AVT Firewrap.net Camera zooms in even though it wasn't coded - c#

For my internship I have to create photo's with a prosillica camera, I have been looking at different api's to be able to work with the camera. Now that i found one that works, and I write the code that a previous intern wrote("guessing" he says). i get images but they are all really zoomed in. While in the official Firegrab program the pictures look fine and aren't zoomed in at all. You can look at the images here. The code i wrote to connect to the camera was as followed:
Ctrl = FireWrap_CtrlCenter.GetInstance();
Ctrl.OnFrameReady += OnFrameReady;
Result = Ctrl.FGInitModule();
if (Result == enFireWrapResult.E_NOERROR)
Result = InfoContainer.FGGetNodeList();
var NodeCnt = InfoContainer.Size();
InfoContainer.GetAt(NodeInfo, 0);
Result = Cam.Connect(NodeInfo.Guid);
if (Result == enFireWrapResult.E_NOERROR)
Cam.m_Guid = NodeInfo.Guid;
if (Result == enFireWrapResult.E_NOERROR)
Result = Cam.SetParameter(enFGParameter.E_IMAGEFORMAT,
(((uint)enFGResolution.E_RES_SCALABLE << 16) |
((uint)enColorMode.E_CCOLORMODE_Y8 << 8) |
if (Result == enFireWrapResult.E_NOERROR)
Result = Cam.OpenCapture();
// Print device settings
Result = Cam.GetParameter(enFGParameter.E_XSIZE, ref XSize);
Result = Cam.GetParameter(enFGParameter.E_YSIZE, ref YSize);
width = XSize;
height = YSize;
// Start camera
if (Result == enFireWrapResult.E_NOERROR)
Result = Cam.StartDevice();
When i connect to the camera, I also tell it to start recording instantly. The frames i get when the camera turns on are processed in OnFrameReady, which I used the following code for:
Debug.WriteLine("OnFrameReady is called");
FGEventArgs args = (FGEventArgs)__p2;
FGFrame Frame;
Guid.High = args.High;
Guid.Low = args.Low;
if (Guid.Low == Cam.m_Guid.Low)
Result = Cam.GetFrame(Frame, 0);
// Process frame, skip FrameStart notification
if (Result == enFireWrapResult.E_NOERROR & Frame.Length > 0)
byte[] data = new byte[Frame.Length];
// Access to frame data
if (Frame.CloneData(data))
// Here you can start your image processsing logic on data
string debug = String.Format("[{6}] Frame #{0} length:{1}byte [ {2} {3} {4} {5} ... ]",
Frame.Id, Frame.Length, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], Cam.m_Guid.Low);
// Return frame to module as fast as posible after this the Frame is not valid
Result = Cam.PutFrame(Frame);
So in this function i get the frame and put it in a byte[], then i call the function SaveImageFromByteArray(); where i put the byte[] in a list. So i can access all my pictures later on to save them. The code for the SaveImageFromByteArray is as followed:
public void SaveImageFromByteArray(byte[] byteArray)
//bytearray size determined
byte[] data = new byte[width * height * 4];
int o = 0;
//bytearray size filled
for (int io = 0; io < width * height; io++)
byte value = byteArray[io];
data[o++] = value;
data[o++] = value;
data[o++] = value;
data[o++] = 0;
catch (Exception ex)
After im done recoding all of my frames, I click save, stops the camera and then i call the following functions to save it to a bitmap file:
public void SaveData()
foreach (byte[] data1 in bytearrayList)
byte[] data = Save(data1);
lock (this)
fixed (byte* ptr = data)
using (image = new Bitmap((int) width, (int) height, (int) width * 4,
System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb, new IntPtr(ptr)))
image.Save(path + nextpicture + ".bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp);
Debug.WriteLine("Image saved at " + path + nextpicture + ".bmp");
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)
The save function called in the function above is written as followed:
private byte[] Save(byte[] data1)
//bytearray size determined
byte[] data = new byte[width * height * 4];
int o = 0;
//bytearray size filled
for (int io = 0; io < width * height; io++)
byte value = data1[io];
data[o++] = value;
data[o++] = value;
data[o++] = value;
data[o++] = 0;
return data;
I think the problem of the zooming happens when we connect to the camera and we execute this line of code:
if (Result == enFireWrapResult.E_NOERROR)
Result = Cam.SetParameter(enFGParameter.E_IMAGEFORMAT,
(((uint)enFGResolution.E_RES_SCALABLE << 16) |
((uint)enColorMode.E_CCOLORMODE_Y8 << 8)|
But the problem is that there is no documentation to be found about Firewrap.net or their api. Even when we try to edit the 16 to like 15, the camera won't even startup

Found the problem! pixels were stretched out into 4 pixels horizontally, that was because we did this twice:
byte[] data = new byte[width * height * 4];
int o = 0;
//bytearray size filled
for (int io = 0; io < width * height; io++)
byte value = byteArray[io];
data[o++] = value;
data[o++] = value;
data[o++] = value;
data[o++] = 0;


Unity: Live Video Streaming ARCore Camera Texture

I'm trying to use TCP sockets to stream the texture from the ARCore camera on one device to the background image on another device. I've found some great resources that have got me close. This question helped me a lot: Unity: Live Video Streaming
The only difference is that this example uses a WebcamTexture, which I've got working without any lag and smoothly.
However, obtaining the camera texture from ARCore is a bit of a different process. I think I'm doing this correctly but maybe I'm missing something. When I run this with the ARCore camera texture and my minor changes, the server lags significantly.
Below is my code. I made no changes to the client side code so I know it has to do with my server side changes.
public class MySocketServer : MonoBehaviour
WebCamTexture webCam;
public RawImage myImage;
public bool enableLog = false;
Texture2D currentTexture;
private TcpListener listner;
private const int port = 8010;
private bool stop = false;
private List<TcpClient> clients = new List<TcpClient>();
//This must be the-same with SEND_COUNT on the client
const int SEND_RECEIVE_COUNT = 15;
private void Start()
Application.runInBackground = true;
//Start WebCam coroutine
//Converts the data size to byte array and put result to the fullBytes array
void byteLengthToFrameByteArray(int byteLength, byte[] fullBytes)
//Clear old data
Array.Clear(fullBytes, 0, fullBytes.Length);
//Convert int to bytes
byte[] bytesToSendCount = BitConverter.GetBytes(byteLength);
//Copy result to fullBytes
bytesToSendCount.CopyTo(fullBytes, 0);
//Converts the byte array to the data size and returns the result
int frameByteArrayToByteLength(byte[] frameBytesLength)
int byteLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(frameBytesLength, 0);
return byteLength;
IEnumerator initAndWaitForWebCamTexture()
// Open the Camera on the desired device, in my case IPAD pro
//webCam = new WebCamTexture();
// Get all devices , front and back camera
//webCam.deviceName = WebCamTexture.devices[WebCamTexture.devices.Length - 1].name;
// request the lowest width and heigh possible
//webCam.requestedHeight = 10;
//webCam.requestedWidth = 10;
//myImage.texture = webCam;
//currentTexture = new Texture2D(Screen.width, Screen.height, TextureFormat.RGB24,false);
//currentTexture = new Texture2D(webCam.width, webCam.height);
// Connect to the server
listner = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, port);
while (Screen.width < 100)
yield return null;
//Start sending coroutine
WaitForEndOfFrame endOfFrame = new WaitForEndOfFrame();
IEnumerator senderCOR()
bool isConnected = false;
TcpClient client = null;
NetworkStream stream = null;
// Wait for client to connect in another Thread
Loom.RunAsync(() =>
while (!stop)
// Wait for client connection
client = listner.AcceptTcpClient();
// We are connected
isConnected = true;
stream = client.GetStream();
//Wait until client has connected
while (!isConnected)
yield return null;
bool readyToGetFrame = true;
byte[] frameBytesLength = new byte[SEND_RECEIVE_COUNT];
while (!stop)
//Wait for End of frame
yield return endOfFrame;
//currentTexture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height), 0, 0);
using (var image = Frame.CameraImage.AcquireCameraImageBytes()) {
yield return null;
_OnImageAvailable(image.Width, image.Height, image.Y, image.Width * image.Height);
byte[] pngBytes = currentTexture.EncodeToPNG();
//Fill total byte length to send. Result is stored in frameBytesLength
byteLengthToFrameByteArray(pngBytes.Length, frameBytesLength);
//Set readyToGetFrame false
readyToGetFrame = false;
Loom.RunAsync(() =>
//Send total byte count first
stream.Write(frameBytesLength, 0, frameBytesLength.Length);
LOG("Sent Image byte Length: " + frameBytesLength.Length);
//Send the image bytes
stream.Write(pngBytes, 0, pngBytes.Length);
LOG("Sending Image byte array data : " + pngBytes.Length);
//Sent. Set readyToGetFrame true
readyToGetFrame = true;
//Wait until we are ready to get new frame(Until we are done sending data)
while (!readyToGetFrame)
LOG("Waiting To get new frame");
yield return null;
void LOG(string messsage)
if (enableLog)
private void Update()
myImage.texture = webCam;
// stop everything
private void OnApplicationQuit()
if (webCam != null && webCam.isPlaying)
stop = true;
if (listner != null)
foreach (TcpClient c in clients)
private void _OnImageAvailable(int width, int height, IntPtr pixelBuffer, int bufferSize){
currentTexture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false, false);
byte[] bufferYUV = new byte[width * height * 3 / 2];
bufferSize = width * height * 3 / 2;
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(pixelBuffer, bufferYUV, 0, bufferSize);
Color color = new Color();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
float Yvalue = bufferYUV[y * width + x];
float Uvalue = bufferYUV[(y / 2) * (width / 2) + x / 2 + (width * height)];
float Vvalue = bufferYUV[(y / 2) * (width / 2) + x / 2 + (width * height) + (width * height) / 4];
color.r = Yvalue + (float)(1.37705 * (Vvalue - 128.0f));
color.g = Yvalue - (float)(0.698001 * (Vvalue - 128.0f)) - (float)(0.337633 * (Uvalue - 128.0f));
color.b = Yvalue + (float)(1.732446 * (Uvalue - 128.0f));
color.r /= 255.0f;
color.g /= 255.0f;
color.b /= 255.0f;
if (color.r < 0.0f)
color.r = 0.0f;
if (color.g < 0.0f)
color.g = 0.0f;
if (color.b < 0.0f)
color.b = 0.0f;
if (color.r > 1.0f)
color.r = 1.0f;
if (color.g > 1.0f)
color.g = 1.0f;
if (color.b > 1.0f)
color.b = 1.0f;
color.a = 1.0f;
currentTexture.SetPixel(width - 1 - x, y, color);
//this.GetComponent<RawImage>().texture = m_TextureRender;
public class MySocketsClient : MonoBehaviour
public RawImage image;
public bool enableLog = false;
const int port = 8010;
//public string IP = "xxx.xxx.x.xx";
public string IP = "xxx.xxx.x.x";
TcpClient client;
Texture2D tex;
private bool stop = false;
//This must be the-same with SEND_COUNT on the server
const int SEND_RECEIVE_COUNT = 15;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
Application.runInBackground = true;
tex = new Texture2D(0, 0);
client = new TcpClient();
//Connect to server from another Thread
Loom.RunAsync(() =>
LOGWARNING("Connecting to server...");
// if on desktop
//client.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, port);
// if using the IPAD
client.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(IP), port);
void imageReceiver()
//While loop in another Thread is fine so we don't block main Unity Thread
Loom.RunAsync(() =>
while (!stop)
//Read Image Count
int imageSize = readImageByteSize(SEND_RECEIVE_COUNT);
LOGWARNING("Received Image byte Length: " + imageSize);
//Read Image Bytes and Display it
//Converts the data size to byte array and put result to the fullBytes array
void byteLengthToFrameByteArray(int byteLength, byte[] fullBytes)
//Clear old data
Array.Clear(fullBytes, 0, fullBytes.Length);
//Convert int to bytes
byte[] bytesToSendCount = BitConverter.GetBytes(byteLength);
//Copy result to fullBytes
bytesToSendCount.CopyTo(fullBytes, 0);
//Converts the byte array to the data size and returns the result
int frameByteArrayToByteLength(byte[] frameBytesLength)
int byteLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(frameBytesLength, 0);
return byteLength;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////Read Image SIZE from Server///////////////////////////////////////////////////
private int readImageByteSize(int size)
bool disconnected = false;
NetworkStream serverStream = client.GetStream();
byte[] imageBytesCount = new byte[size];
var total = 0;
var read = serverStream.Read(imageBytesCount, total, size - total);
//Debug.LogFormat("Client recieved {0} bytes", total);
if (read == 0)
disconnected = true;
total += read;
} while (total != size);
int byteLength;
if (disconnected)
byteLength = -1;
byteLength = frameByteArrayToByteLength(imageBytesCount);
return byteLength;
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////Read Image Data Byte Array from Server///////////////////////////////////////////////////
private void readFrameByteArray(int size)
bool disconnected = false;
NetworkStream serverStream = client.GetStream();
byte[] imageBytes = new byte[size];
var total = 0;
var read = serverStream.Read(imageBytes, total, size - total);
//Debug.LogFormat("Client recieved {0} bytes", total);
if (read == 0)
disconnected = true;
total += read;
} while (total != size);
bool readyToReadAgain = false;
//Display Image
if (!disconnected)
//Display Image on the main Thread
Loom.QueueOnMainThread(() =>
readyToReadAgain = true;
//Wait until old Image is displayed
while (!readyToReadAgain)
void displayReceivedImage(byte[] receivedImageBytes)
image.texture = tex;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
void LOG(string messsage)
if (enableLog)
void LOGWARNING(string messsage)
if (enableLog)
void OnApplicationQuit()
stop = true;
if (client != null)
Would appreciate any help or thoughts on what might be causing the severe lag. Thanks!

Finding bitmap inside a bitmap in C# - Doesn't work on a server?

I am trying to automate something with my C# application, for which I use a bitmap detection system to detect if an icon has appeared on screen. This works perfectly on a PC. However, when I put the application on a server, it never works. I am using a Google Cloud instance with a Tesla K80, 2 vcpus running Windows server 2012.
Here is my code:
// Capture the current screen as a bitmap
public static Bitmap CaptureScreen()
// Bitmap format
Bitmap ScreenCapture = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height);
// Capture screen
Graphics GFX = Graphics.FromImage(ScreenCapture);
Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Y, 0, 0,
ScreenCapture.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy);
return ScreenCapture;
// Find a list of all the points of a bitmap within another bitmap
public static List<Point> FindBitmapsEntry(Bitmap SourceBitmap, Bitmap SearchedBitmap)
#region Arguments check
if (SourceBitmap == null || SearchedBitmap == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (SourceBitmap.PixelFormat != SearchedBitmap.PixelFormat)
throw new ArgumentException("Pixel formats aren't equal.");
if (SourceBitmap.Width < SearchedBitmap.Width || SourceBitmap.Height < SearchedBitmap.Height)
throw new ArgumentException("Size of SearchedBitmap is bigger than SourceBitmap!");
var PixelFormatSize = Image.GetPixelFormatSize(SourceBitmap.PixelFormat) / 8;
// Copy SourceBitmap to byte array
var SourceBitmapData = SourceBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, SourceBitmap.Width, SourceBitmap.Height),
ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, SourceBitmap.PixelFormat);
var SourceBitmapByteLength = SourceBitmapData.Stride * SourceBitmap.Height;
var SourceBytes = new byte[SourceBitmapByteLength];
Marshal.Copy(SourceBitmapData.Scan0, SourceBytes, 0, SourceBitmapByteLength);
// Copy SearchedBitmap to byte array
var SearchingBitmapData =
SearchedBitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, SearchedBitmap.Width, SearchedBitmap.Height),
ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, SearchedBitmap.PixelFormat);
var SearchingBitmapByteLength = SearchingBitmapData.Stride * SearchedBitmap.Height;
var SearchingBytes = new byte[SearchingBitmapByteLength];
Marshal.Copy(SearchingBitmapData.Scan0, SearchingBytes, 0, SearchingBitmapByteLength);
var PointsList = new List<Point>();
// Searching entries, minimizing searching zones
// SourceBitmap.Height - SearchedBitmap.Height + 1
for (var MainY = 0; MainY < SourceBitmap.Height - SearchedBitmap.Height + 1; MainY++)
var SourceY = MainY * SourceBitmapData.Stride;
for (var MainX = 0; MainX < SourceBitmap.Width - SearchedBitmap.Width + 1; MainX++)
// MainY & MainX - pixel coordinates of SourceBitmap
// SourceY + SourceX = pointer in array SourceBitmap bytes
var SourceX = MainX * PixelFormatSize;
var IsEqual = true;
for (var c = 0; c < PixelFormatSize; c++)
// Check through the bytes in pixel
if (SourceBytes[SourceX + SourceY + c] == SearchingBytes[c])
IsEqual = false;
if (!IsEqual) continue;
var ShouldStop = false;
// Find first equation and search deeper
for (var SecY = 0; SecY < SearchedBitmap.Height; SecY++)
var SearchY = SecY * SearchingBitmapData.Stride;
var SourceSecY = (MainY + SecY) * SourceBitmapData.Stride;
for (var SecX = 0; SecX < SearchedBitmap.Width; SecX++)
// SecX & SecY - coordinates of SearchingBitmap
// SearchX + SearchY = pointer in array SearchingBitmap bytes
var SearchX = SecX * PixelFormatSize;
var SourceSecX = (MainX + SecX) * PixelFormatSize;
for (var c = 0; c < PixelFormatSize; c++)
// Check through the bytes in pixel
if (SourceBytes[SourceSecX + SourceSecY + c] == SearchingBytes[SearchX + SearchY + c]) continue;
// Not equal - abort iteration
ShouldStop = true;
if (ShouldStop) break;
if (ShouldStop) break;
if (!ShouldStop) // Bitmap is found
PointsList.Add(new Point(MainX, MainY));
return PointsList;
And here is how I use it:
Bitmap HighlightBitmap = new Bitmap(Resources.icon);
Bitmap CurrentScreen = CaptureScreen();
List<Point> HighlightPoints = FindBitmapsEntry(CurrentScreen, HighlightBitmap);
with this HighlightPoints[0] is supposed to give me the first point the two bitmaps (icon, screenshot) collide. But as mentioned before, it just doesn't work on the server.
Thanks in advance!
P.S. I am using the server with a RDP so it does have a visual interface to work with

How to adjust the brightness of an Image efficiently

Does anyone know of a more efficient way of adjusting the brightness of an image at runtime in UWP?
I found this question which works fine but runs terribly slow.
However, I can't find any documentation online suggesting there is an alternative method.
Here is my problematic code.
// TODO Make Image Brightness Slider quicker and more intuitive.
private WriteableBitmap ChangeBrightness(WriteableBitmap source, int increment)
var dest = new WriteableBitmap(source.PixelWidth, source.PixelHeight);
byte[] color = new byte[4];
using (var srcBuffer = source.PixelBuffer.AsStream())
using (var dstBuffer = dest.PixelBuffer.AsStream())
while (srcBuffer.Read(color, 0, 4) > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
var value = (float)color[i];
var alpha = color[3] / (float)255;
value /= alpha;
value += increment;
value *= alpha;
if (value > 255)
value = 255;
color[i] = (byte)value;
dstBuffer.Write(color, 0, 4);
return dest;
This might work. I didn't test it:
private async Task<WriteableBitmap> ChangeBrightness(WriteableBitmap source, float increment)
var canvasBitmap = CanvasBitmap.CreateFromBytes(CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice(), source.PixelBuffer,
source.PixelWidth, source.PixelHeight, DirectXPixelFormat.B8G8R8A8UIntNormalized);
var brightnessFx = new BrightnessEffect
Source = canvasBitmap,
BlackPoint = new Vector2(0, increment)
var crt = new CanvasRenderTarget(CanvasDevice.GetSharedDevice(), source.PixelWidth, source.PixelHeight, 96);
using (var ds = crt.CreateDrawingSession())
return source;
You have to reference win2d nuget

C# Getting error when generating tiles from big image

the sample panorama image url https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/360%C2%B0_Hoher_Freschen_Panorama_2.jpg which i saved in my pc and generate tile from that image programmatically and got
error like out of memory
this line throw the error Bitmap bmLevelSource =
here is my program code in c# which throw the error
double maxZoom = 5;
string FILEPATH = #"C:\test\img.jpg";
string TARGETFOLDER = #"C:\test\Src";
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(FILEPATH))
Console.WriteLine("file not exist");
if (maxZoom >= 10)
Console.WriteLine("Scale multiplier should be an integer <=10");
//Read image
Bitmap bmSource;
bmSource = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(FILEPATH);
Console.WriteLine("image file not valid");
//check directory exist
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(TARGETFOLDER))
string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(TARGETFOLDER);
foreach (string file in files)
string[] dirs = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(TARGETFOLDER);
foreach (string dir in dirs)
System.IO.Directory.Delete(dir, true);
int actualHeight = bmSource.Height;
int actualWidth = bmSource.Width;
if (((actualHeight % 256) != 0)
((actualWidth % 256) != 0))
Console.WriteLine("image width and height pixels should be multiples of 256");
int actualResizeSizeWidth = 1;
int level = 0;
while (level <= maxZoom)
string leveldirectory = System.IO.Path.Combine(TARGETFOLDER, String.Format("{0}", level));
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(leveldirectory))
int rowsInLevel = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2, level));
actualResizeSizeWidth = 256 * rowsInLevel;
//create image to parse
int actualResizeSizeHeight = (actualHeight * actualResizeSizeWidth) / actualWidth;
Bitmap resized = new Bitmap(bmSource, new Size(actualResizeSizeWidth, actualResizeSizeHeight));
string levelSourceImage = System.IO.Path.Combine(leveldirectory, "level.png");
for (int x = 0; x < rowsInLevel; x++)
string levelrowdirectory = System.IO.Path.Combine(leveldirectory, String.Format("{0}", x));
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(levelrowdirectory))
Bitmap bmLevelSource = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(levelSourceImage);
//generate tiles
int numberTilesHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(actualResizeSizeHeight / 256.0));
for (int y = 0; y < numberTilesHeight; y++)
Console.WriteLine("Generating Tiles " + level.ToString() + " " + x.ToString() + " " + y.ToString()); int heightToCrop = actualResizeSizeHeight >= 256 ? 256 : actualResizeSizeHeight;
Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(x * 256, y * 256, 256, heightToCrop);
Bitmap bmTile = bmLevelSource.Clone(destRect, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.DontCare);
//full tile
Bitmap bmFullTile = new Bitmap(256, 256);
Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmFullTile);
gfx.DrawImageUnscaled(bmTile, 0, 0);
bmFullTile.Save(System.IO.Path.Combine(levelrowdirectory, String.Format("{0}.png", y)));
i comment the below code when i run the program
if (((actualHeight % 256) != 0)
((actualWidth % 256) != 0))
Console.WriteLine("image width and height pixels should be multiples of 256");
what is the fault for which i got the error called "Out of Memory"
actual image height and width was 1250 and 2500.
actualResizeSizeWidth 256
actualResizeSizeHeight 128
i include a panorama image url in this post at top. can u plzz download url and execute my code at your end to see memory issue is coming?
Code Update
i modify the code a bit and dispose some Bitmap.
dispose like this way
bmLevelSource.Dispose(); and resized.Dispose();
while (level <= maxZoom)
string leveldirectory = System.IO.Path.Combine(TARGETFOLDER, String.Format("{0}", level));
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(leveldirectory))
int rowsInLevel = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2, level));
actualResizeSizeWidth = 256 * rowsInLevel;
//create image to parse
int actualResizeSizeHeight = (actualHeight * actualResizeSizeWidth) / actualWidth;
Bitmap resized = new Bitmap(bmSource, new Size(actualResizeSizeWidth, actualResizeSizeHeight));
string levelSourceImage = System.IO.Path.Combine(leveldirectory, "level.png");
for (int x = 0; x < rowsInLevel; x++)
string levelrowdirectory = System.IO.Path.Combine(leveldirectory, String.Format("{0}", x));
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(levelrowdirectory))
Bitmap bmLevelSource = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(levelSourceImage);
//generate tiles
int numberTilesHeight = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(actualResizeSizeHeight / 256.0));
for (int y = 0; y < numberTilesHeight; y++)
Console.WriteLine("Generating Tiles " + level.ToString() + " " + x.ToString() + " " + y.ToString()); int heightToCrop = actualResizeSizeHeight >= 256 ? 256 : actualResizeSizeHeight;
Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(x * 256, y * 256, 256, heightToCrop);
Bitmap bmTile = bmLevelSource.Clone(destRect, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.DontCare);
//full tile
Bitmap bmFullTile = new Bitmap(256, 256);
Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmFullTile);
gfx.DrawImageUnscaled(bmTile, 0, 0);
bmFullTile.Save(System.IO.Path.Combine(levelrowdirectory, String.Format("{0}.png", y)));
please see my bit modified code and give suggestion now.

Getting the coordinates from a point from an image

I am creating a program that can print out the x- & y- Coordinates from a certain pixel. There is a function like 'GetPixel', this will however get the RGB codes from a given coordinate. What I want is just the vice versa, so I have already the RGB codes and now I'm doing a threshold through my Image to know whether it contains a Color pixel that I desired or not.
This is my code:
So firstly I will upload an image:
public BitmapImage bitmap;
public void hochladen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Create OpenFileDialog
Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();
// Set filter for file extension and default file extension
dlg.DefaultExt = ".bmp";
dlg.Filter = "BMP Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp";
// Get the selected file name and display in a TextBox
if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true)
// Open document
string filename = dlg.FileName;
bitmap = new BitmapImage();
bitmap.UriSource = new Uri(filename);
image.Source = bitmap;
Then when I click a button in my application, it should do a threshold from my Image, and I am going to detect a red Point (R = 255, G = B = 0)
public Color c;
private void detektieren_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
double x = bitmap.Width;
double y = bitmap.Height;
bl.Content = x + "x" + y;
So from this Point on, it shouldn't be difficult to find the coordinate:
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
for (int j = 0; i < j; j++)
if (c.R == 255 && c.G == 0 && c.B == 0)
Anyone has idea? Thanks in advance.
Finding pixels matching a RGB value of course may return many pixels, try the following code to get all the pixels represented by Point structure:
public Point[] GetPixelsFromRGB(byte[] rgbData, int stride, Color colorToFind){
int k = stride/4;
return rgbData.Select((x,i)=>new{x,i})
.Where(g=>g[0].x == colorToFind.Red &&
g[1].x == colorToFind.Green &&
g[2].x == colorToFind.Blue && g[3].x == 255)
.Select(g=> new Point(g[0].i%k, g[0].i / k)).ToArray();
//Use this method to get the rgbData
int stride = bitmap.PixelWidth * 4;
byte[] rgbData = new byte[stride * bitmap.PixelHeight];
bitmap.CopyPixels(rgbData, stride, 0);
//then call the method above:
var pixels = GetPixelsFromRGB(rgbData, stride, Colors.Red);
Note that the code above has not been tested, I just typed directly into the answer editor.
After a Little bit modification, it works. So this is my code:
public void detektieren_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
for (i = 0; i < bitmap.Height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < bitmap.Width; j++)
stride = bitmap.PixelWidth * (bitmap.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8);
data = new byte[stride * bitmap.PixelHeight];
bitmap.CopyPixels(data, stride, 0);
index = i * stride + 4 * j;
byte A = data[index + 3];
byte R = data[index + 2];
byte G = data[index + 1];
byte B = data[index];
// Create a writer and open the file:
StreamWriter Messdaten;
if (!File.Exists("C:/Users/.../Messdaten.csv"))
Messdaten = new StreamWriter("C:/Users/.../Messdaten.csv");
Messdaten = File.AppendText("C:/Users/.../Messdaten.csv");
// Write to the file:
Messdaten.WriteLine(index + ";" + A + ";" + R + ";" + G + ";" + B);
// Close the stream:
if (Convert.ToInt32(R) == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(G) == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(B) == 255)
// Create a writer and open the file:
StreamWriter Messdaten2;
if (!File.Exists("C:/Users/.../Messdaten2.csv"))
Messdaten2 = new StreamWriter("C:/Users/.../Messdaten2.csv");
Messdaten2 = File.AppendText("C:/Users/.../Messdaten2.csv");
// Write to the file:
Messdaten2.WriteLine(index + ";" + i + ";" + j);
// Close the stream:
In the first Excel file (Messdaten.csv), all RGB values from a each single Pixel will be shown. In the second one (Messdaten2.csv) it will Show all Pixels that -let's take for instance- have a value A=0,R=0,G=0,B=255 (= Blue).
Now, how do I create a sum & mean of Pixel i and Pixel j (they're set of values) ? Tried to do this:
if (Convert.ToInt32(R) == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(G) == 0 && Convert.ToInt32(B) == 255)
int x_sum = 0; int y_sum = 0;
int x_count = 0; int y_count = 0;
int x_mw = 0; int y_mw = 0;
x_sum = x_sum + i;
y_sum = y_sum + j;
x_mw = x_sum / x_count;
y_mw = y_sum / y_count;
But why it didn't work? The x_sum and y_sum only Show the last value of Pixel i and j, and the x_count and y_count (as presumed) show only the value of 1. What did I wrong?
