Mocking a controller to test ViewEngine inside an Area - nullreference and RouteData - c#

I have an Area in my MVC site. This area has the typical Controller/Model/View setup.
As a controller I have the following code:
public class DocumentCreatorController : Controller
// GET: Templates/DocumentCreator
public ActionResult OfferTemplate(BaseDocumentViewModel data)
return this.Pdf(nameof(OfferTemplate), data, "File.pdf");
The method this.Pdf does a couple of stuff, but the interesting is it comes down to the ViewEngine call:
var viewResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(controllerContext, partialViewName);
Here I call the FindPartialView with a ControllerContext and a PartialViewName. My PartialViewName comes from the nameof(OfferTemplate) from the controller action OfferTemplate. I think the controllercontext is my challenge.
My challenge:
When I want to set this up in a unit test (using Moq), I have the following code based on pages such as Mocking The RouteData Class in System.Web.Routing for MVC applications and Mocking Controller Context:
public void OfferTemplate()
var ctr = SetupControllerWithContext();
private static DocumentCreatorController SetupControllerWithContext()
var routeData = new RouteData();
routeData.Values.Add("controller", "DocumentCreatorController");
routeData.Values.Add("action", "OfferTemplate");
var request = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
request.Expect(r => r.HttpMethod).Returns("GET");
var mockHttpContext = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
mockHttpContext.Expect(c => c.Request).Returns(request.Object);
var controllerContext = new ControllerContext(mockHttpContext.Object
, routeData, new Mock<ControllerBase>().Object);
DocumentCreatorController ctr = new DocumentCreatorController();
ctr.ControllerContext = controllerContext;
return ctr;
Which gives the following error:
threw exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
This I don't understand.
My folder setup:
Debug image on ControllerContext on calling the FindPartialView:
Anyone have an idea?
Is it because I setup the RouteData wrong?

You are trying to mock and test framework code. Abstract that functionality out into code you control so you can test in isolation if needed.
Currently the action and by extension the controller is tightly coupled to external 3rd party dependencies. If the goal was to test the controller action flow in isolation then it is advised to abstract out the 3rd party PDF generation so that it can be mocked for easier testability.
public interface IDocumentService {
ActionResult ToPdf(Controller arg1, string arg2, object arg3, string arg4);
The controller would explicitly depend on this abstraction via constructor injection.
public class DocumentCreatorController : Controller {
private readonly IDocumentService render;
DocumentCreatorController(IDocumentService render) {
this.render = render;
// GET: Templates/DocumentCreator
public ActionResult OfferTemplate(BaseDocumentViewModel data) {
return render.ToPdf(this, nameof(OfferTemplate), data, "File.pdf");
So now to test the controller's pdf generation process you need only mock your abstraction.
public void OfferTemplate() {
var serviceMock = new Mock<IDocumentService>();
//...setup mock for use case
var controller = new DocumentCreatorController(serviceMock.Object);
var data = new BaseDocumentViewModel {
var actual = controller.OfferTemplate(data);
//...assert behavior
The actual implementation of the service would encapsulate the actual functionality and would be registered with the dependency injection container along with the abstraction.
To test the actual generation you would need to do an integration test which is another topic.


How to pass specific UserContext in unit testing of controller action

I have the following controller action
public async Task<ActionResult> Create()
if (!UserContext.Roles.HasFlag(GroupsEnum.Admin))
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("Permission Denied");
I have following in xxxxControllerTests.cs
public async Task Can_Request_Create()
ViewResult result = (ViewResult)await MockController.Object.Create();
when I run the unit test I get unauthorized access exception raised. How can pass UserContext while mockController, so controller action will be executed with specific user context?
Normally when you're instantiating the Controller you're testing, you can initialize it like this:
var controllerToTest = new MyController() {
ControllerContext = new ControllerContext {
HttpContext = //assign mock context,
UserContext = //assign mock context
var result = controllerToTest.Create();
However this line of code makes me think you're testing an already mocked controller:
ViewResult result = (ViewResult)await MockController.Object.Create();
The .Object call makes me think you have a Mock<MyController> in there and that's not right. You're not testing your own controller.
You should Mock your dbContext.

How to mock the controller

I have a method in a controller that check's the user's role to see which page the user should be redirected.
I am trying to do unit testing for the following code
public class HomeController: Controller {
public IActionResult Home()
if (User.IsInRole("Administrators")
return RedirectToAction("/administrator");
return RedirectToAction("/user");
//...other actions
That mock setup is incorrect; you actually cannot mock members of concrete classes (unless they're virtual). But thankfully that's no big deal here, because you don't need to use a mock. Generally speaking the following is a working way of dealing with HttpContext testing:
public async Task HomeReturnsNotNull()
var controller = new HomeController();
var controllerCtx = new ControllerContext()
HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext()
User = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Administrators") }))
controller.ControllerContext = controllerCtx;
ActionResult index = (ActionResult)controller.Home();
But it's often more comfortable to rely on some abstractions of your own, instead of calling HttpContext members directly.
Took the liberty to change 'admin' to 'Administrators', because I noticed a discrepancy between the value in the test and the value in the controller action.
This way the IsInRole() check in the controller action should execute properly, which should be useful in the other tests (since in this one it seems you're just checking against null).

How to assigning BaseController values from unit test in ASP.NET MVC

We are trying to add unit test in our existing MVC application. Our all controllers inherits a BaseController which is given below:
public class BaseController : Controller
public virtual Tenant Tenant
get { return System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["Tenant"] as Tenant; }
Now, here's a sample controller inherits BaseController and works very well:
public class DefaultController : BaseController
public ActionResult Index()
// TODO: repository calls
return View();
But as soon as I add string tenantid = Tenant.Id; in above controller (given below), my unit test fails.
public class DefaultController : BaseController
public ActionResult Index()
// TODO: repository calls
string tenantid = Tenant.Id;
return View();
This looks like System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Items["Tenant"] is null during unit test run, how do I assign that value in BaseController from unit test?
Current controller tightly coupled to implementation concerns (HttpContext) that make it difficult to unit test it in isolation.
Review current design and decouple from HttpContext.Current which is null as IIS is not available when unit testing.
Also Controller already has a HttpContext property
public HttpContextBase HttpContext { get; }
that tries to decouple by using HttpContextBase which able to be mocked.
That property can be accessed and set via the ControllerContext.
So first update the controller to use local HttpContext property
public class BaseController : Controller {
public virtual Tenant Tenant {
get { return HttpContext.Items["Tenant"] as Tenant; }
Now that the controller is using a context that can be mocked, it can be unit tested as needed.
var tenant = new Tenant() {
var mockHttpContext = new Mock<HttpContextBase>(); //USING MOQ
mockHttpContext.Setup(_ => _.Items["Tenant"]).Returns(tenant);
var controller = new DefaultController();
controller.ControllerContext =
new ControllerContext(mockHttpContext.Object, new System.Web.Routing.RouteData(), controller);
var result = controller.Index();

Asp.NET MVC Arearegistration Route Unit Test With Telerik Just Mock Lite

I am trying to Asp.NET MVC Admin area route unite test with telerik just mock lite.But I cant test.
Here is My Trying Code:
public void AdminRouteUrlIsRoutedToHomeAndIndex()
//create route collection
var routes = new RouteCollection();
var areaRegistration = new AdminAreaRegistration();
// Get an AreaRegistrationContext for my class. Give it an empty RouteCollection
var areaRegistrationContext = new AreaRegistrationContext(areaRegistration.AreaName, routes);
// Mock up an HttpContext object with my test path (using Moq)
var context = Mock.Create<HttpContext>();
// Get the RouteData based on the HttpContext
var routeData = routes.GetRouteData(context.Request.RequestContext.HttpContext);
//assert has route
Assert.IsNotNull(routeData,"route config");
When var context = Mock.Create<HttpContext>(); just mock tells this error
Telerik.JustMock.Core.ElevatedMockingException: Cannot mock 'System.Web.HttpContext'. JustMock Lite can only mock interface members, virtual/abstract members in non-sealed classes, delegates and all members on classes derived from MarshalByRefObject on instances created with Mock.Create or Mock.CreateLike. For any other scenario you need to use the full version of JustMock.
So How can I do area registration route unit test with telerik just mock lite? How can I Solve this issue?
Thanks a lot.
HttpContext is something you can't mock. The data it contains is specific to a particular request. So in order to run a test using HttpContext, you'll have actually run your application in an environment that you can make requests to.
Instead, you'll need to use a third-party tool like MvcRouteTest ( It's easy to use, and most importantly, you can run the tests without running your app.
public void AdminRouteUrlIsRoutedToHomeAndIndex()
var routes = new RouteCollection();
var areaRegistration = new AdminAreaRegistration();
Assert.AreEqual("Admin", areaRegistration.AreaName);
var areaRegistrationContext = new AreaRegistrationContext(areaRegistration.AreaName, routes);
routes.ShouldMap("/admin").To<HomeController>(r => r.Index());
This tests both the area registration and the route for the /admin URL (some would argue that it should be broken into two tests). It assumes that your AdminAreaRegistration's RegisterArea() method builds the default route with the default controller set as Home:
public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
new { controller="home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Unit Testing Controller Actions that call IsAjaxRequest()

Some of my controller actions need to respond with different ViewResults depending whether or not they were called by an AJAX request. Currently, I'm using the IsAjaxRequest() method to check for this. When this method is called during a unit test, it throws an ArgumentNullException because the HTTP context is missing.
Is there a way to mock/fake this call? Or is this a sign I should be checking for an AJAX request another way?
Would it help if you provide a Test Double for the HTTP Context?
This can be done like this:
var httpCtxStub = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
var controllerCtx = new ControllerContext();
controllerCtx.HttpContext = httpCtxStub.Object;
sut.ControllerContext = controllerCtx;
where sut represents the System Under Test (SUT), i.e. the Controller you wish to test.
This example uses Moq.
Using moq library in MVC test projects
public class HomeControllerTest
public void Index()
// Arrange
HomeController controller = new HomeController();
// controller.injectContext(ajaxRequest: true);
// Act
ViewResult result = controller.Index() as ViewResult;
// Assert
public static class MvcTestExtensions
public static void injectContext(this ControllerBase controller, bool ajaxRequest = false)
var fakeContext = new Mock<ControllerContext>();
fakeContext.Setup(r => r.HttpContext.Request["X-Requested-With"])
.Returns(ajaxRequest ? "XMLHttpRequest" : "");
controller.ControllerContext = fakeContext.Object;
