Selenium - Exception - Connection getting closed - c#

I am using the latest Selenium WebDriver running using .NET/Microsoft Technology stack.
What I am observing these days is that all of my tests in the suite starts failing throwing this exception
Additional information: A exception with a null response was thrown sending an HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL http://localhost:5557/wd/hub/session/c775e68e-c842-41b3-a1a6-44a88ef4c210/element. The status of the exception was KeepAliveFailure, and the message was: The underlying connection was closed: A connection that was expected to be kept alive was closed by the server.
I am not able to figure out what is the issue and what I need to do to resolve this issue. I am quite sure this is not to do with the coding.
The issue mainly occurs when I try clicking on a button or trying to enter some text in the input box.
Could any one please point me in the right direction as what I need to resolve this issue

This is old but thought I'd throw an answer here for anybody stumbling upon the same issue. Ran into this earlier today. I was able to get it to work by reducing the polling interval of the wait:
WebDriverWait myWait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));
myWait.PollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500); //I reduced this from checking every 5 second to checking every half second and it started working.
bool waitOnUser = myWait.Until(t =>
{ ...});


Excessive timeout on simple byte array reply from SOAP / WSDL Web Service call ... as if it started replying but never finishes?

My C# client (running on .NET Framework 4.5.1 or later) calls a WSDL-defined SOAP web service call that returns a byte[] (with length typically about 100000). We make hundreds of calls to this web service just fine -- they normally take just a few seconds to return. But very intermittently, the call sits there for exactly 5 minutes and then throws an InvalidOperationException indicating that "There is an error in XML document (1, 678)", with an InnerException that is a WebException "The operation has timed out." We've wrapped a try-catch around this call, look for those particular Exceptions, and then ask the user if they'd like us to retry it, and usually it works just fine on the next try.
Looking at the logging on the server, the logs for the good calls and the intermittent bad calls look exactly the same. In particular, in both cases we get the log statement at the very end of the web service, right before the "return byteArray;"... and it is doing that in the typical 3-15 seconds from the start of the call. So, it seems the web service returns the byte array successfully, but the client that called the web service just never receives it.
However, the client does NOT get the typical SoapException or WebException... for example, if we pause the web service in the debugger right before that return, then after 60 seconds the client will get a WebException "The operation has timed out." But we don't get that in this case... instead we are stuck there for a full 5 minutes before we finally get the InvalidOperationException mentioned above. So, it is as if it started receiving the reply, so it doesn't consider it timed out the normal way, but it never gets the rest of the reply, and the parsing/deserializing of the XML containing the reply eventually times out.
Question #1: Any suggestions on what's happening here? Or what we might be doing wrong in our web service that would result in a byte[] reply getting stuck mid-return intermittently? I'd obviously love to fix the root problem.
Question #2: What controls the length of that 5 minute timeout?? Our exception handling for this would be okay except for the ridiculous 5 minute timeout. After about 10 seconds, the user knows it is stuck because it normally returns in 10 seconds or less. But they have to sit there and wait for 5 minutes before they can do anything. We have set every timeout setting we could find to just 60 seconds, but none seem to control this. We have set:
In the server Web.config: <httpRuntime executionTimeout="60">
In the server Global.asax.cs: HttpContext.Current.Server.ScriptTimeout = 60;
In both server and client: ServicePointManager.MaxServicePointIdleTime = 60000;
In the client, right after we new up the WSDL-defined class derived from SoapHttpClientProtocol with all the web service calls, we call: service.Timeout = 60000;
We previously had those at their defaults or set to 100 / 100000 ... we lowered them all to 60 / 60000 to see if the 5 minute wait would come down at all (just in case one or more of them were being added into that 5 minutes). But no, no matter what we changed any of those timeouts to, the timeout in this case remains exactly 5 minutes, every time it gets stuck.
Does anybody know where the length of the timeout is set for when it generates an InvalidOperationException on the XML document containing the returned byte array due to an InnerException WebException with the timeout?? (please!)

Selenium Webdriver how to avoid using `"no-sandbox"` mode for ChormeDriver to prevent timeouts

In order to avoid the error shown below given by Selenium Webdriver when using a ChromeDriver I added the the no-sandbox parameter to the options given when instantiating it.
The HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server for URL
timed out after 60 seconds.
---- System.Net.WebException : The operation has timed out.
I tried looking on the web to understand why this is needed but I did not find anything that helped me understand the reasons for the ChromeDriver to timeout when it's in sandbox mode.
I would also like to be able to find a workaround as I find this parameter to be very confusing.
Does anyone know the reason behind the need for this parameter and an eventual workaround ?
My selenium version is 3.12.0
My Chrom.WebDriver version is 2.38.0

Weird WCF behaviour regarding Timouts and Exceptions

I have created an WCF service hosted inside a normal Windows service. This service is deployed to customers and set up on their servers. Therefore (afaik) I need to establish the WCF proxy dynamically and cannot rely on some prebuilt proxy created by VS or the Silverlight tools. The clients in this case are mobile apps built with Xamarin.Forms.
The Code to create the "Channel":
public void Init(int timeout = 15)
ea = new EndpointAddress(string.Format("http://{0}:{1}/{2}", _settingsService.ConnectionIP, _settingsService.ConnectionPort, _settingsService.ConnectionEndpoint));
bhttpb = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None);
bhttpb.SendTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeout);
cfIMMC = new ChannelFactory<IMaintMobileContract>(bhttpb, ea);
cfIMMC.Opened += cfIMMC_Opened;
cfIMMC.Faulted += cfIMMC_Faulted;
cfIMMC.Closed += cfIMMC_Closed;
immc = cfIMMC.CreateChannel(ea);
immc.Ping(); // This function is defined by me in the Contract. It only returns true, if the server can be reached.
So far everything works fine if the service is running, but the app has to run "offline" and then it gets weird.
When the connection is established there is no EndpointException or anything, and when a function is called it just sits there waiting until the timeout hits.
It would be really nice to get some information whether the WCF service is actually there or not. I have function calls that can take up to multiple minutes and it would be fatal for the app to wait that long when the WCF server is not there at all. How can I achieve that?
Right now it got even weirder. Now, aprox. 30 seconds after the Ping() fails, I get System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Connection timed out and System.Net.WebException: Error: ConnectFailure (Connection timed out) out of nowhere.
Update 2 :
Here a pic of the CallStack:
If you need fast feedback regarding whether service is alive or not, then setup additional endpoint (with separate contract containing only Ping method) and set small timeouts for it.
And important part is to set send/receive timeouts to small value as well - this will ensure that Ping method returns/throws fast if service is not available.
As far as I remember WCF does not open channel (== does not connect to server) until you call one of the methods - that's why you don't have exceptions before Ping is called.
About exception after 30 seconds. Where do you see it? I mean is it Visual Studio that breaks there or do you have your application failing with unhandled exception? I'm asking it because I see this in the Xamarin/Mono code:
initConn = new WaitCallback (state => {
try {
InitConnection (state);
} catch {}
And it means that even though this exception is thrown after 30 seconds - it'll be swallowed. What really happens is that when request is sent (i.e. when you call Ping()) the runtime tries to open connection in background (your call stack confirms that) and 30 seconds is default Windows timeout for connection. WCF will fail earlier if it has lower timeout set (like in your case), but connection attempt will last for 30 seconds and will complete with exception.
So, my opinion is that you should not care about this exception, unless it somehow stops your application.

SignalR Groups.Add times out and fails

I'm trying to add a member to a Group using SignalR 2.2. Every single time, I hit a 30 second timeout and get a "System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled." error.
From a GroupSubscriptionController that I've written, I'm calling:
var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<ProjectHub>();
await hubContext.Groups.Add(connectionId, groupName);
I've found this issue where people are periodically encountering this, but it happens to me every single time. I'm running the backend (ASP.NET 4.5) on one VS2015 launched localhost port, and the frontend (AngularJS SPA) on another VS 2015 launched localhost port.
I had gotten SignalR working to the point where messages were being broadcast to every connected client. It seemed so easy. Now, adding in the Groups part (so that people only get select messages from the server) has me pulling my hair out...
That task cancellation error could be being thrown because the connectionId can't be found in the SignalR registry of connected clients.
How are you getting this connectionId? You have multiple servers/ports going - is it possible that you're getting your wires crossed?
I know there is an accepted answer to this, but I came across this once for a different reason.
First off, do you know what Groups.Add does?
I had expected Groups.Add's task to complete almost immediately every time, but not so. Groups.Add returns a task that only completes, when the client (i.e. Javascript) acknowledges that it has been added to a group - this is useful for reconnecting so it can resubscribe to all its old groups. Note this acknowledgement is not visible to the developer code and nicely covered up for you.
The problem is that the client may not respond because they have disconnected (i.e. they've navigated to another page). This will mean that the await call will have to wait until the connection has disconnected (default timeout 30 seconds) before giving up by throwing a TaskCanceledException.
See for more detail on groups

500 Internal Server Error With Ajax Request

hi guys,
Does anyone have any knowledge about the error seen at the image down below
The error occurs after waiting on the page for a while and then requesting an ajax call. The error is not repeated afterwards, but when the user waits again the error pops up again too. So the problem is about waiting on the page for a while, but could not find out why?
Thanks for the incoming responses
edit:link to image
Well, basically an exception is occurring within your web service. It sounds like it's probably something timing out.
The first thing you should do is improve your logging (e.g. with ELMAH) so you can see exactly where the exception is being thrown... and then go about fixing it.
If it's a database connection timing out, it could be that you're forgetting to close the connection somewhere...
