Wrap property with dependency property - c#

I interested in useful user control Monitor from the external library in my MVVM style project.
All looks fine...but this control has simple (not a dependency)read only property (IList<ILogSource>), which I need to fill.
After thinking a little I decided to wrap this Monitor control with other control MonitorWrap:
<uc:Monitor x:Name="Monitor" />
and at code behind i create dependency property:
public partial class MonitorWrap : UserControl
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MonitorWrap"/> class.
/// </summary>
public MonitorWrap()
DataContextChanged += (sender, args) =>
//correct ViewModel sets to DataContext
public IList<ILogSource> LogSources
get { return (IList<ILogSource>)GetValue(LogSourcesProperty); }
set { SetValue(LogSourcesProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for MyProperty. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty LogSourcesProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("LogSources", typeof(IList<ILogSource>), typeof(MonitorWrap), new PropertyMetadata(null,ChangeCallback));
private static void ChangeCallback(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var logControlPanelView = d as MonitorWrap;
//add elements from LogSources to readonly collection property.
next step at parent xml:
<customControls:MonitorWrap LogSources="{Binding Sources}"/>
I expect that I'll fill collection at Change Callback method but it doesn't work.
So questions:
am I going the right way to fill read-only collection?
what's wrong? why ChangeCallback method won't work.
i'm using MVVM framework and DataContext sets correct(lambda expression in MonitorWrap constructor works fine).
ViewModel implements INotifyPropertyChanged and code
protected override void OnPropertyChanged(AdvancedPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyName == "Sources")
//works fine on property changed
works fine too.

IList<ILogSource> looks suspiciously to me like you might be asking more of C#'s support for covariance than you're going to get.
The type of the viewmodel property must be assignable to IList<ILogSource>, and the rules for that are fairly strict.
Fundamentally, ObservableCollection<ILogSource> is IList<ILogSource> but it is not IList<ILogSource_inherited_Class>. It's not just the binding that can't do that. You can copy items from one to the other, but you can't cast. All you want to do is copy, but the typesystem doesn't know that -- it just sees you trying to do the assignment.
What should work is making the dependency property of type IEnumerable<ILogSource> (see fiddle). All you need to do is copy the items out of it, so that's sufficient. Don't tell the compiler you need everything IList<ILogSource> can do, if all you need is IEnumerable<ILogSource>.


How to make ViewModel invoke method from component used in View - WPF Prism

In my View I'm using a component (custom control), which provides some functions. I want to invoke one of them when my ViewModel receives an event it is subscribed to.
I want to do this as cleanly as possible, since there might be more functions I would be using this way.
I know I can create a variable like "InvokeFunctionA", bind to this variable and create OnChange method in my View which will invoke the corresponding function. But it's quite a lot of code required just to invoke a single function. And an extra variable, which seems quite unnesessary, too.
Is there a better way to do this? Like, maybe a View can pass some kind of a handler function to ViewModel which will do the work? I've made quite a lot of research but haven't yet found anything that suits my problem. Or maybe I'm missing something obvious?
[ edit ]
Haukinger solution works for now (done this way: https://blog.machinezoo.com/expose-wpf-control-to-view-model-iii ), but I don't think it's the cleanest solution (Instead of providing access to a few functions, I'm exposing whole control to the ViewModel).
In a perfect MVVM-world (as you are asking for a clean solution), the ViewModel does not call anything that is located in the view (neither directly nor indirectly). I'd approach the problem like this:
If 'component' is NOT a usercontrol, try moving it to the ViewModel and use bindings or commands in the view to operate your 'component'.
If 'component' is a usercontrol, give 'component' a dependency property and fill it via a binding with your property of the ViewModel. Inside of 'compontent' you can register value change callback of your dependency property to start your work. <local:UserControlComponent MyDependencyProperty="{Binding PropertyInViewModel}" />
As a last resort:
You could add a C# event to the viewmodel and handle it in your code-behind inside the view.
Instead of an event, you could alternatively use IObservable pattern (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.iobservable-1?view=netframework-4.8, https://github.com/dotnet/reactive)
For completeness sake a no-go option: Prism has an EventAggregator that can be used for loose communication. I've had to remove the usage of EventAggregator from a rather big App, because it was not maintainable any more.
Expose a dependency property in your view whose type is the provided interface, bind it to a property on your view model, then call the method on the interface on the view model property from the view model.
To clarify, I don't mean to expose the component itself, rather an interface that contains exactly one method. The view has to have a private class that implements the interface and routes to the actual component, as well as converting arguments and results so that types belonging to the components need not be present in the interface.
But I'm with sa.he in that this whole situation should be avoided in the first place. It may not be possible, depending on the third party components used, though.
Yes, invoking view's methods from VM is very much against pure MVVM and there's not going to be a 'clean' solution.
But it can be done at least half decently. You would need to create a special attached property (or behavior, but property seems to be a better choice in this scenario) and an ICommand property in VM, then bind the AP to the property with OneWayToSource binding and use command invocation in VM. It would still be a lot of code, but once it's done, you would only need to create new properties in the VM.
Below is some code that I wrote, consider it as a starting point, you can add support for command parameters and converters.
public class MethodDelegation : DependencyObject
public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandDelegatesProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("CommandDelegatesInternal", typeof(CommandDelegatesCollection), typeof(MethodDelegation), new PropertyMetadata(null));
private MethodDelegation() { }
public static CommandDelegatesCollection GetCommandDelegates(DependencyObject obj)
if (obj.GetValue(CommandDelegatesProperty) is null)
SetCommandDelegates(obj, new CommandDelegatesCollection(obj));
return (CommandDelegatesCollection)obj.GetValue(CommandDelegatesProperty);
public static void SetCommandDelegates(DependencyObject obj, CommandDelegatesCollection value)
obj.SetValue(CommandDelegatesProperty, value);
public class CommandDelegatesCollection : FreezableCollection<CommandDelegate>
public CommandDelegatesCollection()
public CommandDelegatesCollection(DependencyObject targetObject)
TargetObject = targetObject;
((INotifyCollectionChanged)this).CollectionChanged += UpdateDelegatesTargetObjects;
public DependencyObject TargetObject { get; }
protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore()
return new CommandDelegatesCollection();
private void UpdateDelegatesTargetObjects(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
foreach (CommandDelegate commandDelegate in e?.NewItems ?? Array.Empty<CommandDelegate>())
commandDelegate.TargetObject = TargetObject;
public class CommandDelegate : Freezable
public static readonly DependencyProperty MethodNameProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("MethodName", typeof(string), typeof(CommandDelegate), new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty, MethodName_Changed));
public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Command", typeof(ICommand), typeof(CommandDelegate), new PropertyMetadata(null));
public static readonly DependencyProperty TargetObjectProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("TargetObject", typeof(DependencyObject), typeof(CommandDelegate), new PropertyMetadata(null, TargetObject_Changed));
private MethodInfo _method;
public string MethodName
get { return (string)GetValue(MethodNameProperty); }
set { SetValue(MethodNameProperty, value); }
public ICommand Command
get { return (ICommand)GetValue(CommandProperty); }
set { SetValue(CommandProperty, value); }
public DependencyObject TargetObject
get { return (DependencyObject)GetValue(TargetObjectProperty); }
set { SetValue(TargetObjectProperty, value); }
protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore()
return new CommandDelegate();
private static void MethodName_Changed(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var del = (CommandDelegate)d;
private static void TargetObject_Changed(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var del = (CommandDelegate)d;
private void UpdateMethod()
_method = TargetObject?.GetType()?.GetMethod(MethodName);
private void UpdateCommand()
Command = new RelayCommand(() => _method.Invoke(TargetObject, Array.Empty<object>()));
The XAML usage is as follows:
<l:CommandDelegate MethodName="Focus"
Command="{Binding TestCommand, Mode=OneWayToSource}" />
Bubble your event upwards. Have your VM publish some event of its own. Your V can subscribe to it (if it wishes).
The downside is that you'll need codebehind, where ideally a V should be XAML-only as far as possible. The upside is that your VM remains quite aloof (i.e. it's not dependent on any specific controls used by the V). It says "something has happened worthy of note", but it doesn't assume either that (a) anyone is particularly listening, or (b) it leaves it to the listener (in your case, the V) to decide exactly what to action to take (i.e. how to change the UI).
It's a perennial problem - how does a VM cause a V to update somehow, and as far as I can tell it is still something to be debated.
The mechanism above, I've got a vague recollection that Prism itself might include something similar. I'm fairly sure it uses something akin to INotifyPropertyChanged (i.e. some interface or other) rather than an "event" as we might understand it just from a working knowledge of .net. You might even be able to use this mechanism to dispense with codebehind altogether. The downside of using Prism in the first place is its bulk, but if you're already using it anyway...
It's for you to decide how clean this is. I decided that a bit of codebehind was preferable to the VM meddling directly with the UI.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object, in WPF designer, at x:Reference

First off, of course I'm aware that this is one of the most repetitive questions to ask about... i'll save you a moment by saying that this has a twist.
First, the setup
<UserControl {d:DesignInstance Type=MyControl, IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}>
<Grid x:Name="root">
<FrameElement x:Name="ContextProxy" Visibility="Collapsed" />
<!-- squiggly line on the SOURCE part -->
<Binding Source="{x:Reference Name=ContextProxy}"
public partial class MyControl {
// viewmodel for INPC (data lookups, child controls, etc)
public ViewModels.vmMyControl { get; } = new ViewModels.vmMyControl();
MyControl() { // ctor
this.root.DataContext = this; // to support DependencyProperty
// several dependency properties for external use/bindings
public static DP IncludeThisColumnDP = DP.Register(..., OnIncludeThisColumnChanged)
public bool IncludeThisColumn { GetValue(DP); } { SetValue(DP, value); }
// relay DP changes from parent / outside world, to internal ViewModel
private void OnIncludeThisColumnChanged(..)
{ (o as vmMyControl).ViewModel.IncludeThisColumn = e.NewValue; }
public class vmMyControl {
private readonly myObservableINPC<bool> _IncludeThisColumn;
public bool IncludeThisColumn { get/set for _IncludeThisColumn.Value }
public vmMyControl() { // ctor
// initialize INPC crap
this.IncludeThisColumn = new blah(nameof(IncludeThisColumn));
// data for designer
if (...GetIsInDesignMode)
public Data_LoadMock() {
// populate some of the data points
so generally speaking, I think I'm following best practices (other than mixing of DP/INPC, but it addresses my needs well, so whatever)...
user control's data context is applied to an internal root element (the top-level Grid)
Data context set to instance of usercontrol to enable DP.
user control instance has readonly property initialized to ViewModel
viewmodel uses GetIsInDesignMode to ensure data doesn't load (and actually, the code's DAL proxies also check an internal bool for indicating when they're being run as a unit test, to further confirm that they're disabled, with InternalsVisibleTo(UnitTestProject))
since datagrid column visibility can't be bound directly (not in the element tree or whatever), I added a FrameworkElement to act as a proxy to datacontext
The twist
So, first let me say that at runtime, the code works. All of the bindings, data loads, etc. No exceptions. This is purely a design-time issue, but it bugs me.
Since I'm aware of the null reference issues when dealing w/ WPF design mode, my first action when I saw the issue was to add:
public void InstantiateVM() {
Action a = () => { return new vmMyControl(); }
a.ShouldNotThrow(); // FluentAssertions
public void InstantiateUC() {
Action a = () => { return new MyControl(); }
a.ShouldNotThrow(); // FluentAssertions
here's the thing... both of the tests run successfully... and upon inspection (debug + breakpoint), no properties in the object result in an exception.
App is using framework 4.5 and C#6 (since i'm on VS2015)
I saw someone post about VS2015 hovering over the message to get more info, but it doesn't seem to do anything for me.
For what it's worth, I'm using VS2015 REL... was tempted to apply update 2 or 3, but there seem to be a few bugs here and there from what I'm hearing/reading.
As per http://www.thomaslevesque.com/2011/03/21/wpf-how-to-bind-to-data-when-the-datacontext-is-not-inherited/
public class BindingProxy : Freezable
#region Overrides of Freezable
protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore()
return new BindingProxy();
public object Data
get { return (object)GetValue(DataProperty); }
set { SetValue(DataProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for Data. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty DataProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Data", typeof(object), typeof(BindingProxy), new UIPropertyMetadata(null));
<local:BindingProxy x:Key="proxy" Data="{Binding}" />
<Binding Source="{StaticResource ResourceKey=DataContextProxy}"
Converter="{StaticResource ResourceKey=BoolToHiddenConverter}"

wpf c# data binding to set string using property of viewModel object

I am trying to solve this issue for so many hours:
I have user custom control of grid named NewMazeGrid and I want to use it as a control in MainWindow. MainWindow contains MazeViewModel(mazeVM member).
I'm trying to set the values of the grid, when the property MazeViewModel:MySingleplay changes.
(I'm using the INotifyPropertyChanged for it, and it works perfectly fine. I guess, the problem is in the final binding)
The code:
This is the property MazeViewModel:MySingleplay getter:
public string MySingleplay
if (myModel.MySingleplay == null)
return "";
} else
return myModel.MySingleplay.ToString();//works perfect
this is the NewMazeGrid.xaml.cs:
namespace VisualClient.View.controls
public partial class NewMazeGrid : UserControl
private MazePresentation myMaze;
private string order; //dont really use it
//Register Dependency Property
public static readonly DependencyProperty orderDependency =
DependencyProperty.Register("Order", typeof(string), typeof(NewMazeGrid));
public NewMazeGrid()
myMaze = new MazePresentation();
DataContext = this;
lst.ItemsSource = myMaze.MazePuzzleLists;
public string Order
return (string)GetValue(orderDependency);
SetValue(orderDependency, value);
myMaze.setPresentation(value); //(parsing string into matrix)
this is the MainWindow.xaml.cs:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private MazeViewModel mazeVM;
public MainWindow()
mazeVM = new MazeViewModel(new ClientMazeModel(new TCPClientConnection()));
DataContext = mazeVM;
private void bu_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
bool isC = mazeVM.isConnected();
mazeVM.openSingleplayGame("NewMaze");//works perfect
this is the MainWindow.xaml:
<Window x:Class="VisualClient.View.MainWindow"
xmlns:Controls ="clr-namespace:VisualClient.View.controls"
xmlns:vm ="clr-namespace:VisualClient.ViewModel"
Title="Main Window" Height="350" Width="525" MinWidth="900" MinHeight="600">
<WrapPanel >
<Button Name ="bu" Content="Click_Me" Click="bu_Click"/>
<Grid Name="myGrid">
<Controls:NewMazeGrid Order="{Binding MySingleplay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>
I get this error on the binding line: Value cannot be null.
To sum:
It initialize fine the window in the ctor, but when the property changes it does not get into the Order property setter. therefor my grid never changes.
What should be the right syntax for binding in this case? how do I bind it to the right property?
Folders hierarchy explorer
WPF may not call the CLR wrapper of a dependency property, but just directly call the GetValue and SetValue methods of the underlying DependencyObject. This is why there should not be any logic except the GetValue and SetValue calls.
This is explained in XAML Loading and Dependency Properties:
Because the current WPF implementation of the XAML processor behavior
for property setting bypasses the wrappers entirely, you should not
put any additional logic into the set definitions of the wrapper for
your custom dependency property. If you put such logic in the set
definition, then the logic will not be executed when the property is
set in XAML rather than in code.
Similarly, other aspects of the XAML processor that obtain property
values from XAML processing also use GetValue rather than using the
wrapper. Therefore, you should also avoid any additional
implementation in the get definition beyond the GetValue call.
To get notified about property value changes, you can register a PropertyChangedCallback by property metadata. Note also that there is a naming convention for DependencyProperty fields. Yours should be called OrderProperty:
public static readonly DependencyProperty OrderProperty =
"Order", typeof(string), typeof(NewMazeGrid),
new PropertyMetadata(OnOrderChanged));
public string Order
get { return (string)GetValue(OrderProperty); }
set { SetValue(OrderProperty, value); }
private static void OnOrderChanged(
DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
Besides that, you must not set
DataContext = this;
in the constructor of NewMazeGrid. This effectively prevents inheriting the DataContext from the parent window, so that {Binding MySingleplay} won't work. Except under special circumstances you should never explicitly set a UserControl's DataContext.
So, remove the DataContext assignment from the constructor:
public NewMazeGrid()
myMaze = new MazePresentation();
lst.ItemsSource = myMaze.MazePuzzleLists;
That said, there is also no need to set UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged on a one-way binding. It only has an effect in two-way (or one-way-to-source) bindings:
<Controls:NewMazeGrid Order="{Binding MySingleplay}"/>

Change brushes based on ViewModel property

I have an application which has CarViewModel + view (UserControl).
What I want to achieve is to change the style of brushes when the bound DataContext Car.Status changes.
I found out how to change the brushes (in code behind of the view):
private void LoadThemeResources(bool isPrepareMode)
if (isPrepareMode)
Uri themeUri = new Uri(#"/../Resources/MyBrushes.Light.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
ResourceDictionary themeDictionary = Application.LoadComponent(themeUri) as ResourceDictionary;
By default the application and everthing has a dark theme spread over multiple files. This MyBrushes.Light overwrites some of those.
But I have no clue how I can execute the LoadThemeResources function based on a property change in the ViewModel in a MVVM friendly way.
I can do in the code behind of the view:
var vm = (CarViewModel) DataContext;
vm.Car.PropertyChanged += HandleStatusChanged;
But this is a tight coupling between View and ViewModel.
I can also do it via Messenger (From MVVM Light), but that gets broadcasted throughout the whole application and seems overkill.
Is there an other way? Or preferred way?
I would prepare some attached property (used on UserControl). Bind that property to your view-model and add code logic of LoadThemeResources in the property changed callback, something like this:
public static class ThemeService {
public static DependencyProperty IsPrepareModeProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsPrepareMode", typeof(bool), typeof(ThemeService),
new PropertyMetadata(isPrepareModeChanged));
public static bool GetIsPrepareMode(UserControl e){
return (bool) e.GetValue(IsPrepareModeProperty);
public static void SetIsPrepareMode(UserControl e, bool value){
e.SetValue(IsPrepareModeProperty, value);
static void isPrepareModeChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e){
var u = sender as UserControl;
//you need some public method of LoadThemeResources
public void LoadThemeResources(bool isPrepareMode) {
Usage in XAML:
<UserControl ...
local:ThemeService.IsPrepareMode="{Binding Car.Status}">
<!-- ... -->
You can also declare a normal DependencyProperty for your UserControl's class and use that instead of the attached property (the usage is just the same).
You could bind to a property on your ViewModel, and use an IValueConverter in your View to turn that property (whether boolean, status enumeration, whatever) into a Brush to be used.
That is, load the theme/resources in the converter (a deliberate bridge between View and ViewModel) so that your View gets the Brush it wants and your ViewModel only has to expose the 'important' information (the bits that help decide what brush to load). The decision logic is all in the converter.

WPF Custom Controls

I've been trying for ever to try and figure this out.
Story: I have one MainWindow and 2 User Controls.
When the MainWindow loads One control is visible and the other is not.
Once the user enters their data and settings, I need to make the other form visible.
The form that is invisible at startup needs to be initialized, because it is gathering data from the WMI of the computer it is running on. It is also gathering AD Information in preparation for the user.
For some reason I cannot get one form to show the other.
I think this is what I'm supposed to be looking at:
#region Class Variable
public string ShowSideBar { get { return (String)GetValue(VisibilityProperty); } set { SetValue(VisibilityProperty, value); }}
public DependencyProperty VisibilityProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ShowSideBar", typeof(string), typeof(UserControl), null);
This is set in my MainWindow Class, however, I have no idea why I cannot call it from any other usercontrol.
Is there any way to just expose something like this to all my forms from my MainWindow?
public int RowSpan {
get { return Grid.GetRowSpan(DockPanel1); }
set { Grid.SetRowSpan(DockPanel1,value); }
Dependency properties must be static. Why is the type string? Should it not be Visibility if you wish to bind the visibility of the controls to it?
Does it have to be a dependency property? You could just use a regular property as well and implement INotifyPropertyChanged, since you are not binding this field to anything, rather binding other things to it.
For a dependency property, try something like this instead:
public static readonly DependencyProperty SideBarVisibilityProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("SideBarVisibility", typeof(Visibility), typeof(MyTemplatedControl), null);
public Visibility SideBarVisibility
get { return (Visibility)GetValue(SideBarVisibilityProperty); }
set { SetValue(SideBarVisibilityProperty, value); }
Firstly, this application would benefit from application of the MVVM pattern.
However, without taking that approach, you can still resolve the problem you have. It would be unusual for a user control to rely on knowing what its parent is. The code behind for your main window would be the better place to put this code. (Not as good as a view model... but that's another story.)
Add to the control that should cause the side bar to be made visible an event, ShowSideBar. Attach a handler in the main window, and use the handler to display the second control. No need for dependency properties here at all.
public class MyControl : UserControl
public event EventHandler ShowSideBar;
// Call this method when you need to show the side bar.
public void OnShowSideBar()
var s = this.ShowSideBar;
if (s != null)
s(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
this.FirstControl.ShowSideBar += (s, e) =>
this.SecondControl.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
I fixed the initlized Component but changing.
X:Class="AdminTools.MainWindow.ShowSideBar" to x:Class="AdminTools.MainWindow".
now i have an issues where
Title="MainWindow" Height="691.899" Width="1500"
<Bindings:ShowSideBar />
<Bindings:ShowSideBar /> = ShowSideBar does not exist in the namespace clr-namespace:AdminTools.Functions
ShowSideBar: member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type.
