I have a TreeView which I need to populate dynamically.
The contents would be similar to directory structure (Refer attached pic).
Now, in order to fetch these 'folders' I use a command, which would list out only 'top-level' folders (refer pic). (Please note this is not OS directory / folders.. I am only just using directory / folder analogy to make things understandable)
So, for e.g. I have Root, Folder1, Sub_Folder1, Sub_Folder2, Sub-sub_folder_1, Folder2, then issuing command with a '/' option will give me a list: Folder1, Folder2.
If I need Level-2 folders (Sub_Folder_1 and Sub_Folder_2), I again need to issue the command with option "/Folder1"..
I need to repeatedly issue these commands, until I get the last sub.. folder and use the list to populate a TreeView.
I am using the below C# (4.5) code, but I am able to list only 2-levels.
Any help in correcting would be much appreciated!
BuildInfaCmd(InfaCmdType.ListFolders, folder);
InfaCmd icmd = CallInfaCmd(InfaCmdExe, InfaCmdArgs);
if (icmd.ExitCode() == 0)
List<string> folders = icmd.GetFolders();
if (folders.Count > 0)
topFolderFound = true;
foreach (string f in folders)
if (node == null) // Add to 'root' of Treeview
TreeNode p = new TreeNode(f);
PopulateFoldersRecursive(f, null);
callLvl += 1;
//MessageBox.Show("Calling recursive " + callLvl.ToString());
TreeNode p = new TreeNode(f);
node.Nodes.Add(p); // Add to calling node as children
string fold = node.Text + "/" + f; // The sub-folder to be provided to ListFolder command like -p /RootFolder/SubFolder1/SubFolder2/...
PopulateFoldersRecursive(fold, p, callLvl);
MessageBox.Show(icmd.GetError(), "Error while executing InfaCmd", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
The answers provided were more specific to populating 'Files' / 'Directories'. As conveyed, the 'folders' in my query was not OS-specific, so the answers did not provide much help. I found out a way to recursively add nodes to Treeview.
void PopulateFolders()
int callLvl = 1;
int timeout = 60000;
if (lstProjects.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower().StartsWith("hdp"))
timeout = 600000;
InfaCmd icmd = CallInfaCmd(InfaCmdExe, InfaCmdArgs,null,timeout);
if (icmd.ExitCode() == 0)
List<string> folders = icmd.GetFolders();
foreach (string f in folders)
TreeNode p = new TreeNode(f);
PopulateFoldersRecursive(f, p, 1);
lstFolders.DataSource = folders;
MessageBox.Show(icmd.GetError(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
void PopulateFoldersRecursive(string folder, TreeNode node, [Optional]int callLevel)
int timeout = 60000;
if (lstProjects.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower().StartsWith("hdp"))
timeout = 600000;
int callLvl = callLevel;
string fold = "";
BuildInfaCmd(InfaCmdType.ListFolders, folder);
InfaCmd icmd = CallInfaCmd(InfaCmdExe, InfaCmdArgs,null, timeout);
if (icmd.ExitCode() == 0)
List<string> folders = icmd.GetFolders();
if (folders.Count > 0)
topFolderFound = true;
foreach (string f in folders)
callLvl += 1;
//MessageBox.Show("Calling recursive " + callLvl.ToString());
TreeNode p = new TreeNode(f);
node.Nodes.Add(p); // Add to calling node as children
// MessageBox.Show(callLvl.ToString() + "; Node.text : " + node.Text + " ; f : " + f);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(folderFullPath))
//fold = node.Text + "/" + f; // The sub-folder to be provided to ListFolder command like -p /RootFolder/SubFolder1/SubFolder2/...
fold = folder + "/" + f; // ORIGINAL
folderFullPath = fold;
fold = folder + "/" + f; // TEST
folderFullPath = fold; // ORIGINAL
PopulateFoldersRecursive(fold, p, callLvl);
MessageBox.Show(icmd.GetError(), "Error while executing InfaCmd", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerException, "Error");
I have the bit of code that searches the entire computer for a file and once found, should return that file. The problem is in the second function, the recursive one. Once the file is found, it should return, which it does, but for some reason, even after returning the value, it continues the recursive search.
I don't get it. I'd still consider myself new to programming so please explain in detail if you see what I'm doing wrong.
public string SearchDirectory(string dir, string fileName)
string foundDir = "";
bool fileFound = false;
// Gets all files from directory and creates list of matches to fileName
foreach (string match in Directory.GetFiles(dir, fileName))
// Returns the first found match as a path and breaks loop
Console.WriteLine("Checked path: " + dir + ".");
if (File.Exists(dir + #"\" + fileName))
fileFound = true;
foundDir = dir;
if (fileFound == true)
Console.WriteLine("Access to path: " + dir + " denied.");
// If fileName isn't found in directory, it searches each new directory
// The last directory it will check is the last one in the original directory
if (fileFound == false)
foreach (string newDirectory in Directory.GetDirectories(dir))
Console.WriteLine("Checked path: " + dir + ".");
SearchDirectory(newDirectory, fileName);
Console.WriteLine("Access to path: " + dir + " denied.");
// fileName does not exist in starting directory
return foundDir;
return "";
Your recursive call is ignoring the returned value. You should instead check to see if it found something so you can stop searching more sub-directories.
foreach (string newDirectory in Directory.GetDirectories(dir))
Console.WriteLine("Checked path: " + dir + ".");
var result = SearchDirectory(newDirectory, fileName);
if(result != "") return result;
You could just do this instead:
public string SearchDirectory(string dir, string fileName)
return Directory
.EnumerateFiles(dir, fileName, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
.FirstOrDefault() ?? "";
I need to get all files from dropbox. But I cant finish my recursive function, it doesnt work, i have an idea why it doesnt work, but i dont know how to fix it
private void getAllFiles(string path)
var dropCon = DatabaseDropbox.Instance();
if (dropCon.IsConnect())
ICloudDirectoryEntry folder = dropCon.DropboxStorage.GetFolder(path);
foreach (ICloudFileSystemEntry fsentry in folder)
if (fsentry is ICloudDirectoryEntry) // IF FOLDER
else // IF FILE
Console.WriteLine(path + " " + fsentry.Name);
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(fsentry.Name);
foreach (ICloudFileSystemEntry fsentry in folder)
if (fsentry is ICloudDirectoryEntry) // IF FOLDER
var mpath = path + "/" + fsentry.Name;
else // IF FILE
Console.WriteLine(path + " " + fsentry.Name);
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(fsentry.Name);
If its finds file, it adds it to the list (C# form).
It will list all files in the first directory,
then it will go to the first folder found, lets call that folder "fol1".
After it scans all "fol1", it adds found files to the list, which is good.
But then , when it should go back and search for more files in other directories , "fol2","fol3". Recursion just exists itself and it doesnt do that. So thats my problem.
private void getAllFiles(string path)
var dropCon = DatabaseDropbox.Instance();
if (dropCon.IsConnect())
ICloudDirectoryEntry folder = dropCon.DropboxStorage.GetFolder(path);
foreach (ICloudFileSystemEntry fsentry in folder)
if (fsentry is ICloudDirectoryEntry) // IF FOLDER
var mpath = path + "/" + fsentry.Name;
else // IF FILE
Console.WriteLine(path + " " + fsentry.Name);
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(fsentry.Name);
private void getAllFiles(string path)
var dropCon = DatabaseDropbox.Instance();
if (dropCon.IsConnect())
ICloudDirectoryEntry folder = dropCon.DropboxStorage.GetFolder(path);
foreach (ICloudFileSystemEntry fsentry in folder)
if (fsentry is ICloudDirectoryEntry) // IF FOLDER
var mpath = path + "/" + fsentry.Name;
else // IF FILE
Console.WriteLine(path + " " + fsentry.Name);
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(fsentry.Name);
I wrote an app for going through very large fileshares and while it copies them to the new location, another HD in this case, it breaks what's being copied over into folders containing 4,500 or less items(Libraries to be synced to sharepoint online). Compensating for long file paths. Here is a code sample of the functions I have working in tandem that takes in the source and destination then does the copying breaking described above:
Alright I found a solution and this method below is working as I want it to, it is really slow as you can imagine looking at how I have it counting the childitems as it's running though so if anyone has a better/faster solution to the problem please feel free to post it. Otherwise, thank you all very much for the help, it's much appreciated. Here's the code I currently have:
#region Recursive_Copy
public static List<string> OutOfReachAreas = new List<string>();
private static List<FileInfo> Overflow = new List<FileInfo>();
private static List<string> AccessDeniedList = new List<string>();
private static bool FirstTime = true;
private static int LibraryCount { get; set; }
private static bool ToSwith = false;
private static int CountLimit = 4250;
public static void RecursiveCopy(string SourceDir, string DestDir)
if (!FirstTime)
LibraryCount =
((Directory.GetDirectories((Program.DestinationContainer + "\\" + "Library" + Program.LibraryCounter.ToString()), "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count())
+ (Directory.GetFiles((Program.DestinationContainer + "\\" + "Library" + Program.LibraryCounter.ToString()), "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count()));
if (LibraryCount <= CountLimit && !FirstTime)
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(SourceDir);
DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dir.GetDirectories();
FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles();
string CurrentLibrary = "Library" + Program.LibraryCounter.ToString();
if (!Directory.Exists(DestDir))
if (Overflow.Count() != 0)
foreach (var OverflowInst in Overflow)
string NewestLibrary = Program.DestinationContainer + "\\" + "Library" + Program.LibraryCounter + "\\" + OverflowInst.Name;
if (!File.Exists(NewestLibrary))
OverflowInst.CopyTo(NewestLibrary, false);
foreach (var file in files)
DirectoryInfo TestPath = new DirectoryInfo(Program.DestinationContainer + "\\" + CurrentLibrary);
int TestPathCount = (TestPath.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count()) + (TestPath.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count());
if (TestPathCount <= CountLimit)
string temppath = Path.Combine(DestDir, file.Name);
DirectoryInfo TestTemp = new DirectoryInfo(temppath);
if (!TestTemp.Exists && !AccessDeniedList.Contains(file.Name))
file.CopyTo(temppath, true);
FileInfo OverflowToAdd = new FileInfo(file.FullName);
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
foreach (var subDir in dirs)
DirectoryInfo TestPath = new DirectoryInfo(Program.DestinationContainer + "\\" + CurrentLibrary);
int TestPathCount = (TestPath.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count()) + (TestPath.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Count());
if (TestPathCount <= CountLimit)
if (ToSwith)
ToSwith = false;
string PathToSwitch = Program.DestinationContainer + "\\" + "Library" + Program.LibraryCounter.ToString();
RecursiveCopy(SourceDir, PathToSwitch);
string temppath = Path.Combine(DestDir, subDir.Name);
RecursiveCopy(subDir.FullName, temppath);
DirectoryInfo CurrentDir = new DirectoryInfo(DestDir);
RecursiveCopy(SourceDir, (Program.DestinationContainer + "\\" + "Library" + Program.LibraryCounter.ToString()));
catch (PathTooLongException)
DirectoryInfo DirInst = new DirectoryInfo(SourceDir);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("\nError During Copying:\n" + e.Message);
FirstTime = false;
ToSwith = true;
string LibraryToMake = Program.DestinationContainer + "\\" + "Library" + (Program.LibraryCounter.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Building Library" + (Program.LibraryCounter.ToString()) + "...");
RecursiveCopy(SourceDir, LibraryToMake);
Like chais said in comments, you need the subdirectory search to be recursive.
The MS example calls itself for EACH subdirectory, so it walks the entire directory tree. You could do something similar by replacing:
foreach (var dir in FolderList1)
Destination = Destination + "\\" + dir.Name;
CopyItems(dir, Destination);
foreach (var dir in FolderList1)
Destination = Destination + "\\" + dir.Name;
CopyItems(dir, Destination);
foreach (Directory subDir in dir.GetDirectories())
BreakMain(subDir, Destination);
You've got some other things that will have to be fixed to move to this recursive design, but that's the jist of the MS example.
I want to get window explorer Directory path under mouse cursor.
I tried AutomationElement but it only detect name or process id etc that I dont want. I
also tried SHDocVw.ShellWindows It seems working but I cant define which one is choosen.
here is a source i tried
string GetDropPath(AutomationElement element){
string dir = element.Current.Name;
if (dir.Split('.').Length >= 2) return null;
string desktop = CommonDir["Desktop"];
if (Directory.Exists(desktop + "\\" + dir))
dir = desktop + "\\" + dir;
if (CommonDir.ContainsKey(dir))
dir = CommonDir[dir];
else if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
foreach (InternetExplorer item in new SHDocVw.ShellWindows())
//uint ppid = 0;
//GetWindowThreadProcessId(item.HWND, out ppid);
if (item.LocationURL.ToString().StartsWith("file:///"))
List<int> children = GetAllChildrenWindowHandles(item.HWND, 100);
if (item.HWND == element.Current.NativeWindowHandle || children.Contains(element.Current.NativeWindowHandle))
string pth = item.LocationURL.Replace("file:///", "");
if (Directory.Exists(pth + "\\" + dir))
dir = pth + "\\" + dir;
dir = pth;
if (Directory.Exists(dir))
return dir;
return null;
I post the complete code below, so you can see what I'm doing.
I create a IHTMLDocument2 currentDoc pointing to the DomDocument
I write the proper string
I close the currentDoc
program shows me the html code including the CSS stuff 100% correct. Works
Now I want to change the CSS, instead of 2 columns I set it to 3 columns
(Simply change the width:48% to width:33%)
and rerun the code with the new 33%
now it suddenly doesn't apply any CSS style anymore.
When I close the program, and then change the CSS to 33% again, it works flawless
So, somehow, without disposing the complete webbrowser, I can't load the CSS a 2nd time..
or, the first CSS is somewhere in some cache, and conflicts with the 2nd CSS.. Just riddling here.. really need help on how to solve this
I searched the internet and stackoverflow long enough that I need to post this, even if someone else on this planet already posted it somewhere, I didn't find it.
private void doWebBrowserPreview()
if (lMediaFiles.Count == 0)
Int32 iIndex = 0;
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < lMediaFiles.Count; iIndex++)
if (!lMediaFiles[iIndex].isCorrupt())
String strPreview = String.Empty;
String strLine = String.Empty;
// Set example Media
String strLinkHTM = lMediaFiles[iIndex].getFilePath();
FileInfo movFile = new FileInfo(strLinkHTM + lMediaFiles[iIndex].getFileMOV());
String str_sizeMB = (movFile.Length / 1048576).ToString();
if (str_sizeMB.Length > 3)
str_sizeMB.Insert(str_sizeMB.Length - 3, ".");
//Get info about our media files
MediaInfo MI = new MediaInfo();
MI.Open(strLinkHTM + lMediaFiles[iIndex].getFileM4V());
String str_m4vDuration = // MI.Get(0, 0, 80);
MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, 74);
str_m4vDuration = "Duration: " + str_m4vDuration.Substring(0, 8) + " - Hours:Minutes:Seconds";
String str_m4vHeightPixel = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Height"); // "Height (Pixel): " +
Int32 i_32m4vHeightPixel;
Int32.TryParse(str_m4vHeightPixel, out i_32m4vHeightPixel);
i_32m4vHeightPixel += 16; // for the quicktime embed menu
str_m4vHeightPixel = i_32m4vHeightPixel.ToString();
String str_m4vWidthPixel = MI.Get(StreamKind.Video, 0, "Width"); //"Width (Pixel): " +
foreach (XElement xmlLine in s.getTemplates().getMovieHTM().Element("files").Elements("file"))
var query = xmlLine.Attributes("type");
foreach (XAttribute result in query)
if (result.Value == "htm_header")
foreach (XElement xmlLineDes in xmlLine.Descendants())
if (xmlLineDes.Name == "dataline")
strLine = xmlLineDes.Value;
strLine = strLine.Replace(#"%date%", lMediaFiles[iIndex].getDay().ToString() + " " + lMediaFiles[iIndex].getMonth(lMediaFiles[iIndex].getMonth()) + " " + lMediaFiles[iIndex].getYear().ToString());
strPreview += strLine + "\n";
strLine = "<style type=\"text/css\">" + "\n";
foreach (XElement xmlLine in s.getTemplates().getLayoutCSS().Element("layoutCSS").Elements("layout"))
var query = xmlLine.Attributes("type");
foreach (XAttribute result in query)
if (result.Value == "layoutMedia")
foreach (XElement xmlLineDes in xmlLine.Elements("layout"))
var queryL = xmlLineDes.Attributes("type");
foreach (XAttribute resultL in queryL)
if (resultL.Value == "layoutVideoBox")
foreach (XElement xmlLineDesL in xmlLineDes.Descendants())
if (xmlLineDesL.Name == "dataline")
strLine += xmlLineDesL.Value + "\n";
strLine += "</style>" + "\n";
strPreview = strPreview.Insert(strPreview.LastIndexOf("</head>", StringComparison.Ordinal), strLine);
for (Int16 i16Loop = 0; i16Loop < 3; i16Loop++)
foreach (XElement xmlLine in s.getTemplates().getMovieHTM().Element("files").Elements("file"))
var query = xmlLine.Attributes("type");
foreach (XAttribute result in query)
if (result.Value == "htm_videolist")
foreach (XElement xmlLineDes in xmlLine.Descendants())
if (xmlLineDes.Name == "dataline")
strLine = xmlLineDes.Value;
strLine = strLine.Replace(#"%m4vfile%", strLinkHTM + lMediaFiles[iIndex].getFileM4V());
strLine = strLine.Replace(#"%moviefile%", strLinkHTM + lMediaFiles[iIndex].getFileMOV());
strLine = strLine.Replace(#"%height%", str_m4vHeightPixel);
strLine = strLine.Replace(#"%width%", str_m4vWidthPixel);
strLine = strLine.Replace(#"%duration%", str_m4vDuration);
strLine = strLine.Replace(#"%sizeMB%", str_sizeMB);
strLine = strLine.Replace(#"%date%", lMediaFiles[iIndex].getDay().ToString() + " " + lMediaFiles[iIndex].getMonth(lMediaFiles[iIndex].getMonth()) + " " + lMediaFiles[iIndex].getYear().ToString());
strPreview += strLine + "\n";
foreach (XElement xmlLine in s.getTemplates().getMovieHTM().Element("files").Elements("file"))
var query = xmlLine.Attributes("type");
foreach (XAttribute result in query)
if (result.Value == "htm_footer")
foreach (XElement xmlLineDes in xmlLine.Descendants())
if (xmlLineDes.Name == "dataline")
strPreview += xmlLineDes.Value + "\n";
mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 currentDoc = (mshtml.IHTMLDocument2)webBrowserPreview.Document.DomDocument;
if (webBrowserPreview.Document != null)
IHTMLDocument2 currentDocument = (IHTMLDocument2)webBrowserPreview.Document.DomDocument;
int length = currentDocument.styleSheets.length;
IHTMLStyleSheet styleSheet = currentDocument.createStyleSheet(#"", 0);
//length = currentDocument.styleSheets.length;
//styleSheet.addRule("body", "background-color:blue");
strLine = String.Empty;
foreach (XElement xmlLine in s.getTemplates().getLayoutCSS().Element("layoutCSS").Elements("layout"))
var query = xmlLine.Attributes("type");
foreach (XAttribute result in query)
if (result.Value == "layoutMedia")
foreach (XElement xmlLineDes in xmlLine.Elements("layout"))
var queryL = xmlLineDes.Attributes("type");
foreach (XAttribute resultL in queryL)
if (resultL.Value == "layoutVideoBox")
foreach (XElement xmlLineDesL in xmlLineDes.Descendants())
if (xmlLineDesL.Name == "dataline")
strLine += xmlLineDesL.Value;
//TextReader reader = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath), "basic.css"));
//string style = reader.ReadToEnd();
styleSheet.cssText = strLine;
catch (Exception ex)
I now successfully implemented the berkelium-sharp method to my project
Has the same bug!
Found a solution!
First attempt which didn't work:
I had a persistent form (main form) and inside it a nested WebBrowser.
After changing the html with it's css, i told it to navigate to this new html!
This didn't work either:
Then I tried putting webbrowser on an own form. Which I simply open/close each
time I need a refresh. TO be sure the garbage collector cleans everything
Then I tried the Berkelium and rewrote it to my needs:
same logic as attempt 2 with the webbrowser. No luck either.
So I tried to open firefox itself and see if I can emulate this behaviour with a real browser. Indeed! When I open firefox, and force open the file (if you simply open a new file, firefox doesn't actually navigate to it, but detects this was already opened and simply refreshes it)
I noticed this due to the fast opening of the page!
A little scripting to force opening the same file twice (navigating) in 1 firefox session had the same effect: all CSS corrupt!
so, for some reason, you shouldn't navigate the same file twice, but instead of closing anything, simply force a refresh! Not a "Navigate"
Hope this info can help others, since I lost a lot of time finding out that it is the "navigate" to the same file more then once causing the corruption of stylesheets