I have a device that sends data in text form to a blob on AZURE, once the blob receives the data it triggers a function in azure functions which is basically and executable file made from c++ code, when it finishes it generates another text file which is stored in other blob
it is a very simple operation. But now I would like to receive an email each time the function goes trough successfully, I have searched on the web but the tutorial are very confusing or does not address this simple task.
I did developed the executable file with c++ but I inherited the azure function from someone else and I have zero experience with azure (i am electrical engineer not computer science). The azure function is written in C#, I just need a guide.
Thank you in advance!!
Use can add SendGrid output binding to you C# Azure Function. The binding in function.json would look something like this:
"name": "mail",
"type": "sendGrid",
"direction": "out",
"apiKey" : "MySendGridKey"
and function body like this:
#r "SendGrid"
using SendGrid.Helpers.Mail;
public static void Run(string input, out string yourExistingOutput, out Mail message)
// Do the work you already do
message = new Mail
Subject = "Your Subject"
var personalization = new Personalization();
personalization.AddTo(new Email("recipient#contoso.com"));
Content content = new Content
Type = "text/plain",
Value = "Email Body"
Read about SendGrid and SendGrid bindings.
I had a similar problem which Mikhail's solution helped me solve. In my case I wanted the static Run method to be asynchronously, which meant I couldn't use the out parameter modifier. My solution's slightly different as it is a timer trigger and was implemented using Visual Studio and the NuGet package Microsoft.Azure.Webjobs.Extensions.SendGrid v2.1.0.
public static async Task Run(
[TimerTrigger("%TimerInterval%")]TimerInfo myTimer,
[SendGrid] IAsyncCollector<Mail> messages,
TraceWriter log)
log.Info($"C# Timer trigger function started execution at: {DateTime.Now}");
// Do the work you already do...
log.Info($"C# Timer trigger function finished execution at: {DateTime.Now}");
var message = new Mail();
message.From = new Email("from#email.com");
var personalization = new Personalization();
personalization.AddTo(new Email("to#email.com"));
personalization.Subject = "Azure Function Executed Succesfully";
var content = new Content
Type = "text/plain",
Value = $"Function ran at {DateTime.Now}",
await messages.AddAsync(message);
This solution used Zain Rivzi's answer to How can I bind output values to my async Azure Function?
and the SendGrid Web API v3 quick start guide.
The answer can be slightly simplified:
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using SendGrid.Helpers.Mail;
public static class ExtractArchiveBlob
public static async Task RunAsync(string input,
[SendGrid(ApiKey = "SendGridApiKey")]
IAsyncCollector<SendGridMessage> messageCollector)
var message = new SendGridMessage();
message.AddContent("text/plain", "Example content");
message.SetSubject("Example subject");
await messageCollector.AddAsync(message);
Where SendGridApiKey is the app setting holding your Send Grid api key.
I have a client using HttpClient.GetAsync to call into a Azure Function Http Trigger in .Net 5.
When I call the function using PostMan, I get my custom header data.
However, when I try to access my response object (HttpResponseMessage) that is returned from HttpClient.GetAsync, my header data empty.
I have my Content data and my Status Code. But my custom header data are missing.
Any insight would be appreciated since I have looking at this for hours.
Thanks for you help.
Edit: Here is the code where I am making the http call:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetQuotesAsync(int? pageNo, int? pageSize, string searchText)
var requestUri = $"{RequestUri.Quotes}?pageNo={pageNo}&pageSize={pageSize}&searchText={searchText}";
return await _httpClient.GetAsync(requestUri);
Edit 8/8/2021: See my comment below. The issue has something to do with using Blazor Wasm Client.
For anyone having problems after following the tips on this page, go back and check the configuration in the host.json file. you need the Access-Control-Expose-Headers set to * or they won't be send even if you add them. Note: I added the "extensions" node below and removed my logging settings for clarity.
host.json (sample file):
"version": "2.0",
"extensions": {
"http": {
"customHeaders": {
"Access-Control-Expose-Headers": "*"
This is because HttpResponseMessage's Headers property data type is HttpResponseHeaders but HttpResponseData's Headers property data type is HttpHeadersCollection. Since, they are different, HttpResponseHeaders could not bind to HttpHeadersCollection while calling HttpClient.GetAsync(as it returns HttpResponseMessage).
I could not find a way to read HttpHeadersCollection through HttpClient.
As long as your Azure function code is emitting the header value, you should be able to read that in your client code from the Headers collection of HttpResponseMessage. Nothing in your azure function (which is your remote endpoint you are calling) makes it any different. Remember, your client code has no idea how your remote endpoint is implemented. Today it is azure functions, tomorrow it may be a full blown aspnet core web api or a REST endpoint written in Node.js. Your client code does not care. All it cares is whether the Http response it received has your expected header.
Asumming you have an azure function like this where you are adding a header called total-count to the response.
public static async Task<HttpResponseData> RunAsync(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post")] HttpRequestData req,
FunctionContext executionContext)
var logger = executionContext.GetLogger("Quotes");
logger.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request for Quotes.");
var quotes = new List<Quote>
new Quote { Text = "Hello", ViewCount = 100},
new Quote { Text = "Azure Functions", ViewCount = 200}
var response = req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
response.Headers.Add("total-count", quotes.Count.ToString());
await response.WriteAsJsonAsync(quotes);
return response;
Your existing client code should work as long as you read the Headers property.
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetQuotesAsync()
var requestUri = "https://shkr-playground.azurewebsites.net/api/quotes";
return await _httpClient.GetAsync(requestUri);
Now your GetQuotesAsync method can be called somewhere else where you will use the return value of it (HttpResponseMessage instance) and read the headers. In the below example, I am reading that value and adding to a string variable. HttpResponseMessage implements IDisposable. So I am using a using construct to implicitly call the Dispose method.
var msg = "Total count from response headers:";
using (var httpResponseMsg = await GetQuotesAsync())
if (httpResponseMsg.Headers.TryGetValues("total-count", out var values))
msg += values.FirstOrDefault();
// TODO: use "msg" variable as needed.
The types which Azure function uses for dealing with response headers is more of an implementation concern of azure functions. It has no impact on your client code where you are using HttpClient and HttpResponseMessage. Your client code is simply dealing with standard http call response (response headers and body)
The issue is not with Blazor WASM, rather if that header has been exposed on your API Side. In your azure function, add the following -
Note: Postman will still show the headers even if you don't expose the headers like below. That's because, Postman doesn't care about CORS headers. CORS is just a browser concept and not a strong security mechanism. It allows you to restrict which other web apps may use your backend resources and that's all.
First create a Startup File to inject the HttpContextAccessor
Package Required: Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(FuncAppName.Startup))]
namespace FuncAppName
public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder builder)
Next, inject it into your main Function -
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
namespace FuncAppName
public class SomeFunction
private readonly HttpContext _httpContext;
public SomeFunction(HttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
_httpContext = contextAccessor.HttpContext;
public override Task<IActionResult> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, new[] { "post" }, Route = "run")] HttpRequest req)
var response = "Some Response"
_httpContext.Response.Headers.Add("my-custom-header", "some-custom-value");
_httpContext.Response.Headers.Add("my-other-header", "some-other-value");
_httpContext.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "my-custom-header, my-other-header");
return new OkObjectResult(response)
If you want to allow all headers you can use wildcard (I think, not tested) -
_httpContext.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Expose-Headers", "*");
You still need to add your web-app url to the azure platform CORS. You can add * wildcard, more info here - https://iotespresso.com/allowing-all-cross-origin-requests-azure-functions/
to enable CORS for Local Apps during development - https://stackoverflow.com/a/60109518/9276081
Now to access those headers in your Blazor WASM, as an e.g. you can -
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
var content = JsonContent.Create(new { query = "" });
using (var client = new HttpClient())
var result = await client.PostAsync("https://func-app-name.azurewebsites.net/api/run", content);
var headers = result.Headers.ToList();
I have office 365 trigger "when new e-mail arrives?"
i initialize a variable username with value Max Sample
Then called azure function FxNet21HttpTrigger1
and if determine there a username for the Logic App is this possible to chnge it there give another Variable back
check the the username and do one thing if it is "Donald Duck" or another thing if not
I'm searching for a minimal way to set value in the azure function and react on the value in the logic app.
Logic App Designer Screenshot
This is using Version 1 Azure functions (version 2 and 3 are similar):
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
return new GetHtmlResponseContent("<html><body>Hello <b>world</b></body></html>"};
private static HttpResponseMessage GetHtmlResponseContent(string msg, HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode)
var response = new HttpResponseMessage(httpStatusCode);
response.Content = new StringContent(msg));
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html");
return response;
You might want to return a JSON payload containing your return value(s).
How do I return JSON from an Azure Function
Can I use SharedAccessKey to connect to the broker (EventHubs)?
I'm unable to connect to my Azure EventHubs.
We use SharedAccessKey instead of SSL to get connected and I have this configuration to do it.
"EventBusConfig": {
"BootstrapServers": "anyname.servicebus.windows.net:9093",
"SecurityProtocol": "SaslSsl",
"SaslMechanism": "Plain",
"SaslUsername": "$ConnectionString",
"SocketTimeoutMs": "60000",
"SessionTimeoutMs": "30000",
"GroupId": "NameOfTheGroup",
"AutoOffsetReset": "Earliest",
"BrokerVersionFallback": "1.0.0",
"Debug": "cgrp"
But it seems I need the certification path (the pem file)
I want to produce a simple message like this
I'm using https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-kafka-extension but I don't know if this beta library can handle SharedAccessKey.
I got this error when trying to connect:
Any help will be appreciated
I was able to produce and consume messages using the extension "https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-kafka-extension".
To consume a message was easy because of the property "EventHubConnectionString" very intuitive.
To produce a message you need to configure a CA certificate, I thought that I need this from Azure but I was wrong and I just followed these instructions to make it work.
Download and set the CA certification location. As described in Confluent documentation, the .NET library does not have the capability to access root CA certificates.
Missing this step will cause your function to raise the error "sasl_ssl://xyz-xyzxzy.westeurope.azure.confluent.cloud:9092/bootstrap: Failed to verify broker certificate: unable to get local issuer certificate (after 135ms in state CONNECT)"
To overcome this, we need to:
Download CA certificate (i.e. from https://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem).
Rename the certificate file to anything other than cacert.pem to avoid any conflict with existing EventHubs Kafka certificate that is part of the extension.
Include the file in the project, setting "copy to output directory"
Set the SslCaLocation trigger attribute property. In the example, we set to confluent_cloud_cacert.pem
This is my producer Azure function with Kafka binding
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Kafka;
namespace EY.Disruptor.AzureFunctionsWithKafka
public static class Function
public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
Username = "ConfluentCloudUsername",
Password = "ConfluentCloudPassword",
SslCaLocation = "confluent_cloud_cacert.pem",
AuthenticationMode = BrokerAuthenticationMode.Plain,
Protocol = BrokerProtocol.SaslSsl
)] IAsyncCollector<KafkaEventData<string>> events,
ILogger log)
log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
string name = req.Query["name"];
string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);
name ??= data?.name;
string responseMessage = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)
? "This HTTP triggered function executed successfully. Pass a name in the query string or in the request body for a personalized response."
: $"Hello, {name}. This HTTP triggered function executed successfully.";
var kafkaEvent = new KafkaEventData<string>()
Value = name
await events.AddAsync(kafkaEvent);
return new OkObjectResult(responseMessage);
This is my consume Azure function with Kafka binding
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Kafka;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace EY.Disruptor.AzureFunctionsWithKafka
public static class Consumer
public static void Run(
Username = "ConfluentCloudUsername",
Password = "ConfluentCloudPassword",
EventHubConnectionString = "ConfluentCloudPassword",
AuthenticationMode = BrokerAuthenticationMode.Plain,
Protocol = BrokerProtocol.SaslSsl,
ConsumerGroup = "Group1")] KafkaEventData<string>[] kafkaEvents,
ILogger logger)
foreach (var kafkaEvent in kafkaEvents)
This is my local.settings.json
"IsEncrypted": false,
"Values": {
"AzureWebJobsStorage": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"BootstrapServer": "zyxabc.servicebus.windows.net:9093",
"ConfluentCloudUsername": "$ConnectionString",
"ConfluentCloudPassword": "Endpoint=sb://zyxabc.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=TestSvc;SharedAccessKey=YAr/="
And of course the initialization in the Startup.cs
public void Configure(IWebJobsBuilder builder)
I hope this recommendation helps other people :)
We have created a SCIM integration using
microsoft.systemForCrossDomainIdentityManagement nuget package which has been described in here:
We have tested the APIs using Postman and they work as they should but when we test them with Azure AD the patch requests fail.
Looking at the logs and narrowing them down we figured that the request is not in the same format as what microsoft.systemForCrossDomainIdentityManagement expects.
One patch request from AD is like below (which will fail):
{ "schemas":["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
"Operations": [ {"op":"Replace","path":"displayName","value":" User
X"} ]}
While the request that works is like this:
[ {"$ref":null,"value":"User x"}]}]
Please note the difference between 2 requests which in the 1st call is a string and in the second one is a list of objects.
How should we fix this?
The Nuget package take the request and deliver the IPatchRequest so the request doesn't even receive to our part of the code and both parts are Microsoft :|
Since there was no answer from Microsoft after more than a month, they only other way that I know to fix this is to intercept the call before it gets to Microsoft's part of the code (using a middle ware) and change it to the format that they are expecting :\
I have discussed the problem and the solution further in the link below, but I am still waiting for a fix from Microsoft :\
The easy fix is like this:
public class PatchRequestUpdaterMiddleware : OwinMiddleware
private const string OperationValueFinderRegex = "({[\\s\\w\":,.\\[\\]\\\\]*op[\\s\\w\":,.\\[\\]\\\\]*\"value\"\\s*:\\s*)(\"[\\w\\s\\-,.#?!*;\'\\(\\)]+\")"; //{"op":"x","value":"Andrew1"}
public override async Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
if (context.Request.Method.ToLower() != "patch")
await Next.Invoke(context);
var streamReader = new StreamReader(context.Request.Body);
string body = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
body = Regex.Replace(body, OperationValueFinderRegex, m => $"{m.Groups[1].Value}[{{\"value\":{m.Groups[2].Value}}}]"); //{"op":"x","value":"Ashkan"} ==>> {"op":"x","value":[{"value":"Ashkan"}]}
context.Request.Body = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body));
await Next.Invoke(context);
And just add this to the provider that you have created:
class myProvider:ProviderBase
private void OnServiceStartup(IAppBuilder appBuilder, HttpConfiguration configuration)
Here's my scenario:
I'm sending an Azure ServiceBus Queue message from Node.js using the node azure sdk like so:
var message = {
body: JSON.stringify({ foo: 'Bar' })
serviceBusService.sendQueueMessage('myQueue', message, function (error) {
if (!error) {
console.log('msessage sent');
I have a c# worker role that is listening to the Queue:
QueueClient Client = QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connStr, QueueName);
Client.OnMessage((receivedMessage) =>
var body = receivedMessage.GetBody<string>();
When the GetBody method gets executed, i get the following error:
There was an error deserializing the object of type System.String. The input source is not correctly formatted
After some digging around, i found THIS article that helped me get a solution:
Client.OnMessage((receivedMessage) =>
var bodyJson = new StreamReader(receivedMessage.GetBody<Stream>(), Encoding.UTF8).ReadToEnd();
var myMessage = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyMessage>(bodyJson);
If anyone has faced this issue and found a better solution, please let me know!
To anyone who found this question if they were getting this error from sending the message using Service Bus Explorer (like me).
Make sure you specify the correct message type in the drop down:
Thanks for the update, I was doing the reverse and this helped me. I thought I'd add to your solution for completeness. The DeserializeObject method needs the "MyMessage" class defining. In your original post, your JSON is:
{ foo: 'Bar' }
If we drop that into json2csharp (json2csharp.com) we now have the class required to complete your solution:
public class MyMessage
public string foo { get; set; }
Of course, the dependency is having Newtonsoft.Json package added to your Visual Studio solution:
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json -Pre
Using the nuget package: Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus
The following info is contained inside as as comment:
If a message is only being sent and received using this Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus
client library, then the below extension methods are not relevant and should not be used.
If this client library will be used to receive messages that were sent using both WindowsAzure.Messaging client library and this (Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus) library, then the Users need to add a User property Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Message.UserProperties while sending the message. On receiving the message, this property can be examined to determine if the message was from WindowsAzure.Messaging client library and if so use the message.GetBody() extension method to get the actual body associated with the message.
---------------------------------------------- Scenarios to
use the GetBody Extension method: ----------------------------------------------
If message was constructed using the WindowsAzure.Messaging client library as
var message1 = new BrokeredMessage("contoso"); // Sending a plain string var
message2 = new BrokeredMessage(sampleObject); // Sending an actual customer object
var message3 = new BrokeredMessage(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("contoso")); // Sending
a UTF8 encoded byte array object await messageSender.SendAsync(message1); await
messageSender.SendAsync(message2); await messageSender.SendAsync(message3);
Then retrieve the original objects using this client library as follows: (By
default Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.InteropExtensions.DataContractBinarySerializer
will be used to deserialize and retrieve the body. If a serializer other than
that was used, pass in the serializer explicitly.)
var message1 = await messageReceiver.ReceiveAsync(); var returnedData1 = message1.GetBody();
var message2 = await messageReceiver.ReceiveAsync(); var returnedData2 = message1.GetBody();
var message3 = await messageReceiver.ReceiveAsync(); var returnedData3Bytes =
message1.GetBody(); Console.WriteLine($"Message3 String: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(returnedData3Bytes)}");
------------------------------------------------- Scenarios to NOT use the GetBody
Extension method: ------------------------------------------------- If message
was sent using the WindowsAzure.Messaging client library as follows: var message4
= new BrokeredMessage(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("contoso"))); await
messageSender.SendAsync(message4); Then retrieve the original objects using this
client library as follows: var message4 = await messageReceiver.ReceiveAsync();
string returned = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message4.Body); // Since message was
sent as Stream, no deserialization required here.
May it help you
With the latest Service Bus client libraries (.NET, JS, Java, Python), you can send message(s) using the JS library like this:
const serviceBusClient = new ServiceBusClient("<connectionstring>");
const sender = serviceBusClient.createSender("<queuename>");
await sender.sendMessages([{
body: {
title: "hello"
Note that .sendMessages takes a list as an input, even if you're just sending one message.
And get the body of the received message using .NET library like this:
await using var client = new ServiceBusClient("<connectionstring>");
ServiceBusReceiver receiver = client.CreateReceiver("<queuename>");
ServiceBusReceivedMessage receivedMessage = await receiver.ReceiveMessageAsync();
string body = receivedMessage.Body.ToString();
Console.WriteLine(body); //prints {"title":"hello"}