replace \\ to \ when using # symbol - c#

Issue with replacing text...username is 'JoelFarrell'
userName = #"WILD\" + userName; // returns "WILD\\JoelFarrell"
I only want "WILD\JoelFarrell" so ive tried to replace it
userName = userName.Replace("\\", #"\");//this does not work
userIdInDNNUsersTable = DbContext.Users.Where(x => x.Username == userName).Count();//returns 0 results because it is searching for 'WILD\\JoelFarrell' where as if it was searching for 'WILD\JoelFarrell' I would get what I am looking for
Any one have any ideas? thanks for any replies
If i test it in quick watch and change userName = "WILDFIRE\JoelFarrel" it says unrecognized rewscapce sequece. but if I search SQL for the record in the db `
select * FROM [Dot].[dbo].[Users]
where username LIKE '%WILDFIRE\JoelFarrell%'`
returns the result I am looking. So how do I get this result in code?

userName = #"WILD\" + userName; // returns "WILD\\JoelFarrell"
Its just that the debugger is displaying it as \\ (very unhelpfully IMHO)

When you look at userName in the debugger, you're seeing the escaped version. Hit the magnifying glass beside the watch or tooltip. That will give you the non-escaped version.


Remove backslash from string c#

I am trying to add a value to a queryparameters for reporting services programmatically.
List<QueryParameter> lst = new List<QueryParameter>();
QueryParameter qp = new QueryParameter();
qp.Name = "#UserID";
qp.Value = "[#UserID]";
The values are getting inserted, but with \ character and is it because of #. My QueryParameter value should be like [#UserID] and instead it is displayed as \[#UserID\].
How can I remove the \ from the value and the \ doesn't show when I debug.
Really appreciate any suggestions.
If I'm understanding your problem right:
testString = testString.Replace(#"\","");

Using RegEx to split strings after specific character

I've been working on trying to get this string split in a couple different places which I managed to get to work, except if the name had a forward-slash in it, it would throw all of the groups off completely.
The string:
123.45.678.90:00000/98765432109876541/[CLAN]PlayerName joined [windows/12345678901234567]
I essentially need the following:
IP group: 123.45.678.90:00000 (without the following /)
id group: 98765432109876541
name group: [CLAN]PlayerName
id1 group: 12345678901234567
The text "joined" also has to be there. However windows does not.
Here is what I have so far:
(?<ip>.*)\/(?<id>.*)\/(.*\/)?(?<name1>.*)( joined.*)\[(.*\/)?(?<id1>.*)\]
This works like a charm unless the player name contains a "/". How would I go about escaping that?
Any help with this would be much appreciated!
Since you tag your question with C# and Regex and not only Regex, I will propose an alternative. I am not sure if it will more efficient or not. I find it easiest to read and to debug if you simply use String.Split():
public void Main()
string input = "123.45.678.90:00000/98765432109876541/[CLAN]Player/Na/me joined [windows/12345678901234567]";
// we want "123.45.678.90:00000/98765432109876541/[CLAN]Player/Na/me joined" and "12345678901234567]"
// Also, you can remove " joined" by adding it before " [windows/"
var content = input.Split(new string[]{" [windows/"}, StringSplitOptions.None);
// we want ip + groupId + everything else
var tab = content[0].Split('/');
var ip = tab[0];
var groupId = tab[1];
var groupName = String.Join("/", tab.Skip(2)); // merge everything else. We use Linq to skip ip and groupId
var groupId1 = RemoveLast(content[1]); // cut the trailing ']'
private static string RemoveLast(string s)
return s.Remove(s.Length - 1);
[CLAN]Player/Na/me joined
If you are using a class for ip, groupId, etc. and I guess you do, just put everything in it with a constructor which accept a string as parameter.
You shouldn't be using greedy quanitifiers (*) with an open character such as .. It won't work as intended and will result in a lot of backtracking.
This is slightly more efficient, but not overly strict:
Regex demo
You basically needs to use non greedy selectors (*?). Try this:
(?<ip>.*?)\/(?<id>.*?)\/(?<name1>.*?)( joined )\[(.*?\/)?(?<id1>.*?)\]

How to get rid of unwanted spaces after using ToString() in C#?

This might be a problem with Session and not ToString(), I'm not sure.
I have two .aspx pages and I want to pass an IP address from a datatable from one page to the other. When I do this, spaces get added that I don't want. The simple version of the code is this:
first .aspx page
int num = DropDownList1.SelectedIndex;
DataView tempDV = SqlDataSource2.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty) as DataView;
Session["camera"] = tempDV.Table.Rows[num].ItemArray[2];
test.aspx page
string ipCamAdd = Session["camera"].ToString();
TextBox1.Text = "http://" + ipCamAdd + "/jpg/image.jpg?resolution=320x240";
what I want to print is
http ://ipadd/jpg/image.jpg?resolution=320x240
but what prints out is
http//ipaddress /jpg/image.jpg?resolution=320x240
how can I fix this?
Also, I asked this question hoping someone could tell me why this is happening as well. Sorry for the mistake.
Try this:
string ipCamAdd = Session["camera"].Trim().ToString();
For the valid concern, Session["camera"] could be null, add function such as the following to your code
static string ToSafeString(string theVal)
string theAns;
theAns = (theVal==null ? "" : theVal);
return theAns;
Then use:
string ipCamAdd = Session["camera"].ToSafeString().Trim();
You can use string.Replace if you just want to get rid of the spaces:
TextBox1.Text = "http://" + (ipCamAdd ?? "").Replace(" ", "") + "/jpg/image.jpg?resolution=320x240";
Trim the result before setting to session.
Session["camera"] = tempDV.Table.Rows[num].ItemArray[2].Trim();
Seems In SQL your data type is char(*) if you convert the data type to varchar and re enter data, you wont get any additional spaces

Match Multiline & IgnoreSome

I'm trying to extract some information from a JCL source using regex in C#
Basically, this is a string I can have:
So I need to extract the jobname JOBNAME0, the info (BLABLABLA), the description 'SOME TEXT' and the other parms MSGCLASS=YES ILIKE=POTATOES IALSOLIKE=TOMATOES FINALLY=BYE.
I must ignore everything that is after the space ... like GRMBL or ANOTHER GARBAGE
I must continue to next line if my last valid char was a , and stop if it there were none.
So far, I have successfully managed to get the jobname, the info and the description, pretty easy. For the other parms, i'm able to get all the parms and to split them, but i don't know how to get rid of the garbage.
Here is my code:
var regex = "//([^\\s]*) JOB (\\([^)]*\\))?,?(\\'[^']*\\')?,?([^,]*[,|\\s|$])*";
Match match2 = Regex.Match(test5, regex,RegexOptions.Singleline);
string CarteJob2 = match2.Groups[0].Value;
string JobName2 = match2.Groups[1].Value;
string JobInfo2 = match2.Groups[2].Value;
string JobDesc2 = match2.Groups[3].Value;
IEnumerable<string> parms = match2.Groups[4].Captures.OfType<Capture>().Select(x => x.Value);
string JobParms2 = String.Join("|", parms);
Console.WriteLine(CarteJob2 + "|");
Console.WriteLine(JobName2 + "|");
Console.WriteLine(JobInfo2 + "|");
Console.WriteLine(JobDesc2 + "|");
Console.WriteLine(JobParms2 + "|");
The output I get is this one:
The output I would like to see is:
Is there a way to get what I want ?
I think I'd try and do this with two Regex expressions.
The first one to get all the starting information from the beginning of the string - job name, info, description.
The second one to get all the parameters, which all seem to have a simple pattern of <param name>=<param value>.
The first Regex might look like this:
^//(?<job>[\d\w]+)[ ]+JOB[ ]+\((?<info>[\d\w]+)\),'(?<description>[\d\w ]+)'
I don't know if rules permit whitespaces to appear in the job name, info or description - adjust as needed. Also, I'm assuming this is the start of the file using the ^ char. Finally, this Regex has groups already defined, so getting values should be easier in C#.
The second Regex might be something like this:
Again, grouping is added to help get the parameter names and values.
Hope this helps.
A small tip - you can use the # sign before a string in C# to make it easier to write such Regex patterns. For example:
Regex reg = new Regex(#"(?<param>[\w\d]+)=(?<value>[\w\d]+)");

Escape character in user name

I have an example username:
So if I put this in C# it wants to escaoe it with "\" so it turns out to be:
corp\\myusername but I need to to be corp\myusername. Any ideas how to get it to work?
Thanks much
using verbatim string
string username = #"corp\\myusername"
"\\" = \ so "\\\\" = \\
string username = "corp\\\\myusername"
try adding a "#" symbol in front of the string like this:
or double up the "\" to escape the escape :)
Use a verbatim string literal.
Precede the literal with "#" character and you can then type that.
I imagine you're trying to separate the domain from the user name, to get the username for your application when using Windows authentication in your site, yes? I also ran into the issue where some machines would return the value as upper case, and some as lower case, so be careful to force the case in your source code (or database)!
string windowsLogin = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
int hasDomain = windowsLogin.IndexOf(#"\");
if (hasDomain > 0)
windowsLogin = windowsLogin.Remove(0, hasDomain + 1);
return windowsLogin.ToLower();
