Custom MFA ADFS extension does not work with e-mail claim - c#

I have built an MFA extension for ADFS using this guide:
I am trying get the incoming claim in the IAuthenticationAdapter.BeginAuthentication(Claim claim, ...) to have the e-mail of the user that is authenticating. Based on the guide, i should be able to specify in my metadata the IdentityClaims to return "" and then i should get the e-mail.
However, my code is never hit.
Instead, i get the following error in the Event Viewer logs:
System.IO.InvalidDataException: The identity information provided does not contain a Windows account name.
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Authentication.External.ExternalAuthenticationHandler.ProcessContext(ProtocolContext context, IAuthenticationContext authContext, IAccountStoreUserData userData)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Authentication.External.ExternalAuthenticationHandler.Process(ProtocolContext context)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Authentication.AuthenticationOptionsHandler.Process(ProtocolContext context)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.PassiveProtocolListener.OnGetContext(WrappedHttpListenerContext context)
I tried specifying the relying party trusts to pass on the LDAP parameters but i am unable to access those in my code.
Any suggestions?

We ran into this question when trying to debug this exact issue, ourselves. We were experimenting with IAuthenticationAdapterMetadata.IdentityClaims. When our adapter requested emailaddress as our input claim, ADFS threw the above exception immediately before calling BeginAuthentication.
The main issue was that our Claims Provider (Active Directory, in this case) was not configured to provide the user's email address. We discovered this with help from Microsoft's (free) Claims X-Ray service, which I highly recommend for those debugging ADFS claims issues.
Secondarily, ADFS was giving a misleading error. ADFS does not actually seem to validate the Claim value passed to BeginAuthentication. Once we resolved the main issue, there were no restrictions on the user's email address, so long as it was defined.
Note: if you have multiple Claims Provider Trusts, you may need to do this with each of them.
Navigate to the AD FS Management app on the relevant machine.
Select Claims Provider Trusts.
Right click the provider you want to "fix" and select Edit Claim rules...
Select Add Rule... and then select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims.
I'm assuming you should select the provider you're working on as the Attribute store for this rule. You may need to experiment if you can't.
Map LDAP attribute E-Mail-Addresses to claim type E-Mail Address.
Save the new rule.
Additional note: Only the first value in the E-Mail-Addresses array will be sent to BeginAuthentication. This seems to be a quirk of the interface, not a quirk of this solution.


What is the idiomatic way to get a user's email from Xero's OAuth flow

I have a web app which uses the Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2Client package to allow for authentication with Xero.
Once the user is redirected back into my app, I use the IXeroClient.RequestAccessTokenAsync method to exchange their code for an IXeroToken object, which allows me to make calls against the Xero API, as expected.
The one thing I do not know how to do, and which I can't seem to find in the official documentation, is how do I extract the user's details (namely their name and email address) from the IXeroToken object.
As per the standard, the information is encoded as JWT string in the IdToken property, but I am not sure how I am meant to get the information out of it without an additional dependency.
The built in System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityToken class can deserialize the IdToken payload.
new JwtSecurityToken(accessToken.IdToken).Claims contains all the claims in the token.
The relevant types are:
email - The user's email
xero_userid - The user's id (guid)
given_name - The user's first name
family_name - The user's last name
The claims' existence is obviously conditional to the appropriate scope being set.

DocuSign C# API - USER_LACKS_MEMBERSHIP error for every token-authenticated request

We had a working application, we went through the go-live process, and everything was running live for several days. Then we started getting SSL errors, and we saw that the nuget package for the DocuSign package had an update (I believe this was all for the 11/13/2019 2019 certificates auto-update), so we updated our code, but now every request returns the USER_LACKS_MEMBERSHIP error for every token-authenticated request.
Things I can confirm are not the issue:
We have authenticated the app via and the oauth signature impersonation scope, and the testing and live paths are in the API approved Redirect URIs.
We have the correct base path in the configuration (, as shown on our Apps and Keys page)
The base path did not change after we get the token back (The BaseUri on the Account object matches what we started with)
We are using the correct user for the configuration (The value labeled "API Username" in the Apps and Keys page is entered as "IMPERSONATED_USER_GUID" in appsettings.json and successfully used in creating the token as parameter UserID, which also matches our user account's ID shown in the backend, so we are not confusing it with TARGET_ACCOUNT_ID or CLIENT_ID, and shuffling those around causes errors much earlier at the token generation step).
We only have one user: the administrator of the DocuSign account. Their ID appears in the API configuration labeled as "API Username". The DocuSign administration backend doesn't display a membership tab anywhere for us to correct any possible issues with a user lacking membership. As far as I can tell, Membership is a higher tier account option than what we're paying for, so I'm confused how we could be having problems with a feature we haven't bought.
We get this error for checking envelope status. We get this error for trying to create new envelopes. We get this error for trying to get Account information. The only thing we can do is get an authentication token, but then that token can't be used to make any further authenticated requests.
Is there anything I'm missing that could be causing this other than some database error on DocuSign that I can't correct through the tools available to me? The package update changed the order of which class constructor accepts the ApiClient object, and there's a new AccessToken field on the Configuration class (which I filled out, but doesn't seem to have any effect, since we're still adding the Authorization/Bearer header manually). I'm out of ideas on what to try next.
Are you using the production environment or the demo environment?
I suspect that what's happening is that you are getting them mixed. As the baseUrl should not be etc. if you're using production (as indicated by your address) but you must ensure that the same account/user from production is also used.
So, the 4 things to check:
authURI ( vs.
All of these should match and be for the same account in the same env.

Is user's consent towards a client relevant to the claims an api has access to?

In the documentation of IdentityServer4 it says:
[...] Consent is used to allow an end user to grant a client access to
resources (identity or API). This is typically only necessary for
third-party clients [...]
Does this mean an api can get access to claims the user did not consent to for the client the user logged into?
If I login to my mvc-client giving consent to permit Your email address, I get what I expect:
Secure-View of the mvc-client lists all claims from the identity token including the email address
Calling API using user token also shows email address as expected
But if I login and on consent screen tick off the permission for Your email address:
Secure-View of the mvc-client lists all claims from the identity token but not the email address (as expected)
But calling API using user token now also shows email address which I did not expect, or is this normal behavior?
I have this example (derived from the QuickStart Example 5):
mvc-client is from the sample
email-Scope is listed in Scope-definition of that client's OpenIdConnectOptions
AllowedScopes of that client include IdentityServerConstants.StandardScopes.Email
and the api api1 accessible by the mvc-client has IdentityServerConstants.StandardScopes.Email added to it inside UserClaims
I am using a custom profile service, but this should not be relevant to the question (just checked, the mentioned QuickStart example behaves the same way if configured like the steps described above)
I am answering this myself, but not yet accepting, since I am not 100% sure.
Yes, this is expected behavior, I think I just mixed up the different token types.
The api in my case is called using user token which effectively means access token.
From my understanding identity resources mentioned in the quoted documentation part does not apply to the access token (user identity is modeled by the identity token), so the behavior should be expected.

DotNetOpenAuth ClaimedIdentifier changes? What should I store in database to identify users

There are quite a few questions like this and this which all claims that ClaimedIdentifier should be used to uniquely identify each user.
After successful login I am storing ClaimedIndentifier in database. Whenever a user logs in, I traverse through my records looking for the ClaimedIdentifier. However I noticed that ClaimedIdentifiers are changing. What should I store in database to identify my users. I am using Google account.
This is how I am retrieving storing it into database
OpenIdRelyingParty rp = new OpenIdRelyingParty();
IAuthenticationResponse r = rp.GetResponse();
UserController.addUser(new UserController.User(r.ClaimedIdentifier.ToString(), 0));
This isn't a DotNetOpenAuth unique issue. This is a Google behavior. Google's OpenID Provider issues what are called pairwise-unique identifiers. They will always be the same for a given user so long as your OpenID realm is constant.
If you log users in without explicitly supplying a realm to DotNetOpenAuth's OpenIdRelyingParty.CreateRequest method, DotNetOpenAuth simply uses the current web application root URL. This is a reasonable default, except that if your site is accessible in more than one way (e.g. http and https, or with and without the www. host name) than the default realm will vary based on the URL the user happened to use to reach your login page. And when the realm varies, so do Google's generated claimed identifier.
The fix then, is for you to pick one realm (preferably one with an https scheme if that's an option) and explicitly supply it to the CreateRequest method. You must also ensure that your return_to argument to the same method shares a common root with the realm you've chosen. For example, if the realm you choose is:
Then you must ensure that your return_to is based on that. Something like:
If the user has browsed to, that would be the default URL for the return_to, which would not match the realm you've chosen.
So altogether, it may look like this:
var request = relyingParty.CreateRequest(
new Uri(""));
Note that your return_to does not need to be exactly the same with each request as the realm does. So you could have several login page URLs and each one specify its own URL as the return_to parameter. But all return_to URLs must be based on the realm URL.
With that change consistently applied to everywhere you allow users to log in, you should see consistent claimed identifiers from google. Unfortunately, the claimed identifiers you have already obtained using other realms won't match the ones you'll get after this fix. If you need to merge these user accounts, and if you have email addresses for the users you might try merging based on that. But be very wary of this step. It can only be safely done if you're sure the email addresses you have on file belong to those users. If you obtained those email addresses via OpenID when the users logged in, and double checked that it was from an OpenID Provider you trust and that verifies emails, then you're probably OK. Note that just hard-coding Google OP Identifier into CreateRequest does not guarantee that only Google users log in. To make sure of that, you'd have had to be checking that the IAuthenticationResponse.Provider.Uri property matches when the positive assertion comes in.

Windows Azure: web application on several instances, authentication?

An existing web application I want to migrate to the Windows Azure Cloud authenticates users the following way somewhere in the (post)authenticaterequest event:
IPrincipal current = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
if (current != null && ((IClaimsIdentity)current.Identity).Claims.Count > 0)
IPrincipal result = AuthManager.CreateGenericPrincipal(current.Identity);
HttpContext.Current.User = result;
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = result;
The CreateGenericPrincipal method looks up roles in a xml file for the claimsidentity and creates a new GenericPrincipal with that roles.
Pages that need authentication just perform
IPrincipal p = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
This works fine with one webrole instance since there is no big difference to normal IIS hosting. But will it still work with 2, 3 oder 5 instances? The Azure loadbalancer is not "sticky", users could be forwarded to another instance while using the application. Dunno if Thread.CurrentPrincipal is still the way to go.
I use claims-based identity here. The first time an user enters the page, he gets forwarded to a security token service. Until now, this only happens once. It would be annoying if that happens several times when using multiple instances..
What typically happens is that you are forwarded only once, the redirect dance (passive redirect) happens, and you get a token. The token is typically cached in a cookie in an encrypted format. So, subsequent requests do not do the redirect dance.
The challenge here is that since the cookie is encrypted, all servers in a web farm must have the encryption key to decrypt. Out of box, you will run into issues with WIF because it defaults to DPAPI. This type of encryption is intentionally different per machine. That breaks in the cloud.
What you need to do is upload a service certificate as part of your deployment and change the way the cookie encrypted to something that is webfarm friendly. Here is the magical code:
private void OnServiceConfigurationCreated(object sender,
ServiceConfigurationCreatedEventArgs e)
var sessionTransforms =
new List<CookieTransform>(
new CookieTransform[]
new DeflateCookieTransform(),
new RsaEncryptionCookieTransform(
new RsaSignatureCookieTransform(
var sessionHandler = new
This sets up your security token handler to use RSA Encryption with key material derived from the installed certificate.
There is more detail and information outlined here in this sample application that illustrates the problem and solution:
Additional Edit:
There is a pipeline in ASP.NET where WIF is configured. It hooks the authentication event and will pull the token from the cookie and build your IPrincipal so that subsequent code will have that in the context. You typically don't build the Principal yourself when using an STS. Instead, if you need to modify the Principal, you plugin to the pipeline in WIF and insert additional claims to the 'role' claim (actually a URI namespace). WIF will then use those claims to build the ClaimsPrincipal that will contain things like Roles and things just work (IsInRole, web.config auth, etc.).
If possible, it is best to have the token contain the roles as claims. This is a much longer discussion however around 'normalization' of claims to meaningful contexts. Remember, the claims you get from a IP-STS is in their own terms and they might not mean anything to your application. For example, I might get a claim from a customer that they are part of Adatum\Managers group. That is completely meaningless to my application, so what I would typically do is exchange that token for one that my app understands and in the process transform or normalize the claims by claim mappings (i.e. Adatum\Managers --> MyApplicationAdminRole). Windows Azure ACS service is very applicable here to help do that (normalize claims from different IPs).
I would recommend reading Vittorio's book on this all to get the common patterns here:
Eugenio's notes:
Adding to what #dunnry wrote, which is all correct. The proper extensibility point to augment your claim set in the Relying Party (your web app) is by using a ClaimsAuthenticationManager. The docs for this type are here. there are pointers to samples in that page. In that class you would read the roles from the XML file and add them to the ClaimsIdentity. The rest of the app would not worry about claims, etc. (especially if you are using roles like in your case). The RSA config for the cookies encryption solves the load balancer issue.
Look at my post, I just did the same thing.
Basically the claims token needs to be available to any cluster node, so using a certificate on the sessiontokenhandler will prevent a specific node processing the token in a manner specific to an instance.
In the microsoft.identity element in the config, you need to have an element that looks like this.
<certificateReference x509FindType="FindByThumbprint" findValue="****THUMBPRINT*****" storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="My" />
The application pool will also need to get access to this otherwise it won't be able to find the certificate by thumbprint.
The above code will use this certicate when dealing with the token. If you don't have this setup you will get a null reference exception.
