WPF CrystalReports: How to rotate a report? - c#

I have a wpf application with the crystal reports wpf control
ToggleSidePanel="None" />
Now I want to rotate the report. As far as I know there is no built in function in the wpf control.
That is why my solution looks like this:
crystalReportsViewer.ViewerCore.LayoutTransform = new RotateTransform(90);
The problem here is that I can only perform one rotation, a second rotation fails. This means also that I can't rotate back to starting position... Any ideas?


How to continue scaling the image visually?

I have a ScrollViewer with Image in it. I attached listener to MouseWheel event so I could zoom in/out the image. The code looks like this:
private void ImageMouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
Matrix matrix = image.LayoutTransform.Value;
if (e.Delta > 0)
matrix.ScaleAt(1.5, 1.5, e.GetPosition(image).X, e.GetPosition(image).Y);
matrix.ScaleAt(1.0 / 1.5, 1.0 / 1.5, e.GetPosition(image).X, e.GetPosition(image).Y);
image.LayoutTransform = new MatrixTransform(matrix);
It pretty much works, but it has odd quirk -- when the image is so zoomed out that is at state "fit to parent" visually I cannot it zoom out more (visually), but the matrix is scaled still.
This is bad in sense that any computation after this point is wrong, and also it has strange effect in UI, say user starts from "fit to parent" zoom:
zoom out --> visually no change, internally matrix is zoomed out
zoom in --> surprise, visually no change, internally matrix is zoomed in
zoom in --> visually zoom in, matrix is also changed (OK)
Because of those problems I would like either to continue zooming out visually in order to keep both things (internal and visual) in sync.
How to achieve this?
<ScrollViewer Name="imageScrollViewer" Grid.Column="1" MouseWheel="ImageMouseWheel"
CanContentScroll="true" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"
<Image MouseWheel="ImageMouseWheel" Name="image" Source="{Binding Path=Bitmap}"
Update: Originally I asked how to continue scaling visually or stop internally, but I found out that the last step of zooming out, when the image hits the state "fit to parent" is already out of sync internally-visually. For example position of the mouse is not correctly decoded above such image when moving the mouse around. Only when I zoom in a little the positions are correct. So the only way I see is to scale it visually correctly.
Hmm, I am tempted to delete this embarrassing question, but on the other hand maybe someone will have the same problem in future.
The problem is image is zoomed out, but later the dock panel zoom it in back. The image does not know about it so the math goes astray. The solution is to add some container which does not do additional scaling on itself, like stack panel.
Thus the solution lies in xaml:

UWP: MapControl Transparent background

I am using MapBox to display a custom map of a specific area. In MapBox: my specific area is yellow and the rest of the map is transparent (see following image).
What I want to achieve:
I want to put a MapControl over a Background Image. So when the tiles of the map are transparents, I can see the background image.
The problem I have:
In my UWP app, the specific area of the map is displayed correctly (yellow) but the rest of the map is black thus the background image is hidden by the map.
There is no problem with MapBox because the generated tiles are transparent. I think the problem is in my app.
I tried to set the background of the MapControl to Transparent with no success.
<Image x:Name="background"
<maps:MapControl x:Name="MyMap"
HttpMapTileDataSource leaflet = new HttpMapTileDataSource(
MapTileSource mts = new MapTileSource(leaflet);
mts.IsTransparencyEnabled = true;
mts.AllowOverstretch = true;
mts.IsFadingEnabled = false;
this.MyMap.Style = MapStyle.None;
Am I doing something wrong or is it simply not possible?
Thanks for your help
The MapControl is a very complicated control. It uses a SwapChainPanel to interop with Direct X. It would suprise me if what you try to do is possible.

C# WPF element position not in correct place

I'm developing a vision processing application using WPF and EmguCV 3.0. My issue is that the element isn't positioned correctly on-screen. I have viewed what the padding is, and it returns all sides as 0. The ImageBox element from Emgu, which is what I am using to display the images, is encapsulated in a Windows Forms Host control. I have two other ImageBox elements, which display properly. Each of the ImageBox elements are within their own tab in a TabControl. On startup, I set the width and height properties of all the ImageBoxes and their canvases.
An additional thing to note is that the other two ImageBoxes also overflow out of their boundaries, but are reset back into the boundaries after switching back and forth between the tabs. This only happens once.
Here is a link to screenshots of what the UI looks like. http://imgur.com/a/RwG17
Additionally, here is the XAML and C# code for the ImageBoxes.
<TabItem x:Name="ImageTabControlHSV">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="HSV" />
<Canvas x:Name="HSVImageCanvas">
<emui:ImageBox x:Name="HSVImageBox"/>
//Width and height properties are gotten from camera image.
HSVImageBox.Width = ratioWidth;
HSVImageBox.Height = ratioHeight;
HSVImageCanvas.Width = width;
HSVImageCanvas.Height = height;
HSVImageCanvas.MaxHeight = height;
HSVImageCanvas.MaxWidth = width;
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Putting a counter for how many times the problematic ImageBox has been selected and using Canvas.SetTop() and Canvas.SetLeft() seems to be a workaround. I would still like to know why the canvas is changing its position.
You might try performing a Canvas.SetTop(HSVImageCanvas, HSVImageCanvas.Top) and Canvas.SetLeft(HSVImageCanvas, HSVImageCanvas.Left).

C# how to make image move on Y axis like in slots (WPF)

How can i make image move on Y axis from top to bottom like in slots ?
I have i my WPF this:
<Border BorderBrush="Black" Margin="62,97,398,128.6" BorderThickness="2" Name="border" >
<Image Name="obrazekAutomat1" Source="cisla/2.png"/>
I would prefer it in CodeBehind. But i think if you give me XAML i would be able to rewrite it in C#.
Thanks :)
This should work as code behind, where this is your control
this.RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform();
((TranslateTransform) this.RenderTransform).BeginAnimation(TranslateTransform.YProperty,
new DoubleAnimation(-100, 100, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)));
Like every other control, Image Control has a RenderTransform property that you can either set using WPF or C# code, and eventually animate its "Y" property using a double animation.
These links will help you in adding a translate transform and animating it:

How do I drag an element in Windows 8 XAML app?

XAML/C# Windows 8 app...
I have used MouseDragElementBehavior in XAML/C# to drag an element around on the screen.
Unfortunately the interactions assembly doesn't work while developing app for Windows 8.
How do I drag an element in Windows 8 XAML app?
EDIT: I found a sample example here: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/Input-3dff271b/sourcecode?fileId=44758&pathId=962809525
Just copy the code and am able to drag my element. Having some issues will update, if need help.
You need to handle the manipulation events on the element you wish to drag. And also, set ManipulationMode to a value other than None on the element.
Handle ManipulationStarted to initialize your drag code
Handle ManipulationDelta, inspecting the e.Delta values, and offset your element using a RenderTransform, or if in a Canvas, use the canvas coordinates.
Hope that helps.
Here is a overly simplified example based on ColinE's answer.
Consider a Canvas that has an ellipse:
<Canvas Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<Ellipse Fill="Red"
Now in the code behind, you handle the ManipulationDelta:
private void Ellipse_ManipulationDelta_1(object sender, ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs e)
Ellipse myEllipse = (Ellipse)sender;
Canvas.SetLeft(myEllipse, Canvas.GetLeft(myEllipse) + e.Delta.Translation.X);
Canvas.SetTop(myEllipse, Canvas.GetTop(myEllipse) + e.Delta.Translation.Y);
