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = array[i];
return array;
Any help appreciated.
int randomIndex = prng.Next(i, array.Length);
You are incrementing the clamp on your rng in this line in your for loop, so it becomes increasingly bias to the end of the array, also I added code to do a swap of positions rather than duplicate of position try something like this
int randomIndex = prng.Next(0, array.Length);
T tempItem = array[randomIndex];
T tempItemTwo = array[i];
array[randomIndex] = array[i];
array[i] = tempItemTWo;
if that doesnt work also try:
int randomIndex = prng.Next(i, array.Length);
T tempItem = array[randomIndex];
T tempItemTwo = array[i];
array[randomIndex] = array[i];
array[i] = tempItemTWo;
I've been working on building a procedural generator for Unity, that takes in noise and uses it to build a height map.
So far, everything seems to work as long as I limit the size of the mesh to around 250x250. If I attempt to make a larger mesh, the script won't calculate it.
The puzzling thing is that I get no memory errors or anything of that nature. I've implemented a Regenerate button that allows me to generate a new mesh in Unity and as long as I remain in the range of 250x250 or less, it works fine. If I pick a larger value, the mesh simply remains unchanged.
How I calculate the Mesh:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
public class CustomTerrain : MonoBehaviour {
//Note: sizeX*sizeZ determines mesh size.
public int sizeX = 4; //These values are public so they can be
public int sizeZ = 4; //modified in the Unity Editor.
public float noiseSize = 1.0f;
public float cellSize = 1.0f;
private string mPath = "Assets/Generated/";
Noise noise;
void Start() {
noise = GetComponent<Noise>();
if (!GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh) {
public void LoadMesh() {
Mesh mesh = Instantiate(AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(mPath + gameObject.name + ".asset") as Mesh);
if (mesh) {
GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;
Vector3[] GenVertices() {
float x, z;
int w = (sizeX+1);
int l = (sizeZ+1);
Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[w*l];
for (int gx = 0; gx < w; gx++) {
for (int gz = 0; gz < l; gz++) {
x = gx*cellSize;
z = gz*cellSize;
float height = (noiseSize * noise.Get(x,z));
vertices[gx*l+gz] = new Vector3(x, height, z);
return vertices;
int[] GenTriangles() {
int vertciesPerTriangle = 3;
int trianglesPerCell = 2;
int numberCells = sizeX * sizeZ;
int[] triangles = new int[vertciesPerTriangle * trianglesPerCell * numberCells];
int tIndeX = 0;
for (int cX = 0; cX < sizeX; cX++) {
for (int cZ = 0; cZ < sizeZ; cZ++) {
int n = cX*(sizeZ+1)+cZ;
triangles[tIndeX] = n;
triangles[tIndeX+1] = n+1;
triangles[tIndeX+2] = n+sizeZ+2;
triangles[tIndeX+3] = n;
triangles[tIndeX+4] = n+sizeZ+2;
triangles[tIndeX+5] = n+sizeZ+1;
tIndeX +=6;
return triangles;
Vector2[] GenUVs() {
int w = (sizeX + 1);
int l = (sizeZ + 1);
Vector2[] uvs = new Vector2[w * l];
for (int uX = 0; uX < w; uX++) {
for (int uZ = 0; uZ < l; uZ++) {
uvs[uX*l+uZ] = new Vector2((float)uX/sizeX, (float)uZ/sizeZ);
return uvs;
My Regenerate function:
public void Regenerate() {
Mesh mesh = GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
if(!mesh) {
mesh = new Mesh();
GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = mesh;
mesh.vertices = GenVertices();
mesh.triangles = GenTriangles();
mesh.uv = GenUVs();
public void recalculateMeshCollider(Mesh mesh) {
if (GetComponent<MeshCollider>()) {
transform.GetComponent<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = mesh;
By "250x250" do you mean there's 62.400 triangles?
Unity has a vertex limit of 65535 count - just use more than one mesh, no trouble.