There's a gridview in my program whose row's data is to be loaded in textboxes if edit is clicked.
Here is the code where I'm filling the data in textboxes after edit is clicked
protected void GV_Parameters_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
GV_Parameters.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;
int index = e.NewEditIndex;
IsEditing = true;
Label lbl_frmdate = (Label)GV_Parameters.Rows[index].FindControl("lbl_frmdate") as Label;
Label lbl_todate = (Label)GV_Parameters.Rows[index].FindControl("lbl_todate") as Label;
EditFromDate = lbl_frmdate.Text.ToUpper();
lbl_frm_edit.Text = EditFromDate;
EditToDate = lbl_todate.Text.ToUpper();
lbl_to_edit.Text = EditToDate;
Label lbl = (Label)GV_Parameters.Rows[index].Cells[3].FindControl("lbl_Is_holiday");
string is_holiday = lbl.Text;
Label lbl_std_intime = (Label)GV_Parameters.Rows[index].FindControl("lbl_std_intime") as Label;
Label lbl_std_outtime = (Label)GV_Parameters.Rows[index].FindControl("lbl_std_outtime") as Label;
string[] arr_std_intime;
string[] arr_std_outtime;
if (is_holiday != "1")//working day
r_work_holiday.SelectedIndex = 0;
IsHoliday = false;
if (lbl_std_intime.Text != "")
arr_std_intime = lbl_std_intime.Text.Split(':');
txt_std_TimeInHours.Text = arr_std_intime[0].ToString();
txt_std_TimeInMins.Text = arr_std_intime[1].ToString();
if (lbl_std_outtime.Text != "")
arr_std_outtime = lbl_std_outtime.Text.Split(':');
txt_std_TimeOutHours.Text = arr_std_outtime[0].ToString();
txt_std_TimeOutMins.Text = arr_std_outtime[1].ToString();
IsHoliday = true;
//r_workingday.Checked = false;
//r_holiday.Checked = true;
r_work_holiday.SelectedIndex = 1;
Label lbl_remarks = (Label)GV_Parameters.Rows[index].FindControl("lbl_remarks") as Label;
txt_holiday_desc.Text = lbl_remarks.Text;
collapse_state = "expand";
There is a radiobutton list who shows the edited row is holiday or working day,
if user changes the selection in radioButtonList, PostBack occurs and this is the time when all of the texboxes turn blank.
protected void r_work_holiday_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
IsHoliday = false;
IsHoliday = true;
collapse_state = "expand";
There's no any method in page load who is clearing the textboxes.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsEditing)
collapse_state = "expand";
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
Please help
Update ::
lbl_frm_edit and lbl_to_edit are not getting reset after postback.
The variable EditFromDate and EditToDate are being set by Viewstate
It's been sometime I worked in ASP controls but if I remember correctly, the content in textboxes are generally cleared on every post back by ASP .NET. The state of the textboxes are not saved.
Here is an answer I found while researching this issue.
You could store the value of the textboxes in ViewState and assign them back on the PageLoad event. Something like
txt_std_TimeOutHours.Text = arr_std_outtime[0].ToString();
txt_std_TimeOutMins.Text = arr_std_outtime[1].ToString();
ViewState["TimeOutHours"] = arr_std_outtime[0].ToString();
ViewState["TimeOutMins"] = arr_std_outtime[1].ToString();
And on the PageLoad event you can do this to restore the values.
txt_std_TimeOutHours.Text = ViewState["TimeOutHours"].ToString();
txt_std_TimeOutMins.Text = ViewState["TimeOutMins"].ToString();
Hope this helps!
I got two comboxBox with SelectedIndexChanged event enabled.
In the comboBox2 i want to change the SelectedValue of comboBox1, and that works, but the SelectedIndexChanged of comboBox1 is always triggered even i explicit disabled that.
And the code in selectedIndexChange of the ComboBox1 overwrite what I do in the ComboBox2, that the problem.
I've tried hundreds ways to avoid that but anything works, the event always occurs.
Bellow is my code of ComboBox1:
private void cmbBeneficiario_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ComboBox cb = (ComboBox)sender;
if (!cb.Focused)
systemChange = true;
if (cnpjChange)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmbBeneficiario.Text) &&
var beneficiarioApoliceBeneficiario =
var apolices = beneficiarioApoliceBeneficiario.Select(x => x.numero_apolice).ToList();
cmbApolice.DataSource = apolices;
cmbApolice.DisplayMember = "numero_apolice";
cmbApolice_SelectedIndexChanged(this, e);
var listBene = beneficiariosList;
var filteredList = listBene.Where(x => x.nome_beneficiario == cmbBeneficiario.Text).ToList();
cbbCNPJBeneAverb.DisplayMember = "cnpj_beneficiario";
cbbCNPJBeneAverb.DataSource = filteredList;
systemChange = false;
The comboBox2 code (note that I disabled the event of combobox1):
private void cbbCNPJBeneAverb_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
cnpjChange = true;
ComboBox cb = (ComboBox)sender;
if (!cb.Focused)
Console.WriteLine($#"Old ID {cmbBeneficiario.SelectedValue}");
var beneficiario = averbacaoController.GetBeneficarioByCNPJ(cbbCNPJBeneAverb.Text, cmbBeneficiario.Text);
cmbBeneficiario.SelectedIndexChanged -= new EventHandler(cmbBeneficiario_SelectedIndexChanged);
if (cbbCNPJBeneAverb.SelectedIndex > -1)
cmbBeneficiario.SelectedValue = beneficiario.id_beneficiario;
Console.WriteLine($#"New ID {cmbBeneficiario.SelectedValue}");
Console.WriteLine($#"Tinha que ser o ID {beneficiario.id_beneficiario}");
cmbBeneficiario.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(cmbBeneficiario_SelectedIndexChanged);
cnpjChange = false;
Printscreen of my debug:
As my comments above, you can use a class-scope variable to do check:
Add a temporary class-scope variable:
private bool cb1EventIgnore = false;
Set it to ture/false in cbbCNPJBeneAverb_SelectedIndexChanged:
if (cbbCNPJBeneAverb.SelectedIndex > -1)
cb1EventIgnore = true;
cmbBeneficiario.SelectedValue = beneficiario.id_beneficiario;
cb1EventIgnore = false;
Check the value cb1EventIgnore in cmbBeneficiario_SelectedIndexChanged at the beginning:
private void cmbBeneficiario_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(cb1EventIgnore) return;
//your codes here
After a lot of attempts, bellow are the piece of code that solved my question:
cmbBeneficiario.Enabled = false;
Simple like this, i dont know why c# was not able to not trigger the event even I explicit told him to.
Curently 2 click are happening for on Update button to fire.i want only single click
for that am also checking on !postback but still it's not working.which i have read in other Stackoverflow answer about binding the grid on
updating the row which i am doing but still it's not working.
i am binding the grid in pageindex and rowediting event
need help
backend code
protected void BindGridSubMeter()
ConnectionMRI conMRI = new ConnectionMRI();
DataSet ds = conMRI.NabersSubMetergetData(ddlBldgId.SelectedItem.Value);
TextExclusions.Text = ds.Tables(1).Rows(0).Item(0).ToString();
var _with1 = GridSubMeter;
_with1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0);
protected void GridSubMeter_RowEditing(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs e)
GridSubMeter.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;
protected void GridSubmeter_PageIndexChanging(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewPageEventArgs e)
GridSubMeter.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
protected void GridSubMeter_RowUpdating(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
TextBox txtMeterIdn = (TextBox)GridSubMeter.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txtMeterIdn");
TextBox txCTFact = (TextBox)GridSubMeter.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txCTFact");
TextBox txReadStartDate = (TextBox)GridSubMeter.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txReadStartDate");
TextBox txReadEndDate = (TextBox)GridSubMeter.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txReadEndDate");
TextBox txStartKwh = (TextBox)GridSubMeter.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txStartKwh");
TextBox txEndKwh = (TextBox)GridSubMeter.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txEndKwh");
TextBox txBillPer = (TextBox)GridSubMeter.Rows(e.RowIndex).FindControl("txBillPer");
string MeterIdn = txtMeterIdn.Text.Trim.ToString();
decimal CTFact = Convert.ToDecimal(txCTFact.Text);
System.DateTime ReadStartDate = System.DateTime.Parse(txReadStartDate.Text);
System.DateTime ReadEndDate = System.DateTime.Parse(txReadEndDate.Text);
decimal StartKwh = Convert.ToDecimal(txStartKwh.Text);
decimal EndKwh = Convert.ToDecimal(txEndKwh.Text);
decimal billper = Convert.ToDecimal(txBillPer.Text);
string leasid = GridSubMeter.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(0).Text.Trim.ToString();
string suitid = GridSubMeter.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(1).Text.Trim.ToString();
string occupant = GridSubMeter.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(2).Text.Trim.ToString();
GridSubMeter.EditIndex = -1;
ConnectionMRI conMRI = new ConnectionMRI();
conMRI.NaberSubmeter(ddlBldgId.SelectedItem.Value, leasid, suitid, occupant, MeterIdn, CTFact, ReadStartDate, ReadEndDate, StartKwh, EndKwh,
<asp:GridView ID="GridSubMeter" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" DataKeyNames="leasid" AllowPaging="True" OnPageIndexChanging="GridSubmeter_PageIndexChanging" OnRowEditing="GridSubMeter_RowEditing" OnRowUpdating="GridSubMeter_RowUpdating">
Hi I have one gridview on the left and I have Multiview pane on the right. Basically what I am trying to do is when the use click select in the gridview, the information of that row will display in the Multiview.
I have two view.
View 1 contains label saying please select row to view full details.
View 2 basically retrieving all the necessary data.
The problem is, in my view 2, I do allow user to update the data. When the user updates the data and save, the view will go back to its initial view. And when the user click on the same row, it will then display the updated information.
How can I do such that when they save the changes, the view will show the updated information?
I have tried putting updatepanel but it does not work too.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
xxBLL schBLL = new xxBLL ();
GVFBAcc.DataSource = schBLL.getInfo();
MainView.ActiveViewIndex = 1;
protected void GVFBAcc_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Selectedid = GVFBAcc.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text;//get user id
int selectedIdtoPass = Convert.ToInt32(Selectedid);
xxBLL getRecord = new xxBLL ();
addInfo InfoRetrieve = new addInfo ();
InfoRetrieve = getRecord.getDetail(selectedIdtoPass);
lbid.Text = Convert.ToString(InfoRetrieve .info_id1);
lbType.Text = InfoRetrieve .type;
lbName.Text = InfoRetrieve .name;
lbAbb.Text = InfoRetrieve .abb;
MainView.ActiveViewIndex = 0;
catch (Exception ex)
lbMessage.Visible = true;
lbMessage.Text = "Please select a Row.";
protected void editInfo_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
MainView.ActiveViewIndex = 0;
string cIcon = editInfo.ImageUrl;
if (cIcon.Equals("~/images/edit.png"))
editInfo.ImageUrl = "~/images/save.png";
lblEdit.Text = "";
tbName.Text = lbName.Text;
tbAbb.Text = lbAbb.Text;
tbtype.Text = lbType.Text;
lbName.Visible = false;
lbAbb.Visible = false;
lbType.Visible = true;
tbName.Visible = true;
tbAbb.Visible = true;
tbtype.Visible = false;
else if (cIcon.Equals("~/images/save.png"))
addInfo[] update = new addInfo[1];
int id = Convert.ToInt32(lbid.Text);
string name = tbName.Text;
string abb = tbAbb.Text;
addInfo updated = new addInfo(name, id, abb);
update[0] = updated;
xxBLL obj = new xxBLL ();
if (obj.updateDetail(update))
editInfo.ImageUrl = "~/images/edit.png";
lbName.Visible = true;
lbAbb.Visible = true;
lbType.Visible = true;
tbName.Visible = false;
tbAbb.Visible = false;
tbtype.Visible = false;
lblEdit.Text = "Saved";
lblEdit.ForeColor = Color.Green;
tbName.Text = lbName.Text;
tbAbb.Text = lbAbb.Text;
tbtype.Text = lbType.Text;
When the user updates the data and save, the view will go back to its initial view. And when the user click on the same row, it will then display the updated information. How can I do such that when they save the changes, the view will show the updated information?
or alternative How do i call the button click event at page load so that when the user clicks the save button, it will display the updated infomation
I have dynamic drop down lists that are created based on what's selected in the list box.. When clicking confirm this is when the drop down lists are created. Clicking save is where I attempt to retrieve the values. However I am unable to retrieve that values that are in the drop down lists.
protected void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int ID = 0;
foreach (string value in values)
CreateEditForm(value, ID);
ID += 1;
if (values.count != 0)
btnSave.Visible = true;
btnConfirm.Enabled = false;
}//End of btnConfirm_Click
protected void CreateEditForm(string Value, int ID)
{//Creates an edit form for the value inserted.
string name = value;
//This part adds a header
phEditInventory.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<h2>" + name + "</h2>"));
phEditInventory.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class=\"clearfix\"></div>"));
//Create a label
Label lblName = new Label();
lblName.Text = "Name";
lblName.ID = "lblName" + ID;
lblName.CssClass = "control-label";
//Create a Drop Down List
DropDownList ddlName = new DropDownList();
ddlName.ID = "ddlName" + ID;
ddlName.CssClass = "form-control";
//Set default N/A Values For Drop Down List
ddlName.Items.Add(new ListItem("N/A", Convert.ToString("0")));
//The Rest of the Values are populated with the database
//Adds the controls to the placeholder
phEditInventory.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class=\"clearfix\"></div>"));
} //End of CreateEditForm
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string name = "";
for (int i = 0; i < MyStaticValues.alEdit.Count; i++)
string nameID = "ddlName" + i.ToString();
DropDownList ddlName = (DropDownList)phEditInventory.FindControl(nameID);
name = ddlName.SelectedValue.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
phEditInventory.Visible = false;
btnSave.Visible = false;
}//End of btnSave_Click Function
Your problem is that the dynamically created dropdown lists are not maintained on postback. When you click the Save button, a postback occurs, and the page is re-rendered without the dynamically created dropdowns. This link may help.
Maintain the state of dynamically added user control on postback?
Here i am updating the gridview value but the value is not updating..TextBox txtID,TextBox txtName,TextBox txtAge retains the older value only and the value is not getting updated..Can anyone tel me like what am i doing wrong here
Here is my code
protected void gvTemp_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)gvTemp.Rows[e.RowIndex];
int autoid = Int32.Parse(gvTemp.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString());
int id = Convert.ToInt32(gvTemp.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Values[0].ToString());
activeTabIndex = Convert.ToInt16(Session["activeTabIndex"]);
TextBox txtID = ((TextBox)gvTemp.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtId"));
TextBox txtName = (TextBox)gvTemp.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtName");
TextBox txtAge = (TextBox)gvTemp.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("txtAge");
dataSetInSession.Tables["Days" + activeTabIndex.ToString()].Rows[e.RowIndex]["ID"] = txtID.Text;
dataSetInSession.Tables["Days" + activeTabIndex.ToString()].Rows[e.RowIndex]["Name"] = txtName.Text;
dataSetInSession.Tables["Days" + activeTabIndex.ToString()].Rows[e.RowIndex]["Age"] = txtAge.Text;
gvTemp.DataSource = dataSetInSession.Tables["Days" + activeTabIndex.ToString()];
gvTemp.EditIndex = -1;
private void CreateDataSkeletton(int intTabIndex)
dataSetInSession = new DataSet();
Session["intTabIndex"] = intTabIndex;
if (Session["dataSetInSession"] != null)
dataSetInSession = (DataSet)Session["dataSetInSession"];
if (dataSetInSession.Tables["Days" + intTabIndex].Rows.Count > 0)
gvTemp.DataSource = dataSetInSession.Tables["Days" + intTabIndex];
gvTemp.DataSource = dataSetInSession.Tables["Days"];
Any suggestion??
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
dataSetInSession = new DataSet();
if (Session["dataSetInSession"] != null)
dataSetInSession = (DataSet)Session["dataSetInSession"];
if (Session["dynamicTabIDs"] != null)
//if dynamicTabIDs are in session, recreating the Tabs
//that are associated with the Tab IDs
//and adding them to the TabContainer that will contain
//all of the dynamic tabs.
//retrieving the tab IDs from session:
dynamicTabIDs = (List<string>)Session["dynamicTabIDs"];
if (TabContainerContent.ActiveTabIndex == -1)
TabContainerContent.ActiveTabIndex = Convert.ToInt16(Session["intTabIndex"]);
//looping through each TabID in session
//and recreating the TabPanel that is associated with that tabID
foreach (string tabID in dynamicTabIDs)
//creating a new TabPanel that is associated with the TabID
AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel tab = new AjaxControlToolkit.TabPanel();
//TabContainerContent.ActiveTabIndex = tab;
//Setting the ID property of the TabPanel
tab.ID = tabID;
//setting the TabPanel's HeaderText
tab.HeaderText = "Days " + (TabContainerContent.Tabs.Count + 1).ToString();
//creating a Label to add to the this point you'll have to
//create whatever controls are required for the tab...
Label tabContent = new Label();
//Giving the Label an ID
tabContent.ID = "lbl_tab_" + TabContainerContent.Tabs.Count.ToString();
//Setting the Label's text
tabContent.Text = "Tab " + (TabContainerContent.Tabs.Count + 1).ToString();
//Adding the Label to the TabPanel
//Adding the TabPanel to the TabContainer that contains the dynamic tabs
{ //Creating a new list of dynamicTabIDs because one doesn't exist yet in session.
dynamicTabIDs = new List<string>();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Read Page Life Cycle
And you will get, that if you want to bind in code-behind, you should do it in Init Event, other wise there are no events will fire.
It seems to be Page.IsPostback problem.Need to add Page.IsPostback property in your page_load like
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
// Put your code inside that.
Actually your control is getting new value but when you click for updation then it calls old value from page_load.So try to put Page.IsPostback into your page_load event,Just like i mentioned.
I hope it helps.