Dependency Injection best practice when new object graph is needed - c#

I'm new to dependency injection and still trying to wrap my head around it. As I understand, best practice according to the book Dependency Injection in .NET states that the object graph is created once at app startup in the Composition Root and the container is not accessed again in the application.
What happens when the user hits the new/open button?
Normally I would create new instances of the object graph portion needed (Forest) but if I'm not supposed to access the container, do I call a clear method that propagates the object graph? Do I somehow use lifetime management and make sure there are no current references to the portion of the object graph needed to be new?
Example using MVVM/WPF
public class Bootstrapper {
public void Initialize() {
Container.Register<IMainViewModel, MainViewModel>();
Container.Register<IForest, Forest>();
Container.Register<ITrees, Trees>();
Container.Register<ITree, Tree>();
public class MainViewModel : IMainViewModel {
private IForest _forest;
public MainViewModel(IForest forest) { _forest = forest; }
public void New() { Forest.Clear(); }
public void AddTrees(){ _trees.Add(new Tree()); }
public class ViewModel : IViewModel {
private ITrees _trees;
private ITree _selectedTree;
public ViewModel(ITrees trees){ _trees = trees; }
public void AddTrees() { _trees.Add(new Tree()); }
public class Forest : IForest {
private ITrees _trees;
public Forest(ITrees trees){ _trees = trees; }
public void AddTree(ITree tree){ _trees.Add(tree); }
public void Clear(){ _trees.Clear(); }
public class Trees : ITrees {
public List<ITree> trees = new List<ITree>();
public void Add(ITree tree){ trees.Add(tree); }
public void Clear(){ trees.Clear(); }

according to the book Dependency Injection in .NET states that the object graph is created once at app startup in the Composition Root and the container is accessed again in the application.
Nowhere does the book state that an application's object graph should be created just once, and it certainly does not state that the container should be accessed from the application.
The 1st edition of the book however states the following (not exact quotes):
Objects graphs should be composed as close as possible to the application's entry point (section 3.3.1, page 75)
Object graphs are configured once (at application startup), but created (resolved) many time throughout the application's lifetime (section 3.3.2, page 84)
Asking a DI Container for granular services from anywhere else but the Composition Root implies the Service Locator anti-pattern. (section 5.4, page 155)
To summarize:
Object graphs are always composed inside the Composition Root
They are configured/registered just once, during application startup
Any time a new object graph is required, it can be composed. This means that object graphs can be composed many times during the application's lifetime
The code that requests a new object graph should always be part of the Composition Root to prevent the Service Locator anti-pattern.
but if I'm not supposed to access the container, do I call a clear method that propagates the object graph?
The answer to this seeming paradox is: Abstraction!
To be able to construct an object graph lazily from within an already-constructed component, you can define a specific Abstraction (an Abstract Factory to be more precise) that allows the creation of that specific service. This Factory abstraction can be defined on application level, and implemented inside the Composition Root.
For instance:
// Defined in application
public interface IForestFactory
IForest Create();
// Defined inside the Composition Root
public class ForestFactory : IForestFactory
private readonly Container container;
public ForestFactory(Container container) {
this.container = container;
public IForest Create() {
return this.container.GetInstance<IForest>();
// Inside the Bootstrapper
var factory = new ForestFactory(Container);
Container.Register<IForestFactory>(() => factory);
The second edition of the book however describes that these kinds of factories are often a code smell. Instead of using a factory, it is typically better to use a Virtual Proxy.
A Virtual Proxy is a stand-in for an object that should be created lazily. A Virtual Proxy however implements the same Abstraction as the lazily created object. This allows the Virtual Proxy to be injected into a consumer, without the consumer having to know of the existence of the Virtual Proxy.
In your case that means that you create a Virtual Proxy for IForest, for instance:
// Defined inside the Composition Root
public class LazyForestProxy : IForest
private readonly Container container;
public LazyForestProxy(Container container){
this.container = container;
// Implement IForest members
void IForest.Run() {
var forest = GetInstance();
// Forward the call to the 'real' forest
private IForest GetInstance() {
return this.container.GetInstance<IForest>();


How does the ViewModel constructor get the required interfaces?

My question based on InventorySampleApp by Microsoft.
The ServiceLocator contains method Configure() that register Services and ViewModels. With method GetService<T>() we can get it. For example, ProductView.cs:
ViewModel = ServiceLocator.Current.GetService<ProductDetailsViewModel>();
Each *ViewModel contains constructor with interface, for example:
public ProductDetailsViewModel(IProductService productService, IFilePickerService filePickerService, ICommonServices commonServices)
I can't understand the magiс that ViewModel uses to get such interfaces into its constructor. So there are no lines like this:
... = new ProductDetailsViewModel(productService, filePickerService, commonServices)
How does the ViewModel constructor get the required interfaces?
public class ServiceLocator : IDisposable
static private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, ServiceLocator> _serviceLocators = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, ServiceLocator>();
static private ServiceProvider _rootServiceProvider = null;
static public void Configure(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<ISettingsService, SettingsService>();
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IDataServiceFactory, DataServiceFactory>();
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<ILookupTables, LookupTables>();
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<ICustomerService, CustomerService>();
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IOrderService, OrderService>();
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IOrderItemService, OrderItemService>();
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IProductService, ProductService>();
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IMessageService, MessageService>();
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<ILogService, LogService>();
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IDialogService, DialogService>();
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IFilePickerService, FilePickerService>();
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<ILoginService, LoginService>();
serviceCollection.AddScoped<IContextService, ContextService>();
serviceCollection.AddScoped<INavigationService, NavigationService>();
serviceCollection.AddScoped<ICommonServices, CommonServices>();
_rootServiceProvider = serviceCollection.BuildServiceProvider();
static public ServiceLocator Current
int currentViewId = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().Id;
return _serviceLocators.GetOrAdd(currentViewId, key => new ServiceLocator());
static public void DisposeCurrent()
int currentViewId = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().Id;
if (_serviceLocators.TryRemove(currentViewId, out ServiceLocator current))
private IServiceScope _serviceScope = null;
private ServiceLocator()
_serviceScope = _rootServiceProvider.CreateScope();
public T GetService<T>()
return GetService<T>(true);
public T GetService<T>(bool isRequired)
if (isRequired)
return _serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<T>();
return _serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService<T>();
#region Dispose
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (_serviceScope != null)
When using dependency injection, the instantiation of objects is moved to a component called Dependency Injection (DI) Container or Inverse of Control (IoC) Container. This component has some kind of registry that contains all known services that can be instantiated. In your example, the serviceCollection is that registry.
Now, whenever a component A needs an instance from the registry, there are two different options:
Directly ask the container for an instance, e. g. ServiceLocator.Current.GetService<ProductDetailsViewModel>(). This is known as the Service Locator Pattern (I'd recommend to forget this immediately).
Rather than asking the container directly, request the dependency via constructor of A (e. g. public A(ProductDetailsViewModel viewModel)).
The second approach can be pushed more and more upwards until the top of the application hierarchy is reached - the so called composition root.
Anyways, in both ways, the container uses the mechanism of Reflection. It is a way of retrieving metadata of classes, methods, properties, constructors, etc. Whenever the container is asked for a certain type (e. g. ProductDetailsViewModel), he uses reflection to get information about its constructor.
Once the constructor is resolved, its dependencies are known as well (IProductService, IFilePickerService, ICommonServices). Since these dependencies are registered within the container (remember the serviceCollection), instances can be created.
This goes on and on until there are no more dependencies and the container can start instantiating and composing all the objects. Finally, there is an instance of ProductDetailsViewModel.
If there is one dependency within the construction chain that is unknown to the container, the instantiation fails.
So basically, the process of instantiation is moved away from your code into the DI container.
Notice that the GetService method calls into ServiceProvider.GetService. This is a library method that takes care of things for you. Underneath the covers, it uses reflection to examine the constructor of the type you request.
For example, when you request a ProductDetailsViewModel, the ServiceLocator can see that it needs object of the types IProductService, IFilePickerService, ICommonServices.
It then looks into its registry of services. For example, the line
serviceCollection.AddSingleton<IProductService, ProductService>();
registers the concrete type ProductService against the interface IProductService, so whenever the ServiceLocator needs to create an IProductService object, it'll use a ProductService object.
This process is called auto-wiring and is described in more details in chapter 12 of Steven van Deursen's and my book about Dependency Injection.
I can't understand the magiс that ViewModel uses to get such interfaces into its constructor.
Indeed, do yourself the favour and learn Pure DI instead of relying on opaque libraries that you don't feel comfortable with.
I've never seen that example code base before, but from the examples posted here, it looks like it's filled with code smells and anti-patterns.

Service which creates multiple children with dependencies

If I want to have a service which creates multiple objects which have injectable dependencies how do I code that?
public class MyCreator : ICreator
private readonly IAdapter _adapter;
public MyCreator()
_adapter = adapter;
public List<MappedObjects> Map()
List<MappedObjects> mo = new List<MappedObjects>();
foreach (ObjectToMap otm in ObjectToMap)
mo.Add(new MappedObject(otm, InjectedDependency dep));
If I register MyCreator with DI, will it know how to provide InjectedDependency?
EDIT: InjectedDependency is not one instance which should be passed to each MappedObject. I want a new instance of InjectedDependency for each new MappedObject.
Perhaps that means I have to create some kind of Factory object which know's how to create instances of InjectedDependency. I cannot provide more code because I don't know how to articulate what I need in C#.
I'm using teh inbuilt DI with .NET Core 2.2.
You will indeed need a factory:
public class MyCreator : ICreator
private readonly IInjectedDependencyFactory _factory;
public MyCreator(IInjectedDependencyFactory factory)
_factory = factory;
public List<MappedObjects> Map()
return ObjectToMap.Select(otm => new MappedObject(otm, _factory.Create())).ToList();
Obviously, you will have to write the factory class and interface and register them with your DI container.
You could also inject the DI container itself, IServiceProvider to get your new services directly from the container, given that that already is a factory. However, many people might consider this a code smell and the Service Locator pattern (that's what it would be) is not held in high regard nowadays. Other people might consider it wasteful to implement a factory on top of a factory. I guess there is no right way, you will have to live with some people calling it wrong, no matter what you do.
To keep your code testable, you need to inject the implementation of InjectedDependency in your MyCreator constructor.

Is Service Locator an anti pattern in a pluggable architecture?

I know this question might look like it's a duplicate but please let me explain.
So I created several components that use a pluggable architecture, basically I can freely add new implementations and they will be injected and processed automatically for me. This is really handy in several scenarios.
I'm going to talk about the simplest one, validating components.
One of the reasons to use a design like this is that I like to expose my roles explicitly as explained by Udi Dahan
Basically I have code like this:
public interface IValidatorRuner
void Run<TTarget>(TTarget target);
public class ValidatorRunenr : IValidatorRuner
private readonly IServiceLocator _serviceLocator;
public ValidatorRunenr(IServiceLocator serviceLocator)
_serviceLocator = serviceLocator;
public void Run<TTarget>(TTarget target)
// this is the dynamic/pluggable phase
// is this an antipattern???
var foundValdiators = _serviceLocator.GetAllInstances<IValidator<TTarget>>();
foreach (var valdiator in foundValdiators)
This code lets me expose my validation rules explicitly like this:
//this will allow me to create validators in this way
//and they will be automatically injected and resolved for me
//(easy, to read, easy to write, easy to test, pff I could even smoke this validator easily)
public class OneValdiationRuleExplicitlyExposedAndEasyToTest : IValidator<Person>
public bool IsSatisfiedBy(Person target)
return target.Age > 18;
public class Person
public int Age { get; set; }
public interface IValidator<TTarget>
bool IsSatisfiedBy(TTarget target);
And I will use this code like this:
public class SomeCommandHandler
private readonly IValidatorRuner _validatorRuner;
public SomeCommandHandler(IValidatorRuner validatorRuner)
_validatorRuner = validatorRuner;
public void SomeMethod()
_validatorRuner.Run(new Person{Age = 16});
Validation was just one example, I also use it to fire domain events and to run pipelines and filters in the same pluggable way
Is using the service locator in this way an anti-pattern?
I know I might be hiding some dependencies, but the thing is that the dependencies are dynamically injected and discovered when the application initializes (Composition root)
Your thoughts will be greatly appreciated
In my opinion, the primary issue with your code sample is that the service locator is itself injected into the implementation of ValidatorRunner. For me, this is an anti-pattern, but perhaps not the one you're asking about.
Any answer I might give boils down to the capabilities of your service locator implementation. But for sure it should not be passed into the constructor of your class. Instead, the service locator should itself pass these things in when you ask it for an implementation of "IValidatorRuner"
As an example, you can inject a factory that knows how to load the dynamic validator instances for a given type.
If anyone is interested, I found a way to remove the ServiceLocator in my objects and still dynamically load/discover dependencies at run time.
The way I solved it was by registering my components in my DI container in the following way (using the Mediator pattern):
Binding mediator (shortbus) with/to ninject
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
kernel.Bind(x => x.FromThisAssembly()
And my final implementation looks like:
public interface IValidatorRuner<in TTarget>
void Run(TTarget target);
public class ValidatorRunenr<TTarget> : IValidatorRuner<TTarget>
private readonly IEnumerable<IValidator<TTarget>> _validators;
public ValidatorRunenr(IEnumerable<IValidator<TTarget>> validators)
_validators = validators;
public void Run(TTarget target)
foreach (var valdiator in _validators)
public class SomeCommandHandler
private readonly IValidatorRuner<OneValdiationRuleExplicitlyExposedAndEasyToTest> _validatorRuner;
public SomeCommandHandler(IValidatorRuner<OneValdiationRuleExplicitlyExposedAndEasyToTest> validatorRuner)
_validatorRuner = validatorRuner;
public void SomeMethod()
_validatorRuner.Run(new Person{Age = 16});
In few words, by registering an opened generic type, my container resolves any call to that type creating a concrete-closed-generic-type instance at runtime for me.
As you can see in the usage, I do not have to create a specific concrete-closed-generic type of IValidatorRunner<OneValdiationRuleExplicitlyExposedAndEasyToTest> because the container creates one for me.
And there you go, now I'm happy because I removed the service locator from my domain objects =)

How to avoid Service Locator Anti-Pattern?

I'm trying to remove a Service Locator from an abstract base class, but I'm not sure what to replace it with. Here is a psuedo-example of what I've got:
public abstract class MyController : Controller
protected IKernel kernel;
public MyController(IKernel kernel) { this.kernel = kernel); }
protected void DoActions(Type[] types)
MySpecialResolver resolver = new MySpecialResolver(kernel);
foreach(var type in types)
IMyServiceInterface instance = resolver.Get(type);
The problem with this is that the instanciator of a derived class doesn't know what bindings the kernel must have in order to keep MySpecialResolver from throwing an exception.
This might be intrinsicly intractable because I don't know from here which types I'll have to resolve. The derived classes are responsible for creating the types parameter, but they aren't hardcoded anywhere. (The types are based on the presence of attributes deep within the derived class's composition hierarchy.)
I've trying to fix this with lazy loading delegates, but so far I haven't come up with a clean solution.
There are really two issues here, one is that the IoC container is passed to the controller, acting as a service locator. This is easy to remove--you can move the location up or down the call stack using all sorts of techniques.
The second issue is the difficult one, how can you ensure that the controller has the necessary services when the requirements aren't exposed until runtime. It should have been obvious from the start: you can't! You will always be dependent upon either the state of the service locator or contents of a collection. In this particular case no amount of fiddling will ever resolve the problem described in this article with staticly typed dependencies. I think that what I'm going to end up doing is passing a Lazy array into the controller constructor and throwing an exception if a required dependency is missing.
I agree with #chrisichris and #Mark Seemann.
Ditch the kernel from the controller. I'd switch your resolver composition a little bit so that your controller can remove the dependency on the IoC container and allow the resolver to be the only item that worries about the IoC container.
Then I would let the resolver get passed into the constructor of the controller. This will allow your controller to be far more testable.
For example:
public interface IMyServiceResolver
List<IMyServiceInterface> Resolve(Type[] types);
public class NinjectMyServiceResolver : IMyServiceResolver
private IKernal container = null;
public NinjectMyServiceResolver(IKernal container)
this.container = container;
public List<IMyServiceInterface> Resolve(Type[] types)
List<IMyServiceInterface> services = new List<IMyServiceInterface>();
foreach(var type in types)
IMyServiceInterface instance = container.Get(type);
return services;
public abstract class MyController : Controller
private IMyServiceResolver resolver = null;
public MyController(IMyServiceResolver resolver)
this.resolver = resolver;
protected void DoActions(Type[] types)
var services = resolver.Resolve(types);
foreach(var service in services)
Now your controller isn't coupled to a specific IoC container. Also your controller is much more testable since you can mock the resolvers and not require an IoC container at all for your tests.
Alternatively, if you don't get to control when a controller is instantiated, you can modify it slightly:
public abstract class MyController : Controller
private static IMyServiceResolver resolver = null;
public static InitializeResolver(IMyServiceResolver resolver)
MyController.resolver = resolver;
public MyController()
// Now we support a default constructor
// since maybe someone else is instantiating this type
// that we don't control.
protected void DoActions(Type[] types)
var services = resolver.Resolve(types);
foreach(var service in services)
You would then call this at your application start up to initialize the resolver:
MyController.InitializeResolver(new NinjectMyServiceResolver(kernal));
We did this to handle elements created in XAML who require dependencies resolved but we wanted to remove Service Locator like requests.
Please excuse any syntactical errors :)
I'm writing a blog post series on the topic of refactoring an MVVM application with Service Locator calls in the view models you might find interesting. Part 2 is coming soon :)
Maybe you should just do away the Kernel, Types and MySpecialResolver and let the subclasses call DoActions with the IMyServiceInterface instances they need as argument directly. And let the subclasses decide how they get to these instances - they should know best (or in case they don't know which exactly the one who ever decides which instances of IMyServiceInterface are needed)
I would have liked to have a bit more information before posting this answer, but Kelly put me on the spot. :) Telling me to put my code where my mouth is, so to speak.
Like I said in my comment to Kelly, I disagree with moving the resolver/locator from a static implementation to an injected implementation. I agree with ChrisChris that the dependencies the derived type needs should be resolved in that class and not delegated to the base class.
That said, here is how I would remove the service location...
Create Command Interface
First of all I would create a command interface for the specific implementation. In this case the types sent with the DoActions method are generated from attributes, so I would create an IAttributeCommand. I am adding a Matches method to the command in order to declare the command for use by certain types.
public interface IAttributeCommand
bool Matches(Type type);
void Execute();
Add Command Implementations
To implement the interface, I pass in the specific dependencies I need to execute my command (to be resolved by my container). I add a predicate to my Matches method, and define my Execute behavior.
public class MyTypeAttributeCommand : IAttributeCommand
MyDependency dependency;
SomeOtherDependency otherDependency;
public MyTypeAttributeCommand (MyDependency dependency, ISomeOtherDependency otherDependency)
this.dependency = dependency;
this.otherDependency = otherDependency
public bool Matches(Type type)
return type==typeof(MyType)
public void Execute()
// do action using dependency/dependencies
Register Commands with Container
In StructureMap (use your favorite container), I would register the array like so:
Select and Execute Commands Based on Type
Finally, on the base class, I define an IAttributeCommand array in my constructor arguments to be injected by the IOC container. When the derived type passes in the types array, I will execute the correct command based on the predicate.
public abstract class MyController : Controller
protected IAttributeCommand[] commands;
public MyController(IAttributeCommand[] commands) { this.commands = commands); }
protected void DoActions(Type[] types)
foreach(var type in types)
var command = commands.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.Matches(type));
if (command==null) continue;
If you multiple commands can handle one type, you can change the implementation: commands.Where(x=>x.Matches(type)).ToList().ForEach(Execute);
The effect is the same, but there is a subtle difference in how the class is constructed. The class has no coupling to an IOC container and there is no service location. The implementation is more testable as the class can be constructed with its real dependencies, with no need to wire up a container/resolver.

How to deal with scope-natured services like transactions in a DI and IOC environment

Suppose that your code is properly designed for DI and IOC through constructor injection of any dependencies. Then whether an IOC container or DI-by-hand is used or not at the composition root doesn't matter much for this problem. I think.
Anyway, I find myself over and over again in a mental struggle with how I should best deal with scope-based services, like transactions or other obviously transient operations. There are constraints that I want to abide to:
Don't let dependency interfaces be IDisposable - it's a leaky abstraction that only the actual implementing type (and the fiddler sitting at the composition root) should care about.
Don't use static service locator types deep down the graph to resolve a dependency - only inject and resolve through the constructor.
Don't pass the IOC container, if any, as a dependency down the graph.
To be able to use using, we need IDisposable, but since a dependency interface shouldn't be IDisposable, how do you get around it to get scoped behavior?
In cases like this I would inject a service factory that creates those scoped services and let the service interface derive from IDisposable. This way the factory would be responsible to create the appropriate service instances and the only point that decides which service implementation to return. You would not need to inject the scoped service anywhere.
public interface ITransaction : IDisposable
public interface ITransactionFactory
ITransaction CreateTransaction();
public class Foo
private readonly ITransactionFactory transactionFactory;
public Foo(ITransactionFactory transactionFactory)
this.transactionFactory = transactionFactory;
public void DoSomethingWithinTransaction()
using(ITransaction transaction = this.transactionFactory.CreateTransaction())
Most IoC containers today have substantial built-in support for units of work of this nature.
In Autofac, the mechanism that best fits your requirements is the Owned<T> relationship type. You can see it in action (and get some more material) via this article.
Hope this helps,
Roll your own "garbage collector" maybe? Something that periodically checks IsComplete and/or an LastAccessed attribute of a Dictionary<Transaction> and wastes the "old" ones. It's "a walking memory leak" but either you clean-up explicitly (like through IDisposable) or you workout how to clean-up automatically.
There may be an AOP solution to kicking-off the "gc"... a commit/rollback sounds like a good place to cut... and maybe you won't even need a GC at all... just cleanup the transaction on the way back-up the callstack from commit or rollback.
Good luck with it. I'll be interested to see what solutions (and ideas) other people come-up with.
Cheers. Keith.
I guess another alternative you could use is to wrap your instances with a disposable type, that way it could automatically handle the disposal of the type regardless of whether the type is actually disposable. E.g, I could define something like:
public class DisposableWrapper<T> : IDisposable
private readonly T _instance;
private readonly IDisposable _disposable;
public DisposableWrapper(T instance)
_instance = instance;
_disposable = instance as IDisposable;
public void Dispose()
if (_disposable != null)
public static implicit operator T(DisposableWrapper<T> disposableWrapper)
return disposableWrapper._instance;
(Hopefully with a bit more error handling!)
Given that I know at the point of disposal whether the type is disposable, I can call it accordingly. I can also provide an implicit operator to cast back to the inner type from it. With the above, and a nifty extension method:
public static class DisposableExtensions
public static DisposableWrapper<T> Wrap<T>(this T instance)
return new DisposableWrapper<T>(instance);
Let's imagine that I have a service I am injecting into a type, it could be:
public interface IUserService
IUser GetUser();
I could potentially do something like:
public HomeController(IUserService service)
using (var disposable = service.Wrap())
var user = service.GetUser();
// I can even grab it again, implicitly.
IUserService service2 = disposable;
Now regardless of whether that concrete implementation of IUserService is disposable or not, I can still safely work on the assumption that it doesn't matter.
Another quick console example:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var instance = new ClassA().Wrap())
ClassA instanceA = instance;
using (var instance = new ClassB().Wrap())
ClassB instanceB = instance;
public class ClassA
public class ClassB : IDisposable
public void Dispose()
