Azure database randomly stopped working after publishing UWP app - c#

Ive made an app that uses Azure easy tables and connects using the following:
await ctv.combatDrillsTable.Initialization;
await ctv.combatDrillsTable.InitLocalStoreAsync();
await AddItemsAsync();
var addError = new MessageDialog("Connection to your drills could not be established at this time, returning to " +
"main menu");
await addError.ShowAsync();
if (MainPage.MyFrame.CanGoBack)
This was doing a GET request fine the last few weeks but now the connection error throws, I checked my Azure portal and the drills are there, the server overview shows the following:
HTTP Error stats
Im not really sure whats wrong and why Azure has just decided to stop working. I get the same results on bith my local machince is Visual Studio 2017 and the app installed on windows from the store.

Im not really sure whats wrong and why Azure has just decided to stop working.
Firstly, you need to enable logs in Azure, in that case you could access the information logged by Azure and check the logs to find the detail reason. Details for how to do please reference this article.
Since you're using easy table, the azure backend should be node.js. After enabled logs, you could access logs by address like: https://{your app name}
If you still cannot resolve your issues by checking the log details, you could upload the log for further looking.


Can not connect to Sql database in C# asp mvc application with Entity Framework BUT the same code works with Winform application

First of all, please excuse me if it sounds too rooky. I consider myself novice in MVC applications.
I have ran into a strange problem and there does not seem to be any way out of this, at least so far..I have looked everywhere and left no stone unturned to get it worked. Finally I turned to this forum.
This is my first post, so any mistakes please overlook and guide me.
The problem is multifaceted...
The High Level Details...
I have created a C# ASP MVC Web Application waiting to be uploaded on a Remote Server (Client Machine)
The application uses Entity Framework - Code First approach
Connects to the database with Windows Authentication system
Scene1: Where the application worked
I have tested the application on my machine and it worked flawlessly.
I have Express edition of Sql Server Management Studio installed on my system.
Scene2: Where the application failed. The Problem - Big Picture
It works great on my system but while testing it on the Remote Server it crashes
The application fails to connect to the Remote Server Sql Database. As soon as it tries to connect to the database, it crashes with an error message "Login failed for user '<UserName>."
I have checked everything in the connection string - like -
Data source name is correct
Initial Catlog also points at the correct database name
Integrated Security = true
There is no UserID or password mentioned
Connection string worked great on my system. But it does work on the Client Machine and shows the error above.
Connection string is:
connectionString="Data Source=RemoteComputerName;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;Integrated Security=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
I am not able to figure out exactly what is causing the error - Is it my code or Is it the Sql Server database settings - permissions.
Since the connection worked on my local machine, which means the code is correct
In order to check whether sql server permissions are working..I have created partial 'test connection application' in WINFORM and uploaded on the Server, this time the code works and read all the table data.
but when I try to connect in MVC project it shows the error..."Login failed for user...".
I'm totally confused what works in WINFORM fails in MVC.
Database permissions must be right because when tried to access it using WINFORM it worked.
please let me know if I have missed to provide any details in this post.
Any help is highly appreciated!!!
Thank You.
Please show your connection string. (you can block out any real passwords, actual server names, actual db names).
Since you mention "Integrated Security = true"..........then you have to be aware of which Identity is running the process (the website or the winforms.exe)
When running as winforms app, you are running as "you" (most likely). As in, the logged in user to the windows o/s.
When running under IIS, you are running under the Identity associated with the App Pool you are using..which most likely is NOT you, but rather a service account.
Your service-account does not have access to the sql-server.
You can read in depth here:,also%20a%20least%2Dprivileged%20account.
You can show catching an exception, and then something like this:
You can replace ArithmeticException with whatever, I'm just showing "adding info" to a caught exception and rethrowing.
// some sql server access code
catch(Exception ex)
throw new ArithmeticException("What is the real IIdentity: " + this.FindIIdentity(), ex);
private string FindIIdentity()
//'Dim user As WindowsPrincipal = CType(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal, WindowsPrincipal)
//'Dim ident As IIdentity = user.Identity
string returnValue = string.Empty;
WindowsIdentity ident = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
returnValue = ident.Name;
returnValue += " on " + System.Environment.MachineName;
} catch (Exception ex)
return returnValue;
} catch (Exception ex)
return "Error Finding Identity";
IIS screenshots

Unity Play Games can't authenticate

I have a issue with play games services and unity.
I've done everything by the documentation. I'm a tester, testing is allowed and I've changed the sha1 in api console to the one used by the app. I'm using code from the docs and examples so here is a brief:
PlayGamesClientConfiguration conf = new PlayGamesClientConfiguration.Builder().Build();
PlayGamesPlatform.DebugLogEnabled = true;
Social.localUser.Authenticate((bool success) =>
if (success)
Debug.Log("Welcome " + Social.localUser.userName);
Debug.Log("Authentication failed.");
When I build the app in development mode the Play Games popup appears, starts loading and disappears and gives me a Authentication failed message. But when I build the app without the development mode nothing happens and I get the authentication failed message instantly. And yes I'm the correct sha1 key.
Please help me
I did a number of things and finally got it to work. I cannot be sure if they all contributed to solving this issue so here I will list what I did, from greatest to least of my guess of their relevance:
Match the SHA-1 certificates. If you are using an app downloaded from Play Store use the "app signing certificate", else use the upload certificate. These are found in the Play Console under YourApp/Release Management/App Signing. As a note, if you are building from Unity directly to your device, you should make sure that you are building with the same key used to upload to Google Play. More info here
If you are using a custom config and are requesting things such .RequestServerAuthCode(false), you must create an additional Web App. Go to your console project, and under create credentials choose OAuth client ID, and then select Web App.
If using internal testing, make sure to authorize accounts in the Play Console under Game Services/Your App/Testing.
Try disabling Anti-Piracy in the Play Console under Game Services/Your App/Linked Apps/Your App. Only do this if you are testing app outside Google Play. I think if you are logging in using verified test accounts this doesn't matter.
Edit: Publishing Game Services is required even for testing.. at least that seemed to be the case for me to get it working.
Try clearing the cache of your App on your device, I ran into this problem again and this solved it for me.
I finally think I have got it fixed for good.. after nearly a month later. :o Hope this helps.
Google Services can be published/unpublished separately from your app.
Check if they are correctly published doing the following:
Google Play Console
Game services
Select your game
Check if Game Services are published.

Accessing Google Cloud Datastore locally from ASP.NET throws Grpc.Core.RpcException: "Missing or insufficient permissions."

I'm following the Using Cloud Datastore with .NET tutorial. At some point it says that you can run the provided project locally by just pressing F5. When I do that I get the following exception
Grpc.Core.RpcException: 'Status(StatusCode=PermissionDenied, Detail="Missing or insufficient permissions.")'
This exception is thrown exactly at the _db.RunQuery(query) line.
var query = new Query("Book") { Limit = pageSize };
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nextPageToken))
query.StartCursor = ByteString.FromBase64(nextPageToken);
var results = _db.RunQuery(query);`
If I deploy the application to cloud it works as expected, no error. I've given datastore owner permissions to all accounts in Cloud IAM (Identity and Access Management) but it still doesn't work. Does anybody have any ideas?
As Jon Skeet pointed out, I was using the wrong json key locally. Previously I created a compute engine that has a separate service account. After I downloaded a new json key from Console -> IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts it worked locally as well.

Converting Microsoft EWS StreamingNotification Example to a service

I've been working to try and convert Microsoft's EWS Streaming Notification Example to a service
( MS source
I tested it as a console app. I then used a generic service template and got it to the point it would compile, install, and start. It stops after about 10 seconds with the ubiquitous "the service on local computer started and then stopped."
So I went back in and upgraded to C# 2013 express and used NLog to put a bunch of log trace commands to so I could see where it was when it exited.
The last place I can find it is in the example code, SynchronizationChanges function,
public static void SynchronizeChanges(FolderId folderId)
logger.Trace("Entering SynchronizeChanges");
bool moreChangesAvailable;
logger.Trace("Synchronizing changes...");
//Console.WriteLine("Synchronizing changes...");
// Get all changes since the last call. The synchronization cookie is stored in the
// _SynchronizationState field.
// Only the the ids are requested. Additional properties should be fetched via GetItem
logger.Trace("Getting changes into var changes.");
var changes = _ExchangeService.SyncFolderItems(folderId, PropertySet.IdOnly, null, 512,
// Update the synchronization cookie
logger.Trace("Updating _SynchronizationState");
the log file shows the trace message ""Getting changes into var changes." but not the "Updating _SynchronizationState" message.
so it never gets past var changes = _ExchangeService.SyncFolderItems
I cannot for the life figure out why its just exiting. There are many examples of EWS streaming notifications. I have 3 that compile and run just fine but nobody as far as I can tell has posted an example of it done as a service.
If you don't see the "Updating..." message it's likely the sync threw an exception. Wrap it in a try/catch.
OK, so now that I see the error, this looks like your garden-variety permissions problem. When you ran this as a console app, you likely presented the default credentials to Exchange, which were for your login ID. For a Windows service, if you're running the service with one of the built-in accounts (e.g. Local System), your default credentials will not have access to Exchange.
To rectify, either (1) run the service under the account you did the console app with, or (2) add those credentials to the Exchange Service object.

Cannot start service

I have 2 other services running on a server and they start and stop without a problem, however one of them will not start. I can't see any difference in their implementation or config files. I'm receiving the following messages when attempting to start the service after installing it with InstallUtil:
The service is not responding to the control function
more help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2186
Explanation: The service cannot run your command at this time
Thanks very much in advance!
This is most likely due to service installed, then uninstalled and now you are trying to install again. Reboot the machine and try again.
According to the event log error, you are trying to run the service as the current logged in user (I guess you are connected using remote desktop). This is not the correct approach, you need to run the service as the LocalSystem. In the project properties window, change the identity of the service.
In the design view of the service/component class, click on serviceProcessInstaller1 (or similar) and then in tmhe properties you see a drop down: Account with 4 entries: User/LocalNetwork/LocalService/LocalSystem. Make it LocalSystem
On Start event can you put
catch(Exception ex)
EventLog.WriteEntry(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
and watch whats happening?
attach (Tools > Attach To Process) your process to Visual Studio for DEBUG. You can see whats happening with debug, but EventLog works good aswell.
