Slowly moving gameobject to mouse position - c#

I want to change the position of the object to the position of the mouse, moving slowly from first to second position.
My object is moving slowly to the random direction which appears to be connected with lower-left corner. When I go higher than the corner my object is moving upwards, same with left and right.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Rocket : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 10f;
private Vector3 shippos;
void Start()
shippos = transform.position;
void FixedUpdate()
if (Input.mousePosition.x > shippos.x)
if (Input.mousePosition.x < shippos.x)
if (Input.mousePosition.y > shippos.y)
if (Input.mousePosition.y < shippos.y)
transform.position = shippos;

The mouse position is returned in screenspace coordinates. What you need to do is convert this to world coordinates so that they are compared in the same coordinate space as the transform (shippos).
void FixedUpdate()
if (Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).x > shippos.x)
shippos.x = shippos.x + speed * Time.deltaTime;
if (Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).x < shippos.x)
shippos.x = shippos.x - speed * Time.deltaTime;
if (Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).y > shippos.y)
shippos.y = shippos.y + speed * Time.deltaTime;
if (Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).y < shippos.y)
shippos.y = shippos.y - speed * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = shippos;

If I did not misunderstand, you want to change your player's position straight to the point of mouse's position and looking towards mouse.
void Update() {
Transform target = mousePosition; //get your mouse position per frame
Vector3 relativePos = target.position - transform.position; //create a vector3 between them
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(relativePos); //then give a rotation your player towards this vector.
transform.rotation = rotation; //and apply it.

Taken from here:
public float moveSpeed = 2.0; // Units per second
void Update () {
var targetPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
targetPos.z = transform.position.z;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPos, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
May not be accurate C#, but you get the idea.

i guess you are doing wrong , because wile you have Mathf.Lerp you Dont need to go as that clumsy way
Here is a video tutorial from youtube for mathf.lerp
and here is the base code:
someValue = Mathf.Lerp(initialValue , finalValue , Time.deltaTime * smoothness);
just take a look to the youtube link you will definitely get the idea!
you dont need to do alot of stuff to decrease your game performance! be careful about this kinda coding!


Multiple touch unity mobile

I am creating a 2d mobile game where one of the scripts uses a joystick to move and the other script lets the player shoot an object when tapping anywhere on the screen. The issue is when using the joystick it also shoots at the same time in that direction. Is there a way to separate the touches so when you use the joystick it does not immediately shoot to that direction but the player can still move and shoot anywhere at the same time?
Move Code
private void Update()
Vector2 moveInput = new Vector2(joystick.Horizontal, joystick.Vertical);
moveAmount = moveInput.normalized * speed;
Shoot code
private void Update()
Vector2 direction = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - transform.position;
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle - 90, Vector3.forward);
transform.rotation = rotation;
if (Time.time >= shotTime)
Instantiate(projectile, shotPoint.position, transform.rotation);
shotTime = Time.time + timeBetweenShots;
Instead of using Input.mousePosition you'll have to use Input.GetTouch. You can loop through it using Input.touchCount to find the first touch that is not interacting with a ui element, than use that touch instead of Input.mousePosition to find the direction to shoot (or not shoot if there is no touch). To find out if a specific touch is over ui you need a reference to the scene's EventSystem (or use EventSystem.current), and use EventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject with Touch.fingerId.
If the joystick is not a ui element you'll need a different way to detect if the touch is over the joystick. For example you could check the pixel position, or see if the joystick itself has an "interacting fingerId". But with the assumption that the joystick is an ui element, here's one way to do what I wrote above: (untested)
private void Update()
var eventSystem = EventSystem.current;
for (var i = 0; i<Input.touchCount; i++)
var touch = Input.GetTouch(i);
if (eventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject(touch.fingerId))
ShootToScreenPos(Vector2 screenPos);
private void ShootToScreenPos(Vector2 screenPos)
Vector2 direction = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPos) - transform.position;
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle - 90, Vector3.forward);
transform.rotation = rotation;
if (Time.time >= shotTime)
Instantiate(projectile, shotPoint.position, transform.rotation);
shotTime = Time.time + timeBetweenShots;

How to add relative movement to multiple virtual cameras?

I am using a Cinemachine state driver to transition between my 8 directional cameras orbiting my player. Right now my player script is set to a basic isometric character controller:
public float speed = 5f;
Vector3 forward;
Vector3 right;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
forward = Camera.main.transform.forward;
forward.y = 0;
forward = Vector3.Normalize(forward);
right = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 90, 0)) * forward;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Input.anyKey)
void Move ()
Vector3 direction = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
Vector3 rightMovement = right * speed * Time.deltaTime * Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
Vector3 upMovement = forward * speed * Time.deltaTime * Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
Vector3 heading = Vector3.Normalize(rightMovement + upMovement);
transform.forward += heading;
transform.position += rightMovement;
transform.position += upMovement;
I want the players move direction to reflect the direction of the camera. For example, using W (from WASD) will always move the player up. Could I edit the script to pick up the direction of each of my virtual cameras and add that to my player controller or is there a better way?
To solve this problem you have to change the movement of the keys according to the angle of the camera. This is done as follows with transform.TransformDirection. When the movement is synchronized with the direction of the camera, it causes the W key to press the character towards the ground, because the angle in front of the camera is inside the ground. To solve the problem, we set y to zero and then normalize the axis.
public float speed = 10f;
void Update()
var moveInput = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0f , Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
moveInput = Camera.main.transform.TransformDirection(moveInput);
moveInput.y = 0;
moveInput = moveInput.normalized;
transform.position += moveInput * Time.deltaTime * speed;

Unity bouncing when colliding with object

I have made a script with movement, that finally works as i want it to, except one thing... I want it to be a first person game, but the way the movement works now, is on the global axis, which means that W is always torwards one specific direction, no matter what direction my camera is turning... How do i fix this? i want the movement to stay how it is, but with the W key to always be forward depending on the way the camera or player is looking.
Please let me know how my script would look edited, or atleast what part i have to change.
I would also like to add that i would love to be able to do a wall jump, but i am not sure how to add that behavior.
Here is my movement script:
public class MovementScript : MonoBehaviour {
public float speed;
public float jumpforce;
public float gravity = 25;
private Vector3 moveVector;
private Vector3 lastMove;
private float verticalVelocity;
private CharacterController controller;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
controller = GetComponent<CharacterController> ();
//Låser og gemmer musen
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
//Låser musen op
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("escape"))
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
moveVector =;
moveVector.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
moveVector.z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
if (controller.isGrounded) {
verticalVelocity = -1;
if (Input.GetButton("Jump")) {
verticalVelocity = jumpforce;
} else {
verticalVelocity -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
moveVector = lastMove;
moveVector.y = 0;
moveVector.Normalize ();
moveVector *= speed;
moveVector.y = verticalVelocity;
controller.Move (moveVector * Time.deltaTime);
lastMove = moveVector;
You need to go from local to world space:
for example when you want to move on the x-axis regarding the player's orientation, the local vector is (1, 0, 0), which you get from your input axis, but the CharacterController need a world based direction (see the doc of the Move function)
A more complex move function taking absolute movement deltas.
To get this, use Transform.TransformDirection like this
worldMove = transform.TransformDirection(moveVector);
controller.Move (worldMove * Time.deltaTime);
EDIT regarding your issue with the controller moving a bit after releasing the input:
That's because GetAxis gives you a smoothed value. Replace GetAxis by GetAxisRaw and it should work
Modify the final moving code to
controller.Move(moveVector.z * transform.forward * Time.deltaTime);
controller.Move(moveVector.x * transform.right * Time.deltaTime);
controller.Move(moveVector.y * transform.up * Time.deltaTime);
Alternatively, suppose your character is only rotated about the Y axis, you can look into rotating your moveVector by your character's Y rotation so moveVector's forward points parallel to your chracter's forward.
I found a good explaination of rotating a vector here:
Rotating a vector:
moveVector = Quaternion.Euler(0, transform.eulerAngles.y, 0) * moveVector;

Unity: Special movement for game

I'm writing movement for my space game and spaceship object (player) with mouse cursor.
Currently have following code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class Move : MonoBehaviour {
public float speed = 1.5f;
public float rotationSpeed = 90f;
public float rotPrecision = 0.1f;
public float movePrecision = 0.1f;
private Vector3 pos;
private Quaternion qTo;
void Start () {
pos = transform.position;
qTo = transform.rotation;
void Update () {
if (!EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject())
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) || Input.GetMouseButton(0))
pos = Input.mousePosition;
pos.z = transform.position.z - Camera.main.transform.position.z;
pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos);
var dir = pos - transform.position;
qTo = Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, pos - transform.position);
if (Quaternion.Angle(transform.rotation, qTo) >= rotPrecision) //just set your own precision
transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, qTo, Time.deltaTime * rotationSpeed);
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, pos) > movePrecision) // 0.1f
transform.Translate(Vector3.up * speed * Time.deltaTime);
But there i have the problem with the movement precision and rotation when the point is too close to player (have infinite loop).
The idea of this movement system described with the following image:
(Player actor is green, path is gray, and destination point is red).
I hope that somebody could help me w/ that.
Thank you!
If I understand your question correctly, the problem is that the player's movement never stops as the code can't reach a finishing point.
To solve this you can add an acceptable precision margin.
So calculate if the difference between the rotation you wish or the movement you wish, and the players actual rotation/position, is less than a given variable, for example less than 0.05%.
That way you could allow the program to know that if it's just within 0.05% precision, then it's okay for it to stop moving.
Otherwise, if the program never reaches a complete and perfect rotation and position, it will continue to adjust endlessly due to slight mathematical imprecision in the calculations and movement pattern.

Unity: Move camera based on forward horiz direction without changing y position

I'm creating a Google Cardboard VR app in Unity. I want the camera to constantly move forwards horizontally in the direction the camera is facing but not change its Y position, i.e. not rise or fall.
I've managed to get it so that the camera moves forwards in whichever direction it's looking but can go up and down if you look that way, using this line of code:
transform.position = transform.position + cam.transform.forward * WalkingSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
Is there a simple way of fixing the Y axis, so that I get the behaviour I'm looking for? Here's the full code so far:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CameraMovement : MonoBehaviour {
public float WalkingSpeed = 1.0f;
public bool WalkEnabled = true;
GameObject cam;
void Start () {
// This is the part of the Cardboard camera where I'm getting
// the forward position from:
cam = GameObject.FindWithTag("CCHead");
void Update ()
if (WalkEnabled)
void walk()
transform.localPosition = transform.localPosition + cam.transform.forward * WalkingSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
Note: ticking the 'freeze position' y value in rigidbody constraints doesn't work.
Many thanks in advance.
You can try and split the forward vector up and build a new one where the y axis does not change:
transform.position =
transform.position +
new Vector3(
cam.transform.forward.x * WalkingSpeed * Time.deltaTime,
0, // add 0 to keep the y coordinate the same
cam.transform.forward.z * WalkingSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
