How to remove the attribute container from JSON in C#? - c#

I have an issue with JSON that contains several elements, and I want to convert some JSON array of objects without the id that contain the element itself. Basically what I want is to convert this structure:
"SubscriptionStorages": {
"1": {
"Type": "subscriberstorage",
"SubscriberStorage_Id": 1,
"SubscriberStorage_AdminDescription": "JM Basic",
"SubscriberStorage_MaxStorage": 268435456000
"2": {
"Type": "subscriberstorage",
"SubscriberStorage_Id": 2,
"SubscriberStorage_AdminDescription": "JM Standard",
"SubscriberStorage_MaxStorage": 536870912000
to this structure:
"SubscriptionStorages": [
"Type": "subscriberstorage",
"SubscriberStorage_Id": 1,
"SubscriberStorage_AdminDescription": "JM Basic",
"SubscriberStorage_MaxStorage": 268435456000
"Type": "subscriberstorage",
"SubscriberStorage_Id": 2,
"SubscriberStorage_AdminDescription": "JM Standard",
"SubscriberStorage_MaxStorage": 536870912000
Is there any simple way to do it?
This is what I have so far, but it's not good...
What am I missing here?
List<string> items = new List<string>();
if (itemsList != null)
if (itemsList.Count > 0)
JToken outer = JToken.Parse(jsonBody);
foreach (JToken t in outer)
return items;

You can transform your JSON like this:
var jo = JObject.Parse(originalJson);
jo["SubscriptionStorages"] = new JArray(
.Select(jp => jp.Value)
var modifiedJson = jo.ToString();


iterate through JSON?

Can I Iterate (recursive) through this JSON?
My Problem are not the JObject rather the JArray.
This is a multi-nested JSON that I would like to go through and from which I would like to read the key and value separately.
"DataValid": 1,
"Identifier": "865263040394502",
"RecordType": "D",
"TypeD_data": {
"tStat": {
"lDistance": 545190,
"lUpTimeGps": 21074,
"lUpTimeGsm": 34700,
"lUpTimeMCU": 127387,
"lUpTimeSys": 4727445,
"lUpTimeInMotion": 66343
"header": {
"info": 16797,
"tTime": 1597039293,
"reason": 4398046511136,
"version": 1
"tAcc_bas": {
"sXRaw": 65,
"sYRaw": 67,
"sZRaw": 983,
"Status": 1,
"sMagnitude": 66
"tAcc_ext": null,
"tGeo_bas": {
"polycount": 0
"tGeo_ext": null,
"tGps_bas": {
"Status": 11,
"sSpeed": 79,
"sCourse": 321,
"fLatitude": 48.59036,
"sAltitude": 474,
"fLongitude": 11.56852
"tGsm_bas": {
"ta": 0,
"mcc": 0,
"mnc": 0,
"Status": 2,
"cellcount": 0
"tGsm_ext": null,
"tTele_ext": null,
"tTele_int": {
"Status": 16,
"sTmpMCU": 2061,
"sBatLevel": 50,
"sBatVoltage": 3346,
"sExtVoltage": 0
"tTele_chain": null
"DataIdentifier": "Pos",
"Timestamp_Received": 1597039264
above there is the JSON I want to iterate through.
My Code:
public void SetValue(JObject value, string valueName = "")
foreach (var p in value)
if (p.Value is JObject)
SetValue((JObject)p.Value, valueName + "/" + p.Key);
above there is my Code.
Thank you in advance for the help.
public List<string> GetFieldNames(dynamic input)
List<string> fieldNames = new List<string>();
// Deserialize the input json string to an object
input = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(input);
// Json Object could either contain an array or an object or just values
// For the field names, navigate to the root or the first element
input = input.Root ?? input.First ?? input;
if (input != null)
// Get to the first element in the array
bool isArray = true;
while (isArray)
input = input.First ?? input;
if (input.GetType() == typeof(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject) ||
input.GetType() == typeof(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue) ||
input == null)
isArray = false;
// check if the object is of type JObject.
// If yes, read the properties of that JObject
if (input.GetType() == typeof(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject))
// Create JObject from object
Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject inputJson =
// Read Properties
var properties = inputJson.Properties();
// Loop through all the properties of that JObject
foreach (var property in properties)
// Check if there are any sub-fields (nested)
// i.e. the value of any field is another JObject or another JArray
if (property.Value.GetType() == typeof(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject) ||
property.Value.GetType() == typeof(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray))
// If yes, enter the recursive loop to extract sub-field names
var subFields = GetFieldNames(property.Value.ToString());
if (subFields != null && subFields.Count() > 0)
// join sub-field names with field name
//(e.g. Field1.SubField1, Field1.SubField2, etc.)
.Select(n =>
string.IsNullOrEmpty(n) ? property.Name :
string.Format("{0}.{1}", property.Name, n)));
// If there are no sub-fields, the property name is the field name
fieldNames.Add(property.Name + " : " + (string)property.Value<JProperty>());
if (input.GetType() == typeof(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue))
// for direct values, there is no field name
return fieldNames;

generic api consume class in c#

HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = GlobalVariables.WebAPI.GetAsync("").Result;
if (httpResponseMessage.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
var tupleList = new List<Tuple<dynamic, dynamic>>();
var genericList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<object>>(httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);
int _totalColumns = 0;
var allowFirst = false;
foreach ( var genericObject in genericList)
allowFirst = true;
if (allowFirst)
Type type = genericObject.GetType();
// Get all public instance properties.
// Use the override if you want to classify
// which properties to return.
foreach (PropertyInfo info in type.GetProperties())
catch (Exception)
catch (Exception)
l dont know if this is possible but am trying to create a generic class to consume api.
the data will only be in form of array objects without inner objects on another object like sample
sample 1
"id": "24",
"employee_name": "Doris Wilder",
"employee_salary": "85600",
"employee_age": "23",
"profile_image": "images/default_profile.png"
"id": "25",
"employee_name": "Angelica Ramos",
"employee_salary": "1200000",
"employee_age": "47",
"profile_image": "images/default_profile.png"
Sample Two
"project_Id": "24",
"project_name": "Lorem Ipsum"
"project_Id": "25",
"project_name": "Lorem Ipsum ipsum"
Sample 3
"Employee_Id": "25",
"Employee_name": "Sam Doe"
"Employee_Id": "2",
"Employee_name": "Jon doe"
Sample 20++ ..................:
m stack on now determining the number of object propertise and how to store it ?
like sampe 1 has four properties
sample 2 has two properties how best can l do that
and determining how to save it:
l have more than 20 urls { and likely to increase }are different array of objects what l wanted was not to create Strongly typed class as the data is only used to be rendered on an html table string but all the api values will have 0-100 array of object , thus all l want to know if its possible or l will stick to what l was already doing which was mentioned by #nkosi

Build a Property List from a JSON Object c#

I want to build the property list including property path of a json object.
I don't know the structure of the json or the keys that might be present. I'm after the keys at all levels (not the values of those keys).
"Primitive_1": "T1",
"Object_L1": {
"Object_L2": {
"Object_L3": {
"Object_L4": {
"Object_L5": {
"Object_L6": {
"Array_L7": [
"asdasdas": "SampleText1",
"WIDTH": "Width2"
"gh45gdfg": "SampleText2",
"WIDTH": "Width"
"12836hasvdkl": "SampleText3",
"WIDTH": "Width"
"712bedfabsmdo98": "SampleText4",
"WIDTH": "Width"
"Primitive_2": "T2",
"Primitive_3": "T3",
"Primitive_4": "T4"
Desired output:
.Primitive_1 .Object_L1.Object_L2.Object_L3.Object_L4.Object_L5.Object_L6.Array_L7.0.asdasdas
Having looked around I've gotten as far as the root nodes of the object. See fiddle (
This seems to be relatively simple in JS ( I've already reviewed several responses and I can't find a response in c# that solves this problem without knowing the keys in use (which I don't know)
Any help would be much appreciated.
Tree traversal algorithms are almost always recursive in nature.
As such, the following function does what you want:
private static IEnumerable<string> GetMembers(JToken jToken)
var members = new List<string>();
if (jToken is JObject)
var jObject = (JObject)jToken;
foreach (var prop in jObject.Properties())
if (prop.Value is JValue)
members.AddRange(GetMembers(prop.Value).Select(member => prop.Name + "." + member));
else if (jToken is JArray)
var jArray = (JArray)jToken;
for (var i = 0; i < jArray.Count; i++)
var token = jArray[i];
members.AddRange(GetMembers(token).Select(member => i + "." + member));
return members;
An example of the code running is available here.

How to access to all JProperties sub values in

I`m trying to pars a Json in my C# code with Json.NET.
I want to print the child of each token after the parent.
my JSON string is something like this(but very longer):
"type": "ExpressionStatement",
"expression": {
"type": "CallExpression",
"callee": {
"type": "FunctionExpression",
"id": null,
"params": [
"type": "Identifier",
"name": "E"
"type": "Identifier",
"name": "B"
and I`m trying this code for my purpose and in this first I check value of JProperties and if there was something starts with '[' I sub String it and parse it again other otherwise print that :(r is my Json string)
JObject a = JObject.Parse(r);
ArrayList ab= new ArrayList();
String reg=#"{[-a-zA-Z0-9_~,'"":\s]*}\s*,\s*{[-a-zA-Z0-9~,'"":\s]*}";
for (int i = 0; i < ab.Count; i++ )
JObject d=ab[i] as JObject;
foreach (JProperty p in (d.Children()))
String val = p.Value.ToString();
if( val.StartsWith("[")){
String reg2 = #"},\s*{";
int num=Regex.Match(val,reg2).Index;
String val1 = val.Substring(0,num+1);
JObject newob = JObject.Parse(val1);
val = val.Substring(num+3);
newob = JObject.Parse(val);
if (!val.Equals("")) {
JObject newob=JObject.Parse(val);
else if (val.StartsWith("{"))
if (!val.Equals(""))
JObject newob = JObject.Parse(val);
Console.WriteLine("value is: {0}", p.Value);
but there is always error for sub String....they always are incorrect!
could anyone help me? or offer me new way?
note:I don`t know the JSON string and it is every time different

Add nested code infinite times

I have a unique issue. My program is getting bookmarks from chrome, from a Bookmarks JSON file. I am using the dll for this. My issue is, is that I need to get each URL in its correct folder hierarchy, however, it seems that you can create an infinate amount of folders to hold the bookmarks in. Here is an example of the JSON hiarchy:
"checksum": "c9e24e7fb3c6cb184fb776e32dd1004e",
"roots": {
"bookmark_bar": {
"children": [ {
"children": [ {
"children": [ {
"children": [ {
"children": [ {
"date_added": "12985566069697953",
"id": "225",
"name": "EvasiveURL",
"type": "url",
"url": ""
} ],
"date_added": "12991165233108137",
"date_modified": "12991165244676611",
"id": "374",
"name": "NestedFolder2",
"type": "folder"
} ],
"date_added": "12991165215985934",
"date_modified": "12991165215985934",
"id": "373",
"name": "NestedFolder",
"type": "folder"
} ],
"date_added": "12985566069695953",
"date_modified": "12991165219618934",
"id": "204",
"name": "Games",
"type": "folder"
And here is my current code:
for (int i = 0; o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i] != o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"].Last; i++)
var property = o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["url"];
var property2 = o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["children"];
if (o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["type"].ToString() == "url") {
else if (o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["type"].ToString() == "folder")
for (int ii = 0; o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["children"][ii] != o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["children"].Last; ii++)
property = o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["children"][ii];
// Console.WriteLine(property);
if (o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["type"].ToString() == "url")
else if (o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["type"].ToString() == "folder")
for (int iii = 0; o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["children"][ii]["children"][iii] != o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["children"][ii]["children"].Last; iii++)
if (o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["type"].ToString() == "url")
else if (o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"][i]["type"].ToString() == "folder")
//etc. etc.
So, how can I rewrite this code, without copy/pasting the previous for loops and If-Else statements into where I said 'etc. etc'?
Edit: This is class o:
JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
var o = (JToken)serializer.Deserialize(jsonReader);
This would be a solution for your problem. As I said you process childs recursive.
private void processJsonInput()
var reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream("d:\\jsonfile.txt", FileMode.Open));
JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
var o = (JToken)serializer.Deserialize(new JsonTextReader(reader));
foreach (var child in o["roots"]["bookmark_bar"]["children"])
private void processChild(JToken child)
if (child["type"].ToString() == "url")
else if (child["type"].ToString() == "folder")
// process sub childrens in the folder
foreach (var subChild in child["children"])
