How can I identify duplicate application manifest certificates - c#

I have successfully:
Created an Azure App Service
Registered it with AAD
Added a certificate to the application manifest using New-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential.
The customKeyIdentifier is set as follows:
[Convert]::ToBase64String($global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.GetCertHash()) ;
Accessed the App Service using the certificate to get an access token via AcquireTokenAsync.
While attempting to write Powershell to make it easier to add certificates to applications, I noticed that you can add an unlimited number of duplicate certificates. What I mean is that they all have a unique keyId but the same
customKeyIdentifier. So I wrote the following code to eliminate creating duplicates
if ($global:CertificateInfo.Certificate -eq $null)
throw "No certificate has been selected or created yet."
$filter = "DisplayName eq '" + $($DisplayName) + "'" ;
$global:CertificateInfo.Application = Get-AzureADApplication -filter $filter
$certificateThumbprint = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.GetCertHash()) ;
foreach($keyCredential in $global:CertificateInfo.Application.KeyCredentials)
[String]$keyCredentialThumbPrint = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($keyCredential.CustomkeyIdentifier) ;
if([String]::Equals($keyCredentialThumbPrint,$certificateThumbprint,[StringComparison]::CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
throw "This certificate already exists within the keyCredentials collection with KeyId" + "'" + $keyCredential.KeyId + "'" ;
The code does not work because the customKeyIdentifier saved in the application manifest is modified somehow by Azure when it is saved so my duplication check fails. Does anyone know how Azure is modifying the customKeyIdentifier so that I can get my duplicate check to work?
Below is a copy of the duplicates that can show up in your application manifest
"keyCredentials": [
"customKeyIdentifier": "N0l6V0gxM3phNGxvUUk2UnZNdFE0dWV3aDFnPQ==",
"endDate": "2019-12-18T19:22:10Z",
"keyId": "6bef2fd1-b163-44fd-8f70-90828a6003ef",
"startDate": "2017-12-18T23:05:28.4976081Z",
"type": "AsymmetricX509Cert",
"usage": "Verify",
"value": null
"customKeyIdentifier": "N0l6V0gxM3phNGxvUUk2UnZNdFE0dWV3aDFnPQ==",
"endDate": "2019-12-18T19:22:10Z",
"keyId": "d73d0903-d86f-4277-bbe9-e1cea078b400",
"startDate": "2017-12-18T21:30:05.8419846Z",
"type": "AsymmetricX509Cert",
"usage": "Verify",
"value": null
So that people better understand that the issue is in using the New-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential cmdlet and not in the duplicate compare logic I have included the Powershell code I am using below
$global:CertificateInfo = #{} ;
function Connect-Azure {
[string] $TenantId
Write-Host "Connect-Azure - Enter - $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
Write-Host "Get-ApplicatonKeyCredentials - Parameters"
Write-Host " TenantId - $($TenantId)"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
Connect-AzureAD -TenantId $TenantId
Write-Host "Connect-Azure - Exit - $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
function Add-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential {
[string] $DisplayName,
[Switch] $Force
Write-Host "Add-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential - Enter - $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
Write-Host "Add-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential - Parameters"
Write-Host " DisplayName - $($DisplayName)"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
if ($global:CertificateInfo.Certificate -eq $null)
throw "No certificate has been selected or created yet."
$filter = "DisplayName eq '" + $($DisplayName) + "'" ;
$global:CertificateInfo.Application = Get-AzureADApplication -filter $filter
$certificateThumbprint = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.GetCertHash()) ;
foreach($keyCredential in $global:CertificateInfo.Application.KeyCredentials)
[String]$keyCredentialThumbPrint = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($keyCredential.CustomkeyIdentifier) ;
if([String]::Equals($keyCredentialThumbPrint,$certificateThumbprint,[StringComparison]::CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
throw "This certificate already exists within the keyCredentials collection with KeyId" + "'" + $keyCredential.KeyId + "'" ;
$CertificateInfo = #{} ;
$CertificateInfo.CustomKeyIdentifier = [Convert]::ToBase64String($global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.GetCertHash()) ;
$CertificateInfo.Value = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.GetRawCertData()) ;
$CertificateInfo.EndDate = $global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.NotAfter ;
$CertificateInfo.Type = "AsymmetricX509Cert"
$CertificateInfo.Usage = "Verify" ;
$CertificateInfo.ObjectId = $global:CertificateInfo.Application.ObjectId ;
New-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential #CertificateInfo;
Write-Host "Add-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential - Exit"
function Select-Certificate {
[string] $CertStoreLocation = "Cert:\LocalMachine\My",
[string] $ThumbPrint
Write-Host "Create-SelfSignedCertificate - Enter - $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
Write-Host "Get-ApplicatonKeyCredentials - Parameters" $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
$certificateLocation = $CertStoreLocation + "\" + $ThumbPrint ;
$global:CertificateInfo.Certificate = (Get-ChildItem –Path "$($certificateLocation)")
function Create-SelfSignedCertificate {
[string] $Subject,
[string] $HashAlgorithm = "SHA256",
[string] $CertStoreLocation = "Cert:\LocalMachine\My",
## see
Write-Host "Create-SelfSignedCertificate - Enter - $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
Write-Host "Get-ApplicatonKeyCredentials - Parameters"
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Subject)) {
$currentDate = (Get-Date) ;
$Subject = [String]::Format("SelfSigned{0:yyyymmddHHMMss}",$currentDate) ;
Write-Host " Subject - $($Subject)"
Write-Host " HashAlgorithm - $($HashAlgorithm)"
Write-Host " CertStoreLocation - $($CertStoreLocation)"
Write-Host " NotAfter - $($NotAfter)"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
Write-Host "Create-SelfSignedCertificate - Exit - $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
$SaveChooser = New-Object -Typename System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
$SaveChooser.CreatePrompt = $false ;
$SaveChooser.Title = "Save certficate" ;
$SaveChooser.DefaultExt = "pfx" ;
$dialogResult = $SaveChooser.ShowDialog()
if($dialogResult -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel) {
return ;
$CertificatePath = $SaveChooser.Filename ;
$certificatePassword = Read-host "Please provide a password for the exported certificate." -AsSecureString
$certParameters = #{} ;
$certParameters.CertStoreLocation = $CertStoreLocation;
$certParameters.Subject = $Subject;
$certParameters.KeySpec = "KeyExchange";
$certParameters.HashAlgorithm = $HashAlgorithm;
$certParameters.CertStoreLocation = $CertStoreLocation;
if ($NotAfter -ne $null) {
$certParameters.NotAfter = $NotAfter;
$global:CertificateInfo.Certificate = New-SelfSignedCertificate #certParameters ;
$certificateLocation = $CertStoreLocation + "\" + $global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.Thumbprint ;
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $certificateLocation -FilePath "$($CertificatePath)" -Password $certificatePassword
This is how I invoke the code above:
Connect-Azure -TenantId "your tenant ID here"
Select-Certificate -ThumbPrint "your thumbprint here"
Add-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential -DisplayName "your-displayname-here"
Shown Below are entries in my application manifest the 1st I added manually and the 2nd I added using New-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential cmdlet. They are the same certificate
"customKeyIdentifier": "7IzWH13za4loQI6RvMtQ4uewh1g=",
"endDate": "2019-12-15T16:49:37Z",
"keyId": "fd7be8fc-e44f-4d46-a0e4-fc4ef71b0833",
"startDate": "2017-12-18T19:12:15Z",
"type": "AsymmetricX509Cert",
"usage": "Verify",
"value": null
"customKeyIdentifier": "N0l6V0gxM3phNGxvUUk2UnZNdFE0dWV3aDFnPQ==",
"endDate": "2019-12-18T19:22:10Z",
"keyId": "04b0e6a9-bac5-4d3f-be5e-57ddc2976886",
"startDate": "2017-12-19T15:47:15.9136239Z",
"type": "AsymmetricX509Cert",
"usage": "Verify",
"value": null
Finally a screen shot from the Keys menu in the app registration
As you can see the only way to preserve the thumbprint seems to be to NOT use the New-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential cmdlet

I found the answer. I used ILSPY to examine the source code and the cmdlet takes the string and converts it into a byte[] using
keyCredential.CustomKeyIdentifier = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(this.CustomKeyIdentifier);
and while the resulting certificate works the keyCertificateIdentifier is obviously encoded and displayed incorrectly. BTW I did 3 days of searching and used code from various places on the web and everyone I copied from still had it wrong.
Simple solution was to call cmdlet Set-AzureADApplication rather than cmdlet New-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential. This requires me to create a Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential in powershell. Feel free to use the code below
$global:CertificateInfo = #{} ;
function Connect-Azure {
[string] $TenantId
Write-Host "Connect-Azure - Enter - $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
Write-Host "Get-ApplicatonKeyCredentials - Parameters"
Write-Host " TenantId - $($TenantId)"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
Connect-AzureAD -TenantId $TenantId
Write-Host "Connect-Azure - Exit - $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
function Add-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential {
[string] $DisplayName,
[Switch] $Force
Write-Host "Add-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential - Enter - $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
Write-Host "Add-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential - Parameters"
Write-Host " DisplayName - $($DisplayName)"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
if ($global:CertificateInfo.Certificate -eq $null)
throw "No certificate has been selected or created yet."
$filter = "DisplayName eq '" + $($DisplayName) + "'" ;
$global:CertificateInfo.Application = Get-AzureADApplication -filter $filter
$certificateThumbprint = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.GetCertHash()) ;
foreach($keyCredential in $global:CertificateInfo.Application.KeyCredentials)
[String]$keyCredentialThumbPrint = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($keyCredential.CustomkeyIdentifier) ;
if([String]::Equals($keyCredentialThumbPrint,$certificateThumbprint,[StringComparison]::CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
throw "This certificate already exists within the keyCredentials collection with KeyId" + "'" + $keyCredential.KeyId + "'" ;
$keycredential = New-Object Microsoft.Open.AzureAD.Model.KeyCredential
$keycredential.CustomKeyIdentifier = $global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.GetCertHash() ;
$keycredential.Value = $global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.GetRawCertData() ;
$keycredential.EndDate = $global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.NotAfter ;
$keycredential.StartDate = $global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.NotBefore ;
$keycredential.Type = "AsymmetricX509Cert"
$keycredential.Usage = "Verify" ;
$keycredential.KeyId = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() ;
$global:CertificateInfo.Application.KeyCredentials.Add($keycredential) ;
Set-AzureADApplication -ObjectID $global:CertificateInfo.Application.ObjectId -KeyCredentials $global:CertificateInfo.Application.KeyCredentials
Write-Host "Add-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential - Exit"
function Select-Certificate {
[string] $CertStoreLocation = "Cert:\LocalMachine\My",
[string] $ThumbPrint
Write-Host "Create-SelfSignedCertificate - Enter - $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
Write-Host "Get-ApplicatonKeyCredentials - Parameters" $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
$certificateLocation = $CertStoreLocation + "\" + $ThumbPrint ;
$global:CertificateInfo.Certificate = (Get-ChildItem –Path "$($certificateLocation)")
function Create-SelfSignedCertificate {
[string] $Subject,
[string] $HashAlgorithm = "SHA256",
[string] $CertStoreLocation = "Cert:\LocalMachine\My",
## see
Write-Host "Create-SelfSignedCertificate - Enter - $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
Write-Host "Get-ApplicatonKeyCredentials - Parameters"
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Subject)) {
$currentDate = (Get-Date) ;
$Subject = [String]::Format("SelfSigned{0:yyyymmddHHMMss}",$currentDate) ;
Write-Host " Subject - $($Subject)"
Write-Host " HashAlgorithm - $($HashAlgorithm)"
Write-Host " CertStoreLocation - $($CertStoreLocation)"
Write-Host " NotAfter - $($NotAfter)"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';
Write-Host "Create-SelfSignedCertificate - Exit - $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)"
$SaveChooser = New-Object -Typename System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
$SaveChooser.CreatePrompt = $false ;
$SaveChooser.Title = "Save certficate" ;
$SaveChooser.DefaultExt = "pfx" ;
$dialogResult = $SaveChooser.ShowDialog()
if($dialogResult -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel) {
return ;
$CertificatePath = $SaveChooser.Filename ;
$certificatePassword = Read-host "Please provide a password for the exported certificate." -AsSecureString
$certParameters = #{} ;
$certParameters.CertStoreLocation = $CertStoreLocation;
$certParameters.Subject = $Subject;
$certParameters.KeySpec = "KeyExchange";
$certParameters.HashAlgorithm = $HashAlgorithm;
$certParameters.CertStoreLocation = $CertStoreLocation;
if ($NotAfter -ne $null) {
$certParameters.NotAfter = $NotAfter;
$global:CertificateInfo.Certificate = New-SelfSignedCertificate #certParameters ;
$certificateLocation = $CertStoreLocation + "\" + $global:CertificateInfo.Certificate.Thumbprint ;
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert $certificateLocation -FilePath "$($CertificatePath)" -Password $certificatePassword
this results in a manifest that looks like
"keyCredentials": [
"customKeyIdentifier": "KjS6U6xucxo5kuI1YAwykzrmBKE=",
"endDate": "2019-12-19T19:34:29Z",
"keyId": "de9bd300-ecdc-43d0-a5a6-e946cce10019",
"startDate": "2017-12-19T19:24:50Z",
"type": "AsymmetricX509Cert",
"usage": "Verify",
"value": null
and the display of the keys in the Azure portal looks like this
the Base64 string in the manifest 'KjS6U6xucxo5kuI1YAwykzrmBKE=' now shows up correctly as the hex representation of the certificate thumbprint '2A34BA53AC6E731A3992E235600C32933AE604A1'.
So in closing:
The duplicate check works correctly.
The Azure portal correctly shows the thumbprint of the certificate being used.
The process is automated to reduce the possibility of cut/paste errors.

Does anyone know how Azure is modifying the customKeyIdentifier so
that I can get my duplicate check to work?
First, you're right. Azure allows you upload one certificates for many times. But each uploading action will get one unique KeyId for the certificate.
I understand what you want to achieve. But My scripts is for find whether the certificate is already uploaded. If you want to duplicate check on the uploaded certificates, I think it be better go to Azure portal and find the same certificate quickly, rather than using Powershell. Here is my scripts:
$certs = Get-AzureADApplicationKeyCredential -ObjectId 25f83866-561f-4cf2-b7a6-d623d55864df
$base64Thumbprint = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($cer.GetCertHash()) # $cer is your local certificate
Foreach ($certificate in $certs)
$customkeyIdentifier = $certificate.CustomKeyIdentifier
$UploadedThumbprint = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($customkeyidentifier)
If($UploadedThumbprint -eq $base64Thumbprint)
Write-Host "This certificate is same as yours and its KeyId is" : $certificate.keyId -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "This certificate is different from your cert and its KeyId is" : $certificate.keyId -ForegroundColor Cyan
Here is my result:
Hope this helps!


powershell net view not showing all computer names on network

Using the one-liner
switch -regex (NET.EXE VIEW) { "^\\\\(?<Name>\S+)\s+" { $matches.Name } }
To get a list of all computers on the network, but for some reason, this only returns a partial list, could it be a work-group related issue?
I can see all the computers on the network under the windows network tab and log in successfully, though.
Made a bit of a script for this that grabs all of the network computers via arp -a, hostnames etc, with a progress bar, and then feeds them to an array that I can use.
Add-Type -assembly System.Windows.Forms
## -- Create The Progress-Bar
$ObjForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$ObjForm.Text = "Initial Setup"
$ObjForm.Height = 100
$ObjForm.Width = 500
$ObjForm.BackColor = "#000000"
$ObjForm.FormBorderStyle = 'None'
$ObjForm.ControlBox = $False
$ObjForm.FormBorderStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle]::FixedSingle
$ObjForm.StartPosition = [System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition]::CenterScreen
$ObjForm.TopMost = $True
## -- Create The Label
$ObjLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$ObjLabel.Text = "Starting. Please wait ... "
$ObjLabel.Left = 5
$ObjLabel.Top = 10
$ObjLabel.Width = 500 - 20
$ObjLabel.Height = 15
$ObjLabel.Font = "Tahoma"
$ObjLabel.ForeColor = "#FFFFFF"
## -- Add the label to the Form
$PB = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar
$PB.Name = "PowerShellProgressBar"
$PB.Value = 0
$PB.Style = "Continuous"
$PB.ForeColor = "#FFC20E"
$PB.BackColor = "#111111"
$System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$System_Drawing_Size.Width = 500 - 40
$System_Drawing_Size.Height = 20
$PB.Size = $System_Drawing_Size
$PB.Left = 5
$PB.Top = 40
## -- Show the Progress-Bar and Start The PowerShell Script
$ObjForm.Show() | Out-Null
$ObjForm.Focus() | Out-NUll
$ObjLabel.Text = "Starting. Please wait ... "
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
## -- Execute The PowerShell Code and Update the Status of the Progress-Bar
$Activity = "Processing items"
$NameArray = arp -a
$ArpArray = #()
$FinalArray = #()
foreach ($object in $NameArray)
$ArpArray += ($object -split "\s+")[1] -replace "Internet", ""
$TotItems = $ArpArray.Count
$Count = 0
$ParseArray = $ArpArray | Where { $_ -ne '' }
foreach ($address in $ParseArray)
#write-host $address
$Stringer = $address
try { $Name = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByAddress($Stringer).Hostname }
catch [Exception]{ $Name = "" }
$FinalArray += $Name
$percentComplete = ($Count/$TotItems * 100)
$PB.Value = $percentComplete
$ObjLabel.Text = "Getting Network Computer Names"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 150
$FinalArray = $FinalArray | Where { $_ -ne "" }
$FinalArray = $FinalArray | Select -Unique

Send email with PowerShell

I have a function that is able to send email by sending it through PowerShell.
Using the System.Management.Automation reference I am able to use the PowerShell class that allows me to add PowerShell script that will send the email.
If I were to type it directly into the PowerShell window it would look like this:
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString 'PASSWORD' -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('', $password)
Send-MailMessage -From '' -To '' -Subject 'Heres the Email Subject' -Body 'This is what I want to say' -SmtpServer '' -Port '587' -UseSsl -Credential $Cred –DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess
It is able to send an email but I how would I check if an email wasn't sent?
The function is below.
private void SendEmail()
string from = "";
string to = "";
string subject = "Heres the Email Subject";
string body = "This is what I want to say";
string server = "";
string port = "587";
//Password goes here
string password = "PASSWORD";
string pw = "ConvertTo-SecureString '" + password + "' -AsPlainText -Force";
string cred = "New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential('" + from + "', $password)";
string send = "Send-MailMessage -From '" + from + "' -To '" + to + "' -Subject '" + subject + "' -Body '" + body + "' -SmtpServer '" + server + "' -Port '" + port + "' -UseSsl -Credential $Cred -DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess";
string psScript = "$password = " + pw + System.Environment.NewLine +
"$Cred = " + cred + System.Environment.NewLine +
using (PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create())
// invoke execution on the pipeline (collecting output)
Collection<PSObject> PSOutput = ps.Invoke();
// loop through each output object item
foreach (PSObject outputItem in PSOutput)
// if null object was dumped to the pipeline during the script then a null
// object may be present here. check for null to prevent potential NRE.
if (outputItem != null)
//TODO: do something with the output item
Console.WriteLine(outputItem.BaseObject.ToString() + "\n");
I found a way to check for errors using ps.HadErrors
using (PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create())
//Add the powershell script to the pipeline
// invoke execution on the pipeline (collecting output)
Collection<PSObject> PSOutput = ps.Invoke();
//check for any errors
if (ps.HadErrors)
foreach (var errorRecord in ps.Streams.Error)

Call Powershell function from C#

Hi to all I want to call in C# a powershell script. Inside ps1 file I have implemented a function.
Powershell script:
Add-Type -path 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime.dll'
Add-Type -path 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll'
#$CourseName = Read-host "Enter site name"
Function CreateBlogSubsite($SiteName)
$user = "";
$pass = "P3003ksi434!";
$secpw = $pass | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$SiteURL = ""
$Context = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteURL);
$Creds = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($user,$secpw);
$Context.Credentials = $Creds;
Try {
#Specify Subsite details
$WebCI = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.WebCreationInformation
$WebCI.Title = $SiteName + " Blog" # sitename
$WebCI.WebTemplate = "Blog#0" #Blog Site #site template
$WebCI.Url = $SiteName + "_Blog"
$SubWeb = $Context.Web.Webs.Add($WebCI)
$URI = $SiteURL + $WebCI.Url
return $URI
#Write-host "Subsite Created Successfully! Url is: " + $SiteName + "1Blog" -ForegroundColor Green
catch {
write-host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -foregroundcolor Red
Here is my console program, where I call PS script:
static void Main(string[] args)
// Execute powershell script
// Initialize PowerShell engine
var shell = PowerShell.Create();
//Add the script via a pre-made ps1 file
shell.Commands.AddParameter("$SiteName", "Desti");
// Execute the script
var results = shell.Invoke(); // I want to get output of Poweshell function
But it does not works :( . So, does not create subsite when I call script from c#
This should work:
Runspace rs = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace();
using (PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create())
ps.Runspace = rs;
ps.AddScript($#"C:\Users\zeb\source\CreateCourseBlog.ps1 -SiteName Desti");
var psOutput = ps.Invoke();
foreach (var item in psOutput)
if (item == null) continue;
if (ps.Streams.Error.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine($"Errors ({ps.Streams.Error.Count}):\n");
foreach (var err in ps.Streams.Error)
Console.WriteLine(" - " + err);
In addition to this code you should add next code to the top of your powershell script:
[string] $SiteName

Deploying Web Jobs Using ARM or the Powershell Script

I am trying to deploy Web job in to Azure using powershell script where we have our own deployment Framework, when i am deploying from my local machine it is deploying successfully only if i have the Admin or Co- Admin permissions if i have contributor Access script fails.Our deployment framework has only contributor permissions, Is there any way to deploy web job with the contributor permissions and I didn't found any ARM templates for Web Job deployment where i have solution file in local . Any suggestions please
Here is my script
`Add-AzureAccount (since web job doesn't have any RM commandlett i am using classic login where All our resource are in RM )
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName "*************"
$packageSource ="$Global:packageDir/../output\deletelogs\bin"
$destinationSource = "$env:TEMP\"
If(Test-path $destinationSource) {Remove-item $destinationSource}
Add-Type -assembly ""
[io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($packageSource, $destinationSource)
$webappname = AzCreateWebAppName "mywebapp$(Get-Random)"
$location = "EastUs" #GetCurrentRegion
$resourceGroupName= "*****" # AzGetResourceGroup
$webjobName = $webappname +"_deletelogsjob"
$jobCollecctionName = $webappname + $webjobName + "JobCollection"
#<### Defining Schedules
#$date = Get-Date
#$startDate = $date.ToString("MM-dd-yyy HH:mm tt")
#$endDate = $date.AddYears(1).ToString("MM-dd-yyy HH:mm tt")#>
# #Create an App Service plan in Free tier.
New-AzureRmAppServicePlan -Name $webappname -Location $location -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Tier Basic
## Create a web app.
$webapp = New-AzureRmWebApp -Name $webappname -Location $location -AppServicePlan $webappname -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName
###### Create WebJob
$job = New-AzureWebsiteJob -Name $webapp -JobName $webjobName -JobType Triggered -JobFile $destinationSource
$jobCollection = New-AzureRmSchedulerJobCollection -Location $location -JobCollectionName $jobCollecctionName -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName
$temp = "$env:TEMP\appsetting.xml"
$file = Get-AzureRMWebAppPublishingProfile -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $webappname -OutputFile $temp -Format WebDeploy
$webSitePassword = ([xml]$file).ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0].Attributes[5].Value
$webSiteUserName = ([xml]$file).ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0].Attributes[4].Value
$uri = "https://{0}:{1}#{2}{3}/run" -f $webSiteUserName, $webSitePassword,$webappname, $webjobName
New-AzureRmSchedulerHttpJob -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
-JobCollectionName $jobCollection[0].JobCollectionName -JobName "deleteLogsScheduler" -Method POST `
-URI $uri -StartTime $startDate -Interval 2 -Frequency Minute `
-EndTime $endDate`
You could use example in this blog.
#Resource details :
$resourceGroupName = "<Resourcegroup name>";
$webAppName = "<WebApp name>";
$Apiversion = 2015-08-01
#Function to get Publishing credentials for the WebApp :
function Get-PublishingProfileCredentials($resourceGroupName, $webAppName){
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/config"
$resourceName = "$webAppName/publishingcredentials"
$publishingCredentials = Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ResourceType
$resourceType -ResourceName $resourceName -Action list -ApiVersion $Apiversion -Force
return $publishingCredentials
#Pulling authorization access token :
function Get-KuduApiAuthorisationHeaderValue($resourceGroupName, $webAppName){
$publishingCredentials = Get-PublishingProfileCredentials $resourceGroupName $webAppName
return ("Basic {0}" -f [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f
$publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingUserName, $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingPassword))))
$accessToken = Get-KuduApiAuthorisationHeaderValue $resourceGroupName $webAppname
#Generating header to create and publish the Webjob :
$Header = #{
'Content-Disposition'='attachment; attachment;'
$apiUrl = "https://$<Webjob-type>/<Webjob-name>"
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiUrl -Headers $Header -Method put -InFile "<Complete path of the file>\
<filename>.zip" -ContentType 'application/zip'
#NOTE: Update the above script with the parameters highlighted and run in order to push a new Webjob under the specified WebApp.
For Kudu authorization
$creds = Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -ResourceGroupName YourResourceGroup -ResourceType Microsoft.Web/sites/config -ResourceName YourWebApp/publishingcredentials -Action list -ApiVersion 2015-08-01 -Force
$username = $creds.Properties.PublishingUserName
$password = $creds.Properties.PublishingPassword
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $username,$password)))
$apiBaseUrl = "https://$($website.Name)"
$kuduVersion = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$apiBaseUrl/environment" -Headers #{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)} -Method GET
This following lines of code is power shell script which allows you to deploy webjob in a web app . The parameters are passed through the settings file reference ...
#Requires -Version 3.0
[string] $settingsFileName = '\Settings\settings.json',
[boolean] $unitTestMode = $false
$Apiversion = "2015-08-01"
#Check if any requirement is missing
function Test-ParameterSet
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][System.Object]$settings
# Loop through the $settings and check no missing setting
if ($null -eq $applicationFileJson.subscriptions) {throw "Missing subscriptions field in settings file"}
foreach ($subscription in $applicationFileJson.subscriptions)
if ($null -eq $subscription.subscriptionId) {throw "Missing subscription Id field in settings file"}
# Loop through the $settings and check no missing setting
foreach ($vault in $settings.WorkLoads)
if ($null -eq $vault.applicationName) {throw "Missing applicationNam in settings file for $($subscription.subscriptionId)"}
if ($null -eq $vault.environmentName) {throw "Missing environmentName in settings file for $($subscription.subscriptionId)"}
if ($null -eq $vault.resourceGroupName) {throw "Missing resourceGroupName in settings file for $($subscription.subscriptionId)"}
if ($null -eq $vault.webAppName) {throw "Missing webAppName in settings file for $($subscription.subscriptionId)"}
if ($null -eq $vault.Storagerg) {throw "Missing Storagerg in settings file for $($subscription.subscriptionId)"}
if ($null -eq $vault.webjobname) {throw "Missing webjobname in settings file for $($subscription.subscriptionId)"}
if ($null -eq $vault.webjobtype) {throw "Missing webjobtype in settings file for $($subscription.subscriptionId)"}
if ($null -eq $vault.storageAccountName) {throw "Missing storageAccountName in settings file for $($subscription.subscriptionId)"}
if ($null -eq $vault.container_name) {throw "Missing container_name in settings file for $($subscription.subscriptionId)"}
If ($vault.webjobtype -eq "triggeredwebjobs")
if ($null -eq $vault.trigger_type) {throw "Missing trigger_type in settings file for $($subscription.subscriptionId)"}
If ($vault.webjobtype -eq "triggeredwebjobs" -and $vault.trigger_type -eq "scheduled")
if ($null -eq $vault.schedule) {throw "Missing schedule in settings file for $($subscription.subscriptionId)"}
If ($vault.webjobtype -eq "continuouswebjobs")
if ($null -eq $vault.continuous_type) {throw "Missing continuous_type in settings file for $($subscription.subscriptionId)"}
return $true
function Get-KuduApiAuthorisationHeaderValue($resourceGroupName, $webAppName)
$resourceType = "Microsoft.Web/sites/config"
$resourceName = "$webAppName/publishingcredentials"
$publishingCredentials = Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ResourceType $resourceType -ResourceName $resourceName -Action list -ApiVersion $Apiversion -Force
return ("Basic {0}" -f [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingUserName, $publishingCredentials.Properties.PublishingPassword))))
function Publish-webjob
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$resourceGroupName,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$webAppName,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$Storagerg,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$webjobname,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$webjobtype,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$storageAccountName,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$container_name,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$settingsFileName,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$i
#Check resource group exist
try {
$resourceGroup = Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
$resourceGroup = $null
if ($null -eq $resourceGroup)
$message = "Resource group $resourceGroupName not found, deployment stop"
Write-Verbose $message
return $message
# Prepare deployment variables
Write-Verbose "ResourceGroup Found"
$SettingsJson = Get-JsonParameterSet -settingsFileName $settingsFileName
$trigger_type = "$($SettingsJson.WorkLoads[$i].trigger_type)"
Write-Verbose $trigger_type
$schedule = "$($SettingsJson.WorkLoads[$i].schedule)"
Write-Verbose $schedule
$continuous_type = "$($SettingsJson.WorkLoads[$i].continuous_type)"
Write-Verbose $continuous_type
# Unlock ResourceGroup
Unlock-ResourceGroup $resourceGroupName
write-verbose "ResourceGroup Unlocked"
$accessToken = Get-KuduApiAuthorisationHeaderValue $resourceGroupName $webAppname
#Get storage account context and storage bolo
$sa= Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $Storagerg -Name $storageAccountName
$blobs = Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $container_name -Context $ctx
$apiUrl = "https://$$webjobtype/$webjobname"
#create a folder to save all the files of the container
New-Item -Path $Location -Name $webjobname -ItemType "directory" -Force
$folderPath = "$Location"+"\"+$webjobname
$localFile = $Location+"\"+$webjobname+"\"
#Generating header to create and publish the Webjob :
$Header = #{
#Check if the storage container is empty
If($blobs.Count -eq 0)
Write-Error "The storage container is found empty"
#get files from container
foreach ($blob in $blobs)
$file=Get-AzureStorageBlobContent -Container $container_name -Blob $blob.Name -Context $ctx -Destination $localFile -Force
$contents = Get-Content $localFile -Raw -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
Add-Content $f $contents
If ($webjobtype -eq "triggeredwebjobs" -and $trigger_type -eq "scheduled")
$f = New-TemporaryFile
$r="{ ""schedule"" : "+""""+ $schedule+"""" + "}"
Add-Content $f $r
Move-Item -Path $f -Destination $destination
If ($webjobtype -eq "continuouswebjobs")
$f = New-TemporaryFile
If($continuous_type -eq "singleinstance")
If($continuous_type -eq "multipleinstance")
$r="{ ""is_singleton"" : " + $c + "}"
Add-Content $f $r
Move-Item -Path $f -Destination $destination
#Archive the files to a zip
$source = $localFile + "*"
$destination = $Location+"\"+$webjobname+"\"+$wz
Compress-Archive -U -Path $source -DestinationPath $destination
#Deploying webjobs
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiUrl -Headers $Header -Method put -InFile $destination -ContentType 'application/zip' -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "Print result " -ForegroundColor Green
#delete the folder from local mahine
Remove-Item $folderPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# lock ResourceGroup
#Lock-ResourceGroup $resourceGroupName
write-verbose "ResourceGroup locked"
return $result
function Publish-Infrastructure
[parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$settingsFileName
$settings = Get-JsonParameterSet -settingsFileName $settingsFileName
$deploymentIsSucceeded = $true
$workloadCount = $settings.WorkLoads.Count
Write-Verbose "workloadCounts: $workloadCount"
if($workloadCount -ge 1)
for($i = 0;$i -lt $workloadCount; $i++)
$applicationName = $settings.WorkLoads[$i].applicationName
Write-Verbose "application name: $applicationName"
$environmentName = $settings.WorkLoads[$i].environmentName
$applicationFile = "..\SettingsByWorkload\" + "nv_" + $applicationName + ".workload.json"
$applicationFile = Get-FileFullPath -fileName $applicationFile -rootPath $PSScriptRoot
$applicationFileJson = Get-JsonParameterSet -settingsFileName $applicationFile
Write-Verbose "application file json: $applicationName"
$null = Test-ParameterSet -settings $settings
$policyCount = $applicationFileJson.subscriptions.Count
Write-Verbose "$policyCount"
if($policyCount -ge 1)
for($j = 0;$j -lt $policyCount; $j++)
if($applicationFileJson.subscriptions[$j].environmentName -eq $environmentName)
$subscriptionId = $applicationFileJson.subscriptions[$j].subscriptionId
Write-Verbose "Environment Subscription: $($subscriptionId)"
Set-ContextIfNeeded -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId
foreach ($webjob in $settings.WorkLoads[$i])
$resourceGroupName = $webjob.resourceGroupName
$webAppName = $webjob.webAppName
$Storagerg = $webjob.Storagerg
$webjobname = $webjob.webjobname
$webjobtype = $webjob.webjobtype
$storageAccountName = $webjob.storageAccountName
$schedule = $webjob.schedule
$container_name = $webjob.container_name
$trigger_type = $webjob.trigger_type
Write-Verbose "Ready to start deployment on environment $EnvironmentName of a webjob in subscription $subscriptionId for resource group: $resourceGroupName"
$result = Publish-webjob ` -resourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
-webAppName $webAppName `
-Storagerg $Storagerg `
-webjobname $webjobname `
-webjobtype $webjobtype `
-storageAccountName $storageAccountName `
-settingsFileName $settingsFileName `
-container_name $container_name `
-i $i
return $true
if ($unitTestMode)
#do nothing
Write-Verbose 'Unit test mode, no deployment' -Verbose
#Log in Azure if not already done
$azureRmContext = Get-AzureRmContext -ErrorAction Stop
$result = Add-AzureRmAccount
$azureRmContext = $result.Context
Write-Verbose "Subscription name $($azureRmContext.Subscription.Name)" -Verbose
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
# Get required templates and setting files. Throw if not found
$scriptsPath = Split-Path -Path $scriptsPath -Parent
$SettingsPath = Join-Path $scriptsPath $settingsFileName
$settingsFileName = $SettingsPath
Write-Verbose "Settings file name $($settingsFileName)" -Verbose
# Deploy infrastructure
return Publish-Infrastructure `
-settingsFileName $settingsFileName `
# END of script

PowerShell error : Cannot Invoke this function because the current host does not implement it

function LogMe() {
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]$logEntry,
if ($error) {
$logEntry = "[ERROR] $logEntry"
Write-Host "$logEntry" -ForegroundColor Red
} elseif ($warning) {
Write-Warning "$logEntry"
$logEntry = "[WARNING] $logEntry"
} elseif ($progress) {
Write-Host "$logEntry" -ForegroundColor Green
} elseif ($display) {
Write-Host "$logEntry"
#$logEntry = ((Get-Date -uformat "%D %T") + " - " + $logEntry)
$logEntry | -force Out-File $logFile -Append
The above code spits out an error described in the title. I tried -force any other suggestions?
It's not C# per se but the error I'm getting is coming from C# when I run using pipeline.invoke.
