Hi I created my first test bot using Microsoft BotFramework in C#.
in private async Task< Activity > HandleSystemMessage(Activity message) in if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate) normally it should notify a new member added to group or someone hit the start button of bot in Telegram Messenger. When I test it in debug mode using BotFramework emulator everything works perfectly but after I publish it I see that after hitting start button in Telegram messenger my code didn't run.
My code in ActivationType.ConversationUpdate
foreach (var item in message.MembersAdded)
using (var dbcontext = new WatermarkBotDBEntities())
dbcontext.BotUsers.Add(new BotUser()
AddedFriends = 0,
ConversationID = message.Conversation.Id,
ServiceUrl = message.ServiceUrl,
UserID = message.From.Id
if (Request.RequestUri.Query != "")
var u = dbcontext.BotUsers.Where(x => x.BotSalCode == Request.RequestUri.Query.Replace("?start=", string.Empty)).FirstOrDefault();
dbcontext.Entry(u).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
if (u != null)
var connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(u.ServiceUrl));
IMessageActivity newMessage = Activity.CreateMessageActivity();
newMessage.Type = ActivityTypes.Message;
//newMessage.From = new ChannelAccount("<BotId>", "<BotName>");
newMessage.From = new ChannelAccount("c3e7mhdafcecn7ng3", "Bot");
newMessage.Conversation = new ConversationAccount(false, u.ConversationID);
newMessage.Recipient = new ChannelAccount(u.UserID);
if (u.AddedFriends <= 2)
newMessage.Text = $"SomeText.";
else newMessage.Text = "SomeTex";
await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync((Activity)newMessage);
catch (Exception ex)
So how is it possible to detect hitting start in telegram ?
I realize this is not a complete answer, but I wanted to share this code with you in case it may help. Below is the recommended way to send a welcome message, you may be able to repurpose this code for your use.
else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate || message.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
IConversationUpdateActivity iConversationUpdated = message as IConversationUpdateActivity;
if (iConversationUpdated != null)
ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new System.Uri(message.ServiceUrl));
foreach (var member in iConversationUpdated.MembersAdded ?? System.Array.Empty<ChannelAccount>())
// if the bot is added, then
if (member.Id == iConversationUpdated.Recipient.Id)
var reply = ((Activity)iConversationUpdated).CreateReply(
$"Hi! I'm Botty McBot.");
await connector.Conversations.ReplyToActivityAsync(reply);
This is the answer I found for my question after lots of testing :
In MessagesController class in public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody]Activity activity) function that defined by default in a BotFramework Application you have to do something like this :
if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
if (activity.Text.StartsWith("/start"))
//This will return you the start parameter of a link like : http://telegram.me/botname?start=Parameter
var Parameter = activity.Text.Replace("/start ", "");
and if you want to send a welcome message so you can surely use the way that #JasonSowers told and use his code to send your message .
Best Regards
I am trying to create a discord bot using DSharpPlus library where if you react on a message with specific emoji, you will get a specific role. The concept is pretty straight forward but I fail to figure out one rather important concept. That is, how do I get the bot to listen for a reaction on an existing message all the time.
I tried to do it via commands and I got it to work, however the problem with this approach as I learned is that the bot only listens for reactions after I type a command and it only lasts a minute or so (based on configuration).
public class RoleCommands : BaseCommandModule
public async Task Join(CommandContext ctx)
var joinEmbed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder
Title = "Reaction with thumbs up!",
Color = DiscordColor.Green
var joinMessage = await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed: joinEmbed).ConfigureAwait(false);
var thumbsUpEmoji = DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":+1:");
var thumbsDownEmoji = DiscordEmoji.FromName(ctx.Client, ":-1:");
await joinMessage.CreateReactionAsync(thumbsUpEmoji).ConfigureAwait(false);
await joinMessage.CreateReactionAsync(thumbsDownEmoji).ConfigureAwait(false);
var interactivity = ctx.Client.GetInteractivity();
var reactionResult = await interactivity.WaitForReactionAsync(x =>
x.Message == joinMessage
&& x.User == ctx.User
&& x.Emoji == thumbsUpEmoji);
if (reactionResult.Result.Emoji == thumbsUpEmoji)
var role = ctx.Guild.GetRole(773965440913375282);
await ctx.Member.GrantRoleAsync(role).ConfigureAwait(false);
await joinMessage.DeleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
How can I do this outside of a command where I can pass it a message Id and then it listens to that message for reactions all the time as oppose to a limited time?
The full answer to my question is to use DiscordClient.MessageReactionAdded += OnReactionAdded; and to implement the method as such:
private async Task OnReactionAdded(DiscordClient sender, MessageReactionRemoveEventArgs e)
var messageId = e.Message.Id;
var guild = e.Message.Channel.Guild;
var reactionName = e.Emoji.GetDiscordName();
var reactionDetail = ReactionDetails.FirstOrDefault(x =>
x.MessageId == messageId
&& x.GuildId == guild.Id
&& x.ReactionName == reactionName);
if (reactionDetail != null)
var member = e.User as DiscordMember;
if (member != null)
var role = guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Id == reactionDetail.RoleId).Value;
await member.GrantRoleAsync(role).ConfigureAwait(false);
Store the message id somewhere then hook the MessageReactionAdded event on your DiscordClient and do your logic there.
Is there a proper way for bot to start a conversation with PromptDialog.Choice in the Direct Line channel?
I am trying an ugly hack with catching the fist ConversationUpdate activity and creating a fake message from user to initialize the dialog like this:
IMessageActivity greetingMessage = Activity.CreateMessageActivity();
greetingMessage.From = message.Recipient;//from bot
greetingMessage.Recipient = userAccount;//to user
greetingMessage.Conversation = message.Conversation;
greetingMessage.Text = "Hello, I am a bot";
greetingMessage.Locale = "en-us";
greetingMessage.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync((Activity)greetingMessage);
IMessageActivity dialogEntryMessage = Activity.CreateMessageActivity();
dialogEntryMessage.Recipient = message.Recipient;//to bot
dialogEntryMessage.From = message.From;//from user
dialogEntryMessage.Conversation = message.Conversation;
dialogEntryMessage.Text = "any text";
dialogEntryMessage.Locale = "en-us";
dialogEntryMessage.ChannelId = message.ChannelId;
dialogEntryMessage.ServiceUrl = message.ServiceUrl;
dialogEntryMessage.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
dialogEntryMessage.ReplyToId = greetingMessage.Id;
await Conversation.SendAsync(dialogEntryMessage, () => new Dialogs.RootDialog());
Where message is a ConversationUpdate message from. In the RootDialog I start with a PromptDialog.Choice.
It works in the emulator, but in Direct Line channel bot doesn't remember the dialog state and when user choose one of dialog options and send his first real message, root dialog starts again from the PromptDialog.Choice, so it appears twice.
I found a relevant blogpost from Microsoft: https://blog.botframework.com/2018/07/12/how-to-properly-send-a-greeting-message-and-common-issues-from-customers/
in Direct Line channel bot doesn't remember the dialog state and when user choose one of dialog options and send his first real message, root dialog starts again from the PromptDialog.Choice, so it appears twice.
I can reproduce same issue on my side, and I find that ConversationUpdate handler will be executed when both bot and user is added to the conversation.
To solve the issue, you can refer to the following code sample.
In MessagesController:
else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate)
// Handle conversation state changes, like members being added and removed
// Use Activity.MembersAdded and Activity.MembersRemoved and Activity.Action for info
// Not available in all channels
if (update.MembersAdded != null && update.MembersAdded.Any())
foreach (var newMember in update.MembersAdded)
if (newMember.Name == "{your_botid_here}")
IMessageActivity greetingMessage = Activity.CreateMessageActivity();
//your code logic
IMessageActivity dialogEntryMessage = Activity.CreateMessageActivity();
dialogEntryMessage.Recipient = message.Recipient;//to bot
dialogEntryMessage.From = message.From;//from user
dialogEntryMessage.Conversation = message.Conversation;
dialogEntryMessage.Text = "show choices";
dialogEntryMessage.Locale = "en-us";
dialogEntryMessage.ChannelId = message.ChannelId;
dialogEntryMessage.ServiceUrl = message.ServiceUrl;
dialogEntryMessage.Id = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
dialogEntryMessage.ReplyToId = greetingMessage.Id;
await Conversation.SendAsync(dialogEntryMessage, () => new Dialogs.RootDialog());
In RootDialog:
private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<object> result)
var activity = await result as Activity;
var mes = activity.Text.ToLower();
string[] choices = new string[] { "choice 1", "choice 2" };
if (Array.IndexOf(choices, mes) > -1)
await context.PostAsync($"You selected {mes}");
else if(mes == "show choices")
PromptDialog.Choice(context, resumeAfterPrompt, choices, "please choose an option.");
await context.PostAsync($"You sent {activity.Text} which was {length} characters.");
private async Task resumeAfterPrompt(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<string> result)
string choice = await result;
await context.PostAsync($"You selected {choice}");
Test result:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Post([FromBody]Activity activity)
//trust Webchat &SMS channel
MicrosoftAppCredentials.TrustServiceUrl(#"https://webchat.botframework.com", DateTime.MaxValue);
MicrosoftAppCredentials.TrustServiceUrl(#"https://sms.botframework.com", DateTime.MaxValue);
Trace.TraceInformation($"Incoming Activity is {activity.ToJson()}");
if (activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(activity.Text))
//detect language of input text
var userLanguage = TranslationHandler.DetectLanguage(activity);
//save user's LanguageCode to Azure Table Storage
var message = activity as IMessageActivity;
using (var scope = DialogModule.BeginLifetimeScope(Conversation.Container, message))
var botDataStore = scope.Resolve<IBotDataStore<BotData>>();
var key = new AddressKey()
BotId = message.Recipient.Id,
ChannelId = message.ChannelId,
UserId = message.From.Id,
ConversationId = message.Conversation.Id,
ServiceUrl = message.ServiceUrl
var userData = await botDataStore.LoadAsync(key, BotStoreType.BotUserData, CancellationToken.None);
var storedLanguageCode = userData.GetProperty<string>(StringConstants.UserLanguageKey);
//update user's language in Azure Table Storage
if (storedLanguageCode != userLanguage)
userData.SetProperty(StringConstants.UserLanguageKey, userLanguage);
await botDataStore.SaveAsync(key, BotStoreType.BotUserData, userData, CancellationToken.None);
await botDataStore.FlushAsync(key, CancellationToken.None);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
//translate activity.Text to English before sending to LUIS for intent
activity.Text = TranslationHandler.TranslateTextToDefaultLanguage(activity, userLanguage);
//await Conversation.SendAsync(activity, () => new Dialogs.RootDialog());
await Conversation.SendAsync(activity, MakeRoot);
else {
await Conversation.SendAsync(activity, MakeRoot);
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
return response;
internal static IDialog<object> MakeRoot()
return Chain.From(() => new RootDialog());
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
I am implementing Microsoft language translator in Bot framework and also implementing the Language understanding Service(Luis). In my code, once a user sends in a message to the bot, the language translator first detect the user language before sending it to LUIS (my LUIS application is in English) in the root dialog, then the bot translate the response back to the user language using the state data.
Everything was working fine until i made use of the formflow, some input text by the bot user in the form flow are being translated to some other languages if they are not English words. Please how do i correct this without removing the Language Translation API?.
There is a section in my RootDailog that calls the formflow. Is there anyway i can stop the language translator API from translation the form input?
You can inspect the dialog stack and not translate if the last dialog in the stack is the FormFlow dialog. Something like:
bool translate = true;
using (var scope = DialogModule.BeginLifetimeScope(Conversation.Container, activity))
var botData = scope.Resolve<IBotData>();
await botData.LoadAsync(default(CancellationToken));
var stack = scope.Resolve<IDialogTask>();
if (stack.Frames != null && stack.Frames.Count > 0)
var lastFrame = stack.Frames[stack.Frames.Count - 1];
var frameValue = lastFrame.Target.GetType().GetFields()[0].GetValue(lastFrame.Target);
if (frameValue.GetType() == typeof(FormDialog<SandwichOrder>))
//in the FormFlow dialog ... do NOT translate
translate = false;
if (translate)
//translate activity.Text to English before sending to LUIS for intent
activity.Text = TranslationHandler.TranslateTextToDefaultLanguage(activity, userLanguage);
await Conversation.SendAsync(activity, MakeRoot);
I'm making a Discord bot and there's a channel in my server allocated to our rules and I want this bot to automatically send a message in that channel. Is it possible to check if the channel exists? Thanks.
Yes you definitely can.
if (message.Content.StartsWith("!check"))
SocketGuildChannel currentChannel = message.Channel as SocketGuildChannel;
SocketGuild guild = currentChannel.Guild;
foreach (SocketGuildChannel ch in guild.Channels)
if (ch.GetType() == typeof(SocketTextChannel)) //Checking text channels
if (ch.Name.Equals("rules"))
ISocketMessageChannel channel = (ISocketMessageChannel)ch; //Casting so we can send a message
await channel.SendMessageAsync("This is the rules channel.");
await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Could not find the rules channel.");
Assuming you are using Discord.Net 1.0.2
If you want to have it as a command:
public async Task CheckChannel(string channel)
foreach (SocketGuildChannel chan in Context.Guild.Channels)
if (channel == chan.Name)
// It exists!
ITextChannel ch = chan as ITextChannel;
await ch.SendMessageAsync("This is the rules channel!");
// It doesn't exist!
await ReplyAsync($"No channel named {channel} was found.");
You could also use Linq!
public async Task CheckChannel(string channelName)
//Makes the channel name NOT case sensitive
var channel = Context.Guild?.Channels.FirstOrDefault(c => string.Equals(c.Name, channelName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (channel != null)
ITextChannel ch = channel as ITextChannel;
await ch.SendMessageAsync("This is the rules channel!");
// It doesn't exist!
await ReplyAsync($"No channel named {channel} was found.");
Also a warning, This will fail in a DM because Context.Guild == null in a direct message. If you so desired, you can add this snippet inside your command!
if (Context.IsPrivate)
await ReplyAsync("Cant call command from a direct message");
I used this code to send a different message if a new user start conversation :
IConversationUpdateActivity update = message;
var client = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(message.ServiceUrl), new MicrosoftAppCredentials());
if (update.MembersAdded != null && update.MembersAdded.Any())
foreach (var newMember in update.MembersAdded)
if (newMember.Id != message.Recipient.Id)
var reply = message.CreateReply();
reply.Text = $"Welcome {newMember.Name}! You are a new member! If you want to see help menu , type : help";
My problem is that when a user click in facebook : Get started this message comes twice.
Can you please help me ?
Facebook includes the conversation itself in the list of members:
So you need to change the if statement to this:
if (newMember.Id != message.Recipient.Id && newMember.Id != message.Conversation.Id)
// send welcome message
I'm looking into the facebook Name part...
You should be able to just plug in this code:
else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate)
IConversationUpdateActivity iConversationUpdated = message as IConversationUpdateActivity;
if (iConversationUpdated != null)
ConnectorClient connector = new ConnectorClient(new System.Uri(message.ServiceUrl));
foreach (var member in iConversationUpdated.MembersAdded ?? System.Array.Empty<ChannelAccount>())
// if the bot is added, then
if (member.Id == iConversationUpdated.Recipient.Id)
var reply = ((Activity)iConversationUpdated).CreateReply($"Hi Friend I'm Botty McBotface");