Optimizing grid based inventory - c#

I am trying to create a grid based inventory and so far everything is going well except for one thing.
The inventory consists of Grids that are built of Cells, Grids can have custom size (like 5x3, 3x3). Every Cell is always 1x1 and can hold Items which can be of different sizes (like Grids).
I am handling the interactions in inventory using HandleCursor function which I run every frame to check if user is highlighting items/cells or moving stuff around.
As you can see in the code below I'm using a lot of fors to do that and I'am wondering if I could optimize it somehow so it isn't this hard on the CPU (right now highlighting a grid/item makes my inventory script create an overhead of 0.27-0.31ms.
Is there any better alternative than checking if Rect of each Cell contains my cursor?
Sorry if this is a wrong place to ask this kind of questions.
My code:
void HandleHighlighting()
Highlighting all cells in all grids:
void HandleHighlightingCells()
for (int i = 0; i < Grids.Count; i++)
InventoryGrid grid = Grids[i];
if (grid.GetRect().Contains(Input.mousePosition))
for (int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < grid.height; y++)
InventoryCell cell = grid.cells[x, y];
if (cell.GetRect().Contains(Input.mousePosition))
if (highlightedCell && highlightedCell != cell)
highlightedCell = cell;
if (cell == highlightedCell)
highlightedCell = null;
for (int x = 0; x < grid.width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < grid.height; y++)
InventoryCell cell = grid.cells[x, y];
if (highlightedCell && highlightedCell != cell)
if (highlightedCell.grid == grid)
highlightedCell = null;
Highlighting items in inventory:
void HandleHighlightingItems()
if (highlightedCell && highlightedCell.heldItem)
InventoryItem item = highlightedCell.heldItem;
if (highlightedItem && highlightedItem != item)
for (int i = 0; i < highlightedItem.occupiedCells.Length; i++)
highlightedItem = item;
for (int i = 0; i < item.occupiedCells.Length; i++)
if (highlightedItem)
for (int i = 0; i < highlightedItem.occupiedCells.Length; i++)
highlightedItem = null;
Highlighting picked items:
void HandleHighlightingPickedItem()
if (pickedItem)
if (highlightedCell)
InventoryGrid grid = highlightedCell.grid;
InventoryCell[] cellsToHighlight = new InventoryCell[pickedItem.width * pickedItem.height];
InventoryItem firstItem = null;
bool valid = true;
int index = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < pickedItem.width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < pickedItem.height; y++)
if (highlightedCell.x + x < grid.width && highlightedCell.y + y < grid.height)
InventoryCell cell = grid.cells[highlightedCell.x + x, highlightedCell.y + y];
cellsToHighlight[index] = cell;
if (highlightedItem)
if (cell.heldItem != highlightedItem)
if (cell.heldItem)
valid = false;
if (cell.heldItem)
if (!firstItem)
firstItem = cell.heldItem;
if (cell.heldItem != firstItem)
valid = false;
valid = false;
for (int i = 0; i < cellsToHighlight.Length; i++)
if (cellsToHighlight[i])
if (valid)

With help of t3chb0t and juvian from codereview.stackexchange.com I managed to reduce the overhead from ~0.31ms to <0.08ms.
I actually ended up only changing the function that highlights all cells.
I'm posting this as an answer so it's visible in case someone else has similar problem.
void HandleHighlightingCells()
Vector2 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
bool anyHighlighted = false;
for (int i = 0; i < Grids.Count; i++)
InventoryGrid grid = Grids[i];
if (grid.GetRect().Contains(mousePos))
Vector2 uiPos = Vector2.zero;
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(grid.cellsRoot.GetComponent<RectTransform>(), Input.mousePosition, GameManager.singleton.inventoryCanvas.worldCamera, out uiPos);
//64 is the constant size of a cell
int cellX = Mathf.FloorToInt(uiPos.x / 64);
int cellY = Mathf.FloorToInt(-uiPos.y / 64);
if(cellX < grid.width && cellY < grid.height)
cellX = Mathf.Clamp(cellX, 0, grid.width - 1);
cellY = Mathf.Clamp(cellY, 0, grid.height - 1);
InventoryCell cell = grid.cells[cellX, cellY];
if (highlightedCell && highlightedCell != cell)
highlightedCell = cell;
anyHighlighted = true;
highlightedCell = null;


How do I fix my stack overflow error for Sudoku solver c#? Has to do with Recursive function?

I am trying to make a Sudoku solver. Whenever I try to run it it gives me a Stack Overflow Error:
System.StackOverflowException: 'Exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' was thrown.'
I believe that it probably has to do with the solve function calling on the FindEmpy function too much?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much!
using System;
namespace sudokusolver
class Program
static public void PrintBoard(int[][] bo)
for (int i = 0; i < bo.Length; i++)
if (i % 3 == 0 && i != 0)
Console.WriteLine("- - - - - - - - - - - - -");
for (int j = 0; j < bo[0].Length; j++)
if (j % 3 == 0 && j != 0)
Console.Write(" | ");
if (j == 8)
Console.Write(bo[i][j] + " ");
static public (int,int) FindEmpty(int[][] bo)
for (int i = 0; i < bo.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < bo[0].Length; j++)
if (bo[i][j] == 0)
return (i, j);
return (100, 100);
static public bool Solve(int[][] bo)
int x;
int y;
if (FindEmpty(bo) == (100, 100))
return true;
y = FindEmpty(bo).Item1;
x = FindEmpty(bo).Item2;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (IsValid(bo, i, x, y) == true)
bo[y][x] = i;
if (Solve(bo) == true)
return true;
bo[y][x] = 0;
return false;
static public bool IsValid(int[][] bo, int num, int x, int y)
for (int i = 0; i < bo.Length; i++)
if (bo[y][i] == num && x != i)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < bo[0].Length; i++)
if (bo[i][x] == num && y != i)
return false;
int boxx = x / 3;
int boxy = y / 3;
for (int i = boxy * 3; i < boxy * 3 + 3; i++)
for (int j = boxx * 3; j < boxx * 3 + 3; j++)
if (bo[i][j] == num && i != y && j != x)
return false;
return true;
static void Main(string[] args)
int[][] board = {
new int[] {7,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0},
new int[] {4,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,3},
new int[] {0,0,0,2,0,1,0,0,0},
new int[] {3,0,0,1,8,0,0,9,7},
new int[] {0,0,9,0,7,0,6,0,0},
new int[] {6,5,0,0,3,2,0,0,1},
new int[] {0,0,0,4,0,9,0,0,0},
new int[] {5,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,6},
new int[] {0,0,6,0,0,0,0,0,8}
static public bool Solve(int[][] bo)
int x;
int y;
if (FindEmpty(bo) == (100, 100))
return true;
y = FindEmpty(bo).Item1;
x = FindEmpty(bo).Item2;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
if (IsValid(bo, i, x, y) == true)
bo[y][x] = i;
if (Solve(bo) == true)
return true;
bo[y][x] = 0;
return false;
At some point IsValid(bo, 0, x, y) returns true, so you replace the zero with another zero forever.

Unable to detect if two rectangles are colliding C#

I am working on a procedural room generator in c#, I would like the rooms not to overlap and I am having a hard time getting that to work. After #Idle_Mind's comments, I have a new problem. The Image produced by the program has many overlapping rooms. Bellow is the class that should handle the intersection checking and the placement of the rooms onto the tilemap
public int XSize, YSize;
private Cell[ , ] cells;
private List<Room> rooms;
public Tilemap(int xSize, int ySize)
XSize = xSize;
YSize = ySize;
rooms = new List<Room>();
cells = new Cell[XSize, YSize];
for (int y = 0; y < YSize; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < XSize; x++)
cells[x, y].type = CellType.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
private Room GetRoomBounds()
Utils.Int2 min = new Utils.Int2(0, 0);
Utils.Int2 max = new Utils.Int2(XSize,YSize);
Utils.Int2 q1 = Utils.GetRandomCoords(min, max);
max.X = XSize - 1 - q1.X;
max.Y = YSize - 1 - q1.Y;
Utils.Int2 siz = Utils.GetRandomCoords(min, max);
Room check = new Room(q1.X, q1.Y, siz.X, siz.Y);
return check;
public void GenerateRandomRoomSafe(int maxTries)
Room check = new Room(0, 0, 0, 0);
bool isValid = false;
int tries = 0;
if (rooms.Count == 0)
isValid = true;
check = GetRoomBounds();
tries = 1;
while (!isValid && tries < maxTries)
check = GetRoomBounds();
for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Count; i++)
if (!rooms[i].Walls.IntersectsWith(check.Walls))
isValid = true;
if (isValid)
Console.WriteLine(check + " was placed after " + tries + " tries");
public void PlaceRoomUnsafe(Room r)
for (int y = r.Walls.Y; y <= r.Walls.Y + r.Walls.Height; y++)
cells[r.Walls.X, y].type = CellType.Wall;
for (int y = r.Walls.Y; y <= r.Walls.Y + r.Walls.Height; y++)
cells[r.Walls.X + r.Walls.Width, y].type = CellType.Wall;
for (int x = r.Walls.X; x <= r.Walls.X + r.Walls.Width; x++)
cells[x, r.Walls.Y].type = CellType.Wall;
for (int x = r.Walls.X; x <= r.Walls.X + r.Walls.Width; x++)
cells[x, r.Walls.Y + r.Walls.Height].type = CellType.Wall;
for (int y = r.Floor.Y; y < r.Floor.Y + r.Floor.Height; y++)
for (int x = r.Floor.X; x < r.Floor.X + r.Floor.Width; x++)
cells[x, y].type = CellType.Floor;
public void GenerateRandomRoomUnsafe()
Room r = GetRoomBounds();
public int GetCellPixel(int x, int y)
return (int) cells[x, y].type;
public class Room
public Rectangle Walls;
public Rectangle Floor;
public Room(int q1X, int q1Y, int xSize, int ySize)
Walls.X = q1X;
Walls.Y = q1Y;
Walls.Width = xSize;
Walls.Height = ySize;
Floor.X = q1X + 1;
Floor.Y = q1Y + 1;
Floor.Width = xSize - 1;
Floor.Height = ySize - 1;
public override string ToString()
return "[Walls: " + Walls + "\n Floor: " + Floor + "]";
Image below for reference
Your logic in GenerateRandomRoomSafe() is backwards.
In this code block:
while (!isValid && tries < maxTries)
check = GetRoomBounds();
for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Count; i++)
if (!rooms[i].Walls.IntersectsWith(check.Walls))
isValid = true;
What you're saying is, "If it doesn't intersect with at least one room, then it must be valid".
Just because it doesn't intersect with the current room, doesn't mean it won't intersect with a different one!
It should look more like: (note the comments)
while (!isValid && tries < maxTries)
isValid = true; // assume it's good until proven otherwise
check = GetRoomBounds();
for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Count; i++)
if (rooms[i].Walls.IntersectsWith(check.Walls)) // if it DOES intersect...
isValid = false; // .. then set valid to false.
So we start by assuming it is valid, then when we encounter a room that DOES intersect, we set valid to false and stop the for loop so another random room can be tried (assuming we haven't exceeded the number of tries).
Some of the maps it produced:

C# Tic-Tac-Toe Minimax

I am currently trying my hand at making a minimax AI for tictactoe. My goal was that it should suffice for larger boards as well. However, I am having quite a hard time wrapping my head around how to implement the algorithm. I have read countless different descriptions of the algorithm but I still don't seem to be able to make it work. My result as of yet is an incredibly stupid AI. Here is my code for it.
Edit: The main point I am wondering about is how I make the AI value me not winning over forwarding itself towards the win. As of now it doesn't really care that I will win the next turn.
namespace TicTacToe_AI
public class Move //A class for moves
public int x, y, value, MoveNumber;
void SetMove(int a, int b)
x = a;
y = b;
public Move(int a, int b)
SetMove(a, b);
public Move()
{ }
class AI //AIClass
//The minimax algorithm
public Move CalculateMoves(int[,] Board, int BoardSize, int Depth, Move BestMoveAI, Move BestMovePlayer, int OriginalDepth, int CurrentTurn)
Depth--; //Decrease the depth for each iteration
bool Alpha = false; //Alpha-beta pruning - needs improvement
bool Beta = false;
bool WinningMove = false;
if (CurrentTurn == 1) CurrentTurn = 2;
if (CurrentTurn == 2) CurrentTurn = 1;
List<Move> DifferentMoves = new List<Move>();
List<Move> PossibleMoves = new List<Move>();
for (int i = 0; i < BoardSize; i++) //Add all possible moves to a list
for (int j = 0; j < BoardSize; j++)
if (Board[i, j] == 0)
Move Possible = new Move(i, j);
if (CurrentTurn == 2 && Depth >= 0 && Depth < BestMoveAI.MoveNumber) Alpha = true; //Alpha-beta pruning
if (CurrentTurn == 1 && Depth >= 0 && Depth < BestMovePlayer.MoveNumber) Beta = true;
if(Alpha || Beta)
foreach (Move TryMove in PossibleMoves) //Try every possible move to see if they are a winning move
int[,] Trying = new int[BoardSize, BoardSize];
Trying = (int[,])Board.Clone();
Trying[TryMove.x, TryMove.y] = CurrentTurn;
TryMove.MoveNumber = OriginalDepth - Depth;
if (Form1.Win(Trying) == 2)
TryMove.value = -1;
if (Depth + 1 == OriginalDepth)
if (TryMove.MoveNumber < BestMoveAI.MoveNumber) BestMoveAI = TryMove;
WinningMove = true;
WinningMove = true;
if (TryMove.MoveNumber < BestMoveAI.MoveNumber) BestMoveAI = TryMove;
return TryMove;
else if (Form1.Win(Trying) == 1)
WinningMove = true;
TryMove.value = 1;
BestMovePlayer = TryMove;
return TryMove;
if (!WinningMove) // If no winning move was found, try recursively searching for a winning move
if (Alpha || Beta)
foreach (Move TryMove2 in PossibleMoves)
int[,] TestMove = new int[BoardSize, BoardSize];
TestMove = (int[,])Board.Clone();
TestMove[TryMove2.x, TryMove2.y] = CurrentTurn;
TryMove2.value = CalculateMoves(TestMove, BoardSize, Depth, BestMoveAI, BestMovePlayer, OriginalDepth, CurrentTurn).value;
//Find the best possible move and return it
BestMoveAI.value = 0;
BestMoveAI.MoveNumber = OriginalDepth;
BestMovePlayer.value = 0;
BestMovePlayer.MoveNumber = OriginalDepth;
if (CurrentTurn == 2)
foreach (Move AllMoves in DifferentMoves)
if (AllMoves.value <= BestMoveAI.value && AllMoves.MoveNumber <= BestMoveAI.MoveNumber)
BestMoveAI = AllMoves;
return BestMoveAI;
else if(CurrentTurn == 1)
foreach (Move AllMoves in DifferentMoves)
if (AllMoves.value >= BestMovePlayer.value && AllMoves.MoveNumber <= BestMovePlayer.MoveNumber)
BestMovePlayer = AllMoves;
return BestMovePlayer;
Move BadMove = new Move();
BadMove.value = 0;
BadMove.MoveNumber = Depth;
return BadMove;

Implementing and using MinMax with four in row (connect4) game

I'm trying to implement the MinMax algorithm for four in a row (or connect4 or connect four) game.
I think I got the idea of it, it should build a tree of possible boards up to a certain depth, evaluate them and return their score, then we just take the max of those scores.
So, aiChooseCol() checks the score of every possible column by calling MinMax() and returns the column with the max score.
Now I wasn't sure, is this the right way to call MinMax()?
Is it right to check temp = Math.Max(temp, 1000);?
I still haven't made the heuristic function but this should at least recognize a winning column and choose it, but currently it just choose the first free column from the left... I can't figure out what am I doing wrong.
private int AiChooseCol()
int best = -1000;
int col=0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Board.Cols; i++)
if (m_Board.CheckIfColHasRoom(i))
m_Board.FillSignInBoardAccordingToCol(i, m_Sign);
int t = MinMax(5, m_Board, board.GetOtherPlayerSign(m_Sign));
if (t > best)
best = t;
col = i;
return col;
private int MinMax(int Depth, board Board, char PlayerSign)
int temp=0;
if (Depth <= 0)
// return from heurisitic function
return temp;
char otherPlayerSign = board.GetOtherPlayerSign(PlayerSign);
char checkBoard = Board.CheckBoardForWin();
if (checkBoard == PlayerSign)
return 1000;
else if (checkBoard == otherPlayerSign)
return -1000;
else if (!Board.CheckIfBoardIsNotFull())
return 0; // tie
if (PlayerSign == m_Sign) // maximizing Player is myself
temp = -1000;
for (int i = 0; i < Board.Cols; i++)
if (Board.FillSignInBoardAccordingToCol(i, PlayerSign)) // so we don't open another branch in a full column
var v = MinMax(Depth - 1, Board, otherPlayerSign);
temp = Math.Max(temp, v);
temp = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < Board.Cols; i++)
if (Board.FillSignInBoardAccordingToCol(i, PlayerSign)) // so we don't open another branch in a full column
var v = MinMax(Depth - 1, Board, otherPlayerSign);
temp = Math.Min(temp, v);
return temp;
Some notes:
FillSignInBoardAccordingToCol() returns a boolean if it was successful.
The board type has a char[,] array with the actual board and signs of the players.
This code is in the AI Player class.
So I decided to write my own MinMax Connect 4. I used the depth to determine the value of a win or loss so that a move that gets you closer to winning or blocking a loss will take precedence. I also decide that I will randomly pick the move if more than one has the same heuristic. Finally I stretched out the depth to 6 as that's how many moves are required to find possible win paths from the start.
private static void Main(string[] args)
var board = new Board(8,7);
var random = new Random();
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Pick a column 1 -8");
int move;
if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out move) || move < 1 || move > 8)
Console.WriteLine("Must enter a number 1-8.");
if (!board.DropCoin(1, move-1))
Console.WriteLine("That column is full, pick another one");
if (board.Winner == 1)
Console.WriteLine("You win!");
if (board.IsFull)
var moves = new List<Tuple<int, int>>();
for (int i = 0; i < board.Columns; i++)
if (!board.DropCoin(2, i))
moves.Add(Tuple.Create(i, MinMax(6, board, false)));
int maxMoveScore = moves.Max(t => t.Item2);
var bestMoves = moves.Where(t => t.Item2 == maxMoveScore).ToList();
board.DropCoin(2, bestMoves[random.Next(0,bestMoves.Count)].Item1);
if (board.Winner == 2)
Console.WriteLine("You lost!");
if (board.IsFull)
private static int MinMax(int depth, Board board, bool maximizingPlayer)
if (depth <= 0)
return 0;
var winner = board.Winner;
if (winner == 2)
return depth;
if (winner == 1)
return -depth;
if (board.IsFull)
return 0;
int bestValue = maximizingPlayer ? -1 : 1;
for (int i = 0; i < board.Columns; i++)
if (!board.DropCoin(maximizingPlayer ? 2 : 1, i))
int v = MinMax(depth - 1, board, !maximizingPlayer);
bestValue = maximizingPlayer ? Math.Max(bestValue, v) : Math.Min(bestValue, v);
return bestValue;
public class Board
private readonly int?[,] _board;
private int? _winner;
private bool _changed;
public Board(int cols, int rows)
Columns = cols;
Rows = rows;
_board = new int?[cols, rows];
public int Columns { get; }
public int Rows { get; }
public bool ColumnFree(int column)
return !_board[column, 0].HasValue;
public bool DropCoin(int playerId, int column)
int row = 0;
while (row < Rows && !_board[column,row].HasValue)
if (row == 0)
return false;
_board[column, row - 1] = playerId;
_changed = true;
return true;
public bool RemoveTopCoin(int column)
int row = 0;
while (row < Rows && !_board[column, row].HasValue)
if (row == Rows)
return false;
_board[column, row] = null;
_changed = true;
return true;
public int? Winner
if (!_changed)
return _winner;
_changed = false;
for (int i = 0; i < Columns; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < Rows; j++)
if (!_board[i, j].HasValue)
bool horizontal = i + 3 < Columns;
bool vertical = j + 3 < Rows;
if (!horizontal && !vertical)
bool forwardDiagonal = horizontal && vertical;
bool backwardDiagonal = vertical && i - 3 >= 0;
for (int k = 1; k < 4; k++)
horizontal = horizontal && _board[i, j] == _board[i + k, j];
vertical = vertical && _board[i, j] == _board[i, j + k];
forwardDiagonal = forwardDiagonal && _board[i, j] == _board[i + k, j + k];
backwardDiagonal = backwardDiagonal && _board[i, j] == _board[i - k, j + k];
if (!horizontal && !vertical && !forwardDiagonal && !backwardDiagonal)
if (horizontal || vertical || forwardDiagonal || backwardDiagonal)
_winner = _board[i, j];
return _winner;
_winner = null;
return _winner;
public bool IsFull
for (int i = 0; i < Columns; i++)
if (!_board[i, 0].HasValue)
return false;
return true;
public override string ToString()
var builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int j = 0; j < Rows; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < Columns; i++)
builder.Append(_board[i, j].HasValue ? _board[i,j].Value.ToString() : " ").Append('|');
return builder.ToString();

CheckedListBox.SelectedItems.Count = 1?

In C#, I have checked list boxes, that I need to store the data in arrays, but when I start the event that writes the objects to the array, I have to set the size of the array, which I naturally set to the amount of items checked. However, the items checked, for both checked list boxes I have is 1, no matter how many I check. Can someone help?
public partial class Form3 : Form
public static object[] dtype;
public static bool loaded = false;
bool typeselecte = false;
bool typeselectd = false;
public Form3()
private void Form3_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (loaded)
int counte = 0;
int countd = 0;
if (typeselecte)
for (int i = 0; i < types1.Items.Count; i++)
if (i == Form1.enumber[counte])
types1.SelectedItems[i] = Form1.esearch[i];
if (typeselectd)
for (int j = 0; j < types2.Items.Count; j++)
if (j == Form1.dnumber[countd])
types2.SelectedItems[j] = Form1.dsearch[j];
public void dtypes()
dtype = new object[types1.Items.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < types1.Items.Count; i++)
dtype[i] = types1.Items[i];
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (types1.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
typeselecte = true;
if (types2.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
typeselectd = true;
Form1.esearch = new object[types1.SelectedItems.Count];
Form1.dsearch = new object[types2.SelectedItems.Count];
Form1.enumber = new int[types1.SelectedItems.Count];
Form1.dnumber = new int[types2.SelectedItems.Count];
int counte = 0;
int countd = 0;
if (typeselecte)
for (int i = 0; i < types1.SelectedItems.Count; i++)
Form1.esearch[i] = types1.SelectedItems[i];
if (typeselectd)
for (int j = 0; j < types2.SelectedItems.Count; j++)
Form1.dsearch[j] = types2.SelectedItems[j];
if (typeselecte)
for (int k = 0; k < types1.Items.Count; k++)
if (Form1.esearch[k] == types1.Items[k])
Form1.enumber[counte] = k;
if (typeselectd)
for (int l = 0; l < types2.Items.Count; l++)
if (Form1.dsearch[l] == types2.Items[l])
Form1.dnumber[countd] = l;
Form1.esearch and dsearch are object arrays, which the size hasn't been picked yet, and e and dnumber are int arrays that have unknown size as well, I just didn't feel the need to put in that code.
I believe you need to use the property CheckedItems as opposed to SelectedItems.
