First, here is why this question is not a duplicate:
I know that multiple questions about converting one enum to another have been asked on SO, I even answered one of them myself, but all the questions I've found on this topic had some way of comparing the different enum values (whether by name or by value). In my particular case, I don't know the values, and the names don't match.
As a part of a GitHub project I'm working on, called ADONETHelper, that's designed to minimize code repetition when working with Ado.Net, I came face to face with the need to translate values between unrelated enums. This is to allow the same code to work with OleDb, Odbc, and SqlClient (and hopefully in the future OracleClient and MySqlClient as well).
What I'm trying to do is create a unification of different enums - specifically - enums that describe sql parameters data types.
Currntly, I am supporting 4 enums -
but if I want to add support for OracleClient or MySqlClient, I'll have to work pretty hard to add System.Data.OracleClient.OracleType Or MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.
So I'm looking for a more elegant way of doing this then I came up with.
Here is my current code (It works great, but as I wrote, it's hard to add support for new enums):
So first, I have defined my own enum called ADONETType. It has entries such as Boolean, Byte, Binary, Char etc'.
Then I've created a static class called DBTypeConverter to provide extension methods to this enum, so that it's value could be converted to the other enums.
This is what this class looks like:
internal static class DBTypeConverter
#region private members
private static List<DbTypeMap> _Map;
#endregion private members
#region static constructor
static DBTypeConverter()
_Map = new List<DbTypeMap>()
new DbTypeMap(ADONETType.Boolean, DbType.Boolean, SqlDbType.Bit, OleDbType.Boolean, OdbcType.Bit),
new DbTypeMap(ADONETType.Byte, DbType.Byte, SqlDbType.TinyInt, OleDbType.UnsignedTinyInt , OdbcType.TinyInt),
new DbTypeMap(ADONETType.Binary, DbType.Binary, SqlDbType.Binary, OleDbType.Binary, OdbcType.Binary),
// ... more of the same here ...
new DbTypeMap(ADONETType.Xml, DbType.Xml, SqlDbType.Xml, null, null)
#endregion static constructor
#region methods
internal static DbType ToDbType(this ADONETType type)
return type.ConvertTo<DbType>();
internal static SqlDbType ToSqlType(this ADONETType type)
return type.ConvertTo<SqlDbType>();
internal static OleDbType ToOleDbType(this ADONETType type)
return type.ConvertTo<OleDbType>();
internal static OdbcType ToOdbcType(this ADONETType type)
return type.ConvertTo<OdbcType>();
private static dynamic ConvertTo<T>(this ADONETType type)
var returnValue = _Map.First(m => m.ADONETType == type).GetValueByType(typeof(T));
if(returnValue != null)
return returnValue;
throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("ADONETType {0} is not supported for {1}", type, typeof(T)));
#endregion methods
#region private struct
private struct DbTypeMap
#region ctor
public DbTypeMap(ADONETType adonetType, DbType? dbType, SqlDbType? sqlDbType, OleDbType? oleDbType, OdbcType? odbcType)
: this()
ADONETType = adonetType;
DbType = dbType;
SqlDbType = sqlDbType;
OleDbType = oleDbType;
OdbcType = odbcType;
#endregion ctor
#region properties
internal ADONETType ADONETType { get; private set; }
internal DbType? DbType { get; private set; }
internal SqlDbType? SqlDbType { get; private set; }
internal OleDbType? OleDbType { get; private set; }
internal OdbcType? OdbcType { get; private set; }
#endregion properties
#region methods
internal dynamic GetValueByType(Type type)
if (type == typeof(ADONETType))
return this.ADONETType;
if(type == typeof(DbType))
return this.DbType;
if (type == typeof(SqlDbType))
return this.SqlDbType;
if (type == typeof(OleDbType))
return this.OleDbType;
if (type == typeof(OdbcType))
return this.OdbcType;
return null;
#endregion methods
#endregion private struct
Now, as you can see, In order to provide support for, say, OracleClient, I'll have to do the following:
Add a property for OracleType in the DbTypeMap private struct.
Change the DbTypeMap constructor to accept also the oracle type.
Add another case to the switch in GetValueByType method.
Add the oracle type to the static constructor of DBTypeConverter.
Add a method (internal static OracleType ToOracleType(this ADONETType type)) to DBTypeConverter.
Obvoisuly, this is a lot of work and I would much rather find another way to unify these enums, so adding support to new clients will be easier.
This is when your experties come in to play.
Assuming you really need this (consider Jeroen's comment, if not then you may reuse this for something else...) you can simplify things using a list of equivalences. It's simply a list of arrays where array items are equivalent. I'm using an array instead of a class because I do not need to add properties and ctor arguments when adding a new equivalence. To store the equivalence I'm using the special Enum base class but also object works pretty well (no need, AFAIK, for dynamic).
Finding a conversion is then just matter of a search inside these lists (code here is more explicative than performance wise):
public static TTo ConvertTo<TTo>(Enum value)
var set = Mapping.FirstOrDefault(values => Array.IndexOf(values, value) != -1);
if (set == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Value {value} is unknown");
return (TTo)(object)set.First(x => x.GetType() == typeof(TTo));
Populate Mapping list as required, it may be defined, for example, as:
private static List<Enum[]> Mapping = new List<Enum[]>
new Enum[] { ADONETType.Byte, DbType.Byte, SqlDbType.TinyInt },
new Enum[] { ADONETType.Boolean, DbType.Boolean, SqlDbType.Bit },
new Enum[] { ADONETType.Binary, DbType.Binary, SqlDbType.Binary },
new Enum[] { ADONETType.Xml, DbType.Xml },
Note that ugly double cast (TTo)(object)...ahhhh .NET Generics...a better solution is welcome. To support a new equivalence you still need to map all enum's values into this table, annoying but localized in one single place. If conversion isn't possible (value value isn't defined anywhere) or there is not a known conversion to TTo (for example the last DbType.Xml) then InvalidOperationException is thrown.
I have a generic class. It has 2 constructors. Those are widely used in my organization's codebase.
class MyClass<T> {
MyClass() { ... }
MyClass(T defaultValue) { ... }
I would like to add some functionality but keep backward-compatible. So I would like to introduce a new boolean optional parameter to each constructor:
class MyClass<T> {
MyClass(bool someFlag = false) { ... }
MyClass(T defaultValue, bool someFlag = false) { ... }
However, I already have a heap of usages out there in which T is boolean and a default value is passed:
class Usage {
MyClass<bool> Booly = new MyClass<bool>(false);
Now, according to the laws of overload preference - the compiler is tying all such constructor usages to the overload accepting someFlag, since typed methods "know better". While making perfect sense in most cases, this is obviously breaking my backward-compatibility.
My question is simple: Is there a language feature available for me to override the default laws of overload preference, and define the old generic overload as the preferred one, so that I don't have to change all such usages?
Of course, a drawback of this design is that whenever I would want to call the first overload (with only the someFlag parameter) - I would have to specify a named parameter as per C# 4 specifications.
Suggestions for other designs are also welcome, but please try to answer my question first :).
In general? No.
A specific... "workaround"... which might be acceptable in your case? Make the optional parameter a bool?, not a bool.
new MyClass<bool>(false) will call your defaultValue overload.
new MyClass<bool>(someFlag: false) will call the other overload.
That said, if you have any existing new MyClass<bool?>(false) calls, this will change them over instead.
You can overcome this by creating an class specifically for making your flags not be bools:
public struct FakeBool
private readonly bool val;
private FakeBool(bool val) { this.val = val; }
public static implicit operator bool(FakeBool f) { return f.val; }
public static implicit operator FakeBool(bool f) { return new FakeBool(f); }
public MyClass(FakeBool someFlag = default(FakeBool)) { ... }
public MyClass(T defaultValue, FakeBool someFlag = default(FakeBool)) { ... }
var b2 = new MyClass<bool>(true); // calls two-argument constructor
var b1 = new MyClass<bool>(someFlag: true); // calls one-argument constructor
but this is getting silly. (Also, I can't figure out how to get a default value of true - any ideas, anyone?)
Assuming you can have an Initialize() type method that you can call from each constructor, your best bet is to have three constructors:
MyClass() { Initialize(null, false); }
MyClass(T default, bool someFlag = false) { Initialize(default, someFlag); }
MyClass(bool someFlag)
if (typeof(T) == typeof(bool)) Initialize(someFlag, false);
else Initialize(null, someFlag);
private Initialize(T default, bool someFlag)
// Do whatever
I have a project I am working that will involve creating one DLL that will be used across multiple other sites. Inside this DLL we need to reference about 10 Enums. The values of these Enums however will be different for each site the DLL is used on. For example:
MyBase.dll may have a class MyClass with an attribute of type MyEnum.
MyBase.dll is then referenced in MySite. MyStie will also reference MyEnums.dll which will contain the values for the MyEnum type.
Is there any way to accomplish this? While building MyBase.dll, I know what enums will exist in side of MyEnums.dll. The problem is I cannot build MyBase.dll without specifically referenceing the MyEnums.dll, which is not created until the MyBase.dll is used in a specific project.
I hope that makes sense and hope I can find an answer here.
Thanks for all the comments. It will take a few reads to completely understand, but let me try to give a better example of what I am looking at here.
Lets say the following code is in my DLL that will be put into various projects. Status is an enum.
public Class MyClass
private Status _currentStatus;
public Status CurrentStatus
return _currentStatus;
public void ChangeStatus(Status newStatus)
_currentStatus = newStatus;
What I want to be able to do is the define the possible values for Status in the individual projects. So in this DLL, I will never reference what values might be in the Status enum, I just have to know that it exists.
I hope that is a bit more clear on what I am trying to do.
If you want each client to see different enum values (in a different assembly version), then using an enum is a bad solution - changes will break client code...
Using an enum might work (as long as the enum names and assembly name are the same and the assembly isn't signed) - you could just swap the assembly. However, if a value is used anywhere in the code that isn't there at the end you'll end up with an exception. Also, you may have the explicitly number the values, to make sure different subsets of the values won't end up with the same number for different values or different numbers for the same value.
Instead consider using a dynamically built collection, e.g. a list, a dictionary or a database table. Or just give the same assembly with the same superset of enum values to everyone and let the users decide which values are relevant to them (perhaps use significant prefixes for values as a convention).
Or you could use a combination of the two...
Generate a different structure (different type name (or namespace) and assembly name) per site with different properties (according to site's profile) and one master structure for the service that accepts the structures. Have all the structures implement the same interface, which you expect to receive...
public interface IStatus
string GetKey();
public struct ClientXStatus : IStatus
private readonly string _key;
private ClientXStatus(string key)
_key = key;
// Don't forget default for structs is 0,
// therefore all structs should have a "0" property.
public ClientXStatus Default
return new ClientXStatus();
public ClientXStatus OptionB
return new ClientXStatus(10);
string IStatus.GetKey()
return _key;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
return (obj is IStatus) && ((IStatus)obj).GetKey() == _key;
public override int GetHashCode()
return _key.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator==(ClientXStatus x, IStatus y)
return x.Equals(y);
public static bool operator==(IStatus x, ClientXStatus y)
return y.Equals(x);
public static bool operator!=(ClientXStatus x, IStatus y)
return !x.Equals(y);
public static bool operator!=(IStatus x, ClientXStatus y)
return !y.Equals(x);
// Override Equals(), GetHashCode() and operators ==, !=
// So clients can compare structures to each other (to interface)
Use a master struct for the service:
public struct MasterStatus : IStatus
private readonly string _key;
private MasterStatus(string key)
_key = key;
// Don't forget default for structs is 0,
// therefore all structs should have a "0" property.
public MasterStatus Default
return new MasterStatus();
// You should have all the options here
public MasterStatus OptionB
return new MasterStatus(10);
// Here use implicit interface implementation instead of explicit implementation
public string GetKey()
return _key;
public static implicit operator MasterStatus(IStatus value)
return new MasterStatus(value.GetKey());
public static implicit operator string(MasterStatus value)
return new value._key;
// Don't forget to implement Equals, GetHashCode,
// == and != like in the client structures
Demo service code:
public void ServiceMethod(IStatus status)
switch (status.GetKey())
case (string)MasterStructA.OptionB:
public void ChangeStatus(IStatus status)
_status = (MasterStatus)status;
This way you:
Use code generation to prevent collision of values.
Force users to use compile time checks (no int values or string values) by hiding values (as private) and only accepting your structures.
Use real polymorphism in the service's code (an interface) and not a error-prone hack.
Use immutable value types (like enums) and not reference types.
First you have to decide WHERE to put your constants. Then you can transform your enum to static properties.
For example:
public enum MyEnum
Can be changed to (first naive approach):
public static class MyFakeEnum
public static int Value1
get { return GetActualValue("Value1"); }
public static int Value2
get { return GetActualValue("Value2"); }
private static int GetActualValue(string name)
// Put here the code to read the actual value
// from your favorite source. It can be a database, a configuration
// file, the registry or whatever else. Consider to cache the result.
This simply will provide required constants but you'll have to throw away compile-time check for the type if you'll need MyFakeEnum as parameter. For a better solution you can follow, for example, what Microsoft did (more or less) for System.Drawing.Color.
public sealed class MyFakeEnum
public static readonly MyFakeEnum Value1 = new MyFakeEnum("Value1");
public static readonly MyFakeEnum Value2 = new MyFakeEnum("Value2");
private MyFakeEnum(string name)
_name = name;
public static implicit operator int(MyFakeEnum value)
return GetActualValue(value._name);
private string _name;
Of course you should provide proper overides at least for Equals, GetHashCode and ToString.
It can be an upgrade from an existing enum. Code won't be breaked and you may just need to recompile.
You can use it as strongly typed parameter. For example: void DoSomething(MyFakeEnum value) is valid and callers can't pass something else (note that this is one of the reasons because enums are considered weak).
If you implement all the required operators you can use the normal syntax for comparison: value == MyFakeEnum::Value1.
With a little bit of code you may even implement the FlagsAttribute syntax.
You do not change the normal syntax of enums: MyFakeEnum.Value1.
You can implement any number of implicit/explicit conversion operators to/from your type and any conversion will be safe and checked in the point it's done (this is not true again with standard enums).
You do not have hard-coded strings that can be breaked by changes and won't be catched until they cause a run-time error (yes, run-time). Using, for example, a dictionary if you'll change the definitions then you'll have to search all your code for that string.
First implementation is longer because you have to write support code (but for any new value you'll simply add a new line).
Value list is fixed and must be known at compile time (this is not an issue if you're searching a replacement for an enum because it's fixed too).
With this solution you may save more or less the same syntax you had with standard enums.
Can an attribute in C# be used with a collection initializer?
For example, I'd like to do something like the following:
[DictionaryAttribute(){{"Key", "Value"}, {"Key", "Value"}}]
public class Foo { ... }
I know attributes can have named parameters, and since that seems pretty similar to object initializers, I was wondering if collection initializers were available as well.
Update: I'm sorry I'm mistaken - pass array of custom type is impossible :(
The types of positional and named parameters for an attribute class
are limited to the attribute parameter types, which are:
One of the following types: bool, byte, char, double, float,
int, long, short, string.
The type object.
The type System.Type.
An Enum type, provided it has public accessibility and the types
in which it is nested (if any) also have public accessibility (Section
Single-dimensional arrays of the above types.
Source: stackoverflow.
You CAN DECLARE passing an array of a custom type:
class TestType
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public TestType(int id, string value)
Id = id;
Value = value;
class TestAttribute : Attribute
public TestAttribute(params TestType[] array)
but compilation errors occur on the attribute declaration:
[Test(new[]{new TestType(1, "1"), new TestType(2, "2"), })]
public void Test()
Section 17.1.3 of the C# 4.0 specification specifically does not allow for multidimensional arrays inside the attribute parameters, so while Foo(string[,] bar) might allow you to call Foo(new [,] {{"a", "b"}, {"key2", "val2"}}), it is unfortunately, not available for attributes.
So with that in mind, a few possibilities to approximate what you want are:
Use a single-dimensional array, with alternating key and value pairs. The obvious downside to this approach is that it's not exactly enforcing names and values.
Allow your parameter to appear multiple times by tagging your attribute definition with the following attribute:
In this way, you can now define:
[KeyVal("key1","val1"), KeyVal("key2","val2")]
public class Foo { ... }
This is a bit wordier than what I'm sure you were hoping for, but it makes a clear delineation between names and values.
Find a JSON package and provide an initializer for your attribute. The performance hit is inconsequential as this is done during code initialization. Using Newtonsoft.Json, for instance, you could make an attribute like so:
public class JsonAttribute : Attribute
Dictionary<string, string> _nameValues =
new Dictionary<string, string>();
public JsonAttribute(string jsoninit)
var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dynamic obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsoninit);
foreach(var item in obj)
_nameValues[item.Name] = item.Value.Value;
Which would then allow you to instantiate an attribute like so:
[Json(#"{""key1"":""val1"", ""key2"":""val2""}")]
public class Foo { ... }
I know it's a little quote-happy, a lot more involved, but there you are. Regardless, in this crazy dynamic world, knowing how to initialize objects with JSON isn't a bad skill to have in your back pocket.
The short answer is no.
Longer answer: In order for a class to support collection initializers, it needs to implement IEnumerable and it needs to have an add method. So for example:
public class MyClass<T,U> : IEnumerable<T>
public void Add(T t, U u)
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
I can then do this:
var mc = new MyClass<int, string> {{1, ""}, {2, ""}};
So using this, let's try to make it work for an attribute. (side note, since attributes don't support generics, I'm just hardcoding it using strings for testing) :
public class CollectionInitAttribute : Attribute, IEnumerable<string>
public void Add(string s1, string s2)
public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
throw new NotImplementedException();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
And now to test it:
public class MyClass
and that doesn't compile :( I'm not sure where the limitation is exactly, I'm guessing attributes aren't newed up the same way a regular object is and therefore this isn't supported. I'd be curious if this can theoretically be supported by a future version of the language....
I have an object, MySession, that has a hashtable for storing arbitrary properties with arbitrary types. The relevant part of the object definition is:
public class MySession
private Hashtable _sessionVars;
/// Set and retrieve session variables ala the traditional session managers.
/// So, SessionObject["var1"] can be used to set or retrieve a value for var1.
/// Name of the variable to access.
/// An object that was stored in the session under key.
public object this[string key] {
get {
if (_sessionVars.ContainsKey(key)) {
return this._sessionVars[key];
return null;
set {
if (this._sessionVars.ContainsKey(key)) {
this._sessionVars[key] = value;
The annoying thing is that I have to properly cast the properties when I want to use them. For example:
MySession session = new MySession();
if ( (bool)session["valid"] == true ) { /* do something fun */ }
I would rather be able to do:
MySession session = new MySession();
if ( session["valid"] == true ) { /* do something fun */ }
Is it possible to do this in C#? If so, how?
Update: I do not want to use explicit methods for accessing the properties. The point is to be able to access them as simply as possible. Not like session.GetProperty(name, type) or something.
If you think carefully, you will realize that this is inherently impossible.
What if you write session[someTextbox.Text]?
What if you assign two different types to the same identifier?
Compiling such code would involve solving the halting problem to figure out what type each string would have.
Instead, you could make a strongly-typed wrapper class around HttpContext.Current.Session with properties that include casts in their getters.
If you are using .Net Framework 4.0 then you can do it by deriving your MySession class from DynamicObject and overriding the necessary methods.
Here is the code:
public class MySession : DynamicObject
//Why not use Dictionary class?
private Hashtable _sessionVars = new Hashtable();
public override bool TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder binder, object value)
this[binder.Name] = value;
return true;
public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
result = this[binder.Name];
return true;
//You can make it private so that users do not use strings directly.
public object this[string key]
if (_sessionVars.ContainsKey(key))
return this._sessionVars[key];
return null;
if (this._sessionVars.ContainsKey(key))
this._sessionVars[key] = value;
And this how you use it:
dynamic ses = new MySession();
ses.number = 5;
ses.boolean = true;
Console.WriteLine(ses.number > 4);
if (ses.boolean)
Console.WriteLine(ses.number - 1);
No need for casting or using string to access the new fields! If you are using Resharper you will get intellisense for existing fields too. If you need more functionality you can override other members too.
I personally end up having to handle the scenario where the session variable hasn't been set yet. Therefore, I end up with a method that looks like this:
public class MySession
public T GetValue<T>(string key, T defaultValue)
return _sessionVars.ContainsKey(key) ? this._sessionVars[key] as T : defaultValue;
Then T can be inferred. It can then be called like this (no casting required):
if (mySession.GetValue("valid", false))
// fun stuff here
I'm not really sure is "as T" works. If not, you can cast it to (T) done that before. "as T" would be nice if you've got inherited classes and such.
I typically derive off a class like mySession and call base.GetValue() in property getters I expose off the derived class.
If you're passing string (or any sort of object) keys, then it's impossible to do; the indexer method can only return one specific type, so you couldn't possible have it return a string or a double, for instance.
There are a couple of options: one, if this is a limited-scope class that doesn't need the flexibility of arbitrary keys, then you can just add explicit properties--maybe just for commonly used properties if you want to still be able to fall back on the object-returning indexer.
Or, you could add a generic Get method, like so:
public T GetValue<T>(object key) {
if(_hashSet[key] is T) {
return (T)_hashSet[key];
throw new InvalidCastException();
That doesn't get you much, though, since you'll still have to specify the type name, you're just moving it from the cast to the generic parameter.
EDIT: Of course, how you want to handle invalid casts is up to you, but throwing the exception mimics the behavior of the direct cast. As someone mentioned in another answer, if you also specify a parameter of type T in the signature, then it will get the correct type from that parameter.
Easy and best way to add session
public static void Add<T>(string key, T value)
var current = HttpContext.Current;
if (current == null) return;
current.Session.Add(key, value);
public Model User
private string searchText
get { return SessionHelper.Get<string>("searchText"); }
set { SessionHelper.Add("searchText", value); }
I'm working with an older Oracle database, and I feel there's likely a better way to go about unboxing the values I retrieve from the database.
Currently, I have a static class full of different type-specific methods:
public static int? Int(object o)
return (int?)Convert.ToInt32(o);
catch (Exception)
return null;
..and so on for different types, but I feel there should be a better way? If I want to unbox a value, I do something along the lines of...
int i;
i = nvl.Int(dataRow["column"]); //In this instance, "column" is of a numeric database type
I thought about using a generic class to handle all the different types, but I couldn't really figure out the best way to go about that.
Any ideas?
I find helper methods such as the following useful in your scenario - testing for DBNull is more efficient than catching an Exception as in your example:
public static MyHelper
public static Nullable<T> ToNullable<T>(object value) where T : struct
if (value == null) return null;
if (Convert.IsDBNull(value)) return null;
return (T) value;
public static string ToString(object value)
if (value == null) return null;
if (Convert.IsDBNull(value)) return null;
return (string)value;
This works for the string and the usual primitive value types you will encounter (int, decimal, double, bool, DateTime).
It's slightly different from your example in that it casts rather than converts - but personally I prefer this. I.e. if the database column is NUMERIC (decimal), I'd rather be explicit if I wanted to convert the value to int, e.g.:
int? myIntValue = (int?) MyHelper.ToNullable<decimal>(reader["MyNumericColumn"]);
You could introduce simple model classes and map between them.
For example:
public class Customer
public Customer(DataRow row)
Name = row["Name"];
public Name { get; private set; }
Of course, to reduce duplicate code, you could create a base class for your model data classes.
Depending on effort you want to spend, you could go and use an ORM mapper NHibernate.