Mock a controller for unit test without any service reference C# - c#

I am having a simple controller which needs to be unit tested not integration tested. I just need a way to mock so that I can verify if receive method is called. We already have test against Receive(), so no need to verify what is going inside that method.
My code looks like
public class MessageController : Controller
private readonly ConnectionDetail connectionDetail;
private readonly QueueDetail queueDetail;
public MessageController(IOptions<ConnectionDetail> connectionDetail, IOptions<QueueDetail> queueDetail)
this.connectionDetail = connectionDetail.Value;
this.queueDetail = queueDetail.Value;
public IActionResult Get()
var channel = CreateConnectionAndChannel(queueDetail);
var message = channel.Receive();
var hbaseKey = new HbaseKey { Key = new Guid(message) };
return Ok(hbaseKey);
return StatusCode(500, "Exception occured while processing. Try again.");
private IChannel CreateConnectionAndChannel(QueueDetail queueDetail)
var factory = new Factory();
var adapter = factory.Connect(MessagingType.MQ, connectionDetail);
return adapter.BindQueue(queueDetail);

Refactor the CreateConnectionAndChannel function out into its own service
public interface IChannelProvider {
IChannel CreateConnectionAndChannel();
and have controller explicitly depend on that service
public class MessageController : Controller {
private readonly IChannelProvider channelProvider;
public MessageController(IChannelProvider channelProvider) {
this.channelProvider = channelProvider;
public IActionResult Get() {
try {
var channel = channelProvider.CreateConnectionAndChannel();
var message = channel.Receive();
var hbaseKey = new HbaseKey { Key = new Guid(message) };
return Ok(hbaseKey);
} catch {
return StatusCode(500, "Exception occured while processing. Try again.");
So now only the IChannelProvider needs to be mocked to test the controller in isolation.
I just need a way to mock so that I can verify if receive method is called.
public void Verify_Received_Called() {
var channel = new Mock<IChannel>();
.Setup(_ => _.Receive())
.Returns("My mock value here");
var mockProvider = new Mock<IChannelProvider>();
mockProvider.Setup(_ => _.CreateConnectionAndChannel())
var controller = new MessageController(mockProvider.Object);
var result = controller.Get();
channel.Verify(_ => _.Receive(), Times.AtLeastOnce);
The provider implementation could look like...
public class ChannelProvider : IChannelProvider {
private readonly ConnectionDetail connectionDetail;
private readonly QueueDetail queueDetail;
public ChannelProvider(IOptions<ConnectionDetail> connectionDetail, IOptions<QueueDetail> queueDetail) {
this.connectionDetail = connectionDetail.Value;
this.queueDetail = queueDetail.Value;
public IChannel CreateConnectionAndChannel() {
var factory = new Factory();
var adapter = factory.Connect(MessagingType.MQ, connectionDetail);
return adapter.BindQueue(queueDetail);

In order to do this, you need to move your CreateConnectionAndChannel method to a separate dependency, for instance, ChannelFactory which implements IChannelFactory interface.
public interface IChannelFactory {
IChannel CreateConnectionAndChannel(QueueDetail queueDetail);
public class ChannelFactory : IChannelFactory {
public IChannel CreateConnectionAndChannel(QueueDetail queueDetail)
var factory = new Factory();
var adapter = factory.Connect(MessagingType.MQ, connectionDetail);
return adapter.BindQueue(queueDetail);
public class MessageController : Controller
private readonly ConnectionDetail connectionDetail;
private readonly QueueDetail queueDetail;
private readonly IChannelFactory channelFactory;
public MessageController(IOptions<ConnectionDetail> connectionDetail, IOptions<QueueDetail> queueDetail, IChannelFactory channelFactory)
this.connectionDetail = connectionDetail.Value;
this.queueDetail = queueDetail.Value;
this.channelFactory = channelFactory;
public IActionResult Get()
var channel = channelFactory.CreateConnectionAndChannel(queueDetail);
var message = channel.Receive();
var hbaseKey = new HbaseKey { Key = new Guid(message) };
return Ok(hbaseKey);
return StatusCode(500, "Exception occured while processing. Try again.");
After that you can mock your controller in test (using Moq for example):
public class TestMessageController
public void TestGet()
var channelMock = new Mock<IChannel>(MockBehavior.Strict);
.Setup(c => c.Receive())
var channelFactoryMock = new Mock<IChannelFactory>(MockBehavior.Strict);
.Setup(cf => cf.CreateConnectionAndChannel(It.IsAny<IOptions<QueueDetail>>()))
var controller = new MessageController(null, null, channelFactoryMock.Object);


How to mock ODataQueryOptions [Assembly Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData, Version=]?

I am writing unit test for a controller with ODataQueryOptions and unable to mock it.
public IQueryable<WeatherForecast> Get(ODataQueryOptions<WeatherForecast> options)
logger.LogInformation($"Call to end point [{options.Request.Method}]: Host :'{options.Request.Host}' Endpoint : '{options.Request.Path}'");
logger.LogInformation($"Query string: '{options.Request.QueryString}'");
return weatherForecastService.Get().Entity;
Trying something like
public class WeatherServiceTests
private readonly Mock<IWeatherService> weatherServiceMock;
private readonly Mock<ILogger<WeatherController>> loggerMock;
private readonly Mock<ODataQueryOptions<Weather>> optionsMock;
private readonly WeatherController weatherController;
public WeatherServiceTests()
weatherServiceMock = new Mock<IWeatherService>();
loggerMock = new Mock<ILogger<WeatherController>>();
optionsMock = new Mock<ODataQueryOptions<Weather>>();
weatherController = new WeatherController(loggerMock.Object, weatherServiceMock.Object);
private ApiResponse<IQueryable<Weather>> GetWeatherMockup()
var weather = new List<Weather>
new Weather {Content = "Content", Header = "Header", Source = "Source"}
return new ApiResponse<IQueryable<Weather>>(weather);
public void WeatherData_Get()
weatherServiceMock.Setup(x => x.Get()).Returns(GetWeatherMockup());
var response = weatherController.Get(optionsMock.Object).ToList();
Assert.True(response.Count == 1);
How can I mock ODataQueryOptions? I have referred to few answered question regarding the same but they are or little use.

Cannot create Moq test with Interface while making the function virtual works

I'm trying to test this class:
public class Tasks : ITaskEnumerableProvider
protected string ConnectionString;
DAL_EFCore.AdventureWorks2017Context CurrentContext;
public Tasks(DAL_EFCore.AdventureWorks2017Context currentContext)
CurrentContext = currentContext;
public Tasks(string connectionString)
ConnectionString = connectionString;
public DAL_EFCore.AdventureWorks2017Context GetContext()
if (CurrentContext != null)
return CurrentContext;
var serviceCollection = new ServiceCollection()
options => options.UseSqlServer(ConnectionString)
var serviceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
CurrentContext = serviceProvider.GetService<DAL_EFCore.AdventureWorks2017Context>();
return CurrentContext;
public IEnumerable<SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrders> SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrders()
return GetContext().Employee
.GroupBy(e => e.Gender)
.Select(n => new SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrders
Gender = n.Key,
Count = n.Count()
And this one:
public class DataReports : IDataReports
protected ITaskEnumerableProvider TaskProvider;
protected string ConnectionString;
protected string DalModeSelected;
public DataReports() {}
public DataReports(DBConfig config)
ConnectionString = config.ConnectionString;
DalModeSelected = config.DAL;
public ITaskEnumerableProvider GetTaskProvider()
switch (DalModeSelected)
case "ADO":
return new ADOTaskProvider.Tasks(ConnectionString);
case "EFCore":
return new EFCoreTaskProvider.Tasks(ConnectionString);
throw new FormatException("The format of the variable which represend the selected DAL was not correct");
public IEnumerable<SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrders> SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrders()
return GetTaskProvider().SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrders().ToList();
I'm testing with this code:
public void SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrdersTest()
// Setup Mock Data and context
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DAL_EFCore.AdventureWorks2017Context>()
.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrdersTest")
using (var context = new DAL_EFCore.AdventureWorks2017Context(options))
using (var context = new DAL_EFCore.AdventureWorks2017Context(options))
// Mock EFCoreTaskProvider.Tasks
var mockEFCoreTaskProvider = new Mock<EFCoreTaskProvider.Tasks>(ConnectionString);
mockEFCoreTaskProvider.CallBase = true;
mockEFCoreTaskProvider.Setup(x => x.GetContext()).Returns(context);
// Mock CoreReportService.DataReports
var config = new DBConfig { DAL = "EFCore", ConnectionString = ConnectionString };
var mockDataReports = new Mock<DataReports>(config).As<IDataReports>();
mockDataReports.CallBase = true;
mockDataReports.Setup(x => x.GetTaskProvider()).Returns(mockEFCoreTaskProvider.Object);
var test = mockDataReports.Object.SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrders().ToList();
Assert.IsTrue(test.Count == 1);
I'm using an inmemorydatabase to test the data but the test.Count of the TestCase has the count that corresponds from the real database.
If I make GetContext() and GetTaskProvider() virtual I'm getting the correct Count from the virtual database but I don't want them to be virtual, I also prefer if they were not public, what am I doing wrong?
This is a matter of design.
what am i doing wrong?
DataReports is tightly coupled to implementation concerns and is also violating Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) and Separation of Concerns (SoC).
By having DataReports create the providers, it is tightly coupled to them, and prevents you from being able to replace them when testing.
Abstract the provider creation out into its own concern
For example
public interface ITaskProviderFactory {
ITaskEnumerableProvider GetTaskProvider();
public class DefaultTaskProviderFactory : ITaskProviderFactory{
private readonly DBConfig config;
public DefaultTaskProviderFactory(DBConfig config) {
this.config = config;
public ITaskEnumerableProvider GetTaskProvider() {
switch (config.DAL) {
case "ADO":
return new ADOTaskProvider.Tasks(config.ConnectionString);
case "EFCore":
return new EFCoreTaskProvider.Tasks(config.ConnectionString);
throw new FormatException("The format of the variable which represent the selected DAL was not correct");
And refactor the DataReports accordingly
public class DataReports : IDataReports {
private readonly ITaskProviderFactory factory;
public DataReports(ITaskProviderFactory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
private ITaskEnumerableProvider getTaskProvider() {
return factory.GetTaskProvider();
public IEnumerable<SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrders> SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrders() {
return getTaskProvider().SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrders().ToList();
At run-time in production, the appropriate implementation can be explicitly injected.
For an integration test of DataReports the actual implementations can be swapped out as needed in order to verify the expected behavior.
For example
public void SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrdersTest() {
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DAL_EFCore.AdventureWorks2017Context>()
.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrdersTest")
using (var context = new DAL_EFCore.AdventureWorks2017Context(options)) {
using (var context = new DAL_EFCore.AdventureWorks2017Context(options)) {
//actual EFCoreTaskProvider.Tasks targeting in-memory database
var taskProvider = new EFCoreTaskProvider.Tasks(context);
//mock factory configured to return the desired provider
var mockFactory = Mock.Of<ITaskProviderFactory>(_ =>
_.GetTaskProvider() == taskProvider //return the actual provider for testing
// actual CoreReportService.DataReports (Subject under test)
var dataReports = DataReports(mockFactory);
var result = dataReports.SalesOrderMinMaxTotalDuePerTerritoryForMarketingOrders().ToList();
Assert.IsTrue(result.Count == 1);
The original design of your classes is not very flexible so it makes it difficult to isolate parts for testing.

Mock Async method on Service using Moq

I am working in a .Net Core API. I wish to unit test the GetArtists method on the ArtistsController.
Here is my controller code:
public class ArtistsController : Controller
private readonly IPermissionsService _permissionsService;
private readonly IArtistsService _artistsService;
private readonly ILogger<ArtistsController> _logger;
public ArtistsController(IPermissionsService permissionsService, IArtistsService artistsService, ILogger<ArtistsController> logger)
_permissionsService = permissionsService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(permissionsService));
_artistsService = artistsService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(artistsService));
_logger = logger ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(logger));
public async Task<IActionResult> GetArtists()
var permissions = await _permissionsService.GetPermissionsAsync(HttpContext);
var artists = _artistsService.GetAllArtists(permissions.UserId, permissions.IsAdministrator);
return Ok( new { artists });
And here is the test method I am writing:
public class ArtistsControllerTests
private readonly Mock<IPermissionsService> _mockPermissionsService = new Mock<IPermissionsService>();
private readonly Mock<IArtistsService> _mockArtistsService = new Mock<IArtistsService>();
private readonly Mock<ILogger<ArtistsController>> _mockLogger = new Mock<ILogger<ArtistsController>>();
public void Setup()
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new Permissions { UserId = "112233", IsAdministrator = false }));
_mockArtistsService.Setup(service => service.GetAllArtists(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new ArtistCardDtoCollection());
public async Task GetArtists_ReturnsOKStatusCode()
// arrange
var artistsController = new ArtistsController(_mockPermissionsService.Object, _mockArtistsService.Object, _mockLogger.Object);
// act
var getArtistsResult = await artistsController.GetArtists();
var okResult = getArtistsResult as OkObjectResult;
// assert
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(okResult, typeof(OkObjectResult));
Here is the IPermissionsService and the Permissions class.
public interface IPermissionsService
Task<Permissions> GetPermissionsAsync(HttpContext httpContext);
public class Permissions
public string UserId { get; set; }
public bool IsAdministrator { get; set; }
When I run that, I get the following error:
Project.ArtistsControllerTests.GetArtists_ReturnsOKStatusCode threw exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
When debugging, I found out that var permissions = await _permissionsService.GetPermissionsAsync(HttpContext); returns null.
I must have an issue with the way I am mocking that:
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
Why wouldn't the above work?
ArtistsControllerTests.Setup() is not being invoked so the mocks are not being setup before the test is exercised.
Therefore when the test is exercised they will return null.
Your setup code is correct, it just is not getting called.
either change that Setup method to a constructor
public ArtistsControllerTests() {
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new Permissions { UserId = "112233", IsAdministrator = false }));
_mockArtistsService.Setup(service => service.GetAllArtists(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new ArtistCardDtoCollection());
or adorn the method with [TestInitilize] attribute
public void Setup() {
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new Permissions { UserId = "112233", IsAdministrator = false }));
_mockArtistsService.Setup(service => service.GetAllArtists(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new ArtistCardDtoCollection());
or just move the arrange into the test itself
public async Task GetArtists_ReturnsOKStatusCode() {
// arrange
.Setup(service => service.GetPermissionsAsync(It.IsAny<HttpContext>()))
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new Permissions { UserId = "112233", IsAdministrator = false }));
_mockArtistsService.Setup(service => service.GetAllArtists(It.IsAny<string>(), false)).Returns(new ArtistCardDtoCollection());
var artistsController = new ArtistsController(_mockPermissionsService.Object, _mockArtistsService.Object, _mockLogger.Object);
// act
var getArtistsResult = await artistsController.GetArtists();
var okResult = getArtistsResult as OkObjectResult;
// assert
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(okResult, typeof(OkObjectResult));

Unit Test MVC 5 Controller Create Action with Unit of Work and Repository

I am trying to test a controller action that accepts a view model and creates a new entry. Here is the controller action:
public ActionResult Create(ContactViewModel viewModel)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View("Create", viewModel);
_unitOfWork.Contacts.Add(Mapper.Map(viewModel, new Contact()));
return RedirectToAction("Index");
And the unit test:
public class ContactControllerTests
private ContactsController _controller;
private Mock<IContactRepository> _mockRepository;
private string _userId;
private Mock<IUnitOfWork> _mockUoW;
public static void Init(TestContext context)
Mapper.Initialize(c => c.AddProfile<MappingProfile>());
public void TestInitialize()
_userId = "1";
_mockRepository = new Mock<IContactRepository>();
_mockUoW = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();
_mockUoW.SetupGet(u => u.Contacts).Returns(_mockRepository.Object);
_controller = new ContactsController(_mockUoW.Object);
_controller.MockCurrentUser(_userId, "");
public void CreatePost_ValidValuesSubmitted_ShouldCallComplete()
var viewModel = new ContactViewModel()
FirstName = "a",
LastName = "b"
The unit test always returns the count 0 while I expect it to be 1. I am pretty new to TDD and I implemented unit of work and repository pattern as shown in Mosh Hamedani's course at:
You have not mocked any behavior for the repository in the above example.
Based on provided example, let's assume a simple interface like this.
public interface IContactRepository {
void Add(Contact contact);
IEnumerable<Contact> GetContacts(string _userId);
You need to have some form of storage for your data.
public void TestInitialize() {
_userId = "1";
var data = new List<Contact>();//To store test data.
//Configure repository
_mockRepository = new Mock<IContactRepository>();
_mockRepository.Setup(m => m.Add(It.IsAny<Contact>())).Callback<Contact>(data.Add);
_mockRepository.Setup(m => m.GetContacts(_userId)).Returns(data);
//Configure UoW
_mockUoW = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();
_mockUoW.SetupGet(u => u.Contacts).Returns(_mockRepository.Object);
_controller = new ContactsController(_mockUoW.Object);
_controller.MockCurrentUser(_userId, "");
or forego the mock and create a fake.
public class FakeContactRepository : IContactRepository {
private ICollection<Contact> data;
public FakeContactRepository(ICollection<Contact> data) { = data;
public void Add(Contact contact) {
public IEnumerable<Contact> GetContacts(string _userId) {
return data;
and set it up for the test.
public void TestInitialize() {
_userId = "1";
var data = new List<Contact>();//To store test data.
//Configure repository
var fakeRepository = new FakeContactRepository(data);
//Configure UoW
_mockUoW = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();
_mockUoW.SetupGet(u => u.Contacts).Returns(fakeRepository );
_controller = new ContactsController(_mockUoW.Object);
_controller.MockCurrentUser(_userId, "");

Can't get Moq Setup to not return null

I'm trying to Setup a Mock call to a the IModelFactory interface that I have.
here is the IModelFactory interface
public interface IModelFactory
MaterialAcceptedModel Create(MaterialAccepted model);
MaterialAccepted Parse(MaterialAcceptedModel model);
This is the ModelFactory class which implements the IModelFactor interface (I've only add here the method I'm trying to test, no need to add the implementation of the Create Method)
public class ModelFactory : IModelFactory
private UrlHelper _urlHelper;
private IRTWRepository _repo;
//private IKeysGeneratorService _keysGen;
private IGeocodeService _geocoder;
public ModelFactory(HttpRequestMessage request, IRTWRepository repo,IGeocodeService geocoder)
_urlHelper = new UrlHelper(request);
_repo = repo;
_geocoder = geocoder;
#region Parses
public MaterialAccepted Parse(MaterialAcceptedModel model)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.category))
var category = _repo.CategoryRepository.Get(model.category);
if (category == null) return null;
var entry = new MaterialAccepted()
business =,
businessService = model.businessService,
residential = model.residential,
residentialService = model.residentialService,
note = model.note,
Category = category
return entry;
return null;
return null;
I'm using a BaseAPiController that contains the repo and configuration Interfaces
public class BaseApiController : ApiController
IRTWRepository _repository;
IModelFactory _modelFactory;
IConfiguration _configuration;
IGeocodeService _geocoder;
public BaseApiController(IRTWRepository repository,IConfiguration configuration)
_repository = repository;
_configuration = configuration;
protected IRTWRepository TheRepository
return _repository;
protected IConfiguration TheConfiguration
return _configuration;
protected IModelFactory TheModelFactory
_geocoder = new GeocodeService(_configuration.GetValue("geocodeGoogleApiKey"));
if (_modelFactory == null)
_modelFactory = new ModelFactory(this.Request, _repository,_geocoder);
return _modelFactory;
Here is the action method in the controller I'm trying to test
public IHttpActionResult Post(int rcid, [FromBody]MaterialAcceptedModel model)
if (model != null)
var recycleCenter = TheRepository.RecycleCenterRepository.Get(rcid);
if (recycleCenter == null)
return NotFound();
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
var entity = TheModelFactory.Parse(model);
if (entity == null) return BadRequest("Could not read material accepted in body");
if (TheRepository.MaterialAcceptedRepository.Get(recycleCenter.RecycleCenterId, != null)
return Conflict();
if (TheRepository.SaveAll())
string locationHeader = Url.Link("Materials", new { rcid = rcid, name = model.category.ToLower() });
return Created<MaterialAcceptedModel>(locationHeader, TheModelFactory.Create(entity));
return BadRequest("Could not save to the database");
return BadRequest();
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest(ex.Message);
This is the line that returns null even though I mocked it up on my test method
var entity = TheModelFactory.Parse(model);
and this one is my TestClass
namespace API.Tests.Web
public class MaterialsControllerTest
private Mock<IRTWRepository> repository;
private Mock<IModelFactory> factory;
private Mock<IConfiguration> configuration;
private Mock<IRTWAPIIdentityService> identityService;
private MaterialsController controller;
RecycleCenter recycleCenter;
private MaterialAccepted CreateMaterial()
return new MaterialAccepted()
business = true,
businessService = EnumRecycleCenterService.Dropoff,
residential = false,
residentialService = EnumRecycleCenterService.Pickup,
note = "this a note",
Category = new Category()
name = "Books"
public void Initialize()
repository = new Mock<IRTWRepository>();
factory = new Mock<IModelFactory>();
configuration = new Mock<IConfiguration>();
identityService = new Mock<IRTWAPIIdentityService>();
controller = new MaterialsController(repository.Object,configuration.Object);
controller.Request = new HttpRequestMessage();
recycleCenter = new RecycleCenter(){RecycleCenterId = 1};
public void Post_ShouldReturnConflictIfTheRecycleCenterAlreadyTakesMaterial()
repository.Setup(r => r.RecycleCenterRepository.Get(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(() => recycleCenter);
factory.Setup(f => f.Parse(new MaterialAcceptedModel())).Returns(() => new MaterialAccepted());
configuration.Setup(c => c.GetValue(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(() => "APIKEY");
repository.Setup(r => r.MaterialAcceptedRepository.Get(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(() => null);
var actionResult = controller.Post(It.IsAny<int>(),new MaterialAcceptedModel());
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actionResult, typeof(ConflictResult));
This is the line that's not working because it always return null instead of a new instance of MaterialAccepted
factory.Setup(f => f.Parse(new MaterialAcceptedModel())).Returns(() => new MaterialAccepted());
I tried f.Parse(It.IsAny()) but still doesn't work.
To clarify
the above line of code is returning null because is not mocking the f.Parse() call, instead is executing it and returning null because the if condition I have on that method
Anyone could explain why the Setup is not working?
Setting up your Mock using It.IsAny will work:
factory.Setup(f => f.Parse(It.IsAny<MaterialAcceptedModel>()))
.Returns(() => new MaterialAccepted());
However, as has been said by #Macilquham, I can't see where your are passing the Mock to your controller in the supplied code so that it is used by the production code.
If you don't call the method on your Mock object, which you don't, you're currently calling the method on the instance of the real object created by your base class, then it doesn't matter how you set up your mock it's not going to work. If you are able to change your base class, then doing something like this would allow you to work around your problem:
// Add defaulted parameter to base class to allow modelFactory creation
// to be overridden/injected (this will prevent the current default behaviour
// when fetching the factory, if a non-null is passed in)
public BaseApiController(IRTWRepository repository,IConfiguration configuration,
IModelFactory modelFactory = null)
_modelFactory = modelFactory;
Modify your sut constructor to allow you to supply a modelFactory (again, default it to null), then amend your test as appropriate:
controller = new MaterialsController(repository.Object,configuration.Object,
You don't seem to be injecting in the IModelFactory into the controller. You need to make sure that your production code is using the Mock you are setting up in the test.
Mock cannot return null directly.
The trick is just to create a null object.
Assuming the object returned is of type class Material:
Material nullMaterial = null;
repository.Setup(r => r.MaterialAcceptedRepository
.Get(It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<string>()))
This should solve your problem
