Refreshing of several controls in loop Winforms - c#

I'm trying to make weather application. And when I input new city in my combobox,my labels and pictureboxes don't refresh. I have already tried Refresh() Update() and Invalidate() and none of them worked. Tell me please ,what I'm suppose to do. Thank you in advance!
private async void SetWeatherForecastDataToWeatherApp(string city)
var jsonData = string.Empty;
var url = string.Format("{0}&APPID=a54961a05f7a1fc0cf9bd2bf1465dea5", city);
var uri = new Uri(url);
var request = WebRequest.Create(uri);
var response = await request.GetResponseAsync();
using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
jsonData = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();
_jsonFutureWeatherForecastData = jsonData;
_weatherForecast = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<WeatherForecast>(_jsonFutureWeatherForecastData);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
var dayNameLabelList = new List<Label>();
var weatherDescriptionLablList = new List<Label>();
var gradesLabel = new List<Label>();
var pictureBoxList = new List<PictureBox>();
int yLocation = 50;
int xLocation = Width / 2;
int cnt = 0;
string currDayOfWeek = string.Empty;
string CurrentDate = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
currDayOfWeek = _dateConverter.ConvertMilisecondsToCurrentTime(_weatherForecast.WeatherList[i].CurrentDate).DayOfWeek.ToString();
CurrentDate = _dateConverter.ConvertMilisecondsToCurrentTime(_weatherForecast.WeatherList[i].CurrentDate).Day.ToString();
pictureBoxList.Add(new PictureBox());
pictureBoxList[i].Name = "WeatherForecastImage" + cnt.ToString();
pictureBoxList[i].Location = new Point(xLocation, yLocation);
dayNameLabelList.Add(new Label());
dayNameLabelList[i].Text = currDayOfWeek + " " + CurrentDate;
dayNameLabelList[i].Location = new Point(xLocation + 100, yLocation);
dayNameLabelList[i].Size = new Size(100, 15);
dayNameLabelList[i].Font = new Font("Lucida Sans", 10, FontStyle.Regular);
weatherDescriptionLablList.Add(new Label());
weatherDescriptionLablList[i].Text = _weatherForecast.WeatherList[i].Weather[0].Description;
weatherDescriptionLablList[i].Location = new Point(xLocation + 100, yLocation + 15);
weatherDescriptionLablList[i].Font = new Font("Lucida Sans", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
gradesLabel.Add(new Label());
gradesLabel[i].Text = _weatherForecast.WeatherList[i].Main.Temperature.ToString("0") + " C°";
gradesLabel[i].Location = new Point(xLocation + 200, yLocation);
gradesLabel[i].Font = new Font("Lucida Sans", 10, FontStyle.Regular);
yLocation += 100;
for (int i = 0; i < dayNameLabelList.Count; i++)
dayNameLabelList[i].ForeColor = Color.White;
weatherDescriptionLablList[i].ForeColor = Color.White;
gradesLabel[i].ForeColor = Color.White;

You need to add event handlers to the combo for either SelectedIndexChangedEvent (if it's a non-editable combo), or TextUpdateEvent if it is (likely both in that latter case). Those event handlers then change the other controls as needed.


requests[0]' (oneof), oneof field 'kind' is already set. Cannot set 'updateCell encountered when generating checkbox

I'm trying to generate a checkbox from using google sheets API but I'm encountering the oneof field kind is already set error. I tried combining extendedValue and DataValidation. Please see code snippet below:
ConditionValue conditionValueTrue = new ConditionValue();
conditionValueTrue.UserEnteredValue = "TRUE";
ConditionValue conditionValueFalse = new ConditionValue();
conditionValueFalse.UserEnteredValue = "FALSE";
ConditionValue[] validValues = { conditionValueTrue, conditionValueFalse };
BooleanCondition bc = new BooleanCondition();
bc.Type = "BOOLEAN";
bc.Values = validValues;
DataValidationRule dataValidationRule = new DataValidationRule();
dataValidationRule.Condition = bc;
dataValidationRule.ShowCustomUi = true;
GridRange validationRange = new GridRange();
validationRange.StartColumnIndex = 7;
validationRange.EndColumnIndex = 7;
validationRange.SheetId = 0;
SetDataValidationRequest setDataValidationRequest = new SetDataValidationRequest();
setDataValidationRequest.Rule = dataValidationRule;
setDataValidationRequest.Range = validationRange;
ExtendedValue extendedValue = new ExtendedValue();
extendedValue.BoolValue = true;
BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest busr = new BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest();
busr.Requests = new List<Request>();
Request r = new Request();
r.UpdateCells = new UpdateCellsRequest();
r.SetDataValidation = setDataValidationRequest;
var gc = new GridCoordinate();
gc.ColumnIndex = 7;
gc.RowIndex = row;
gc.SheetId = 0;
r.UpdateCells.Start = gc;
r.UpdateCells.Fields = "*";
r.UpdateCells.Rows = new List<RowData>();
var rd = new RowData();
rd.Values = new List<CellData>();
var cd = new CellData();
cd.UserEnteredValue = extendedValue;
SpreadsheetsResource.BatchUpdateRequest bur = _sheetsService.Spreadsheets.BatchUpdate(busr, SpreadsheetId);

app crashes before the request is sent to the server

I'm building an android app with Xamarin which communicates with an server's API. I'm trying to upload a file to the server using the following lines of code:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadFile(byte[] file)
var progress = new System.Net.Http.Handlers.ProgressMessageHandler();
//progress.HttpSendProgress += progress_HttpSendProgress;
using (var client = HttpClientFactory.Create(progress))
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(;
// Set the Accept header for BSON.
new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/bson"));
var request = new uploadFileModel { data = file, dateCreated = DateTime.Now, fileName = "myvideooo.mp4", username = "psyoptica" };
// POST using the BSON formatter.
MediaTypeFormatter bsonFormatter = new BsonMediaTypeFormatter();
var m = client.MaxResponseContentBufferSize;
var result = await client.PostAsync("api/media/upload", request, bsonFormatter);
return result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode();
The app crashes before the server receives the request. The file I'm trying to upload could be a video or an audio file. The server receives the request after the app has crashed. This works fine on the local server but the crash happens with the live server. My server side code looks like this:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Upload(uploadFileModel model)
var result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
string thumbname = "";
string resizedthumbname = Guid.NewGuid() + "_yt.jpg";
string FfmpegPath = Encoding_Settings.FFMPEGPATH;
string tempFilePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/tempuploads"), model.fileName);
string pathToFiles = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/tempuploads");
string pathToThumbs = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/contents/member/" + model.username + "/thumbs");
string finalPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/contents/member/" + model.username + "/flv");
string resizedthumb = Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, resizedthumbname);
var outputPathVid = new MediaFile { Filename = Path.Combine(finalPath, model.fileName) };
var inputPathVid = new MediaFile { Filename = Path.Combine(pathToFiles, model.fileName) };
int maxWidth = 380;
int maxHeight = 360;
var namewithoutext = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.Combine(pathToFiles, model.fileName));
thumbname = model.VideoThumbName;
string oldthumbpath = Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, thumbname);
var fileName = model.fileName;
if (model.fileName.Contains("audio"))
File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(finalPath, model.fileName),;
string audio_thumb = "mic_thumb.jpg";
string destination = Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, audio_thumb);
string source = Path.Combine(pathToFiles, audio_thumb);
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(destination))
System.IO.File.Copy(source, destination, true);
Video_Struct vd = new Video_Struct();
vd.CategoryID = 0; // store categoryname or term instead of category id
vd.Categories = "";
vd.UserName = model.username;
vd.Title = "";
vd.Description = "";
vd.Tags = "";
vd.OriginalVideoFileName = model.fileName;
vd.VideoFileName = model.fileName;
vd.ThumbFileName = "mic_thumb.jpg";
vd.isPrivate = 0;
vd.AuthKey = "";
vd.isEnabled = 1;
vd.Response_VideoID = 0; // video responses
vd.isResponse = 0;
vd.isPublished = 1;
vd.isReviewed = 1;
vd.Thumb_Url = "none";
//vd.FLV_Url = flv_url;
vd.Embed_Script = "";
vd.isExternal = 0; // website own video, 1: embed video
vd.Type = 0;
vd.YoutubeID = "";
vd.isTagsreViewed = 1;
vd.Mode = 0; // filter videos based on website sections
long videoid = VideoBLL.Process_Info(vd, false);
using (var engine = new Engine())
// Saves the frame located on the 15th second of the video.
var outputPathThumb = new MediaFile { Filename = Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, thumbname+".jpg") };
var options = new ConversionOptions { Seek = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), CustomHeight = 360, CustomWidth = 380 };
engine.GetThumbnail(inputPathVid, outputPathThumb, options);
Image image = Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, thumbname+".jpg"));
//var ratioX = (double)maxWidth / image.Width;
//var ratioY = (double)maxHeight / image.Height;
//var ratio = Math.Min(ratioX, ratioY);
var newWidth = (int)(maxWidth);
var newHeight = (int)(maxHeight);
var newImage = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight);
Graphics.FromImage(newImage).DrawImage(image, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(newImage);
bmp.Save(Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, thumbname+"_resized.jpg"));
//File.Delete(Path.Combine(pathToThumbs, thumbname));
using (var engine = new Engine())
var conversionOptions = new ConversionOptions
VideoSize = VideoSize.Hd720,
AudioSampleRate = AudioSampleRate.Hz44100,
VideoAspectRatio = VideoAspectRatio.Default
engine.Convert(inputPathVid, outputPathVid, conversionOptions);
Video_Struct vd = new Video_Struct();
vd.CategoryID = 0; // store categoryname or term instead of category id
vd.Categories = "";
vd.UserName = model.username;
vd.Title = "";
vd.Description = "";
vd.Tags = "";
vd.Duration = inputPathVid.Metadata.Duration.ToString();
vd.Duration_Sec = Convert.ToInt32(inputPathVid.Metadata.Duration.Seconds.ToString());
vd.OriginalVideoFileName = model.fileName;
vd.VideoFileName = model.fileName;
vd.ThumbFileName = thumbname+"_resized.jpg";
vd.isPrivate = 0;
vd.AuthKey = "";
vd.isEnabled = 1;
vd.Response_VideoID = 0; // video responses
vd.isResponse = 0;
vd.isPublished = 1;
vd.isReviewed = 1;
vd.Thumb_Url = "none";
//vd.FLV_Url = flv_url;
vd.Embed_Script = "";
vd.isExternal = 0; // website own video, 1: embed video
vd.Type = 0;
vd.YoutubeID = "";
vd.isTagsreViewed = 1;
vd.Mode = 0; // filter videos based on website sections
//vd.ContentLength = f_contentlength;
vd.GalleryID = 0;
long videoid = VideoBLL.Process_Info(vd, false);
return result;
throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable, "This request is not properly formatted"));
What am I doing wrong here that's making the app crash. Is there a better way to do this?
Any help is appreciated.

C# How can I run this code in a background thread?

So I've been stuck on this for a while. (Forms application)
I want this to run in the "Background".
I normally call it with the "search button".
So far I've read you can't access UI stuff in another thread? So how would I approach this and make the UI accessible while it loads the results and converts them into buttons?
Is there any easy way to do this for someone who just started out with C#?
Code below :
private void Search_Video_Youtube(string page)
YouTubeService youtube = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
ApplicationName = this.GetType().ToString(),
ApiKey = "*MyApiKeyGoesHere*",
var listRequest = youtube.Search.List("snippet");
listRequest.Q = Youtube_SearchVideo_Box.Text;
listRequest.MaxResults = 50;
listRequest.Type = "video";
listRequest.PageToken = nextPageToken;
video_results_vids = video_results_vids + 50;
var resp = listRequest.Execute();
List<string> videos = new List<string>();
foreach (SearchResult result in resp.Items)
switch (result.Id.Kind)
case "youtube#video":
PictureBox picturebox = new PictureBox();
picturebox.Height = 100;
picturebox.Width = 100;
picturebox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
picturebox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
string template2 = "{0}{1}";
string data2 = result.Id.VideoId.ToString();
string quality2 = "/default.jpg";
string messageB = string.Format(template2, data2, quality2);
var request = WebRequest.Create(messageB);
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
picturebox.Image = Bitmap.FromStream(stream);
listnumber += 1;
Button button = new Button();
button.Text = listnumber.ToString() + " " + result.Snippet.Title.ToString();
button.Tag = result.Id.VideoId;
button.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat;
button.ForeColor = Color.LightSteelBlue;
button.BackColor = Color.SteelBlue;
button.Width = (flowLayoutPanel1.Width - 150);
button.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
button.Height = 100;
button.Font = new Font(button.Font.FontFamily, 10);
button.Click += (s, e) => {
Youtube_video_Player_hider.Visible = false;
var a = result.Id.VideoId;
string template = "{0}{1}";
string data = a.ToString();
string quality = Video_Quality;
string messagea = string.Format(template, data, quality);
axShockwaveFlash1.Movie = messagea;
nextPageToken = resp.NextPageToken;
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Status : Idle";
toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Results : " + video_results_vids;
Any help is welcome but please explain it in detail as I am very new to C# but I do have a basic programming knowledge.
(Also if you see anything I could do better feel free to point it out, am here to learn :) )
EDIT : Thanks to Jeroen van langen (Answer below) I figured it out.
The current code is now :
// At using Stuff
using ExtensionMethods;
private void Search_Video_Youtube(string page)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback((state) =>
YouTubeService youtube = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
ApplicationName = this.GetType().ToString(),
ApiKey = "ThisIsTheApiKeyYouTubeWantsForAnyoneWondering",
var listRequest = youtube.Search.List("snippet");
listRequest.Q = Youtube_SearchVideo_Box.Text;
listRequest.MaxResults = 50;
listRequest.Type = "video";
listRequest.PageToken = nextPageToken;
video_results_vids = video_results_vids + 50;
var resp = listRequest.Execute();
List<string> videos = new List<string>();
Parallel.ForEach(resp.Items, (SearchResult result) =>
switch (result.Id.Kind)
case "youtube#video":
string template2 = "{0}{1}";
string data2 = result.Id.VideoId.ToString();
string quality2 = "/default.jpg";
string messageB = string.Format(template2, data2, quality2);
Image image;
var request = WebRequest.Create(messageB);
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
image = Bitmap.FromStream(stream);
listnumber += 1;
this.Invoke(() =>
PictureBox picturebox = new PictureBox();
picturebox.Height = 100;
picturebox.Width = 100;
picturebox.Image = image;
picturebox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
picturebox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
Button button = new Button();
button.Text = listnumber.ToString() + " " + result.Snippet.Title.ToString();
button.Tag = result.Id.VideoId;
button.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat;
button.ForeColor = Color.LightSteelBlue;
button.BackColor = Color.SteelBlue;
button.Width = (flowLayoutPanel1.Width - 150);
button.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
button.Height = 100;
button.Font = new Font(button.Font.FontFamily, 10);
button.Click += (s, e) =>
Youtube_video_Player_hider.Visible = false;
var a = result.Id.VideoId;
string template = "{0}{1}";
string data = a.ToString();
string quality = Video_Quality;
string messagea = string.Format(template, data, quality);
axShockwaveFlash1.Movie = messagea;
nextPageToken = resp.NextPageToken;
this.Invoke(() =>
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Status : Idle";
toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Results : " + video_results_vids;
Class Contents :
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ExtensionMethods
public static class MyExtensions
public static void Invoke(this Control control, Action action)
You should execute the 'whole' method on a thread. Try to move all creation of controls to one section and invoke that part on the GUI thread. The most consuming time will be the WebRequests
PSEUDO: something like:
private void Search_Video_Youtube(string page)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback((state) =>
YouTubeService youtube = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
ApplicationName = this.GetType().ToString(),
ApiKey = "*MyApiKeyGoesHere*",
var listRequest = youtube.Search.List("snippet");
listRequest.Q = Youtube_SearchVideo_Box.Text;
listRequest.MaxResults = 50;
listRequest.Type = "video";
listRequest.PageToken = nextPageToken;
video_results_vids = video_results_vids + 50;
var resp = listRequest.Execute().OfType<SearchResult>();
List<string> videos = new List<string>();
Parallel.Foreach(resp.Items, (result) =>
switch (result.Id.Kind)
case "youtube#video":
string template2 = "{0}{1}";
string data2 = result.Id.VideoId.ToString();
string quality2 = "/default.jpg";
string messageB = string.Format(template2, data2, quality2);
Bitmap image;
var request = WebRequest.Create(messageB);
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
image = Bitmap.FromStream(stream);
listnumber += 1;
this.Invoke(() =>
PictureBox picturebox = new PictureBox();
picturebox.Height = 100;
picturebox.Width = 100;
picturebox.Image = image;
picturebox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
picturebox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
Button button = new Button();
button.Text = listnumber.ToString() + " " + result.Snippet.Title.ToString();
button.Tag = result.Id.VideoId;
button.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText;
button.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat;
button.ForeColor = Color.LightSteelBlue;
button.BackColor = Color.SteelBlue;
button.Width = (flowLayoutPanel1.Width - 150);
button.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
button.Height = 100;
button.Font = new Font(button.Font.FontFamily, 10);
button.Click += (s, e) => {
Youtube_video_Player_hider.Visible = false;
var a = result.Id.VideoId;
string template = "{0}{1}";
string data = a.ToString();
string quality = Video_Quality;
string messagea = string.Format(template, data, quality);
axShockwaveFlash1.Movie = messagea;
nextPageToken = resp.NextPageToken;
this.Invoke(() =>
toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Status : Idle";
toolStripStatusLabel2.Text = "Results : " + video_results_vids;
}, null);
Create a delegate that takes argument of type of resp
public delegate void ListDispatcher(var resp)
remember, var needs to be replaced with the exact type of the resp.
Now create a ListDispatcher reference member in the main class.
public ListDispatcher dispatcher;
and add a new method to its invocation list.
dispatcher += MyNewMethod;
Define the new method as
public void MyNewMethod(var resp){
//Move all your controls creation code here
Remove the code after the call
var resp = listRequest.Execute();
and simply put there
Now you can safely call the Search_Video_Youtube(string page) in a separate thread.

Creating a source to destination map view for windows phone

I have a default geocoordinate. Another geocoorinate which the user will provide. I want to change the change the map view such such that the source and destination can be clearly seen on the phone window with max zoom possible. Please help on how to approach this problem. I tried using setview() but i coudn't find an overload which could do the task.
public async void ShowMyLocationOnTheMap(string mapvariable)
JObject o = JObject.Parse(mapvariable);
string successcallback = o["successCallback"].ToString();
string failutecallback = o["failureCallback"].ToString();
var markerifo = o["markerInfo"];
int count = markerifo.Count();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Geolocator myGeolocator = new Geolocator();
Geoposition myGeoposition = await myGeolocator.GetGeopositionAsync();
JObject current = new JObject();
current["locationLatitude"] = myGeoposition.Coordinate.Latitude.ToString();
current["locationLongitude"] = myGeoposition.Coordinate.Longitude.ToString();
current["locationDescription"] = "Your Current Location";
current["locationName"] = "";
GeoCoordinate myGeoCoordinate = new GeoCoordinate(myGeoposition.Coordinate.Latitude, myGeoposition.Coordinate.Longitude);
var jsonstring = "{\"successMessage\":\" Map Displayed \"}";
string[] param = { successcallback, jsonstring };
gobject.invokeScript("StringToJsonObject", param);
catch (Exception ex)
var jsonstring = "{\"errorCode\":\"APZ-CNT-107\"}";
string[] param = { failutecallback, jsonstring };
gobject.invokeScript("StringToJsonObject", param);
public void drawmap(JToken markerifo,string color)
double latitude = Convert.ToDouble(markerifo["locationLatitude"].ToString());
double longitude = Convert.ToDouble(markerifo["locationLongitude"].ToString());
myGeoCoordinate1 = new GeoCoordinate(latitude, longitude);
Ellipse myCircle = new Ellipse();
if (color == "red")
myCircle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
myCircle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
myCircle.Height = 20;
myCircle.Width = 20;
myCircle.Opacity = 50;
myCircle.Tap += (sender, e) => myCircle_Tap(sender, markerifo["locationDescription"].ToString(), markerifo["locationName"].ToString());
// myCircle.Tap += myCircle_Tap;
MapOverlay myLocationOverlay = new MapOverlay();
myLocationOverlay.Content = myCircle;
myLocationOverlay.PositionOrigin = new System.Windows.Point(0.5, 0.5);
myLocationOverlay.GeoCoordinate = myGeoCoordinate1;
MapLayer myLocationLayer = new MapLayer();
Edit: I tried using dispatcher.Invoke and it finally worked. but now its loading only once . when i press the back button and specify another geocoordinate setview dosent work. Is there any solution to this.
List<GeoCoordinate> the2Points = new List<GeoCoordinate>();
rect = LocationRectangle.CreateBoundingRectangle(the2Points);
MapAppzillon.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
await Task.Delay(150);
You do need to use the SetView method on the Map control. But it needs a BoundingRectangle to work!
So a quick code snippet:
List<GeoCoordinate> the2Points = new List<GeoCoordinate>();
LocationRectangle rect = LocationRectangle.CreateBoundingRectangle(the2Points);

using RotateFlip to rotate bitmaps

I am having trouble rotating a scanned document that already has a qrcode on it.
I am checking for the qr code but when the code is upside down - i am having trouble flipping the page and trying to read for a qr code again. and i get this error message:
exception of type '' was thrown
using (var fullImg = new Bitmap(workGif))
var halfW = fullImg.Width/2;
var halfH = fullImg.Height / 2;
var bandImg = fullImg.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, halfW, halfH), fullImg.PixelFormat);
if (Process(bandImg) == null)
page.Rotate = (page.Rotate + 180) % 360;
string QRinfo = Process(bandImg);
string[] qcode = QRinfo.Split('/');
string gid = qcode[qcode.Count() - 1];
Guid pgGuid = new Guid(gid);
var ar = dc.Assessments.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == pgGuid);
if (ar != null)
var p = inputDocument.Pages[pg];
string opdName = FILESTORELOCATION + pgGuid.ToString() + ".pdf";
PdfDocument opd = new PdfDocument(opdName);
ar.StoragePath = opdName;
ar.LastUploadedDT = DateTime.UtcNow;
ar.UploadedByUserID = uploadingUser;
this is my process for decoding qr:
public string Process(Bitmap bitmap)
var reader = new;
LuminanceSource source = new RGBLuminanceSource(bitmap, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
var binarizer = new HybridBinarizer(source);
var binBitmap = new BinaryBitmap(binarizer);
return reader.decode(binBitmap).Text;
catch (Exception e)
return e.Message;
