I think I'm getting tired or stared at this too long.. I need a second set of eyes. If anything looks too long winded please let me know.
My Goal
To check the local computer name and if it's an INT to then add it to HTTPClient Request to return related values from WebService. FYI - HostName is the ID Value of this particular table. However, if the value is NOT and INT then I want to replace the actual value for a fake one so I can see my page load correctly.
Eventually, in the customer's environment, I will turn off the display of this page if the Local Computer that runs it, is not part of the correct group. That way they won't see this configuration page at all.
Actual Results
Because the current VM I'm running the app on does not have an INT for the name, I get the following when I put in a breakpoint to check values. But I can still go to the localhost:2463/api/devices/101070701 and see the JSON results. So I just need to get UWP to place nice so I can see it within the APP.
HostName = 0
_HostName = LOCALVM_ComputerName.
public class DeviceIDService
public static DeviceIDService Instance = new DeviceIDService();
private DeviceIDService()
foreach (HostName DisplayName in NetworkInformation.GetHostNames())
if (DisplayName != null)
var hostNames = NetworkInformation.GetHostNames();
var hostName = hostNames.FirstOrDefault(name => name.Type == HostNameType.DomainName)?.DisplayName ?? "???";
LocalName = hostName;
public string LocalName { get; set; }
public class DevicePageViewModel : ViewModelBase
private string _Hostname = DeviceIDService.Instance.LocalName;
public string hostName { get; set; }
public override async OnNavigatedToAsync ()
int HostName;
bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(_Hostname, out HostName);
if (isNumeric == true)
HostName = 101070701;
string hostName = HostName.ToString();
var uriD = new Uri("http://localhost:2463/api/Devices/" + HostName);
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var JsonResponseD = await client.GetStringAsync(uriD);
var devicesResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Device>>(JsonResponseD);
Devices = devicesResult;
Since Serge didn't actually provide an Answer but a comment. I wanted to display what he provided that solved my issue. Here is what I fixed. I changed up a few values, but this works for me..
_Hostname - set when actual ComputerName is grabbed from pc.
hostName - will be set to _Hostname if it's an INT
HostName - will be changed to 101070701 if the actually name is NOT an INT
HostName - will be left alone if ComputerName is an INT
int hostName;
bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(_Hostname, out hostName);
if (!isNumeric) {HostName = 101070701}
HostName = hostName;
For a specific VM, I want to be able to retrieve the public IP address.
I know how to get all public IP addresses for a resource group, I also know how to get a nic-id for a specific VM - but I can't figure out how to connect the two.
This is what I have:
var resourceGroupName = "My-Resource-Group";
var vmName = "MyVM";
var subscriptionId = "bzz-bzz-bzz-bzz-bzz-bzz";
var tenantId = "bar-bar-bar-bar-bar-bar";
string clientId = "foo-foo-foo-foo-foo-foo";
string clientSecret = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
var token = GetAccessTokenAsync(tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
var credential = new TokenCredentials(token.Result.AccessToken);
var computeManagementClient = new ComputeManagementClient(credential) { SubscriptionId = subscriptionId };
var vmResult = await computeManagementClient.VirtualMachines.GetAsync(resourceGroupName, vmName, InstanceViewTypes.InstanceView);
//Get the NIC ID for the VM:
foreach (NetworkInterfaceReference nic in vmResult.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces)
Console.WriteLine(" networkInterface id: " + nic.Id);
this gives me something like this:
To get all public IPs for the resource group, I can do this:
using (var client = new NetworkManagementClient(credential))
client.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId;
foreach (var publicIpAddress in client.PublicIPAddresses.ListAll())
...But inspecting the properties of the nic-id and the public ip object, there are no obvious ways to get from one to the other.
How do I get from the nic-id string, to the actual public IP address for that VM/nic?
Helper function:
private static async Task<AuthenticationResult> GetAccessTokenAsync(string tenantId, string clientId, string clientSecret)
var cc = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
var context = new AuthenticationContext($"https://login.windows.net/{tenantId}");
var token = context.AcquireToken("https://management.azure.com/", cc);
if (token == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not get the token");
return token;
I found a workaround. Not pretty, but it works.
It assumes you already have a Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.VirtualMachine object from something like this:
VirtualMachine vmResult = await computeManagementClient.VirtualMachines.GetAsync(resourceGroupName, vmName, InstanceViewTypes.InstanceView);
Then you can take the first NIC, get the last part of that as an ID:
var firstNic = vmResult.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces.First();
var nicNameParts = firstNic.Id.Split('/');
string networkIntefaceName = nicNameParts.Last();
using (var client = new NetworkManagementClient(credential))
client.SubscriptionId = subscriptionId;
string publicNicId = string.Empty;
//Query ALL Networkinterfaces in the client, and find the one with the matching NIC-name
var nic = client.NetworkInterfaces.ListAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == networkIntefaceName);
if (nic != null)
//If we find that, we can now use that to find the ID of the PublicIPAddress for said NIC
publicNicId = nic.IpConfigurations[0].PublicIPAddress.Id;
//...And when we have that, we can now query all public IP addresses for that specific public Nic ID
var publicIp = client.PublicIPAddresses.ListAll().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == publicNicId);
if (publicIp != null)
vmInfo.PublicIP = publicIp.IpAddress;
Console.WriteLine(" public ip: " + publicIp.IpAddress);
Console.WriteLine(" public ip: unknown");
Yes, it is not super elegant, it can be optimized etc - but it works, so that's a start. :)
I am newbie to fix protocol and quick fix programming. I am seeking a help on getting Trade Capture report from ICE. I have googled for the sample/ tutorial to use quick fix/n to get the trade report but I am not being able to get sufficient output of it.
My problem is to get Trade Capture report or deal information for this I tried using TradeCaptureReportRequest, TradeCaptureReportRequestAck, TradeCaptureReport classes but somehow its now working.
A simple how to extract information would be a great help.
thanking everyone out there in advance.
Ok I am posting as an answer because it's going to be way too long for a comment. Please keep in mind that I have written custom constants, message types, etc (I wrote my acceptor server as well, so I'm not restricted by ICE constants/enums). You will need to determine what fields are required by ICE and make changes - this will not be easy to copy/paste...
First, you need to make sure you have all required files in and referenced. I create a folder called "fix" in my project, and copy all fix files into it. These need to be (at least 1) FixXXX.xml file, if you're using FIX50SP1 or 2, you need to also have FIXT11.xml. Along with the .xml files, you need to have an initiator.cfg file (assuming you're making an initiator, no a server, otherwise this will need to be "acceptor.cfg" but again, it sounds like you're trying to connect to ICE, so initiator is the correct usage. Finally, you will need to have a QuickFix.dll. My tree looks as below:
I am not going to go through the XML files - you will need to just learn that - it is very confusing and takes time.. especially if using FIXT11.XML along with SP1 or 2.
Your initiator.cfg should be similar to below:
# default settings for sessions
SenderCompID=[Enter yours]
TargetCompID=[Enter ICE Acceptor]
# overide default setting for RecconnectInterval
SocketConnectPort=[From ICE]
# (optional) only listen for incoming connections on a specific host
SocketConnectHost=[ICE Ip Address- from your documentation/registration]
Ok, assuming that you have QuickFix.dll imported and referenced, and your initiator.cfg properly connected, it's actually fairly simple:
Create a Class that handles everything. Ignore AddToLB, that is a testing function.
public class TCT_Fix : Control, IApplication
private readonly string username = [removed]
private readonly string password = [removed]
public string InitiatorID;
SessionID sessionID;
public bool running;
SessionSettings settings;
IMessageStoreFactory storeFactory;
ILogFactory logFactory;
SocketInitiator initiator;
public event EventHandler AddToLB;
public event EventHandler AddToAdmin;
public void StopIt()
if (sessionID == null) return;
settings = null;
settings = new SessionSettings(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "fix", "initiator.cfg"));
storeFactory = new FileStoreFactory(settings);
logFactory = new FileLogFactory(settings);
initiator = new SocketInitiator(
catch { }
public void FromApp(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID)
var sMsg = "FROM APP: " + msg.ToString();
AddToLB(sMsg, null);
if (msg.Header.GetField(35) == "TC") //Cash
DateTime dtTdate;
float fPrice;
int Qty;
int OrdType;
bool BPisBuyer;
DateTime.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TDATE),out dtTdate);
string BPSide = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_SIDE);
float.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.F_PRICE), out fPrice);
int.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.QTY), out Qty);
string TCTReference = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TCT_REF);
string BPAcct = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_COMPANY);
int.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ORDER_TYPE), out OrdType);
string ExecBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.EXEC_BKR);
string CounterParty = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_PARTY);
BPisBuyer = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.IS_BUYER) == "Y";
string BPTrader = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_TRADER);
string CounterTrader = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_TRADER);
string Grade = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.GRADE);
string Location = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.LOCATION);
string CycDt = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.CYCLE_DATE);
string DelMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.DELIVER_MONTH);
string Terms = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TERMS);
string Payment = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.PAYMENT);
string Origin = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ORIGIN);
string NumOfCyc = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.NUM_OF_CYCLES);
string Via = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.VIA);
string MoveMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MOVE_MONTH);
string Comment = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COMMENT);
else if (msg.Header.GetField(35) == "TE") //EFP
DateTime dtTdate;
float fPrice;
int Qty;
int OrdType;
bool BPisBuyer;
bool IsWater;
DateTime.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TDATE), out dtTdate);
string BPSide = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_SIDE);
float.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.F_PRICE), out fPrice);
int.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.QTY), out Qty);
string TCTReference = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TCT_REF);
string BPAcct = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_COMPANY);
int.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ORDER_TYPE), out OrdType);
string ExecBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.EXEC_BKR);
string CounterParty = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_PARTY);
BPisBuyer = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.IS_BUYER) == "Y";
string BPTrader = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_TRADER);
string CounterTrader = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_TRADER);
string Grade = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.GRADE);
string Location = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.LOCATION);
string CycDt = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.CYCLE_DATE);
string DelMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.DELIVER_MONTH);
string Terms = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TERMS);
string Payment = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.PAYMENT);
string Origin = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ORIGIN);
string NumOfCyc = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.NUM_OF_CYCLES);
string Via = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.VIA);
string MoveMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MOVE_MONTH);
string Comment = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COMMENT);
IsWater = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ISWATER) == "Y";
string BPFloorBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_FLOOR_BKR);
string CounterFloorBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_FLOOR_BKR);
string Diff = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.DIFFERENCE);
string MercMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MERC_MO);
string MercPr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MERC_PRICE);
else if (msg.Header.GetField(35) == "TI") //Index
DateTime dtTdate;
float fPrice;
int Qty;
int OrdType;
bool BPisBuyer;
bool IsWater;
DateTime.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TDATE), out dtTdate);
string BPSide = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_SIDE);
float.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.F_PRICE), out fPrice);
int.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.QTY), out Qty);
string TCTReference = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TCT_REF);
string BPAcct = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_COMPANY);
int.TryParse(msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ORDER_TYPE), out OrdType);
string ExecBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.EXEC_BKR);
string CounterParty = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_PARTY);
BPisBuyer = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.IS_BUYER) == "Y";
string BPTrader = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_TRADER);
string CounterTrader = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_TRADER);
string Grade = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.GRADE);
string Location = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.LOCATION);
string CycDt = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.CYCLE_DATE);
string DelMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.DELIVER_MONTH);
string Terms = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.TERMS);
string Payment = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.PAYMENT);
string Origin = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ORIGIN);
string NumOfCyc = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.NUM_OF_CYCLES);
string Via = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.VIA);
string MoveMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MOVE_MONTH);
string Comment = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COMMENT);
IsWater = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.ISWATER) == "Y";
string BPFloorBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.BP_FLOOR_BKR);
string CounterFloorBkr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.COUNTER_FLOOR_BKR);
string Diff = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.DIFFERENCE);
string MercMo = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MERC_MO);
string MercPr = msg.GetField(CustomConstants.MERC_PRICE);
public void OnCreate(SessionID sessionID)
AddToAdmin("SESSION CREATED: " + sessionID.ToString(), null);
public void OnLogout(SessionID sessionID)
AddToAdmin("LOGOUT: " + this.sessionID.ToString(), null);
public void OnLogon(SessionID sessionID)
this.sessionID = sessionID;
AddToAdmin("LOG ON: " + this.sessionID.ToString(),null);
public void FromAdmin(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID)
AddToAdmin("FROM ADMIN: " + msg.ToString(), null);
public void ToAdmin(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID)
if (msg.Header.GetField(35).ToString() == "A")
msg.SetField(new QuickFix.Fields.Username(username));
msg.SetField(new QuickFix.Fields.Password(password));
AddToAdmin("TO ADMIN: " + msg.ToString(), null);
public void ToApp(QuickFix.Message msg, SessionID sessionID)
AddToLB("TO APP: " + msg.ToString(), null);
public void GetTestMessage(string msgType)
if (sessionID == null) return;
QuickFix.FIX50.TestMessage msg = new QuickFix.FIX50.TestMessage();
msg.TestType = msgType;
msg.Header.SetField(new QuickFix.Fields.MsgType("TEST"));
msg.SetField(new QuickFix.Fields.StringField(CustomConstants.TEST_TYPE, msgType));
Session.SendToTarget(msg, sessionID);
public TCT_Fix()
settings = new SessionSettings(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "fix", "initiator.cfg"));
storeFactory = new FileStoreFactory(settings);
logFactory = new FileLogFactory(settings);
initiator = new SocketInitiator(
public TCT_Fix(ref string initID)
InitiatorID = initID;
settings = new SessionSettings(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "fix", "initiator.cfg"));
storeFactory = new FileStoreFactory(settings);
logFactory = new FileLogFactory(settings);
initiator = new SocketInitiator(
public void RunIt()
if (running) return;
initiator.Start(); //This can throw an error due to current set up. I would recommend making the connection,
//pulling data, and then closing the connection (polling) to ensure the initiator clears the
//log files
//reference http://lists.quickfixn.com/pipermail/quickfixn-quickfixn.com/2013q1/000747.html
//2013 issue, still unresolved... Restart app
catch(Exception ex)
if (MessageBox.Show("Error restarting initiator. Program will close due to file access. This is a Quickfix bug, not an issue with this program. Please restart." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
"Reference: http://lists.quickfixn.com/pipermail/quickfixn-quickfixn.com/2013q1/000747.html for more information. Click ok to copy link to clipboard. Click \"X\" to ignore.") == DialogResult.OK)
throw new Exception(ex.ToString());
running = true;
Finally, to make it stand out (this is actually in the block above as well), you construct a message similar to below, keeping in mind that your ICE Message will have certain required fields that my "TestMessage" does not. I cannot give code from production though - sorry.
public void GetTestMessage(string msgType)
if (sessionID == null) return;
QuickFix.FIX50.TestMessage msg = new QuickFix.FIX50.TestMessage();
msg.TestType = msgType;
msg.Header.SetField(new QuickFix.Fields.MsgType("TEST"));
msg.SetField(new QuickFix.Fields.StringField(CustomConstants.TEST_TYPE, msgType));
Session.SendToTarget(msg, sessionID);
The learning curve is substantial. You will just need to keep playing around until you get it. Once you get it down though, it makes sense. Stick with it. Let me know if you need anything else.
When our mobile app user sends app-invite to fb user and he accepts it, the server should give a reward to the first one. So I need a way to verify whether the invite was sent.
var fb = new FacebookClient(APP_ID + "|" + SECRET_ID);
fb.AppId = APP_ID;
fb.AppSecret = SECRET_ID;
dynamic result = fb.Get(???);
I searched on GraphAPI docs and it seems that I need to retrieve users apprequests. How to do that from the server side and where to look at to perform such verification?
Ok, now I know that it's allowed to reward only for accepted invites. I can record who invites who in the db and give a reward only when a new invited user joins. But I still need a way to verify that these invites were actually sent.
As the documentation states apprequests call from application returns all the requests sent from this application. So I think it would be enough for me to just check that there are any requests from this app:
dynamic result = fb.Get("/" + facebookId + "/apprequests");
IEnumerable data = result.data;
return data.Cast<object>().Count() != 0;
But I can't check it now. Can anyone confirm that if a user sends invite to app to another user this invite will be seen through apprequests from the application access token?
my code for this:
public static FacebookRequestData GetInviteHash()
string requestId = Request["request_ids"];
var accessToken = GetAccessToken(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FacebookAppId"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FacebookSecret"]);
string response;
using (var webClient = new WebClient())
response = webClient.DownloadString(string.Format("https://graph.facebook.com/{0}?{1}", requestId, accessToken));
var javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
return javaScriptSerializer.Deserialize<FacebookRequestData>(javaScriptSerializer.Deserialize<FacebookRequestInfo>(response).data);
private static string GetAccessToken(string appId, string password)
using (var webClient = new WebClient())
return webClient.DownloadString(string.Format("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id={0}&client_secret={1}&grant_type=client_credentials", appId, password));
private class FacebookRequestInfo
public string data { get; set; }
FacebookRequestData - my custom class with structure of fields that I posted to fb earlier
Done it:
public static bool CheckInvite(string fromId, string toId)
var fb = new FacebookClient(APP_ID + "|" + SECRET_ID);
fb.AppId = APP_ID;
fb.AppSecret = SECRET_ID;
dynamic result = fb.Get(string.Format("/{0}/apprequests", toId));
foreach (var el in result.data)
if ((string)el.from.id == fromId)
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Parse((string)el.created_time, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if ((DateTime.Now - dateTime).TotalMinutes < 15)
return true;
return false;
I've been trying to find a way to figure out which installed printers are 'connected'. After some Googling I figured I had to dive into WMI.
So I've built this test:
// Struct to store printer data in.
public struct MyPrinter
public string Availability;
public string ExtendedPrinterStatus;
public string Name;
public string PrinterStatus;
public string Status;
public string StatusInfo;
public MyPrinter(string a, string eps, string n, string ps, string s, string si)
Availability = a;
ExtendedPrinterStatus = eps;
Name = n;
PrinterStatus = ps;
Status = s;
StatusInfo = si;
var installedPrinters = new string[numPrinters];
PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters.CopyTo(installedPrinters, 0);
var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer");
var data = new List<MyPrinter>();
foreach (var printer in searcher.Get())
if (installedPrinters.Contains(printer["Name"].ToString()))
var availability = (printer["Availability"] ?? "").ToString();
var extendedPrinterStatus = (printer["ExtendedPrinterStatus"] ?? "").ToString();
var name = (printer["Name"] ?? "").ToString();
var printerStatus = (printer["PrinterStatus"] ?? "").ToString();
var status = (printer["Status"] ?? "").ToString();
var statusInfo = (printer["StatusInfo"] ?? "").ToString();
data.Add(new MyPrinter(availability, extendedPrinterStatus, name, printerStatus, status, statusInfo));
I have 6 printers from which 2 are network printers. I've run this with all printers connected and all results looked like this:
Availability = "" // printer["Availability"] = null
ExtendedPrinterStatus = "2" // 2 = Unknown
Name = "{printer name here}"
PrinterStatus = "3" // 3 = Idle
Status = "Unknown"
StatusInfo = "" // Null
So the only difference between the printers is the name.
I ran the script again but this time I disconnected my laptop from the network. So 2 of the printers were not connected anymore in this case.
The strange thing (for me) is, the results were exactly the same.
The reason I ran this test is, to figure out which field I'd need to use for my case.
So at the end, I have not been able to figure out how to figure out if a printer is connected or not.
So what I'd like, is a way to figure out the installed + connected printers in C#. If there is a way to do it without the use of WMI classes, that's also fine by me, as long as it works.
Me and a colleague have tried lots of stuff to find a solution for this and we figured this worked:
private string[] GetAvailablePrinters()
var installedPrinters = new string[PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters.Count];
PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters.CopyTo(installedPrinters, 0);
var printers = new List<string>();
var printServers = new List<string>();
var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer");
foreach (var printer in searcher.Get())
var serverName = #"\\" + printer["SystemName"].ToString().TrimStart('\\');
if (!printServers.Contains(serverName))
foreach (var printServer in printServers)
var server = new PrintServer(printServer);
var queues = server.GetPrintQueues();
printers.AddRange(queues.Select(q => q.Name));
catch (Exception)
// Handle exception correctly
return printers.ToArray();
The trick is that when a printserver is not available, GetPrintQueues will throw some specific exception. By only adding the printers that don't throw such an exception, we get a list of all the connected printers. This doesn't check if a printer is turned on/off because that actually doesn't matter. If it is turned off, the document will just be placed in the print queue and it can be printed later on.
I hope this helps others who bump into this problem.
The reason I decided not to catch that specific exception, is because I would have to reference a dll just for that exception.
We have the following code to retrive the harddrive id processor id and mac address:
private static string GetWMIValue(string query, string propertyName)
using (ManagementObjectSearcher search = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query))
using (ManagementObjectCollection results = search.Get())
foreach (var result in results)
if (result != null && result[propertyName] != null)
return result[propertyName].ToString();
// do nothing.
return null;
public static string GetHardDriveSerialNumber()
string driveLetterName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.Substring(0, 1);
return GetWMIValue("SELECT VolumeSerialNumber FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DeviceID=\"" + driveLetterName + ":\"", "VolumeSerialNumber");
public static string GetProcessorId()
return GetWMIValue("SELECT ProcessorId FROM Win32_Processor", "ProcessorId");
public static string GetMacAddress()
return GetWMIValue("SELECT MacAddress FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = TRUE", "MacAddress");
This works fine EXCEPT on one particular brand of tablet (as far as we know). On this brand, every machine has the same 3 values. As you can imagine, this screws with our licensing somewhat.
Has anyone ever seen this or does anyone have a better more reliable mechanism?
After a bit more research it appears as though this is a well know and talked about issue. I need to do some work...
Thankfully, this wasn't my mess :) I just have to fix it :(