Where is EnglishPluralizationService in EF Core 2.0? - c#

EF Core 2.0 still has its conventions and it can change plural to singular and singular back to plural. Thus it definitely has the pluralization service built into it.
Yet I can't find this service to use it for other purposes.
In EF 6, I would write:
using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.Pluralization;
// Then somewhere in code
var englishPluralizationService = new EnglishPluralizationService();
var singularCat = englishPluralizationService.Singularize("Cats");

EF Core 2.0 still has its conventions and it can change plural to singular and singular back to plural.
Thus it definitely has the pluralization service built into it.
No, it can't do that and has no integrated pluralization service.
As explained in Table Mapping section of the documentation, it uses a simple convention:
By convention, each entity will be setup to map to a table with the same name as the DbSet<TEntity> property that exposes the entity on the derived context. If no DbSet<TEntity> is included for the given entity, the class name is used.
EF Core 2.0 introduced IPluralizer service that is used to singularize entity type names and pluralize DbSet names during scaffolding, but as stated in the link
this is just a hook where folks can easily plug in their own pluralizer
Shorty, there is no such service. For "other needs" you have to use your own or 3rd party pluralizer.

There is no built in pluralization in EF Core, but you can hook in for example the Inflector package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Inflector/
I do that in "EF Core Power Tools" - see https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFrameworkCore/commit/dda3f43c046c2464f4813fdbb4261a6146aa4432 for more info

#bricelam, a member of the EF Core team, has published this blogpost, where he suggests using his Bricelam.EntityFrameworkCore.Pluralizer package, that is based on the EF Core pluralization service.


How to wire Entity Framework Core to use invariant-enforcing constructor

I have entities on which I don't want to have a default constructor because the constructor has logic and enforces invariants.
I would like to be able to configure Entity Framework Core to use a specific constructor in a certain way.
The workaround I use for now is have purely data-oriented classes (sort of "Database DTOs") for mapping entities to database, but this is not very satisfying I would like to use my domain entity classes with EF Core.
I know that EF Core can use a constructor having parameters matching the properties. But it is too limited for some use cases. For instance, I have an entity which implements the State design pattern, meaning when retrieved from the database, a state class must be recreated from a string using a factory. EF Core can't figure that on its own and I've not yet a way to configure how entities are constructed when reconstituted from the database.
Do you know if it is possible in EF Core ?
Thanks you in advance,

Entity Framework 6 - Database First - String Length Attribute missing

I am using EF6 database first to create my EF 6 DB Context. The POCOs that are created are missing the property attributes such as "StringLength" or "Required". I have been on projects before where these were created for me and thought it was base functionality. Where can I find documentation on how to configure this behavior?
From a new Winform application I added a new ADO.Net Entity Data Model to my project and followed the wizard for "EF Design from database".
New .Net Framework 4.72 Winform app
EF 6
I found out what happened. By default Scaffold-DBContext's parameter DataAnnotations defaults to use Fluent API. Fluent API configures the properties using function chaining in the OnModelCreating method of the context. The DataAnnotations parameter is a switch, so just specifying the parameter will change the engine to use Data Annotations.
This is important to be because I use the EF Models outside of EF as well. There is a big benefit using them with ASP.net because it will use the annotations during request to validate the models.

Why can't i use DataAnnotations KeyAttribute for composite keys?

EntityFramework Core restricts using KeyAttribute for defining composite keys.
But what is the reason for this limitation? I have found a solution for this without using Fluent api.
According to this GitHub Issue it is in the backlog to be implemented in the upcoming version of EF Core. And from this GitHub Issue, here is the explanation that you were looking for:
The reason is that it used a combination of Key and Column for ordering, but column ordering is not the same thing as key ordering, and so this caused confusion and issues in EF6. Changing existing data annotations is also costly because of their relationship to .NET Core and .NET Framework.
However, we see the value in being able to this and other common configuration using attributes, since the jump to the fluent API can be a big one. Therefore, we will investigate creating a new library/package with additional new EF configuration attributes that can be used alongside data annotations. This would be one of the things that would be implemented there.
However, According to this announcement, from ASP.NET Core 3.0 you can use all the features of EF 6.x with ASP.NET Core as there will be EF 6.3 on .NET Core >= 3.0

How to generate an entity model from a query w/ EntityFrameworkCore

I'm trying to connect an ASP.NET Core web application to an existing, pretty complex database, in read-only mode.
The database is much to complex to map its layout to EFC directly, I just access data from it via a set of queries.
Those queries are well-defined, so I can define objects that match their results in advance without problem.
However, I can't seem to find out how to define the entity model for the database context for this. I can't, of course, set a TableAttribute on the model class - because the model doesn't reflect a table, but simply a query result. Just adding ColumnAttributes to the model's properties doesn't seem to do the trick either, in my OnModelCreating method in the database context, I always get an error "InvalidOperationException: The entity type 'MyEntityModel' requires a key to be defined."
What key am I supposed to define, tho? It's not as if a query has a key for its result entries, or does it/can I make it have one?
Unfortunately, I can't change the database to add new views, temp tables or whatever either, I (can) only have read access.
It might very well be I just haven't understood the concepts behind EF yet, but all tutorials/samples I look at just handle the most basic and simple cases, and my google-fu seems to fail me here as well.
Although it looks like working around the issue using basic connect-query-disconnect w/o EF might be a possibility, it seems to me going the DtabaseContext/EF way is more in line with ASP.NET Core's principles. Feel free to disagree or tell me otherwise if I'm wrong there.
Any samples that might show another way to make this work would be highly appreciated as well.
Okay, I figured it out myself. Seems asking the question helped my google fu. ;)
To anyone else running into the same problem:
My OnModelCreating function now looks like this
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder builder)
obj =>
…and after a bit of fiddling to get the types of the properties right (who the hell defines a date column as numeric?!) it all works now.
Yes, the properties' types of your Entity type must match the query result, and all query fields must appear as properties, I think.
Of course you should have a "unique" property to serve as your arbitrary Key, but it doesn't have to be a database table key.
This all leads to a slightly ugly entity class; I handled that by making MyEntityType a wrapper class with an implicit conversion operator to the class I'll be using as the data model inside my application (which looks all nice and tidy and has proper types).
Using ASP.NET Core does not mean that you've to use Entity Framework core. You can use Full .NET Framework instead of .NET Core and Entity Framework Full instead of Entity Framework Core. There are several benefits with this:
1- ASP.NET Core 2 (Currently in beta) works well on .NET Standard 2. As both Full .NET Framework 4.6.1+ and .NET Core 2.0+ are implementation of .NET Standard 2.0, you can switch back to .NET Core 2 very easily when its stable release gets published.
2- Entity Framework Core 2.0 (Currently in beta) has a lots of enhancements over Entity Framework Core 1.1.1 . Working with version 2.0 will be far easier than 1.1.1
It has better query translation, better performance, fewer bugs, more methods etc.
Step 1 >> Develop app with ASP.NET Core and Full versions of EntityFramework & .NET Framework
Step 2 >> Target .NET Core 2 and Entity Framework Core 2 in your app when they stable releases becomes available.
It's a good idea to use database reverse engineering tool of Entity Framework full, and then change its result to make it compatible with EntityFramework Core.

What is the difference between dbcontext and POCO templates?

I can see in the manager extensions, that exists EF 4.x dbcontext and EF 4.x POCO. Both of them generate entities for persistence ignorant.
What are the difference between them?
What are the difference between 4.x and 5.x? which is the new features of the 5.x version?
Is it possible to use only one exchange entities for all the ways to access to the database? I would like to use an interface to use different ways to access to the database. EF 4, EF 5 and others than not necessary it would be EF. I would like to program once and use it in many scenarios.
DbContext is your gateway to all the entities in your model. For instance, if your context was called con, you might call con.Orders() to get to your Order objects. POCOs (plain old CLR objects) generated with Entity Framework do not extend classes from the Entity Framework. POCOs with Entity Framework are more advanced, so I recommend you not use them when getting started. One of the new features with EF 5 is replacement of DbContext with ObjectContext. OK, not replacement, because you can still use the DbContext. But Microsoft wants ObjectContext to be the new simpler way to access all your entities instead of DbContext. ObjectContext is much easier to work with in most cases.
