Getting more out of Request.HttpContext.User.Identity - c#

When using MVC Core Identity, I am wondering if it is possible to get more information out of Request.HttpContext.User.Identity?
Currently, when I look at available, all it gives me back is Name, AuthenticationType, and IsAuthenticated.
What I would like to do for example is also get the Email address as well.

//Get User Manager From Owin Context
var userManager = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<UserManager>();
var user = userManager.FindById(Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.GetUserId()));
Using the above codes, it will return the full user object. I believe that solves your problem?


How to return the Windows Authenticated username instead of the App Pool user in IIS? [duplicate]

In a forms model, I used to get the current logged-in user by:
How do I get the current user inside a controller class in ASP.NET MVC?
If you need to get the user from within the controller, use the User property of Controller. If you need it from the view, I would populate what you specifically need in the ViewData, or you could just call User as I think it's a property of ViewPage.
I found that User works, that is, User.Identity.Name or User.IsInRole("Administrator").
Try HttpContext.Current.User.
Public Shared Property Current() As
Member of System.Web.HttpContext
Gets or sets the System.Web.HttpContext object for the current HTTP request.
Return Values:
The System.Web.HttpContext for the current
HTTP request
You can get the name of the user in ASP.NET MVC4 like this:
I realize this is really old, but I'm just getting started with ASP.NET MVC, so I thought I'd stick my two cents in:
Request.IsAuthenticated tells you if the user is authenticated.
Page.User.Identity gives you the identity of the logged-in user.
I use:
I am not sure this will work in ASP.NET MVC, but it's worth a shot :)
getting logged in username: System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
UserName with:
But if you need to get just the ID, you can use:
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;
So, you can get directly the User ID:
In order to reference a user ID created using simple authentication built into ASP.NET MVC 4 in a controller for filtering purposes (which is helpful if you are using database first and Entity Framework 5 to generate code-first bindings and your tables are structured so that a foreign key to the userID is used), you can use
once you add a using statement
using System.Web.Security;
We can use following code to get the current logged in User in ASP.Net MVC:
var user= System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserName();
var userName = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; //will give 'Domain//UserName'
Environment.UserName - Will Display format : 'Username'
This page could be what you looking for:
Using Page.User.Identity.Name in MVC3
You just need User.Identity.Name.
Use System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name.
This will get the current logged-in Windows user.
For what it's worth, in ASP.NET MVC 3 you can just use User which returns the user for the current request.
If you are inside your login page, in LoginUser_LoggedIn event for instance, Current.User.Identity.Name will return an empty value, so you have to use yourLoginControlName.UserName property.
MembershipUser u = Membership.GetUser(LoginUser.UserName);
You can use following code:
IPrincipal currentUser = HttpContext.Current.User;
bool writeEnable = currentUser.IsInRole("Administrator") ||
var ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(
if (ticket.Expired)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Ticket expired.");
IPrincipal user = (System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal) new RolePrincipal(new FormsIdentity(ticket));
If you happen to be working in Active Directory on an intranet, here are some tips:
(Windows Server 2012)
Running anything that talks to AD on a web server requires a bunch of changes and patience. Since when running on a web server vs. local IIS/IIS Express it runs in the AppPool's identity so, you have to set it up to impersonate whoever hits the site.
How to get the current logged-in user in an active directory when your ASP.NET MVC application is running on a web server inside the network:
// Find currently logged in user
UserPrincipal adUser = null;
using (HostingEnvironment.Impersonate())
var userContext = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AllowedDomain"], null,
ContextOptions.Negotiate | ContextOptions.SecureSocketLayer);
adUser = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(ctx, userContext.Name);
//Then work with 'adUser' from here...
You must wrap any calls having to do with 'active directory context' in the following so it's acting as the hosting environment to get the AD information:
using (HostingEnvironment.Impersonate()){ ... }
You must also have impersonate set to true in your web.config:
<identity impersonate="true" />
You must have Windows authentication on in web.config:
<authentication mode="Windows" />
In Mvc Identity 2,You can get the current user name by:
var username = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
In the IIS Manager, under Authentication, disable:
1) Anonymous Authentication
2) Forms Authentication
Then add the following to your controller, to handle testing versus server deployment:
string sUserName = null;
string url = Request.Url.ToString();
if (url.Contains("localhost"))
sUserName = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
sUserName = User.Identity.Name;
If any one still reading this then, to access in cshtml file I used in following way.
<li>Hello #User.Identity.Name</li>

ASP.NET Identity Check email existence in custom UserValidator implementation

In my application I created a custom version of the UserValidator so that I can configure the error messages myself.
Currently it's basically the implementation as found here, but with other resourcefile references.
The part I get stuck on is within the ValidateEmailAsync method.
It contains the line:
var email = await Manager.GetEmailStore().GetEmailAsync(user).WithCurrentCulture();
This gives the error that it cannot access GetEmailStore() method, since it's an internal method of the UserManager object.
Searching for a fix for that lead me to this question, and there it's advised to use this line instead:
var email = await Manager.GetEmailAsync(user.Id).ConfigureAwait(false);
But executing on that gives the exception that it couldn't find any user with the given Id.
Is there any other way to retrieve the email property for IUser object?
If needed, here's my current code.
Get the user like this, then grab the email;
var user = await Manager.GetUserAsync(User);
var email = user.Email;

OWIN MVC - Multiple LoginProviders, Current LoginProvider

I have multiple login providers available. I can login with external account or using forms auth. Everything works fine.
I'am redirecting user to HomePage, and now i would like to know which login provider was used.
Is there is a possibility to find out in controller, which loginprovider was used?
Thanks for help!
var loginInfo = await AuthenticationManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();
string provider = loginInfo.Login.LoginProvider; // Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft...
I got this working although it's not something that would work in all cases.
Here's the code I used in a HomeController function:
// get the provider name
var authCtx = HttpContext.GetOwinContext();
var usrMgr = authCtx.GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
var user = usrMgr.FindByName(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name);
var extLoginInfo = usrMgr.GetLogins(user.Id).FirstOrDefault();
var loginProvider = extLoginInfo.LoginProvider.ToLower();
The main issue here is that I'm not getting the actual login provider that the user is currently logged-in with. I'm just getting the first login provider associated with this user (which in my case happens to be the same, so it works).
Would be great to find a way to get the actual provider that the user is currently logged-in with.

How to get user name, email, etc. from MobileServiceUser?

After a lot of digging around I've got my WPF application signing users in via Azure Mobile Service. My Mobile Service is connected to an Azure Active Directory that I have set up. However, when I log the user in with MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync(...) the MobileServiceUser UserId is in an unreadable hash it seems. For example it looks like: "Aad:X3pvh6mmo2AgTyHdCA3Hwn6uBy91rXXXXXXXXXX". What exactly is this?
I'd like to grab the user's display name to use but I can't figure out how.
That is the userID of Azure Active Directory. You need to create a service to expose your AAD info through a service and retrieve the additional information using the access token you get from your user.
ServiceUser user = this.User as ServiceUser;
var identities = await user.GetIdentitiesAsync();
var aad = identities.OfType<AzureActiveDirectoryCredentials>().FirstOrDefault();
var aadAccessToken = aad.AccessToken;
var aadObjectId = aad.ObjectId;
This will give you the access token and objectID , then you need to query the information through AAD graphy API.
Look at the sample request part. You should provide the query with the access token you got and objectId.
Here is an alternative approach, after reading scroll to the section on Identity in .Net it talks how claims are a standard part of the framework. So once you get the credentials object like provided by #beast
var aad = identities.OfType<AzureActiveDirectoryCredentials>().FirstOrDefault();
You can actually grab a dictionary with the various properties. Examples of some the properties can be found at
So from there you can do the following:
if (aad != null)
var d = aad.Claims;
var email = d[ClaimTypes.Email];
I did this to pull the user id which was cross referenced in a table. FYI I am using App Service, but I believe the credentials object is the same in Mobile Service

C# MVC4 windows username and cookie issues

First, I'm sad to say I'm not sure whether this code should be in the _Layout.cshtml or somewhere in the controller. It needs to run on all pages, so I've put it in the _Layout.cshtml page.
This is for an intranet web app. What I'm attempting to do is this: if a cookie (holding the user's userid) is not found, get the windows username, run it through a class that will go into the database and get the corresponding user's username, and - if we get a user id back - make a cookie containing it. Doesn't sound too hard, but one line in particular, and various incarnations of it, is refusing to be supportive. Here's the code as a whole.
var winuser = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
var winuserid = myprojectname.Models.MyIntranetDataContext.getUserId(winuser).UserID();
if (winuserid == null) {
} else {
HttpCookie cookieuser = new HttpCookie("userid");
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
cookieuser.Value = winuserid;
cookieuser.Expires = now.AddMonths(1);
Line 2 - var winuser... - appears to be the problem. In this current incarnation, I'm getting a build error: An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'myprojectname.Models.MyIntranetDataContext.getUserId(string)'
It doesn't like it when I add a .ToString to it either.
I've tried making winuser this as well:
That gave no build errors. When I attempt to Start Debugging, she blows up with this beauty of an error: 'Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference'
Once I get the windows username, all will be well.
Really, this isn't about cookies, or even mvc to much of an extent (except maybe guidance on where to put this code - the _Layout.cshtml?). Really it's about getting the windows username, which I seem unable to do. Thanks in advance for any assistance you are able to provide.
Note, the above names aren't actual - just for example only.
If they are on the domain, couldn't you use something like the following to retrieve that information?
WindowsPrincipal principal = (WindowsPrincipal)Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
WindowsIdentity identity = (WindowsIdentity)principal.Identity;
String userName= principal.Identity.Name;
