C# Registry ObjectDisposedException Cases - c#

I'm writing an application that accesses the Windows registry in C#.
My question on a high level is: Are there any circumstances that would cause an ObjectDisposedException be thrown when using Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(key)?
This code would only be run under Administrative privileges in my application and the key is a constant that will never be null. My first instinct would be that an ObjectDisposedException would never be thrown by this static call because the MSDN document (linked here) states that it would only be thrown when the RegistryKey is closed but I can't find in the MSDN whether or not it is possible to ever run into a closed RegistryKey through the static call.
Thanks for any help!

The test is this:
var hardwareKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("HARDWARE");
Registry.LocalMachine returns a RegistryKey. If you can actually close and/or dispose it then the following line should throw an exception, which it won't.
If you do the same thing with another registry key - close it and then try to open a subkey, it will throw an ObjectDisposedException.
var hardwareKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("HARDWARE");
// throws the exception.
var descriptionKey = hardwareKey.OpenSubKey("DESCRIPTION");
Why do they behave differently?
According to the source code, RegistryKey.Close calls Dispose. But the particular RegistryKey returned by Registry.LocalMachine will never be closed.
This isn't documented (other than the source code) so it's up to you whether you want to rely on it. But it makes sense that if you're accessing the registry key via a static method then you shouldn't be able to close/dispose it.
If you follow the logic, system keys (including HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) will not be disposed except for HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA.
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (hkey != null)
if (!IsSystemKey())
catch (IOException)
// we don't really care if the handle is invalid at this point
hkey = null;
else if (disposing && IsPerfDataKey())
// System keys should never be closed. However, we want to call RegCloseKey
// on HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA when called from PerformanceCounter.CloseSharedResources
// (i.e. when disposing is true) so that we release the PERFLIB cache and cause it
// to be refreshed (by re-reading the registry) when accessed subsequently.
// This is the only way we can see the just installed perf counter.
// NOTE: since HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA is process wide, there is inherent ---- in closing
// the key asynchronously. While Vista is smart enough to rebuild the PERFLIB resources
// in this situation the down level OSes are not. We have a small window of ---- between
// the dispose below and usage elsewhere (other threads). This is By Design.
// This is less of an issue when OS > NT5 (i.e Vista & higher), we can close the perfkey
// (to release & refresh PERFLIB resources) and the OS will rebuild PERFLIB as necessary.


Why Dispose is not called even with using-statement?

I have this console application (.NET Framework 4.5.2):
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var result = new Result())
public class Result : IDisposable
public void Test()
int a = 1;
int b = 1 / (a - 1);
public void Dispose()
Why Dispose method is not called? A breakpoint is not hit in Dispose after the DivideByZero-exception and there is no output on the console (because the app exits).
As per MS Docs: try-finally (C# Reference)
Within a handled exception, the associated finally block is guaranteed
to be run. However, if the exception is unhandled, execution of the
finally block is dependent on how the exception unwind operation is
triggered. That, in turn, is dependent on how your computer is set up.
As you are not catching the DivideByZero exception and let it be unhandled, on your machine and setup it must be bringing down the application before any other line of code is run and therefore not running the finally block.
As #Evk has pointed out in below comment, if I run it without attaching debugger, it unwinds the exceptions correctly and executes the finally block. Learn something new everyday.
As per Eric Lippert's answer to Finally Block Not Running?
Think about how awful that situation is: something unexpected has
happened that no one ever wrote code to handle. Is the right thing to
do in that situation to run even more code, that was probably also not
built to handle this situation? Possibly not. Often the right thing to
do here is to not attempt to run the finally blocks because doing so
will make a bad situation even worse. You already know the process is
going down; put it out of its misery immediately.
In a scenario where an unhandled exception is going to take down the
process, anything can happen. It is implementation-defined what
happens in this case: whether the error is reported to Windows error
reporting, whether a debugger starts up, and so on. The CLR is
perfectly within its rights to attempt to run finally blocks, and is
also perfectly within its rights to fail fast. In this scenario all
bets are off; different implementations can choose to do different

Environment.FailFast in c# application

I'd like to understand the Environment.FailFast rule in c# application. So , I made this code :
public static void Main()
string strInput = GetString();
private static string GetString()
Console.WriteLine("Get string");
string s = Console.ReadLine();
if (s == "Exit")
Environment.FailFast("Erreur fatale");
return s;
return s;
catch (Exception)
return "catch";
s += "finally";
As I learned, the message are written to the Windows application event log and the application is terminated.
When I run the application and put Exit as a string :
The debbugger indicates an error :
I try to find the event log file, as indicated in msdn, but I don't find it
I don't understand why the application didn't shut down without throwing the exception? For the second point, How can I find the log file in my PC?
Environment.FailFast(string) exits the application immediately, without allowing any catch statements or finalizers to be run on the object.
You should only use this method if your application's state is at a point where it can never be recovered, and exiting the application is the only way to ensure something far worse than crashing does not happen. In your sample, using Environment.Exit with an exit code is more suitable, as it appears to be a graceful exit, rather than one forced through corrupt state.
In general, it is recommended to not use FailFast while the debugger is attached - this is documented in the System.Diagnostics.Assert class:
// However, in CLR v4, Environment.FailFast when a debugger is attached gives you an MDA
// saying you've hit a bug in the runtime or unsafe managed code, and this is most likely caused
// by heap corruption or a stack imbalance from COM Interop or P/Invoke. That extremely
// misleading error isn't right, and we can temporarily work around this by using Environment.Exit
// if a debugger is attached. The right fix is to plumb FailFast correctly through our native
// Watson code, adding in a TypeOfReportedError for fatal managed errors. We may want a contract-
// specific code path as well, using COR_E_CODECONTRACTFAILED.
Which means the exception you're seeing in Visual Studio is down to a bug in the CLR, and could be safely ignored.
Their work around is as follows:
if (Debugger.IsAttached)
Which means that while running with the debugger attached, you won't get the Event Log message written, while in release you do.
I've reconstructed your problem with the following piece of code:
static void Main(string[] args)
finally { }
When running this under the debugger, I didn't see any exceptions registered either. Running this without the debugger (Ctrl + F5) makes the exception appear in the Event Viewer properly (see #aevitas answer or read this for why that happens):

C++ COM client releases two different objects within one call ?! 2nd Release causes access violation

I have the weirdest problem, and most likely there is something I am missing or I don't know.
I created a C# COM interface/class that for this question we'll call it: Ics_obj and Ccs_obj.
In the destructor of the object I added a trace to the output debug:
OutputDebugString("Releasing: "+this.GetHashCode()); // OutputDebugString with p/invoke
That I wrote a C++ class that Ics_obj is a member in that class, and the member is the com_ptr_t wrapper of Ics_obj generated in the .tlh:
class lib_exp_macro cpp_client
Ics_objPtr _csobj; // the Ics_obj* wrapped in com_ptr_t.
In the constructor I create an instance of Ccs_obj, and in the destructor I release it. I also added the following traces:
HRESULT hr = _csobj.CreateInstance( __uuidof( Ccs_obj ) );
if(FAILED(hr)){ /* throw exception */ }
OutputDebugString("Creating client");
OutputDebugString("before releasing _csobj");
Now, I have created 2 instances of cpp_client through my code (creating them with the same thread during initialization of my application), and I get 2 traces of "Creating Client".
The problem is that during shutdown I get ACCESS VIOLATION and the traces are as follow:
before release // first object being released
Releasing: (some number X)
Releasing: (some number Y, Y != X) // <- where did that come from?
before releasing _csobj
When I debug I get ACCESS VIOLATION for accessing the v-table of the COM object.
Does anyone know why I get ACCESS VIOLATION? what am I doing wrong? I am REALLY LOST HERE! :-(
Thanks in advance!
With the help of two answers (that were deleted), I understood more things, but I still have open questions...
First and the most important thing is that the 2nd release was in dllmain PROCESS_DETACH. When I moved the release code out of this context, everything was fine, but why can't I release the COM object in the PROCESS_DETACH context?!
One of the answers that were deleted said that CLR of the .Net has shutdown, therefore the 2nd release in my traces. This made a lot of sense and what lead me into moving the releasing code out of PROCESS_DETACH context, but if it is so and CLR does shutdown because the PROCESS_DETACH code, why don't I get any of the "Releasing: ..." traces if I'm not releasing the COM object (by detaching _com_ptr_t)??? Or in other words, why does CLR doesn't shutdown if I don't release the 1st object?
Thanks again for your amazing help!

Handling exceptions thrown by "Dispose" while unwinding nested "using" statements

Apparently, some exceptions may just get lost while using nested using statement. Consider this simple console app:
using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication
public class Throwing: IDisposable
int n;
public Throwing(int n)
this.n = n;
public void Dispose()
var e = new ApplicationException(String.Format("Throwing({0})", this.n));
Console.WriteLine("Throw: {0}", e.Message);
throw e;
class Program
static void DoWork()
// ...
using (var a = new Throwing(1))
// ...
using (var b = new Throwing(2))
// ...
using (var c = new Throwing(3))
// ...
static void Main(string[] args)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender, e) =>
// this doesn't get called
Console.WriteLine("UnhandledException:", e.ExceptionObject.ToString());
catch (Exception e)
// this handles Throwing(1) only
Console.WriteLine("Handle: {0}", e.Message);
Each instance of Throwing throws when it gets disposed of. AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException never gets called.
The output:
Throw: Throwing(3)
Throw: Throwing(2)
Throw: Throwing(1)
Handle: Throwing(1)
I prefer to at least be able to log the missing Throwing(2) and Throwing(3). How do I do this, without resorting to a separate try/catch for each using (which would kinda kill the convenience of using)?
In real life, those objects are often instances of classes over which I have no control. They may or may not be throwing, but in case they do, I'd like to have an option to observe such exceptions.
This question came along while I was looking at reducing the level of nested using. There's a neat answer suggesting aggregating exceptions. It's interesting how this is different from the standard behavior of nested using statements.
[EDITED] This question appears to be closely related:
Should you implement IDisposable.Dispose() so that it never throws?
There's a code analyzer warning for this. CA1065, "Do not raise exceptions in unexpected locations". The Dispose() method is on that list. Also a strong warning in the Framework Design Guide, chapter 9.4.1:
AVOID throwing an exception from within Dispose(bool) except under critical situations where the containing process has been corrupted (leaks, inconsistent shared state, etc.).
This goes wrong because the using statement calls Dispose() inside a finally block. An exception raised in a finally block can have an unpleasant side-effect, it replaces an active exception if the finally block was called while the stack is being unwound because of an exception. Exactly what you see happening here.
Repro code:
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
try {
try {
throw new Exception("You won't see this");
finally {
throw new Exception("You'll see this");
catch (Exception ex) {
What you are noticing is a fundamental problem in the design of Dispose and using, for which no nice solution as yet exists. IMHO the best design would be to have a version of Dispose which receives as an argument any exception which may be pending (or null, if none is pending), and can either log or encapsulate that exception if it needs to throw one of its own. Otherwise, if you have control of both the code which could cause an exception within the using as well as within the Dispose, you may be able to use some sort of outside data channel to let the Dispose know about the inner exception, but that's rather hokey.
It's too bad there's no proper language support for code associated with a finally block (either explicitly, or implicitly via using) to know whether the associated try completed properly and if not, what went wrong. The notion that Dispose should silently fail is IMHO very dangerous and wrongheaded. If an object encapsulates a file which is open for writing, and Dispose closes the file (a common pattern) and the data cannot be written, having the Dispose call return normally would lead the calling code to believe the data was written correctly, potentially allowing it to overwrite the only good backup. Further, if files are supposed to be closed explicitly and calling Dispose without closing a file should be considered an error, that would imply that Dispose should throw an exception if the guarded block would otherwise complete normally, but if the guarded block fails to call Close because an exception occurred first, having Dispose throw an exception would be very unhelpful.
If performance isn't critical, you could write a wrapper method in VB.NET which would accept two delegates (of types Action and an Action<Exception>), call the first within a try block, and then call the second in a finally block with the exception that occurred in the try block (if any). If the wrapper method was written in VB.NET, it could discover and report the exception that occurred without having to catch and rethrow it. Other patterns would be possible as well. Most usages of the wrapper would involve closures, which are icky, but the wrapper could at least achieve proper semantics.
An alternative wrapper design which would avoid closures, but would require that clients use it correctly and would provide little protection against incorrect usage would have a usage batter like:
var dispRes = new DisposeResult();
.. the following could be in some nested routine which took dispRes as a parameter
using (dispWrap = new DisposeWrap(dispRes, ... other disposable resources)
catch (...)
if (dispRes.Exception != null)
... handle cleanup failures here
The problem with this approach is that there's no way to ensure that anyone will ever evaluate dispRes.Exception. One could use a finalizer to log cases where dispRes gets abandoned without ever having been examined, but there would be no way to distinguish cases where that occurred because an exception kicked code out beyond the if test, or because the programmer simply forgot the check.
PS--Another case where Dispose really should know whether exceptions occur is when IDisposable objects are used to wrap locks or other scopes where an object's invariants may temporarily be invalidated but are expected to be restored before code leaves the scope. If an exception occurs, code should often have no expectation of resolving the exception, but should nonetheless take action based upon it, leaving the lock neither held nor released but rather invalidated, so that any present or future attempt to acquire it will throw an exception. If there are no future attempts to acquire the lock or other resource, the fact that it is invalid should not disrupt system operation. If the resource is critically necessary to some part of the program, invalidating it will cause that part of the program to die while minimizing the damage it does to anything else. The only way I know to really implement this case with nice semantics is to use icky closures. Otherwise, the only alternative is to require explicit invalidate/validate calls and hope that any return statements within the part of the code where the resource is invalid are preceded by calls to validate.
Maybe some helper function that let you write code similar to using:
void UsingAndLog<T>(Func<T> creator, Action<T> action) where T:IDisposabe
T item = creator();
try { item.Dispose();}
catch(Exception ex)
// Log/pick which one to throw.
UsingAndLog(() => new FileStream(...), item =>
//code that you'd write inside using
Note that I'd probably not go this route and just let exceptions from Dispose to overwrite my exceptions from code inside normal using. If library throws from Dispose against strong recommendations not to do so there is a very good chance that it is not the only issue and usefulness of such library need to be reconsidered.

NullReferenceException in finalizer during MSTest

(I know, this is a ridiculously long question. I tried to separate the question from my investigation so far, so it's slightly easier to read.)
I'm running my unit tests using MSTest.exe. Occasionally, I see this test error:
On the individual unit test method: "The agent process was stopped while the test was running."
On the entire test run:
One of the background threads threw exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Object o)
at System.Management.Instrumentation.MetaDataInfo.Dispose()
at System.Management.Instrumentation.MetaDataInfo.Finalize()
So, here's what I think I need to do: I need to track down what is causing the error in MetaDataInfo, but I'm drawing a blank. My unit test suite takes over half an hour to run, and the error doesn't happen every time, so it's hard to get it to reproduce.
Has anyone else seen this type of failure in running unit tests? Were you able to track it down to a specific component?
The code under test is a mix of C#, C++/CLI, and a little bit of unmanaged C++ code. The unmanaged C++ is used only from the C++/CLI, never directly from the unit tests. The unit tests are all C#.
The code under test will be running in a standalone Windows Service, so there's no complication from ASP.net or anything like that. In the code under test, there's threads starting & stopping, network communication, and file I/O to the local hard drive.
My investigation so far:
I spent some time digging around the multiple versions of the System.Management assembly on my Windows 7 machine, and I found the MetaDataInfo class in System.Management that's in my Windows directory. (The version that's under Program Files\Reference Assemblies is much smaller, and doesn't have the MetaDataInfo class.)
Using Reflector to inspect this assembly, I found what seems to be an obvious bug in MetaDataInfo.Dispose():
// From class System.Management.Instrumentation.MetaDataInfo:
public void Dispose()
if (this.importInterface == null) // <---- Should be "!="
this.importInterface = null;
With this 'if' statement backwards, MetaDataInfo will leak the COM object if present, or throw a NullReferenceException if not. I've reported this on Microsoft Connect: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/779328/
Using reflector, I was able to find all uses of the MetaDataInfo class. (It's an internal class, so just searching the assembly should be a complete list.) There is only one place it is used:
public static Guid GetMvid(Assembly assembly)
using (MetaDataInfo info = new MetaDataInfo(assembly))
return info.Mvid;
Since all uses of MetaDataInfo are being properly Disposed, here's what's happening:
If MetaDataInfo.importInterface is not null:
static method GetMvid returns MetaDataInfo.Mvid
The using calls MetaDataInfo.Dispose
Dispose leaks the COM object
Dispose sets importInterface to null
Dispose calls GC.SuppressFinalize
Later, when the GC collects the MetaDataInfo, the finalizer is skipped.
If MetaDataInfo.importInterface is null:
static method GetMvid gets a NullReferenceException calling MetaDataInfo.Mvid.
Before the exception propagates up, the using calls MetaDataInfo.Dispose
Dispose calls Marshal.ReleaseComObject
Marshal.ReleaseComObject throws a NullReferenceException.
Because an exception is thrown, Dispose doesn't call GC.SuppressFinalize
The exception propagates up to GetMvid's caller.
Later, when the GC collects the MetaDataInfo, it runs the Finalizer
Finalize calls Dispose
Dispose calls Marshal.ReleaseComObject
Marshal.ReleaseComObject throws a NullReferenceException, which propagates all the way up to the GC, and the application is terminated.
For what it's worth, here's the rest of the relevant code from MetaDataInfo:
public MetaDataInfo(string assemblyName)
Guid riid = new Guid(((GuidAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(IMetaDataImportInternalOnly), typeof(GuidAttribute), false)).Value);
// The above line retrieves this Guid: "7DAC8207-D3AE-4c75-9B67-92801A497D44"
IMetaDataDispenser o = (IMetaDataDispenser) new CorMetaDataDispenser();
this.importInterface = (IMetaDataImportInternalOnly) o.OpenScope(assemblyName, 0, ref riid);
private void InitNameAndMvid()
if (this.name == null)
uint num;
StringBuilder szName = new StringBuilder {
Capacity = 0
this.importInterface.GetScopeProps(szName, (uint) szName.Capacity, out num, out this.mvid);
szName.Capacity = (int) num;
this.importInterface.GetScopeProps(szName, (uint) szName.Capacity, out num, out this.mvid);
this.name = szName.ToString();
public Guid Mvid
return this.mvid;
Edit 2:
I was able to reproduce the bug in the MetaDataInfo class for Microsoft. However, my reproduction is slightly different from the issue I'm seeing here.
Reproduction: I try to create a MetaDataInfo object on a file that isn't a managed assembly. This throws an exception from the constructor before importInterface is initialized.
My issue with MSTest: MetaDataInfo is constructed on some managed assembly, and something happens to make importInterface null, or to exit the constructor before importInterface is initialized.
I know that MetaDataInfo is created on a managed assembly, because MetaDataInfo is an internal class, and the only API that calls it does so by passing the result of Assembly.Location.
However, re-creating the issue in Visual Studio meant that it downloaded the source to MetaDataInfo for me. Here's the actual code, with the original developer's comments.
public void Dispose()
// We implement IDisposable on this class because the IMetaDataImport
// can be an expensive object to keep in memory.
if(importInterface == null)
importInterface = null;
The original code confirms what was seen in reflector: The if statement is backwards, and they shouldn't be accessing the managed object from the Finalizer.
I said before that because it was never calling ReleaseComObject, that it was leaking the COM object. I read up more on the use of COM objects in .Net, and if I understand it properly, that was incorrect: The COM object isn't released when Dispose() is called, but it is released when the garbage collector gets around to collecting the Runtime Callable Wrapper, which is a managed object. Even though it's a wrapper for an unmanaged COM object, the RCW is still a managed object, and the rule about "don't access managed objects from the finalizer" should still apply.
Try to add the following code to your class definition:
bool _disposing = false // class property
public void Dispose()
if( !disposing )
importInterface = null;
disposing = true;
If MetaDataInfo uses the IDisposable pattern, then there should also be a finalizer (~MetaDataInfo() in C#). The using statement will make sure to call Dispose(), which sets the importInterface to null. Then when the GC is ready to finalize, the ~MetaDataInfo() is called, which would normally call Dispose (or rather the overload taking a bool disposing: Dispose(false)).
I would say that this error should turn up quite often.
Are you trying to fix this for your tests? If so, rewrite your using. Don't dispose of it yourself but write some code to use reflection to access the private fields and dispose of them correctly and then call GC.SuppressFinalize to prevent the finalizer from running.
As a brief aside (loved your investigation btw) you state that Dispose calls Finalize. It's the other way round, Finalize when invoked by the GC calls Dispose.
