Identity server 4 - deactivate the discovery endpoint - c#

I am developing an Authentication server to deliver tokens to be used to consume our API using IdentityServer4.
I am using MongoDB as database on which I have the users allowed to get tokens, and to be more secure I am using a custom certificate to encrypt the token.
This is how my Startup.cs of my AuthenticationServer looks like:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
var cert = new X509Certificate2(Path.Combine(_environment.ContentRootPath, "cert", "whatever.pfx"), "whatever");
services.AddTransient<IUserRepository, UserRepository>();
services.AddTransient<IClientStore, ClientStore>();
services.AddTransient<IProfileService, UserProfileService>();
services.AddTransient<IResourceOwnerPasswordValidator, UserResourceOwnerPasswordValidator>();
services.AddTransient<IPasswordHasher<User.Model.User>, PasswordHasher<User.Model.User>>();
As you can see I have custom implementation of those interfaces that do the client authentication and password validation. This is working fine.
Then I am protecting another application with the tokens generated, and I have there defined that it has to use the IdentityServerAuthetication (localhost:5020 is where my AuthenticationServer is running)
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
app.UseIdentityServerAuthentication(new IdentityServerAuthenticationOptions
Authority = "http://localhost:5020",
RequireHttpsMetadata = false,
ApiName = "MyAPI",
RoleClaimType = JwtClaimTypes.Role
All works fine, but if I shutdown the AuthenticationServer then I get this error from the API I am protecting:
System.InvalidOperationException: IDX10803: Unable to obtain configuration from: 'http://localhost:5020/.well-known/openid-configuration'.
at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.ConfigurationManager`1.d__24.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerHandler.d__1.MoveNext()
fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel[13]
So what it seems is the API is going to the discovery endpoint to see where is the endpoint to decrypt the token (I guess it would be userinfo_endpoint).
My point is:
It seems that the discovery endpoint is used to get information of how to use the authentication server (for me makes sense for open APIs), but in our case we are not developing and open API, so our clients would be just the ones we have agreement and we will tell them in advance the endpoints and we will most likely restrict by IP address.
Is there any way to deactivate the discovery endpoint and to setup on the API the certificate to properly decrypt the token.
Maybe I am missing the complete picture and I am saying silly things, but I would be glad to understand the concepts behind.
Thanks in advance

It is possible to have the discovery endpoint off/unavailable and still validate tokens.
You'll need to implement IConfigurationManager and pass that to a JwtBearerOptions object inside of IdentityServerAuthenticationOptions.
Here's some example code:
public class OidcConfigurationManager : IConfigurationManager<OpenIdConnectConfiguration>
public OidcConfigurationManager()
private OpenIdConnectConfiguration _config;
public Task<OpenIdConnectConfiguration> GetConfigurationAsync(CancellationToken cancel)
return Task.FromResult<OpenIdConnectConfiguration>(_config);
public void RequestRefresh()
private void SetConfiguration()
// Build config from JSON
var configJson =
#"{""issuer"":""http://localhost/id"",""jwks_uri"":""http://localhost/id/.well-known/openid-configuration/jwks"",""authorization_endpoint"":""http://localhost/id/connect/authorize"",""token_endpoint"":""http://localhost/id/connect/token"",""userinfo_endpoint"":""http://localhost/id/connect/userinfo"",""end_session_endpoint"":""http://localhost/id/connect/endsession"",""check_session_iframe"":""http://localhost/id/connect/checksession"",""revocation_endpoint"":""http://localhost/id/connect/revocation"",""introspection_endpoint"":""http://localhost/id/connect/introspect"",""frontchannel_logout_supported"":true,""frontchannel_logout_session_supported"":true,""scopes_supported"":[""openid"",""profile"",""api1"",""offline_access""],""claims_supported"":[""sub"",""name"",""family_name"",""given_name"",""middle_name"",""nickname"",""preferred_username"",""profile"",""picture"",""website"",""gender"",""birthdate"",""zoneinfo"",""locale"",""updated_at""],""grant_types_supported"":[""authorization_code"",""client_credentials"",""refresh_token"",""implicit"",""password""],""response_types_supported"":[""code"",""token"",""id_token"",""id_token token"",""code id_token"",""code token"",""code id_token token""],""response_modes_supported"":[""form_post"",""query"",""fragment""],""token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported"":[""client_secret_basic"",""client_secret_post""],""subject_types_supported"":[""public""],""id_token_signing_alg_values_supported"":[""RS256""],""code_challenge_methods_supported"":[""plain"",""S256""]}";
_config = new OpenIdConnectConfiguration(configJson);
// Add signing keys if not present in json above
_config.SigningKeys.Add(new X509SecurityKey(cert));
Now pass that config object to some JwtBearerOptions inside of your IdentityServerAuthenticationOptions (a bit annoying, but it's the only way I know of)
var identityServerOptions = new IdentityServerAuthenticationOptions
Authority = "http://localhost:5020",
RequireHttpsMetadata = false,
ApiName = "MyAPI",
RoleClaimType = JwtClaimTypes.Role,
var jwtBearerOptions = new JwtBearerOptions() {ConfigurationManager = new OidcConfigurationManager()};
var combinedOptions = CombinedAuthenticationOptions.FromIdentityServerAuthenticationOptions(identityServerOptions);
combinedOptions.JwtBearerOptions = jwtBearerOptions;
Now your API will be able to receive tokens and validate the signatures even if the OIDC discovery endpoint is off.

The API validation middleware downloads a copy of the discovery document at startup - and then (at least by default) - every 24h.
It might re-trigger download if signature validation fails (to accommodate for out of schedule key rollovers).
You can define all configuration values statically - but you are losing all the benefits of dynamic configuration updates.
If your discovery endpoint is not available, then probably the whole token service is not functional which is probably a bigger problem.

The IdentityServer needs the public key of your X509 certificate to validate the access_token. It is using the discovery endpoint to get that public key, and is refreshing the saved public key every now and then (because the public key could change).
If the IdentityServer is not accessible, your API can't guarantee that the access_token is valid. You can increase the caching of the results of the access_token validation requests.
I'm not entirely sure with IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation, but with IdentityServer3.AccessTokenValidation, you can set the ValidationMode to Local only, so it just downloads the public key once.


.Net SignalR use JWT Bearer Authentication when Cookie Authentication is also configured

I have a ASP.NET 5 WebApp that is part of a bigger system and uses Cookie Authentication for Browser requests.
I want to add the ability to request data and perform specific actions on certain Windows services that are also part of the overall system and are executed on a couple of seperate PCs. I want to use SignalR for this.
Then Windows-Services are running as a dedicated service identity that is part of our ActiveDirectory. Since the services shall not store their user credentials in code or local configuration files, they are requesting an authentication token for the web application from an API that works with Windows Authentication.
Then, when establishing the SignalR connection with the web app, the services will use the token received from the API to authenticate against the web app. This is working in general.
The Authentication configuration of the web app is:
.AddCookie(options =>
options.LoginPath = "/Login";
options.ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(12);
options.SlidingExpiration = true;
.AddJwtBearer(JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, opt =>
// Configuration details excluded
// ...
opt.Events = new JwtBearerEvents
OnMessageReceived = context =>
// ...
According to Microsoft Documentation this should be a vaild authentication configuration.
In services.AddAuthorization(...) method I've added a policy specific for Bearer scheme:
options.AddPolicy("SignalRService", policy =>
And then there is a SignalR Hub Method secured with this policy:
[Authorize(Policy = "SignalRService")]
public async Task RegisterService(string clientIdString) { /*...*/ }
And finally the hub connection in the windows service is created as follows:
connection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
.WithUrl(hubAddress, options =>
options.AccessTokenProvider = () => Task.FromResult(authToken);
Establishing the connection works:
await connection.StartAsync();
But when I try to call the hub method from the windows service like await connection.InvokeAsync("RegisterService", clientId); I receive a HubException with the message:
Failed to invoke 'RegisterService' because user is unauthorized
I have also created an API Controller on the web app for testing purposes and secured it with the same policy:
[Authorize(Policy = "SignalRService")]
public IActionResult Get()
return Ok(User.Identity.Name);
When I call this API endpoint with the same token i would user for SignalR Hub call, I get the identity set on the token returned as expected. I also verified that the configured OnMessageReceived event handler is executed in this scenario, while it isn't when I use SignalR connection.
When I set JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme as the default scheme in Startup.cs instead of CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme it works also with the SignalR Hub, but then my standard Cookie based user authenticaton breaks.
I expect that there is some additonal configuration necessary to tell the web app to explicitely use the Bearer scheme when a Hub method is called, but I could not find anything so far.
After desperately trying for another hour, I found out that the specific bearer authentication worked with Cookie authentication as the default, when I put the Authorize(Policy = "SignalRService") directly on the class instead of on the method.
Since my hub should also be accessible for browser connections using cookies, I finally ended up with:
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "Bearer,Cookies")]
public class SignalRServiceHub : Hub
[Authorize(Policy = "SignalRService")]
public async Task RegisterService(string clientIdString)
// ...
[Authorize(Policy = "Root")]
public async Task RegisterMonitoringClient()
// ...
I'm not exactly sure why specifying the Schemes on class level is necessary in this case while it isn't for ApiController implementations

Identityserver4, parameter question. Authorization code flow

I'm implementing a straight out of the box solution using IDserver4(2.3) targeting .netcore 2.2 that communicates with a FHIR client by calling:
with some HL7 simulated scopes etc. The flow is okay all the way to the token endpoint serving access and id tokens using the quickstart on an IIS with certificates and all the bezels.
My problem lies in that the client requires a parameter to be passed to the external client pointing to a file or something on the server where I have some test patient data stored/or served as Json.
Any competent way to pass a parameter with the body or the header for example? And do you do it at the authorization or the authentication, or along with the tokens? Lets call it context. The service shut me down when i reach it. Says this on their side 'TypeError: Parameter "url" must be a string, not undefined'
Thanks in advance.
Got it using:
public class CustomClaimInjection : ICustomTokenRequestValidator
private readonly HttpContext _httpContext;
public CustomClaimInjection(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
_httpContext = contextAccessor.HttpContext;
public Task ValidateAsync(CustomTokenRequestValidationContext context)
var client = context.Result.ValidatedRequest.Client;
//client.Claims.Add(new Claim("sub", sub)); // this will be [client_sub]
context.Result.CustomResponse = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"example-launchcontext", "https://url/" }
return Task.CompletedTask;
//return Task.FromResult(0);
I think I understand your problem now, and I think you would like a successful authentication to return additional information about where the patient's file is stored. I would store this in the token as a claim since it can be expressed as a statement about the subject (the user). This can be done in the registered (through dependency injection) implementation of the IProfileService. In the implementation of 'GetProfileDataAsync' you can set the issued claims using the 'ProfileDataRequestContext' parameter's property 'IssuedClaims'. These claims will be used to populate the id token which is what you should be looking to do.

IdentityServer 4, trying to capture traffic with fiddler?

Console application trying to get discovery
var disco = await DiscoveryClient.GetAsync("http://localhost:5000");
Works fine, however i'm trying to figure out how this thing works and I cant seem to capture the http traffic.
if i use http://localhost.fiddler to redirect to the local proxy Errors With:
Error connecting to localhost.fiddler:5000/.well-known/openid-configuration: HTTPS required (it's not setup with HTTPS, the error msg is misleading!)
Strangely later in the code when we try to authenticate to web-api with
var response = await client.GetAsync("http://localhost.fiddler:5001/identity");
localhost.fiddler works fine, now this is running in the same, in program.cs so the same file. This is driving me potty why on earth can't I capture traffic going to 5000 it's HTTP!!! so what mysteries are causing this ? is there another way to view the magic http traffic going to and from Identity Server ?
Added Startup class
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// configure identity server with in-memory stores, keys, clients and scopes
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
added Blog, will update it and credit if we can resolve this.
As you correctly figured out, you need to use, for example, http://localhost.fiddler, to route localhost traffic through fiddler. However, using DiscoveryClient.GetAsync uses DiscoveryClient with default policy. That default policy has the following settings important for this case:
RequireHttps = true
AllowHttpOnLoopback = true
So, it requires https unless you query loopback address. How it knows what is loopback address? There is DiscoveryPolicy.LoopbackAddresses property. By default it contains:
For that reason you have "HTTPS required" error - "localhost.fiddler" is not considered a loopback address, and default policy requires https for non-loopback addresses.
So to fix, you need to either set RequireHttps to false, or add "localhost.fiddler` to loopback address list:
var discoClient = new DiscoveryClient("http://localhost.fiddler:5000");
//discoClient.Policy.RequireHttps = false;
var disco = await discoClient.GetAsync();
If you do this - you will see disovery request in fiddler, however it will fail (response will contain error), because server will report authority as "http://localhost:5000" and you query "http://localhost.fiddler:5000". So you also need to override authority in your policy:
var discoClient = new DiscoveryClient("http://localhost.fiddler:5000");
discoClient.Policy.Authority = "http://localhost:5000";
var disco = await discoClient.GetAsync();
Now it will work as expected.

How to add multiple endpoints to adfs

I have a lot of web applications on the same web server (II7):
let's say mydomain/app1, mydomain/app2, ... and so on.
I'm trying to add an ADFS authentication through OWIN.
Here's what I've done:
[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(MyNamespace.Startup))]
namespace MyNamespace
public class Startup
private static string realm = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Wtrealm"];
private static string adfsMetadata = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:ADFSMetadata"];
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
app.Use((context, next) =>
return next.Invoke();
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions());
new WsFederationAuthenticationOptions
Wtrealm = realm,
MetadataAddress = adfsMetadata
public void SignIn(IOwinContext context)
if (context.Authentication.User == null)
When a user access mydomain/app1, I want him to be authenticated through ADFS and then redirected to mydomain/app1. And same thing for a user accessing mydomain/app2.
But I wish to add only one relying party trust in ADFS (because there's a lot of applications and all are using same claim rules).
I've tried different configurations, but I can't do what I want:
if the RP endpoint is mydomain/app1/, authentication is ok but all requests (even from mydomain/app2 are redirected to app1), obviously
if the RP endpoint is only mydomain/, I get a 405.0 http error - Method Not Allowed after redirection (I take care of the trailing slash).
For information, I saw this question on stackoverflow:
URL redirection from ADFS server
But it doesn't really answer my problem because I don't understand sentence "(...) WIF will process the response at URL_1, and then take care of redirecting the user to URL_2" in Andrew Lavers's comment.
How can I add multiple endpoints to one RP trust ?
Or how can I redirect users to the original URL ? (considering all applications are on the same domain).
Thanks in advance for any help.
You should be able to set the wreply parameter based on the application that triggers the authentication flow. Something like this:
new WsFederationAuthenticationOptions
Wtrealm = realm,
MetadataAddress = adfsMetadata,
Notifications = new WsFederationAuthenticationNotifications
RedirectToIdentityProvider = context =>
context.ProtocolMessage.Wreply = <construct reply URL from context.Request>;
return Task.FromResult(0);
The issue here is that even by doing this the ADFS server does not need to comply with the given Wreply parameter. By default behaviour ADFS always re-directs to the Wtrealm after successful login.
In our case we wanted to authenticate via ADFS with 2 test servers, 1 production server and enable the login also for developers (localhost). Because of the re-direction issue each of the servers need their own Relying party trust .
The ideal solution here would be that RP trust is created separately for each server running the application and also for https://localhost:44300 (Visual Studio default SSL port) so that developers can also authenticate. For allowing https://localhost:44300 there is probably some security conserns to the preferred option would be to set up development ADFS for example on Azure VM.

Configure the authorization server endpoint

How do we use a bearer token with ASP.NET 5 using a username and password flow? For our scenario, we want to let a user register and login using AJAX calls without needing to use an external login.
To do this, we need to have an authorization server endpoint. In the previous versions of ASP.NET we would do the following and then login at the URL.
// Configure the application for OAuth based flow
PublicClientId = "self";
OAuthOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Token"),
Provider = new ApplicationOAuthProvider(PublicClientId),
AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14)
In the current version of ASP.NET, though, the above doesn't work. We've been trying to figure out the new approach. aspnet/identity example on GitHub, for instance, configures Facebook, Google, and Twitter authentication but does not appear to configure a non-external OAuth authorization server endpoint, unless that's what AddDefaultTokenProviders() does, in which case we're wondering what the URL to the provider would be.
We've learned from reading the source here that we can add "bearer authentication middleware" to the HTTP pipeline by calling IAppBuilder.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication in our Startup class. This is a good start though we're still not sure of how to set its token endpoint. This didn't work:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(options =>
options.MetadataAddress = "meta";
// if this isn't here, we just get a 404
app.Run(async context =>
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World.");
On going to we just receive our hello world page.
Further research showed that we can also use the IAppBuilder.UseOAuthAuthentication extension method, and that it takes a OAuthAuthenticationOptions parameter. That parameter has a TokenEndpoint property. So though we're not sure what we're doing, we tried this, which of course didn't work.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
app.UseOAuthAuthentication("What is this?", options =>
options.TokenEndpoint = "/token";
options.AuthorizationEndpoint = "/oauth";
options.ClientId = "What is this?";
options.ClientSecret = "What is this?";
options.SignInScheme = "What is this?";
options.AutomaticAuthentication = true;
// if this isn't here, we just get a 404
app.Run(async context =>
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World.");
In other words, in going to, there is no error there is just again our hello world page.
EDIT (01/28/2021): AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server has been merged into OpenIddict as part of the 3.0 update. To get started with OpenIddict, visit
Okay, let's recap the different OAuth2 middleware (and their respective IAppBuilder extensions) that were offered by OWIN/Katana 3 and the ones that will be ported to ASP.NET Core:
app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication/OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware: its name was not terribly obvious, but it was (and still is, as it has been ported to ASP.NET Core) responsible for validating access tokens issued by the OAuth2 server middleware. It's basically the token counterpart of the cookies middleware and is used to protect your APIs. In ASP.NET Core, it has been enriched with optional OpenID Connect features (it is now able to automatically retrieve the signing certificate from the OpenID Connect server that issued the tokens).
Note: starting with ASP.NET Core beta8, it is now namedapp.UseJwtBearerAuthentication/JwtBearerAuthenticationMiddleware.
app.UseOAuthAuthorizationServer/OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware: as the name suggests, OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware was an OAuth2 authorization server middleware and was used to create and issue access tokens. This middleware won't be ported to ASP.NET Core: OAuth Authorization Service in ASP.NET Core.
app.UseOAuthBearerTokens: this extension didn't really correspond to a middleware and was simply a wrapper around app.UseOAuthAuthorizationServer and app.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication. It was part of the ASP.NET Identity package and was just a convenient way to configure both the OAuth2 authorization server and the OAuth2 bearer middleware used to validate access tokens in a single call. It won't be ported to ASP.NET Core.
ASP.NET Core will offer a whole new middleware (and I'm proud to say I designed it):
app.UseOAuthAuthentication/OAuthAuthenticationMiddleware: this new middleware is a generic OAuth2 interactive client that behaves exactly like app.UseFacebookAuthentication or app.UseGoogleAuthentication but that supports virtually any standard OAuth2 provider, including yours. Google, Facebook and Microsoft providers have all been updated to inherit from this new base middleware.
So, the middleware you're actually looking for is the OAuth2 authorization server middleware, aka OAuthAuthorizationServerMiddleware.
Though it is considered as an essential component by a large part of the community, it won't be ported to ASP.NET Core.
Luckily, there's already a direct replacement: AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server (
This middleware is an advanced fork of the OAuth2 authorization server middleware that comes with Katana 3 but that targets OpenID Connect (which is itself based on OAuth2). It uses the same low-level approach that offers a fine-grained control (via various notifications) and allows you to use your own framework (Nancy, ASP.NET Core MVC) to serve your authorization pages like you could with the OAuth2 server middleware. Configuring it is easy:
ASP.NET Core 1.x:
// Add a new middleware validating access tokens issued by the server.
// Add a new middleware issuing tokens.
app.UseOpenIdConnectServer(options =>
options.TokenEndpointPath = "/connect/token";
// Create your own `OpenIdConnectServerProvider` and override
// ValidateTokenRequest/HandleTokenRequest to support the resource
// owner password flow exactly like you did with the OAuth2 middleware.
options.Provider = new AuthorizationProvider();
ASP.NET Core 2.x:
// Add a new middleware validating access tokens issued by the server.
// Add a new middleware issuing tokens.
.AddOpenIdConnectServer(options =>
options.TokenEndpointPath = "/connect/token";
// Create your own `OpenIdConnectServerProvider` and override
// ValidateTokenRequest/HandleTokenRequest to support the resource
// owner password flow exactly like you did with the OAuth2 middleware.
options.Provider = new AuthorizationProvider();
There's an OWIN/Katana 3 version, and an ASP.NET Core version that supports both .NET Desktop and .NET Core.
Don't hesitate to give the Postman sample a try to understand how it works. I'd recommend reading the associated blog post, that explains how you can implement the resource owner password flow.
Feel free to ping me if you still need help.
Good luck!
With #Pinpoint's help, we've wired together the rudiments of an answer. It shows how the components wire together without being a complete solution.
Fiddler Demo
With our rudimentary project setup, we were able to make the following request and response in Fiddler.
POST http://localhost:50000/connect/token HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Fiddler
Host: localhost:50000
Content-Length: 61
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 1687
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Expires: -1
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2015 01:24:42 GMT
"access_token" : "eyJ0eXAiOi ... 5UVACg",
"expires_in" : 3600,
"token_type" : "bearer"
The response provides a bearer token that we can use to gain access to the secure part of the app.
Project Structure
This is the structure of our project in Visual Studio. We had to set its Properties > Debug > Port to 50000 so that it acts as the identity server that we configured. Here are the relevant files:
For readability, I've split the Startup class into two partials.
For the very basics, we only need AddAuthentication().
public partial class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
public partial class Startup
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
// Add a new middleware validating access tokens issued by the server.
app.UseJwtBearerAuthentication(new JwtBearerOptions
AutomaticAuthenticate = true,
AutomaticChallenge = true,
Audience = "resource_server_1",
Authority = "http://localhost:50000/",
RequireHttpsMetadata = false
// Add a new middleware issuing tokens.
app.UseOpenIdConnectServer(options =>
// Disable the HTTPS requirement.
options.AllowInsecureHttp = true;
// Enable the token endpoint.
options.TokenEndpointPath = "/connect/token";
options.Provider = new AuthorizationProvider();
// Force the OpenID Connect server middleware to use JWT
// instead of the default opaque/encrypted format.
options.AccessTokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler
InboundClaimTypeMap = new Dictionary<string, string>(),
OutboundClaimTypeMap = new Dictionary<string, string>()
// Register an ephemeral signing key, used to protect the JWT tokens.
// On production, you'd likely prefer using a signing certificate.
app.Run(async context =>
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World!");
public sealed class AuthorizationProvider : OpenIdConnectServerProvider
public override Task ValidateTokenRequest(ValidateTokenRequestContext context)
// Reject the token requests that don't use
// grant_type=password or grant_type=refresh_token.
if (!context.Request.IsPasswordGrantType() &&
error: OpenIdConnectConstants.Errors.UnsupportedGrantType,
description: "Only grant_type=password and refresh_token " +
"requests are accepted by this server.");
return Task.FromResult(0);
// Since there's only one application and since it's a public client
// (i.e a client that cannot keep its credentials private), call Skip()
// to inform the server that the request should be accepted without
// enforcing client authentication.
return Task.FromResult(0);
public override Task HandleTokenRequest(HandleTokenRequestContext context)
// Only handle grant_type=password token requests and let the
// OpenID Connect server middleware handle the other grant types.
if (context.Request.IsPasswordGrantType())
// Validate the credentials here (e.g using ASP.NET Core Identity).
// You can call Reject() with an error code/description to reject
// the request and return a message to the caller.
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(context.Options.AuthenticationScheme);
identity.AddClaim(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Subject, "[unique identifier]");
// By default, claims are not serialized in the access and identity tokens.
// Use the overload taking a "destinations" parameter to make sure
// your claims are correctly serialized in the appropriate tokens.
identity.AddClaim("urn:customclaim", "value",
var ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(
new ClaimsPrincipal(identity),
new AuthenticationProperties(),
// Call SetResources with the list of resource servers
// the access token should be issued for.
// Call SetScopes with the list of scopes you want to grant
// (specify offline_access to issue a refresh token).
ticket.SetScopes("profile", "offline_access");
return Task.FromResult(0);
"dependencies": {
"AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server": "1.0.0",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer": "1.0.0",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc": "1.0.0",
// other code omitted
