I know that this question was asked before, but there is no relevant answer for it. The problem is that my rdlc Report shown in a reportViewer C# does not reflect the changes from the SQL Server database made at run-time (inserts, updates, deletes). It shows only the oldest data. If I close the program and run it again, it works but this is not the solution.
I found the solution . It seems that before the two lines of code written by me, had to be something like this:
String sql = "select * from TRANZACTIONS";
this.TRANZACTIONSTableAdapter.ClearBeforeFill = true;
this.TRANZACTIONSTableAdapter.Connection = new
this.TRANZACTIONSTableAdapter.Connection.CreateCommand().CommandText = sql;
and after that calling the fill method and refresh the reportViewer.
I am not sure if it is the correct way to solve the problem, but it works fine for me.
I've created a code that read dates from a database and put them into the Calendar control. All working good, but if the user select a date in the Calendar, after the population, all the date selected through code disappear. There's another way to flag the date that are previously added from the database population?
public void setFixturesControl()
string query = "select * from date";
SQLiteCommand input = new SQLiteCommand(query, Database.m_dbConnection);
SQLiteDataReader reader = input.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
if (MainWindow.AppWindow.League.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals(reader["caption"].ToString()))
There's a way to prevent the dates disappear after a user click? Or something that allow me to recognize the dates added by database population? Thanks.
After a long search on the net and a large documentation on the Calendar class, I could see two things:
To get what I want I have to take advantage of a custom control
Try to act via code by creating a delegate, but this is not really a
simple thing
I ran then in the first point, in particular, from the post of David Veeneman, it addresses exactly my problem.
The final result will be like this:
Exactly what I want.
In the post it is all documented, so it would be pointless to do a copy paste here. Thank this member that for me at least was able to solve a failure in the control of Microsoft. Unfortunately I am increasingly convinced that WPF is still immature and that still requires a bit 'of years to complete. I hope my answer is help, if anyone manages to solve the problem in a more elegant, well it responds well. Thank You.
I have a databound datagridview for a simple application. I am using the built-in visual studio database, but am using SQL queries to manipulate the data as I prefer it.
The datagrid view is only databound because it is a requirement.
After executing any the datagridview does not update by itself, however even after much research and testing everything I could find, nothing seems to work. The data only updates after I restart the program.
This is what I currently have:
dgvEmployee.DataSource = null;
dgvEmployee.DataSource = this.employeeBindingSource;
I know it is not the fault of my queries since opening the database shows the added values. Thank you for your time. This is my first question on this site so please go easy on me ;)
Have you tried refreshing the main form UI right after? Something like this:
dgvEmployee.DataSource = null;
dgvEmployee.DataSource = this.employeeBindingSource;
I am using this code and it is working well, but not sure if it is a best practice:
List<MyEmployeeData> lstDataSource = query.ToList();
dgvEmployee.DataSource = new BindingListView<MyEmployeeData>(lstDataSource);
It uses BindingListView class available via NuGet.
In your code theese two lines
dgvEmployee.DataSource = null;
are in my opinion not necessary.
But you are missing something like this:
this.employeeBindingSource.DataSource = tableWithNewData;
This is my first time working with DataSets and BindingSources, so please be gentle on me.
As part of a more complicated reporting system (I've distilled it down to a basic incarnation, but it still won't run correctly), I'm trying to pull data from a database using a DataSet problematically (that is, not set up via the designer). Here is the code I have so far:
// pull the data set
var dsReportData = new Reports2.ReportTest2();
dsReportData.SchemaSerializationMode = SchemaSerializationMode.IncludeSchema;
// bind tha data set
BindingSource bsReportBinding = new BindingSource();
bsReportBinding.DataMember = dsReportData.Tables[0].TableName;
bsReportBinding.DataSource = dsReportData;
// test this stuff
dgvTester.DataSource = bsReportBinding;
I based this on the code I saw in a .designer.cs file after setting up binding through the designer. dgvTester is just a DataGridView with the default properties created in the designer.
The ReportTest2 dataset has just one TableAdapter in it, added via designer.
Now, if I went to Data -> Preview Data in VS and previewed the ReportTest2.payments.Fill,GetData () object, it returns data just fine, same as if I ran the query I used to crate the TableAdapter in SQL Server Management Studio.
However, running the actual code results in the DataGridView getting the column names from the query result, but not the actual data. The debugger reveals that dsReportData.payments.Rows.Count == 0 (and that, yes, dsReportData.Tables[0] is payments).
I ultimately intend to use the BindingSource to provide data to a ReportViewer, but first things first is making sure there's no problems with retrieving the data before going onto debug the report.
Hopefully I'm missing something obvious here. I hope so...
Figured it out after some trial and error. This is the part I was missing:
var TableAdapter = new Reports2.ReportTest2TableAdapters.paymentsTableAdapter();
I didn't see it in the code I was referencing because the designer snuck it into the .cs file instead of the .designer.cs file. This made the data appear.
I was going through some old code that was written in years past by another developer at my organization. Whilst trying to improve this code, I discovered that the query it uses had a very bad problem.
OdbcDataAdapter financialAidDocsQuery =
new OdbcDataAdapter(
financialAidDocsQuery.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(":PIDM", OdbcType.Int, 32).Value = this.pidm;
financialAidDocsQuery.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(":AidYear", OdbcType.Int, 32).Value = this.aidYear;
DataTable financialAidDocsResults = new DataTable();
FADocsGridView.DataSource = financialAidDocsResults;
The problem is that the column a.RRRAREQ_TRST_DESC does not exist. A fact you learn very quickly when running it in Oracle SQL Developer.
The strange thing?
This code works.
The gridview binds successfully. (It doesn't try to bind to that field.) And it's been in production for years.
So, my question is...why? I've never seen a bad query work. I've never seen Oracle allow it or a data provider hack around it.
Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?
Hmmm...A few things to check:
Does this code actually run? It may seem silly to suggest this, but there may be a newer file that replaced this one.
Is an exception being squelched by your code? (Anyone who would name columns like that is definitely capable of squelching those pesky exceptions)
Is the exception being squelched by 3rd party code? (Not as likely, but sometimes 3rd party code prefers to use annoying error codes instead of exceptions).
Past those suggestions, I'm not sure.
Revisiting the 2nd point, if you are working in ASP.NET, check that there is no global-level exception handler that is squelching exceptions. I ran into that problem on one site that I worked on and found dozens of exceptions in a single day.
Try running
select * from v$sql where sql_fulltext like '%a.RRRAREQ_TRST_DESC%'
shortly after you bind the grid. That will tell you if the statement was actually seen by Oracle. Note that you should only see the above query if it was not seen by Oracle.
Use ODBC trace log to see if this query is really send to database, and see what database returns. Then use any other ODBC based database tool and check if this query work from this tool. As an ultimate test you can write simple Python script. Easiest way it to use ActiveState Python 2.x with odbc module included. Test code can look like:
import odbc
connection = odbc.odbc('dnsname/user/password')
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("select ...")
for row in cursor.fetchall():
print '\t'.join([str(r) for r in row])
If there was no error in your program and an error in other tools then compare theirs ODBC traces.
If I understand what the original author was trying to do, and with Banner that is never easy to figure out, then this query should be correct:
SELECT a.rrrareq_treq_code,
FROM faismgr.rrrareq a,
faismgr.rtvtreq b,
faismgr.rtvtrst c
WHERE a.rrrareq_treq_code = b.rtvtreq_code
AND a.rrrareq_trst_code = c.rtvtrst_code
AND a.rrrareq_pidm = :PIDM
AND a.rrrareq_aidy_code = :AidYear;
Well, let's file this in the false alarm category.
I decided to have our VAT send a copy of the DLL from test. I pulled it apart with reflector and found, much to my embarrassment, that the query is right. Which makes sense.
I still can't figure out why my working copy would have one incorrect field_name. To my knowledge, I had never touched this file before this week. But, SVN doesn't have any history showing this error in previous versions.
So strange...maybe I'm losing my mind.
Thanks for all of the quality feedback on this question. I certainly learned some new trouble shooting techniques and for that I'm very appreciative. :)
Happy coding,
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm getting the following error whenever my code creates a DataTableReader from a valid DataTable Object:
"DataTableReader is invalid for current DataTable 'TempTable'."
The thing is, if I reboot my machine, it works fine for an undetermined amount of time, then dies with the above. The code that throws this error could have been working fine for hours and then: bang. you get this error.
It's not limited to one line either; it's every single location that a DataTableReader is used. Also, this error does NOT occur on the production web server - ever.
This has been driving me nuts for the best part of a week, and I've failed to find anything on Google that could help (as I'm pretty positive this isn't a coding issue).
Some technical info:
DEV Box:
Vista 32bit (with all current windows updates)
Visual Studio 2008 v9.0.30729.1 SP
dotNet Framework 3.5 SP1
SQL Server:
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition- 9.00.4035.00 (X64)
Windows 2003 64bit (with all current windows updates)
Web Server:
Windows 2003 64bit (with all current windows updates)
Any help, ideas, or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Ok - Have tried the following now with no success:
1: Rebooted
2: SFC / ScanNow
3: Changed SQL Servers
4: Tried a different method that uses DataTableReaders
5: Cleaned solution
The only thing I did find that worked was copy & pasting the code
from the main Visual studio instance, into another which had a simple console app.
This then worked as expected (queried database and got results into a dataTable, created a datatablereader on that table, then queried hasrows before calling .Read()...
All of which worked.
I am struggling to see what could cause this, as there are NO code faults - i'm 100% certain, as it runs perfectly when published to the webserver.
I think using the while(reader.read()) may solve your problem.
if (myReader.HasRows)
while (myReader.Read())
Console.WriteLine("\t{0}\t{1}", myReader.GetInt32(0), myReader.GetString(1));
Console.WriteLine("No rows returned.");
Also from msdn:
The HasRows property returns information about the current result set. If the DataTableReader contains multiple result sets, you can examine the value of the HasRows property immediately after you call the NextResult method in order to determine whether the new result set contains rows.
Use the HasRows property to avoid the requirement to call the Read method of the DataTableReader if there are no rows within the current result set.
DataTableReader.HasRows Property
Had the same problem and got rid of it after clearing the variables in the watch window.
Clearing the watch window & doing rebuilds worked for me. However, because I had to remember to frequently rebuild, I eventually just renamed it also. (prior to renaming, adding additional watch variables on an object could cause previous watch variables on that object to become invalid -- even without progressing through the code, ie staying on the same line)
Wrap usage of DataTableReader (and all IDisposables) with using.
OK.. Further down in the code, I have the following code:
using (DataTableReader tr = dtCustomers.CreateDataReader())
If I change this to read:
using (DataTableReader tr2 = dtCustomers.CreateDataReader())
Then, and remember this bit of code is much later down in the same procedure, BOTH bits of code work without fault!
So, this doesn't work:
using (DataTableReader tr = dt.CreateDataReader())
using (DataTableReader tr = dt.CreateDataReader())
But this does:
using (DataTableReader tr = dt.CreateDataReader())
using (DataTableReader tr2 = dt.CreateDataReader())
I don't understand why this way works, but it does and as I've not had another answer, I'll be going with this.
If you know why this works, and why the original doesn't, please can you enlighten me? :)
Just thought I would post on here in case it's helps someone else. I tried a number of things and in the end i simply changed the name of the datareader and it worked, kind of similar to here. i dont know why for sure but i think it might be because the datareader (originally) wasnt being closed, so maybe after a few times debugging, there was lots of "stuff" in memory with a certain name attached and it said "no more!". still, i could be talking bullpies. my advice, change the name of your datareader variable and make sure you close it after you use it
Seems like a bug on getting the tableReader... i have code that has been working for ears and if i change another method sometimes i get that errro... some times it's solved just recompiling (rebuild), another times i reinstalled the .NET framework or use the option repair of it... i am starting to put try catch sections to use the reader if the system "wants" to givme the reader and the DataTable if not.