I have been experimenting with charts and so far I got this experimental code:
static void Main(string[] args)
Random rnd = new Random();
Chart thisChart = new Chart();
thisChart.Height = 400;
thisChart.Width = 500;
thisChart.BackColor = SystemColors.Window;
thisChart.Palette = ChartColorPalette.EarthTones;
thisChart.Visible = true;
ChartArea ca = new ChartArea();
ca.Name = "Default";
ca.BackColor = Color.White;
ca.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(26, 59, 105);
ca.BorderWidth = 0;
ca.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
ca.AxisX = new Axis();
ca.AxisY = new Axis();
Series series = thisChart.Series.Add("Default");
series.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline;
series.ChartArea = "Default";
series.Points.AddXY("1", 20);
series.Points.AddXY("2", 25);
series.Points.AddXY("3", 30);
series.Points.AddXY("4", 35);
series.Points.AddXY("5", 40);
series.Points.AddXY("6", 45);
//SetPosition for multiple Y-axis labels
thisChart.ChartAreas["Default"].Position = new ElementPosition(25, 10, 68, 85);
thisChart.ChartAreas["Default"].InnerPlotPosition = new ElementPosition(10, 0, 90, 80);
// Create extra Y axis for second and third series
Series series2 = thisChart.Series.Add("Series2");
series2.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline;
series2.ChartArea = "Default";
series2.Points.AddXY("1", 50);
series2.Points.AddXY("2", 55);
series2.Points.AddXY("3", 60);
series2.Points.AddXY("4", 70);
series2.Points.AddXY("5", 75);
series2.Points.AddXY("6", 80);
//series2.Legend = "Default";
thisChart.Series["Series2"].ChartArea = "Default";
CreateYAxis(thisChart, thisChart.ChartAreas["Default"], thisChart.Series["Series2"], 13, 8);
// Create extra X axis for second and third series
Series series3 = thisChart.Series.Add("Series3");
series3.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Spline;
series3.ChartArea = "Default";
series3.Points.AddXY("1,5", 75);
series3.Points.AddXY("2,5", 175);
series3.Points.AddXY("3,5", 300);
series3.Points.AddXY("4,5", 75);
series3.Points.AddXY("5,5", 150);
series3.Points.AddXY("6,6", 125);
thisChart.Series["Series3"].ChartArea = "Default";
CreateXAxis(thisChart, thisChart.ChartAreas["Default"], thisChart.Series["Series3"], -10, 8);
thisChart.SaveImage(#"C:\Temp\TestChart.png", ChartImageFormat.Png);
private static void CreateYAxis(Chart chart, ChartArea area, Series series, float axisOffset, float labelsSize)
// Create new chart area for original series
ChartArea areaSeries = chart.ChartAreas.Add("ChartArea_" + series.Name);
areaSeries.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
areaSeries.BorderColor = Color.Transparent;
areaSeries.AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
areaSeries.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
areaSeries.AxisX.LabelStyle.Enabled = false;
areaSeries.AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
areaSeries.AxisY.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
areaSeries.AxisY.LabelStyle.Enabled = false;
areaSeries.AxisY.IsStartedFromZero = area.AxisY.IsStartedFromZero;
areaSeries.AxisY.TitleAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;
areaSeries.AxisY.TextOrientation = TextOrientation.Horizontal;
areaSeries.AxisY.Title = "Y-axis Title1";
areaSeries.AxisY.TitleForeColor = Color.Blue;
areaSeries.AxisY.TitleFont = new Font("Tahoma", 7, FontStyle.Bold);
areaSeries.AxisY.Maximum = 300;
series.ChartArea = areaSeries.Name;
// Create new chart area for axis
ChartArea areaAxis = chart.ChartAreas.Add("AxisY_" + series.ChartArea);
areaAxis.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
areaAxis.BorderColor = Color.Transparent;
areaAxis.AxisY.TitleAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
areaAxis.AxisY.Title = "Y-axis Title";
areaAxis.AxisY.TitleForeColor = Color.Blue;
areaAxis.AxisY.TitleFont = new Font("Tahoma", 7, FontStyle.Bold);
areaAxis.AxisY.TitleAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;
areaAxis.AxisY.TextOrientation = TextOrientation.Horizontal;
areaAxis.AxisY.Maximum = 200;
// Create a copy of specified series
Series seriesCopy = chart.Series.Add(series.Name + "_Copy");
seriesCopy.ChartType = series.ChartType;
foreach (DataPoint point in series.Points)
seriesCopy.Points.AddXY(point.XValue, point.YValues[0]);
// Hide copied series
seriesCopy.IsVisibleInLegend = false;
seriesCopy.Color = Color.Transparent;
seriesCopy.BorderColor = Color.Transparent;
seriesCopy.ChartArea = areaAxis.Name;
// Disable drid lines & tickmarks
areaAxis.AxisX.LineWidth = 0;
areaAxis.AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
areaAxis.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
areaAxis.AxisX.LabelStyle.Enabled = false;
areaAxis.AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
areaAxis.AxisY.IsStartedFromZero = area.AxisY.IsStartedFromZero;
areaAxis.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = area.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font;
// Adjust area position
areaAxis.Position.X -= axisOffset;
areaAxis.InnerPlotPosition.X += labelsSize;
private static void CreateXAxis(Chart chart, ChartArea area, Series series, float axisOffset, float labelsSize)
// Create new chart area for original series
ChartArea areaSeries = chart.ChartAreas.Add("ChartArea_" + series.Name);
areaSeries.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
areaSeries.BorderColor = Color.Transparent;
areaSeries.AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
areaSeries.AxisY.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
areaSeries.AxisY.LabelStyle.Enabled = false;
areaSeries.AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
areaSeries.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
areaSeries.AxisX.LabelStyle.Enabled = false;
areaSeries.AxisX.IsStartedFromZero = area.AxisX.IsStartedFromZero;
series.ChartArea = areaSeries.Name;
// Create new chart area for axis
ChartArea areaAxis = chart.ChartAreas.Add("AxisX_" + series.ChartArea);
areaAxis.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
areaAxis.BorderColor = Color.Transparent;
// Create a copy of specified series
Series seriesCopy = chart.Series.Add(series.Name + "_Copy");
seriesCopy.ChartType = series.ChartType;
foreach (DataPoint point in series.Points)
seriesCopy.Points.AddXY(point.XValue, point.YValues[0]);
// Hide copied series
seriesCopy.IsVisibleInLegend = false;
seriesCopy.Color = Color.Transparent;
seriesCopy.BorderColor = Color.Transparent;
seriesCopy.ChartArea = areaAxis.Name;
// Disable drid lines & tickmarks
areaAxis.AxisY.LineWidth = 0;
areaAxis.AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
areaAxis.AxisY.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
areaAxis.AxisY.LabelStyle.Enabled = false;
areaAxis.AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
//areaAxis.AxisX.IntervalOffset = Convert.ToDouble("0,5");
areaAxis.AxisX.IsStartedFromZero = area.AxisX.IsStartedFromZero;
areaAxis.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = area.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font;
areaAxis.AxisX.CustomLabels.Add(0, 1, "0.5");
areaAxis.AxisX.CustomLabels.Add(1, 2, "1.5");
areaAxis.AxisX.CustomLabels.Add(2, 3, "2.5");
areaAxis.AxisX.CustomLabels.Add(3, 4, "3.5");
areaAxis.AxisX.CustomLabels.Add(4, 5, "4.5");
areaAxis.AxisX.CustomLabels.Add(5, 6, "5.5");
areaAxis.AxisX.CustomLabels.Add(6, 7, "6.5");
// Adjust area position
areaAxis.Position.Y -= axisOffset;
areaAxis.InnerPlotPosition.Y += labelsSize;
This produces the following result:
I can not figure out how to make it so that the title aligns itself above the respective y-axis, any ideas?
I don't think you do that.
Afaik the recommended workaround is adding more chart Titles.
You can style them as usual and to move them on top of a axis you can align them to the top left of the respective Chartearea.InnerPlotPosition:
ChartArea ca1 = thisChart.ChartAreas[0];
RectangleF rip1 = ca1.InnerPlotPosition.ToRectangleF();
Title ty1 = thisChart.Titles.Add("ty1");
ty1.Text = "Y-Axis 1\nTitle";
ty1.ForeColor = Color.DarkSlateBlue;
ty1.Position.X = rip1.Left;
ty1.Position.Y = rip1.Y;
Make sure to have enough space at the top of the chart for the titles..
Do note that the values of all ElementPositions, including InnerPlotPosition are in percent of the respective containers, i.e. of the ChartArea for the InnerPlotPosition and of the Chart for the ChartArea..
I'm using LiveCharts in WinForms. Reason why I'm not using WPF is because I don't want to rewrite the GUI in WPF, so I'm trying to see if I can make LiveCharts work in WinForms.
I'm saving the LiveCharts control as an image to a PDF, so the title needs to be on the chart itself.
I cannot find any functionality for adding a title on the chart. What I have tried is the following:
VisualElement title = new VisualElement();
title.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
title.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top;
title.X = 0.5;
title.Y = maxYVal;
TextBlock titleText = new TextBlock();
titleText.Text = chartName;
var newTitleFont = HelperFunctions.NewTypeFaceFromFont(titleFont);
titleText.FontFamily = newTitleFont.FontFamily;
titleText.FontStyle = newTitleFont.Style;
titleText.FontSize = titleFont.Size;
title.UIElement = titleText;
The above code only adds a label on the chart itself (within the y axis range). The title needs to be independent (above the y axis). Any idea?
This seems to do the trick:
public static TableLayoutPanel AddTitleToChart(Control chart,string title, System.Drawing.Font titleFont)
Label label = new Label();
label.AutoSize = true;
label.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
label.Font = titleFont;
label.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 0);
label.Name = "label1";
label.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1063, 55);
label.TabIndex = 0;
label.Text = title;
label.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
label.BackColor = chart.BackColor;
chart.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel = new TableLayoutPanel();
tableLayoutPanel.AutoSize = true;
tableLayoutPanel.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
tableLayoutPanel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount = 1;
tableLayoutPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 1069F));
tableLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(label, 0, 0);
tableLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(chart, 0, 1);
tableLayoutPanel.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
tableLayoutPanel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
tableLayoutPanel.Name = "tableLayoutPanel1";
tableLayoutPanel.RowCount = 2;
tableLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle());
tableLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle());
tableLayoutPanel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1069, 662);
tableLayoutPanel.TabIndex = 2;
return (tableLayoutPanel);
I'm using LiveCharts in WinForms. Reason why I'm not using WPF is because I don't want to rewrite the GUI in WPF, so I'm trying to see if I can make LiveCharts work in WinForms.
I'm saving the LiveCharts control as an image to a PDF, so the title needs to be on the chart itself.
I cannot find any functionality for adding a title on the chart. What I have tried is the following:
VisualElement title = new VisualElement();
title.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
title.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top;
title.X = 0.5;
title.Y = maxYVal;
TextBlock titleText = new TextBlock();
titleText.Text = chartName;
var newTitleFont = HelperFunctions.NewTypeFaceFromFont(titleFont);
titleText.FontFamily = newTitleFont.FontFamily;
titleText.FontStyle = newTitleFont.Style;
titleText.FontSize = titleFont.Size;
title.UIElement = titleText;
The above code only adds a label on the chart itself (within the y axis range). The title needs to be independent (above the y axis). Any idea?
This seems to do the trick:
public static TableLayoutPanel AddTitleToChart(Control chart,string title, System.Drawing.Font titleFont)
Label label = new Label();
label.AutoSize = true;
label.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
label.Font = titleFont;
label.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 0);
label.Name = "label1";
label.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1063, 55);
label.TabIndex = 0;
label.Text = title;
label.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
label.BackColor = chart.BackColor;
chart.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
TableLayoutPanel tableLayoutPanel = new TableLayoutPanel();
tableLayoutPanel.AutoSize = true;
tableLayoutPanel.AutoSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink;
tableLayoutPanel.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount = 1;
tableLayoutPanel.ColumnStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 1069F));
tableLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(label, 0, 0);
tableLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(chart, 0, 1);
tableLayoutPanel.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
tableLayoutPanel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
tableLayoutPanel.Name = "tableLayoutPanel1";
tableLayoutPanel.RowCount = 2;
tableLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle());
tableLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle());
tableLayoutPanel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1069, 662);
tableLayoutPanel.TabIndex = 2;
return (tableLayoutPanel);
Can someone explain me how I can create chart like this one using itextsharp library.
As you can see here, this chart has attached table with legends to its bottom side. And each bar has year attached to it. I want to create something like that.
Second picture. This is what i have so far. I don't have year attached to each bar, and my legends are not beneath each bar like in top graph. If someone could guide me how to create identical graph like one on top i would be grateful. Thanks in advance!
How can I turn those labels to be displayed horizontally, and put those legends beneath years in table like one in picture number 1.
// Chart Centers By Year
var chartCentersByYear = new Chart
Width = 1000,
Height = 450,
RenderType = RenderType.ImageTag,
AntiAliasing = AntiAliasingStyles.Graphics,
TextAntiAliasingQuality = TextAntiAliasingQuality.High
chartCentersByYear.Titles.Add("Centers By Year");
chartCentersByYear.Titles[0].Font = new Font("Arial", 16f);
chartCentersByYear.Titles[0].Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopLeft;
chartCentersByYear.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
chartCentersByYear.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
chartCentersByYear.Series[0].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Column; //Pie
chartCentersByYear.Series[1].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StepLine; //StepLine
chartCentersByYear.Series[1].BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.DashDot;
chartCentersByYear.Series[1].BorderWidth = 3;
chartCentersByYear.Series[0].Color = Color.Brown;
chartCentersByYear.Legends[0].HeaderSeparator = LegendSeparatorStyle.Line;
chartCentersByYear.Legends[0].HeaderSeparatorColor = Color.Black;
chartCentersByYear.Legends[0].ItemColumnSeparator = LegendSeparatorStyle.Line;
chartCentersByYear.Legends[0].ItemColumnSeparatorColor = Color.Black;
chartCentersByYear.Legends[1].HeaderSeparator = LegendSeparatorStyle.Line;
chartCentersByYear.Legends[1].HeaderSeparatorColor = Color.Black;
chartCentersByYear.Legends[1].ItemColumnSeparator = LegendSeparatorStyle.Line;
chartCentersByYear.Legends[1].ItemColumnSeparatorColor = Color.Black;
//For the Legend
LegendCellColumn firstColumn = new LegendCellColumn();
firstColumn.ColumnType = LegendCellColumnType.SeriesSymbol;
firstColumn.HeaderBackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;
LegendCellColumn secondColumn = new LegendCellColumn();
secondColumn.ColumnType = LegendCellColumnType.Text;
secondColumn.Text = "#LEGENDTEXT";
secondColumn.HeaderBackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;
LegendItem newItemCount = new LegendItem();
newItemCount.Cells.Add(LegendCellType.Text, "Count", System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);
newItemCount.BorderWidth = 1;
newItemCount.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
LegendItem newItemCases = new LegendItem();
newItemCases.Cells.Add(LegendCellType.Text, "Cases", System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);
newItemCases.BorderWidth = 1;
newItemCases.BorderDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
// Getting data from a stored procedure
var totalCentersByYearResult = new Repository().GetTotalCentersByYear();
foreach (IGD_spInternationalReportCenterWithTots1_Result item in totalCentersByYearResult)
// For Series
chartCentersByYear.Series[0].Points.AddXY(item.YearEcmo, item.Count);
// For Legend
newItemCount.Cells.Add(LegendCellType.Text, item.Count.ToString(), System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);
newItemCases.Cells.Add(LegendCellType.Text, item.Cases.ToString(), System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter);
chartCentersByYear.Legends[0].Docking = Docking.Bottom;
chartCentersByYear.Legends[1].Docking = Docking.Bottom; //Top
chartCentersByYear.Series[0].YAxisType = AxisType.Primary;
chartCentersByYear.Series[1].YAxisType = AxisType.Secondary;
//For two coordinate systems
chartCentersByYear.ChartAreas[0].AxisY2.LineColor = Color.Transparent;
chartCentersByYear.ChartAreas[0].AxisY2.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
chartCentersByYear.ChartAreas[0].AxisY2.Enabled = AxisEnabled.True;
chartCentersByYear.ChartAreas[0].AxisY2.IsStartedFromZero = chartCentersByYear.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.IsStartedFromZero;
using (var chartimage = new MemoryStream())
chartCentersByYear.SaveImage(chartimage, ChartImageFormat.Png);
Byte[] newChart = chartimage.GetBuffer(); //return chartimage.GetBuffer();
var image = Image.GetInstance(newChart); //Image.GetInstance(Chart());
image.SetAbsolutePosition(document.LeftMargin + 40, document.BottomMargin + 100);
I have drawn an MVC chart.
Just wanted to know how to achieve circular series name.
Please help. My code is below:
public ActionResult CreateBar()
// Create OnPremise and Azure Output Models
var objOnPremiseOutPut = new OnPremisesOutputModel();
var objAzureOutPut = new AzureCostOutputModel();
// Get the data from the TempData. Check :: What if the TemData is empty ??
objOnPremiseOutPut = (OnPremisesOutputModel)TempData["TotalOnPremiseCost"];
objAzureOutPut = (AzureCostOutputModel)TempData["TotalAzureCost"];
// Create a new chart Object
var chart = new Chart();
// Set Dimensions of chart
chart.Width = 500;
chart.Height = 350;
// Set Color and Background color properties
chart.BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;//Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
chart.BorderlineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
chart.BackSecondaryColor = Color.White;
//chart.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.TopBottom;
chart.BorderlineWidth = 0;
chart.Palette = ChartColorPalette.BrightPastel;
chart.BorderlineColor = Color.FromArgb(26, 59, 105);
chart.RenderType = RenderType.BinaryStreaming;
chart.BorderSkin.SkinStyle = BorderSkinStyle.None;
chart.AntiAliasing = AntiAliasingStyles.All;
chart.TextAntiAliasingQuality = TextAntiAliasingQuality.Normal;
// Set the Title and Legends for chart
chart.Legends.Add(new Legend("Costs Distribution")
BackColor = Color.Transparent,
Font = new Font("Trebuchet MS", 8.25f, FontStyle.Bold,
IsTextAutoFit = false
// Clear any existing series and add the new series
chart.Series.Add(new Series());
chart.Series.Add(new Series());
chart.Series.Add(new Series());
chart.Series.Add(new Series());
foreach (Series s in chart.Series)
s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedColumn;
//var totalStorage = objAzureOutPut.GeoReplicatedStorageAnnualExpense+objAzureOutPut.LocallyRedundantStorageAnnualExpense
//chart.Series["Default"].Points[0].AxisLabel = "On Premises";
//chart.Series["Default"].Points[1].AxisLabel = "Azure";
chart.Series[0].Points.Add(new DataPoint(0, objOnPremiseOutPut.TotalOnPremServerExpense));
chart.Series[1].Points.Add(new DataPoint(0, objOnPremiseOutPut.TotalOnPremStorageCapacity));
chart.Series[2].Points.Add(new DataPoint(0, objOnPremiseOutPut.TotalOnPremNetworkExpense));
chart.Series[3].Points.Add(new DataPoint(0, objOnPremiseOutPut.TotalOnPremITExpense));
//chart.Series[0].AxisLabel = "Azure";
chart.Series[0].Points.Add(new DataPoint(1, objAzureOutPut.DiscVMPricingAnnualExpense));
chart.Series[1].Points.Add(new DataPoint(1, objAzureOutPut.TotalStorageExpense));
chart.Series[2].Points.Add(new DataPoint(1, objAzureOutPut.Zone1EgressAnnualExpense));
chart.Series[3].Points.Add(new DataPoint(1, objAzureOutPut.AdminExpense));
// Name the series
chart.Series["Series1"].Name = "Server";
chart.Series["Series2"].Name = "Storage";
chart.Series["Series3"].Name = "Network";
chart.Series["Series4"].Name = "IT";
chart.Series["IT"].MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Circle;
chart.Series["IT"].MarkerSize = 5;
// Create Memorysteam to dump the image
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
return File(ms.GetBuffer(), #"image/png");
public Title CreateTitle()
Title title = new Title();
title.Text = "Cost Comparison";
title.ShadowColor = Color.FromArgb(32, 0, 0, 0);
title.Font = new Font("Trebuchet MS", 14F, FontStyle.Bold);
title.ShadowOffset = 3;
title.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(26, 59, 105);
return title;
public Chart CreateChartArea(Chart chart)
ChartArea chartArea = new ChartArea();
chartArea.Name = "Cost Comaparison";
chartArea.BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;
// X Axis interval
chartArea.AxisX.Interval = 1;
// Set the Custom Labebls
CustomLabel onPremXLabel = new CustomLabel(-0.5, 0.5, "On Premise", 0, LabelMarkStyle.None);
CustomLabel azureXLabel = new CustomLabel(0.75, 1.25, "Azure", 0, LabelMarkStyle.None);
//chartArea.AxisY.Title = "Costs (in $)";
chartArea.AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "C";
//chartArea.AxisY.TitleFont = new Font("Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif",
// 12F, FontStyle.Bold);
//chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font =
new Font("Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif",
8F, FontStyle.Regular);
chartArea.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font =
new Font("Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif",
8F, FontStyle.Regular);
chartArea.AxisY.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64, 64);
chartArea.AxisX.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64, 64);
chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64, 64);
chartArea.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64, 64);
chart.ChartAreas["Cost Comaparison"].AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
chart.ChartAreas["Cost Comaparison"].AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
chartArea.AxisX.MinorTickMark.Enabled = false;
chartArea.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
return chart;
Handle the CustomizeLegend event, as below:
private void Chart1_CustomizeLegend(object sender, CustomizeLegendEventArgs e)
foreach (LegendItem li in e.LegendItems)
li.ImageStyle = LegendImageStyle.Marker;
li.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Circle;
li.MarkerSize = 72;
EDIT: In the Controller, after creating the chart, and before returning it to the View, register to handle the event, like this:
chart1.CustomizeLegend += Chart1_CustomizeLegend;
I am trying to create multi series line chart using MS Chart. I have created it successfully. But the problem is the x-axis labels repeation. Here is what is created
Can anyone tell me why the months are repeated? how can i avoid it?
Here is the code:
DateTime[] xvals = {DateTime.Now.AddMonth(-1),DateTime.Now};
decimal[] gvals = {4.3,0};
decimal[] ypvals = {0,0};
decimal[] yvals = {3.5,0};
// create the chart
var chart = new Chart();
chart.Size = new Size(600, 250);
chart.BorderSkin.SkinStyle = BorderSkinStyle.Emboss;
chart.BorderlineColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(26, 59, 105);
chart.BorderlineWidth = 3;
var chartArea = new ChartArea();
chartArea.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineWidth = 0;
//Remove Y-axis grid lines
chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineWidth = 0;
chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "MMM";
chartArea.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.LightGray;
chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.LightGray;
chartArea.AxisX.LabelStyle.Font = new Font("Consolas", 8);
chartArea.AxisY.LabelStyle.Font = new Font("Consolas", 8);
var series = new Series();
series.Name = "Y";
series.Legend = "Y";
series.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
series.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
series.IsVisibleInLegend = true;
series.Color = Color.Red;
series.IsValueShownAsLabel = true;
series.BorderWidth = 2;
// bind the datapoints
chart.Series[0].Points.DataBindXY(xvals, yvals);
var series2 = new Series();
series2.Name = "YP";
series2.Legend = "YP";
series2.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
series2.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
series2.IsVisibleInLegend = true;
series2.Color = Color.Yellow;
series2.IsValueShownAsLabel = true;
series2.BorderWidth = 2;
// bind the datapoints
chart.Series[1].Points.DataBindXY(xvals, ypvals);
var series3 = new Series();
series3.Name = "G";
series3.Legend = "GG";
series3.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
series3.XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
series3.IsVisibleInLegend = true;
series3.Color = Color.Blue;
series3.IsValueShownAsLabel = true;
series3.BorderWidth = 2;
// bind the datapoints
chart.Series[2].Points.DataBindXY(xvals, gvals);
// draw!
// write out a file
chart.SaveImage("D:\\cha.png", ChartImageFormat.Png);
Ok, I have got the solution.
I have just converted the
series1.XValueType = ChartValueType.Date;
series2.XValueType = ChartValueType.Date;
series3.XValueType = ChartValueType.Date;
series1.XValueType = ChartValueType.String;
series2.XValueType = ChartValueType.String;
series3.XValueType = ChartValueType.String;
and instead of using dates in the xAxisValues array used months name as string.
DateTime[] xvals = {DateTime.Now.AddMonth(-1),DateTime.Now};
string[] xvals = {DateTime.Now.AddMonth(-1).ToString("MMM"),DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM")};
Hope this helps someone else.