What is the proper api url for this method? - c#

I am consuming an api, the guy working in the backend uses c# and he could not explain to me the methods other than his code. But I don't have experience in c#. Can someone translate to me these lines and tell me what is the url part and what are the body params if any. Thanks!
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST",
        UriTemplate = "UploadCat/{token}/{BID}/{CID}/{CAT}/{DATA}")]
        public HttpResponse UploadCat(string token, string BID, string CID, string CAT, List<CLMobileChangeDTO> DATA)

Depending on the encoding you could hit this API with curl like:
curl -X POST http://hostname/UploadCat/mytoken/myBID/myCID/myCAT/encodedDATA
The tricky part is how the framework you are using will encode a list of objects into URL safe characters to put it on the path. I don't think there is enough information in that code snippet to determine that.
Ideally you would use the post body to send List DATA instead of a path parameter.


How to get request body data from System.Mvc.Web.ActionExecutingContext in c#

Here is my method It will take only one parameter . But I want user whaterver add in request body I need to save in logging.
public async Task<JsonResult> GameDetail(long game)
Here is my Postman request
In ActionExecutingContext I have got only one action parameter
How can I get all body request data?
If anyone have idea please let me know
Thanks in advance.
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/web-api/overview/formats-and-model-binding/parameter-binding-in-aspnet-web-api states that:
At most one parameter is allowed to read from the message body.
The reason for this rule is that the request body might be stored in a non-buffered stream that can only be read once.
You can try to look at this question:
WebAPI Multiple Put/Post parameters
basically, you read the whole body, and get your elements out of it.
something in the effect of
public string MyMethod([FromBody]JObject data)
long game = data["game"].ToObject<Long>();
long rer = data["rer"].ToObject<Long>();
(did not try code, might be buggy)

C# WebAPI - getting URL with parameters passed as QueryString

I've been searching for this problem but non was identical to my case.
I have the following controller:
public HttpResponseMessage GetMyService(int aType, [FromUri] string streamURL)
streamURL is a parameter that gets a full URL sent by the client.
The client calls the service like that:
The problem is that at then end, I get the [FromUri] string streamURL parameter as http://www.client.com/?p1=100 without the &p2=200
This is known and reasonable, but I cannot place any encoding/decoding functionality as the URL is cut at the very beginning.
Any help would be appreciated..
The client should properly URL encode the value of the streamURL query string parameter when making the request in order to conform to the HTTP protocol specification:
So basically there's nothing you could do on the server side, you should fix the client.

How to send JSon array to remote asmx webservice using c#?

In my application i've to send request to a remote asmx web service which is asking for a number of parameters. There is a parameter which is asking for json array. But i can't figure it out that how can i input my json string in the asmx url.(There is no issues with other string values for other parameters).
Thanks in advance.
It's my understanding that unless the webservice has been heavily customised, you are going to need to pass that parameter in the request body rather than as a GET parameter. For example (with jQuery):
var data = {
paramName: ['this', 'is', 'the', 'array']
$.post('service.asmx/Method?getParam1=herp&getParam2=derp', data)
console.log('Response: ' + JSON.stringify(d));
It's been a while since I used an ASMX service, and I'm not 100% positive that you can mix parameters like that. I have a feeling that if you put anything in the body, you have to put everything in it.

c# httpclient POST request: cant send special characters

I have a program that should login to site, it uses POST requests, and all goes fine, until one of the values contain special character('%' for example).
captcha = "ABCDE" //all goes fine and well, server accept captcha
captcha = "ABC&%" //server dont accept captcha and return fail
//here is the bad part:
string request = "password=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(encpass, Encoding.UTF8) +
"&username=" + login + "&captcha_text=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(captcha, Encoding.UTF8);
Also, i ofcourse googled it, and checked all i could find. I though i need to "warn" server abaut encoding, so i added
request.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Type", #"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
but it still did not helped me.
Content types and way request should look like i get from Firebug, so if i can find some answers there - please point.
modify0: Also, i compared what my program send to server with browser request(using Firebug) and my request is completley same. Only difference - my request dont get accepted in values it contain special-characters.
modify1: Also, server have no problems handling special-characters when i check it in browser. For example it(browser) sent "K&YF82" as "captcha_text=K%26YF82"(same value in addres propereties and request body) and all worked fine. UrlEncode do same replacement, but in my program it doesnt get accepted by server.
{ password:"df464dsj", username:"username", captchaText:"ABC&%", remember_login:"false" }
insteat of
Are you dealing with REST application??
If yes then send your post data in request body instead of query string.
Also have a look at the stack post at : Special characters pose problems with REST webservice communication

Box API v2 creating folder with cyrillic letters in it's name

I'm trying to create folder using new API.
If folder name contains cyrillic letters, I receive HTTP 400 Bad Request.
However it works fine with latin letters.
Is it known issue?
I found correct answer here: Detecting the character encoding of an HTTP POST request
the default encoding of a HTTP POST is ISO-8859-1.
The only thing I need is to manually set encoding of the request.
By the way, here is working code:
public static Task<string> Post(string url, string data, string authToken) {
var client = new WebClient { Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 };
return client.UploadStringTaskAsync(new Uri(url), "POST", data);
Usually, complications involving international characters in Box API calls just need minor adjustments to the encoding of the requests. I'm guessing you'll just have to encode the target folder name with a urlencode.
If that doesn't do the trick, we may be able to help more if you send a sample request or code snippet. If you do, keep the api key and auth token to yourself.
