I've created a simple server in raspberry pi 3 running Windows 10 IOT Core with uwp(Universal Windows Platform) with this class>
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using Windows.Networking;
using Windows.Networking.Sockets;
using Windows.Storage.Streams;
namespace UWP_Server
public class StreamSocketManager
private StreamSocket ConnectionSocket;
public static bool IsServer { get; set; }
private string ServerPort = "8590";
public void Open()
StreamSocketListener DataListener = new StreamSocketListener();
DataListener.ConnectionReceived += ConnectionReceived;
private async void ConnectionReceived(StreamSocketListener sender, StreamSocketListenerConnectionReceivedEventArgs args)
DataReader reader;
StringBuilder sb;
string receivedData = null;
using (reader = new DataReader(args.Socket.InputStream))
sb = new StringBuilder();
reader.InputStreamOptions = InputStreamOptions.Partial;
reader.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8;
reader.ByteOrder = ByteOrder.LittleEndian;
await reader.LoadAsync(256);
while (reader.UnconsumedBufferLength > 0)
await reader.LoadAsync(256);
receivedData = sb.ToString();
if (receivedData != null)
if (IsServer)
MainPage.Current.Show("[SERVER] I've received " + receivedData + " from " +
Debug.WriteLine("[SERVER] I've received " + receivedData + " from " +
args.Socket.Information.RemoteHostName +
"\r\nIp: " + args.Socket.Information.LocalAddress + ":" +
args.Socket.Information.LocalPort +
"\r\nProtectionLevel: " + args.Socket.Information.ProtectionLevel +
"\r\nRemoteHostName: " + args.Socket.Information.RemoteHostName +
"\r\nRemoteIP: " + args.Socket.Information.RemoteAddress + ":" +
args.Socket.Information.RemotePort +
"\r\nRemoteServiceName: " + args.Socket.Information.RemoteServiceName
SentResponse(args.Socket.Information.RemoteAddress, "Hello " + args.Socket.Information.RemoteHostName);
Debug.WriteLine("[CLIENT] I've received " + receivedData + " from "
+ args.Socket.Information.RemoteHostName +
"\r\nIp: " + args.Socket.Information.LocalAddress + ":" +
args.Socket.Information.LocalPort +
"\r\nProtectionLevel: " + args.Socket.Information.ProtectionLevel +
"\r\nRemoteHostName: " + args.Socket.Information.RemoteHostName +
"\r\nRemoteIP: " + args.Socket.Information.RemoteAddress + ":" +
args.Socket.Information.RemotePort +
"\r\nRemoteServiceName: " + args.Socket.Information.RemoteServiceName
Debug.WriteLine("Received data was empty. Check if you sent data.");
public async void SentResponse(HostName address, string message)
Debug.WriteLine("Connecting to " + address + Environment.NewLine);
ConnectionSocket = new StreamSocket();
await ConnectionSocket.ConnectAsync(address, ServerPort);
DataWriter SentResponse_Writer = new DataWriter(ConnectionSocket.OutputStream);
string content = message;
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content);
await SentResponse_Writer.StoreAsync();
Debug.WriteLine("Connection has been made and your message " + message + " has been sent." + Environment.NewLine);
ConnectionSocket = new StreamSocket();
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Failed to connect ");
ConnectionSocket = null;
everything seems OK and It's worked in as Server.
I run this code in my Windows 10 mobile (as client) and I can received and send messages between my raspberry pi and windows mobile.
Now I want to send and receive message from my android phone.
I tested a-lot of codes but none of them worked to connect android to raspberry pi.
for android I used this nuget package >
here is my code:
void Send()
var client = new TcpClient();
IPEndPoint ipEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse("Ramtin"), 8590);
if (client.Connected)
Debug.WriteLine("Connected to server" + "\n");
var reader = new StreamReader(client.GetStream());
var writer = new StreamWriter(client.GetStream());
writer.AutoFlush = true;
WriteLine("Connected: " + client.Connected);
if (client.Connected)
Debug.WriteLine("send failed !");
catch (Exception ex)
"Ramtin" is my raspberry pi host name.
How can I solve this?
Note: I tried to create android as Server and other phones as clients and it's works fine(sending/receiving message). but I don't want android as a server!
Hello i'm developing a little application that download attachment from unread mails by imap and make a sevarla job on this attachment. Problem is encoding because after i have saved a, for example, txt file, when i load it again letters with accents becomes "?" I dont know why. I tried a several example around on the web (like converting directly the file from ansi to utf-8) with no result. Whe i open a file in windows it works, words are correct.
i have used either ReadAllText that StreamReader in the following example:
string contents = File.ReadAllText(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\uid\\" + summary.UniqueId.ToString() + "\\" + fileName, Encoding.UTF8);
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(contents, Encoding.UTF8))
as you can see in the following example if i set directly a string with an accent word, it works, from file no.
Please help me!
check image
Reproducible Code:
using CsvHelper;
using NLog;
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Class1
public static void test2()
using (var client = new ImapClient())
int porta = Convert.ToInt32(par.portaimap);
bool ssl = Convert.ToBoolean(par.sslimap);
client.Connect(par.host, porta, ssl);
Logger.Info("Connessione server posta riuscita");
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error("Connessione non riuscita; di seguito l'errore: " + ex.Message);
Logger.Info("Autenticazione in corso");
client.Authenticate(par.usernameimap, par.passwordimap);
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error("Connessione non riuscita; di seguito l'errore: " + ex.Message);
// The Inbox folder is always available on all IMAP servers...
var inbox = client.Inbox;
Console.WriteLine("Total messages: {0}", inbox.Count);
Console.WriteLine("Recent messages: {0}", inbox.Recent);
var query = SearchQuery.NotSeen;//SearchQuery.SubjectContains("MimeKit").Or(SearchQuery.SubjectContains("MailKit"));
var uids = client.Inbox.Search(query);
var items = client.Inbox.Fetch(uids, MessageSummaryItems.UniqueId | MessageSummaryItems.BodyStructure);
Logger.Info("Selezione lista di email non lette");
foreach (var summary in items)
var directory = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\uid\\", summary.UniqueId.ToString());
// create the directory
if (summary.Body is BodyPartMultipart)
Logger.Info("Download allegati in corso.");
foreach (var attachment in summary.Attachments)
var entity = client.Inbox.GetBodyPart(summary.UniqueId, attachment);
var part = (MimePart)entity;
// note: it's possible for this to be null, but most will specify a filename
var fileName = part.FileName;
var path = Path.Combine(directory, fileName);
using (var stream = File.Create(path))
Logger.Info("Allegato scaricato.");
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Error("Allegato non scaricato. Di seguito errore: " + ex.Message);
int scelta = 0;
string contents = File.ReadAllText(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\uid\\" + summary.UniqueId.ToString() + "\\" + fileName, Encoding.UTF8);
contents = "Proprietà";
string ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName);
SmtpSettings smtpSettings = new SmtpSettings();
smtpSettings.SenderName = "Test";
smtpSettings.server = "smtp.gmail.com";
smtpSettings.Port = 587;
smtpSettings.SenderMail = par.usernameimap;
smtpSettings.Username = par.usernameimap;
smtpSettings.Password = par.passwordimap;
smtpSettings.ToMail1Name = "Test1";
smtpSettings.ToMail1 = "test1#gmail.com";
smtpSettings.ToMail2Name = "Test2";
smtpSettings.ToMail2 = "Test2#bsolution.org";
string PATHTODELETE = "";
if (ext == ".txt")
string line1 = File.ReadLines(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\uid\\" + summary.UniqueId.ToString() + "\\" + fileName).First();
DataTable dt;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(contents, Encoding.UTF8))
using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
csv.Configuration.Delimiter = "|";
// Do any configuration to `CsvReader` before creating CsvDataReader.
using (var dr = new CsvDataReader(csv))
dt = new DataTable();
//Costruzione body mail csv
string value = "";
string filename = "";
string Msg = "";
foreach (DataRow drow in dt.Rows)
value = "";
value += "FOR: " + drow["FOR"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "CLIEN: " + drow["CLIEN"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "STAB: " + drow["STAB"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "INSEGNA: " + drow["INSEGNA"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "INDIRIZZO: " + drow["INDIRIZZO"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "LUOGO: " + drow["LUOGO"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "ORDINE: " + drow["ORDINE"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "POS: " + drow["POS"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "STATO: " + drow["STATO"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "DTORD: " + drow["DTORD"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "ORAORD: " + drow["ORAORD"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "MALFUNZIONE: " + drow["MALFUNZIONE"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "COD_RIS: " + drow["COD_RIS"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "RISORSA: " + drow["RISORSA"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "TERMID: " + drow["TERMID"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "ESESIA: " + drow["ESESIA"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "STABSIA: " + drow["STABSIA"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "ABI: " + drow["ABI"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "TELEFONO: " + drow["TELEFONO"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "NOTE: " + drow["NOTE"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "COD_HOST: " + drow["COD_HOST"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "ACCESSORIO: " + drow["ACCESSORIO"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "DESC_HOST: " + drow["DESC_HOST"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "MOD_COLLEG: " + drow["MOD_COLLEG"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "FUNZ. AGG: " + drow["FUNZ. AGG:"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "REFERENTE: " + drow["REFERENTE"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "DT_SCADENZA: " + drow["DT_SCADENZA"].ToString() + "\n";
value += "LAKA: " + drow["LAKA"].ToString();
Msg = value;
// Save File to .txt
filename = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\uid\\" + summary.UniqueId.ToString() + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() + ".txt";
PATHTODELETE = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\uid\\" + summary.UniqueId.ToString() + "\\";
using (FileStream fParameter = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
StreamWriter m_WriterParameter = new StreamWriter(fParameter);
m_WriterParameter.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
m_WriterParameter.Write(Msg, Encoding.UTF8);
smtpSettings.Subject = "Oggetto Temporaneo da cambiare";
Invio(smtpSettings, Msg, filename);
inbox.AddFlags(summary.UniqueId, MessageFlags.Seen, true);
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Info("Pulizia directory allegati in corso...");
Logger.Info("Pulizia directory allegati terminata.");
string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { "************************************************************************************************************" };
string[] attivita = contents.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
foreach (string att in attivita)
string Msg = att;
// Save File to .txt
string filename = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\uid\\" + summary.UniqueId.ToString() + "\\" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() + ".txt";
PATHTODELETE = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\uid\\" + summary.UniqueId.ToString() + "\\";
FileStream fParameter = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
StreamWriter m_WriterParameter = new StreamWriter(fParameter);
m_WriterParameter.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
smtpSettings.Subject = "Oggetto Temporaneo da cambiare";
if (att.Contains("OGGETTO"))
Invio(smtpSettings, att, filename);
else { }
Logger.Info("Pulizia directory allegati in corso...");
inbox.AddFlags(summary.UniqueId, MessageFlags.Seen, true);
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Info("Pulizia directory allegati terminata.");
After searching around on the web i found a solution, here microsoft msdn
Streamreader and maybe readalltext doesn't support accent letters with UTF-8 Encoding, so changing it in UTF-7, letters are showed correctly.
Thank you for all support!
I tried to create a simple twitchBot using Visual Studio C#, but it won't show up in chat. I could connect with mIRC manually without problems.
I don't recieve any error messages, so it's hard for me to pinpoint the problem.
Any ideas are appreciated.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IrcClient irc = new IrcClient("irc.chat.twitch.tv", 6667, "gruhlumbot", "oauth:g49tpwj1czs200RETAINED");
string message = irc.readMessage();
if (message.Contains("!test"))
class IrcClient
private string userName;
private string channel;
private TcpClient tcpClient;
private StreamReader inputStream;
private StreamWriter outputStream;
public IrcClient(string ip, int port, string userName, string password)
this.userName = userName;
tcpClient = new TcpClient(ip, port);
inputStream = new StreamReader(tcpClient.GetStream());
outputStream = new StreamWriter(tcpClient.GetStream());
outputStream.WriteLine("PASS " + password);
outputStream.WriteLine("NICK " + userName);
outputStream.WriteLine("USER " + userName + " 8 * :" + userName);
public void joinRoom(string channel)
this.channel = channel;
outputStream.WriteLine("JOIN #" + channel);
public void sentChatMessage(string message)
sendIrcMessage(":" + userName + "!" + userName + "#" + userName + ".tmi.twitch.tv PRIVMSG #" + channel + " :" + message);
public string readMessage()
string message = inputStream.ReadLine();
return message;
Can you try adding the character "/" before the command join?
As I remember when I was using Irc all commands where using the "/" character before the command.
Something like this.
outputStream.WriteLine("/JOIN #" + channel);
Share with us the results. Thanks.
So i am making an application which can open connections to remote devices and execute different commands. So yesterday before i left work i was debugging when i got an error. But as my application ignored it and proceeded and having not enough time to fix it immedietly i decided to do it today. When i wanted to make connection with my program again it said it couldn't authenticate (note* the parameters did not change).
So i did some checks to determine the problem, after logging in on the server and running netstat i found out that there was an active connection to port 22, which originated from my application.
Somehow the connection did not show up in my SSH manager until i rebooted it TWICE.
So to prevent things like this in a production environment, how do i prevent things like this.
my Program.cs
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var ip="";
var port=0;
var user="";
var pwd="";
var cmdCommand="";
ConnectionInfo ConnNfo;
ExecuteCommand exec = new ExecuteCommand();
SSHConnection sshConn = new SSHConnection();
if (args.Length > 0)
ip = args[0];
port = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);
user = args[2];
pwd = args[3];
cmdCommand = args[4];
ConnNfo = sshConn.makeSSHConnection(ip, port, user, pwd);
exec.executeCMDbySSH(ConnNfo, cmdCommand);
else {
XMLParser parser = new XMLParser();
List<List<string>> configVars = parser.createReader("C:\\Users\\myusername\\Desktop\\config.xml");
Console.WriteLine("this is from program.cs");
//iterate through array
for (int i = 0; i < configVars[0].Count; i++)
if ((configVars[0][i].ToString() == "device" && configVars[1][i].ToString() == "device") && (configVars[0][i + 6].ToString() == "device" && configVars[1][i + 6].ToString() == "no value"))
string ipAdress = configVars[1][i + 1].ToString();
int portNum = Convert.ToInt32(configVars[1][i + 2]);
string username = configVars[1][i + 3].ToString();
string passwd = configVars[1][i + 4].ToString();
string command = configVars[1][i + 5].ToString();
Console.WriteLine("making connection with:");
Console.WriteLine(ipAdress + " " + portNum + " " + username + " " + passwd + " " + command);
ConnNfo = sshConn.makeSSHConnection(ipAdress, portNum, username, passwd);
Console.WriteLine("executing command: ");
exec.executeCMDbySSH(ConnNfo, command);
catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e); }
Console.WriteLine("press a key to exit");
my executeCommand class:
public class ExecuteCommand
public ExecuteCommand()
public void executeCMDbySSH(ConnectionInfo ConnNfo, string cmdCommand )
using (var sshclient = new SshClient(ConnNfo))
//the error appeared here at sshclient.Connect();
using (var cmd = sshclient.CreateCommand(cmdCommand))
Console.WriteLine("Command>" + cmd.CommandText);
Console.WriteLine("Return Value = {0}", cmd.ExitStatus);
catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + e); }
and my class where i make conenction:
public class SSHConnection
public SSHConnection() { }
public ConnectionInfo makeSSHConnection(string ipAdress, int port, string user, string pwd)
ConnectionInfo ConnNfo = new ConnectionInfo(ipAdress, port, user,
new AuthenticationMethod[]{
// Pasword based Authentication
new PasswordAuthenticationMethod(user,pwd),
return ConnNfo;
Note* i have not included my XMLParser class because it is not relevant to the question, nor does it have any connections regarding SSH in general.
i found out i had compiled the application and it was running in the commandline. Turns out there is no error with the code
Could someone please show me an example of how to make an SSL connection to an IRC server?
I have tried reading about SslStreams but I just don't get it. I am able to connect to IRC without SSL using this:
sock.Connect(server, port);
if (!sock.Connected) {
Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect!");
input = new System.IO.StreamReader(sock.GetStream());
output = new System.IO.StreamWriter(sock.GetStream());
output.Write("USER " + nick + " 0 * :" + owner + "\r\n" + "NICK " + nick + "\r\n");
//Process each line received from irc server
for (buf = input.ReadLine(); ; buf = input.ReadLine()) {
//Display received irc message
if (buf.Split(' ')[1] == "332") {
Console.WriteLine(buf.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, 5)[4]);
//Send pong reply to any ping messages
if (buf.StartsWith("PING ")) {
output.Write(buf.Replace("PING", "PONG") + "\r\n"); output.Flush();
if (buf[0] != ':') continue;
if (buf.Split(' ')[1] == "001") {
"MODE " + nick + " \r\n" +
"JOIN " + chan + "\r\n"
Try this:
conn, err = tls.Dial("tcp", HOST+":"+PORT, &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true})
I'm trying to check if computer on the net is online by using code which supposedly to check it by using ARP packets.
I am always getting message that host is offline even when I'm sure that it's online. I have checked on my localhost IP and on some always working IPs such as google.
That could be wrong with this code?
[DllImport("iphlpapi.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
public static extern int SendARP(IPAddress DestIP, int SrcIP, byte[] pMacAddr, ref uint PhyAddrLen);
private byte[] macAddr = new byte[6];
private uint macAddrLen;
private void Ping(IPAddress address)
if (SendARP(address, 0, new byte[6], ref macAddrLen) == 0)
txtDisplay.AppendText("Host " + address + " is open." + Environment.NewLine);
txtDisplay.AppendText("Host " + address + " is closed." + Environment.NewLine);
By using previous code I'm basically trying to do something like following code. But the problem with this code is that when host is closed that it takes like 2 seconds to get the respond which I want to eliminate. Someone suggested to use ARP ping:
private void Ping(IPAddress address)
Ping pingSender = new Ping();
PingOptions options = new PingOptions();
if (cbDontFragment.Checked) options.DontFragment = true;
else options.DontFragment = false;
string dataa = string.Empty;
int dataCounter = 0;
options.Ttl = (int)nudTTL.Value;
for (int i = 0; i < nudData.Value; i++)
if (dataCounter == 10) dataCounter = 0;
dataa += dataCounter.ToString();
byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dataa);
int timeout = 120;
PingReply reply = pingSender.Send(address, timeout, buffer, options);
if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success)
txtDisplay.AppendText("Host " + address + " is open. ");
if (cbDontFragment.Checked) txtDisplay.AppendText(" Don't fragment. ");
txtDisplay.AppendText(" TTL: " + options.Ttl.ToString() + " ");
txtDisplay.AppendText(" Bytes: " + nudData.Value + " ");
txtDisplay.AppendText("Host " + address + " is closed. ");
if (cbDontFragment.Checked) txtDisplay.AppendText(" Don't fragment. ");
txtDisplay.AppendText(" TTL: " + options.Ttl.ToString() + " ");
txtDisplay.AppendText(" Bytes: " + nudData.Value + " ");
catch (Exception ex)
txtDisplay.SelectedText += Environment.NewLine + ex.Message;
ARP cannot be used for what you are trying to do. It only works over a local network.
It's purpose is to resolve an IP address (which is routed) to a MAC address (which is not). It is never sent beyond a network segment (a lan)