Outlook REST API: trying to call API using AZURE AD authentication - c#

Using the office 365 Outlook REST API (version 2), I have a web application managing outlook subscriptions to specific mail boxes. I've been able to use the examples to obtain a token and call the API using the authorization code flow, successfully.
But now, I want to use a client credential flow and get a token using Azure AD authentication via delegate permissions (I gave the application all possible delegate permissions under office 365 exchange online). Similar to what I've seen here: Get Office 365 API access token without user interaction
I've registered my application and gotten my tenant ID, client ID & secret. I've been able to get a token but when I try to use it, I get 401, unauthorized back.
Here's how I'm getting the token:
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext($"{authority}{tenantId}");
clientCredential = new ClientCredential(client_Id, secret);
authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, clientCredential);
And here's how I'm trying to use the API (trying to delete the subscription using REST sharp in this code):
var token = await GetOtherToken(account);
rc = new RestClient("https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0");
rc.AddDefaultHeader("Authorization", $"Bearer {token}");
request = new RestRequest($"me/subscriptions('{restSubId}')", Method.DELETE);
request.AddHeader("Content-Length", "0");
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data");
Looks like this is not possible. Please, someone, drop some knowledge. Thanks for reading.

When using client credential flow to acquire a token for resource , you are using application identity instead of as a user's identity. So you should assign application permission for your app(not delegate permissions) . In addition , since you are using app identity instead of user's identity , api can't recognize me(https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me) . Please click here for how to build service and daemon apps in Office 365 .


Authenticating EWS using Oauth with full_access_as_user

I'm trying to get an application using EWS to work against O365 with OAuth. I've managed to get it working in the case where I register the app in AAD, and grant it full_access_as_app (Use Exchange Web Services with full access to all mailboxes) in the portal. The code looks like this:
string tokenUri = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/TENANTID/oauth2/v2.0/token";
string resource = "https://outlook.office365.com";
string appId = "APPID_FROM_AAD";
var context = new AuthenticationContext(tokenUri);
X509Certificate2 cert = GetLocalCertificate(THUMBPRINT);
ClientAssertionCertificate c = new ClientAssertionCertificate(appId, cert);
AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = context.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, c).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
m_exchangeService.Credentials = new OAuthCredentials(authenticationResult.AccessToken);
//all the autodiscover URIs for O365 are the same
m_exchangeService.Url = new Uri(#"https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx");
m_exchangeService.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, m_emailAddress);
This seemed a little extreme though. The application is a back end service, and only needs access to one mailbox (the impersonated user id), so I wanted to change it over to full_access_as_user permissions (Access mailboxes as the signed-in user via Exchange Web Services). I added the permission to the app, and then added the application to the user, but I got a 401 anytime I tried to operate on the mailbox after impersonation. I checked the JWT, and while with the original permission I had "full_access_as_app" in the roles, I didn't have any roles assigned this time.
Is there a way I can modify this so that I can have an admin add EWS access to one or more mailboxes in a tenant, or is the only way to get this to work to give an app access to every mailbox on the service?
Yes, OAuth authentication for EWS is only available in Exchange as part of Office 365. EWS applications require the "Full access to user's mailbox" permission.
Reference - Authenticate an EWS application by using OAuth

Web API on-behalf-of adal id_token error

I have created a Web API in Azure.
This Web API makes some calls in SharePoint Online. Some of the api calls are on-behalf-of.
This Web API works fine until 01.05.2018 - and it works fine on old app services, which were created before 01.05.2018.
A microsoft staff member said:
As part of our security hardening efforts we do not allow id_token
redemption for any application created after 2018-05-01 00:00:00.
During the log in process of adal, I got the id_token. The id_token has got the same value as the access_token:
When I call the web api, I will send this token as bearer token.
The Web API takes this token (string accessToken) and starts the method 'AcquireTokenAsync':
var clientID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientID"];
var clientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientSecret"];
var tenant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Tenant"];
var appCred = new ClientCredential(clientID, clientSecret);
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(
"https://login.microsoftonline.com/" + tenant);
var resource = new Uri(sharePointUrl).GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority);
var authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resource, appCred,
new UserAssertion(accessToken));
return authResult.AccessToken;
But in the line which calls 'AcquireTokenAsync' I have got the error message:
AADSTS240002: Input id_token cannot be used as 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer' grant
But where is the problem?
The problem is that you use the same application identity in the front-end and back-end, and MS does not allow you to use the Id token (which you use as an access token here because of the former) to get another access token.
A possible solution:
Register another application (the front-end JS app should be a Native app)
It should acquire an access token for your back-end API using either the API's client id or app Id URI as the resource
Then the API can exchange the access token for another access token
If this is a multi-tenant app, the migration is probably not going to be easy.
If it's single-tenant, then all should be possible.
Your front-end app should of course require permission to call your back-end API in Azure AD, and that permission should be granted.
Another solution would be to acquire the other access token in the front-end using ADAL.JS instead of using on-behalf-of in the back-end and attaching that to all API requests in addition to the Id token.

How to access Microsoft Graph's services with service-user credentials

I have created a special service account in AAD that I want to use to send email notifications to users.
In asp.net core 2 web app, how do I get access token for that service account?
The samples I've seen uses user's identity, but that is not my case.
I will have probably some background process, so there cannot be any user interactivity.
I will have probably some background process, so there cannot be any user interactivity.
you could use OAuth 2 Resource Owner Password Credentials grant. Note: The resource owner password grant doesn't provide consent and doesn't support MFA either. Detailed tutorial, you could follow here. Moreover, you could use ADAL to retrieve the access_token instead of constructing the HttpClient by yourself.
The code for acquire the token via ADAL would look like:
var result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("https://graph.microsoft.com","<clientId>", new UserPasswordCredential("<userName>", "<password>"));
Moreover, as juunas commented that you could use the service to service scenario and use the application permissions instead of the user delegated permissions. The code would look like this:
var result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("https://graph.microsoft.com", new ClientCredential("<clientId>", "<clientSecrets>"));
For your AAD app on Azure Portal, you need to configure the required permissions for accessing Microsoft Graph API as follows:
Note: For Send mail Microsoft graph API, you need to set the related permission. For Resource Owner Password Credentials grant flow, you need to choose the delegated permission Send mail as a user (Mail.Send). While for client credential flow, you need to choose the application permission Send mail as any user (Mail.Send), then click grant permissions (this permission needs global admin to consent).
After retrieved the access_token, you could use Microsoft Graph Client Library for .NET to communicate with Microsoft Graph API to send the email. The initialization for GraphServiceClient would look like this:
//initialize the GraphServiceClient instance
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(
new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(
async (requestMessage) =>
var token = await GetAccessTokenAsync();
requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("bearer", token);

On-Behalf-Of Azure Mobile backend - MS Graph

Another attempt to ask a different question surrounding my month long problem:
I'm now trying to initiate the "On-Behalf-Of" flow to get a MS Graph token when users login with a Microsoft Account. As documented here:
On the client, users log in with a server-flow:
var user = await MobileService.LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.MicrosoftAccount);
On the .NET backend, I am trying to retrieve the MS Graph token:
string clientId = "id-shown-in-app-registration-portal";
string clientSecret = "secret-shown-in-app-registration-portal";
IEnumerable<string> msIdTokenOut = null;
Request.Headers.TryGetValues("x-ms-token-microsoftaccount-access-token", out msIdTokenOut);
string msIdToken = msIdTokenOut.FirstOrDefault();
AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext("https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0");
UserAssertion assertion = new UserAssertion(msIdToken);
ClientCredential cred = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
AuthenticationResult authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync("https://graph.microsoft.com/", cred, assertion);
I get the following error:
aadsts50027: invalid jwt token. token format not valid.
I've tried every possible combination, from using server-flow to login, using MSAL for client-flow (which doesn't authenticate against App Services with the retrieved token). This has been driving me crazy for over a month. I can't believe how many hoops I have jumped through to get 2 Microsoft products working together. If anyone can steer me towards a solution I would be beyond grateful.
Here is a workaround, I suggest you could enable the mobile server custom authentication by using MSAL returned access token.
More details, you could refer to below steps:
Firstly, you could create a login page which will use MSAL login with the microsoft account. It will return the access token.
Then you could send the request with the access token to the mobile service backend to ask for authentication.
Notice: The logic in the backend which used to check the access token is right, you need achieve by yourself. You could decode the access jwt token to get the aud value. If this value is as same as the client id that means the user have the permission to access mobile backend data.
Then you could use jwt token to get the user information from graph api. After get the user information, you could set the user information value to claims to generate the auth token(using this method AppServiceLoginHandler.CreateToken[Add Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Login NuGet package]). By using this token the mobile client user could access the mobile backend.
The access token like this:
More details, you could refer to this article to know how to enable custom auth in mobile backend.

Office 365 APIs Microsoft Graph authentication failed

I registered sample app from Microsoft graph sample app
And standard login is working but when I try to make it simplier by using this code:
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(Settings.AzureADAuthority);
var token = authContext.AcquireToken(Settings.O365UnifiedAPIResource, new ClientCredential(Settings.ClientId, Settings.ClientSecret)).AccessToken;
I get the following error: Application with identifier '[ClientId here]' was not found in the directory microsoft.com
Setting.O365UnifiedAPIResource = #"https://graph.microsoft.com/";
Settings.AzureADAuthority = #"https://login.microsoftonline.com/common";
Does anyone know what can be the problem?
Settings.AzureADAuthority = #"https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant_id or tenant_name}";
When acquiring the token by using the client credential (client id + client secret). You should specify the tenant explicitly.
For example:
BTW, as this registration will be for the sample app, it will only have the Mail.Send permission which is delegated permission. To acquire the app token, you also need to grant the app level permission in Azure AD since your are acquiring the app token rather than the user token.
