Reading Dynamic Sets from File using C# - c#

Here's my file i Want to Use C# code to make a each set that consist of A to E (from the input file)
To be very Clear,
my first Set will be like,
my Second Set will be like ,
my third Set will be like,
My file consist of n-sets.So a possible way is to to store in an Array[].So that i can also process those multiple sets with in foreach loop.
Yet, i couldn't find a way to calculate and store this dynamic n-sets of Value in C#.

The results will be in the dictionary sets in the below code. Basically it reads each line and compares the first character of the line to the previous line's first character. If bigger, than it will just add to the set. If smaller, it will create a new set and add to that. It will keep doing that till it has done reading the whole file.
I am using the ReadLines method so it does not load the whole file into memory but loads them line by line as we request it.
string last = "";
var sets = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>();
File.ReadLines("YourFilePath.txt").Select(x =>
string first = x.Substring(0, 1);
last = last == "" ? first : last;
if (first.CompareTo(last) > 0)
sets.Add(sets.Count, new List<string>());
sets[sets.Count - 1].Add(x);
return x;


Why does this compare answer never change?

I'm writing code that reads a CSV into an array. The 7th item in the CSV is TenNinetyNine or W2 so I compare array[6] and TenNinetyNine and it always gives me 1 back saying they match. I pull up a messagebox with array[6] and it shows that they don't match.
I have tried: if (array[6] == "TenNinetyNine") and using string.Compare which is currently up.
I messed with the CSV which was originally 1099 or W2 just to verify they both read in as strings. All my testing shows that every line I see a new value for array[6] but it seems to keep the first result when they are compared.
string data = sr.ReadLine();
while (data != null)
string[] developerData = data.Split(',');
string tax1 = "TenNinetyNine";
int taxCompared = string.Compare(tax1, developerData[6]);
MessageBox.Show(developerData[6]); //Changes each iteration
MessageBox.Show(taxCompared.ToString()); //Always 1
I expect the MessageBox.Show(taxCompared.ToString()); to produce a 1 for TenNinetyNine and a -1 (or 0) for W2.
Put a breakpoint on the first messagebox so that you can hove over and see tax1 and developerData[6] are identical as I have no idea what developerData[6] is returning. String.Compare is case sensitive so check for that too, ensure there are no leading or trailling spaces by trimming each string:
int taxCompared = string.Compare(tax1.Trim(), developerData[6].Trim();

C# :- How to sort a large csv file with 10 columns. Based on 5th column (Period Column). Without memory

How to sort a large csv file with 10 columns?
The sorting should be based on data type for example, string, Date, integer etc
Assuming Based on 5th column (Period Column) we need to sort.
As it is large CSV file, Without loading the same in memory we have to do.
I tried using logparser, but beyond certain size it throws error saying
"log parser tool has stopped working"
So please suggest any algorithm which i can implement in c#. Or if there is any other component or code which can help me.
Thanks in advance
Do know that running a program without memory is hard, specially if you have an algorithm that by its nature requires memory allocation.
I've looked at the External sort method mentioned by Jim Menschel and this is my implementation.
I didn't implement sorting on the fifth field but left some hints in the code so you can add that yourself.
This code reads a file, line by line and creates, in a temporary directory for each line a new file. Then we open two of those files and create a new target file. After reading a line from the two open files, we can compare them (or their fields). Based on their comparison we write the smallest one to the target file and read the next line from the file we used.
Although this doesn't keep much strings in memory it is hard on the diskdrive. I checked the NTFS limits and 50,000,000 files is within the specs.
Here are the main methods of the class:
main entry point
This take the file to be sorted
public void Sort(string file)
var sortedFile = SortAndCombine();
// if you feel confident you can override the original file
File.Move(sortedFile, file + ".sorted");
Split file
Split the file in a new file for each line
Yes, that will be a lot of files but it guarantees the least amount of memory used. It is easy to optimize though, read a couple of lines, sort those and write to a file.
void Split(string file)
using (var sr = new StreamReader(file, Encoding.UTF8))
var line = sr.ReadLine();
while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
// whatever you do, make sure this file your writed
// is ordered, just writing a single line is the easiest
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(CreateUniqueFilename()))
line = sr.ReadLine();
Combine the files
Iterate over all files and take one and the next one, merge those files
string SortAndCombine()
long processed; // keep track of how much we processed
// iterate the folder
var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sortdir).GetEnumerator();
bool hasnext = files.MoveNext();
processed = 0;
while (hasnext)
// have one
string fileOne = files.Current;
hasnext = files.MoveNext();
if (hasnext)
// we have number two
string fileTwo = files.Current;
// do the work
MergeSort(fileOne, fileTwo);
hasnext = files.MoveNext();
} while (processed > 1);
var lastfile = Directory.EnumerateFiles(sortdir).GetEnumerator();
return lastfile.Current; // by magic is the name of the last file
Merge and Sort
Open two files and create one target file. Read a line from both of these and write sthe mallest of the two to the target file.
Keep doing that until both lines are null
void MergeSort(string fileOne, string fileTwo)
string result = CreateUniqueFilename();
using(var srOne = new StreamReader(fileOne, Encoding.UTF8))
using(var srTwo = new StreamReader(fileTwo, Encoding.UTF8))
// I left the actual field parsing as an excersise for the reader
string lineOne, lineTwo; // fieldOne, fieldTwo;
using(var target = new StreamWriter(result))
lineOne = srOne.ReadLine();
lineTwo = srTwo.ReadLine();
// naive field parsing
// fieldOne = lineOne.Split(';')[4];
// fieldTwo = lineTwo.Split(';')[4];
!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lineOne) ||
// use your parsed fieldValues here
if (lineOne != null && (lineOne.CompareTo(lineTwo) < 0 || lineTwo==null))
lineOne = srOne.ReadLine();
// fieldOne = lineOne.Split(';')[4];
if (lineTwo!=null)
lineTwo = srTwo.ReadLine();
// fieldTwo = lineTwo.Split(';')[4];
// all is perocessed, remove the input files.
Helper variable and method
There is one shared member for the temporary directory and a method for generating temporary unique filenames.
private string sortdir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
string CreateUniqueFilename()
return Path.Combine(sortdir, Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
Memory analysis
I've created a small file with 5000 lines in it with the following code:
using(var sw= new StreamWriter("c:\\temp\\test1.txt"))
for(int line=0; line<5000; line++)
I then ran the sorting code with the memory profiler. This is what the summary looked like on my box with Windows 10, 4GB RAM and a spinning disk:
The object lifetime shows as expected a lot of String, char[] and byte[] allocations, but none of those have survived a Gen 0 collection, which means they are all short lived and I don't expect this to be a problem if the number of lines to sort increases.
This is the simplest solution that works for me. From here easy alterations and improvements are possible, either leading to even less memory consumption, reduce allocations or a higher speed. Make sure to measure, select the area where you can make the biggest impact and compare successive results. That should give you the optimum between memory usage and performance.
Instead of reading CSV completely you can simply index it:
Read unsorted CSV line by line and remember 5th element (column) value and something to identify this line later: line number or offset of this line from beginning of the file and size.
You will have some kind of List<Tuple<string, ...>>. Sort that
var sortedList = unsortedList.OrderBy(item => item.Item1);
Now you can create sorted CSV by enumerating sorted list, reading line from source file and appending it to new CSV:
using (var sortedCSV = File.AppendText(newCSVFileName))
foreach(var item in sortedList)
... // read line from unsorted csv using item.Item2, etc.

Merging CSV lines in huge file

I have a CSV that looks like this
783582893T,2014-01-01 00:00,0,124,29.1,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y
783582893T,2014-01-01 00:15,1,124,29.1,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y
783582893T,2014-01-01 00:30,2,124,29.1,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y
783582855T,2014-01-01 00:00,0,128,35.1,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y
783582855T,2014-01-01 00:15,1,128,35.1,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y
783582855T,2014-01-01 00:30,2,128,35.1,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y
783582893T,2014-01-02 00:00,0,124,29.1,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y
783582893T,2014-01-02 00:15,1,124,29.1,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y
783582893T,2014-01-02 00:30,2,124,29.1,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y
although there are 5 billion records. If you notice the first column and part of the 2nd column (the day), three of the records are all 'grouped' together and are just a breakdown of 15 minute intervals for the first 30 minutes of that day.
I want the output to look like
783582893T,2014-01-01 00:00,0,124,29.1,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y
783582855T,2014-01-01 00:00,0,128,35.1,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y
783582893T,2014-01-02 00:00,0,124,29.1,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y,40.0,0.0,40,40,5,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,40,Y
Where the first 4 columns of the repeating rows are ommitted and the rest of the columns are combined with the first record of it's kind. Basically I am converting the day from being each line is 15 minutes, to each line is 1 day.
Since I will be processing 5 billion records, I think the best thing is to use regular expressions (and EmEditor) or some tool that is made for this (multithreading, optimized), rather than a custom programmed solution. Althought I am open to ideas in nodeJS or C# that are relatively simple and super quick.
How can this be done?
If there's always a set number of records records and they're in order, it'd be fairly easy to just read a few lines at a time and parse and output them. Trying to do regex on billions of records would take forever. Using StreamReader and StreamWriter should make it possible to read and write these large files since they read and write one line at a time.
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("inputFile.txt"))
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("outputFile.txt"))
string line1;
int counter = 0;
var lineCountToGroup = 3; //change to 96
while ((line1 = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
var lines = new List<string>();
for(int i = 0; i < lineCountToGroup - 1; i++) //less 1 because we already added line1
var groupedLine = lines.SomeLinqIfNecessary();//whatever your grouping logic is
Disclaimer- untested code with no error handling and assuming that there are indeed the correct number of lines repeated, etc. You'd obviously need to do some tweaks for your exact scenario.
You could do something like this (untested code without any error handling - but should give you the general gist of it):
using (var sin = new SteamReader("yourfile.csv")
using (var sout = new SteamWriter("outfile.csv")
var line = sin.ReadLine(); // note: should add error handling for empty files
var cells = line.Split(","); // note: you should probably check the length too!
var key = cells[0]; // use this to match other rows
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(line); // this is the output line we build
while ((line = sin.ReadLine()) != null) // if we have more lines
cells = line.Split(","); // split so we can get the first column
while(cells[0] == key) // if the first column matches the current key
output.Append(String.Join(",",cells.Skip(4))); // add this row to our output line
// once the key changes
sout.WriteLine(output.ToString()); // write out the line we've built up
output.Append(line); // update the new line to build
key = cells[0]; // and update the key
// once all lines have been processed
sout.WriteLine(output.ToString()); // We'll have just the last line to write out
The idea is to loop through each line in turn and keep track of the current value of the first column. When that value changes, you write out the output line you've been building up and update the key. This way you don't have to worry about exactly how many matches you have or if you might be missing a few points.
One note, it might be more efficient to use a StringBuilder for output rather than a String if you are going to concatentate 96 rows.
Define the ProcessOutputLine to store merged lines.
Call ProcessLine after each ReadLine and at end of file.
string curKey ="" ;
string keyLength = ... ; // set totalength of 4 first columns
string outputLine = "" ;
private void ProcessInputLine(string line)
string newKey=line.substring(0,keyLength) ;
if (newKey==curKey) outputline+=line.substring(keyLength) ;
if (outputline!="") ProcessOutPutLine(outputLine)
curkey = newKey ;
outputLine=Line ;
EDIT : this solution is very similar to that of Matt Burland, the only noticable difference is that I don't use the Split function.

In C#, how to create an array of data that's updating every 15 seconds

I'm a programming student that is assigned a project where I have to use a random number representing a user selected unit of measurement and returning the measurement, the converted measurement, and the time collected.
I set up a dispatcher timer at an interval of 15 seconds for the timer. So how it works is the program triggers an event every 15 seconds that displays a random number in either a metric or English measurement, then displays the converted value and the time and of course, the timer starts with a start button and displays the data until a stop button is depressed.
My question is that I would like to show a limited history of the collected data, but I am having trouble with the array. Each time it changes to a new data, it either writes over the previous data or doesn't add the new data, depending on how I formulate the statement. So when displaying to a label, it only shows one line of the current data, and not showing any other data.
For example, the user selects "centimeters" the program determines that it is metric and uses a random number as its value concatenated with the converted value and time value.
15 seconds later the event is triggered and a new random number is displayed for "centimeters".
So after combining the three values (measurement, converted measurement and time) which I'll call dataCollected, I populate the array:
string [] dataHistory = new string[10]
for (int i = 0; i < dataHistory.Length; i++)
if (dataHistory[i] == null || dataHistory[i] == "")
dataHistory[i] = dataTlt + "\n";
foreach (string c in dataHistory)
collectedLbl.Content = c;
Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Your code snippet really doesn't give enough information to go on; there could be multiple problems, but one problem you have at least is your foreach loop is simply replacing the content of your label with each iteration. It would be better to use:
collectedLbl.Content = string.Join(", ", dataHistory);
(note - you don't need the foreach with this)
It's not clear to me that you're not also replacing the entire array with each event since the event handling isn't shown, but hopefully this helps get you further along.
foreach (string c in dataHistory)
collectedLbl.Content = c;
The problem here is you are setting the content of the label to each string in the dataHistory array. This is not an accumulating operation: each time you set this data you are overwriting the contents of the label. If you want the label to show all the values in that array you could do, for instance:
collectedLbl.Content = String.Join("\n", dataHistory);
This would join all the values in the array into a single string with new lines in between each element.
Your code snippet doesn't show if these are all calls in a single function, but it appears that you are not re-using your dataHistory array, but are instead creating a new array each iteration. If it is your intent to store the last 10 transactions, you need to initialize the array outside the function. Also, this loop is still somewhat flawed, in that the 11th transaction wouldn't post to the array at all. (You have no method for removing the oldest item if all 10 array positions have data.)
In the first iteration, your first loop stores the result dataTlt + "\n" in all positions of the dataHistory array, and never remove the oldest result when reaching the limit of 10 in the history. It's easier if you just use a List<string> rather than an string[]:
List<string> dataHistory = new List<string>();
And now update as follows:
// remove first result if history has over 10 elements
if(dataHistory.Count > 10)
// now, update your label
collectedLbl.Content = String.Join("\n", dataHistory);

Most efficient way to process a large csv in .NET

Forgive my noobiness but I just need some guidance and I can't find another question that answers this. I have a fairly large csv file (~300k rows) and I need to determine for a given input, whether any line in the csv begins with that input. I have sorted the csv alphabetically, but I don't know:
1) how to process the rows in the csv- should I read it in as a list/collection, or use OLEDB, or an embedded database or something else?
2) how to find something efficiently from an alphabetical list (using the fact that it's sorted to speed things up, rather than searching the whole list)
You don't give enough specifics to give you a concrete answer but...
IF the CSV file changes often then use OLEDB and just change the SQL query based on your input.
string sql = #"SELECT * FROM [" + fileName + "] WHERE Column1 LIKE 'blah%'";
using(OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(
#"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + fileDirectoryPath +
";Extended Properties=\"Text;HDR=" + hasHeaderRow + "\""))
IF the CSV file doesn't change often and you run a lot of "queries" against it, load it once into memory and quickly search it each time.
IF you want your search to be an exact match on a column use a Dictionary where the key is the column you want to match on and the value is the row data.
Dictionary<long, string> Rows = new Dictionar<long, string>();
if(Rows.ContainsKey(search)) ...
IF you want your search to be a partial match like StartsWith then have 1 array containing your searchable data (ie: first column) and another list or array containing your row data. Then use C#'s built in binary search
string[] SortedSearchables = new string[];
List<string> SortedRows = new List<string>();
string result = null;
int foundIdx = Array.BinarySearch<string>(SortedSearchables, searchTerm);
if(foundIdx < 0) {
foundIdx = ~foundIdx;
if(foundIdx < SortedRows.Count && SortedSearchables[foundIdx].StartsWith(searchTerm)) {
result = SortedRows[foundIdx];
} else {
result = SortedRows[foundIdx];
NOTE code was written inside the browser window and may contain syntax errors as it wasn't tested.
If you can cache the data in memory, and you only need to search the list on one primary key column, I would recommend storing the data in memory as a Dictionary object. The Dictionary class stores the data as key/value pairs in a hash table. You could use the primary key column as the key in the dictionary, and then use the rest of the columns as the value in the dictionary. Looking up items by key in a hash table is typically very fast.
For instance, you could load the data into a dictionary, like this:
Dictionary<string, string[]> data = new Dictionary<string, string[]>();
using (TextFieldParser parser = new TextFieldParser("C:\test.csv"))
parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited;
while (!parser.EndOfData)
string[] fields = parser.ReadFields();
data[fields[0]] = fields;
catch (MalformedLineException ex)
// ...
And then you could get the data for any item, like this:
string fields[] = data["key I'm looking for"];
If you're only doing it once per program run, this seems pretty fast. (Updated to use StreamReader instead of FileStream based on comments below)
static string FindRecordBinary(string search, string fileName)
using (StreamReader fs = new StreamReader(fileName))
long min = 0; // TODO: What about header row?
long max = fs.BaseStream.Length;
while (min <= max)
long mid = (min + max) / 2;
fs.BaseStream.Position = mid;
if (mid != 0) fs.ReadLine();
string line = fs.ReadLine();
if (line == null) { min = mid+1; continue; }
int compareResult;
if (line.Length > search.Length)
compareResult = String.Compare(
line, 0, search, 0, search.Length, false );
compareResult = String.Compare(line, search);
if (0 == compareResult) return line;
else if (compareResult > 0) max = mid-1;
else min = mid+1;
return null;
This runs in 0.007 seconds for a 600,000 record test file that's 50 megs. In comparison a file-scan averages over half a second depending where the record is located. (a 100 fold difference)
Obviously if you do it more than once, caching is going to speed things up. One simple way to do partial caching would be to keep the StreamReader open and re-use it, just reset min and max each time through. This would save you storing 50 megs in memory all the time.
EDIT: Added knaki02's suggested fix.
Given the CSV is sorted - if you can load the entire thing into memory (If the only processing you need to do is a .StartsWith() on each line) - you can use a Binary search to have exceptionally fast searching.
Maybe something like this (NOT TESTED!):
var csv = File.ReadAllLines(#"c:\file.csv").ToList();
var exists = csv.BinarySearch("StringToFind", new StartsWithComparer());
public class StartsWithComparer: IComparer<string>
public int Compare(string x, string y)
return 0;
return x.CompareTo(y);
I wrote this quickly for work, could be improved on...
Define the column numbers:
private enum CsvCols
PupilReference = 0,
PupilName = 1,
PupilSurname = 2,
PupilHouse = 3,
PupilYear = 4,
Define the Model
public class ImportModel
public string PupilReference { get; set; }
public string PupilName { get; set; }
public string PupilSurname { get; set; }
public string PupilHouse { get; set; }
public string PupilYear { get; set; }
Import and populate a list of models:
var rows = File.ReadLines(csvfilePath).Select(p => p.Split(',')).Skip(1).ToArray();
var pupils = rows.Select(x => new ImportModel
PupilReference = x[(int) CsvCols.PupilReference],
PupilName = x[(int) CsvCols.PupilName],
PupilSurname = x[(int) CsvCols.PupilSurname],
PupilHouse = x[(int) CsvCols.PupilHouse],
PupilYear = x[(int) CsvCols.PupilYear],
Returns you a list of strongly typed objects
If your file is in memory (for example because you did sorting) and you keep it as an array of strings (lines) then you can use a simple bisection search method. You can start with the code on this question on CodeReview, just change the comparer to work with string instead of int and to check only the beginning of each line.
If you have to re-read the file each time because it may be changed or it's saved/sorted by another program then the most simple algorithm is the best one:
using (var stream = File.OpenText(path))
// Replace this with you comparison, CSV splitting
if (stream.ReadLine().StartsWith("..."))
// The file contains the line with required input
Of course you may read the entire file in memory (to use LINQ or List<T>.BinarySearch()) each time but this is far from optimal (you'll read everything even if you may need to examine just few lines) and the file itself could even be too large.
If you really need something more and you do not have your file in memory because of sorting (but you should profile your actual performance compared to your requirements) you have to implement a better search algorithm, for example the Boyer-Moore algorithm.
OP stated really just needs to search based on line.
The questions is then to hold the lines in memory or not.
If the line 1 k then 300 mb of memory.
If a line is 1 meg then 300 gb of memory.
Stream.Readline will have a low memory profile
Since it is sorted you can stop looking once it is greater than.
If you hold it in memory then a simple
With LINQ will work.
LINQ is not smart enough to take advantage of the sort but against 300K would still be pretty fast.
BinarySearch will take advantage of the sort.
Try the free CSV Reader. No Need to invent the wheel over and over again ;)
1) If you do not need to store the results, just iterate though the CSV - handle each line and forget it. If you need to process all lines again and again, store them in a List or Dictionary (with a good key of course)
2) Try the generic extension methods like this
var list = new List<string>() { "a", "b", "c" };
string oneA = list.FirstOrDefault(entry => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry) && entry.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWidth("a"));
IEnumerable<string> allAs = list.Where(entry => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry) && entry.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWidth("a"));
Here is my Code. It is for a Quote Qualified CSV, so for a regular CSV, change Let n = P.Split(New Char() {""","""}) to Let n = P.Split(New Char() {","})
Dim path as String = "C:\linqpad\Patient.txt"
Dim pat = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(path)
Dim Patz = From P in pat _
Let n = P.Split(New Char() {""","""}) _
Order by n(5) _
Select New With {
.Doc =n(1), _
.Loc = n(3), _
.Chart = n(5), _
.PatientID= n(31), _
.Title = n(13), _
.FirstName = n(9), _
.MiddleName = n(11), _
.LastName = n(7),
.StatusID = n(41) _
Normally I would recommend finding a dedicated CSV parser (like this or this). However, I noticed this line in your question:
I need to determine for a given input, whether any line in the csv begins with that input.
That tells me that computer time spend parsing CSV data before this is determined is time wasted. You just need code to simply match text for text, and you can do that via a string comparison as easily as anything else.
Additionally, you mention that the data is sorted. This should allow you speed things up tremendously... but you need to be aware that to take advantage of this you will need to write your own code to make seek calls on low-level file streams. This will be by far your best performing result, but it will also by far require the most initial work and maintenance.
I recommend an engineering based approach, where you set a performance goal, build something relatively simple, and measure the results against that goal. In particular, start with the 2nd link I posted above. The CSV reader there will only load one record into memory at a time, so it should perform reasonably well, and it's easy to get started with. Build something that uses that reader, and measure the results. If they meet your goal, then stop there.
If they don't meet your goal, adapt the code from the link so that as you read each line you first do a string comparison (before bothering to parse the csv data), and only do the work to parse csv for the lines that match. This should perform better, but only do the work if the first option does not meet your goals. When this is ready, measure the performance again.
Finally, if you still don't meet the performance goal, we're into the territory of writing low-level code to do a binary search on your file stream using seek calls. This is likely the best you'll be able to do, performance-wise, but it will be very messy and bug-prone code to write, and so you only want to go here if you absolutely do not meet your goals from earlier steps.
Remember, performance is a feature, and just like any other feature you need to evaluate how you build for that feature relative to real design goals. "As fast as possible" is not a reasonable design goal. Something like "respond to a user search within .25 seconds" is a real design goal, and if the simpler but slower code still meets that goal, you need to stop there.
