Given the following middleware:
public class RequestDurationMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
private readonly ILogger<RequestDurationMiddleware> _logger;
public RequestDurationMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, ILogger<RequestDurationMiddleware> logger)
_next = next;
_logger = logger;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
await _next.Invoke(context);
_logger.LogTrace("{duration}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Because of the pipeline, it occurs before the end of pipeline and logs different times:
WebApi.Middlewares.RequestDurationMiddleware 2018-01-10 15:00:16.372 -02:00 [Verbose] 382ms
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel 2018-01-10 15:00:16.374 -02:00 [Debug] Connection id ""0HLAO9CRJUV0C"" completed keep alive response.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.WebHost 2018-01-10 15:00:16.391 -02:00 [Information] "Request finished in 405.1196ms 400 application/json; charset=utf-8"
How can I capture the actual request execution time from WebHost (405.1196ms in the example) value in this case? I want to store this value in database or use it elsewhere.
I thought this question was really interesting, so I looked into this for a bit to figure out how the WebHost is actually measuring and displaying that request time. Bottom line is: There is neither a good nor an easy nor a pretty way to get this information, and everything feels like a hack. But follow along if you’re still interested.
When the application is started, the WebHostBuilder constructs the WebHost which in turn creates the HostingApplication. That’s basically the root component that is responsible to respond to incoming requests. It is the component that will invoke the middleware pipeline when a request comes in.
It is also the component that will create HostingApplicationDiagnostics which allows to collect diagnostics about the request handling. At the beginning of the request, the HostingApplication will call HostingApplicationDiagnostics.BeginRequest, and at the end of the request, it will call HostingApplicationDiagnostics.RequestEnd.
Not that surprisingly, HostingApplicationDiagnostics is the thing that will measure the request duration and also log that message for the WebHost that you have been seeing. So this is the class that we have to inspect more closely to figure out how to get the information.
There are two things the diagnostics object uses to report diagnostics information: A logger, and a DiagnosticListener.
Diagnostic listener
The DiagnosticListener is an interesting thing: It is basically a general event sink that you can just raise events on. And other objects can then subscribe to it to listen to these events. So this almost sounds perfect for our purpose!
The DiagnosticListener object that the HostingApplicationDiagnostics uses is passed on by the WebHost and it actually gets resolved from dependency injection. Since it is registered by the WebHostBuilder as a singleton, we can actually just resolve the listener from dependency injection and subscribe to its events. So let’s just do that in our Startup:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// …
// register our observer
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env,
// we inject both the DiagnosticListener and our DiagnosticObserver here
DiagnosticListener diagnosticListenerSource, DiagnosticObserver diagnosticObserver)
// subscribe to the listener
// …
That’s already enough to get our DiagnosticObserver running. Our observer needs to implement IObserver<KeyValuePair<string, object>>. When an event occurs, we will get a key-value-pair where the key is an identifier for the event, and the value is a custom object that is passed by the HostingApplicationDiagnostics.
But before we implement our observer, we should actually look at what kind of events HostingApplicationDiagnostics actually raises.
Unfortunately, when the request ends, the event that is raised on the diagnostic lister just gets passed the end timestamp, so we would also need to listen to the event that is raised at the beginning of the request to read the start timestamp. But that would introduce state into our observer which is something we want to avoid here. In addition, the actual event name constants are prefixed with Deprecated which might be an indicator that we should avoid using these.
The preferred way is to use activities which are also closely related to the diagnostic observer. Activities are apparently states that track, well, activities as they appear in the application. They are started and stopped at some point, and also already record how long they run on their own. So we can just make our observer listen to the stop event for the activity to get notified when its done:
public class DiagnosticObserver : IObserver<KeyValuePair<string, object>>
private readonly ILogger<DiagnosticObserver> _logger;
public DiagnosticObserver(ILogger<DiagnosticObserver> logger)
_logger = logger;
public void OnCompleted() { }
public void OnError(Exception error) { }
public void OnNext(KeyValuePair<string, object> value)
if (value.Key == "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.HttpRequestIn.Stop")
var httpContext = value.Value.GetType().GetProperty("HttpContext")?.GetValue(value.Value) as HttpContext;
var activity = Activity.Current;
_logger.LogWarning("Request ended for {RequestPath} in {Duration} ms",
httpContext.Request.Path, activity.Duration.TotalMilliseconds);
Unfortunately there is just no solution without downsides… I found this solution to be very inaccurate for parallel requests (e.g. when opening a page that has also images or scripts which are requested in parallel). This is likely due to the fact that we are using a static Activity.Current to get the activity. However there does not really seem to be a way to get just the activity for a single request, e.g. from the key value pair that was passed.
So I went back and tried my original idea again, using those deprecated events. The way I understood it is btw. that they are just deprecated because using activities is recommended, not because they will be removed soon (of course we are working with implementation details and an internal class here, so these things could change at any time). To avoid problems with concurrency, we need to make sure we store the state inside of the HTTP context (instead of a class field):
private const string StartTimestampKey = "DiagnosticObserver_StartTimestamp";
public void OnNext(KeyValuePair<string, object> value)
if (value.Key == "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.BeginRequest")
var httpContext = (HttpContext)value.Value.GetType().GetProperty("httpContext").GetValue(value.Value);
httpContext.Items[StartTimestampKey] = (long)value.Value.GetType().GetProperty("timestamp").GetValue(value.Value);
else if (value.Key == "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.EndRequest")
var httpContext = (HttpContext)value.Value.GetType().GetProperty("httpContext").GetValue(value.Value);
var endTimestamp = (long)value.Value.GetType().GetProperty("timestamp").GetValue(value.Value);
var startTimestamp = (long)httpContext.Items[StartTimestampKey];
var duration = new TimeSpan((long)((endTimestamp - startTimestamp) * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency));
_logger.LogWarning("Request ended for {RequestPath} in {Duration} ms",
httpContext.Request.Path, duration.TotalMilliseconds);
When running this, we do actually get accurate results and we also have access to the HttpContext which we can use to identify the request. Of course, the overhead that’s involved here is very apparent: Reflection to access property values, having to store information in HttpContext.Items, the whole observer thing in general… that’s probably not a very performant way to do this.
Futher reading on diagnostic source and activities: DiagnosticSource Users Guid and Activity User Guide.
Somewhere above I mentioned that the HostingApplicationDiagnostics also reports the information to the logging facilities. Of course: This is what we are seeing in the console after all. And if we look at the implementation, we can see that this already calculates the proper duration here. And since this is structured logging, we could use this to grab that information.
So let’s attempt to write a custom logger that checks for that exact state object and see what we can do:
public class RequestDurationLogger : ILogger, ILoggerProvider
public ILogger CreateLogger(string categoryName) => this;
public void Dispose() { }
public IDisposable BeginScope<TState>(TState state) => NullDisposable.Instance;
public bool IsEnabled(LogLevel logLevel) => true;
public void Log<TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func<TState, Exception, string> formatter)
if (state.GetType().FullName == "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Internal.HostingRequestFinishedLog" &&
state is IReadOnlyList<KeyValuePair<string, object>> values &&
values.FirstOrDefault(kv => kv.Key == "ElapsedMilliseconds").Value is double milliseconds)
Console.WriteLine($"Request took {milliseconds} ms");
private class NullDisposable : IDisposable
public static readonly NullDisposable Instance = new NullDisposable();
public void Dispose() { }
Unfortunately (you probably love this word by now, right?), the state class HostingRequestFinishedLog is internal, so we cannot use it directly. So we have to use reflection to identify it. But we just need its name, then we can extract the value from the read-only list.
Now all we need to do is register that logger (provider) with the web host:
.ConfigureLogging(logging =>
logging.AddProvider(new RequestDurationLogger());
And that’s actually all we need to be able to access the exact same information that the standard logging also has.
However, there are two problems: We don’t have a HttpContext here, so we cannot get information about which request this duration actually belongs to. And as you can see in the HostingApplicationDiagnostics, this logging call is actually only made when the log level is at least Information.
We could get the HttpContext by reading the private field _httpContext using reflection but there is just nothing we can do about the log level. And of course, the fact that we are creating a logger to grab information from one specific logging call is a super hack and probably not a good idea anyway.
So, this is all terrible. There simply is no clean way to retrieve this information from the HostingApplicationDiagnostics. And we also have to keep in mind that the diagnostics stuff actually only runs when it’s enabled. And performance critical applications will likely disable it at one point or another. In any way, using this information for anything outside of diagnostics would be a bad idea since it’s just too fragile in general.
So what is the better solution? A solution that works outsid of a diagnostics context? A simple middleware that runs early; just like you have already used. Yes, this is likely not as accurate as it will leave out a few paths from the outer request handling pipeline but it will still be an accurate measurement for the actual application code. After all, if we wanted to measure framework performance, we would have to measure it from the outside anyway: as a client, making requests (just like the benchmarks work).
And btw. this is also how Stack Overflow’s own MiniProfiler works. You just register the middleware early and that’s it.
This is a practice ASP.NET project I'm using to better understand a few techniques, and while I've got Dependency Injection working, its not working quite as I want it to. I have a class that I want to use to store a history, so every time the user hits a submit button, it displays a result, and after the second time it starts displaying the history. Anyway I added the history to the DI as a scoped service, thinking that would mean it would be created and then remain the same instance for the duration of the session for that user. However according to the debugger it looks like the list never gets bigger than one, and thats at the point of adding the item to the list. So the code.
The object
public class RollHistory : IRollHistory
public List<IRollMessage> Entries { get; set; } = new List<IRollMessage>();
The DI
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<IDiceTray, DiceTray>();
services.AddTransient<IRollMessage, RollMessage>();
services.AddScoped<IRollHistory, RollHistory>();
The Controller constructor
public HomeController(ILogger<HomeController> logger, IDiceTray diceTray, IRollMessage rollMessage, IRollHistory rollHistory)
_logger = logger;
_diceTray = diceTray;
_rollMessage = rollMessage;
_rollHistory = rollHistory;
And the code for when the button gets clicked
public IActionResult Index(DiceRollModel diceRoll)
_diceTray.DiceRoll(diceRoll.DiceType, diceRoll.DiceCount, diceRoll.Bonus, diceRoll.VantageType);
diceRoll.RollResult = _rollMessage;
diceRoll.History = _rollHistory.Entries;
return View(diceRoll);
It's worth noting I've tried to code this at least 4 different ways with and without DI, the only way it works is if I use AddSingleton, while this might not be an issue because this app is unlikely to ever be live, its a poor excuse not to do it right.
I believe “scope” is by default per request which would explain that each submit gets is own service.
“Doing stuff right” is of course to some extend a matter of opinion. But my opinion would clearly be that I would avoid server-side session to avoid problems with scaling to more than one instance. There are also ways to support shared state, but this is difficult. To me singletons are not a code smell either, but they have their own problems.
Your problem might be solved by storing whatever state you need in the browser either in a cookie or localStorage. Your service would then have request scope, but it would read user state from browser causing “user scope” for the data. (But don’t rely on browser state to persist and remember it is modifiable to the user.)
This is a long shot and there doesnt seem to be anything close on Google, but I was wondering if it possible to prevent certain exceptions from being logged to App Insights?
There are a lot of places in our code base where exceptions were raised for user actions that are not really exceptions that we want to show in App Insights.
However, changing all the areas where this occurs would take use a long time and would require a lot of testing as we would need to make sure that the flow of logic is not changed
At the moment we raise exceptions of type LocationDomainException, Im thinking that if I come across somewhere where we dont want to log the exception, we can change to LocationDomainUserError
I would need to stop this exception, or any exception inheriting from it from being logged
Im using .NET Core 3.1.
I appreciate this is a bit of an anti pattern, but has anyone ever tried it?
Yes, you can use a Telemetry Processor:
public class CustomTelemetryFilter : ITelemetryProcessor
private readonly ITelemetryProcessor _next;
public CustomTelemetryFilter(ITelemetryProcessor next)
_next = next;
public void Process(ITelemetry item)
// Example: process all exceptions except LocationDomainException
var isSomeException = item is ExceptionTelemetry ex && ex.Exception is LocationDomainException;
if (!isSomeException)
_next.Process(item); // Process the item
// Item is dropped here
Register the processor using services.AddApplicationInsightsTelemetryProcessor<CustomTelemetryFilter>();
I am using DI in my Web application. (I am using NInject, but hopefully this should not matter)
Some places constructor injection is not possible, for example in my custom log4net database logger (that's not me, who instantiates my custom logger instead the log4net framework). So I am using my DI container there in service locator DP mode, and asking an instance resolve explicitly in the logger code.
Note this is just a sample, in many other cases I had to use NInject as service locator DP instead of constructor injection.
Now the problem:
I have an IAuditContextProvider which serves current request's audit data, like IP etc. The question arises how I configure my DI container to instantiate a concrete provider. So far I've used a request scope (singleton by request) what is supported out of box by NInject.
However recently I faced the fact I had to start a background processing initiated by a request. This is done by
// This is 'outside' it's actually a request serving method running in the request context, btw it is an MVC action method,
// Pseudo code:
var auditProvider = Locator.Resolve<IAuditProvider>()
Task.Run(() =>
// I would like to get the very same resolved auditProvider instance here as outside.
// Please note: outer local variables are not solution, because of implicit calls here inside, for example if there is a logging statement here, then the service locator in the custom logger must resolve the very same instance as outside
// Some how I must 'stamp' this thread to be the 'same' as the outside
// request thread in point of view of my custom scope resolver (see below)
Note: Configuring the DI container a wide scoped singleton are not solution because of multiple requests are server parallel, and they can not use a common auditProvider.
OK, I thought this is what for custom (resolving) scopes are for. Here is the pseudo code how I am configuring my DI container:
.To(typeof(WebAuditContextProvider)).InScope(dummy =>
// Here I have to return a very same object/number/id when in
// 'outside' the request thread, and inside the worker thread.
// This way I hopefully get the very same instance when resolving.
// To be short: I have no idea how?
I don't think there is a good answer for your question within the current bounds.
I do have an alternative suggestion - just perform the work synchronously in another process. This would require a form of inter-process communication (IPC) but shouldn't be too difficult.
A simple but effective form of IPC is just writing a record to a database table (acting like a queue) and having a windows service/daemon polling for new records to "process". In this example, you would put a record in the table with the contextual information (user id, etc) and the service would utilize this context to perform the work synchronously, but the workflow would be asynchronous to the Web UI.
This also has a nice side benefit: You can start to build monitoring, retry logic, etc into the service. These things are much harder to do reliably within an ASP.NET model.
You could forgo the database queue completely by using something like message queues/buses/events, but the basic concept is the same.
Did you try to use closures in C#? Like this:
var auditProvider = Locator.Resolve<IAuditProvider>()
Task.Run(() =>
// with closure you'll get that very variable you need:
You should read whole article about closures by John Skeet and how they can help you together with TPL.
Other useful information:
Such DI is being called as Ambient Context in famous book Dependency Injection by M. Seeman:
A truly universal CROSS-CUTTING CONCERN can potentially pollute a large part of the API for an application if you have to pass an instance around to every collaborator. An alternative is to define a context that’s available to anyone who needs it and that can be ignored by everyone else.
The AMBIENT CONTEXT is available to any consumer via a static property
or method. A consuming class might use it like this:
public string GetMessage() { return SomeContext.Current.SomeValue; }
In this case, the context has a static Current property that a consumer can access. This property may be truly static, or may be associated with the currently executing thread. To be useful in DI scenarios, the context itself must be an ABSTRACTION and it must be possible to modify the context from the outside—in the previous example, this means that the Current property must be writable. The context itself might be implemented as shown in the following listing.
The context is an abstract class, which allows us to replace one context with another implementation at runtime.
public abstract class SomeContext
public static SomeContext Current
// Get current context from TLS
var ctx = Thread.GetData(Thread.GetNamedDataSlot("SomeContext")) as SomeContext;
if (ctx == null)
ctx = SomeContext.Default;
Thread.SetData(Thread.GetNamedDataSlot("SomeContext"), ctx);
return ctx;
Thread.SetData(Thread.GetNamedDataSlot("SomeContext"), value);
public static SomeContext Default = new DefaultContext();
public abstract string SomeValue { get; }
TLS here stands for Thread Local Storage, which can be useful idea for you here.
Also I suggest you to read about OperationContext class, which can be helpful for you if you want to pass some context for your Task, something like this:
// save current context before task start
var operationContext = OperationContext.Current;
Task.Run(() =>
// set current operation context inside your Task with closure
OperationContext.Current = operationContext;
// Your work here
Question: How do I capture the response (or, more specifically, the status code of the response) of a call to a WCF Data Service?
Elaboration: I have a rather simple WCF Data Service with a logger. Something along the lines of:
public class MyDefault : DataService<MyEntities>
private Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config)
config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("*", EntitySetRights.All);
config.DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion = DataServiceProtocolVersion.V3;
protected override void OnStartProcessingRequest(ProcessRequestArgs args)
protected override void HandleException(HandleExceptionArgs args)
The goal is to get a log of all requests made, as well as their result. The code above manages to almost do that, as 404's do get logged, just as custom errors and when things really go wrong.
But what misses is when things go right. Without that information, the logs look really weird and it's not possible to distinguish between something really weird happening (ie: no response and no logs) or when everything is working the way it should (ie: success, but still no log).
So the real question is: How can I use the same logger I use for incoming requests to log the status code of the response?
I may have oversimplified. This is part of a bigger system that already has logging in place. The point is to keep all logging in one place and one format. I have briefly looked at Message Logging before. Maybe not enough, I'm looking more into that right now.
However, even if I'm able to mold it to my needs, the original question has piqued my interest and I would still like to explore whether it's possible to at least look at the HttpResponse object.
You can try to access the DataServiceProcessingPipeline object and attach to the ProcessedRequest event:
ProcessingPipeline.ProcessedRequest += ProcessingPipeline_ProcessedRequest;
void ProcessingPipeline_ProcessedRequest(object sender, DataServiceProcessingPipelineEventArgs e)
int statusCode = e.OperationContext.ResponseStatusCode;
I was asked to implement castle dynamic proxy in my web application and i was going through couple of articles which i got from Castle Project and Code Project about castle dynamic proxy in web application....
Both articles delt with creating interceptors but i can't get the idea why interceptors are used with classes.... Why should i intercept my class which is behaving properly?
Let's say that your class needs to do 3 things for a certain operation:
Perform a security check;
Log the method call;
Cache the result.
Let's further assume that your class doesn't know anything about the specific way you've configured your security, logging, or caching. You need to depend on abstractions of these things.
There are a few ways to go about it. One way would be to set up a bunch of interfaces and use constructor injection:
public class OrderService : IOrderService
private readonly IAuthorizationService auth;
private readonly ILogger logger;
private readonly ICache cache;
public OrderService(IAuthorizationService auth, ILogger logger,
ICache cache)
if (auth == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("auth");
if (logger == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("logger");
if (cache == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("cache");
this.auth = auth;
this.logger = logger;
this.cache = cache;
public Order GetOrder(int orderID)
logger.LogInfo("GetOrder:{0}", orderID);
string cacheKey = string.Format("GetOrder-{0}", orderID);
if (cache.Contains(cacheKey))
return (Order)cache[cacheKey];
Order order = LookupOrderInDatabase(orderID);
cache[cacheKey] = order;
return order;
This isn't horrible code, but think of the problems we're introducing:
The OrderService class can't function without all three dependencies. If we want to make it so it can, we need to start peppering the code with null checks everywhere.
We're writing a ton of extra code to perform a relatively simple operation (looking up an order).
All this boilerplate code has to be repeated in every method, making for a very large, ugly, bug-prone implementation.
Here's a class which is much easier to maintain:
public class OrderService : IOrderService
public virtual Order GetOrder(int orderID)
return LookupOrderInDatabase(orderID);
In Aspect Oriented Programming, these attributes are called Join Points, the complete set of which is called a Point Cut.
Instead of actually writing dependency code, over and over again, we leave "hints" that some additional operations are supposed to be performed for this method.
Of course, these attributes have to get turned into code sometime, but you can defer that all the way up to your main application code, by creating a proxy for the OrderService (note that the GetOrder method has been made virtual because it needs to be overridden for the service), and intercepting the GetOrder method.
Writing the interceptor might be as simple as this:
public class LoggingInterceptor : IInterceptor
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
if (Attribute.IsDefined(invocation.Method, typeof(LogAttribute))
Console.Writeline("Method called: "+ invocation.Method.Name);
And creating the proxy would be:
var generator = new ProxyGenerator();
var orderService = (IOrderService)generator.CreateClassProxy(typeof(OrderService),
new LoggingInterceptor());
This is not only a lot less repetitive code, but it completely removes the actual dependency, because look what we've done - we don't even have an authorization or caching system yet, but the system still runs. We can just insert the authorization and caching logic later by registering another interceptor and checking for AuthorizeAttribute or CacheAttribute.
Hopefully this explains the "why."
Sidebar: As Krzysztof Koźmic comments, it's not a DP "best practice" to use a dynamic interceptor like this. In production code, you don't want to have the interceptor running for unnecessary methods, so use an IInterceptorSelector instead.
The reason you would use Castle-DynamicProxy is for what's called Aspect Orientated Programming. It lets you interject code into the standard operation flow of your code without the need to become dependent on the code itself.
A simple example is as always, logging. That you would create a DynamicProxy around a class that you have errors from that it logs the data going into the method and catches any exceptions and then logs the exception.
Using the intercepter your current code has no idea it exists (assuming you have your software built in a decoupled way with interfaces correctly) and you can change the registration of your classes with an inversion of control container to use the proxied class instead without having to change a single line else where in code. Then when you solve the bug you can turn off the proxying.
More advanced usage of proxying can be seen with NHibernate where all of the lazy loading is handled through proxies.