Get RMS at each Frequency - c#

I've got an input signal and I calculated its FFT. After that, I need to calculate its RMS ONLY at a bandwith of frequencies, not for all spectrum.
I solved RMS calculation of the entire spectrum applying Parseval's theorem, but how do I calculate this kind of RMS "selective"? I've got the indexes correctly calculated to get the three frecuencies of interest (F0, FC, F1), but when applying RMS to this bandwith, it seems Parseval's theorem is not holded.
I receive an unique 10 KHz frequency, the RMS from FFT total spectrum is correct, but its RMS selective at 10 KHz frequency gives me a wrong result (-0.4V from RMS correct one) and should give me almost the same result as I only got one frecuency in the spectrum. Here you can see my RMS selective calculation:
public static double RMSSelectiveCalculation(double[] trama, double samplingFreq, double F0, double Fc, double F1)
//Frequency of interest
double fs = samplingFreq; // Sampling frequency
double t1 = 1 / fs; // Sample time
int l = trama.Length; // Length of signal
double rmsSelective = 0;
double ParsevalB = 0;
double scalingFactor = fs;
double dt = 1 / fs;
// We just use half of the data as the other half is simetric. The middle is found in NFFT/2 + 1
int nFFT = (int)Math.Pow(2, NextPow2(l));
double df = fs / nFFT;
if (nFFT > 655600)
{ }
// Create complex array for FFT transformation. Use 0s for imaginary part
Complex[] samples = new Complex[nFFT];
Complex[] reverseSamples = new Complex[nFFT];
double[] frecuencies = new double[nFFT];
for (int i = 0; i < nFFT; i++)
frecuencies[i] = i * (fs / nFFT);
if (i >= trama.Length)
samples[i] = new MathNet.Numerics.Complex(0, 0);
samples[i] = new MathNet.Numerics.Complex(trama[i], 0);
ComplexFourierTransformation fft = new ComplexFourierTransformation(TransformationConvention.Matlab);
ComplexVector s = new ComplexVector(samples);
//The indexes will get the index of each frecuency
int f0Index, fcIndex, f1Index;
double k = nFFT / fs;
f0Index = (int)Math.Floor(k * F0);
fcIndex = (int)Math.Floor(k * Fc);
f1Index = (int)Math.Ceiling(k * F1);
for (int i = f0Index; i <= f1Index; i++)
ParsevalB += Math.Pow(Math.Abs(s[i].Modulus / scalingFactor), 2.0);
ParsevalB = ParsevalB * df;
double ownSF = fs / l; //This is a own scale factor used to take the square root after
rmsSelective = Math.Sqrt(ParsevalB * ownSF);
samples = null;
s = null;
return rmsSelective;

An estimate of the power spectral density PSD is given by the square of magnitude of the FFT.
The RMS of a section with a certain bandwidth is the root of the area of the PSD of that section.
So practically, just integrate the absolute value of the FFT between the lower and upper frequency.
MATLAB example


Inverse FFT in C#

I am writing an application for procedural audiofiles, I have to analyze my new file, get its frequency spectrum and change it in its calculated.
I want to do this with the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). This is my recursive C# FFT:
void ft(float n, ref Complex[] f)
if (n > 1)
Complex[] g = new Complex[(int) n / 2];
Complex[] u = new Complex[(int) n / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++)
g[i] = f[i * 2];
u[i] = f[i * 2 + 1];
ft(n / 2, ref g);
ft(n / 2, ref u);
for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++)
float a = i;
a = -2.0f * Mathf.PI * a / n;
float cos = Mathf.Cos(a);
float sin = Mathf.Sin(a);
Complex c1 = new Complex(cos, sin);
c1 = Complex.Multiply(u[i], c1);
f[i] = Complex.Add(g[i], c1);
f[i + (int) n / 2] = Complex.Subtract(g[i], c1);
The inspiring example was
I then compared my results with those from wolframalpha for the same input 0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9 but the results aren't be the same. My results are twice as big than Wolfram's and the imaginary part are the -2 times of Wolfram's.
Also, wiki indicates that the inverse of FFT can be computed with
But I compare inputs and outputs and they are different.
Has anyone an idea what's wrong?
Different implementations often use different definitions of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), with correspondingly different results. The correspondence between implementations is usually fairly trivial (such as a scaling factor).
More specifically, your implementation is based on the following definition of the DFT:
On the other hand, Wolfram alpha by default uses a definition, which after adjusting to 0-based indexing looks like:
Correspondingly, it is possible to transform the result of your implementation to match Wolfram alpha's with:
void toWolframAlphaDefinition(ref Complex[] f)
float scaling = (float)(1.0/Math.Sqrt(f.Length));
for (int i = 0; i < f.Length; i++)
f[i] = scaling * Complex.Conjugate(f[i]);
Now as far as computing the inverse DFT using the forward transform, a direct implementation of the formula
you provided would be:
void inverseFt(ref Complex[] f)
for (int i = 0; i < f.Length; i++)
f[i] = Complex.Conjugate(f[i]);
ft(f.Length, ref f);
float scaling = (float)(1.0 / f.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < f.Length; i++)
f[i] = scaling * Complex.Conjugate(f[i]);
Calling ft on the original sequence 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 should thus get you the transformed sequence 3, -0.2+0.2j, -0.2, -0.2-0.2j.
Further calling inverseFt on this transform sequence should then bring you back to your original sequence 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 (within some reasonable floating point error), as shown in this live demo.

How can i implement the Goertzel Algorithm with this?

I got the code here:
The goertzel algorithm goes like this:
public double goertzel(List<double> sngData, long N, float frequency, int samplerate)
double skn, skn1, skn2;
skn = skn1 = skn2 = 0;
samplerate = this.sampleRate;
frequency = this.freq;
double c = 2 * pi * frequency / samplerate;
double cosan = Math.Cos(c);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
skn2 = skn1;
skn1 = skn;
skn = 2 * cosan * skn1 - skn2 + sngData[i];
return skn - Math.Exp(-c) * skn1;
I want to transform the audio data (from wave file reader in the link above) by using that algorithm. How can i do that? Thanks
If you're doing DTMF detection, try "phoneToneDecoder" COM. it detects DTMF tones from your sound card. (i think it's proprietary)

Converting fft to ifft in C#

I have a working FFT, but my question is how do I convert it into an IFFT?
I was told that an IFFT should be just like the FFT that you are using.
so how do I make an ifft from a fft i c#?
I was told there should only be a few changes made to get the ifft.
I tried to do it myself, but I am not getting the same values back that I put in...
so I made an array of values and put it in to the fft and then the ifft and I can not getting the same values I put in...
so I do not think I changed it the right way.
this is the FFT I have:
public Complex[] FFT(Complex[] x )
int N2 = x.Length;
Complex[] X = new Complex[N2];
if (N2 == 1)
return x;
Complex[] odd = new Complex[N2 / 2];
Complex[] even = new Complex[N2 / 2];
Complex[] Y_Odd = new Complex[N2 / 2];
Complex[] Y_Even = new Complex[N2 / 2];
for (int t = 0; t < N2 / 2; t++)
even[t] = x[t * 2];
odd[t] = x[(t * 2) + 1];
Y_Even = FFT(even);
Y_Odd = FFT(odd);
Complex temp4;
for (int k = 0; k < (N2 / 2); k++)
temp4 = Complex1(k, N2);
X[k] = Y_Even[k] + (Y_Odd[k] * temp4);
X[k + (N2 / 2)] = Y_Even[k] - (Y_Odd[k] * temp4);
return X;
public Complex Complex1(int K, int N3)
Complex W = Complex.Pow((Complex.Exp(-1 * Complex.ImaginaryOne * (2.0 * Math.PI / N3))), K);
return W;
Depending on the FFT, you may have to scale the entire complex vector (multiply either the input or result vector, not both) by 1/N (the length of the FFT). But this scale factor differs between FFT libraries (some already include a 1/sqrt(N) factor).
Then take the complex conjugate of the input vector, FFT it, and do another complex conjugate to get the IFFT result. This is equivalent to doing an FFT using -i instead of i for the basis vector exponent.
Also, normally, one does not get the same values out of a computed IFFT(FFT()) as went in, as arithmetic rounding adds at least some low level numerical noise to the result.

calculating the amount of noise in a wav file compared to a source file

Sorry for the length of the post. I want to illustrate what I have tried and what I am trying to accomplish.
Essentially what I am trying to do is write a VOIP network tester in C#. I've written all the VOIP code using the Ozeki VOIP SIP C# SDK. Essentially what it does is the client makes a VOIP call which the server side picks up. The client plays a WAV file and the server side records it. I've generated a tone file from I generated a 3000Hz wav file with a sine waveform for 5 seconds at a sample rate of 8000Hz and 16bit. This is what the client plays. I chose the frequency arbitrarily, so that can always change. What I want to do is then have the server side to do a simple analysis on the file to determine the amount of noise, which can be introduced through packet loss, latency, etc.
AudioProcessor.cs is a C# class that opens a WAV file and reads the header information. Since the file is a 16-bit wave, I use a "two complement" (thanks to to read each 2-byte frame in to an array. For example I have:
The code is:
Console.WriteLine("Audio: Filename: " + fileName);
FileStream stream = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
int chunkID = reader.ReadInt32();
int fileSize = reader.ReadInt32();
int riffType = reader.ReadInt32();
int fmtID = reader.ReadInt32();
int fmtSize = reader.ReadInt32();
int fmtCode = reader.ReadInt16();
int channels = reader.ReadInt16();
int sampleRate = reader.ReadInt32();
int fmtAvgBPS = reader.ReadInt32();
int fmtBlockAlign = reader.ReadInt16();
int bitDepth = reader.ReadInt16();
if (fmtSize == 18)
// Read any extra values
int fmtExtraSize = reader.ReadInt16();
int dataID = reader.ReadInt32();
int dataSize = reader.ReadInt32();
Console.WriteLine("Audio: file size: " + fileSize.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Audio: sample rate: " + sampleRate.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Audio: channels: " + channels.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Audio: bit depth: " + bitDepth.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Audio: fmtAvgBPS: " + fmtAvgBPS.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Audio: data id: " + dataID.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Audio: data size: " + dataSize.ToString());
int frames = 8 * (dataSize / bitDepth) / channels;
int frameSize = dataSize / frames;
double timeLength = ((double)frames / (double)sampleRate);
Console.WriteLine("Audio: frames: " + frames.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Audio: frame size: " + frameSize.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Audio: Time length: " + timeLength.ToString());
// byte[] soundData = reader.ReadBytes(dataSize);
// Convert to two-complement
short[] frameData = new short[frames];
for (int i = 0; i < frames; i++)
short snd = reader.ReadInt16();
if (snd != 0)
snd = Convert.ToInt16((~snd | 1));
frameData[i] = snd;
The next step would be to calculate the amount of noise, or rather how much non-3000Hz signal is there. Based on research I initially tried using a Goertzel filter to detect a particular frequency. It appears to be used a lot to detect phone DTMF. This method is an implementation which I tried.
public static double Calculate(short[] samples, double freq)
double s_prev = 0.0;
double s_prev2 = 0.0;
double coeff,normalizedfreq,power,s;
int i;
normalizedfreq = freq / (double)SAMPLING_RATE;
coeff = 2.0*Math.Cos(2.0*Math.PI*normalizedfreq);
for (i=0; i<samples.Length; i++)
s = samples[i] + coeff * s_prev - s_prev2;
s_prev2 = s_prev;
s_prev = s;
power = s_prev2*s_prev2+s_prev*s_prev-coeff*s_prev*s_prev2;
return power;
I would call the function passing in a 1 second sample:
short[] sampleData = new short[4000];
for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
Console.WriteLine(i * 1000 + ": " + Goertzel2.Calculate(sampleData, i * 1000));
The output is:
1000: 4297489869.04579
2000: 19758026000000
3000: 1.17528628051013E+15
4000: 0
5000: 1.17528628051013E+15
6000: 19758026000000
7000: 4297489869.04671
8000: 4000000
9000: 4297489869.04529
10000: 19758026000000
3000Hz seems to have the biggest number, but so does 5000. I have no idea of whether these numbers are accurate or not. If this was to work, I would run this against smaller samples, say 1/10 s in an attempt to detect variations which I would interpret as noise.
I've also looked at notch filter or a FFT. I'm not really sure what the best step is next. I don't need anything complex. I just want to roughly be able to calculate how much of the output wav file is noise. As mentioned I'm writing this in C#, but I can port code from C, C++, Python and Java.
Edit: Here is my updated code.
Calculates the total power at each frequency
// Number of frequencies that are half of the sample rate to scan
int _frequencyGranularity = 2000;
// Number of frames to use to create a sample for the filter
int _sampleSize = 4000;
int frameCount = 0;
while(frameCount + _sampleSize < frameData.Length)
// Dictionary to store the power level at a particular frequency
Dictionary<int, double> vals = new Dictionary<int, double>(_frequencyGranularity);
double totalPower = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= _frequencyGranularity; i++)
// Only process up to half of the sample rate as this is the Nyquist limit
int freq = i * wave.SampleRate / 2 / _frequencyGranularity;
vals[freq] = Goertzel.Calculate(frameData, frameCount, _sampleSize, wave.SampleRate, freq);
totalPower += vals[freq];
// Calculate the percentange of noise by subtracting the percentage of power at the desided frequency of 3000 from 100.
double frameNoisePercentange = (100 - (vals[3000] / totalPower * 100));
logger.Debug("Frame: " + frameCount + " Noise: " + frameNoisePercentange);
noisePercentange += frameNoisePercentange;
frameCount += _sampleSize;
double averageNoise = (noisePercentange / (int)(frameCount/_sampleSize));
Updated Goertzel method
public static double Calculate(short[] sampleData, int offset, int length, int sampleRate, double searchFreq)
double s_prev = 0.0;
double s_prev2 = 0.0;
double coeff,normalizedfreq,power,s;
int i;
normalizedfreq = searchFreq / (double)sampleRate;
coeff = 2.0*Math.Cos(2.0*Math.PI*normalizedfreq);
for (i=0; i<length; i++)
s = sampleData[i+offset] + coeff * s_prev - s_prev2;
s_prev2 = s_prev;
s_prev = s;
power = s_prev2*s_prev2+s_prev*s_prev-coeff*s_prev*s_prev2;
return power;
One way to build a crude estimation of the noise would be to compute the standard deviation of the peak values of the signal.
Given that you know the expected frequency, you can divide the signal into chunks of one wavelength, i.e if your signal is a 3KHz and your sample rate is 16KHz, then your chunk size is 5.3333 samples, for each chunk find the highest value, then for that sequence of values, find the stddev.
Alternatively you can for each chunk track the min and max values, then over the whole sample, find the mean of the min and max, and the range for the min (i.e. the highest and lowest values of the min value) then the SNR is ~ (mean_max - mean_min) / (min_range)

Confidence Intervals Using MathNET

I have a IEnumerable<double> data sample. I want to compute the 90% confidence interval for the signal/data. I have MathNET library at my disposal, but I am confused as to how to correctly work with the library. Given my data, the idea is to return two additional data arrays that contain the original signal's confidence intervals
using MathNet.Numerics.Statistics;
using MathNet.Numerics.Distributions;
public static List<double[]> ConfidenceIntervals(IEnumerable<double> sample, double interval)
Contract.Requires(interval > 0 && interval < 1.0);
int sampleSize = sample.Count();
double alpha = 1.0 - interval;
double mean = sample.Mean();
double sd = sample.StandardDeviation();
double t, mu;
double[] upper = new double[sampleSize];
double[] lower = new double[sampleSize];
StudentT studentT = new StudentT(mean, alpha, sampleSize - 1);
int index = 0;
foreach (double d in sample)
t = studentT.CumulativeDistribution(d);
double tmp = t * (sd / Math.Sqrt(sampleSize));
mu = mean - tmp;
upper[index] = d + mu;
lower[index] = d - mu;
return new List<double[]>() { upper, lower };
This really is not complex in terms of mathematics, I am just confused as to how to correctly use the functions/methods available to me in the MathNET library.
I'm not entirely sure I understand how the confidence interval of the signal is supposed to be applied to each sample of the signal, but we can compute the confidence interval of the sample set as follows:
public static Tuple<double, double> A(double[] samples, double interval)
double theta = (interval + 1.0)/2;
double mean = samples.Mean();
double sd = samples.StandardDeviation();
double T = StudentT.InvCDF(0,1,samples.Length-1,theta);
double t = T * (sd / Math.Sqrt(samples.Length));
return Tuple.Create(mean-t, mean+t);
Except that the line where we compute T does not compile because unfortunately there is no StudentT.InvCDF in current Math.NET Numerics yet. But we can still evaluate it numerically as a workaround in the meantime:
var student = new StudentT(0,1,samples.Length-1);
double T = FindRoots.OfFunction(x => student.CumulativeDistribution(x)-theta,-800,800);
For example, with 16 samples and alpha 0.05 we get 2.131 as expected. If there are more than ~60-100 samples, this can also be approximated with the normal distribution:
double T = Nomal.InvCDF(0,1,theta);
So all in all:
public static Tuple<double, double> B(double[] samples, double interval)
double theta = (interval + 1.0)/2;
double T = FindRoots.OfFunction(x => StudentT.CDF(0,1,samples.Length-1,x)-theta,-800,800);
double mean = samples.Mean();
double sd = samples.StandardDeviation();
double t = T * (sd / Math.Sqrt(samples.Length));
return Tuple.Create(mean-t, mean+t);
This is not the full answer yet as I understand you wanted to somehow apply the confidence interval to each sample, but hopefully it helps on the way to get there.
PS: Using Math.NET Numerics v3.0.0-alpha7
I noticed that you didn't increase the index value in foreach loop. This will make the value at index 0 is replaced by the next calculation (When you try to set upper[index] and lower[index] values).
So I guess this is a reason why you got the incorrect results.
If so, your code should be
using MathNet.Numerics.Statistics;
using MathNet.Numerics.Distributions;
public static List<double[]> ConfidenceIntervals(IEnumerable<double> sample, double interval)
Contract.Requires(interval > 0 && interval < 1.0);
int sampleSize = sample.Count();
double alpha = 1.0 - interval;
double mean = sample.Mean();
double sd = sample.StandardDeviation();
double t, mu;
double[] upper = new double[sampleSize];
double[] lower = new double[sampleSize];
StudentT studentT = new StudentT(mean, alpha, sampleSize - 1);
int index = 0;
foreach (double d in sample)
t = studentT.CumulativeDistribution(d);
double tmp = t * (sd / Math.Sqrt(sampleSize));
mu = mean - tmp;
upper[index] = d + mu;
lower[index] = d - mu;
return new List<double[]>() { upper, lower };
