Been having a hard time trying to mock out ExecuteAsync method for RestClient (From RestSharp) using Nsubstitute. I have seen an example using Moq (here: Mocking Restsharp executeasync method using moq) but cannot for the life of me understand why the following code fails using nsubstitute:
RestClientMock.When(x => x.ExecuteAsync(Arg.Any<IRestRequest>(), Arg.Any<Action<IRestResponse>>()))
.Do(x => new RestResponse { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound });
That's how I set it up and then it would hit the code to be tested like so:
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<SendEmailResponse>();
_restClient.ExecuteAsync(_restRequest, (restResponse) => {
if (restResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
tcs.SetResult(new SendEmailResponse(ResponseType.Error, restResponse));
else if (!_enableEmails)
tcs.SetResult(new SendEmailResponse(ResponseType.EmailsTurnedOff, restResponse));
tcs.SetResult(new SendEmailResponse(ResponseType.Sent, restResponse));
return tcs.Task;
It never seems to execute my callback code in the mock and just hangs as tcs never gets set. Does anybody here have an idea of how to make this work?
EDIT: Resolved. Thanks Nkosi. So I was just newing it up as explained below and not returning. Had I read the documentation more carefully, I'd have seen the section that was mentioned by David Tchepak in the comments.
From initial inspection you do not seem to be doing anything with the callback action passed into the mocked method
Arg.Do<Action<IRestResponse, RestRequestAsyncHandle>>(callback =>
callback(new RestResponse { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound}, null))
The function signature for ExecuteAsync is:
RestRequestAsyncHandle ExecuteAsync(IRestRequest request, Action<IRestResponse, RestRequestAsyncHandle> callback);
With the sequence of calls:
RestClientMock.When(x => x.ExecuteAsync(Arg.Any<IRestRequest>(), Arg.Any<Action<IRestResponse>>()))
.Do(x => new RestResponse { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound });
You are completely overriding the original ExecuteAsync function, and it is the implementation of the called function that uses the callback, but your replacement implementation does not use the callback at all!
My suggestion would be to use ExecuteTaskAsync instead, in an async function:
var restResponse = await _restClient.ExecuteTaskAsync(_restRequest);
if (restResponse.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
return new SendEmailResponse(ResponseType.Error, restResponse);
else if (!_enableEmails)
return new SendEmailResponse(ResponseType.EmailsTurnedOff, restResponse);
return new SendEmailResponse(ResponseType.Sent, restResponse);
After that, you should be able to mock the function ExecuteTaskAsync.
I can't find a solution to the problem despite many similar questions.
There is a Web API. On POST I need
read DB
make a HTTP call to other service to subscribe on notification (let's say it takes 5s)
return the data from the DB
In the step 2, I don't need to wait, I don't need to block the client (for 5sec), so the client should not wait for the response.
However, the server have to wait on result from 2 and log it. So far I've tried
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateSubs([FromRoute] string callId)
var data = await ...// read the DB
_ = SubscribeForUpdates(callId);
return Ok(data);
private async Task SubscribeForUpdates(string callId)
_logger.LogInformation("Subscribe client {ConnectionId} notifications", callId);
var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage
RequestUri = new Uri(_httpClient.BaseAddress, $"subscribe/{callId}"),
Method = HttpMethod.Get,
var result = await SendAsync<SubscriptionResponse>(requestMessage);
if (result.IsSuccess)
SendAsync is from some library and so smth like _httpClient.SendAsync
In this case the request will not be blocked, the internal HTTP request is successful but I there is no Success from Console.WriteLine("Success");. Only if I put a breakpoint there it logs.
Could you please help me to understand why this is not log and how to fix that?
I've tried ContinueWith - no result
await SendAsync<ServerSubscriptionResponse>(requestMessage)
.ContinueWith(t =>
if (t.Result.IsSuccess)
When I use await SubscribeForUpdates(callId) inasted of _ = SubscribeForUpdates(callId) it works and logs but the blocks a client. I need to avoid that
I'm trying to unit test a method and assert that the result is of a specific type when calling a mocked 'request provider' which handles HttpClient logic, though I have setup the mocked interface it always returns null.
Previously when using HttpClient I've mocked the HttpMessageHandler and handled the business logic in the method at the other side, however the third party API we are using requires multiple calls to their rest api using GET requests, so I wanted a solution that kept the solution more 'DRY'
The following is the setup I am currently trying to use
svc => svc.GetAsync<PlayerBalance>(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>()))
.Returns(() => Task.FromResult(new PlayerBalance
Balance = 0
_playerService = new PlayerService(_playerRepository.Object,
My act/assertion
var result = await _playerService.GetPlayerBalanceAsync(request);
The method under test
public async Task<PlayerBalance> GetPlayerBalanceAsync(PlayerBalanceRequest playerBalanceRequest)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerBalanceRequest.Login)) throw new Exception("Login is a required parameter.");
string url = $#"myrestendpoint";
var result = await _requestProvider.GetAsync<List<PlayerBalance>>(url);
return result.FirstOrDefault();
And where it's failing invocation on the mock
public async Task<TResult> GetAsync<TResult>(string uri, string token = "")
HttpClient httpClient = CreateHttpClient(token);
HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(uri);
await HandleResponse(response);
string serialized = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
TResult result = await Task.Run(() =>
JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TResult>(serialized, _serializerSettings));
return result;
When running in 'Strict' it is telling me that it expected invocation but no setup was found. I'm not really sure what else needs setting up here.
the result returned from the last slice of code is always null, but I want it to be PlayerBalance { Balance = 0 }
Any help would be appreciated.
Just to clarify I have also tried my setup in the following ways
.Returns(Task.FromResult(new PlayerBalance
Balance = 0
.ReturnsAsync(new PlayerBalance {
Balance = 0
You are mocking:
When you should be mocking:
Setup the mock to expect the desired behavior:
svc => svc.GetAsync<List<PlayerBalance>>(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>())
.ReturnsAsync(() => new List<PlayerBalance>() { new PlayerBalance
Balance = 0
I'm working with a very flaky API. Sometimes I get 500 Server Error with Timeout, some other time I also get 500 Server Error because I gave it input that it can't handle
SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
Both of these cases give me HttpRequestException but I can look into the reply message from the server and determine the cause of the exception. If it is a timeout error, I should try again. If it is a bad input I should re-throw the exception, because no amount of retries will fix the problem of bad data.
What I'd like to do with Polly is to check on response message before attempting to retry. But all the samples I've seen so far only included type of exception.
I've come up with this so far:
HttpResponseMessage response = null;
String stringContent = null;
.WaitAndRetry(5, retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt)),
async (exception, timeSpan, context) =>
response = await client.PostAsync(requestUri, new StringContent(serialisedParameters, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));
stringContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError && stringContent.Contains("Timeout"))
throw new FlakyApiException(stringContent);
Is there a better way to do this kind of checking?
In general, you can configure Polly policies to respond to the results of an execution (not just an exception), for example check an HttpResponseMessage.StatusCode with a predicate. Examples here in the Polly readme.
There is not however an in-built way to configure a single Polly policy to respond additionally to the content of the response message. This is because (as your example shows) obtaining that content requires a second async call, which may itself raise network errors.
This tl;dr engenders complications about how to express (in a simple syntax) a single policy which manages two different async steps with potentially different error handling for each step. Prior related discussion on Polly github: comment welcome.
As such, where a sequence requires two separate async calls, the Polly team currently recommends expressing this as two separate policies, similar to the example in the end of this answer.
The particular example in your question may not work because the onRetryAsync delegate (throwing FlakyApiException) is not itself guarded by the policy. A policy only guards the execution of delegates executed through .Execute/ExecuteAsync(...).
One approach could be to use two policies, a retry policy which retries all typical http exceptions and status codes including 500s; then inside that a Polly FallbackPolicy which traps the status code 500 representing SqlDateTime overflow, and excludes that from being retried by rethrowing as some distinguishing exception (CustomSqlDateOverflowException).
IAsyncPolicy<HttpResponseMessage> rejectSqlError = Policy<HttpResponseMessage>
.HandleResult(r => r.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
.FallbackAsync(async (delegateOutcome, context, token) =>
String stringContent = await delegateOutcome.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); // Could wrap this line in an additional policy as desired.
if (delegateOutcome.Result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError && stringContent.Contains("SqlDateTime overflow"))
throw new CustomSqlDateOverflowException(); // Replace 500 SqlDateTime overflow with something else.
return delegateOutcome.Result; // render all other 500s as they were
}, async (delegateOutcome, context) => { /* log (if desired) that InternalServerError was checked for what kind */ });
IAsyncPolicy<HttpResponseMessage> retryPolicy = Policy<HttpResponseMessage>
.OrResult(r => r.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
.OrResult(r => /* condition for any other errors you want to handle */)
.WaitAndRetry(5, retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt)),
async (exception, timeSpan, context) =>
/* log (if desired) retry being invoked */
HttpResponseMessage response = await retryPolicy.WrapAsync(rejectSqlError)
.ExecuteAsync(() => client.PostAsync(requestUri, new StringContent(serialisedParameters, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"), cancellationToken));
For Http, I chose to solve this problem using DelegatingHandler (DH) pattern, and polly. There is no HandleResultAsync(), so the issue still exists for a generalized question.
With polly, I avoid a solution that has "coupling".
I've had great success with using a retry policy in a DelegatingHandler as it follows SRP, and provides a nice SoC (see this SO post). Here is the retry DH I use typically for reference.
For your question at hand, there are 2 things: retry, and conditions to retry on. Building on my retry DH, I exploded it into two DelegatingHandlers: a retry DH that retries on a "signal", and a latter retry signaling DH that signals a retry. HttpRequestMessage's .Properties (or .Options) bag is used to signal.
I find it easily maintainable, and is not complex by avoiding nested polly policies or blocking call. I have few APIs using the async request/reply pattern, so the retry DH (used for polling) is reusable (nugetized), and the retry signaling DH is different as per the API. You can obviously combine them into one by inlining the signaling code into the action arg.
HttpClient CoR (chain of responsibility):
... -> retry on signal DH -> retry signaling DH -> ...
Here is the retry signaling DH for your conditions to retry.
public class RetrySignalingOnConditionHandler : DelegatingHandler
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(
HttpRequestMessage request,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
// tweak conditions accordingly
if (response.StatusCode == (HttpStatusCode)500)
request.Properties[RequestProperties.RetrySignal] = true;
return response;
var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(cancellationToken);
if (content.Contains("Timeout"))
request.Properties[RequestProperties.RetrySignal] = true;
return response;
return response;
internal static class RequestProperties
internal static string RetrySignal = nameof(RetrySignal);
Here is the retry DH that retries on the signal. It resets the signal before the attempt.
public class ExponentialBackoffRetryOnSignalHandler : DelegatingHandler
private readonly IAsyncPolicy<(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpResponseMessage response)> retryPolicy;
public ExponentialBackoffRetryOnSignalHandler(
IRetrySettings retrySettings)
_ = retrySettings
?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(retrySettings));
var sleepDurations = Backoff.ExponentialBackoff(
initialDelay: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(retrySettings.RetryDelayInMilliseconds),
retryCount: retrySettings.RetryCount);
retryPolicy = Policy
.HandleResult<(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpResponseMessage response)>(tuple =>
tuple.request.Properties.TryGetValue(RequestProperties.RetrySignal, out var retrySignaledObj) && (bool)retrySignaledObj)
sleepDurations: sleepDurations,
onRetry: (responseResult, delay, retryAttempt, context) =>
// note: response can be null in case of handled exception
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(
HttpRequestMessage request,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var tuple = await retryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(
action: async (ct) =>
var response = await base.SendAsync(request, ct)
return (request, response);
cancellationToken: cancellationToken)
return tuple.response;
public interface IRetrySettings
int RetryCount { get; }
int RetryDelayInMilliseconds { get; }
Here is the full code that I use along with tests.
If I understand your question correctly then you want to retry only if the status code is 500 and the body contains Timeout. If that's the case then you can define your policy just like this
.HandleResult(response =>
response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError
&& response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult().Contains("Timeout"))
.WaitAndRetry(5, retryAttempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempt);
Just to clarify. Even tough .GetAwaiter().GetResult() should be avoided whenever possible, here I consider it as a valid use case to utilize it:
There is no HandleResultAsync builder method, so we have to use HandleResult sync method here
First we filter for 500 status code and then we lazily evaluate the response body
I assumed the response body is fairly small due to the fact we should not expose too much information in case of Internal Server Error
I'm a little new to ASP.Net and Asynchronous coding so bear with me. I have written an asynchronous wrapper in C# for a web API that I would like to use in a ASP.Net application.
Here is one of the functions in the C# API wrapper:
public async Task<string> getProducts()
Products products = new Products(); = new List<Item>();
string URL = client.BaseAddress + "/catalog/products";
string additionalQuery = "include=images";
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(URL + "?" + additionalQuery);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
Products p = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Products>();;
while (response.IsSuccessStatusCode && != null)
response = await client.GetAsync(URL + + "&" + additionalQuery);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
p = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Products>();;
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(products, Formatting.Indented);
I then have a WebMethod in my ASP.Net application (which will be called using Ajax from a Javascript file) which should call the getProducts() function.
public static string GetProducts()
BigCommerceAPI api = getAPI();
return await api.getProducts();
Now of course this will not work as the WebMethod is not an async method. I have tried to change it to an async method which looked like:
public static async Task<string> GetProducts()
BigCommerceAPI api = getAPI();
return await api.getProducts();
This code does run, but as soon as it gets to the HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(URL + "?" + additionalQuery); line in the getProducts() function the debugger will stop without any errors or data being returned.
What am I missing? How can I get call this asynchronous API from my ASP application?
So I actually resolved an issue very similar to this last night. It's odd because the call worked in .net 4.5. But we moved to 4.5.2 and the method started deadlocking.
I found these enlightening articles (here, here, and here) on async and
So I modified my code to this
public async Task<Member> GetMemberByOrganizationId(string organizationId)
var task =
// ReSharper disable once UseStringInterpolation
_httpClient.GetAsync(string.Format("mdm/rest/api/members/member?accountId={0}", organizationId)).ConfigureAwait(false);
var payload = task.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Member>(await payload.ConfigureAwait(false),
new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() });
which resolved my deadlocking issue.
So TLDR: from the Stephen Cleary article
In the overview, I mentioned that when you await a built-in awaitable,
then the awaitable will capture the current “context” and later apply
it to the remainder of the async method. What exactly is that
Simple answer:
If you’re on a UI thread, then it’s a UI context. If you’re responding
to an ASP.NET request, then it’s an ASP.NET request context.
Otherwise, it’s usually a thread pool context. Complex answer:
If SynchronizationContext.Current is not null, then it’s the current
SynchronizationContext. (UI and ASP.NET request contexts are
SynchronizationContext contexts). Otherwise, it’s the current
TaskScheduler (TaskScheduler.Default is the thread pool context).
and the solution
In this case, you want to tell the awaiter to not capture the current
context by calling ConfigureAwait and passing false
I am not sure what is [WebMethod] in ASP.NET. I remember it used to be SOAP web services but no one does it anymore as we have Web API with controllers where you can use async/await in action methods.
One way to test your code would be to execute async method synchronously using .Result:
public static string GetProducts()
BigCommerceAPI api = getAPI();
return api.getProducts().Result;
As maccettura pointed out in the comment, it's a synchronous call and it locks the thread. To make sure you don't have dead locks, follow Fran's advice and add .ConfigureAwait(false) at the end of each async call in getProducts() method.
First by convention GetProducts() should be named GetProductsAsync().
Second, async does not magically allocate a new thread for it's method invocation. async-await is mainly about taking advantage of naturally asynchronous APIs, such as a network call to a database or a remote web-service.
When you use Task.Run, you explicitly use a thread-pool thread to execute your delegate.
public static string GetProductsAsync()
BigCommerceAPI api = getAPI();
return Task.Run(() => api.getProductsAsync().Result);
Check this link It's a project sample about how to implement Asynchronous web services call in ASP.NET
I had a very similar issue:
Main webapp is a ASP.NET 4.5 Web forms, but many of its functions implemented as AJAX calls from UI to a [webMethod] decorated function in the aspx.cs code-behind:
The webmethod makes an async call to a proxy. This call was
originally implemented with Task.Run() and I tried to rewrite with
just await ...
public static async Task<OperationResponse<CandidatesContainer>> GetCandidates(string currentRoleName, string customerNameFilter, string countryFilter, string currentQuarter)
string htmlResult = String.Empty;
List<CandidateEntryDTO> entries = new List<CandidateEntryDTO>();
entries = await GetCandiatesFromProxy(currentUser, currentRoleName, customerNameFilter, countryFilter, currentQuarter)
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("Error .....", ex);
CandidatesContainer payloadContainer = new CandidatesContainer {
CountryMappedCandiates = ...,
GridsHtml = htmlResult };
return new OperationResponse<CandidatesContainer>(payloadContainer, true);
3) The call GetCandiatesFromProxy(...) is the top of a chain of several async methods and at the bottom there's finally a HttpClient.GetAsync(...) call:
private async Task<B2PSResponse<string>> GetResponseFromB2PService(string serviceURI)
string jsonResultString = String.Empty;
if (_httpClientHandler == null)
_httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler() { UseDefaultCredentials = true };
if (_client == null)
_client = new HttpClient(_httpClientHandler);
HttpResponseMessage response = await _client.GetAsync(serviceURI).ConfigureAwait(false);
HttpContent content = response.Content;
string json = String.Empty;
if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
json = await content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
B2PSResponse<string> b2psResponse = new B2PSResponse<string>(response.StatusCode, response.ReasonPhrase, json);
return b2psResponse;
The code was not working (was stuck on the lowest level await) until
I started to add .ConfigureAwait(false) to each await call.
Interesting, that I had to add these .ConfigureAwait(false) to all await calls on the chain - all the way to the top call in the webMethod. Removing any of them would break the code - it would hang after the await that does not have the .ConfigureAwait(false).
The last point: I had to modify the Ajax call's SUCCESS path. The default Jason serialization for webmethods makes the result sent to AJAX call as
i.e. inserts the {d} field containing the actual payload. After the webmethod return value was changed from MyObject to Task - this no longer worked - my payload was not found in the {data.d}. The result now contains
This is simply the result of serializing the Task object - which has the .Result field.
With one small change to the AJAX call is now working.
I'm running into an issue with the .NET HttpClient class (.NET 4.5.1, System.Net.Http v4.0.0.0). I'm calling HttpClient.GetAsync, passing in a CancellationToken (as part of a Nuget package that abstracts calls between webservices). If the token has been cancelled before the call is made, the request goes through without throwing an exception. This behavior doesn't seem correct.
My test (incomplete, not fully written - no exception check):
public async Task Should_Cancel_If_Cancellation_Token_Called()
var endpoint = "nonexistent";
var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
var _mockHttpMessageHandler = new MockHttpMessageHandler();
var _apiClient = new ApiClientService(new HttpClient(_mockHttpMessageHandler));
var result = await _apiClient.Get<string>(endpoint, null, cancellationTokenSource.Token);
The method I'm testing:
public async Task<T> Get<T>(string endpoint, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> parameters = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
var builder = new UriBuilder(Properties.Settings.Default.MyEndpointHost + endpoint);
builder.Query = buildQueryStringFromParameters(parameters);
_httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
// After this, we really shouldn't continue.
var request = await _httpClient.GetAsync(builder.Uri, cancellationToken);
if (!request.IsSuccessStatusCode)
if (request.StatusCode >= HttpStatusCode.BadRequest && request.StatusCode < HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
throw new EndpointClientException("Service responded with an error message.", request.StatusCode, request.ReasonPhrase);
if (request.StatusCode >= HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError && (int)request.StatusCode < 600)
throw new EndpointServerException("An error occurred in the Service endpoint.", request.StatusCode, request.ReasonPhrase);
var json = await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(json);
catch (Exception ex)
I know that I can check the status of the cancellation token before calling HttpClient.GetAsync and throw if cancellation has been requested. I know that I can also register a delegate to cancel the HttpClient request. However, it seems as though passing the token to the HttpClient method should take care of this for me (or, else, what's the point?) so I'm wondering if I'm missing something. I don't have access to the HttpClient source code.
Why is HttpClient.GetAsync not checking my cancellation token and aborting its process when I pass it in?
HttpClient doesn't check the cancellation token itself, it passes it on to the message handler when it calls its SendAsync method. It then registers to the continuation on the task returned from SendAsync and will set its own task as cancelled if the task returned from the message handler was cancelled.
So the problem in your scenario is in your implementation of MockHttpMessageHandler which seems doesn't check the cancellation token.
Note, that if HttpClient is called via its empty constructor, it internally uses HttpClientHandler which registers a delegate on the cancellation token that aborts the request and cancels the task.