Detect rectangle in picture with various perspective and lighting - c#

I´ve got a problem. I am taking pictures of a common solar module with a camera flash. I need to detect the frame of the module to cut out the module and undistort it (I only need all of the cell area (dark area inside the frame)).
sample image - direct flash --> problems with big reflection ( I think i can reduce it with a good diffusor)
sample image - flash from angle
Anybody have some recommendation for a robust method to detect the frame? I need something to work with various image angles and lighting.
processed sample image 2
The last picture is processed. I blured the image, grayscaled, inverted. After that I thresholded the image and tried to detect contours (Got some Problems with the shadow on the bottom of the image)
Thanks for your time.

as mentioned in :
Rectangle recognition with perspective projection
Hough transform should work well for rectangle detection IFF you can assume that the sides of the rectangle are the most prominent lines in your image. Then you can simply detect the 4 biggest peaks in hough space and you got your rectangle.
This works for example with a photo of a white sheet of paper in front of a dark background.
Ideally you would preprocess the image with blur, threshold, morphological operators to remove any small-scale structures before hough transform.
If there are multiple smaller rectangles or other sorts of prominent lines in your images, contour detection might be the better choice.
Some general advantages for the hough transform off the top of my head:
Hough transform can still work if part of the rectangle is obstructed or out of the frame.
Hough transform should be faster than contour detection, I guess?
Hough transform will ignore anything that is not a straight line, so you may have greater success with cluttered images. (if the rectangle sides are the most prominent lines)


Getting "giggly" effect when slowly moving a sprite

How do I remove this "giggly" effect when slowly moving a sprite?
I have tried adjusting Antialiasing values in QualitySettings and Filter Mode in ImportSettings in the Unity Editor but that doesn't change anything.
Ideally, I would like to keep the Filter Mode to Point (no filter) and anti aliasing turned on to 2x
The sprite is located inside a Sprite Renderer component of a GameObject.
I have uploaded my Unity Project here:
I really don't know how to fix the problem... Can anyone help with my personal project?
I cooked up a quick animation to demonstrate what's happening here:
The grid represents the output pixels of your display. I've overlaid on top of it the sliding sprite we want to sample, if we could render it with unlimited sub-pixel resolution.
The dots in the center of each grid cell represent their sampling point. Because we're using Nearest-Nieghbour/Point filtering, that's the only point in the texture they pay attention to. When the edge of a new colour crosses that sampling point, the whole pixel changes colour at once.
The trouble arises when the source texel grid doesn't line up with our output pixels. In the example above, the sprite is 16x16 texels, but I've scaled it to occupy 17x17 pixels on the display. That means, somewhere in every frame, some texels must get repeated. Where this happens changes as we move the sprite around.
Because each texel is rendered slightly larger than a pixel, there's a moment where it completely bridges the sampling points of two adjacent pixels. Both sampling points land within the same enlarged texel, so both pixels see that texel as the nearest one to sample from, and the texel gets output to the screen in two places.
In this case, since there's only a 1/16th scale difference, each texel is only in this weird situation for a frame or two, then it shifts to its neighbour, creating a ripple of doubled pixels that appears to slide across the image.
(One could view this as a type of moiré pattern resulting from the interaction of the texel grid and the sampling grid when they're dissimilar)
The fix is to ensure that you scale your pixel art so each texel is displayed at the size of an integer multiple of pixels.
Either 1:1
Or 2:1, 3:1...
Using a higher multiple lets the sprite move in increments shorter than its own texel size, without localized stretching that impacts the intended appearance of the art.
So: pay close attention to the resolution of your output and the scaling applied to your assets, to ensure you keep an integer multiple relationship between them. The blog post that CAD97 links has practical steps you can take to achieve this.
Edit: To demonstrate this in the Unity project you've uploaded, I modified the camera settings to match your pixels to units setting, and laid out the following test. The Mario at the top has a slightly non-integer texel-to-pixel ratio (1.01:1), while the Mario at the bottom has 1:1. You can see only the top Mario exhibits rippling artifacts:
You might be interested in this blog post about making "pixel-perfect" 2D games in Unity.
Some relevant excerpts:
If you start your pixel game with all the default settings in Unity, it will look terrible!
The secret to making your pixelated game look nice is to ensure that your sprite is rendered on a nice pixel boundary. In other words, ensure that each pixel of your sprite is rendered on one screen pixel.
These other settings are essential to make things as crisp as possible.
On the sprite:
Ensure your sprites are using lossless compression e.g. True Color
Turn off mipmapping
Use Point sampling
In Render Quality Settings:
Turn off anisotropic filtering
Turn off anti aliasing
Turn on pixel snapping in the sprite shader by creating a custom material that uses the Sprite/Default shader and attaching it to the SpriteRenderer.
Also, I'd just like to point out that Unless you are applying Physics, Never Use FixedUpdate. Also, if your sprite has a Collider and is moving, it should have a Kinematic RigidBody attached even if you're never going to use physics, to tell the engine that the Collider is going to move.
Same problem here. I noticed that the camera settings and scale are also rather important to fix the rippling problem.
Here is What Worked for me:
Go to Project Settings > Quality
Under Quality Make the default Quality as High for all.
Set the Anistropic Texture to "Disabled"
Done, And the issue is resolved for me.
Image Reference:
enter image description here

WinForms Draw parts of image at a rotated rectangle frame

I'm working on image transitions for my digital photo frame and am trying to achieve this transition:
It's more of a radar-style transition with the wiping effect going from one side to another in a 180 degree angle. Although, it doesn't appear that "blocky", I just spaced out the rectangles for illustration purposes. The entire thing should be a smooth transitions without any FPS stuttering effects.
My logic is to draw the specific part of the image at (theta) rotation angle like my drawing above - but that will end up drawing 100's of rectangles that sweeps across the screen.
Is there a more efficient way to do this? If not, could I have a few code tips to point me in the right direction?
It is practically impossible to have without any FPS shuttering especially in bigger screens because WinForms uses CPU only rendering. You will have to embed OpenTK (if you want to use OpenGL) or Direct3D frame inside, or maybe WPF where you do the animation.
If you use any of them (for example OpenGL), you have to load it as a texture, and the animation would be done on the triangle level (dragging the corners only) not on the image itself.
If you want to have a curved surface, like a real page transition, I recommend to use a bezier patch as is found here:
This coding takes a lot of time, and is much more over the purpose of StackOverflow (to setup a full OpenGL/DirectX control + how to do a Bezier patch if you want to set it up).
If you don't want to embed anything, you may look to this transformations tutorial using WPF, but I'm not 100% sure that this is what you need:

Intersecting ellipses recognition in image C#

For a research project, I have to find the ellipses in a fossil image.
For each fossil image, I also have a CSV file containing the contour of the fossil, in cartesian coordinates.
I need help in determining the starting and ending points of each ellipses that are present in the fossil, so that I can apply a ellipse-fitting algorithm on them.
I started to look at the possibility of studying the variations in the different slopes of the contour.
It somehow worked, until the point where I tried on fossils that have very low curve variations. As you can see on the image below (click the link), the pink points are where the variation of the slopes of the contours are the highest. However, it doesn't work for the bottom ellipse.
So I need a new approach on that. Do you have any hints or ideas where I can look at ?

Cut holes in a Texture2D

I want to know how to remove part of a Texture from a Texture2D.
I have a simple game in which I want to blow up a planet piece by piece, when a bullet hits it "digs" into the planet.
The physics are already working but I am stuck on how to cut the texture properly.
I need to create a function that takes a Texture2D a position and a radius as input and returns the new Texture2D.
Here is an example of the Texture2D before and after what I want to accomplish.
Also note that i drew a thin brown border around the crater hole. If this is possible it would be a great bonus.
After doing alot of googling on the subject it seems the best and fastest way to achieve the effect i want is to use pixel shaders.
More specifically a shader method called 'Alpha mapping'. Alpha mapping is done by using the original texture and another greyscale texture that defines what parts are visible or not.
The idea of the shader is to go through each pixel in the original texture and check how black each pixel in the greyscale image is at the same coordinate. The blacker the pixel in the greyscale picture is the higher the alpha value (more visible) the pixel in the original texture becomes. Since all this is done on the GPU it is lightning fast and leaves the CPU ready to do the actual logic for the game.
For my example I will create a black image to use as my greyscale image and then draw white circles on this corresponding to the parts i want to remove.
I've found a MSDN examples with working source code for XNA 4 that does this (the cat example):
I got this to work quite nicely. Created a small tutorial with source code here:
A good way of doing this is to render a "hole texture" using alphablend on top of your planet texture. Think of it like drawing an invisibility circle over your original texture.
Take a look at this thread for a few nice links worms-style-destructible-terrain.
To achieve your brown edges I'd guess you'd need to take a similar approach. First render the hole to your terrain with say radius 10px. Then you render another circle from the same origin point but with a slightly larger radius, say 12px. You'd then need to set this circle to a blendmode that results in a brown color.
look at my class here:
1.Simply create an object of Sprite class for your planet
Sprite PlanetSprite = new Sprite(PlanetTexture2D , new Vector2(//yourPlanet.X, //yourPlanet.Y));
2.when the bullet hits the planet, make a circle texure2d by the center of collision point using "GetCollisionPoint(Sprite b)" method
-you can have a Circle.png with transparent corners
-or you can create a Circle using math(which is better if you want to have bullet power)
3.then create an Sprite object of your circle use the "GetCollisionArea(Sprite b)" to get the overlapped area use the "ChangeBatchPixelColor(List pixels, Color color)" where pixels is the overlapped area and color is Color.FromNonPremultiplied(0, 0, 0, 0)
-note you don't need to draw your circle at all, after using it you can destroy it, or leave it for further use

how to correct scan mistakes, like rotation?

I'm trying to scan some pictures together (personal 3x4 cm images) and then split them into separated images. the first step about scanning is done but about second step (edge detection and splitting) I've some problems.
1- Normally when they scan pictures, some pictures rotate some degrees and its preventing me to have straight edges.
2- How do I remove big noises? (Imagine when they scan those pictures, they put a paper behind them. sometimes the paper makes some edges in the scanned picture... how can I understand that its not the edge I'm looking for?)
Here is a sample image:
The sample images within the scan are all rectangular, and they are all roughly the same size. There are a variety of techniques for finding rectangles in an image (even at completely arbitrary rotation), but I'll start with the more fundamental techniques.
Hough line fit can be used to find lines in an image, even when the background is noisy. From the Hough line fits you can find intersection points and perhaps compare those intersection points to points found with corner detections (see 3 below).
Edge points on lines have gradients perpendicular to those lines. When searching for edge points, you can favor edge points that are roughly a distance L or a distance W from other edge points with gradients in the parallel direction, where L and W are the known length and width of your images.
Corner detectors can help identify corners of your small rectangular images. You know the length and width of the pictures, which should help you accept/reject corners.
If you want to get fancy (which I don't recommend), then a simple normalized cross-correlation technique could detect all instances of a "template" subimage within a larger image. The technique is a bit crude, but it works okay if there isn't much rotation. Since the subimages have well-defined borders of known shape and (presumably) consistent size, it'd be easier just to find the edges rather than try to match the image content.
Once you've identified the location and orientation of each rectangular subimage, then a simple rotational transform + interpolation could generate a "right side up" version of each image. With scanners you won't have problems with perspective distortion, but if at some point in the future you would take pictures of pictures (?) at an angle, then an affine transform can map the distorted, trapezoidal images to rectangular images.
Hough transform
Corner detection
For simple edge detection that should work sufficiently well for your application, see the section "Other first-order methods" in the Edge Detection article on Wikipedia. The technique is easy to understand and simple to implement.
Good luck, and once again Happy New Year!
