I know that there are lot of different threads about horizontal text animation/text scrolling, but unfortunately none of them give smooth scrolling with repeatable text. I have tried double/thickness animation using various WPF controls containing text. Also tried animating with visual brush which gives me by far the most elegant scrolling compared to other approaches (for e.g. playing with Canvas.Left property etc.) but that too goes blur the text, if the text length or the animation speed is too high.
I'm over to a pure DirectX C# implementation using SharpDX library. Should also mention that I'm a beginner with DirectX programming. Here is the code:
public void RunMethod()
// Make window active and hide mouse cursor.
window.PointerCursor = null;
var str = "This is an example of a moving TextLayout object with no snapped pixel boundaries.";
// Infinite loop to prevent the application from exiting.
while (true)
// Dispatch all pending events in the queue.
// Quit if the users presses Escape key.
if (window.GetAsyncKeyState(VirtualKey.Escape) == CoreVirtualKeyStates.Down)
// Set the Direct2D drawing target.
d2dContext.Target = d2dTarget;
// Clear the target.
//float layoutXOffset = 0;
float layoutXOffset = layoutX;
// Create the DirectWrite factory objet.
SharpDX.DirectWrite.Factory fontFactory = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Factory();
// Create a TextFormat object that will use the Segoe UI font with a size of 24 DIPs.
textFormat = new TextFormat(fontFactory, "Verdana", 100.0f);
textLayout2 = new TextLayout(fontFactory, str, textFormat, 2000.0f, 100.0f);
// Draw moving text without pixel snapping, thus giving a smoother movement.
// d2dContext.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(layoutXOffset, 1000, 1000, 100), backgroundBrush);
d2dContext.DrawTextLayout(new Vector2(layoutXOffset, 0), textLayout2, textBrush, DrawTextOptions.NoSnap);
//var character = str.Substring(0, 1);
//str = str.Remove(0, 1);
//str += character;
layoutX -= 3.0f;
if (layoutX <= -1000)
layoutX = 0;
// Present the current buffer to the screen.
swapChain.Present(1, PresentFlags.None);
Basically it creates an endless loop and subtracts the horizontal offset. Here are the challenges: I need repeatable text similar to HTML marquee without any gaps, Would probably need to extend it to multiple monitors.
Please suggest.
I don't know neither how to use DirectX nor sharpdx, but if you want you can consider this solution
I had a similar problem a while ago, but with the text inside a combobox. After a bounty i got what i was looking for. I'm posting the relevant piece of code as an example, but you can check the complete answer here
Basically, whenever you have a textblock/textbox that contain a string that cannot be displayed completely, cause the length exceed the textblock/box lenght you can use this kind of approach. You can define a custom usercontrol derived from the base you need (e.g. SlidingComboBox : Combobox) and define an animation for you storyboard like the following
_animation = new DoubleAnimation()
From = 0,
RepeatBehavior = SlideForever ? RepeatBehavior.Forever : new RepeatBehavior(1), //repeat only if slide-forever is true
AutoReverse = SlideForever
In my example i wanted this behaviour to be active only when the mouse was on the combobox, so in my custom OnMouse enter i had this piece of code
if (_parent.ActualWidth < textBlock.ActualWidth)
_animation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(((int)textBlock.Text?.Length * 100));
_animation.To = _parent.ActualWidth - textBlock.ActualWidth;
Where _parent represent the container of the selected item. After a check on the text lenght vs combobox lenght i start the animation and end it at the end of the text to be displayed
Note that in the question i mentioned there are also other soltions. I'm posting the one that worked for me
I made this gradient effect. I used SoftMask to mark the place I want to cover with the background getting the gradient effect on text. I know it would be easier to just use image background and make a gradient in photoshop (example). But what if I want things to be more dynamic? For example, I have a video in the background that on click pauses and shows up the same scroll text. Now, the tool that I made wouldn't work because the background in this scenario would be different. I've been searching for a shader that could do the trick, but couldn't find any. Is Unity even capable of doing something like this? The effect is pretty obvious and looks easy to make, but man in was pain in the a** to make this work efficiently.
The gradient effect function:
private void FadeOutTextGradiantAndArrow(Vector2 scrollRectValue)
var contentY = _textScrollViewContent.anchoredPosition.y;
var contentMaxY = _textScrollViewContent.rect.height - _textScrollView.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height;
var gradientHeight = _softMaskCanvasGroup.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height;
var contentYSkewed = contentY - (contentMaxY - gradientHeight);
var positionPercentage = contentYSkewed / gradientHeight;
if (contentMaxY - gradientHeight < contentY)
_softMaskCanvasGroup.alpha = 1 - positionPercentage;
_arrowBelowTextCanvasGroup.alpha = _softMaskCanvasGroup.alpha;
_softMaskCanvasGroup.alpha = 1;
_arrowBelowTextCanvasGroup.alpha = _softMaskCanvasGroup.alpha;
I'm making a custom editor window and I want to draw EditorGUILayout.FloatField on it. if I write this:
EditorGUILayout.FloatField("change val", someFloatValue);
a label appears in front of the field. But I want it to appears behind the field. Also, I'd like to change simple text with a texture.
What I have now:
What I'd like to achieve:
UPD. I missed important information:
A mouse behavior over a texture must be the same as over a FloatField label, i.e. if I click on the texture and start dragging a cursor - the float value in the field must changes
I couldn't find an option to do it in a simple way. Maybe I miss something.
Is it possible not to create a lot of auxiliary classes for that simple action? If yes, then how?
Just put a label field after the floatfield
someFloatValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(someFloatValue);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Change Val")
If you want to put a texture, then just create GUIStyle with the texture you want as background, and use the style for the label
GUIStyle myStyle = new GUIStyle();
myStyle.normal.background = myTexture;
someFloatValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(someFloatValue);
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("", myStyle)
Now, to handle widths, just use GUILayout.Width()
GUIStyle myStyle = new GUIStyle();
myStyle.normal.background = myTexture;
someFloatValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(someFloatValue, GUILayout.Width(150));
EditorGUILayout.LabelField("", myStyle)
It's very possible, but you shouldn't be GUILayout / EditorGUILayout classes. The Layout in the class names means that those variants handle positioning themselves, they each take up a default amount of space and move to the next row, its very conveinient but to do a little bit more advanced stuff, you should use versions of the GUI that take Rect as a position for a draw, so take from GUI/ EditorGUI classes (without Layout in the class name)
I recommend you start by doing a custom PropertyDrawer first, the API for a PropertyDrawer calls for manual element placement, so theres a ton of good examples. Once you start drawing using Rects instead of auto-Layouts there's no limit to how many layers of stuff to paint where, its actually trivial to start painting outside your own inspector (as long as its in the same window)
Well, I've made an UGLY workaround for the field (also for IntField).
If remove all redundant code that I used for content filling - it will be pretty short...
A simplified example looks like this:
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
public class MainWindow : EditorWindow {
private float floatFieldVal;
private Rect groupFloatFieldRect;
static void Init() {
MainWindow window = (MainWindow)GetWindow(typeof(MainWindow), false, "My Empty Window");
void OnGUI() {
EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); {
EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); {
GUILayout.Button("Button 1");
GUILayout.Button("Button 2");
GUILayout.Button("Button 3");
} EditorGUILayout.EndVertical();
EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(GUILayout.Width(300)); {
// never load asset in the loop :)
string assetFullPath = "Assets/Editor/Test.guiskin";
var fakeFieldGUISkin = (GUISkin)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(assetFullPath, typeof(GUISkin));
GUIStyle fakeFieldStyle = fakeFieldGUISkin.GetStyle("test");
// place fake floatField right over a real field texture button
Rect test = new Rect(groupFloatFieldRect);
test.position = new Vector2(test.x + groupFloatFieldRect.width - 20, test.y + 3);
test.size = new Vector2(20, 20);
floatFieldVal = EditorGUI.FloatField(test, "fake", floatFieldVal, fakeFieldStyle);
// Draw FloatField And Texture as a Group
Rect groupRect = EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); {
// never create GUIStyle in the loop :)
GUIStyle floatIconStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbarButton) {
fixedWidth = 20f,
margin = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0),
padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 0, 0)
floatFieldVal = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("", floatFieldVal);
// It emulates a texture
GUILayout.Label("◀▶", floatIconStyle)
// save group rect in a variable
if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
groupFloatFieldRect = groupRect;
} EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal();
} EditorGUILayout.EndVertical();
} EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal();
void OnInspectorUpdate() {
Of course all magic numbers are just for a quick example. Also guiskin loading and a GUIStyle creating shouldn't be in a loop (in this case in OnGUI). It's for a quick example too.
Test.guiskinis for removing default skin data and regulating other params if needed.
That's how the code above looks:
screenshot of a window.jpg
animated demonstation of fake field.gif
I'm starting with unity since a few weeks and i'm stuck with some displaying problems.
You can see what I want to achieve here :
On several of my pages I have a title with an icon on the left and I want it to be at 40px on the left of the title, no matter the size of it.
So I did a prefab with an empty Text for the title, an empty RawImage for the icon and I put that prefab on the center top of the screen.
I link the following C# script on my prefab with the 'string' parameter for the title and the 'Texture' parameter for the icon to display.
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class TitlePage : MonoBehaviour {
public string title;
public Texture texture;
private Text titlePageText;
private RawImage iconPage;
void Awake()
titlePageText = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>().First();
iconPage = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<RawImage>().First();
void Start()
titlePageText.text = title;
void Update()
iconPage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-titlePageText.rectTransform.rect.width / 2 - 40, iconPage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition.y);
iconPage.texture = texture;
The title is set well in the "Start" function, the problem is with the icon. The code in the "Update" function put the icon at the wanted position if it's in the "Update" function because in the "Start", 'titlePageText.rectTransform.rect.width' give 0. But with that code in the "Update" function, the icon start with a display by default in the center and nearly instantly it moves on the left but we can see that position changing.
Maybe there's a solution to avoid that ?
Maybe I started in a wrong way ?
(I don't put my title's text hardly because I want my application to be multilingual so instead of displaying the 'string' in parameter, I'll display the corresponding translation and it's why I can't set a fixed position because two translations are not the same length.)
Thanks in advance !
I am not entirely sure what your problem is exactly, but it does sound like you are trying to solve something from a slightly awkward angle. IS there a reason for not using Unity's layout (or even auto layout groups) to achieve your goal?
I just did a quick test: added 'Content Size Fitter component' to the text object with Horizontal set to Preferred, then placed an image as a child of that text object, when I set the anchor X to 0 and pivot X to 1, the image now follows the left hand side of the text, no matter what size.
This has the advantage of doing absolutely zero work unless text (or its position) changes, in which case everything is handled automagically by Unity's UI system
It sounds like the width of the titlePageText is not obtaining a value immediately in Start(), which is why it is initially zero. After a couple of frames when a non-zero value is found, it finally shifts your iconPage over but your object already has a texture at this point. You really shouldn't be doing this in Update() because it means it will constantly be setting the anchoredPosition and texture of your iconPage every frame.
One solution to avoid this would be to use a coroutine with yield to wait for your components to initialize and then set the position. Note that this is a bit of a hack since you are introducing some forced loading time.
public string title;
public Texture texture;
private Text titlePageText;
private RawImage iconPage;
void Awake()
titlePageText = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Text>().First();
iconPage = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<RawImage>().First();
void Start()
titlePageText.text = title;
IEnumerator initializeComponenets()
yield return new waitForSeconds(.05f); //might need longer wait here
iconPage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(-titlePageText.rectTransform.rect.width / 2 - 40, iconPage.rectTransform.anchoredPosition.y);
iconPage.texture = texture;
I have a question about animations in UWP. I want to have a menu on the bottom of my app that, when tapped on the top, slides up (shows) or down (hides almost entirely). I was learning WPF before and there I know I can use ThicknessAnimation to move the margin of my control and have it slide. Unfortunately, in UWP I can't use ThicknessAnimations, so I tried to find another way. I want this to work for an arbitrary FrameworkElement (so as to be able to reuse it). Eventually, I came up with this solution:
/// <summary>
/// Adds a vertical slide animation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="storyboard">The storyboard to add the animation to</param>
/// <param name="seconds">The time the animation will take</param>
/// <param name="offset">The distance the element will cover (nagative is up, positive is down)</param>
public static void AddVerticalSlide(this Storyboard storyboard, FrameworkElement element, float seconds, double offset)
var slideAnimation = new ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames();
for (int i = 0; i <= 100; ++i)
double scalar = (double)i / 100;
slideAnimation.KeyFrames.Add(new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame
Value = new Thickness(0, scalar*offset, 0, -scalar*offset),
KeyTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(scalar*seconds),
//slideAnimation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds);
// Set the target and target property
Storyboard.SetTarget(slideAnimation, element);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(slideAnimation, "(FrameworkElement.Margin)");
// Add the animation to the storyboard
It works, looks nice, but here's the reason I'm asking this question: I don't know if it's proper. My guees is that there's a better way to slide objects than manually define 100 points on the way and move the object to each point using this animation.
This works but is just not the ideal way to offset an element. Why? Because you are creating two many DiscreteObjectKeyFrames when you really just need one DoubleAnimation.
You should almost never animate the Margin of an element. To change its position, a better approach is to animate the translate values (i.e. TranslateX/TranslateY) of its transform (RenderTransform) instead.
Animating anything in transform is efficient. They are off the UI thread. Traditionally, they were running in a special thread called Compositor thread (I think), but ever since the Creators Update, they have become even more performant according to the Windows UI team -
When you use Storyboard and Transition animations in XAML, you’re
using Composition under the hood. Animations run at 60 frames per
The following is an example of using such technique
public static void Slide(this UIElement target, Orientation orientation, double? from, double to, int duration = 400, int startTime = 0, EasingFunctionBase easing = null)
if (easing == null)
easing = new ExponentialEase();
var transform = target.RenderTransform as CompositeTransform;
if (transform == null)
transform = new CompositeTransform();
target.RenderTransform = transform;
target.RenderTransformOrigin = new Point(0.5, 0.5);
var db = new DoubleAnimation
To = to,
From = from,
EasingFunction = easing,
Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(duration)
Storyboard.SetTarget(db, target);
var axis = orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? "X" : "Y";
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(db, $"(UIElement.RenderTransform).(CompositeTransform.Translate{axis})");
var sb = new Storyboard
BeginTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(startTime)
Note as performant as this approach gets, there is even more powerful animation support in UWP, thanks to the new Composition API. But offset animation in Composition can be a bit tricky.
However, the UWP Community Tookit has done a great job wrapping some useful animations like Blur, Offset, etc. Feel free to check them out.
I need a TextBox or some type of Multi-Line Label control which will automatically adjust the font-size to make it as large as possible and yet have the entire message fit inside the bounds of the text area.
I wanted to see if anyone had implemented a user control like this before developing my own.
Example application: have a TextBox which will be half of the area on a windows form. When a message comes in which is will be approximately 100-500 characters it will put all the text in the control and set the font as large as possible. An implementation which uses Mono Supported .NET libraries would be a plus.
If know one has implemented a control already... If someone knows how to test if a given text completely fits inside the text area that would be useful for if I roll my own control.
Edit: I ended up writing an extension to RichTextBox. I will post my code shortly once i've verified that all the kinks are worked out.
I had to solve the same basic problem. The iterative solutions above were very slow. So, I modified it with the following. Same idea. Just uses calculated ratios instead of iterative. Probably, not quite as precise. But, much faster.
For my one-off need, I just threw an event handler on the label holding my text.
private void PromptLabel_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (PromptLabel.Text.Length == 0)
float height = PromptLabel.Height * 0.99f;
float width = PromptLabel.Width * 0.99f;
Font tryFont = PromptLabel.Font;
Size tempSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(PromptLabel.Text, tryFont);
float heightRatio = height / tempSize.Height;
float widthRatio = width / tempSize.Width;
tryFont = new Font(tryFont.FontFamily, tryFont.Size * Math.Min(widthRatio, heightRatio), tryFont.Style);
PromptLabel.Font = tryFont;
I haven't seen an existing control to do this, but you can do it the hard way by using a RichTextBox and the TextRenderer's MeasureText method and repeatedly resizing the font. It's inefficient, but it works.
This function is an event handler for the 'TextChanged' event on a RichTextBox.
An issue I've noticed:
When typing, the text box will scroll to the current caret even if scrollbars are disabled. This can result in the top line or left side getting chopped off until you move back up or left with the arrow keys. The size calculation is correct assuming you can get the top line to display at the top of the text box. I included some scrolling code that helps sometimes (but not always).
This code assumes word wrap is disabled. It may need modification if word wrap is enabled.
The code:
public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint wMsg, int wParam, uint lParam);
private static uint EM_LINEINDEX = 0xbb;
private void richTextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// If there's no text, return
if (richTextBox1.TextLength == 0) return;
// Get height and width, we'll be using these repeatedly
int height = richTextBox1.Height;
int width = richTextBox1.Width;
// Suspend layout while we mess with stuff
Font tryFont = richTextBox1.Font;
Size tempSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText( richTextBox1.Text, richTextBox1.Font);
// Make sure it isn't too small first
while (tempSize.Height < height || tempSize.Width < width)
tryFont = new Font(tryFont.FontFamily, tryFont.Size + 0.1f, tryFont.Style);
tempSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(richTextBox1.Text, tryFont);
// Now make sure it isn't too big
while (tempSize.Height > height || tempSize.Width > width)
tryFont = new Font(tryFont.FontFamily, tryFont.Size - 0.1f, tryFont.Style);
tempSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(richTextBox1.Text, tryFont);
// Swap the font
richTextBox1.Font = tryFont;
// Resume layout
// Scroll to top (hopefully)
SendMessage(richTextBox1.Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, -1, 0);
The solution i came up with was to write a control which extends the standard RichTextBox control.
Use the extended control in the same way you would a regular RichTextBox control with the following enhancements:
Call the ScaleFontToFit() method after resizing or text changes.
The Horizontal Alignment field can be used to center align the text.
The Font attributes set in the designer will be used for the entire region. It is not possible to mix fonts as they will changed once the ScaleFontToFit method is called.
This control combines several techniques to determine if the text still fits within it's bounds. If the text area is multiline, it detects if scrollbars are visible. I found a clever way to detect whether or not the scrollbars are visible without requiring any winapi calls using a clever technique I found on one of Patrick Smacchia's posts.. When multiline isn't true, vertical scrollbars never appear so you need to use a different technique which relies on rendering the text using a the Graphics object. The Graphic rendering technique isn't suitable for Multiline boxes because you would have to account for word wrapping.
Here are a few snippets which shows how it works (link to source code is provided below). This code could easily be used to extend other controls.
/// <summary>
/// Sets the font size so the text is as large as possible while still fitting in the text
/// area with out any scrollbars.
/// </summary>
public void ScaleFontToFit()
int fontSize = 10;
const int incrementDelta = 5; // amount to increase font by each loop iter.
const int decrementDelta = 1; // amount to decrease to fine tune.
// First we set the font size to the minimum. We assume at the minimum size no scrollbars will be visible.
// Next, we increment font size until it doesn't fit (or max font size is reached).
for (fontSize = MinFontSize; fontSize < MaxFontSize; fontSize += incrementDelta)
if (!DoesTextFit())
//Console.WriteLine("Text Doesn't fit at fontsize = " + fontSize);
// Finally, we keep decreasing the font size until it fits again.
for (; fontSize > MinFontSize && !DoesTextFit(); fontSize -= decrementDelta)
#region Private Methods
private bool VScrollVisible
Rectangle clientRectangle = this.ClientRectangle;
Size size = this.Size;
return (size.Width - clientRectangle.Width) >= SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
* returns true when the Text no longer fits in the bounds of this control without scrollbars.
private bool DoesTextFit()
if (VScrollVisible)
//Console.WriteLine("#1 Vscroll is visible");
return false;
// Special logic to handle the single line case... When multiline is false, we cannot rely on scrollbars so alternate methods.
if (this.Multiline == false)
Graphics graphics = this.CreateGraphics();
Size stringSize = graphics.MeasureString(this.Text, this.SelectionFont).ToSize();
//Console.WriteLine("String Width/Height: " + stringSize.Width + " " + stringSize.Height + "form... " + this.Width + " " + this.Height);
if (stringSize.Width > this.Width)
//Console.WriteLine("#2 Text Width is too big");
return false;
if (stringSize.Height > this.Height)
//Console.WriteLine("#3 Text Height is too big");
return false;
if (this.Lines.Length > 1)
//Console.WriteLine("#4 " + this.Lines[0] + " (2): " + this.Lines[1]); // I believe this condition could be removed.
return false;
return true;
private void SetFontSize(int pFontSize)
private void SetFontSize(float pFontSize)
this.SelectionFont = new Font(this.SelectionFont.FontFamily, pFontSize, this.SelectionFont.Style);
this.SelectionAlignment = HorizontalAlignment;
this.Select(0, 0);
ScaleFontToFit could be optimized to improve performance but I kept it simple so it'd be easy to understand.
Download the latest source code here. I am still actively working on the project which I developed this control for so it's likely i'll be adding a few other features and enhancements in the near future. So, check the site for the latest code.
My goal is to make this control work on Mac using the Mono framework.
I had a similar requirement for a text box in a panel on a windows form hosted window. (I injected the panel onto the existing form). When the size of the panel changes (in my case) the text would resize to fit the box. Code
parentObject.SizeChanged += (sender, args) =>
if (textBox1.Text.Length > 0)
int maxSize = 100;
// Make a Graphics object to measure the text.
using (Graphics gr = textBox1.CreateGraphics())
for (int i = 1; i <= maxSize; i++)
using (var test_font = new Font(textBox1.Font.FontFamily, i))
// See how much space the text would
// need, specifying a maximum width.
SizeF text_size =
new Size(textBox1.Width, int.MaxValue),
TextFormatFlags.WordBreak | TextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl);
if (text_size.Height > textBox1.Height)
maxSize = i - 1;
catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception)
// this sometimes throws a "failure to create window handle" error.
// This might happen if the TextBox is invisible and/or
// too small to display a toolbar.
// do whatever here, add/delete, whatever, maybe set to default font size?
maxSize = (int) textBox1.Font.Size;
// Use that font size.
textBox1.Font = new Font(textBox1.Font.FontFamily, maxSize);