A Windows Service uses too many threads. I added some logging to find out more. Sadly, there's little support from the .Net framework.
ThreadPool.GetAvailableThreads(out workerThreads, out completionPortThreads); starts with some 32760 workerThreads, and 1000 completionThreads, resp.
After a few hours, available workerThreads went down to 31817, i.e. almost 1000 managed threads are in use.
What are they doing? There's no way to find out (you may find some workaround where you place the threads you create into some collection, and later analyze that collection, but that fails when you also use Parellel.ForEach or Task.Run).
Well, there is another possibility. Try ProcessThreadCollection currentThreads = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads; That will give you a list of non-managed threads (there number is also shown in Windows Task Manager).
My Windows Service starts with some 20 of them. After a few hours, I detect 3828, i.e. about 4 non-managed threads for each managed thread...
Now I can ask each of them when it started, what its priority is, what it is doing currently, and why it is waiting. Yes, for almost all of them the current state is Wait. And the WaitReason is in most cases UserRequest.
So my question is: what are those threads actually doing? There is no User Interface, even no command line associated with that executable: it is a Windows Service...
Also, I'd like to know how to get rid off them: many threads are created and should also run to completion in a short time (within seconds) - but some are "waiting" for hours.
I solved that issue by using the rationale that a thread which is not created cannot hang around uselessly.
I removed some calls to Parallel.Foreach(collection, item => { item.DoSomething(parameters); } );. Now implementations of IItem.DoSomething(parameters) just enqueue the parameters for later processing, and IItems have a thread for that processing (Active Object Pattern). Consequently, a "common" foreach can be used.
When results need to be collected, the pattern is more complicated:
private List<IResult> CollectResults(IEnumerable<IItem> collection, int maximumProcessingMilliseconds )
List<IResult> results = new List<IResult>();
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var tasks = new List<Task<IResult>>();
foreach (IItem item in collection)
IItem localItem = item;
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => localItem.GetResult(cts.Token), cts.Token));
Task[] tasksArray = tasks.ToArray();
Task.WaitAll(tasksArray, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(maximumProcessingMilliseconds));
catch (AggregateException ex)
foreach (Task<IResult> task in tasks)
if (task.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
return results;
This is a terrible lot of boiler plate code which obfuscates the actual meaning of the function.
In the end, the number of (unmanaged) threads used by the application hardly ever grows beyond 100, and if it did, it does return to lower values quickly.
Hi I have a concurrent Queue that is loaded with files from database. These files are to be processed by parallel Tasks that will dequeue the files. However I run into issues where after some time, I start getting tasks that dequeue the same file at the same time (which leads to "used by another process errors on the file). And I also get more tasks than are supposed to be allocated. I have even seen 8 tasks running at once which should not be happening. The active tasks limit is 5
Rough code:
private void ParseQueuedTDXFiles()
while (_signalParseQueuedFilesEvent.WaitOne())
Task.Run(() => SetParsersTask());
The _signalParseQueuedFilesEvent is set on a timer in a Windows Service
The above function then calls SetParsersTask. This is why I use a concurrent Dictionary to track how many active tasks there are. And make sure they are below _ActiveTasksLimit:
private void SetParsersTask()
if (_ConcurrentqueuedTdxFilesToParse.Count > 0)
if (_activeParserTasksDict.Count < _ActiveTasksLimit) //ConcurrentTask Dictionary Used to control how many Tasks should run
int parserCountToStart = _ActiveTasksLimit - _activeParserTasksDict.Count;
Parallel.For(0, parserCountToStart, parserToStart =>
Task.Run(() => PrepTdxParser());
Which then calls this function which dequeues the Concurrent Queue:
private void PrepTdxParser()
TdxFileToProcessData fileToProcess;
lock (_concurrentQueueLock)
_ConcurrentqueuedTdxFilesToParse.TryDequeue(out fileToProcess);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileToProcess.TdxFileName))
I even put a lock on _ConcurrentqueuedTdxFilesToParse even though I know it doesn't need one. All to make sure that I never run into a situation where two Tasks are dequeuing the same file.
This function is where I add and remove Tasks as well as launch the file parser for the dequeued file:
private void LaunchTDXParser(TdxFileToProcessData fileToProcess)
string fileName = fileToProcess.TdxFileName;
Task startParserTask = new Task(() => ConfigureAndStartProcess(fileName));
_activeParserTasksDict.TryAdd(fileName, startParserTask);
_activeParserTasksDict.TryRemove(fileName, out Task taskToBeRemoved);
Can you guys help me understand why I am getting the same file dequeued in two different Tasks? And why I am getting more Tasks than the _ActiveTasksLimit?
There is a number of red flags in this¹ code:
Using a WaitHandle. This tool it too primitive. I've never seen a problem solved with WaitHandles, that can't be solved in a simpler way without them.
Launching Task.Run tasks in a fire-and-forget fashion.
Launching a Parallel.For loop without configuring the MaxDegreeOfParallelism. This practically guarantees that the ThreadPool will get saturated.
Protecting a queue (_queuedTdxFilesToParse) with a lock (_concurrentQueueLock) only partially. If the queue is a Queue<T>, you must protect it on each and every operation, otherwise the behavior of the program is undefined. If the queue is a ConcurrentQueue<T>, there is no need to protect it because it is thread-safe by itself.
Calling Task.Factory.StartNew and Task.Start without configuring the scheduler argument.
So I am not surprised that your code is not working as expected. I can't point to a specific error that needs to be fixed. For me the whole approach is dubious, and needs to be reworked/scraped. Some concepts and tools that you might want to research before attempting to rewrite this code:
The producer-consumer pattern.
The BlockingCollection<T> class.
The TPL Dataflow library.
Optionally you could consider familiarizing yourself with asynchronous programming. It can help at reducing the number of threads that your program uses while running, resulting in a more efficient and scalable program. Two powerful asynchronous tools is the Channel<T> class and the Parallel.ForEachAsync API (available from .NET 6 and later).
¹ This answer was intended for a related question that is now deleted.
So I fixed my problem. The solution was first to not add more parallelism than needs be. I was trying to create a situaion where private void SetParsersTask() would not be held by tasks that still needed to finish process a file. So I foolishly threw in Parallel.For in addition to Task.Start which is already parallel. I fixed this by generating Fire and Forget Tasks in a normal for loop as opposed to Paralle.For:
private void SetParsersTask()
if (_queuedTdxFilesToParse.Count > 0)
if (_activeParserTasksDict.Count < _tdxParsersInstanceCount)
int parserCountToStart = _tdxParsersInstanceCount - _activeParserTasksDict.Count;
_queuedTdxFilesToParse = new ConcurrentQueue<TdxFileToProcessData>(_queuedTdxFilesToParse.Distinct());
for (int i = 0; i < parserCountToStart; i++)
Task.Run(() => PrepTdxParser());
After that I was still getting the occasional duplicate files so I moved the queue loading to another long running thread. And for that thread I use an AutoResetEvent so that the queue is only populated only once at any instance of time. As opposed to potentially another task loading it with duplicate files. It could be that both my enqueue and dequeue were both responsible and now it's addressed:
var _loadQueueTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => LoadQueue(), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
private void LoadQueue()
while (_loadConcurrentQueueEvent.WaitOne())
if (_queuedTdxFilesToParse.Count < _tdxParsersInstanceCount)
int numFilesToGet = _tdxParsersInstanceCount - _activeParserTasksDict.Count;
var filesToAdd = ServiceDBHelper.GetTdxFilesToEnqueueForProcessingFromDB(numFilesToGet);
foreach (var fileToProc in filesToAdd)
ServiceDBHelper.UpdateTdxFileToProcessStatusAndUpdateDateTime(fileToProc.TdxFileName, 1, DateTime.Now);
Thanks to Theo for pointing me to additional tools and making me look closer in my parallel loops
Always managing to confuse myself working with async, I'm after a bit of validation/confirmation here that i'm doing what i think i'm doing in the following scenarios..
given the following trivial example:
// pretend / assume these are json msgs or something ;)
var strEvents = new List<string> { "event1", "event2", "event3" };
i can post each event to an eventhub simply as follows:
foreach (var e in strEvents)
// Do some things
outEventHub.Add(e); // ICollector
the foreach will run on a single thread, and execute each thing inside sequentially.. the posting to eventhub will also remain on the same thread too i guess??
Changing ICollector to IAsyncCollector, and achieve the following:
foreach (var e in strEvents)
// Do some things
await outEventHub.AddAsync(e);
I think i am right here in saying that the foreach will run on a single thread, the actual sending to the event hub will be pushed off elsewhere? Or at least not block that same thread..
Changing to Parallel.ForEach event as these events will be arriving 100+ or so at a time:
Parallel.ForEach(events, async (e) =>
// Do some things
await outEventHub.AddAsync(e);
Starting to get a bit hazy now, as i am not sure what really is going on now... afaik the each event has it's own thread (within the bounds of the hardware) and steps within that thread do not block it.. so this trivial example aside.
Finally, i could turn them all in to Tasks i thought..
private static async Task DoThingAsync(string e, IAsyncCollector<string> outEventHub)
await outEventHub.AddAsync(e);
var t = new List<Task>();
foreach (var e in strEvents)
t.Add(DoThingAsync(e, outEventHub));
await Task.WhenAll(t);
now i am really hazy, and i think this is prepping everything on a single thread.. and then running everything exactly at the same time, on any thread available??
I appreciate that in order to determine which is right for the job at hand benchmarking is required... but an explanation of what the framework is doing in each situation would be super helpful for me right now..
Parallel != async
This is the main idea here. Both of them have their uses, and they can be used together, but they are very different. You are mostly right with your assumptions, but let me clarify:
Simple foreach
This is non-parallel and non-async. Nothing to talk about.
Await inside foreach
This is async code that is non-parallel.
foreach (var e in strEvents)
// Do some things
await outEventHub.AddAsync(e);
This will all take place on a single thread. It takes an event, starts adding it to your event hub, and while it is being completed (I'm guessing it does some sort of network IO) it hands back the thread to the thread pool (or UI if it was called on a UI thread) so it can do other work while wating on AddAsync to return. But as you said, is is not parallel at all.
Parallel Foreach (async)
This one is a trap! In short, Parallel.Foreach is designed for synchronous workloads. We'll get back to this but first let's assume you used it with the non-async code.
Parallel foreach (sync)
A.k.a. Parallel but not async.
Parallel.ForEach(events, (e) =>
// Do some things
Each item will get its own "Task", but they won't spawn a thread. Creating threads is expensive, and in an optimal case there is no point in having more threads than CPU cores. Instead these tasks run on a ThreadPool, which has just as many Threads as optimal. Each thread takes a task, works on it, then takes another one, etc.
You can think of it as - on a 4 core machine - having 4 workers around a pile of tasks, so 4 of them are being run at a time. You can imagine that this is not ideal in case of IO bound workloads (which this most likely is). If your network is slow, you can have all 4 threads blocked on trying to send the event out, while they could be doing useful work. This leads us to...
Async and potentially parallel (depends on the usage).
Your description is correct here, too, except for the ThreadPool, it is kikking off all the tasks at once (on the main thread), which then run on the pool's threads. While they are running, the main thread is released, which then can do other work, as needed. Up to this point it is the same as the Parallel.Foreach case. But:
What happens is that a TaskPool thread picks up a task, does the necessary preprocessing, then sends out the network request asynchronously. This means that this task will not block while waiting for the network, but rather it releases the ThreadPool thread to pick up another workitem. When the network request completes, the tasks continuation (the remaining code lines after the network request) is scheduled back to the list of tasks.
You can see that theoretically this is the most efficient process, so fast that you have to be careful not to flood your network.
Back to Parallel.Foreach and async
At this point you should be able to spot the problem. All your async lambda async (e) => { await outEventHub.AddAsync(e);} is doing is to kick off the work, it will return right after it hits the await. (Remember that async/await is releasing threads while waiting.) Parallel.Foreach returns right after it started all of them. But nothing is awaiting these tasks! These become fire and forget, which is usually a bad practice. It is like you deleted the await Task.WhenAll call from your task example.
I hope this cleared most things for you, if not, let me know what to improve on.
Why don't you send those events asynchronously in parallel, like this:
var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach( var e in strEvents )
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
await outEventHub.FlushAsync();
I've written a small pipeline using the TPL Dataflow API which receives data from multiple threads and performs handling on them.
Setup 1
When I configure it to use MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount (comes to 8 in my case) for each block, I notice it fills up buffers in multiple threads and processing the second block doesn't start until +- 1700 elements have been received across all threads. You can see this in action here.
Setup 2
When I set MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 then I notice all elements are received on a single thread and processing the sending already starts after +- 40 elements are received. Data here.
Setup 3
When I set MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 and I introduce a delay of 1000ms before sending each input, I notice elements get sent as soon as they are received and every received element is put on a separate thread. Data here.
So far the setup. My questions are the following:
When I compare setups 1 & 2 I notice that processing elements starts much faster when done in serial compared to parallel (even after accounting for the fact that parallel has 8x as many threads). What causes this difference?
Since this will be run in an ASP.NET environment, I don't want to spawn unnecessary threads since they all come from a single threadpool. As shown in setup 3 it will still spread itself over multiple threads even when there is only a handful of data. This is also surprising because from setup 1 I would assume that data is spread sequentially over threads (notice how the first 50 elements all go to thread 16). Can I make sure it only creates new threads on a on-demand basis?
There is another concept called the BufferBlock<T>. If the TransformBlock<T> already queues input, what would be the practical difference of swapping the first step in my pipeline (ReceiveElement) for a BufferBlock?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var dataflowProcessor = new DataflowProcessor<string>();
var amountOfTasks = 5;
var tasks = new Task[amountOfTasks];
for (var i = 0; i < amountOfTasks; i++)
tasks[i] = SpawnThread(dataflowProcessor, $"Task {i + 1}");
foreach (var task in tasks)
Console.WriteLine("Finished feeding threads"); // Needs to use async main
private static Task SpawnThread(DataflowProcessor<string> dataflowProcessor, string taskName)
return new Task(async () =>
await FeedData(dataflowProcessor, taskName);
private static async Task FeedData(DataflowProcessor<string> dataflowProcessor, string threadName)
foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, short.MaxValue))
await Task.Delay(1000); // Only used for the delayedSerialProcessing test
dataflowProcessor.Process($"Thread name: {threadName}\t Thread ID:{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}\t Value:{i}");
public class DataflowProcessor<T>
private static readonly ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions ExecutionOptions = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount
private static readonly TransformBlock<T, T> ReceiveElement = new TransformBlock<T, T>(element =>
Console.WriteLine($"Processing received element in thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");
return element;
}, ExecutionOptions);
private static readonly ActionBlock<T> SendElement = new ActionBlock<T>(element =>
Console.WriteLine($"Processing sent element in thread {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");
}, ExecutionOptions);
static DataflowProcessor()
ReceiveElement.Completion.ContinueWith(x =>
if (x.IsFaulted)
((IDataflowBlock) ReceiveElement).Fault(x.Exception);
public void Process(T newElement)
Before you deploy your solution to the ASP.NET environment, I suggest you to change your architecture: IIS can suspend threads in ASP.NET for it's own use after the request handled so your task could be unfinished. Better approach is to create a separate windows service daemon, which handles your dataflow.
Now back to the TPL Dataflow.
I love the TPL Dataflow library but it's documentation is a real mess.
The only useful document I've found is Introduction to TPL Dataflow.
There are some clues in it which can be helpful, especially the ones about Configuration Settings (I suggest you to investigate the implementing your own TaskScheduler with using your own TheadPool implementation, and MaxMessagesPerTask option) if you need:
The built-in dataflow blocks are configurable, with a wealth of control provided over how and where blocks perform their work. Here are some key knobs available to the developer, all of which are exposed through the DataflowBlockOptions class and its derived types (ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions and GroupingDataflowBlockOptions), instances of which may be provided to blocks at construction time.
TaskScheduler customization, as #i3arnon mentioned:
By default, dataflow blocks schedule work to TaskScheduler.Default, which targets the internal workings of the .NET ThreadPool.
It defaults to 1, meaning only one thing may happen in a block at a time. If set to a value higher than 1, that number of messages may be processed concurrently by the block. If set to DataflowBlockOptions.Unbounded (-1), any number of messages may be processed concurrently, with the maximum automatically managed by the underlying scheduler targeted by the dataflow block. Note that MaxDegreeOfParallelism is a maximum, not a requirement.
TPL Dataflow is focused on both efficiency and control. Where there are necessary trade-offs between the two, the system strives to provide a quality default but also enable the developer to customize behavior according to a particular situation. One such example is the trade-off between performance and fairness. By default, dataflow blocks try to minimize the number of task objects that are necessary to process all of their data. This provides for very efficient execution; as long as a block has data available to be processed, that block’s tasks will remain to process the available data, only retiring when no more data is available (until data is available again, at which point more tasks will be spun up). However, this can lead to problems of fairness. If the system is currently saturated processing data from a given set of blocks, and then data arrives at other blocks, those latter blocks will either need to wait for the first blocks to finish processing before they’re able to begin, or alternatively risk oversubscribing the system. This may or may not be the correct behavior for a given situation. To address this, the MaxMessagesPerTask option exists.
It defaults to DataflowBlockOptions.Unbounded (-1), meaning that there is no maximum. However, if set to a positive number, that number will represent the maximum number of messages a given block may use a single task to process. Once that limit is reached, the block must retire the task and replace it with a replica to continue processing. These replicas are treated fairly with regards to all other tasks scheduled to the scheduler, allowing blocks to achieve a modicum of fairness between them. In the extreme, if MaxMessagesPerTask is set to 1, a single task will be used per message, achieving ultimate fairness at the potential expense of more tasks than may otherwise have been necessary.
The grouping blocks are capable of tracking how many groups they’ve produced, and automatically complete themselves (declining further offered messages) after that number of groups has been generated. By default, the number of groups is DataflowBlockOptions.Unbounded (-1), but it may be explicitly set to a value greater than one.
This token is monitored during the dataflow block’s lifetime. If a cancellation request arrives prior to the block’s completion, the block will cease operation as politely and quickly as possible.
By default, target blocks are greedy and want all data offered to them.
This is the limit on the number of items the block may be storing and have in flight at any one time.
I am writing a Windows Service. I have a 'backlog' (in SQL) of records that have to be processed by the service. The backlog might also be empty. The record processing is a potentially very long running operation (3+ minutes).
I have a class and method in it which would go to the SQL, choose a record and process it, if there are any records to process. Then the method will exist and that's it. Note: I can't know in advance which records will be processed - the class method decides this as part of its logic.
I want to achieve parallel processing. I want to have X number of workers (where X is the optimal for the host PC) at any time. While the backlog is empty, those workers finish their jobs and exit pretty quickly (~50-100ms, maybe). I want any 'freed' worker to start over again (i.e. re-run).
I have done some reading and I deduct that ThreadPool is not a good option for long-running operations. The .net 4.0+ parallel library is not a good option either, as I don't want to wait all workers to finish and I don't want to predefine/declare in advance the tasks.
In layman terms I want to have X workers who query the data source for items and when some of them find such - operate on it, the rest would continue to look for newly pushed items into the backlog.
What would be the best approach? I think I will have to manage the threads entirely by myself? i.e. first step - determine the optimum number of threads (perhaps by checking the Environment.ProcessorCount) and then start the X threads. Monitor for IsAlive on each thread and restart it? This seems awfully unprofessional.
Any suggestions?
You can start one task per core,As tasks finish start new ones.You can use numOfThreads depending on ProcessorCount or specific number
int numOfThreads = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;
// int numOfThreads = X;
for(int i =0; i< numOfThreads; i++)
task.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(()=> {});
while(task.count>0) //wait for task to finish
int index = Task.WaitAny(tasks.ToArray());
if(incomplete work)
task.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew()=> {....});
var options = new ParallelOptions();
options.MaxDegreeOfParllelism = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;
Parallel.For(0,N,options, (i) => {/*long running computattion*/};
You can Implement Producer-Coustomer pattern with BlockingCollection
This topic is excellently taught by Dr.Joe Hummel on his Pluralsight course "Async and parallel programming: Application design "
Consider using ActionBlock<T> from TPL.DataFlow library. It can be configured to process concurrently multiple messages using all available CPU cores.
ActionBlock<QueueItem> _processor;
Task _completionTask;
bool _done;
async Task ReadQueueAsync(int pollingInterval)
while (!_done)
// Get a list of items to process from SQL database
var list = ...;
// Schedule the work
foreach(var item in list)
// Give SQL server time to re-fill the queue
await Task.Delay(pollingInterval);
// Signal the processor that we are done
void ProcessItem(QueueItem item)
// Do your work here
void Setup()
// Configure action block to process items concurrently
// using all available CPU cores
_processor= new ActionBlock<QueueItem>(new Action<QueueItem>(ProcessItem),
new ExecutionDataFlowBlock{MaxDegreeOfParallelism = DataFlowBlockOptions.Unbounded});
_done = false;
var queueReaderTask = ReadQueueAsync(QUEUE_POLL_INTERVAL);
_completionTask = Task.WhenAll(queueReaderTask, _processor.Completion);
void Complete()
_done = true;
Per MaxDegreeOfParallelism's documentation: "Generally, you do not need to modify this setting. However, you may choose to set it explicitly in advanced usage scenarios such as these:
When you know that a particular algorithm you're using won't scale
beyond a certain number of cores. You can set the property to avoid
wasting cycles on additional cores.
When you're running multiple algorithms concurrently and want to
manually define how much of the system each algorithm can utilize.
You can set a MaxDegreeOfParallelism value for each.
When the thread pool's heuristics is unable to determine the right
number of threads to use and could end up injecting too many
threads. For example, in long-running loop body iterations, the
thread pool might not be able to tell the difference between
reasonable progress or livelock or deadlock, and might not be able to reclaim threads that were added to improve performance. In this
case, you can set the property to ensure that you don't use more
than a reasonable number of threads."
If you do not have an advanced usage scenario like the 3 cases above, you may want to hand your list of items or tasks to be run to the Task Parallel Library and let the framework handle the processor count.
List<InfoObject> infoList = GetInfo();
ConcurrentQueue<ResultObject> output = new ConcurrentQueue<ResultObject>();
await Task.Run(() =>
Parallel.Foreach<InfoObject>(infoList, (item) =>
ResultObject result = ProcessInfo(item);
foreach(var resultObj in output)
List<InfoObject> infoList = GetInfo();
List<Task<ResultObject>> tasks = new List<Task<ResultObject>>();
foreach (var item in infoList)
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => ProcessInfo(item)));
var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
foreach(var resultObj in results)
H/T to IAmTimCorey tutorials:
I post a lot here regarding multithreading, and the great stackoverflow community have helped me alot in understand multithreading.
All the examples I have seen online only deal with one thread.
My application is a scraper for an insurance company (family company ... all free of charge). Anyway, the user is able to select how many threads they want to run. So lets say for example the user wants the application to scrape 5 sites at one time, and then later in the day he choses 20 threads because his computer isn't doing anything else so it has the resources to spare.
Basically the application builds a list of say 1000 sites to scrape. A thread goes off and does that and updates the UI and builds the list.
When thats finished another thread is called to start the scraping. Depending on the number of threads the user has set to use it will create x number of threads.
Whats the best way to create these threads? Should I create 1000 threads in a list. And loop through them? If the user has set 5 threads to run, it will loop through 5 at a time.
I understand threading, but it's the application logic which is catching me out.
Any ideas or resources on the web that can help me out?
You could consider using a thread pool for that:
using System;
using System.Threading;
public class Example
public static void Main()
ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(100, 10);
// Queue the task.
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ThreadProc));
Console.WriteLine("Main thread does some work, then sleeps.");
Console.WriteLine("Main thread exits.");
// This thread procedure performs the task.
static void ThreadProc(Object stateInfo)
Console.WriteLine("Hello from the thread pool.");
This scraper, does it use a lot of CPU when its running?
If it does a lot of communication with these 1000 remote sites, downloading their pages, that may be taking more time than the actual analysis of the pages.
And how many CPU cores does your user have? If they have 2 (which is common these days) then beyond two simultaneous threads performing analysis, they aren't going to see any speed up.
So you probably need to "parallelize" the downloading of the pages. I doubt you need to do the same for the analysis of the pages.
Take a look into asynchronous IO, instead of explicit multi-threading. It lets you launch a bunch of downloads in parallel and then get called back when each one completes.
If you really just want the application, use something someone else already spent time developing and perfecting:
arachnode.net is a complete and comprehensive .NET web crawler for
downloading, indexing and storing
Internet content including e-mail
addresses, files, hyperlinks, images,
and Web pages.
Whether interested or involved in
screen scraping, data mining, text
mining, research or any other
application where a high-performance
crawling application is key to the
success of your endeavors,
arachnode.net provides the solution
you need for success.
If you also want to write one yourself because it's a fun thing to write (I wrote one not long ago, and yes, it is alot of fun ) then you can refer to this pdf provided by arachnode.net which really explains in detail the theory behind a good web crawler:
Download the pdf entitled: "Crawling the Web" (second link from top). Scroll to Section 2.6 entitled: "2.6 Multi-threaded Crawlers". That's what I used to build my crawler, and I must say, I think it works quite well.
I think this example is basically what you need.
public class WebScraper
private readonly int totalThreads;
private readonly List<System.Threading.Thread> threads;
private readonly List<Exception> exceptions;
private readonly object locker = new object();
private volatile bool stop;
public WebScraper(int totalThreads)
this.totalThreads = totalThreads;
threads = new List<System.Threading.Thread>(totalThreads);
exceptions = new List<Exception>();
for (int i = 0; i < totalThreads; i++)
var thread = new System.Threading.Thread(Execute);
thread.IsBackground = true;
public void Start()
foreach (var thread in threads)
public void Stop()
stop = true;
foreach (var thread in threads)
if (thread.IsAlive)
private void Execute()
while (!stop)
// Scrap away!
catch (Exception ex)
lock (locker)
// You could have a thread checking this collection and
// reporting it as you see fit.
The basic logic is:
You have a single queue in which you put the URLs to scrape then you create your threads and use a queue object to which every thread has access. Let the threads start a loop:
lock the queue
check if there are items in the queue, if not, unlock queue and end thread
dequeue first item in the queue
unlock queue
process item
invoke an event that updates the UI (Remember to lock the UI Controller)
return to step 1
Just let the Threads do the "get stuff from the queue" part (pulling the jobs) instead of giving them the urls (pushing the jobs), that way you just say
and everything else happens automagically. See the other replies to find out how to create and manage the threads .
I solved a similar problem by creating a worker class that uses a callback to signal the main app that a worker is done. Then I create a queue of 1000 threads and then call a method that launches threads until the running thread limit is reached, keeping track of the active threads with a dictionary keyed by the thread's ManagedThreadId. As each thread completes, the callback removes its thread from the dictionary and calls the thread launcher.
If a connection is dropped or times out, the callback reinserts the thread back into the queue. Lock around the queue and the dictionary. I create threads vs using the thread pool because the overhead of creating a thread is insignificant compared to the connection time, and it allows me to have a lot more threads in flight. The callback also provides a convenient place with which to update the user interface, even allowing you to change the thread limit while it's running. I've had over 50 open connections at one time. Remember to increase your MacConnections property in your app.config (default is two).
I would use a queue and a condition variable and mutex, and start just the requested number of threads, for example, 5 or 20 (and not start 1,000).
Each thread blocks on the condition variable. When woken up, it dequeues the first item, unlocks the queue, works with the item, locks the queue and checks for more items. If the queue is empty, sleep on the condition variable. If not, unlock, work, repeat.
While the mutex is locked, it can also check if the user has requested the count of threads to be reduced. Just check if count > max_count, and if so, the thread terminates itself.
Any time you have more sites to queue, just lock the mutex and add them to the queue, then broadcast on the condition variable. Any threads that are not already working will wake up and take new work.
Any time the user increases the requested thread count, just start them up and they will lock the queue, check for work, and either sleep on the condition variable or get going.
Each thread will be continually pulling more work from the queue, or sleeping. You don't need more than 5 or 20.
Consider using the event-based asynchronous pattern (AsyncOperation and AsyncOperationManager Classes)
You might want to take a look at the ProcessQueue article on CodeProject.
Essentially, you'll want to create (and start) the number of threads that are appropriate, in your case that number comes from the user. Each of these threads should process a site, then find the next site needed to process. Even if you don't use the object itself (though it sounds like it would suit your purposes pretty well, though I'm obviously biased!) it should give you some good insight into how this sort of thing would be done.