How to decompile ASP.NET / C# Web Application - c#

I've just inherited a web application whose source has long been lost (originally written in 2010 and shelved). The application has a few .dll assemblies that related to the application itself e.g. "applicationCORE.dll", "applicationBI.dll", "applicationDATA.dll" and "application.dll"
I've seen this question and the suggested tool (Just Decompile) is brilliant and created a .sln and .csproj file for the first assembly that I decompiled. My question is how do I merge the various projects that would be created through decompiling with the compiled web application files (.aspx) also, how do I resolve the references in the .aspx files i.e. referencing the codebehind file that no longer exists e.g. "default.aspx" references "default.aspx.cs" while the decompiler creates a "default.cs" file. Is it safer to rename the .cs file or should I update the reference?
Finally, will each dll appear as a separate project within the solution?
I realise this may be perceived as a duplicate question however there doesn't appear to be a resource online that walks a developer through the process.

Following David's advice, I managed to get the application running from decompiled assemblies. Here's the process I followed to get it working
I had already decompiled the various assemblies into projects using a Reflector (on a trial).
I created a blank Web forms application in Visual Studio
I added the .aspx pages from the website to the project through visual studio
Then added the .cs files from the decompiled 'application.dll' project (since this is the website project within the solution. Some files had to be renamed to match the codebehind references in the `.aspx. files
Each additional project e.g. applicationCore.dll was then added to the solution
Each project's references needed to be updated and references to the newly added projects must be added to the startup project
Since the website was built so long ago, there were 1,000's of syntax errors. The easiest way to resolve them was to use Notepad++ and the Find and Replace. To be safe, I did this file-by-file by following the errors from Visual Studio rather than a batch find and replace
When trying to build I noticed errors where required assemblies were missing so I changed the build output directory of the sub-projects to the bin folder of the web project
I added the connection strings and settings from the original website's web.config. I did this line by line to make sure I didn't break anything and so that I could trace the result of each addition
Finally I had a successful build!
Additional Steps
There were also syntax errors which I assumed were due to the decompiling process. Some external references needed to be added and there were slight changes due to the age of the project e.g. asp:AjaxScriptControl changed to asp:ScriptControl (after adding the package using Nuget). I also had to install Crystal Reports for this application and will have to purchase a Telerik licence as there are UI components being used (although I'll see if I can use an open / native alternative as I work through the app).
I've logged in using credentials (I did have to set the correct start page) and tried a few basic CRUD operations. There are silly issues that have to be resolved e.g. the authentication doesn't work properly and there's no redirect if you access a protected page but these things are relatively minor compared to the issues I faced initially.
What I must say is each error was resolved using questions and answers from this site! This was all completed in just under 6 hours.


Imported website into web application in visual studio gives 'Type typename already defines a member'

After importing this existing (and functional) site into Visual studio (tried 2017 and 2019 both) running .Net 4.0 I am getting a plethora of not found errors.
Codebehind pages are not able to see elements on the existing page
Classes are declared to be duplicated or ambiguous
Function names (both standard like Page_Load and custom) are reported as already defined.
I am sure that all these items are related. Here are the steps I followed:
Created new Web Application from Visual Studio 2017 template
Copied solution and csproject files into existing website folder
Added files into the project
Re-added references to site
Set custom class .CS files to Compile
Removed "unnecessary" using statements (which were already declared in web.config)
Create a new ProfileCommon stub referencing ProfileBase
Beyond all this I have tried renaming a number of these functions and classes (using the rename) to create a new reference point.
Not sure what else I can do on this beyond major changes or a complete rewrite (100+ pages of code so far) by creating the new class files then copy/paste.
What other options are open to me?
Ok, this is is a migration project. Only you can "determine" if you want to convert from a web site to a web site application, and the time and efforts for such a migration project.
Now, having stated the above? No question, that I prefer hands down a web site applications. Simple things like have VS compile and build the application, ability to add assemblies (and not have the mess of .dll's HAVING to be in the bin folder to resolve references - yuk!).
And then simple things like the ability to multiple projects in one project are things I come to enjoy, and expect over the years when developing software.
About the "only" thing going for a web site? Your deployment is oh so easy, since you can open a web page, or code behind, hit save, and you are done!
but, this means both source code (code behind) has to be deployed to the web site. As noted, I prefer a build and compile process in VS. This does mean that to make a "minor" change, then you have to do a full re-deploy of the whole site.
However, these benefits I like and enjoy? it not all a given that converting an existing web site to a web site application is worth the efforts. Only you can make this decision. On the other hand, you would not be doing this work unless you KNOW what you doing, and thus can determine if these efforts are worth the time.
Such a conversion and refactoring process is somewhat beyond a simple post on SO.
However some steps and tips are outlined here:
I would consider starting over, and try the steps in above.
There is a "convert" option outlined in above, and this can save enormous amounts of time. It has been some time since I have attempted such a conversion, and I not tested the "convert" option in vs2022, and hopefully it still exists.
However, another possible option? Keep the site as web site.

Is it necessary to deploy the XML file in a class library?

I have developed a lot of class library projects in VS 2012 to be used in Windows Forms and Web forms applications.
The question is simple. Do I need to deploy the DLL file itself together with the XML file that is created?
For example, the class library project is called DataWare. Upon building, I got 5 files in Release folder (this project reference Entity Framework):
I know that ".pdb" file contains debugging information, so there is no need to deploy. The ".config" file is not taken into account. Instead the App.config or Web.config are.
Regarding this, I think I have to deploy just DataWare.dll and EntityFramework.dll.
However, the main doubt is if I need to deploy EntityFramework.xml as well.
The XML file contains the doc comments for the public types & members in the assembly.
You only need it if you want Visual Studio to show documentation in IntelliSense.
If you're deploying a consumer-facing app (as opposed to a developer-facing reusable library), you do not need it.
No, in most cases you do not need it. If there is an external DLL that needs to be copied local and referenced using the config, then you might need to, but that is somewhat rare.

Sitefinity - References in project not found when under source control

Hi folks I have a couple of questions.
We installed the trial version of Sitefinity. I`ve created a project on my machine and everything seems to be running well. I started developing and getting a sense of the CMS. I uploaded the project on TFS and my colleague got the sources, but when he builds the solution its seems of all the refrences are missing and does not compile because it does not find the namespace Telerik.Sitefinity.Cloud.WindowsAzure in the class AzureWebRole.cs,
1.What to do so when creating a project the corresponding side can work freely.
When he tries to create a project he gets the following exception.
What should be done so he can create a project?
What I find strange is that the default project is getting hosted and the solution is being build without problems but others project which are added are problematic.
- The second problem was fixed when removed offline projects which were with missing references. The First question remains -> how to create a WebApp under source control so it will be alright on other workstations.
For sitefinty you need to checkin all DLLs in the bin, except for the sitefinitywebapp.dll

ASP.NET Website to Web Application conversion issue - Could Not Load Type 'ClassName' AND Set Namespaces for all existing webpages technique

I have converted one huge Website Project into a Web Application Project as we want to have Compiled code in form of DLL for security purposes and followed below MSDN articles:
The website is having 1000s of web pages/files. I have resolved all the issues of duplicate references, class name colisions and some compilation errors faced at on Build Solution stage. Due to the earlier website pattern, class names are in the following pattern:
for e.g. if UserMaster is in admin/Operations/Masters folder so the class name will be like: admin_Operations_Masters_UserMaster.
Now, Web Application is Building Successfully and when I try to run the application, it shows "Could Not Load Type 'ClassName'" so I found out that the issue of because Namespaces are absent due to earlier Website Pattern.
Found out in the MSDN:
By default, pages and classes that are built by using the Visual Studio Web site project model do not automatically include a code namespace. However, pages, controls, and classes that are built by using the Visual Studio Web application project model automatically include a code namespace. When converting the Web site project to a Web application project, you will have to add the namespaces to the code.
I have DEFAULT NAMESPACE in the project properties.
So I tried to add the namespaces to whole of the project via ReSharper -> Refactor -> Adjust Namespaces but its for .cs files only and not for .aspx.cs etc AND so its not working.
I thought I need to make a utility to add the namespaces automatically in pages as per their folder path structure but its a time consuming process.
So need a workaround to add the namespaces automatically in pages as per their folder path structure.
What I did for testing is, I have wrapped the default namespace in login page of the project where I faced 'could not load type issue', added in Inherits attribute also. Then did a Clean Solution then Rebuild Solution. But still getting the same issue.
I don't why DLL is not getting updated with the login page's class.
The strange thing is when I change the Codebehind to CodeFile (attribute of Page Directive) then the page is working very fine. Its due to source file is present at the time of running the project BUT i want to use Codebehind attribute as it will tell the compiler to look for the class in DLL not in Source file.
Finally, Summary is :
I have two major issues:
Could not load type 'className'
How to add the namespaces automatically in pages as per their folder path structure.
I have already searched here and came around different topics but nothing works for me. one have suggested to use "Surround With" feature of VS but I need to go one by one on each file which is NOT possible right now.
So Tried:
Set path of DLL to "bin" instead of "bin\debug"
Checked the Build Configuration and its of x86. also the DLL is present in bin
Checked all project properties and all are fine. Cleaned and rebuild solution hundreds of times. Cleaned Temporary ASP.NET files also.
Set Build Action to "Compile" for .cs class files
Cannot set Build action to Compile for aspx pages as they are static html and they should be set to "Content" which is default Build Action.
Resharper solution for adding namespaces but not working
Please help....
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Solved the Issue:
Earlier, I have tried to Set Build Action to "Compile" for .cs class files Only and for all the files sitewide to Compile from .csproj file but it was not working due to aspx page itself set to Compile which was not required.
Now, I have changed the Buid Action to Compile which was Content for .aspx.cs and .aspx.designer.cs files.
and it solved the issue.
Like for e.g.:
Solution 'TestWebApp1'
Project 'TestWebApp1' (ASP.NET Web Application)
Default.aspx (Build Action: Content)
Default.aspx.cs (Build Action: Compile)
SiteLayout.Master (Build Action: Content)
SiteLayout.Master.cs (Build Action: Compile)
Source: None of my "code behind" code is being called

Difficulty loading references after their rebuild

I'm writing applications and libraries simultaneously, and whenever I update a library it's a bit hard to get it recognized in the consumer application. I have open a separate Visual Studio instance for each library and application. After rebuilding a library I get in the consumer applications the warning/error below. I then either have to remove the reference and add it again. Or I have to clean and build the library solution 3-4 times, for such warning/error to disappear in the consumer app VS solution. Why would doing that 4 times make any difference to doing it 1 or 2 times..?
Would like to understand why this happens and if something can be done to make this work more smoothly?
Not sure if it's relevant but most of my applications I write in VB.NET and libaries in C# (as I'm in progress of changing everything to C#). I also have C# files from the libraries open in the consumer application VS, as it pops up during debugging. I also reference library dlls in the library project /bin/Debug folder, because I'm making a lot of changes at this point of development.
Warning 1 Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'somelibrary'
doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the
namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public
member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any
aliases. 'local path'
Error 72 Unable to load referenced library 'path\somelibrary.dll': The
process cannot access the file because it is being used by another
I'm writing applications and libraries simultaneously, and whenever I update a library it's a bit hard to get it recognized in the consumer application. I have open a separate Visual Studio instances for each library and application.
This is the fundamental source of your problem. Visual Studio does not like it when things outside it's control change. You should have a single solution open with all the relevant projects included in it. Then when something changes, all the projects which depend on that project will automatically be rebuilt. (At least, that's the default.)
After rebuilding a library I get in the consumer applications the warning/error below. I then either have to remove the reference and add it again. Or I have to clean and build the library solution 3-4 times, for such warning/error to disappear in the consumer app VS solution. Why would doing that 4 times make any difference to doing it 1 or 2 times..?
I don't think it has anything to do with how many times you clean and rebuild it, but how long it's been since you last made a change - you have to wait long enough for the VS instance building the dll to release the lock on the file, before the VS instance that is using it is able to access it.
When you build a project you lock up the .DLL file in the project you build it from, because that is the version of the assembly that the library instance of visual studio will use - however you are referencing that very same library in another process hence the reason you are seeing the error.
You have two options, keep having two instances and then close the two instances open them again and it will be fine.
What you are better off doing is adding the project itself you are referencing (and are getting the error for) to your solution. Then instead of referencing YourProject/bin/debug/assembly.dll add a reference to the local project via the Projects tab. This will then keep one process referencing the appropriate assemblies that it needs.
For every project in the solution check the project settings -> Compile tab -> advanced compile options... -> target framework(all configurations), see if they are all (for example) .NET framework 4. having different or the wrong framework might cause the problems you're having right now
