Cannot Get Windows MR Controllers Unity Input - c#

I tried using the following code from the official Windows documentation but I couldn't get the inputs from the controller.
if (Input.GetButton("Button 14 "))
// ...
How can I get the inputs from the Mixed Reality controllers? details that to get a key but its qualified name you use
if (Input.GetKey("name")) { ... }
For button14 you would use "joystick button 14".
Else try "button 14" since the documentation isn't clear which one will work.
I just googled and had a little research since I don't personally own this set of hardware to test, so I hope it works (otherwise I'll delete answer).


BitcoinLib usage in c#

So this is maybe dumb but I am using BitcoinLib for c# and I am trying to get to work this line:
IBitcoinService BitcoinService = new BitcoinService("https://localhost:5051/", "aaa" ,"aaa","vvvv", 5);
What I dont know: What to input there. I tried watching videos or documentation but theres anywhere said what website/password/acc and all to input. Then When I know what to input, how can I mine and then send bitcoins to my wallet? I know this is stupid but I really dont understand how to programate it...
What I tried: I have tried reading a documentation, I have tried watching some videos, downloading demo of app and nothing helped me. Either I am dumb or it's complicated.
Btw: I know how mining and bitcoin works (basics)
Configure your Bitcoin Core wallet properly in bitcoin.conf:
rpcuser = MyRpcUsername
rpcpassword = MyRpcPassword
Then you can just initiate the BitcoinService like that:
IBitcoinService BitcoinService = new BitcoinService();
and it will work; you don't need to explicitly define them inside the code. If you need to change these parameters in runtime you can do so by calling:

How to edit a Comment value in Manatee.Trello?

I have a comment I would like to be able to modify but I am not sure how to process.
Here is what I've tried so far :
using Manatee.Trello;
public class MyClass
//identification is done beforehand as per Manatee.Trello's wiki
Card c = new Card(existingCardID);
foreach(Action comment in card.Comments)
comment.Data.Value="empty comment";
However, Action.Data.Value only has get capabilities. What is the correct way to update a comment data using this library?
action.Data.Text = "updated comment";
You'll likely get an error from Trello if the action isn't a comment.
I'll add a note in the wiki. I realize it's a bit hidden.
Edit... 2, I guess.
I've recently published Manatee.Trello v1.16.0 which resolves this bug. Use it as indicated above.

Failed to perform action on hidden control exception

I am trying to create a UI test in VS 2010 using IE 9 in IE 8 compatibilty mode however when trying to record an action recording many of the steps fail. Then when I manually code in the missing steps and try to fill in a log in form with a username and password I get an exception that says I have failed to perform an action on hidden control.
The UI Test code:
public void Recordedmethod()
BrowserWindow uILogInWindowsInternetWindow = this.UILogInWindowsInternetWindow;
HtmlHyperlink uILogInHyperlink = this.UILogInWindowsInternetWindow.UIHomePageDocument.UILogInHyperlink;
HtmlEdit uIUsernameEdit = this.UILogInWindowsInternetWindow.UILogInDocument1.UIUsernameEdit;
HtmlEdit uIPasswordEdit = this.UILogInWindowsInternetWindow.UILogInDocument1.UIPasswordEdit;
// Go to web page 'http://localhost:15856/WebSite1/'
uILogInWindowsInternetWindow.NavigateToUrl(new System.Uri(this.RecordedMethodParams.UILogInWindowsInternetWindowUrl));
// Set flag to allow play back to continue if non-essential actions fail. (For example, if a mouse hover action fails.)
Playback.PlaybackSettings.ContinueOnError = true;
// Mouse hover 'Log In' link at (1, 1)
// Reset flag to ensure that play back stops if there is an error.
Playback.PlaybackSettings.ContinueOnError = false;
// Type 'test' in 'Username:' text box
uIUsernameEdit.Text = this.RecordedMethodParams.UIUsernameEditText;
// The following element is no longer available: IE web control; Process Id [6320], window handle [3168166]
// Type '********' in 'Password:' text box
uIPasswordEdit.Password = this.RecordedMethodParams.UIPasswordEditPassword;
// The following element is no longer available: IE web control; Process Id [6320], window handle [3168166]
This is an issue linked to an Internet Explorer patch that was released in September.
This affects VS2010 and VS2012.
Microsoft released a patch that corrects the issue for VS2012 (and I've confirmed that it fixed the issue for me).
Currently the only workaround for VS2010 is to uninstall the patch (KB2870699); however, as with any sort of security patch you'll want to consider carefully whether pulling it is safe to do given your situation.
EDIT: This was not a fun bug for me to deal with. I had just upgraded to VS2012 from VS2010 and all of a sudden I found none of my previously functioning CodedUI tests working. I assumed it was an issue with VS2012 and after banging my head against the wall for the better part of a day I found out it was an issue with a patch. It was just my luck that I upgraded to 2012 at the same time the patch had been installed on my system. Good times!
There is actually an updated for VS 2012 to fix this issue
Hope this helps!
I was having the same problem with my coded ui test. It's an issue with VS-2012 i guess, i tried every update (installing/uninstalling them and everything..) nothing worked.
I tried VS-2013 Ultimate and it worked.
You can use exception handling to capture the error while still not having the test failed.
The test is failing because at the time it performs click action, the control is hidden.
//your code goes here
catch(FailedToPerformActionOnHiddenControlException e)

Automated tests using MessageBox with MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel

I'm using the TestStack.White framework for a WinForms .Net 2.0 C# application's coded automated regression tests. I have no problem handling OK/Cancel message boxes (MessageBox.Show(...)) but I'm having trouble handling the Yes/No buttons when using MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel. Thing is, I do not know what the button names are.
These work in my test jigs:
public ButtonTestJig OkButton
get { return new ButtonTestJig(Window, "okButton"); }
public ButtonTestJig CancelButton
get { return new ButtonTestJig(Window, "cancelButton"); }
Does anybody know the equivalent "cancelButton" for the NO button and the equivalent "okButton" for the YES button? Or perhaps even better, how to find them. My googling failed me.
You can use or inspect.exe (which comes in the windows SDK to see what the automation Id's for those controls are.

P4.NET - How to list user's workspaces?

I am not an expert in P4.NET plugin, but I would like to show the existing workspaces for a user in a combo box, so that I can set the p4.Client to the selected workspace.
using (var p4 = new P4Connection())
How do I get the list of existing workspaces?
I think the command line to achieve this would be
p4 clients -m 100 -u username
If P4.Net behaves similar to the official Perforce APIs, then you would likely want to run:
p4.Run("clients", "-m 100 -u username")
or similar. Inspired by the P4Ruby documentation.
Ok I have no choice than answering my own question, because the code would be too much to insert as comments to jhwist answer. Sorry jhwist. I had no choice.
#appinger, I hope you find this answer helpful. Took me hours to figure out this api working. :)
cmbBoxPerforceWorkspaceLocation is just your combobox for your workspaces. I am using Winforms by the way.
I need to extract a shortname from the windows username. Windows username starts usually with xxxx\\username. In my code I extract the username out of the longname and save it as shortname. If your network is set differently this code might have to change accordingly.
Let me know if it worked for you.
using (var p4 = new P4Connection())
var longName = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name;
var shortname = longName.Substring(longName.IndexOf("\\") + 1);
var records = p4.Run("clients", "-u", shortname);
foreach (P4Record record in records.Records)
P4.Net is designed to be similar to the scripting APIs, which in turn are designed around the command line interface. It definitely does not have a intuitive object-oriented interface... which is off putting at first. But if you start from the command-line (esp -ztag flag) and piece together all data/actions your app needs, you will find it pretty easy to use P4.Net. And since it's similar to all the scripting APIs, you'll find it natural to pickup Python or Ruby if you wish :-)
