What will be the C# declaration of the following C++ methods of an unmanaged dll:
long WINAPI MT123_GetVersion(HANDLE hComHandle, BYTE *Version, int &len);
long __stdcall MT123_GetStatus(HANDLE hComHandle, BYTE *Saddr, BYTE &status)
long __stdcall MT123_GetTagData(HANDLE hComHandle, BYTE *Saddr,BYTE &status,
BYTE *Data, int &len);
with DllImport attribute?
Generally this:
long WINAPI MT123_GetVersion(HANDLE hComHandle, BYTE *Version, int &len);
int MT123_GetVersion(IntPtr hComHandle, IntPtr pVersionBuffer, ref int len)
The pVersionBuffer parameter must be initialised using Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem. You should use Marshal.Copy to copy the data to a managed array, then free the buffer using Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem.
I suggest you write a wrapper function to manage the nitty-gritty. For example
how much memory do you need to allocate: Is this one where you call the function twice, first time passing null to retrieve the length? Or does it have a reasonable maximum size you can hard-code?
What's the meaning of the return value: Is it an error code you should turn into an exception?
byte[] GetVersionWrapper(IntPtr hComHandle)
IntPtr pVersionBuffer = IntPtr.Zero;
int len = 0;
// First retrieve the length
int status = MT123_GetVersion(hComHandle, IntPtr.Zero, ref len);
if(status != 0) throw new Exception("message here");
if(len < 0 || len > 1024) throw new Exception("message here");
// Now allocate a buffer of the given length.
pVersionBuffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(len);
// Now retrieve the version information into the buffer
int status = MT123_GetVersion(hComHandle, pVersionBuffer, ref len);
if(status != 0) throw new Exception("message here");
// Now copy the version information to a managed array.
byte[] retVal = new byte[len];
Marshal.Copy(pVersionBuffer, retVal, 0, len);
// Return the managed array.
return retVal;
// done in Finally in case anything above throws an exception.
I am a beginner in C# and I have been asked to create a C# code which uses a C++ DLL.
Functions from C++ DLL need a void* parameter so I send a IntPtr parameter from the C# code.
But at the end of this function my pointer seems to be NULL. Am I missing something?
Here my C# code:
int somme = 0;
IntPtr deviceHandle = new IntPtr();
uint[] SpiConf = new uint[7];
somme = Opening(deviceHandle, SpiConf);
if (deviceHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
Console.WriteLine("deviceHandle is NULL"); //
And here is my function from the C++ DLL:
int Opening(void* deviceHandle, unsigned char SpiConf[])
wchar_t devPath;
unsigned long devPathsize = 0;
unsigned short VID = 0x4d8;
unsigned short PID = 0xde;
int res;
deviceHandle = Mcp2210_OpenByIndex(VID, PID, 0, &devPath, &devPathsize);
res = Mcp2210_GetLastError();
if (res != E_SUCCESS)
//Console.WriteLine("Failed to open connection");
return -1;
if (deviceHandle == NULL)
return -2;
return 0; // This function returns 0
Any help would be very appreciate.
I have a C++ dll in 64-Bit, which contains a function that returns an LPStr. I would like to call this function in C#. The function declaration looks like this:
__declspec(dllexport) LPSTR __stdcall function(int16_t error_code);
In my C# code I have tried the following:
[DllImport(#"<PathToInterface.dll>", EntryPoint = "function")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
public static extern string function(Int16 error_code);
And then in the program:
string ErrorMessage = "";
ErrorMessage = function(-10210);
I know that the function itself is good, as I can call it from another program (written in LabVIEW FWIW). But when I execute the C# Program, it just exits with error code 0x80000003, I can't even try, catch the exeption.
How do I call this function properly?
As a side node: I do have other functions in this dll, that use LPStr as parameters, which I can call without a problem. It is only two functions that return LPStr that make problems
How do I call this function properly?
As interop? you can't ... it is also error prone in plain C++
you should rather do it like
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int __stdcall function(int16_t error_code,
LPSTR buffer, size_t size)
LPCSTR format = "error: %i";
size_t req = _scprintf(format, error_code); // check for require size
if (req > size) //buffer size is too small
return req; //return required size
sprintf_s(buffer, size, format, error_code); //fill buffer
return 0;
And usage
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
short error_code = -10210;
var ret = function(error_code, null, 0); // check for required size of the buffer
var sb = new StringBuilder(ret); // create large enough buffer
ret = function(error_code, sb, (uint)sb.Capacity + 1); //call again
var error_desc = sb.ToString(); //get results
[DllImport("TestDll.dll", EntryPoint = "function", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
public static extern int function(short error_code, StringBuilder sb, int size);
usage in C++
typedef int (__stdcall *function)(int16_t error_code, LPSTR buffer, size_t size);
int main()
auto handle = LoadLibrary(L"TestDll.dll");
auto proc = (function)GetProcAddress(handle, "_function#12");
// of course it can be done via linking
int16_t error_code = 333;
const int ret = proc(error_code, NULL, 0); // check for size
CHAR* buffer = new CHAR[ret + 1];
//CHAR buffer[200]; //eventually allocate on stack
//but size have to be constant value and may be too small
proc(error_code, buffer, ret+1); // call again
MessageBoxA(0, buffer, "Return", 0); //show result
delete[] buffer; //free buffer!
return 0;
I have a COM callback from an unmanaged DLL that I need to use in C#.
The unmanaged DLL expects the callee to allocate memory using LocalAlloc (which the caller will LocalFree), populate it with WSTR and set value and chars to the WSTR pointer and string length respectively.
Code snippet I'm trying to convert to C#:
STDMETHODIMP CMyImpl::GetString(LPCSTR field, LPWSTR* value, int* chars) {
CStringW ret;
if (!strcmp(field, "matrix")) {
ret = L"None";
if (...)
else if (...)
if (!ret.IsEmpty()) {
int len = ret.GetLength();
size_t sz = (len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
LPWSTR buf = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sz);
if (!buf) {
wcscpy_s(buf, len + 1, ret);
*chars = len;
*value = buf;
return S_OK;
What would the equivalent C# code be?
EDIT: COM Interface:
[id(2)] HRESULT GetString([in] LPCSTR field, [out] LPWSTR* value, [out] int* chars);
Straightforward way would be to import LocalAlloc function, convert the string to bytes using UnicodeEncoding.GetBytes and copy them to allocated memory with Marshall.Copy.
I am using the method below to read bytes in memory. I want to read values in memory addresses which are very near each other. Previously I have been making individual calls for each byte in memory and adding the result to an array using a for loop. This became really inefficient, so instead I want to adapt the below code to read a large block of memory and then try to do an itteration through the array to pull out the bytes I want. I have spent a bit of time trying to work it out, but really struggling. FYI, this method reads a pointer, and then if that value is a pointer, it reads that pointer, and so forth until it gets to the static address then reads the byte value at that address.
[DllImport("kernel32", EntryPoint = "ReadProcessMemory")]
private static extern byte ReadProcessMemoryByte(int Handle, int Address, ref byte Value, int Size, ref int BytesRead);
public static byte ReadPointerByte(string EXENAME, int Pointer, int[] Offset)
byte Value = 0;
Process[] Proc = Process.GetProcessesByName(EXENAME);
if (Proc.Length != 0)
int Bytes = 0;
int Handle = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, Proc[0].Id);
if (Handle != 0)
foreach (int i in Offset)
ReadProcessMemoryInteger((int)Handle, Pointer, ref Pointer, 4, ref Bytes);
Pointer += i;
ReadProcessMemoryByte((int)Handle, Pointer, ref Value, 2, ref Bytes);
{ }
return Value;
What I have so far:
private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int[] valuesSeperated[200];
List<byte> PreArray = new List<byte>();
Process[] test = Process.GetProcessesByName("MyProcess"); //Get process handle
int baseAddress = test[0].MainModule.BaseAddress.ToInt32(); //Get base address
byte ReadX = MyClass.ReadPointerByte("MyProcess", BaseAddress, new int[] { 0xc, 0x0, 0x2 }); //call memory reading function (including memory offsets)
byte[] PreArrayToInt = PreArray.ToArray();
int[] MYConvertedBytes = PreArray ToInt.Select(x => (int)x).ToArray();
foreach (int i in MYConvertedBytes)
valuesSeperated // (don't really know what to do here, if the read was successful I would have a long number at [0], so now need to seperate these as if I had read each one in memory one at a time.
string TestString = MYConvertedBytes[0].ToString();
label1.Text = TestString;
So to summarize: I don't know how to read a larger block of memory (say 200 addresses at once) using the above method. I don't know how best to extract the values from the resulting array to form a new array that has the bytes now separated. Please ask if anything is unclear, I am quite new and really want to learn so any hints/help would be really appreciated.
Your interop signature looks completely wrong to me.
The c signature is:
BOOL WINAPI ReadProcessMemory(
__in HANDLE hProcess,
__in LPCVOID lpBaseAddress,
__out LPVOID lpBuffer,
__in SIZE_T nSize,
__out SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesRead
It should be something like:
[DllImport("kernel32", EntryPoint = "ReadProcessMemory",SetLastError=true)]
private static extern unsafe bool NativeReadProcessMemory(IntPtr processHandle, IntPtr baseAddress, byte* buffer, IntPtr size, out IntPtr bytesRead);
static unsafe void ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr processHandle, IntPtr baseAddress, byte[] buffer,int start, int size)
fixed(byte* pBuffer=buffer)
IntPtr bytesRead;
if(!NativeReadProcessMemory(processHandle, baseAddress, pBuffer+start,(IntPtr)size, out bytesRead))
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
throw new Exception("Incomplete read");//User better exception type here
I've successfully read a PE header from an unmanaged module loaded into memory by another process. What I'd like to do now is read the names of this module's exports. Basically, this is what I have so far (I've left out a majority of the PE parsing code, because I already know it works):
public static IntPtr Increment(this IntPtr ptr, int amount)
return new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt64() + amount);
public static T ToStruct<T>(this byte[] data)
GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
T result = (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(handle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(T));
return result;
public static byte[] ReadBytes(this Process process, IntPtr baseAddress, int size)
int bytesRead;
byte[] bytes = new byte[size];
Native.ReadProcessMemory(process.Handle, baseAddress, bytes, size, out bytesRead);
return bytes;
public static T ReadStruct<T>(this Process process, IntPtr baseAddress)
byte[] bytes = ReadBytes(process, baseAddress, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)));
return bytes.ToStruct<T>();
public static string ReadString(this Process process, IntPtr baseAddress, int size)
byte[] bytes = ReadBytes(process, baseAddress, size);
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
Native.IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY dataDirectory =
if (dataDirectory.VirtualAddress > 0 && dataDirectory.Size > 0)
Native.IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY exportDirectory =
IntPtr namesAddress = _baseAddress.Increment((int)exportDirectory.AddressOfNames);
IntPtr nameOrdinalsAddress = _baseAddress.Increment((int)exportDirectory.AddressOfNameOrdinals);
IntPtr functionsAddress = _baseAddress.Increment((int)exportDirectory.AddressOfFunctions);
for (int i = 0; i < exportDirectory.NumberOfFunctions; i++)
Console.WriteLine(_process.ReadString(namesAddress.Increment(i * 4), 64));
When I run this, all I get is a pattern of double question marks, then completely random characters. I know the header is being read correctly, because the signatures are correct. The problem has to lie in the way that I'm iterating over the function list.
The code at this link seems to suggest that the names and ordinals form a matched pair of arrays, counted up to NumberOfNames, and that the functions are separate. So your loop may be iterating the wrong number of times, but that doesn't explain why you're seeing bad strings from the very beginning.
For just printing names, I'm having success with a loop like the one shown below. I think the call to ImageRvaToVa may be what you need to get the correct strings? However I don't know whether that function will work unless you've actually loaded the image by calling MapAndLoad -- that's what the documentation requests, and the mapping did not seem to work in some quick experiments I did using LoadLibrary instead.
Here's the pInvoke declaration:
[DllImport("DbgHelp.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static extern IntPtr ImageRvaToVa(
IntPtr NtHeaders,
IntPtr Base,
uint Rva,
IntPtr LastRvaSection);
and here's my main loop:
LOADED_IMAGE loadedImage = ...; // populated with MapAndLoad
IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY* pIID = ...; // populated with ImageDirectoryEntryToData
uint* pFuncNames = (uint*)
for (uint i = 0; i < pIID->NumberOfNames; i++ )
uint funcNameRVA = pFuncNames[i];
if (funcNameRVA != 0)
char* funcName =
(char*) (ImageRvaToVa(loadedImage.FileHeader,
var name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr) funcName);
Console.WriteLine(" funcName: {0}", name);